VALLEY BECORD.j THE PHILIPPINES. REPUBLICAN COLIHW. Professional Cards (COWTISUSO FROM FIRST F*«E.) M anila , May 20—Five hundred in­ The republican candidate for county surgents, half of whom wore armed i clerk is not working any “poverty with rifles, ambushed 80 soldiers of the racket” on tbe people of Jackson county ASHLAND, O t .. Thursday, May 24. 19C0 Fortieth volunteer infantry in the hills to secure an election. He does not view near in the northern part of the office as a charitable institution for Mindanao. The Americans routed the tbe support of those who are unable to Bernard Daly's Record natives, killing 51. The American cas­ make their livelihood in other walks of Oregon City Courier-Herald, Populist.] life. Nor does he offer “failure in From present indications it fs appar­ ualties were two killed and three business” or “I need the office” as a ent that the policy of the republican- . Wounded. reason why he should be elected. He during this campaign is to misrepresent . N ew Y obk , May 20.—A cable to the ’ stands on the record be bas made in our candidates in every imaginable man- ' Sun from Manila says: The 3ultan of the clerks office as a painstaking and tier, and particularly our candidate for Miudanao has asked General Kobbe to obliging official and as an officer capable congress in the First district, Dr. I’> I approve the selection of Data Mandi as of properly handling the office County Daly, on the finance question. heir to the Sultanate. Danto Mandi ia Clerk Gus Newbury has- served the Dr. Daly’s record on this question is I people of the county one term a« county well kuown. He was an ardent sup­ b good friend to ths Americans. clerk. Not even his enemies have come porter of Mr. Bryan in 1896, and con­ A telegram from Koping, Sweden, re­ forward to complain of the manage­ tributed largely to the result in Lake | ment of the office. No desire for a ports that as the steamer Koping was change couuty, his home, whereby the county ' from the present management gave Bryan a good majority, although > passing the Prins Carl a man sprang this year comes from any source but the county is strongly republican. As : upon the deck of the latter vessel and that coming from those who wish to se­ a member of the legislature for a period shouted: “If any one comes near I cure the office. Tbe custom of giving of six years Dr. Daly’s vote and voice { will shoot!” At the same moment a ' every m an who properly conducts his were always recorded in favor of every ( woman was seen hanging over the office two terms in that office will not be resolution and question relating to the ' ship’s side, shrieking for help. The^ ¡changed this year, for the re-election of free and unimilited coinage ot silver, Gus Newbury is freely predicted, and is and as chairman of tbe democratic com­ man escaped in a boat. When the assured. Prinz Carl was boarded it was found mittee on platform in 1898, at the state convention, he signed and endorsed the that 1! men on board had been shot, six The ancients believed that rheamatism conference report on platform, which of whom, including the captain weie waB w ,rB ot a dernou within a man was adopted by populists, democrats dead. The rest were found locked in ui / t.e iihh who h*a ha I an attack of siatie and silver republicans. As a member i their quarters. One of the wounded or inflammatory rheumatism will agree of the senate, he was on two occasions has since died. The murderer has been that the infliction is demoniac enough to giveu tbe complimentary vote of the captured, but does no» state what warrant the belief. It baa never been populists and democrats for president of claimed that Chamberlain’s Pain Balm prompted the crime. that body. A terrible accident, resulting in the would cast out demons, but it will cure His record os a legislator is clean in every respect. He is the author of the death of from 80 to 40 persons, took rheumatism, and hundreds bear testi­ homestead exemption law, as well as of place at Ronciglione on the lake of mony to tbe truth of this statement. the aet repealing the railroad commis­ Vico, Italy, during a celebration of the One application relieves tbe pain, and sion, to which the republicans point i fete of 8t. Lucie, whose chapel Is on thia quick relief which it affords is along worth many times its cost. For sale by with pride in their state platform. He ! The Republican State Convention. also introduced and had passed the bill the shore of the lake. Two boats filled E ugene A. S herwin . Oeaat Affairs la Congress. S acramento , May 13.—Following is requiring county clerks to take acknowl- i with young people capsized while re­ Representatives Wadsworth and WAR IN THE TRANSVALL. edgements in pension matters free of turning from the chapel within 800 Henry of the house conference commit­ the platform adopted by the Republicans charge. It was he who introduced Sen-: ; yards of the landing stage. Only 18 ted on the agrioultnral appropriation in state convention here today: Progress of the Fight Between Brito* ate Resolution No. 12, which passed un­ persons were saved. The Republican party of the state of bill have assured Kahn that the item of animously, as follows: and Boer. California, by its representatives, pled The dead bodies of Mrs. Thomas $50,000 for experimental work in irri­ “Whereas, The people of the state of; L ondon , May 21.—Displayed in the gation will be retained in the bill by ges itself anew to those principles of I Oregon, regardless of party affiliation, I Moser, wife of a farmer living three domestic and foreign polioy which, un­ are desirous of expressing their deep miles north of Tremont, Ill., aad her most conspicuous style in the Daily the conference committee. der a wise administration of public af­ feelings of gratitude toand their admira­ four small children were found in their Express is the dominant war news of John W. Wilson of Redlands, has tion for tbe courage of the Oregon sol- i home some days ago. Their throats the morniug: > been made national bank examiner for fairs, have brought us prosperity at home and honor abroad. diers who have so nobly offered their • were cut from ear to ear. Moser has •‘We have the best reason for stating lives in defense of oppressed humanity, , disappeared, but there is no known evi- that in the last 24 hours a telegram has *ha district of California. We declare our continued adherence Senator Bard and Representative to the policy by- whioh the Republican in avenging the loss of the Maine, in be ■ 1 deuce pointing to his having committed been received at the foreign office ad­ half of civilization and to maintain the ’ i the terrible crime. No trace of the dressed personally to the prime min­ Needham appeared recently before the party has proved itself, in fact, as in honor aud prestige of the American flag; | ■ murderer has been found, although ister, from Presideut Krueger, propos­ senate committee having in charge the theory, the friend of labor, and under ’ and, sundry civil appropriation bill to urge which our manufacturers not only con­ Whereas, The hearts of some ofonr| . some of the neighbors are convinced ing terms of peace. “The exact terms of the message an increase in the appropriation for trol the home market, but are taking people are bleedingas a result of the loss that Moser wiped out his family in a j fit of insanity. by sickness or in battle of some loved cannot be stated; but we believe it is Sequioa National park from $4000 to first rank in foreign markets through­ $25,000 for repairing and extending the ones to them most dear ¡therefore, be it Senator dark of Montana accomp­ Couched in an exceedingly humble road to Grant forest. They also ask out the world. “Resolved by tbe senate, the house! lished a remarkable coup a few day ago. strain. We are in favor of the construction for $50,000 for a free wagon road up the of the Nicaragua canal under govern­ concurring, That 'the congratulations “ It is inconveivable, of course, that and admiration and confidence ,-of Ute Ju sat a of Toledo Count? and State at -re-aid. and phans’ home, of which the dead chil- fullest capacity with both passengers iug about his feet as he rau dowu the •.bat >*ul fitm will pav tbe Mini of ONE I dren were inmates. Kimbleu murdered and freight. HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every aisle to the vestry. Au usher handed of catarrh that cannot be cured by the the two girls because they had toJd his George Williams was acquitted at him his olothmg, aud be put it on and case yvife that he had said he wished she use of H all ' s C atabbh C urb . You will find it just as useful in summer Redwood City of the murder of Thomas went home. F rank J. Curler would go away and never come back. as in Winter, and if you are thriving upon Hawkins. Both men were employed Sworn to before me and subscribed in my A cvnsiguiaent of frogs’ legs was re- presence, this 6th dav of ecember, A. D. at Burlingame, aud the shooting occur­ it don’t stop because the weather is warm. oeived at Fresno a few days ago from 1886. If troubled with rheumatism, give red after a quarrel. William» claimed joc. »nd $2.00, all druggists. a frag farm in Minneapolis, with a re­ A. W. GLEASON. Cbambcrlain’s Pain-Balm a trial. It SCOT! A BOWNE, Chemist New York. Notary Public. will not cost you a cent if it does no good. self-defense. quest to popularise them among the One application will releive the pain. Dr. Culy’s Condition Powders, epicures of the raisin center. It is the first consignment in kind ever received Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally It also cures sprains and bruises in one- and acts directly on the blood and mucous third the time required by any other are just what a horse needs when in bad there. surfaces of the svstem. Bend for testimon­ treatment. Cute, burns, frostbites, conditon. * Tonic, blood purifier and It has been fullv demon’trated that ials, free quinsey, p.tius iu tbe side and chest, vermifuge. They are not food but med­ Ely’s Cream Balm is a specitlc for Nasal F J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O. wianilular and other swellings are quickly icine and the beet in use to pat a horn Catarrh aud cold in tlie head This dis­ Hold by Druggidts. 75c. cured by applying it. Every bottle war­ in primé condition. Price 25 cents pe tinction has been acbeived onlv as the re­ Hgll’s Family Pills are the beet. ranted. Price, 25 and 50 cts. E ugene package! For sale by Ashland Drug Co sult of continued successful use. A tuorid A. S heewin . condition of the uieuibra«e in the nasal pawasee can be cured by this ©untying and healing treatment. Hold by druggists or it “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the will be mailed for 50 cent» by Ely Brothers, TI» Riad Y m Ha» Aiwgjrs BoagM I finest pills.! ever used.”—1) J. Moore. Mill- 56 Warren Btreet. New York. It spreads 1 brookT Ala. They quieti y cure all liver over the aiembraos, is atourbed and relief • MWal A-- —s.» and bowel uoumos . ktlTG»»» 'E ummw ▲. ftmwtlf tastawof jts uwaediace. The People’s Paper. How To Gain Resh qcoifs f nmlsion • <■ HINMAN, D. D. 8. Dentist. In the Masonic Building, up stairs, over Post Office. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex­ periments that triile with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What Is J)R. S. T. SONGER Physician and Surgeon Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon ASHLAND CASTORIA CASTORIA — OREGON — D M. BROWER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops nud Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE — — ASHLAND _ OREGON _ OFFICE : At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, Laurel and Main Streets. J A. McCALL Civil Engineer and Mineral Surveyor, ALWAYS Bears the Signature of NOTARY PUBLIC. Surveys (or Patents and Mining Loca­ tions a specialty. Addreu Ashland, Or. Office at residence. South Main Street The Kind You Have Always Bought Tbe. . . . . In Use For Over 30 Years. JACOBS concentrator . Has fewer wearing parts and light­ est running machine made; handle as much or more ore as any belt machine. The patent canvas lap belt is the best belt made for saving fine suiphurets and gold—nothing beats it. A machine that is easy to run and keep in order. Cheapest and best machine made. Earl Fruit Company CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $350.000.00 MAIN OFFICES« MPAN ’RICE S3BO Sacramento b Los Angeles, Cal. BRANCHES CHICAGO BOSTON On board cars. Manufactured by ASHLAND IRON WORKS, Ashland, Oregon. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA For farther particulars, address: OPERATING IN JEHU JACOBS, Prop. All Pacific Coast Fruit Districts. FRUIT GROWERS’ EXPRESS ARMOUR & CO., Prop’s General Offices: 250 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. •o- HENLEY, CAL. Henley, Cal., March 20,1899. We have used tbe Frue Vanner, Triumph and Wilfley concentrators. We are now using two of the Jacobs Concentrators in our mill at Henley. We consider the J acobs Concentrator tbe best machine man­ ufactured. It does tbe work cleaner and saves a much higher per centage of sul- phurets than other machines, and we rec­ ommend it to all mining men to be the best concentrator on tbe market. J O. G illbou . W. O. S tkulby . L. A. M c I ntosh . Ashland & Klamath Falls NEW CARS, LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION ONLY IN USE. STAGE <- LINE _ Thoroughly Restocked and Entirely New Management. Pacific Coast Division: 1005 Second Street, Sacramento, Cal- ROBERT M GARRETT Offices: 21$ Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. Superintendent. ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager k NEW CAR THE ONLY PERFECT V entilator -R efrigerator Best and Quickest Route to ...KLAMATH FALLS. Goes by “;Barron, Shake, Soda Springs, Parkers and Keno; also beet connections wit' stage lines from Klam­ ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indian|.Agency. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: ASHLAND. KLAMATH FALLS. Leaves...... 6:00 a m 1 Leaves. Arrives....... 2:45 p m | Arrives .8:00 p m .6:30 am The Patent Ventilator Device, Passengers, Baggage, Express A Large Loading Space, Must be Waybilled. and Large Ice Capacity of This Car Ashland Office: Make it especially desirable for shipments of fruits and vegetables either under ventilation or refrigeration. CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, 1012 2d Street, Laughlin Building, Sacrajnento, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. Freight POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Klamath Falls Office: H H VAN VALKENBUBG. SOUTH AND EAST —VIA— MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. For BOYS and YOUNG MEN. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Healthful and attractive location(14 miles from Salem: 40 miles from Portland.) COMPLETE and THROUGH preparatory, literary, scientific, classical, normal, commercial course. SHASTA ROUTE. SPECIAL COURSES in mathematics, surveying, drawing, civil service, French, Ger­ man, Spanish, Italian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music. A seperate class E provided for students who on account of farm labor wish to enter late in fail and leave Trains Leave Ashland for Portland and early in spring. Academic Degrees and Teachers’ State Certificates and State Diplomas Way Stations at 2:50 A. M. Conferred. Send for catalogue. Address and 5 :10 P. M. THE PRESIDENT MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE, * M ount A ngel , O regon . A small tornado damaged buildings TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878.- N0T1CE FOR PUBLICATION. at the town of Weiser, Idaho, to the extent of $5003. United States Land Office, Roseburg. Oregon. March 5,1900. The famine in India is growing worse Notice is hereby given that incompliance and the government has more than it with the provisions of the act of Congress can handle to take care of the thousands of June 3,1878, entitled ‘An act for the who apply for food. sale of timber land« in tbe States of Cali­ Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Admiral Dewey recently unveiled a fornia, Territory,” Archibald R. Grieve, of Siski­ marble shaft at Low’s Ferry, Tenn., you. County of Jackson, State of Ofegon, erected to mark the birth-place of Ad­ has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 886. for the purchase of the miral Farragut. E548KJ4 of Section No. 34, in Township A hotel trust has been formed at Co­ No. 40 b., Range No 4 E., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more lumbus. O. valuable for its timber or stone than for The announcement has been made at agricultural purposes, and to establish his to said land beiore the Register and New York that James J. Corbett has claim Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon decided to run for congress on the Dem- on Fridav, the 18th day of May. 1900. cfatic ticket. He names as witnesses: C. Noonan, of Siskiyou, Oregon; Mrs. C. Noonan, of Sis­ It is said that the Japanese govern­ kiyou. Oregon; E. R. Grieve,ot Hornbrook, ment is to take some action to step the Cal ; Vine Oden, of Shake. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely hordes of Japs immigrating to this the above described lands are requested to country. file tLeir claims in this office on or before Hotel Helene at Chicago was de­ .said 18th day of May, 1900. J. T. BRIDGES, Register. stroyed by fire recently. The confla­ gration was very fierce and many of the occupants were forced to jump from the windows to escape the flames. Several persons were severely injured and one ar two are thought to have been killed. A lone highwayman entered the cor­ ridor of the Coates hotel, at Kansas Chty, Mo., and forcing the strong box of ths cigar stand escaped. The box con­ tained diamonds valued at $1200, 1250 in gold coin and silver and checks to the amount of $100. He held the night clerk and another employe of the hotel off at the point of a revolver aad es­ caped on a hone that he had tied to the owrbiaf. The Record Job Department IS First-Class. Leave Portland 8:30 a. m., and 7:00 p. tn. Leave Ashland 1:17 a. m., and 12:15 p. in . Arrive— Ashland ... 12:33a. m. and 11:30 a. m. Sacramento 5:00 p. m. and 4:35 a. in. in. San Fran.w 7;45 p. m. and 8:15 5:45 a. m. Ogden. Denver ________ 9:00 a. tn Kansas Oy. 7:25 a. m. Chicago ... 7:45 a. m. and 11:45 a. m. in. and 9:00 tn. and 7:25 and 9:80 a. in. L's Angeles 1:20 p. m. and 7:00 a. El Paso... 6:00 p. m. and 6:00 p. Ft. Worth. 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 a. Cty Mexico. 9:65 a. m. and 9:55 a. Houston ... 4;00 a. m. and 4:00 a. N’w Orleans 5:25 p. m. and 6:25 p. Washington 6:42 a m. and 6 :42 a. New York.. 12:43 p. m. and 12:43 p. Pullman and Tourist on both trains. m in m in m m m m Cars Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and Bl Pate, aud tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans. Washington. Connecting at Ban Francisco with several iheamship lines for HONOLULU, JAPAN, CHINA, PHILLIP1NE8, CENTRM. and BOOTS AMERICA See Mr D L. R ice , Agent at Ashhnd station, or ««idre« H. MARKHAM, G.P. A.. _ rurtlandi Ota. z