Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1900)
Bnge! Brat - 9S= VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. ......... A8HLAND, OREGON ASHLAND, OREGO» VALLEY RECORD Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAI SE R, Proprietor. S ubscription R ates : One Year............................................. $1 75 8ix Months.......................................... 1 00 Three Months...................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VOL. XIII. ASHLAND, JACK8ON Helman's Natatorium Opened. ROYAL The Absolutely Pure B a K i ng -P owder is the baking powder "of general use, its sale exceeding that of all other baking powders combined, j Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the bread more healthful and the cake of finer appearance and flavor, are peculiar to itself and are not constituent in other leavening agents. Grant Helman has opened his new natatorium and baths at the white sul phur springs in Helman’s field, the water’s of which have a wide and popu lar reputation as affording the finest and cleanest bath of any waters on earth. The new building covering the swim ming rink is 40x95 feet running around on the side are 30 neat dressing roome, and a lunch room 16x24 feet. The rink is 30 feet wide and 80 feet long and the depth of the water runs from two feet steadily to seven feet. The rink is all made of gray sandstone from A. D. Fer guson’s quarry and the work, which is first-class, was done by him. The rink rink is fitted with the necessary equip- ment and a five foot stone walk runs all round the water pond. Connecting with this part of the building is a reception room 20x20 and six bath rooms 20x24. above which, are five sleeping rooms The boiler room, suit counter, etc., oc- cupies 14x20 feet. The bathing suits are black knit jersey cloth. The handsome grounds of shrubbery and flowers look well with the new buildings and rink and the whole makes a very creditable showing for Ashland in its new era of development and pro- gress. Another Trainman Killed. j COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, PRESSED BRICKS, Claud Riley has moved to Dunsmuir. Medford sent $105.55 to the famine BUfferers in India. Mrs. Celia Bachand and son left for McCloud Friday. Mel. Emery returned from Sacra* men to last week. Miss Birdie Webster of Talent went to Dunsmuir Sunday. W. E. Conner left for Bonanza Satur day with a commercial man. Winfield Hughes has gone to Little Shasta for the summer with C. E. ; Stevens. Mrs. Robert Leonard is visiting rela tives at Lewiston and other points in 1 Idaho. Mrs Chas. F. Young was up from < Gold Hill Friday returning with her son Harry. Dr. W. H. Flannagan of Grants Pass leaves on the 1st of July for atrip to * Cape Nome. 1 Ivan Humason’s5-stamp custom quartz ; mill has arrived at Gold Hill and is be j ing put up. Mrs. Heberlie, who has been visiting her sons in Ashland, left Sunday for her j home at Chico, Cal. Putman Fadeless Dyes do not stain I the hands or spot the kettle. Sold by E ugene A. S herwin . Mrs. W. D. Hanley of Harney county is visiting her folks, R. J. Cameron and family of Uniontown. Rev. Jonathan B. Goddard, au evan . gelist of Freeport, Ill., has been holding a i revival at Gold Hill. . Wm. High and daughter came in from Picard, Cal., last week on a visit to relatives and after supplies. 1 Mrs. Nels. Church, Misses Belle Par 1 ker and Jennie Church came over from ’ Dunsmuir last week on a visit. Misses Nora Sydow and Frances have been engaged to teachin . Barnes the Jacksonville public school, JUNE TOPSY GRADE ROBBERIES RE CALLED. The Belaaed Convict Frick Wants to Live Down the Past. Lakeview Examiner.] Adolph Frick, the man who a few years ago made matters lively for Wells, Fargo & Co. on the line between Lake view and Klamath Falls, was recently released from the Oregon penitentiary and made his appearance in Lakeview last Thursday. Since his release he hae been working for the French-Glenn stock firm, and later for Cox, the sheep man. It will be remembered that Frick, about four years ago held up the stage on Topsy grade with a wooden gun—at least it was said at the time that he did so—and when officers got on his trail and pur sued him closely he did not forget his sense of humor, but yelled back to his pursuer who told him to surrender and then fired upon him, “Nay! nay! Pauline!” He was “winged”as he puts it; at any rate a bullet struck him in the arm. The persistent efforts of somebody to capture the hard stuff in Wells. Far go & Co.’s strong box was the cause of that company discontinuing the express offices in the towns between Lakeview and the Southern Pacific railroad line. Frick denies that he held up the stage with a wooden gun, but admits that he made it appear so to the officers. In fact it always has been believed that Frick was really the tool of designing persons, who were themselves the real culpirts and highwaymen. It always has been thought, in fact known, that the man who held up the stage with the “wooden gun” was released from the Klamath Falls jail by interested parties and was told where the cache was-located and fire-arms could be found. The next day he held up the stage and was captured by one, Gordon, who was on the stage, presumably, because he knew the stage was to be stopped. Gordon captured Frick and procured the reward of $300. Frick, since his release from prison, declares that he will never divulge the names of the parties who assisted him out of jail, and who were interested with him in other criminal proceedings. While in Lakeview last week he spoke freely of past ovents, announced to those who once knew him here that he had once been in the penitentiary and that he had “all he wanted of criminal life”— that he was now making an honest liv ing and was trying to live down the past. $1.75 X 28, 1900. Cannot be bettar spent than by subecriba ing to the VALLEY RECORD for • vear. Just think! $1.75 jives you all the news for a year. Try it 1 NO. 5. KLAMATH COUNTY. John Hanke is up from Oroville, Cal. A. Hubbard and wife of Medford are in Klamath county for a month. Joe Lane of Lakeview is now em ployed as bar keeper in Hotel Linkville. 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. Mrs. Elvira Connelly has returned - from a Portland hospital improved in health. Importers and Dealers in Geo. Brandon and wife and Garrett Fish and wife of Merrill have gone to San Francisco, the ladies to enter hos pitals for treatment. Mrs. J. O. McClellan, who lias been in Alaska for three years, is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. E. Butin, in Poe Val ley. Estimates given on Electrical] Plants, Electric House Alex. Bradburn, the Bonanza saloon keeper, and Miss Eva Nichols, were Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-Place Fur* married on the 17th iust. Miss Eva Soliss of Jackson county is visiting her sister, Mrs. McCoy, at Ft. ni ture." Agents for|the new-COLUMBIAN GRATE. Klamath. Geo. Wright returned to Klamath Falls last week from a pharmaceutical school in Chicago. THE JOHN BARRETT CO. Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. A Wealth Of Beauty. ~ Is often hidden by unsightly Pimples, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, etc. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve will glorify the face by curing all Skin Eruptiions, also Cuts, Bruises, Boils, Felons, Ulcers, and worst forms of Piles. Onlv 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. 8old by Eu gene A. Sherwin. New Dry’Goods & Clothing Saturday afternoon another railroad man was the victim of the Eeries of acci dents that befall that class of workers. As the north bound through freight was ...................... PHONE NO. 205......... . ............ prepairing to pull out of Grants Pass about 1 o’clock, Conductor Gregory in charge, Brakeman H. W. Brand, in at Belgian Haredom at Medford. tempting to get on the box car ladder There are quite a number of rabbit and between the first box car and engine, hare fanciers, who are doing a great deal fell. The car wheels ran over him cut to advance the interest in pure-bred ting off his right arm at shoulder and stock. Among them, Dr. J. G. Goble’s right leg below the knee. Dr. Kremer hutches are the most noted for pedigreed dressed the wounds and at 3:10 a special stock. The doctor has taken great in train was taking him to the Portland terest in Belgian hares, and has had sent hospital. He was a young man 21 years to him from a Los Angeles breeder eight of age and lived at Roseburg where his choice hares, one fine stud buck, King parents were to take the train with him. Bell, from Lord Bell, a prize winner, and As the engine and caboose was at seven does, each with a pedigree as long Ruckle’s station tifis side of Roseburg at 4 as your arm. One of his does has a lit 6;30 p. tn. Young Brand died. The re Great efforts are made to sell alum baking ter of five young from a Los Angeles ped mains were taken to Roseburg where powders under the plea that they are so many igreed buck. “Nellie Bly’’ has been cents a pound cheaper than Royal. The admis the funeral took place Monday under the sion that they are cheaper made is an admis bred to “Red Prince,” a $250 pedigreed auspices of Philitariar^ lodge, I. O. O. F. sion that they are inferior. But alum pow fStonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, buck, while the doctor has still another of which he was deputy postmaster at Carpets cleaned and laid. House-fix ders contain a corrosive poison and should doe that has been bred to Lord Banbury, not be used in food, no matter how cheap. Roseburg before going to work on the I tures put in place or repaired. Leave Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. a $300 Los Angeles hare. The doctor is road and was well-liked by all who knew orders < at Blue Front Restaurant. doing much to bring the breeding of him. •w E. P. Pickens returned to Medford Belgian hares to the front in Jackson Friday from a prospecting tour in the county. *aaaBB^FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK Ashland Pensiqns. ROYAL B^glNG POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Gazelle district of Siskiyon county. Messrs. Purdin, Hawkins, Amann, Washington, June 19.—Pensionshave Lakeview dispatch, June 23: Adolph and others, also have Belgian hares, and Misses Leda and Agnes Rice, who have Frick, © been granted as follows: the notorious stage robber who are taking much interest in them. ---------------------------------- ill------ -------------- been attending school in Portland, ar Oregon—Restoration and reissue, rived Saturday to spend the summer was recently released from the Oregon MINING ITEMS. New Supervisors, Justices and Con Masters Simon Patterson and Pau) Henry L. Slocum, dead, Askland, $12; penitentiary, for the past week has been Goodwyn, two bright young men of this stables. Grants Pass Journal.] '• increase, Louis Ulen, Ashland $3; origi with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. making his headquarters here, and city, have a very nice rabbitry at the The following is a list of the district of nal widows, Adaline J. Slocurfi, Ashland Gilmore. L. L Jewell, one of the owri^rs of the seems to be looking for more worlds to home of Henry' Patterson in North Med Mountain Lion in Missouri Flat/lhforms ficers elected in Jackson county at the $8. Mrs. J. Wackenheim, wife of the I conquer. Frick has been jailed twice ford and devote much time to it.—Free election held June 4tb : us that they have struck the ledge again freight conductor who went to Klondike since his arrival in Lakeview. Ashland—Justice, Milton Berry; consta Press. A Rebecca Vlaltatio», after a year of hard work. The pay ble. two years ago, visited Ashland friends M N Long ahoot is 4 feet between walls, one-half Talent—Justice, W Beeson; constable, E On Tuesday evening of last week a Saturday while en route to Portland A Monster Devil Fish Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all quartz, and goes from $30 to $60 a ton. Brooks. large delegation of Ashland Rebeccas from San Francisco. accidental injuries may be quickly Dastroyine its victim, is a type of Con other Applegate—Justice, J H Knutzen; con went to Medford where the local team by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel cured E. A. Leeston Smith went to Gold Hill stipation. The power of this malady is J C. Elder of Waldo, who sold the stable, P J Sullivan. Salve. It is also a certain cure for piles and initiated Mrs. G. C. Goble and H. H. Saturday where the men employed on Elder copper property to Gunn & Co., Jacksonville—Justice, W J Plymale; con felt on orvanB, nerves, muscles and brain. skin diseases. Take no other. E ugene A. Howard and Dr. Burnett. There were his Uncle Sam mine on Water gulch Bnt of San Francisco, was in town Tuesday stable, Frank Kassbafer, Dr. King’s New Life Pills are a safe S herwin . 14 present from Gold Hill and eight from Medford—Justice, Jasbtewart; constable, struck some fine ore that assays $50 per and certain cure. Best in the world for and Wednesday. From him we learn Jacksonville. The 28 present from Ash ton. that Gunn & Co. have struck a 7-foot T W Johnson. Stomach. Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Phoenix—Justice, E D Foudray; consta land were: Mesdames J. R. Casey, E. vein of ore. Mr. Elder, since selling ble. Only 25 cents, at Eugene A. Sherwin’s. Ed. Weston and wife formerly Miss Cbas Talbott. A. Smith, I. W. Burriss, M. N. Long, this claim, is developing another one on Eagle Point—Justice, A J Florey; con Frank Nelson, Bert Taylor, A. W. Alta Brous of Medford, have returned x.kL> his property which he thiuks will be stable, John Williscroft. An Original Idea. R. Bish, Geo. A. Fisher, Julia to that place from Iowa, Mr. W. en W valuable. Central Point—Justice, A S Jacobs; con Storey, gaging in the photo business with G. W. Evans, J. C. Durkee, Leah Caldwell, Ed. Mrs. Everton, an English lady, who did Perry Elliott. A. F. Nelson, of the Eureka mine, re stable, nursing work in Dawson City, carried out Gold Hill—Justice, JBR Morelock; con Foes, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Ogg, Mieses Mackey. turned the first of the week from Ash stable, Delia Long, Maud Berry, Grace Beach, Geo Sperry. Mrs. R. M. Foster, Mrs. Frank Diakey an original idea in London, which greatly land. From him we learn that the Ash Woodville—Justice, J W Osborne; con- Cora Baldwin, Maggie Stanley, Mae Sut and Mrs. A. B. Miller, wives of well- gratified the C. P. R. people. Mrs. Eger- land mine, near Ashland, has struck an stable, C E Wilcox. ton had been much struck by the scenery ton, Lena Casey and Messrs. Emil Peil, immensly lich body of ore on their prop Sams Valley—Justice, C C Gall ; consta- Harry Yeo, G. B. Walsworth, Clarence known Ashland railroad men, left Satur along the line of the C. P. R., as well as day for Portland and the seaside on a with the service which the company rend erty. They are now down some 600 feet ble, Thos Pankey. Farnham and Geo. W. Trefren. They visit, ered across the Continent, and she de Trail Creek—Justice, Chas Skryman ; had a fine time. and the vein is 6 feet wide and goes let the folk in England know over $60 per ton averaging one-half free constable, Geo Lynch. Mrs. Ralph Hanna, wife of the rail termined to about both. For this purpose ROAD SUPERVISORS. IIUW Coffee.—For one week only we offer free way mail clerk, and babe and Miss Ger something gold and one-half in concentrates. she availed herself of a fancy ball at Co- No. 1, J M Tyler; 2. Jack True; 3 Joshua one-lialf pound with every sale of one and tie Barrie of Portland, are visiting Grants vort Garden, to appear in a costume which » The Victor jr., mine in Josephine Patterson; 4. J as Cantrall; 5, EC Faucett; pounds of Leege & Haskins’ de Pass relatives. took the first prize for originality, and county will add 5 more stamps to their 6, J L Woo'dridge; 7, W H Bostwick; 8, J one-half Opera House Block, Ashland. which illustrated Canadian scenery and the licious high-grade coffees. Don’t fail W. C. Bostwick of Siskiyou, was on 0. 10-stamp mill. P True; 9. AM Wilson; 11, A W Clemens; to take advantage of this opportunity to P. R, in a highly striking manner. The 10, Jas R Smith; 12, F M Thompson; 13. Applegate Saturday visiting his brother, lady’s hat was trimmed in a manner to get a coffee that is sure to please you. Bert Bostwick, who has been laid up Martin — Brooks; 14, Art Nichols; 15, G W Heat Rash, inflammations, itching, irritations show the C. P. B. trains in motion, her W1MKR. Howard; 16. H C Turpin; 17, W H Penin- Only in one pound packages, so that you with interual injuries, the result of a cape set forth Lake Superior,¡Lake Ontario and chafings, undue or offensive perspiration, The late rain did much good. ger: IS. 1 Householder; 19. R L Dusen- may know what to get next time. This strain. and many other sanative uses, nothing so and the Bocky Mountains, while the front berry; 20, Geo W Lance; 21, J D Wimer;22, offer applies only during week of special cooling, purifying, and refreshing as a bath of her dress snowed a train rushing at full John McCarvel was doing in the “Pass” Jas Owens; 23, Riley Morrison; 24, John Prof. N. A. Jacobs has refused another with C uticura S oap , followed in the severer sale Saturday, June 16, to Saturday, speed through the wonderful ravines in the yesterday. Walker; 25, Thos Bailey; 26, 8 P Oliver; 27. June 23d. Three fancy blends—Peerless term as teacher in the Jacksonville pub far Northwest. In the lady’s hand was a forms by gentle anointings with C uticura , W. A. Van Goetbeiu made a business McDonald Perdue; 23, Ben Fredenburg; 29, Mocha and Java, 40c; Menado Java lic school, and in the fall will move to banner which contained the coat of arms the great skin cure and purest ot emollients. trip to the "Pass" yesterday. Joseph Freitas; 30, John Ashpole; 31, Eli C vticvba Soar is beyond all doubt the mo»t effective southern California or Arizona for the of the several Provinces constituting the akin Bleud, 30c; Oriental Blend, 25c. Dahack. purifying and beautifying soap, aa well aa the purest Dominion. The tout ensemble, as the J. E. Meade was attending to business benefit of Mrs. Jacobs’ health. and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. Sold through W m . Y eo & Co. London press remarked at the time, was out the world. P otts « D kco akd C hkm . Coer-, Sole matters here one dav this week. Ashland, Oregon. Prob».. Boston. ** How to Have Beautiful Skin," free. Pioneer Democratic Primary. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker and little wonderfully striking and impressive John Hillis and family of "Green Flat” Telephone 105.___________ and gave at a glance an idea of a country daughter, of Waldo, Josephine county, Father Clayborne Neil, head of the were seen on our streets yesterday. which Londoners, previous to the jubi Probate Court. I started for home Saturday from a visit of knew very little, Mrs. Egerton, as Mr. Miss Laura Carter is working for Mrs. Neil family, and one of the old and much with Dick Roach and family in Ashland. lee respected pioneers of Jackson countv, Estate of James Gaines. Rufus Cox Mrs. B. is a daughter of Geo. W. Wimer. Baker, the C. P. R. agent in London, W. A. Van Uoetheni at present. PICTURES! pointed out. did all this ’off her own bat,’ was down from his home above Ash Joshua Neathammer wears a broad smile land the last of the week, on a visit to appointed as administrator and G L and solely with the patriotic view of making PICTURE FRAMES! Davis, I L Hamilton and W B Jackson Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beekman returned Canada known. The laay is coming out this week. Wonder what is the cause? his8on, J. R. Neil. Mr. Neil, Mr. Hill as appraisers. to Jacksonville last week from a visit at again, probably this summer,when she will Joe Manifold was seen on our streets one and Capt. Thos. Smith held the first Estate of J G Grossman. H.M. Crow day this week. He reports mining as be democratic primary meeting ever held ell discharged as administrator, his final i Eugene and Portland. Mr. Beekman is a make an extended tour of the country. Photographs of Mrs. Egerton in her unique regent of the University of Oregon. MOLDINGS ing rather dull. in the valley outside of Jacksonville, statement being approved. costume are at the general offices of the CABINET WORK Mrs. O. H. Biers, we are sorry to chronicle where one was held at the same time. K. D. Jones, the Klamath Falls stone 0. P- R. i Estate of F Albright, Ben Haymond UPHOLSTERING U quite sick this week. We trust that she This was early in May, 1854, and was administrator. Same proceedings as i and brick mason, returned on Friday GENERAL REPAIRING wilt soon recover. for the purpose of nominating a ticket above. from Klamath Agency, where he has OF FURNITURE Jahn S. Hudson, a printer, was run Prof E. L. Ledbetter closed his school to be voted for in June following. Old Estate of G W Heckathorn. Inven been building flues for the new Indian otet by a train at Sau Bernardino and and has gone to Ashland to reside. He will settlers will remember that there was tory and appraisement filed, showing school building at that place. — Klamath 1 killed. probably open up a law office there soon. some defect in the election of 1853, after real and personal property to the amount Falls Republican, AT THE The Thirty-second District Agricul There will be a celebration here this the county was organized in March, and of $1000 and $689 respectively. District Attorney-elect A. E. Reames Main St. Opp. 1.0. O. F. Hall, ASHLAND year. Everyone is cordially invited to at that the election of ’54 was to remedy tural association has decided to hold a and wife returned to Jacksonville last UNDERTAKING PARLORS. tend and bring well filled baskets. There the matter. Mr. Neil was elected a Bernard McArthur, the boy who was will be horse races, bicycle races, foot delegate to the first duly authorized and reiently shot at Rock Point, is improv week from a visit in Portland and Hills oounty fair in Santa Ana for four days, FAINTS. ZPJLU n TTEIRS’ TOOLS, races, jumping, baseball game and all kind legally constituted political convention ing with chances favorable to hie recov boro. Mr. Reames was elected vice-presi beginning October 8 next. dent of the Oregon Native Sons at the ot sports. AU winners in races, etc , will ever held in southern Oregon.—Jackson WALL PAPER, Q-X j JLS. ETO. Miss Florence Abrahams, 21 years of ery. The fact that his heart is on the recent state convention. will receive purses. A grand ball will be ville Correspondent Mail. age was struck by an engine of the right side of his body instead of on the B uilding P apers , W rapping P apkbb amd T winm . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. given at night. Tickets including supper G. M. Grainger is foreman of a crew North Pacific Coast railroad while walk, left, where it should be, probably saved $1.25. Your Face his lite as the ball passed through the employed on the construction of a big ing along a trestle near Sau Anselmo. A baseball team has been organized here with the following members: William Shows the state of your feelings and the region usually occupied by the heart pipe line to bring water to the Prather Marin county, and received injuries Laws, catcher; W. Wright, pitcher: John state of your health as well. Impure blood Dr. Van Dyke of Grants Pass, who was ranch near Montague from the Klamath which caused her death shortly after McCarvel. short stop; K. Swope. 1st base makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow called to see him, says this phenomenon river below Hawkinsville. man; George Young. 2nd baseman; Earle complexion. Pimples and Skin Eruptions. undoubtedly saved him from speedy Hon. E. B. Edson, a pioneer citizen of wards. Young, 3rd baseman; Kob’t Brookhart, If yon are feeling weak aud worn out and death. The gross receipts of the postoffice at Gazelle, Siskiyou county, and president right field; Miles Carter, center field and do not have a healthy appearance, you ♦ Have you seen the Raycycle, the beet of the California state railroad commis Sau Francisco for May were $83,857, Frank Myers, left field. These gentlemen should try Acker’s Blood Elixir. It cures by a little practice will be able to play an all DIood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and handsomest wheel made; will run sion, came over to Ashland Friday, re against $79,802 for the some period of ♦ Niningcr Block, interesting game and expect to send out and so called purifiers fail; knowing this, 1.000 miles without oiling; will run 27 turning Saturday. He was looking up last year, being au increase of $4055. • • we sell every bottle on a positive guaiantee. per cent lighter than any bicycle made. the hog and sheep market. challenges in a short time. The Los Angeles receipts were $20,715 ASHLAND, - - OREGON. E ugene A. S herwin . The easiest bill climber made. For sam W imer , jure 19,1900. John Churchman, the Wells, Fargo against $19,029, showing an increase of The Portland Telegram says Ex-Con ple and prices call at Reeser’s hardware Express messenger, is doing service on $1686. < > Emil Holden, athletic club president, gressman M. W. Howard of Alabama, store. the day train between Dunsmuir and Call and see his new stock of Fine t The rural free delivery service will be Has Returned and Has Equipped Hie mining man and saloon proprietor, is at who recently spoke in southern Oregon Glendale, making bis first trip Sunday. Co. B, 0. N. G. of Ashland, will ar Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. < • Upper 8o<ia Springs on a pleasure and for the straight populist party, intends rive here on July 3rd and remain until Fargo has an eye to business for John is extended at Redwood City, Cal., June + Old Established Gallery in Ashland With health trip.—Redding Searchlight. locating on a farm near Ashland. Mr. the 6th, when with Co. H of this place, a double utility attraction—his winning 25; length of route 25 miles: population Watches and Clocks Repaired. Howard was greatly impressed with the they will go to Salem to the encamp ways popularizes the institution with to be served, 700. Thomas J. Coates < » beauty of this section and will bring his ment.—Grants Pass Observer. the girls and his appearance keeps down has been appointed regular carrier and wife out for the purpose of viewing the train robberies. Frank E Dunham substitute carrier. Carbon Finish. The ten saw mills in Grants Pass and place with a view of locating. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gilchrist have Dr. C. G. Cargill, Republican assem Photos in Water Colors. Howard is an intelligent man of affairs, vicinity produce 221,000 feet of lumber Pictures in the Latent Styles. a handsome orator and a gentleman of each day which is handled by the S. P. been visiting Ashland, the guests of her blyman San Benito, died recently at his o uncle, G. W. Stoops. Mr. Gilchrist is residence at San Juan after a few days’ i Developing and Finishing lor Amateurs. ' D. & L Co. the finest instincts of humanity. one of the publishers of the Daily Regis illness from pneumonia. Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. “ I guess I used to be like everybody else. Douglas county voted for woman suf- ter at Eugene and was a delegate to the When 1 caught cold, I just let it alone, think ferage and against hogs running at large. district Woodmen of the World conven The steamer Alpha, the first treasure + ing it would BORN Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon, This is significant. cure itself in tion at Medford last week. boat to arrive from Nome, reached Van a few days; J. T. Apperson, of Oregon City, has GEPPERT—At Big Butte, June 14, A ckers D yspepsia T ablets are sold on a couver, B. C., Sunday morning. Her of course the 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geppert, been elected president of state pioneer’s 1 positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, passengers five in number, had many coughing association for next year. Sol. Bluma- raising of the food, distress after eating or stories to tell of the big strikes made. a daughter. and spitting uer continues president of the native any form of dyspeDsia. One little tablet They evidenced the truth of their state of mucus HAMMERSLEY — At Galls Creek, June gives immediate relief. 25cts. and 50cts. sometimes sons. 6, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hammer- ments by showing receipts from the E ugen « A. S herwin . lasted sev sley, a daughter. Job printing of all kinds promptly purser for their share of the winter’s eral weeks, Hervey Lindley and Mr. aud Mrs. but after a LAWRENCE—At Galls Creek, June 4, done at reasonable prices at the R ecord Dean Mason of Klamathon and M. R. labors amefunting to $300,000 in gold office. We turn out only first-class work. while the 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Law Higgins and wife of San Francisco ar dust and nuggets. trouble rence, a son. A man was fined $15 in Salem for rived yesterday and left this morning, would sub Mrs. Freeman, widow of General “cussing” the mayor of the city. Even accompanied by Judge H. L. Benson, for John C. Freeman, slipped and fell at and $65.75 to KANSAS CITY and side. I al- city officials don ’ t appreciate being waya no Williamson river, where they will camp MARRIED. ticed, how called all the names out of the diction for a couple of weeks.—Klamath Falls her home at Los Angeles one day last return, First-class, for sale June 29Î h BOURGEOIS, week and fractured a hip joint. Her and 39tb, via the CANADIAN P a CIF i C, ever. that ary. Express. each cold was worse than theone before, My HOUGHTON—COFFMAN—In Jackson condition is not serious. Pendleton East Oregonian: Misfor Job printing at Record office. ville, June 12, 1900, by R S. Dunlap, throat seemed to get weaker, and the least and good for psssage on the ei The navy department has decided to change in the weather started the coughing J. P., Willard Houghton and R. tune to the wheat farmers of the Red again. The ■gam. I he last cold was the most severe of 0 River valley, in the form of a drouth, Adeline Coffman. establish a coaling station of the second all. 1 was really frightened. Cough drops promises to pay a big dividend to the Would Not Suffer So Again for Fifty class at San Diego, Cal. “ Imperial Limited ” and home treatment did no good. A friend ROBINSON—NICHOLS—In Trailcreek farmers of the Pacific Northwest. It is Times Its Price. told me about Acker's English Remedy. I precinct, June 19, 1900, by O. J. Will an ill wind that blows no one any good. I awoke last night with severe pains got • bottle, and you never saw the like of Glorious News. ard, J. P., O. H. Robinson and Miss If the drouth in Minnesota and the in my stomach. Any Agent of Canadian Pacific wil I never felt co badly in the way it acted. Before the bottle was gone Emma Nichols. Dakotas does give the farmers of the all my life. When I came down to work Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of gladly furnish full particulars, or address I was well. My throat felt as strong and well os could be. Since then I have had no more CLAUSNITZ ER—STANLEY—In Yreka, Inland Empire an increased price for this morniag I felt so weak I could hardly Washita, 1. T. He writes: “Electric trouble. I think Acker’s English Remedy so H. n. A bbott , Agent, Cal.. May 25, 1900, O. W. Clausnitzer, their wheat it is a result that should not work. I went to Miller & McCurdy’s Bitterr has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula strengthens the delicate lining of the throat be accompanied by any great amount of drug store and they recommended which bad caused her great suffering for of Dunsmuir, Cal , and Mias Tura 146 Third Street, Portland, Or. that it easily resists the changes in tempera Stanley, formerly of Ashland, daugh gladness. In our prosperity' we should Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar years. Terrible sores would break out ture, audit builds up the constitution as well." E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., ter of John A. Stanley. Rev. W. E. remember that there are others just as rhoea Remedy. It worked like magic on her head and face, and the best doctors Heart (Signed) C arrie S chwab , deserving, on whom fortune failed to snd one dose fixed me all right. It cer could eive no help; but know her health Vancouver, B. 0. Wenk officiating 251 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. smile. A small supply always insures a tainly is the finest thing I ever u,ed for is excellent.” Electric Bitters is the Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout big demand. and stomach trouble. I shall not be without best blood purifier known. It’s the su DIEP. the United States and Canada : and in Eng it in my home hereafter, for I should preme retnedv for eczema, tetter, salt land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not not care to endure the sufferings of last rheum, ulcers, lwils and running sores. satisfied after buying, return the bottle to QUALLS—In Ashland, June 20, 1900, night again tor fifty times its price.—G. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, your druggist, and get your money back. Rosa Mav Qualls, aged 6 years, 4 mos W. W ilson . Liveryman, Bargettsfown. exp«la poisons, helps digestion, builds W'r authorize the above ffua-antee. and 11 days, daughter of 3. W. Qualls Washington Co., Pa. Thia remedy la up tbs strength. Only 50cte. Sold by tor site by E vgeni A, S herwin , of Petaluma, Cal. r. a moos * cv., rnpnaort, I Eajwe A- Bhenrlo Draggiit. Williams Block. Main Street. •A FULL LINE of SHOES in LATEST STYLES Just tJAdded JAdded to Stock. New Goods Constantly Arriving. R. N. NASON’S PAINT! FURNITURE Window Shades Carpets, Linoleum. J FOR GOLF RASH MILLS. ASHLAND CÔÜRÏ PATENT Ï FLOUR, ) W. J. VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S H. S. EVANS,ASHLANROR D. T. PRITCHARD, PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. Watchmaker and Jeweler. | F. L. CAMPS | ....The Photographer Do Vou Cough? C anadian o P acific K y . $60 to St. Paul Return : THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY. i ♦ i ♦ ♦ A shland H ouse PROPRIETOR. N. OREGON. ASKLAXD. RATES,’$1.00 PER DAY Good Jwommodations Located in the Free Bus to of the City- From all* Trains. The Valley Record for the News.