CTPUR FRIENDS WILL TELL YOU Mies Jessie Rose, who has been teach PERSONAE AND SOCIAL. A Star Chamber Proceeding. ing school at Provolt, returned home Monday. Mrs. F. T. Fradenburg and Mrs. L. H. Newton came over from Henley Tuesday on a visit. Miss Mabel Jones, the clever vocalist who has been attending the normal, re turned to Medford yesterday. Congressman Marion De V ries of Cali fornia has been appointed general ap praiser of customs for New York. He is a brother-in-law of S. L. Snead of Ash land. Misses Lncy and Aggie George, nor mal students, left Tuesday for Kerby, Josephine county, where the former opens the district school Monday. Miss Lillie Walrad and Mrs. Chas. Scott and infant of Seattle have been .visiting at Newport, the Yaqoina Bay summer resort. Mrs. J. M. Kierman came in from Klamath Falls Tuesday and left yester day for Yreka to visit her folks, Chas. Qunker and family. Attorney W. H. Parker of Medford has returned home from a trip up north selling his index to the Oregon law code. He went to Colestin yesterday to evade the heat of the valley. The Southern Pacific is fitting up their road-bed through Cow creek can yon with fine steel rails. A force of about 100 men have been employed tbe the past two months and will be engaged all summer. Ashland’s big fourth of July celebra tion has fallen through with. After the election the people who assured the mayor of Medford that Ashland would not celebrate this year put their foot down on the arrangements and complete ly squelched the enterprise. STOCK SUMMER The regents of the Southern Oregon ••v Carpets at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s, j i State Normal School met in the par lors of the Bank of Ashland Tues A. McCallen is in from Lakeview. day. There were present State Sam Robbins leaves Saturday for Little i Supt. J. H Ackerman ; Secretary of fi '¡flg ïf\U/ karnmind ik> n*w rlnlk^e ra » ■ GW becoming the new clothes are when Shasta, Cal. » State Frank I. Dunbar, of Salem ; i y»11 in one of Mart Schaffner Prof. Day Parker has gone to Alaska, Mayor H- C. Kinney and Senator Har Í man of Grants Pass : Supt G. A. Greg it is reported. A Marx ready-tailored suits or top coats, ory, of Medford; County Judge L. F. Geo. McClendon returned Sunday from Willits, of Klamath Falls ana R. P. and you’ll have the inward satisfaction of know a visit at Gold Hill. Neil and F. H. Carter of Ashland. ing you wear the best that money can buy. The IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine Prof. W. M. Clayton was elected presi Complete Lines. D. B. McDaniel returned Tuesday to H. S. & M. suits are guaranteed. _ _ M dent of the faculty at $1100 per year, Up to Date Goods, his mine at Cole’s. Line of Fresh Clean Goods I. E. Vining and Miss Alice Applegate Capt. J. T. 0. Nash of Medford was in were retained at $750 per year and Miss THE BEST TAILOR CANT BEAT Roseburg this week. Ella F. Bixbee of Castle Rock, Wash , N1NINGER BLOCK THE FIT, AND AT Miss Rachel Rowley has gone to Mc will sucoeed Miss Dickson at $650 per NEAR DEPOT year. The successor of Prof. Clayton’s Cloud for the summer. OUR PRICES THEY’RE AS EASY TO old department still remains open. Prof. E. E. Washburn was in from BUY AS HALF THE COMMONPLACE, The regent officers elected are: H. WM. 8TORM J. L. THORNTON. Klamath Falls this week. C. Kinney, president; F. H. Carter, R. A. F. HUNT. THROWN-TOGETHER CLOTHING Mre. C. Neil left for Grants Pass and P. Neil and H. C. Kinney, executive committee; H. C. Galey, secretary; Woodville yesterday on a visit. that has neither style, shape nor good workman' E. V. Carter, treasurer. Miss Susie Dickson, the normal teach ship to recommend it er, left for California last night. Their is a general feeling of indigna Miss Lillian Rhinehart and W. F. tion in town over the dismissal of W. T. Crosby were up from Medford Sunday. Van Scoy as president of the normal. Frank Hasty has gone to San Fran There seems to be no element of grati cisco and Los Angeles on a business trip. tude left in the understanding of men who happen to hold a little brief au D. T. Cox and family of Medford went thority aud power. Out of tbe eight re to Colestin Tuesday to spend the sum gents only two—R. P. Neil and L. F. mer. Willits—voted to retain the man who Mrs. J. 8. Wentworth left for Duns built the school and maintained himself muir Tuesday to visit relatives and and family on a bread and water bill of fare for four years that the school might friends. GUARANTEED OLOTH4NQ. live and not die. Gregory led the fight, Japanese and China matting, a large but it is quite likely that his name is be stock just received, at Opera House Furni ing also used as a scapegoat to cover the ture Store. perfidy of others. Everybody in town M. M, Obenchain of the Jillson & that express themselves at all are highly Roberts’ mine visited his family at Gold indignant and deeply sympathize with Mr. Van Scoy and are unable to under Hill Sunday. SAMPSON. J. G. Schallock of Klamath Falls and Ì stand cold hearted material some Inspector H. M Swartz arrived in Ash Miss Jessie Betts, a Gold Hill belle, people what Jake Kennedy came down from his land yesterday foom old Ft. Warner, are made of to be able to allow a arrived Sunday and is visiting Miss Nora man to pick the school out of the gutter home in the mountains to vote. Jake Lake county, with the remains of 14 McClendon. hasn’t been away from home for quite a soldiers who died on that battle field COLEMAN BROS-, Proprietors and carry it through the starvation per Egbert Robbins, Nora Sydow, Elsie ASHLAND. Or., Thursday. June 14, 1900 while owing to sickness. C. D. GaVrielson, a prominent insur iod of four years and then not be allowed fighting Indians under Gen. Crook par- Wiley, Chas. Drew, Josie Crowe, Mary — J. D. Williams was here from the i ticularly in the years ’62, ’65 and ’67. Day, Jack Crowe, Alie Vinson, Beit ance man of Salem, was iu Ashland Tues to recoup bis lost finances sufficiently to A.11 Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra get out of town decently. But the com The bodies were nearly all shipped to Witham, Julia Fielder, W. Wright, Lin day on a business trip. mountains Monday. CENTRAL POINT. Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. munity is ahead of Van Scoy, real estate ; the Presidio, near San Francisco. The Dr. J. M. Keene, tbe Medford poli coln Savage, Joe McConnell, Edna Par Elbert George Davis is employed at remains were in good order, the clothing in the town and particularly east Ash It was telegraphed from Gold Hill last tician, is laid out with the measles at ker and other ex-normal students were land, lias had a bottom put to its finan night that Hunt Magruder was dead; Murphy’s. and funeral apparel being intact. The here this week. his room in Hotel Oregon. ces and the town has prospered and no particulars. Geo. Growe jr., commenced work on remains of Lieutenant Warner, who was The Ashland Base Ball Club is pre ;rown as a result of the work that no Dr. J. W. Odgers will be in his office killed in battle and for whom the Fort The M. E. church has at last received the Kingsbury ranch last week. pared to play anything south of Eugene body was so peculiarly organized as he all the time after June 1st. and Valley were named still rest buried its finishing touches and presents a very Mr. Howard was here from Green to keep alive. But everybody bene- on the rim rock where he died, but will Chief-of-Police J. R. Wick took Joe for money, blood or honors. respectable appearance, both inside and Springs Monday. fitted by Van Scoy’s heroic and more be moved later on. The remains of Mrs. A. B. Gegax returned Monday from Gloor to the Salem industrial school outside. The weather was hot the latter part of Lieut. Pollock, whose husband is now in Tuesday. The boy had appropriated the City of Mexico and his wife returned than human sacrifices are going about with full stomachs and heatjs in the air Your correspondent took W.T. Leever, last week. the regular army, is with this shipment nearly $100 of his mother’s money, in with him from San Francisco.- and the heads are so far in the air who has been suffering with spinal C. Carey and wife were up from town as also the remains of an iutant of Gen. vesting it in a bicycle, gun, fishing out Oounty Judge L. F. Willits came in trouble for a long time, to Eagle Point Monday to try his luck fishing in Kean Wheaton. fit and other paraphernalia dear to a from Klamath Falls Monday. Mrs. that they are unable to see any more almost unhuman sacrifices for Monday to have A. J. Daley, a faith doc - creek. boy ’ s heart this season of the year. Willits returns home with him.' Ex-Representative Virgil Conn of Van Scoy to make. As this species of tor, perform on him. Quite a refreshing rain shower fell Paisley, Lake county, was on Sunday’s An elegant stock of spring and sum E. B. Duffy, traveling freight and ingratitude is becoming almost common Mrs. W. T. Leever, who is low with here train to attend the Masonic grand lodge mer goods have arrived at Vaupel, passenger agent of the Denver & Rio and seeminL* " and right are bit- igly justice Tuesday evening. dropsy, is no better. in Portland. He was accompanied by Norris & Drake’s. Grande, was doing Ashland this week. ing the dust it daily, we will refrain from Unless food is digested quickly it will his wife and two children who went to attempting to gather in print the vitri Since the election our town has been Mrs. E. C. Murray arrived Saturday Miss Blanche Dean returned to Grants olic words and figures of speech suffici ferment and irritate the stomach. After Logansport, Ind., and Kansas City to very quiet and news is scarce. each meal take a teaspoonful of Kodol visit relatives. from Calistoga, Cal., on a visit to her Pass Monday. Miss Frankie Tozer ac ently dirty to properly express the gen Mr. Pait, Mrs. Mark Welch’s father, Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell, and companied her for a visit with friends eral public feeling in this particular case. County Judge L. F. Willits brought Ashland friends. In a few weeks she there. and will allow you to eat all you need of is very low with heart disease. While some people more reverent than what you like. It never fails to cure the in Monday from Klamath Falls the fami John E. Ross has returned from San worst cases of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to lies of the two Mason brothers who were will be joined by her husband and they New goods—art squares, rugs, lace this writer can in the face of these events will leave for Helena, Montana, to make take. E ugene A. S herwin . Francisco. drowned in Big Klamath lake. There their home. Mr. Murray is employed curtains, upholstering goods, parlor and point Mr. Van Scoy and his symp. • were nine children and two mothers and in the railway mail service and has been extension tables at Opera House Furni thizers upward toward heaven we would Weather hot and dry. Crops of all have them place their trust in the hope County School News. being in poor circumstances, Klamath transferred from bis present run to ture Store. kinds and garden truck need rain. that the refulgence of the glory of some county sent them to their relatives near Lelia Anderson began a term in Wat- another out of Helena, Conductor L. W. Van Horne, manag people does not shine in the other place Quite a number of Central Point peo- St. Louis, Mo. kina district June 5th and we found her ing director of the Oregon Midland EGGS FOR HATCHING Sle are prepairing to go to the mountains busy with the pupils on June 7th. Summer hats at Vaupel, Norris & Raiiway, went to Portland last night on to corrupt and corrode its inhabitants. Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and ail uring the hot weather. And while the next legislature will as other accidental injuries may be quickly Drake’s. a business trip. ----- FROM----- semble in a few months it may not be Lizzie Ferguson has finished the spring cured by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel The civil action injustices’ court to Religious Items. amiss to have these wise men amend the term in 69 and began the summer term President Van Scoy of the normal now Salve. It is also a certain cure for piles and recover money—David Lynes vs. F. T. skin diseases. Take no other. E ugene A. Children’s Day will be observed at the wears a fine gold watch presented him educational system so as to cut out a lot Kimball—was decided in favor of plaint in 53 on June 11th. S herwin . Congregational church Sabbath morn by the student body of the school as a of fine sentimental and emotion-breed Lake creek district is agitating the iff. ing departmcut8 such as elocution, BREEDER OF H1OH-CLAS8 POULTRY. Eugene, June 9.—H. E. Ankeny, dele ing at 11 o’clock. Exercises will be token of esteem. The conference of Methodists in this question of building a new school house. gate to the National Republican Conven given by the children and young people music, etc , and create the chair of fine Mrs. E. A. Sherwin returned Sunday Have mated three grand pens ofBarred P. Rock« Robert Jonas began the summer term place convened Wednesday and will con haired, scientific treachery and duplicity, started this morning for Phila of the Sunday-school. from the O. E. S. grand lodge session in not that we wish to unduly promote eggs, $1.00, $1 50 and $2.00, pr 13. 8. 0. B. Leghorn« tinue for several days. in No. 31 last Monday. This makes his tion, delphia to attend the convention. Be and Black Minorcas, $1.00, pr 13. Black Lengthen, The young people of the Congrega Portland and Mrs. J. D. Crocker re these features of character but rather to third school since last October. fore starting he was presented with a tional 1 set, $1.00, 2 set, $1.50. My birds only lacked one church will give a lawn social at turned Monday. Moki T«t positively cures sick headache, even up the curriculum and give the Percy Wells has been elected principal badge, made of red, white and blue rib the residence of Mrs. Brnnk on Spring point at Oregon State Show of being a« good as indigestion and constipation. A delight younger generation a fair chance with J. Percy Wells finished his term as ful herb drink. Removes all eruption» of of the Gold Hill school. He closed a suc bon, bearing the inscription, “Oregon street, Friday evening, Jnne 22nd. A principal of the Canyonville, Douglas tbe fine arts that are so seemingly nec Address, IE Roseburg, Oregon. i 12,000 Republican. ” cessful term at Canyonville, Douglas the skin, producing a perfect complexion, literary and musical program will be county, public school and returned to essary to the competitive civilization of or money retunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. county, two weeks ago. A few good organs to rent or sell at rendered. Admission free. Refresh Ashland Monday. the age whereby each scoundrel should be ments consisting of ico cream and cake; C. 11. Fitzgerald, from the Rogue river low prices, at Downings. equipped for the other scoundrel when he TOLMAN’S. Mrs. Jane Sather, the wealthy San coffee, cake and sandwiches will be country, has completed his three months meets him. It would at least have the Francisco banker, who owns the Roper served at 15cts. Come and have a good effect of relieving the poignant grief that The Official Count. Mrs. Max Pracbt and daughter Lottie term in No. 50. residence, arrived yesterday with her strikes tbe public conscience hard at eo time. have taken a cottage for the season. E. L. Ledbetter is again at liberty from The delayed official count for Jackson maid for the summer. many events that come trooping along Marion Lawrence of Toledo Ohio, the Mr. and Mrs, Cooper and daughter from the school room, having finished a term county took place at county seat yester Mrs. E. R. Reames took Saturday’s regularly crucifying the innocent and Roseburg, who are on an extended camp in No. 31. He was admitted to the bar day. On account of the lightining knock famous Sunday school worker, will stop ing trip, drove in here last night to try the at Salem a few weeks ago, so he ceases to ing out the telephone wires until nearly at Ashland and will speak in the Chau . train for Klamath Falls. She was ac- sublime while the 6ordice and nasty hold •oda water and the fresh air for a few days be a pedagogue. noon today we are unable to present the tauqua tabernacle on Sunday evenipg ; companied by her daugnter, Mrs. F. their own. after taking in Klamath Falls and Shovel official figures in detail. However, the next. The different pastors of the city I W. Jennings of Portland. Creek Springs. have arranged a union meeting in order Barr’s Fxcurston to San Fraocisco totals in the table are official. Attorney O. J. Curtis, the leader oi - The S. O. S. N. school alumni associa Mias Elixa Jane Moore and Mrs. Grace that all may hear this great man. the last session of the Oregon house tion at their annual banquet at Hotel Leave Montague Monday afternoon Houston aud son from near Medford have Everybody is invited. Announcement. of representatives, has gone into the Oregon '.ast evening made arrangements July 2nd, round trip $10.50, with eight been occupying a cottage tor two weeks. toward raising $125 to aesiet the late pres saloon business at Astoria. A full line of patterns and spring full days in the city. Parties oi ten or Mrs. Nora Roberts and son spent a week ident, W. T. Van Scov, out of town. styles of Ladies and Misses costumes, more will be given a rate of one and one- Mrs. Thos. Stanley and son of Gold Nobody better understands the heart and MARRIED, here. Her busband came up vesterdav Hill, loft Sunday for Bogus, on the humanity of Prof. Van Scoy better than and they left tor home near Phoenix this third (1 !£) fare from Ashland to Mont tailor made. Inspection of this depart ague and return. If enough people from ment is invited. Close attention paid to morning. river, to visit her folks, Henry the alumni. HILDRETH—7ÌJNDALL—In Jackson Klamath Bloomingcamp and family.- Chas Houston from near Medford came Southern Oregon want to go to fill one the wishes of patrons. Don’t fail to see PORTLAND, OREGON. ville, June 6,1900, Buel Hildreth and Other normal schools also have their Write for Catalogue and Prices. up yesterday for a short visit with his wife car, (60) the excursion will start from these beautiful samples and get price R. B. Mitchell, who is at the head of troubles. Dr. Kuykendall, hold-over Miss Lola Fendali, by Rev. Hansen. and son. Mr. Jack Bright and wife ac Ashland. Get tickets of A. S. Barnes. before you' buy. If I cannot save money companying him. Call on D. L. Rice or write C. B. Barr for my patrons I do not ask for their BRITTSON —HUDSON —In Ashland, an extensive new ditch enterprise at Bly, state senator from Lane county, seems county, was in Ashland last to have well provided the institution patronage. D. A llen , SaleB Agent. June 6, 1900, by Rev. F. T. Howell, Klamath Mrs. Mingus from Ashland and Mrs. N for further information. QLIVER S. .BROWN with his relatives and henchmen. The Wanamaker Agency, DePeatt Lawerence P. Bnttson and Miss Leila week buying tools and supplies. Fisher of Ban F rancisco spent a few honrs Block, Ashland. Job printing at Record office. here Monday. M. Hudson. W. P. Swope editor of the Portland ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rev. Chas. Booth will conduct re Sunday Mercury and a leading republi can politician," spent several days in ligious services in Trinity Episcopal Beach Block. Ashland this week recuperating from church Sunday at 11 a. tn. the struggle. Ashland, - - Oregon. Mrs. Bush, Propr, ] ^8^regt)fl HarryPoley and J. W. Webb left Mon day for the City of Mexico, after which Í < Mining Law a Specialty. they go to New York and thence to their • • • At^n Hour«. homes in Chicago, making quite an ex N am « or C amdidatb . tensive tour. A $1400 HOTEL Jr. J. P. Sayle E. A. Sherwin announces that the Sun I n G lendale , D ouglas C ounty , O be . E. A. Hildreth. Frank Dodge. Lunches Put Up. set telephone company will in a week or ten days open an all night service in mostly furnished. Will trade for resi Cotto axes, 55 26 40 31 18 41 23 18 17 87 36 52 Ashland. It will be a great help to dence property in Ashland. The hotel 60 104 20 Bernard Daly, D-P.... 2.... 7............. 1.... is located in one of the best mining W. P. Elmore, Pro ... railroad men. All Passengers Trains 2 6 5 4 6............ 4 7 Jas. K. bears. Reg. P . centers of Southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnston took 47 20 21 12 3 15 62 . 83 32 Thos. H. Tongue, R .. Mrs. Mary, Sisemore of Sams Valley to Address or inquire of Stop 30 Minutes tor Meals A8HLAND, OREGON. J ustice S cprkme C ourt , the sanitarium at St. Helena, Cal., last F. HERBIG, 2 . 1.... 0.. C. J. Bright. Pro......... week for the latter’s health. Mr. John Ashland, Ore. FREIGHT AND 57 28 46 34 18 46 23 15 ' 17 T. G. Greene. D.......... 47 33 95 70 13 78 72 ston returned yesterday. At Mrs. Gabbusb’s Boarding House, 25 14 16 44 21 29 21 C. E. Wolverton, R... 27 72 170 145 17 102 102 BAGGAGE TRANSFER. First Avenue. The Woodmen of the World unveiled D airy and F ood C om ’ b , the monument of the order over the •title J. W. Bailey, R........... 31 66 154 132 18 88 23 11 14 39 20 25 14 grave of late Neighbor L. V. Long in Wood For Sale. 2 I 2 P. L. Kenady, Pro.... 4 2.. 22... 12 Hargadine cetne.ery Sunday. Rev. J. W. bchulmerich, D-P. Ï5 28 19 45 18 15 17 12 78 F. Wallace delivered the address. Ice Delivered Daily in Season D istrict A ttorney , Refrigerators, tents, hammocks, lawn 35 26 49 22 32 14 1 A. E. Reames, D-P-S-R and camp chairs, at Opera House Furni 14 9 39 18 13 26 C. B, Watson, R......... ture Store. H. BOIVIN, Manager. White Plymouth Rock Pullets J oint R epresentative . Hon. Alex. Chisholm, a prominent 30 28 19 31 18 12 13 Albert Abraham, D-P farmer of Paynesville, Minn., and former 22 16 14 41 17 29 15 and Cockerels forf Sale! E. D. Briggs, R........... COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET neighbor of W. W. Fordney of this place, 10 12 11 2 4 16 3 Grant Rawlings, R-P arrived in Ashland Tuesday with his 1 1 1 3. Eggs for setting at $1.50 for 13, or] $.3.00 E. Russ, Pro Ashland, Oregon, two sons with a view of locating them on for 30. a stock ranch. RXPRESUtTATIVBS, Geo. K. Wentworth, 26 13 17 34 18 26 19 W. A. Carter, R.... Emil Peil, blacksmith and dealer in 24 12 14 33 20 28 16 Dunsmuir, Cal. Matthew Stewart, R Shop is now open. coal, agricultural implements, wagons, 37 28 18 41 19 14 17 J. L. Batchelor, D... 13 33 32 15 44 19 10 buggies, etc. Bains, the lightest run J. H. Beeman, D.... Nothing but First - Class 6 1 12 8 1 6 ning and strongest wagon on wheels. J. W. Ling.R-P....... 4 8 5 3 2 9 7 Work turned out. W. W. Willits. R-P... Latest improved buckeye mowers. 3. 1 I ... ... 3 4 15 17 8 11 6 2 3 C. H. Hoxie, Pro ....... ' Alonzo Slover, the Medford drayman, William Bydow, Pro.. 2 4 16 10. ... 3 3 7 3 1. and Mrs. Lucinda Wattenburger, daugh C ounty C lerk , ter of J. H. Bellinger, were married in LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE 1 1 1 3 4 2 2 4 16 14 8 J. Day, Pro........ . Ashland Tuesday by Rev. A. M. Russell 11 9 1 18 8 4 55 35 16 .. ■ 11 6 8 W. B. Jackson, R-P.. 2 16 13 16. They are spending their honeymoon in 36 29 19 43 14 9 11 25 32 93 86 5 68 59 59 104 21 15 50 l.ee Jacobs, D 'F Ashland and at Colestin-. 22 15 15 36 24 34 12 54 64 180 128 18 78 94 34 69 38 7 64 G us Newbuy, R Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s two stores S heriff , have received their new stock of spring know that what 14 21 30 10 29 14 36 34 134 103 6 41 43 43 81 16 9 27 W H. Brunk.D and summer goods and tbe public is re WATER STREET 25 15 25 56 24 43 18 27 59 129 l'W 16 100 99 47 104 30 17 73 Alex Orme. R . spectfully invited to call and examine NEAR MAIN S 1 5 2 2 3 1 J. D. Starna. Pro 3 4 14 13 we handle you can buy their offerings and prices, 19 2 ... 7 9 1 11 12 16 21 17 13 44 45 18 5 11 4 23 J W. Wiley, R-P Orders by mail or Edward Dosche, formerly a merchant reasonable. Cot'NTT J ceux. Call and see me when you are In need of 2 express receive 1 and postmaster of Excelsior, Wis., ac 6 1 1 22 1 4 7 16 16 J. P. Gilmore, Pro any property of any description, either to is prompt attention. Í5 9 25 9 12 32 13 5 35 39 60 42 47 75 67 17 48 companied by his wife and son Mannie. 8. H. Holt. K-P... rent or buy. T erms C ash at 10 22 10 14 29 13 22 60 21 4 53 82 103 17 13 15 42 107 92 are in Ashland with a view of locating. N. L. Narregan, R I have ranches for sale in every part of reasonable bates . 31 23 13? 36 29 19 49 17 20 109 8 4 65 47 51 25 19 19 100 68 Chas. Prim, D ... They are old neighbors and friends of Jackson conuty: fine land and low prices. J^^Come and get our prices Small acreages of fruit land near town Attorney Oliver S. Brown. C ounty R xcorpw , and land in bearing fruit, any number of TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878. — 137 37 28 52 25 74 23 39 16 30 15 At the elocutionary contest Miss Kate Peter Applegate, R . 27 60 124 111 19 107 112 57 103 acres, large or small. 2 5 before buying. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 2 7 4 3 4 J. L. Downing, Pro... 2 6 20 20 Angle of Medford was voted the gold I bave several houses to sell in the city; 22 9 41 21 14 12 32 32 12 33 32 18 49 44 79 W O. Mark«. D ....... 44 40 155 110 6 59 NITED STATES LAND OFFICE. prices to suit the times. medal by the audience for the best work. 3 ... 17 S 6 9 7 1 5 3 12 ... .8 W b . M. Richards, R-P 8 6 5 7 9 28 19 5 Roseburg. Oregon, May 18, 1900 The audience voted upon the question Notice is hereby given that in compliance SOU&ES TO KENT. and the ’ majority was 17 votes over Miss THE C ounty C ommissioner . with the provisions of the act of Congress MONEY TO LOAN. Minnie Hockenyos, another accom *2 ft ft 4 103 2 8 20 31 W A. Cordell, Pro. of Junes, 1878, entitled “An act for the 9 18 20 36 14 33 32 44 68 40 73 8 14 plished student. 29 28 74 55 4 84 George P. Lindley, INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. sale of timber lands in the States of Califor 2 1 9 14 1 10 4 ... 9 11 12 15 7 25 16 13 4 7 4 7 H. R. Minter, R-P. nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter 32 10 121 18 11 14 45 19 44 10 71 50 7 36 73 174 133 24 88 87 Thomas Kiley, R. ritory,” Cora L. Snell of Medford, county Here are a few of my bargains: of Jackson, state of Oregon, has this day Ten acres of good fruit land, three acre« Corxrr A ssessor , tiled in this office her sworn statement No. in fruit. $450. 8 .. * 7 1 6 O E. Gorslihe. Pro .. 2 4 15 12 1642, for the purchase of the nw se W, Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good John Grieve. R-P .. w Ji, ne Ji, se Ji, nw Ji of Section No. 2. bouse, bam, etc., running water, for $500. Martin McDonough, D in Township No. 40 s, Range 3 e, and will Another ten acre tract, some fruit« two J. C. Pendleton, R ... offer proof to show tnat the land sought is small houses, $400, more valuable for its timber or staae than These are within a mile and a half Of CoUNTT TREASURES. for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ashland. J. H. uay, D ......... her claim to said land helore the Register Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely A. L. Kitchen, Pro .. atd Receiver of this office at Roseburg. unimproved, $200. Max Muller, R........ Oregon,on Monday, the 13th day of Aug Hotel property In town, for «alefor $4000. M. 8. Welch, H-P ... ust. 1960, One hundred acres fine «auey land, two She names as witnesses: A. S.BlIton of miles from Medford, $1500. C ounty S chool Sun. Medford, Oregon; Wm. D. Love of Med _ Call and see me tn regard to any of the P. H. Dailey, R .... ford, Oregon; J. J. Houser of Medford, above, and it they do not nit, I hat« a L. A. Stocking, D....... 46 34108 Oregon: Minnie Love of Redford, Oregon. large list froth which yon might Choose PA PER-HANGING Any and all persons claiming adversely OEU. W. TftEFREN. COUNTY SUBYEYOB, ■ he above-described lands are requested to Ashland, Ur. cheap for the next Garl T. J ones. R........ 12 62 154 DONE Lie their claims in this office on or before Main Street, Near Bridge. 4 7 25 Edwin Russ. Pro....... said 13ih day of August, 1900. SIXTY DAYS. B Bl................................. r_ VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLEY RECORD. Dry Goods.... Clothing, Boots & Shoes. WM. YEO & CO. ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Ashland, BUY I AND : SELL I GREEN : .FRITSU- REMEMBER Ten dollars cash trade, after June 9th, with Sherwin, enables you to get a family picture enlarged free of cost. g| EDENBOWER POULTRY YARDS RUSSELL “Ss i High Grade =Machinery 5ELL & CO. Bush’s Restaurant! Unofficial Returns Election in Jackson County, June 4,1900. FOR TRADE Meals 25 ASHLAND. . . TINNING & PLUMBING CO. FRUIT JARS ! We have ’em. Mason’s, Vacuums, Extra Tops, Rubbers. Ashland.- . STEAM. Laundry: GEO. IV. TREFKEN U Ashland Gro. Co House, Sign or Buggy Painting L.8. Trefren, D.......... C ounty C oboxer . Geo B. Cole, R......... J. W. Odgers. Pro .. Dr. J. X. Shearer, D. 64 43 110 29 70 Ml 8 9 34 40 84 a J.T. BHIDQE8, 10 ... 80 100 IF. FORL'NEY, Bellview, I can and will save you money on sew» ing machines. A visit to <mr rtoto will convince yuu of this fSKf. Upff* HBoM 7K» on roHWHe-Tiro Wedfly Uregrttan. Furnltort StWe. Register.