BOILS CARBUNCLES VALLEY BELOBB. A F«»illa«» o* Saowball». Berlin’s schoolboys have been stirred to unusual lawlessness by this winter’s snow. After Prince Henry’s reception hundreds of boys in the Lustgarten beean by snowballing omnibuses and ?arriages and then attacked people walking on foot. They bombarded the ioors of the museum, which had to be oolted, and drove off the mounted and the park policemen. The reserve had to be called out to disperse the boys. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ save eTAD™ ★ YOUR W I XI b TAOS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ These unwelcome visitors usually appear in the spring or summer, when the blood is making an extra effort to free itself from the many impurities that have accumulated during the winter months. Carbuncles, which are more painful and dangerous, come most frequently on the back of the neck, Boils are regarded by some eating great holes in the flesh, exhaust the strength and often prove fatal. ~ CHEWED A DIAMOND idure * the and inconvenience under people as blessings, and they patiently and uncomplainingly enc ’ pain * * _________ _ benefitted, _ that their blood is too thick anyway, an d this is the mistaken idea that their health is being and Nature’s plan of thinning it. The blood is not too rich or too thick, but is diseased—is full of poison—and Might Have Done Better. moved will suffer. The boil or carbuncle gives warning of serious internal unless ret __ 2 the entire system , Five men robbed the safe of a New " * *______ "_____________ ' *’ opportunity ------- * ’* * to develop. ’ * Many an old sore, running ulcer. troubles, which are only waiting for a favorable York restaurant in broad daylight and even cancer, is the result of a neglected boil. secured only $1,300? the.v un­ Allegheny, Pa., has produced the Keep the blood pure, and it will keep the I 1 derstood tbe restaurant business, says champion dog story of the season. It skin clear of all the irritating impurities that is a champion dog because it chewed the Buffalo Express, they would have •• cause these painful, disfiguring diseases. _ ... . ______ >_____ the cor cr off a diamond stud. Peter gone through the pockets of the wait­ ®’ curcs boils and carbuncles easily and permanently by reinforcing, purifying and Donai<.-.oi>. a Second ward saloonkeep? j j ers and got something worth while. er, is a tittle sore over the loss on his i Mr. R. M. Pratt, Cave, S. C.. writes: building up the blood and ridding the system of all accumulated waste matter. “ For twenty years J was sorely S. S. S. is made of roots and herbs which act directly on the blood, and all poisons, no matter diamond, for it was damaged so that j Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already hall afflicted with boils and carbuncles how deep-seated, are soon overcome and driven out by this powerful purely vegetable medicine. it had to be recut.; but he can’t help starved Thev need plenty of wholesome caused by impure blood. It is impos­ sible to describe my suffering; part of S. S. S. is not a new, untried remedy, but for feeling proud of a pug dog with such food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests wliat tbe time being unable to work or sleep. fifty years has been curing all kinds of blood and skin eat so the body can be nourished while powers iu its jaws, says the Pittsburgh you Several doctors treated me, and I tried the worn out organs are being recon­ all tbe so-called blood remedies, but diseases. It has cured thousands, and will cure you. Press. structed. It is the onlv preparation known nothing seemed to do me any good. It is a pleasant tonic as well as blood purifier — im­ The story is told by August Loch, a that will instantly relieve and completely During the summer of 1888 I was per­ proves the appetite and digestion, builds up your suaded to try S. S. S-, and after taking jeweler on Federal street, Allegheny. cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you several bottles was entirely cured, and general health and keeps your blood in order. are suffering from indigestion. It wiilre- Donaldson walked into his store one tainly do you good. E ugkhk A. bHBRwiN. have had no return of these painful Our physicians have made blood and skin dis­ pests np to the present time.” _______ eases a life study—write them fully about your case, day lately with a diamond that he vid any information or advice wanted will be cheerfully given. ^V, e make no charge wished reset. Mr. Loch took theatone, Colonel Thomas P. Ochiltree has whatever for this service. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases—free. Address, The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. and on examining it found it was written an article settling the political cracked, lie told Donaldson, who gave status of Cuba. This of course ends all the following explanation: A few days ago Donaldson left his controversy. Many people will be glad ARMY TRAINING CAMPS diamond stud, a beautiful two-carat to know that the troublesome matter is gem, on the dresser and went into an at last disposed of. Bill Introduced In Conereu Provid­ adjoining room. When he came bad: ing for Four Permanent Sites for Some of the baseball teams of the he noticed his pet dog chewing some­ Benefit of National Guard. thing and saw that his diamond was National league bear quite a striking missing. Upon investigation he found It is probable in the near future the dog had got it and crushed the resemblance to New Zealand. There hat four permanent camp grounds, mounting out of shape. After some are never any strikes In New Zealand to be used for the instruction of the time he succeeded in taking tbe dia­ regular army and the national guard, mond out of the dog's mouth, and at will be established in this country, his earliest convenience started to have i’hey will be equally divided between it reset. the north, south, east and west. Sen- , Mr. Loch then examined more close­ ttor Hawley, chairman of the military ly and discovered the dog had bitten committee, has introduced a bill di- a piece from the stone and damaged it recting the secretary of war to cause badly. Donaldson was certain the preliminary examinations and surveys stone was perfect before the dog got to be made for the purpose of select­ it in his mouth. He could scarcely ing sites with the view to the estab­ credit the jeweler’s statement until lishment of permanent camping he saw it through a magnifying glass. grounds. They will be fully equipped Telling of the matter the other morn­ and fitted with all modern appliances. ing,Mr. Loch said: “I have been in the The secretary of war is authorized jewelry business for 35 years, and it to detail officers of the army to carry was the first time I ever heard of such cut the provisions of the act, for a ease. The diamond was a beauty and which $10,000 is appropriated. This to all appearances as hard as the or- measure is in line with recommenda­ < dinary diamond. One corner, however, tions made by the secretary of war. about one-fortietR of a carat, had been and it was drafted by Senator Hawlcv bitten off by the dog. The dog that can after consulting Avith Secretary Root. oite pieces off a diamond is a wonder.” Hudyzn gives one Energy. iluilijan Tor Men and Women Vigor,Vim, makes one Robust A similar measure will be presented The stone had to be recut and set, »nd Strong. Hudvan creates FIFTY CENTS. in the house and an effort made to an| O»eiUhcd blood. Hudyan Small in size a ’ d great in results are De ­ ful or irregular periods, lcu- be achieved without cures Nervousness, Trem­ corrhcea, bearing-down paiuB, Witt's Little Earlv Kisers, the famous nug dog lias more power in liis jaws blings. Weakness, Dizziness, chronic inflammations and iittle pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. than the average person imagines, and sound health. The business niaii’should An gone Feeling. Hudyan Ulcerations find absolute They do not gripe E ugene A. S herwis . the moral is that people should keep guard his health as he guards his capital; cures Sleeplessness, Despond- comfort in Hudyan. Itcures. i eucy. Mental Depression. for health is part of his capital and the Hudyan makes rich blood, ; their gems out of their pets’ reach. i Jludyau cures Indigestion, promotes sound sleep, creates impairment of that capital affects every I loatlng of Stomach, Palpita­ J ’ he news of Donaldson ’ s dog chew ­ a healthy appetite. Hudyan A STRANGE ESCAPE business interest. A sedentary occupa­ tion ot the Heart, Pale or Sal­ euros sre permanent and lust­ ing up a diamond is widespread in Al­ tion and quick lunches, soon show their low Complexions. Hudyan ing. Conault the Great Hudyan cures Clouded Memory,Head­ Two Girl» Lamp Four Storie», Unhurt. legheny, and every person wants to see Doctors Fraa. They Advise effects in a sluggish liver. The use of aches, tost i ven-ess, Torpid Free. Call orWrile. Hudyan, , the dog that has eclipsed all his canine Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Into the Arm» ot Paaatns Liver. Hudyan cures Pain in 50 eta. a package, 6 packages, Back, Pain in Side, Pains in ! friends. The case is being talked about will cure "liver trouble” as well as in­ Soldiers. <2.50. For sale by all drug­ » Limbs, Weak Back, Sediment gists, or send direct to Hudyan everywhere, and all claim that Alleg­ digestion and other diseases of the or­ la Urine, Ringing in Ears, Remedy Co., corner StoaMon, fiots before Eyes. Hudyan A miraculous escape from death by heny leads the country with the sensa­ gans of digestion and nutrition. Elba and Market Streets, cure« Loss of Flesh, Loss of The " Discovery ” strengthens the body fire is reported from St. Petersburg, tion. Francisco, California* Appetite, Haggard Appear­ by suppl}ing\Nature with strength mak­ ance, Lack oi Energy. Russia, Lindgren’s chemical and dye A Big Map. ing materials. It contains no whisky, ihop caught fire and so quickly did the I At the Paris exposition the city of alcohol or other intoxica:». flames spread that the escape of the three years of sufferitiK with liver trou­ New York will make an exhibit cal? ble "After and malaria.” writes Mr. Edward Jacobs, of two daughters of the janitor was cut culated to enlighten as well as to in-- Marengo, Crawford Co.. Indiana. "I gave up al off. Before ladders could be hoisted of ever getting stout again, and the last terest those who visit it. It is to be hopes chance was to try your medicine. I had tried the girls jumped from the fourth story a great relief map of New York, 50 all the home doctors and received but little re­ and were caught unhurt in the arms After taking three bottles oi Dr. 1’ierce’s feet square, prepared under the di- lief. Golden Medical Discovery and one vial of hi of two soldiers who Avere passing. ■ rection of the city engineer. It is ‘Pleasant Pellets’ I am stout and hearty. It is expected to cost $10,000. TMie new due entirely to your wonderful medicines.” A Church-Going Community. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets assist the The religious census of Lehighton, library building on Fifth avenue, action of "Golden Medical Discovery.’ just completed, shows a population of Gen. Grant’s tomb, and the statue of 1,350. Of this number, says the Wilkes- I Liberty will be shown, as will sec- .arre Record, 1.843 attended Sunday tional models of some of the great- chool and 2,128 are communicant | est structures and »‘aky-scraperB’’ in members of the various churches of ! the city, together with models of the lie town. This leaves only 347 non- ' best sailing and steam yachts. The T ime S chedule « J A rrive D efabt hmeh-goers, and Lehighton people commission also hopes to secure moth- STONE MASOJN — •liink no other town in the state can els of a typical ferryboat, a fireboat, CONTRACTOR. Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver. Ft ■ 1 p. m. j and the best river steamers.—Youth'» claim such a good record. Po'tland I Worth.Cinaba. Kan­ ■ Companion. sas City, St Louis, Special Where K&n«as Lends. OREGON. ASHLAND, Chicago and East. ! 6:15 a. m. Kansas has 51 daily papers, says the Dangerous EfO/fO HCICS s ✓ “Star” tin tags (showing small stars printed on nnder side of tag), “HorseShoe,” “GoodLuck,” “CrosaBow,” and “Drummond” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Every man, woman and child can find something on the list that they would like to have, and can have mSES! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ á RM TAOS. TAOS. | Metcti Box.. 35 33 Clock, 8-day, Calendar, Thermom­ eter. t? I “T , Barometer DA1 V LU " I vl ......................... • • • • 500 M Knife, one blade, good steel................ 35 34 Guu case, 1— leather, no batter made. z ________ 2____________________ i.. ’ 500 Scissors,inches......................... 35 t: Child’s 8et, Knife. Fork and Spoon 25 35 Revolver, automatic, double action. S3 or 38 caliber____ 82 ................ .................................... -........................... 600 < Salt and Pepper Set. one each, quad­ not playthings, but real i ~ ~ ruple plate on white metal................. 50 36 Tool Set, ____ tools ____________ 650 6 French Briar Wood Pipe...................... .. 37 Toilet Set decotated porcelain, 7 Razor, hollow ground, fine English very handsome................ X.................. 800 60 steel....................................................... 38 Remington Rifle No. 4, 33 or 33 cal. 860 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, best 29 Watch, sterling silver,full jeweled 1001» quality............................................................. 60 9 Sugar Shell, triple plate, besv qua!. 60 3U Dress Suit Case, leather, handsome and durable ............................................... 1000 lu Stamp Box, sterling silver................... 70 Sewing Machine, first class, with 11 Knife, "Keen Kutter,” two blades.. 75 all attachments ...................... .'............ 1500 an attachments ....................................... 12 Butcher Knife, "Keen Kutter," 8-in Devolver, Colt's, r 38-caIiber, : — . . blued 1 blade..............•......•• 75 S3 ~ steel.... steel .............................................. ........... .................. 1500 13 Shears, “Keen Kutter.” 8-inch.......... 7» 33 Rifle, Colt's, 16-Jhot, 2S-ealiber ......1500 ........ 1500 14 Nut Set, Cracker and 6 Picks, sliver plated/............................................. ’............... 80 34 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in­ laid................................................................... 2000 15 Base Ball. "Association,” best qual.100 16 Alarm Clock, nickel................................. ISO 85 Mandolin, very handsome................... 3000 17 Six Genuine Rogers* Teaspoons, best 36 Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, plated goods................................................ 150 13 gauge........................................... 3000 18 Watch, nickel, stem wind and set.. 300 37 Remington, double-barrel, ham­ 19 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn mer Snot Gun, 10 or 13 gauge ..........3000 handles............................................................ 300 20 Six Genuine Rogers’ Table Spoons, 38 Bicycle, standard make, ladies or best plated goods........................................ 250 gents.............................................................. 3500 21 Six each. Knives and Forks, buck- 39 Shot Gun, Remington, double bar­ horn handles.................................................250 rel, hammerless........................................ 8000 22 Six each. Genuine Rogers' Knives and Forks, best plated goods............. 500 40 Regina Muslo Box, 15M inch Diss,,WOO 1 2 3 4 5 THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30 th . 1900. Qnonial 911 ntino I Plain •'Star ” Tin Tags (that Is, Star tin tags with no small OpcLIdl RUllLu . stars printed on nnder side ot tag), are not pood for prctcnla, . bnt will be paid for in CASH on the basis of twenty cents per hundred, if received by ns on or before March 1st, 1900. JUT-BEAR IN MIND that a dime’» wonh of ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ... MILWAUKEE” A fsmiliRr daoiv for tbs Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over tbe Union as tbe Great Railway running tbe “PIONEER LIMITED' Trains every day and night between i St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and : Chicago, "Tbe only perfect trains in tbe world.” Understand: Connections are I made with All Transcontinental Lines, assuring to paeeeugers tbe best service i known ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★ AAAAAAAA AA- STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last longer and afford more pleasure than a dime’» worth of any other brand. MAKE THE TEST! Send tags 10 CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. 4-pourao catalogue - free THIS BIG CATALOGUE vontaluA lUb« pace«, is 8x12x2 inches inio Dig vKIKLVLUE in size, contains over W0,W0 quotation», 10,000 illustration?, the largest, most complete and lowest priced catalorue ever published. NAMES THE LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAGO PRICES ON EVERYTHING including: everything in Groceries, Ilrue», Ury Goods, No­ tions« Clothing, Cloaks, Dresses, Boots and Shoes, Watches, Jewelry, Books, Bardware, 8tovcs, Agricultural Implements, Furniture, Harness, Saddles, Baggies, Sewing Machines, Crockcry, Organs, Pianos, I w I m ! Inktrumrr.ta, Furnishing Goods, Guns, Revolvers, Fishing Tackle, Bieyelea, Photographic Goods, Ete. Tells just what your storekeeper at home must pay for everything he buys and will prevent him from overcharging you on anything you buy; explains just how to order, how much the freight, express or mail will be on anything to your town. The bi^kook east« ua nearly $1.00, the postage alone is 34pents. OIID E*DCET Cut this ad. out and reno to us VVn.rnti: vrrc.r Atlantic, Walla Walla. Lewis- 8 a. ton, Ppokane, Min­ Express 0:20 p. mJ neapolis, St. Paul. ViaSpo- . Duluth, Milwaukee,: Chicago and East. itane. nt. •I ---------- H I O cean S teamship ». ( 4 p- in All sailing dates sub­ ject to change. For San Francisco— I Sail every 5 days. dp. m Daily . Ex Sun-i day. 8 p. m, Satur­ day 10 p Ì m. C olumbia R ivkr S teamers . To Astoria and Way- Landings. WI li . emette R iver . Ex bun-l OregouCity. Newberg, day. •y. Salem,Independence 6 a. m. and Way-Landings I 7 a. m. TuesThur and Sat. W. DAILY TRAINS, FAST TIME; SERVICE 1 An N U Leave Lewiston Daily 9 a in. PATENTS quicklv M XXAD IT UTora aerlyra« for patent. Addrau: Y KA J I N or ¿W. 00 WMfli h?.-.-.-., ’'--•‘ ' •«.Ol ?»rS& «3 t«fC. 7», when vre cell the same watou. ’^1 CUR S2.45 WATCH I3 scnt3’ ful1 Pullman I Sleeping Cars A ELECANT WASP RAISED STAMPHC as illustrated. Weight of Saddle aboiit R5 ponitd«.; packed for shipment, 45 pounds. F&E1QUT IS OXLY ABOVT »1.00 FOR EAC1I 5GG RILES. WliiTE roa FREE VEHICLE, HARASS Ar<3 SADDLE CATALOGUE, »homing a tuli line al Cswhey and Ranch«' Sutffts al the lowest p;ise» ever quoted. Address, • SEARS, ROEEUCK & CO. (!«.) CHI8A60, iLL Roeburi; Cc. Editcr.) Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars I M1NNE.A TORIS»14«. WASHINGTON, D. C. Erects a Hog, Poultry or Stock Fence for about half the money required to build any other kind of fence. Machines and form rights for sale by FARGO TO GRAND FORKS I i I CLASTIC GOODS CÍUXKSTON WIN XI PEG I i HELENA and BUITE *■ at AT HALF PRIG PRICE. THROUGH TICKET? ELY’S CREAM BALM is a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Druegi.ts or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York City. s> “vT BÒSTON AND ALL PO1NTS K AST and SOUTH Throiik'b liekils to Ji.can and China, vm rae>‘!»u and Xonhern Bacitic SieamshiL- Co. Znrinformati -n. time caris, map au. ieket«, cali ou or «fite A. ì». Cn.MILTON, A .iistant General l'assenger Agent. PORTLAND. OKKGCN. visit : AT THE ASHLAND UNDERTAKING PARLOR0. " S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T, A lit WeUupj-:» S’- PORTLAND, ORE The Largest Anatomical Museum in the World. Weaknesses or any contracted disease posicive-ly «-tzred by the oldest bpeciaiist cn the Coast. Est 36 years. 1 i DP. JGMAH-LISEASESOF MEN S lr F* HILIS thoroughly eradicated from system without the use of Mercury. Trasses fitted by an Expert. »adi- eal care for Rcnture. a quick and radical cure for I*!!«*"«, Fissure and r Fistvslae, by Dr. Jorma's special pain­ less methods. ■ Con^ jltaticn free and strictly private. Treatment per- sonsiiy or by letter. A Fvtitive Curt in every case vndenaken. Wr.te for Book PElLOStirHl’ of MIRRiAGE. MAILAD FREa. fA valuable book for men.) Call or write ■ rasHEW GRAPHOPHONE | A strongly constructed Graph- ophone, with simple mechan­ ism, made to meet the de­ mand for a first-class talking machine, at a low price. ximxxxtzxa YOUR OWN RECORDS For further information, maps, folders, ! é al?- fcibrr every good pohutof tvriiv kiuh ---------------------- (ilULK JfACHiM MADE, etc., call on D. L. Rice, agent s. P. Co., or PEEECTS OT SOKE, wriie to best WHlr A. E. COOPER. »frwn tho ■ can bu- iGen’l Agent, Pass. Drpt. SOL ______________ ÖÄÄED OAK O£SI CASlHET,pi=wp.iuws. —.------ — One illustration shows wajnine - Portland. Ore. closed popping from sight ) to be used as a cecter table, aland 08. JORDAN k CO., 1051 Ma/kat St. S. F. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Boarding School for Girls. FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES, Jaokfionvilla, Oragon. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain­ able so far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of tbe Wis coNsiN C entral L ines are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meal» served a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over................. and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, _ General Pass. Agent, or JAB. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General Agent, W isconsin , 246 Stark Street, P ortland . O regon , ARE YOU GOING EAST? The favorite fine to all Points East. | ¡¡«The pleasure In owning a Graphophonelslargel}- increased bv being able t<. make end reproduce I ffl J°41’owu racoru >A» ufurntsiithU machine with recorder for 87.50,making It thecheape.-,t recording Broad, vestibuled and up-to-date trains 1 F¡i “4 and reproducing talking machine on the market. Graphophone» otevery description. Call or write. between Pueblo and Denver, and Omaha. ¿3 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., DepL 135. San Francisco Address. L25Gatrv s . Chio»g<> and Kansas City, making direct W -•*—> {u Ch’cago with all morning ; kirat I’ullnian Sleepers, ; trainseasl rirat-c,-. Library Buffet cars, between allJ < Chicago ; tbe most perfect dining car serv-1 ice in the world—"a la carte;” through SiW^S XACHWE «•/ f first class Pullman Sleepers every day be­ SuS? üßCP CA5?UT You cwt iLiix your new 5« fxeignt aepot and if f&and tween Salt Lake City and Chicago via the De-.VctJv saütfxf ’ary-exactly as repi eACüted. ttnai to mnfiiineseüxf Pi sei fct Scenic Line; personally conducted excur­ •s hi.;hk< and IHK «HMVÜijT dAhCAlJi ¥OL ---------------- -------- sions in ordinary Pullman sleeping cars tv ai am of , Soeciai {Hier Price $15.50 r««T fra-.^ht BKer.t our once a week from Portland and ban fran­ ________ ____ c _ -ex MAchice »eigl>41!W j'cuadmndthefi'elzht -.ill .'ind ire;glit x-.eraaeC-.c.-t. r resrhiX'if JHXEI MOHTHS «1411» cisco to Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo. Boston .urevah •mr.L.d we wul return your any dayyoa are not and New York via the Great S^lt Lake I . •rU£< ’. r »ei! Cidv-rtaf .-»x-.s !!><• graAeJtfT Sewmg Raehtar s it »5.50, Route, without change to Chicago. No an - •cw j’l.CS, #13.00 aud BP, ail fuiiy described in our Free Szwksi CaUl-jw, .w tor this »ito« PK8S fABIXn BlliDICb I. noying transfer in Chicago, These cars are nehU. value evifiT uitovcA 61 ahv hc’>*-e. provided with all weekly periodicals for *1 c S j W ______ J CITATIONS ____________ .— a!~. i 'whpedpy free use of our patrons. under vanou& — lume.;, with veriocsia- '.’.■eiaente.o^¿ring .tej.iv-v-v* lAMhlftca “ *” ACADEMY And from Europe via all Atlantic Steamers. Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit­ ish Columbia. Be sure and see that your Ticket readfl-via RECORDS AS ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. great 16i 1 MJRk.lT ST., 81S F B ISO», C1L. r a DR. JORDAN'S HUSEUM OF flHfiTOMY 1 MOLDINGS CABINET WORK UPHOLSTERING GENERAL REPAIRING OF BURNITURE R. Q NICHOL, Genea! Agent 4 St. Mary’s TO i . Rs TO ALL POINTS 4 fj-L* ati DI ndcxjçt» Atoll úa?». w?# fra reliable aad who are mt. ASHLAND, OREGON. CHICAGO N orthwest E ast MOMEY Phillip : Wire: Fence & MACHINE < nui.UTii PATENT LAWYERS. OUR SPECIAL PRICE ^¿2 ela» 11« Gkitfh atMbluK« A to 1. <7.50; leev^v» <* '• L «0.00} >ivee. 4» 14» 1« #4. 50; knrw «¿tacking, A »•«, eS.UUi kacc C to 0, ft.OO; tesre tap, M to C, S3.O0; nrter stack ber. A to K, MO: gart.-s ________ IcgaU;. C to «, H.eO< aaktot, A teC. aMamlaal belt, K to IUTTU3 ELASTIC GOOHS, OMt-TUIODLEbh. Sprciil€o»ere4Klaaii* Ab4aaala«l Nap^.rirr. made of »oft itole threstd. Interwoven waua protected rubber thread. • U«hes vide, Si.OOi 10 lath««» as. tSi IS iaeWa. •«. ¿e. Write for Surgery Calais SCAR», ROEBUCK A CO.. U m J, CHICAGO. lU S t . p u l Prop» ietor Lficvi. Bccback A C>a arc thoroughlj reliable.—Editor.) Dining Cars THE POPULAR THROUGH FROM THE *?«* Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, I or rent. For information address tin : proprietor. ------ :■■* ----- — Case or Screw Baek and Rexel dust prcuiOpen Face, stem ind and set.jrold plated, handsom­ er onsravea and polished, loakaHke a hlifh-trsd« void tiled f xud U a great tr* :it, \v..te«i, movement isa nickel 7-jewel- oa stem wind American, warranted, and a good time- ■«•per. Far Watches fro« 9S cents cp, gold-filled watch« •S. 7 5 aad up, write frr free Watch itnd Jewelry Catalogue, Through Tickets tc------- l H- j The Wisconsin Central Lines I I HELMAN LAND, HALF A MIL! I NORTH OF THE PLAZA. C ars . TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG ®^.‘,s’h^yhi°“r lined, 3-inch wide laee stirrup leathers, l^-inoh tie strap: extra long on near side, S-inch to bucklo on offside, henv.^ cotton twisted Mexican 5-i ieh front cinch, heavy cottoi halting fiar,k pinch, ^onne^tixig t*trap. koop seat, seataut. Jockey ail one pieee. NOT A TOY. Located on the of For full particularsfas to time, rate«, and for copies of C. P. R. Publications, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, charges. Ashland, Oregon. This Saddle Is made on a IS&c. 16-inch Cenuine Ladesma or OrtoH. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third Nelson Heavy Steel Fcrk...v street, Portland, Or. CAREFULLY SELECTED RAWHIDE COVER#:» E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., TKEE, bound or roil oant’e, steel leather covered stirrup . ar 2-inch oxbow brurs hound, as desired. Will scad ; Vancouver, B. C. eantle unless otherwise ordered. You may dive and swim and have more (un than "anybody”—come out as "fine as silk” and "white as wool”—rejuven ated and happy. ixdra... SEARS, RCEBUCK & CO. (Inc. 1, ChicagG H.B.WILLSON&CO. If you want us to make to I our SKASt KK ami 0.75 under such mlc’eaauiff descriptions as fclgla Btjteg Style, Gold Filled or feej L!kcf 2O- OOtu iaO-OOGeU Filled Watehes, ete. If you find it the equal or better than any of these watches, pay the express Meat Ol R PRICE, <2.45 and expies charges. SOO PACIFIC LINE. and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at fror. OPPOSITE PLAZA. RINK. ---- and----- Mi™-¡•7/ perfectly satli*lactory, exactly at» reprettente«!. • ••• SWIMMING C anadian o 'P acific K y . YOU CAN EXAMINE IT Restaurant and Chop House. 'Í djt / ojys . C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P ortland , O r . $38.50 STOCK SADDLE by freight 0» O. I>. eabject to examluatica. WONDER Furnishes either blue or brown sandrock from his quarry near Ashland. g Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi and animalculea, and neutral­ izing and correcting all acidi­ ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system, $2,45 GOLD PLATED W illamitte R iver . 4:30 p.m. 6 a. n> Mon Wed Tues Th’r and Sat : Portland to Corvallis' and Fri. and Way-Landings Riparia to Lewiston. BATHING BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS KO. 24 Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o'clock p in on the second and fourth Saturdays of Tickets tn points East yia Portland ^and each month. bs . M alvina F erguson , Pres.' the GREAT NORTHERN R¥., on sale a it M m . M M . J. Spencer, Sec ’v. 4 p. ni. Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, cr Ex. Sun GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. ?6‘•20 p mJ sas City. St Louis, Chicago and East. Via Hunt ington. Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “The Milwaukee” when going to any poin in the United States or Canada, Al ticket agents sell them. SEND US ONE DOLLAR.»^ A.D. FERGUSON Leavenworth (Kan.) Times, or more The highest Prussian court has de- than Austria Germany and Italy. Icided that the American title of “doc- i tor” cannot be used in Prussia with­ out a special permit from the govern- SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. I mon*_________________________________ Shortest and Quickest Line A. O. U. W. TO ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. ST. PAIR, DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICACQ- Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall IND ALL POINTS EAST. ¡very second and fourth Wednesday in i ¡acb month. All brethren in good standing Tlitougli Palace ana Tourist Sleeperi 8 ' ire cordially invited to attend. I G eo . E ngli , M. W. Dining and Buffet Smoki'g G eo . W. T kefeen , Recorder. idbraiy Care. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, erdefik, Uie other open with full length table and head in place for sewing. 4 fancy drawer», lalest akeletun frame, carved, paneled, em- decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer puhs. rests < n four casters, adjnstebi« H®4/ie. genuineSmyth iron stand. Fiueat large High Arm head, positive four motion feeth eeic uireadinc vibrating shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tendon Hb&rwtor.improved loose wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved sb utU- carrier, patent needle bar, patent dre^s gun rd. heatl is h«nJ>,ome