SHOULDER TO SHOULDER. STA *r§âVE When the excretory organs fail to carry off the waste maternu from tbfc sal accumulation of effete matter which poisons and clogs the blood, and it itecomes sour and f.ciG. This poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body, and upon re ? ht’tg the skin surface there is a redness and eruption, and by certain peculiarities we recognize Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum Psoriasis, Erysipelas and many other skin troubles, more or less severe. While the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions and powders may allay the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully continuedt and the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use. ★ \ ★ ★ Tie «seasc is awe man skin Jeep; me enilrc cipetiiaiion is poisoned. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc., not only do not cure skin diseases, but soon ruin the digestion «vid break, down the constitution. *11 I S S S nature’s own remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, of great purifying and tonical properties, quickly ana effectually cures blood and skin troubles, because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores norma}, healthy action to the different organs, cleanses and enriches the blood, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions. 8. S. S. cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to referment in the blood and cause a fresh attack. Healthy blood is necessary to preserve that clear, smooth skin and beautiful com­ plexion so much desired by all. S. S. S. can be relied upon with certainty to keep the blood in perfect order. It has been curing blood and skin diseases for half a cen­ tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. " S. S. S. contains no poisonous minerals — is purely vegetable and harmless. treating Our medical department is in charge of physicians of large experience in Ur 1* nnrl skin «tin diseases, who will take pleasure in aiding by their advice advice ------- and direction all blood and ------ - ----- who desire it. Write fully and freely about your case; your letters are held in strictest confidence. We make no charge whatever for this service. Our book on Blood and gkin will fr~ upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. VALLEY RECORD Paper ASHLAND, Or.. Thursday, Maj'31, 1900 —New York Evening Journal. Mrs. George H. Richardson, wife of a surgeon in the United States army, committed suicide at San Francisco some days ago by taking poison. "Aft r suffering from piles for fifteen tears, I was cuted by using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, ’ wriies W. J Baxter, .North Brook, N. C. It heals everything. Beware of counterfeits. E ugene A. S herwlm . Si tiudyan Tor Men and Women FIFTY Hudyan gives one Energy. Vigor,vfm,makesone Robust and Strong. Hudyan creates bright, rosy complexions, lie­ cause it insures perfect activ­ ity of klForgaus of the body. Women who suffer with pain­ ful or Irregular periods, leu- corrhoea, bearing-down pains, chronic inflammations and ulcerations find absolute comfort in Hudyan It cures. Hudyan makes rich blood, promotes sound sleep, creates a healthy appetite. Hudyan cures aro permanent and last­ ing. Consult the Great Hudyaa Doctors Freo. They Advise Free. Call orWrite. Hudyan, 50 cts. a package, 6 packages, 32.50. For sale by all drug­ gists, or send direct to Hudyan Remedy Co., corner Stockton, Ellis and Market Street,, Francisco, California. cents . Hudyan cures, never doubt It. IHxlyancuresalldisorders •rislug from Weak Nerves or 1 blood. Hudyan cures Nervousness, Trem- Llings. Weakness, Dizziness, All-gone Feeling. Hudyan cures Sleeplessness, Despond­ ency, Mental Depression, liudyan cures Indigestion, Floating of Stomach, Palpita­ tion of the Heart. Pale or Sal­ low Complexions. Hudyan cures Clouded Memory, Head­ aches, Costiveness, Torpid Liver. Hudyan cures Tain in Back, Pain in Side, Pains in l.iinbs, Weak Back, Sediment in Urine, Ringing in Ears, Dots before Eyes. Hudyan cures Loss of Flesh, Loss of Appetite, Haggard Appear­ ance, Lack of Energy. D.R.& HOW IS YOUR. WIFE? Has she lost her beauty ? It so, Consti- mtion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the inncipal causes. Karl’s Clover Root Tea ias cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts and 50 cts. Money refunded f results are not satisfactory. E ugene A. S herwin , Druggist. a ---------------------------------- —-------------------- T ime Sen ecu les . D epabt i One H® saws Jim C »ruetr and Ki.l McCoy are to b« matched to tight for a purse of <25,000. From a wreck will attract the world’s attention to the life-saver. Yet let the Richard Yates is to run for governor life-saving be continued every day, and of Illinois on the Republican ticket. very soon it attracts no public attention. * Judge PaciflenS Ord, an old-time Cal­ If the scene of tbe saving of one lite f ifornia jurist, died at Washington last by that life-saving remedy, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical week. Discovery, could Temperature of Diamond.. In a recent ruling at Stockton. Judge be made to stand A good diamond is a good deal colder I j :!d held that justices’fees must be out alone, like a than an imitation and the lapidaries say I f .dd in advance. picture on a screen, it would that the best way to detect this dif­ I The Los Angelos city council has in- attract the notice - ference in temperature is to touch the I ---- — stones to the tongue. Sapphires, emer­ i »trnctisl the city attorney to prepare an of the whole na­ alds, rubies, garnets and other precious [ i r.iinanco of intention to call an elec­ tion. By a curi­ ous contradiction stones may be tested in the same way tion for a board of freeholders to draft the very frequen­ > i new charter. —the real stone is invariably colder cy with which the George Washington Hoffman, a pio- ” Discovery ” saves than the imitation. The lapidaries do not give a reason for the difference, ! ueer of Gleun county, died suddenly life, robs tbe fact but it may be found, perhaps, in the ! at his Lome near Norman a few days of general inter­ greater density; of the real stones, ■ ago. He was a uativo of Ohio, aged 72 est. For obstinate I coughs, bronchitis, which make them better conductors years. weak lungs, and of heat.—Detroit Free Press. A big strike of oil is reported from other diseases of ON EV> KY H 'lTliK. Bouldin island, near Stockton. the respiratory or­ Of Shiloh’s Gonsumptioti Cure is this Mountain View is to have a new gans, ’’Golden’ee: ‘ All we ask of you is to use Medical Discov­ two-thirds of the contents of this bottle bank. ery ” is the one faithfully, then if you can say that you are A co-operative ferry between Vallejo medicine which not benefited return the bottle to your Druggist and he may refund the price and Mare island is being discussed by offers certain help, and almost certain paid.” Price 25 cts.,’ 50 cts. and $1.00 trades unions. cure. It contains E ugens A. S herwin . Druggist. Ventura has organized a board of neither alcohol trade. nor narcotics. No Microbe» In the Mountains. "Only for Doctor Farmers of Ventura county are be ­ A scientist, looking for microbes, Pierce’s Golden Med­ Discovery I think says there are absolutely none on the ginning to irrigate their lands by means ical I would be in mv grave to-day," writes Mr. Swiss mountains at an altitude of 2,00u of artesian wells. Moses Miles, of Hilliard, Uinta Co., Wyoming. had asthma so bad I could not sleet, aud was Los Banos is enjoying a building <■1 feet. Here is a place for the purity compelled to give up work. It affected mv I lungi so that I coughed all the time, both day party; and scaremongers, who are for­ boom. and night. Mv friends all thought I had con­ ever horrifying the public with the dis­ Many new buildings are being put up sumption. Mv wife insisted on ray trying mal fear of microbes, would have to at Los Gatos, and old ones are being re­ • Golden Medical Discovery.’ I have taken four bottles aud atu now a well man, weighing ib; take their supply with them, most of modeled. pounds—thanks to Dr. Pierce." which are useful to man. A bank has begun business at Angels The People’s Common Sense Medical Best Winter ltnute Adviser in paper covers, is sent free on Camp, Calaveras county. For sunshine, flowers and oranges take While attempting to escape from the receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay tlie the Sunset Route via Los Angeles to all guard at the Presidio, A. C. Bergum, a cost of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. ¥. points East. Tourist excursion cars and military prisoner was shot and killed. chair cars to El Paso, Fort Worth, Ken The shipment of peaches has com­ sas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, menced from Sacramento. New Orleans and Washington, D. C. For rates, guides and information ad- Victor Bouton, convicted of being a ressd C. H. M arkham , G. P. A., ringleader of an organized gang of cat­ Portland, Or tle thieves of Nevada, has been sent­ STONE MASON I enced to serve seven years in the Nevada CONTRACTOR. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. state prison. Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver. Ft 4 p. m Worth,Omaha. Kan­ Portland sas City, St Louis, Special 6:15 a. m. Chicago and East. A. O. U. W. 66. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall tvery second and fourth Wednesday » •ach’month. All brethren in good standing •.re cordially invited to attend. G eo . E ngle , M. W. G eo . W. T befren , Recorder. Atlantic Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. 8 a. m Express Worth,Omaha, Kan­ 6:20 p m. sas City. St. Louis, Via Hunt Chicago and East. ington. 8 p. tn. WI llemette R iver . 1:30 p. m 6 a. m. Ex Sun­ Oregon City. Newberg, Ex. Sun day. Salem.Independence 1 and Way-Landings DR. JORDAN & CO.. 1051 Market St. S. F. 3:3u p. m. : 7 a. m. hill R ivers . Mon Wed TuesThur and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-Landings. N -wsaa W illamette R iver . 4:30 p. ni. 6am Mon Wed Tues Th’r and Sat Portland to Corvallis and Fri r> and Way-Landings. S nake R iver . Riparia to Lewiston. ORTHERN PACIFIC R A.TT-.V/\ Y u Leave Lewiston Daily 9 a m. djt Ï ons . S Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant W. R. C. g Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi and auimalculea, and neutral­ izing and correcting all acidi­ ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. BURNSIDE BELIEF CORPS NO. 24 Meets m Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p u on the second and fourth Saturdays of I each month. Mas. M alvina F erguson , Pres. •Ius. M. J. Spencsr, Bec’v. KNIGHTS OF I SWIMMING PYTHIAS. Tourist Sleeping Cars I F’*’. PACI._____ MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FA KGO TO : 1 G_HAND FORKS I i i WINNi LEG I I IIEI.FÑÁ ami I BÜITE ELASTIC GOODS AT HALF PRICE. If you want us io make t > yonr BKAM UK iwid UKDfcii KLAtrrn (MMAWfttr tb»KKUKF ANIlt lRFOF ¥ <1111 OSh > ki\S, WK.U- ATkD USBS. eexPlLKNUY. AblHtBlkAL 1Th.lKNK>i* UR 11 MOR, state your helvht, I wtahl and ar«. state number of inches around body or limb at each letter shown in cut and send to us with our ¿■r * >PttUL rim K. We Will make / ¿1» s the goods to order from the ' *cry flarM mbWr ela»tl« mi * urial, guarantee a pert*«» fit and I if you do net find it perfectly '■Mtisiiketory and etjUMl to go d„ others get double the price fur re!urn at our expense and wo will refund your money. CROOKSTON THROUGH T1CKETZ £ _______ i ica. treat nir * Mu iwi, sia.00. torrua rustic K.TM1RV UQib. Special CevereU KiaaO« Ab4emiaal hup*«HMP. made of »oft !Ule thread. Interwoven with i roteeted rubber thread. • laehe« wide, St.GOi 10 tacM, S3.331 13 U«b«». S3, a®. Write for Surgery Catalogue Cut this ad. out and send to us, BKND KO NONET and we will send you this watch by express, C. O. D. subject to examination. You can examine it at your express office and if found perfectly satisfac­ tory, exactly as represented aud In every way equal to watches Ikat ars being advertised at E3.7& to 16.75 under such misleading description? as Elgin Style, American Style, Gold Filled or took Like f 20. OOto MO-00 Gold Filled Watches, etc. If Jou And it the equal or etter than any of these watches, pay the express ageut OLH FRICK, 62.45 and express charges. Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, lurrent. For information address tin proprietor. ì HELMAN I by ealehy advertisements which would lead you to believe you could get a ! •26.00 or S50.00 watch I for SS. 75 to f6.75, when we sell the same watch for 92.45, OUR WATPM Rents' 18-size Hunting vun <2 wailh C is a > eorg { f ( full n B ackd Q kt I ¡»reef Open Faee, stein wind and set, gold plated, hand so nr ¡y engraved and polished, looks like a high-grade gold filled and 1* • great trading watch, movement is a nickel 7-jewel- ed stem wind American.’warranted,and a goodtime- keei^r. For Watches from 98 eects up, gold-filled watchet ' 33. 7 5 and up, write for free Watch aad Jewelry Catalogue. a««,.. SEARS, ROEBUCK 4 CO.(Inc.),Chicago I ifiMre, Bo»tack A Co. ar» U mtmc AI j reUaM».—Miter.) LAND, MARS. ROUUCK « CO., (I m J, CHICAGO, ★ ★ ★ 31 32 S3 34 St 36 37 38 89 40 Regina Music Box, UM inch Disc, ,t(NQ GRANT AFir,tS“F« AND SCENERÀ UNEQVALED. Tickets to points East via Portiand and the GREAT NORTHERN RY., on sale at Southern Pacific Depot _ _ Ticket ________ Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office ★ ★ Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, ★ ★ ★ Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “The Milwaukee” when going to any poin in the United States or Canada. Al ticket agents sell them. ★ ★ ★ For rates, pamphlets or other infer motion, ad drees, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt., S eattle , W ash . ★ ★ ★ ★ A ★★★★★★ A ★★★★★★ -Aik C other brand. MAKE THE TEST! Send tags io CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. 4-POUND CATALOGUE-FREE The only route that can give THIS Rin CATA1 nnilF cuntaina 1686 pace«, is 9il2xt ir.ehe» IHia Bib LAIALUbUE lnS1IC_contain«over 100,000 quotations, Grand Scenery, Low Rates, 10,000 Illustration,, tke l*r»e«t, BMleompIrU sad lawMtprired ratal«»«» .wrpabliabML NAMES THE LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAGO MICES M Model Accommodations. EVERYTHING including everything in Groeerie», Drug», Ury Good», Bio- Ito»«, CloUing, Cloaks» Drewta, Boots and Shoes, Watehes, Jewelry, Books, Hardware, Stoves, Agricoltural IatpUEseate, Furnit are, Harness, Saddles, Hurries, Bewlug Maehlaes, Crockery, Organs, Pianos, Musical lustruairnts, Furnishing Moods. Muns, Bevolvers, Fishing Taehle, Bleyelrd, Photograph!« Moods, Ktc. Tells just what your storekeeper at home must pay for everything he buys and will prevent him from overcharging you on anything you buy; explains just how to order, how much the freight, oxprwm or asall will be on anything to your town. Tbe big bowk esaU ua nearly $1.00, the postage alone is 34 cents. Z>||D KTDETC OFCETE» Cut this ad. out and send to us WH rntturrtn. ir BtamM to help pay the 34 cents postage, and the Big Booh will be sent to you FKEK by mall postpaid, and if yop don’t think it is worth 100 times the 15 cents you send, as a key to the lowest wholesale prices of everything, say SO and we will immediately ret urn your 15 eenta. WHAT THE PRESS SAY» ABOUT THIS CATALOGUE! “It is a monument of business information.”—Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribune. . . “A wonderful piece of work.”—Washington National Tnbune “The Catalogue is a wonder.”—Manchester (N.H.) Union. “Sears. Roebuck A Co. is one of the largest houses of its kind in Chicago.”—Chicago Inter Ocean. “The big catalogue forms one of the finest shopping mediums that could powibly be sent into a district.”—Boyce’s Monthly, Chicago. * ap. “Theircatalogue is a vast department store boiled down.”—Atlanta Constitution. “The catalogue is certainly a merchandise encyclopaedia.”— Chicago Epworth Hemld. “A law should be passed compelling the use of this catalogue in all public schools.”—The Hon. G. A. Southtoun. We could quote thousands of similar extracts. 8*nd 15 ewto at cnee and you will rec«lve th« ««pound book by retura wall. AddreuJ, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (InoJ, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. 8. A. PORTLAND. For RatM. Folders, and Full informa­ tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad dress W ithout C hange ^;0V0”’ Canadian Australian Line to----- ^e) SPECIAL HIGH GRADE HONOLULU B AUSTRALIA YOU CAN EXAMINE IT IVMVAH CARMincii af your deput , nearest anrre This is the GREAT SHORT ! ’ .IXSXXHIXX2 ; jecici.t:-,Offering J if.•»:,<’»,u. I''r:te o n a > Their Magnificent Track, (Peerleee Vee- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: “ ALWAYS I I ■ wAWEQ OAK M8P MU CABIHET,n¡— p.iio^. ------- -— . ■ One illustration shows machine - dropping from 1 sight) to be used as a «ester table, atard 1"» oth“r°P«“*ith full 1„.. length table ,„U1B and head „„Q In place p,ace for ,n, W . 4 i f7 4r?,'*rh 1 s»» .hrleua tru.«, carved, paneled, em- flnest nickel drawer puli., rests on four caster», adjustable-treadle. genuine Smyth iron stand. Ein.rt l.rre HI»S Am feed'.?clt threading vibrating le. automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearing,, patent tension liberator.improved lor«e wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar. patent oressguard, brad i?.h»»4M>»rl? .r.,.,»,,» ..4 bra.lir.lly ■Irkrl‘ricarj. CUAItANTEEU ' LaaKr — ran the ' eaa b, SOU LINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and South. iiMAKE YOUR OWN RECOROSÏ The favorite Line to all Points J^Tbe pleasure in owning a Graphophone is largely increased by being able to make and reproduce East. own records. Wefurnish this machine with r6corderfor$7.50.niaklngltthecheapestrecordlng Broad, vestibuled and np-to-date trains HR your and reproducing talking machine ou the market. Graphophoaes of every description. Call or write. n I between Pueblo and Denver, and Omaha GvLbitBiA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept. '35 Sa ■ Francisco Address, lii'isi- ■ . 8 Chicago and Kansas City, making direct connection in Chicago with all morning trains east -First-class Pullman Sleepers., Library Buffet cars, between Denverl and ; Chicago; tbe most perfect dining car serv- w» ¡ xh 1513 as WITH YOUR OROSR,eat U i < s ice in, the, world—“a la carte:” through a fe- ¿I' £ T nd. out and send to us.and SSAC£ »ROP nAE!KtrCUR6!GZT£WiHG«iACiuiir»7me.aul w» will return yov.reio.,>o auy day you are not dlffereat makw and ^radesof Sewinsr Haehiaesat 08 so Route, without change to Chicago. No an­ satisfied, ¿».1. »^e GO. sell Sll.eoandup, all fully de bribed in our Free Sew Ini noying transfer in Chicago, These cars are ¿1Q.CO, Xiebine tatalvn?,> for this 1)RCP DESK CABUIKT BLBDltli k provided with all weeklv periodicals for tbe greates». slue er N. »x© China and Japan. $38.50 fTOCKJIABBLg by freight O. O. 0« subject to examination. WONDER C ars . And from Europe via all Atlantic Steamers. Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit­ ish Columbia. CTTTH18 AD. OCTAKU SKXD ______ _________ ,• TO V8 M1TH ————.^1MMM— ONE DO LI.A K, OUR $38.50 of Through Tickets tc------- l H-7; SEND US ONE DOLLAR. 2tìS Morrison Street, i Ocean to Ocean Cxpress Line to- - I St. Mary’s ACADEMY. and---- SOO PACIFIC LINE. Anything yon want cocked to order with promptness and dispatch. All Hours. Give Me a Call. C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P ortland , O r . ANADIAN ’"PACIFIC f\Y. STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last longer and afford more pleasure than a dime’s worth of any AND ALL POINTS EAST. DAILY TRAINS, FAST TIME; SERVICE Trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the world." Understand: Connections are made with All Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. JWBEAR IN MIND that a dime’s worth of 25-Cents Erects a Hog, Poultry or Stock Fence forabotit half the money required to build any other kind of .....po. folders. .oiuca, I For further information, maps, etc., call on D. L. Rice, agent S. P. Co., or fence. Machines and Shortest and Quickest Line write to farm rights for sale by A. E. COOPER, TO Gen’l Agent, Pass. Dept. ¿r. s£UKnr ! ST. PAUL, DUiUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHIC AGO- Portiand. Ore. ¡ Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers Dinine.nd Buffet Smoking Library Care. “PIONEER LIMITED' ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Qnnriol Nnfina 1 Plain " 8tar ” Tin Tags (that is, Star tin tags with no small opct/ldl IIUIILU : stars printe&on under side of tag), are not pood/or pre.«-nt*, ===== but will be paid for in cash on tbe basis of twenty cents per hundred, ifreceivedb£_us, us ____________________________ on or before March 1st, 1900. J. W. COX, Proprietor, Proprietor ASHLAND. OREGON. * ■£ and Chop House HELMAN GO EAST * THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30TH, 1900. NORTH OF THE PLAZA. MACHINE * W A.'lilNGiON PORTLAND. OREGON. 22 >8 29 30 HALF A MILK Phillip : Wire: Fence I ÌHI ADELPHIA NEW ÏOBK BOSTON AND ALL Assistant General passenger Agent. 21 3? Located od the IICAGO A. D. CHARLTON, 20 OPPOSITE PLAZA. You may dive and swim and have more fun than “anybody”—come out as “fine as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven ated and happy. TO Through tickets to Jtpnn and China, via Tacoma and Nortnern Pacific Steamship Co. For information, time cards, map and ickeis, call on or write 18 19 / GKANITELODGE.NO. 23, Knights Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every Inclosed and covered, the same medics Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good water, always clean, for the springs run a Handing are cordially invited to attend. heavy volume— more than twelv hun F. D. ROBBINS. C. C. dred gallons per hour. T. H. S impson . K. R.K. OUR SPECIAL PRICE elawlic Uikh Klerkiaf. A to 1, $». i*>t thl«li Beratar. <* tw 1, HUgh piece, <«(• I, 4«.54>| kaee •iwckiar. A I* st. f5.«O; k®Mu leftirx, € UU. ft-OV; ka*e tap, h U a L. tfi.OO. garter »ttwkbK. A to K, S3. IM; jarter C !• R. 32.003 anLlet. A U a I. • ••• RINK Dining Cars I 15 16 17 M TN Don’t be Daceived N 13 14 34 2» eter, Barometer....................................... 6C0 Gun case, leather, no hotter made. 500 Bevolver. automatic, double action. 33 or 38 caliber............................................. 600 Tool 8et, not playthings, but real tools...................T7..777........................ 650 Toilet Set, deoo-ated porcelain, very handsome................. 800 Remington Rifle No. 4. 22 or 32 cal. boo Watch, sterling silver.full jeweled loot» Dress Sult Case, leather, handsome and durable................................................. 1000 Sewing Machine, first class, with all attachments....................................... 1500 Revolver, Colt’s, 38-ca'.iber, blued steel................................................................ 1500 Rifle, Golt’s, 16-shot, 22-caflber........ 1500 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in­ laid...................................................................2000 Mandolin, very handsome................. 3 mm Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, 12 gauge..........................................................3000 Remington, double-barrel, ham-. mer Shot Gun. 10 or 12 gauge........ 2000 Bicycle, standard make, ladies or gents............................................................... 2500 Shot Gun, Remington, double bar­ rel, hammerless........................................ 3000 Furnishes either blue or brown sandrock from his quarry near Ashland. BATHING A $2.45 60LD PLATES W1LLAMBTTE AND Y AM- Leave Riparta 5 a. tn. Daily. 23. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and id Saturday of each month. Visiting Com ■adesuordially welcomed. S. H. DUNLAP, Commander. W. I. M c N utt . Adjutant. BURNSIDE POST NO. asflTOKY The Largest Aaatosieal Museum in the , World. Weaknesses or any contracted ’ disease pcrutiwr^y cercd by the oldest E| ¿specialist on the Coast Est. 36 years. < C2. JORDAN—DiStASESOF MEN < 9YPCILII thoroughly eradicated . frem system without the use of Mercury. Trustee fitted by an Expert. Ikedi- eai cure fcr Bupture. A quick and 1 radical cure for Pile», Fissure and FfetuSoe. by Dr. Jordan’s special pain­ less mcil.oal?v Con%utt>tioft Hee and strictly private. Treatment per tonally or by letter. A Fosiiwe Cure in every case undertaken.Write for Bock POIL9MOPIIY of n 4HR1AC.F, MAILED FREE. (A valuable book fcr men.) Call or writ« 9 10 11 12 TAOS. 23 Clock, 8-d*y, calendar, Thermom­ A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as tba Great Railway running the Contracts for all kinds of Mason Work. White Sulphur Springs DR. JOriDAN’S great ! fmsaa of M4iaU5BTSr,SliFMICISC»,Cll. I 4 p m C olumbia R ivir Daily Ex. Sun Ex Sun­ S teamers . day. 8 p id , Satur­ day 10 p To Astoria and Way- 1U Landings. ASHLAND G. A. R. ELY’S CREAM BAI’I Is a positivecure. Apply Into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. SO cents at Drui’dets or by mail; samples 10c. by mall. ELY BROTHERS. 5« Warren St., New York City. O cean S teamships . 4 p. m. All sailing dates sub­ ject to change. For San Francisco— Sail every 5 days. 8 OREGON. ASHLAND, ASHLAND LODGE, NO. ¿ visit 6 7 TAOS. I Match Box. •••••• «• ••••■• •• • • • ••••a* • • 36 Knife, one blade, good steel.............. .. K Scissors, 4M inches..................................... M Child’s Set. Knife, Fork and Spoon 25 Salt and Pepper Set. one each, quad­ ruple plate on white metal................. M French Briar Wood Pipe...................... 26 Razor, hollow ground, fine English steel................................................................... M Butter Knife, triple plate, beet quality............................................................. Sugar SI Shell, triple plate, best qua!. 60 ................................... Stamp Box, sterling silver................. 70 Knife. "Keen Kutter," two blades.. 76 Butcher Knife, "Keen Kutter," 8-in blade...................................................... ;.............76 Shears, “Keen Kutter," 8-inch.......... 76 Nut Set, Ciacker and 6 Picks, silver plated......................... 1.................................... 80 Base Ball, “Association,” best qual.100 Alarm Clock, nickel..................... 150 Six Genuine Rogers’Teaspoons, best plated goods............................................ 150 Watch, nickel, stem wind and set.. 200 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn handles.............. ............................................. 200 Six Genuine Rogers’ Table Spoons, best plated goods........................ ............ .260 Six each. Knives and Forks, buck- horn handles................................................ 250 Six each. Genuine Rogers’ Knives and Forks, best plated goods............ 500 A.D. FERGUSON A rrive Atlantic Walla Walla, Lewis­ 8 a. m. Express ton, Spokane, Min­ 6:20 p. m. neapolis, St. Paul. Duluth, Milwaukee, Via Spo­ Chicago and East. kane. FREE! 1 2 3 4 5 .... MILWAUKEE” TIN TAGS ★ “Star” tin tags (showing small stars printed on under ride of tag), “HorseShoe,” “J. T.,” “GoodLuck,” ‘Cross Bow,” and “Drummond” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Every man, woman and child can find something on the list that they would like to have, and can have ■S’ I The People’s “THE. ★ -S'■«■ ★★★★★★ -A- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon, structing the exhausted digestive or« gans. It is the latest discovered digest­ ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in­ stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, i Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramp« and all other results of imperfect digestion. wuoH size. Book all aboutdyapt I PimwH ky K. ç. DewrrTt EÜGXNB AjanxiTOi