Engel Bros VALLET RECORD. VAL .........ASHLAND, OREGON Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S ubscription R ates : One Year.............................................. $1 75 Six Months.......................................... 1 00 Three Months...................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VALLEY RECORD. VOL. XII. Y RECORD. ........ ASHLAND, OREGON >»1 ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, Ashland’« Big Voting Population. PBBS8EI* BRICKS. REPUBLICAN MAY COLUMN. 24. $L75 1900. NO. 52. Cannot be better spent than bv subscrib ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it! For County Clerk.... THE JOHN BARRETT CO It was generally known that Ashland was gaining rapidly in population dar ing the past two years, but it took the registering of the county voters to bring the matter forcible to the attention of the public. The Ashland precincts now known as East ahd West Ashland, Dunn and Barron, show up registered 1102 registered voters making 103 voters over one-fourth of the voting population of the county which is 3999. One of this city’s precinciB-East Ashland- has ex actly the eame number of voters as the entire city of Medford 466. This is the part of town where most of the growth has been in the past two years The 1102 votes for the Ashland precincts this year is a gain of 453 over the total vote at the last general election in 1898, which was 649. In the county the total vote of 1898 was 3085 and 8785 in the presidential election in 1896 as against 3999 this year. The vote of the various precincts is as follows: LEE JAtOBS, J. W. Chesnutt left for Igerna Sunday. HEPUBLIÜAN COUNTY TICKET. of Jacksonville. Miss Cina Tyler returned to Yreka Saturday. Representatives— MATHEW 8TEWART Ivan Wilde left Monday for Boise ...rtf Talent Democratic Nominee. 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. City, Idaho. ’ W. A. CARTER............ of Gold Hill County Judge— For County Commissioner.... W. H. Leeds was out from Salem in N. L. NARREGAN.................... of Medford the past week. Importers and Dealers in • R. R. MINTER. County Commissioner- Miss Grace Carroll arrived Monday Til 08. RILEY.................... of Eagle^Point • of Eagle Point. from Roseburg. County Olerk— Mies Genevieve Reames was an Ash GUS NEWBURY... of Phoenix land visitor Saturday. Regular Peoples’ Party Nominee. Connty Recorder — Otis Tout is employed on a bi nit PETER APPLEGATE . . .of Central Point For County Clerk.... farm at Vacaville, Cal. Sheriff— i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hosier returned ALEX ORME .. GUS NEWBURY, of Foots Creek Friday from atrip to Yreka. Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric ouse Treasurer— of Phoenix. W. D. Cofer and W K. Reeves re MAX MULLER?!...............of Jacksonville Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-Place] Fur turned to Klamathon Sunday. • School Superintendent— Republican Nominee. Scott Davis was up from Medford Sun P. H. DAILY................. .......... of Gold Hill niture. Agents for the new|COLUMBIANXGRATE. day visiting bis mother and sister. Assessor— i J.C. PENDLETON.............. of Rock Point For County Commissioner......... Miss Julia Coffman of Portland has Barron........... 99 Meadow......... been visiting Forest creek relatives. Surveyor— Dunn.................. 151 Poob Bah....... GARL T. JONE8 Pleasant Creek of Medford East Ashland . . 466 THOS. RILEY, A. R. Grieve was at Roseburg Friday West Ashland...286 Phoenix ... Coroner— and proved up on his Siskiyou timber Climax .............. 44 Rock Point. of Eagle Point. G B. COLE ....... .................. of Medford land. East Medford...259 Roxy ....... S. L. Morris of Riodel, Cal., arrived West Medford.. .207 Bams Valley Applegate.......... 109 Trail.. .. . Republican Nominee. J. C. Pendleton should be elected Saturday to visit his nephew, Harry Big Butte.......... 62 Talent....... J store assessor of Jackson county for the very Hosier. Central Point... 131 Table Rock good reason that he has made a most Martin McDonough, democratic nomi Eaglp Point ...158 Union....... acceptable assessor, has discharged his For Congressman.... nee for assessor, was up from Gold Hill Flounce Rock... 26 Watkins ... duties with credit to himself and with Gold Hill.......... 245 Woodv’lle.. last week. profit to the county. If fairness with ake Creek .... 57 Willow Springs THOS. H. TONGUE. ................... PHONE NO. 205..................... Japanese and China matting, a large Jacksonville .. .212 Foots Creek .. and business management of the asses of Washington County. sors office count for any thing with the stock i ust received, at Opera House Furni Mound................ 89 Sterling......... people of Jackson county, the election ture Store. Copt. Smith Bound Over—In Jail. Republican Nominee. resolves itself merely into a question of An elegant stock of spring and sum the size of Mr. Pendleton’s majority. mer goods have arrived at Vaupel, Portland Welcome, May 19.] For Representative.... Captain A. C. Smith, a Grand Army Norris & Drake’s. If any manz in Jackson county has man whose bounteous beard and whit heard any complaint respecting the con J. H. BEEMAN. John Frulan, W. K. Smith and Mr. locks tell the story either of age or duct of the sheriff’s office under the Hatfield are working atS. J. Fore & Co’s ened early piety, but who has really passed efficient management of Alex. Orme he of Gold Hill. mine near Cole’s. the three-score niche of life in years, was must certainly carry an ear trumpet as James Yeo, son of Wm. Yeo the mer arraigned on Wednesday morning in the big as a balloon. Do you want to bet Regular Democratic Nominee. chant, left Tuesday for southerh Calif municipal court on the charge of abduct that he will will not be re-elected? ornia on a visit. ing Hattie Howard, a buxom girl under W. A. Carter and Matthe w Stewart For County Co'nmiaeiono-. .. W. J. Schmidt has gone to the Astoria 16 years of age, from the Florence Crit- will as surely be elected as the election garnd lodge after which he will locate at tenton Home in this city, and. on plea day comes round. They have made a GEO. P. LINDLEY, of not guilty, was held in bonds of $200 Pomeroy, Wash. thorough canvass of the county and find to answer to the grand jury. of Medford. Grants Pass will celebrate the 4th of The story of the affair in which Miss every where assurances of success. July unber the management of the Wood Howard mysteriously disappeared from They should be elected for the indisput Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, men of the World. Democratic Nominee. her Medford home and of the manner in able reason that the best men nominated Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. - Miss Blanche Dean came up from which she was carried away by Captain should be elected. Alum baking powders are low priced, as alum costs but Grants Pass Saturday to visit numerous Smith, the two being overtaken and the two cents a pound; but alum is a corrosive poison and Peter Applegate has made one of the For County JuJge ....... former apprehended at Dunsmuir, Cal., relatives for several weeks. it renders the baking powder dangerous to use is food. most efficient and careful officers that is known to Welcome readers, as are CHAS. PRIM, ^2E0BB“^FRUIT BOXESAND MILL WORK Miles Cantrall wife and children who also the circumstances surrounding Miss has filled the office of county recorder There is not a politician, farmer, lawyer, have been visiting Ashland friends re Howard’s committal to the Crittendon of Jacksonville. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. preacher, horticulturist, horse-thief or turned home to Applegate Monday. Home in this city as a wholly incorri any other person in the county who will it AMTMr un I © Lou Heberlie came up from Grants gible lass, and the peculiar manner in presume to question that statement and Regular Democratic Nominee. HOHN Pass Monday to visit his brothers, Frank which she was soon spirited away from Applegate stock for county recorder is REAL ESTATE 111H iIKni up at a premium of 201 and and B. D Heberlie of Ashland Steam that institution by Smith. I marked Lizzie Ulman to J H Beeman ; lot 18, blk The prosecution expects to encounter ' ?.*ui n“ Laundry. 26. Gold Hili, $3'0. HOWSER—In Medford, May 12, 1900, ” monevfif they can get takers) Thomas Starr, an aged miuer, wai difficulty ir» in nmtriiirs proving flvaf- that Pantnin Captain ma . ke some Gold Hill Development Co to A C Cow to Mr and Mrs. J. J. Howser, a son. I can and will eave you money on sew yttle drowned in the American river recent1) Smith, patriarchal as he appears to be, at five t0 one on - A ppi ega te. ing. iota 1, 2 and 3, oik 5, Gold Hill. $250. at a point between Colfax and Iowi Zera and Irwin Dahack to Marv J Da- WINNINGHAM—On ForestCreek, May ing machines. A visit to our store will is the cause of this young girl’s guilty | i P. H. Dailey should be elected school Hill. His son was engaged in rowing hack ; 80 acres in sec 23 twp 3\ 1 w $1. 6, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Winning- convince you of this fact. Opera House escapade. Furniture Store. E *<uss to the trtutee< of Medford Lodge Bowed with age and trembling with I superintendent. He is a young man him across the river when the boat fillet Lam, a son. No. 23. 1. O. • right of way to ceme Representative J. E. Young of Astoria humiliation, the venerable-appearing wel! qualified and deserving, has shown with water. The son jumped from the FOWLER—At Hornbrook, May II, tery. $151.50. . defendant turned from the prisoner’s his fitness as a successful educator, and boat, but was swept down (he rapid.- Wm Hapne, McDona'd Perdue and F L 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fow- was on Monday’s train en route home dock on Wednesday morning, as the will assuredly be chosen by the electors from spending the winter in Arizona. Johnson to Gold Hi 1 High Line Ditch Co; ltr, a daughter, weight 10 pounds. amount of his bond was-fixed py the of Jackson county for the position to about 159 feet. He narrowly escapee He is up for re-election. right of wav. death, being badly bruised agaiust thi court at $500. He said he had here J W M arksbury to C Vroman; 2 63 aores HOGUE—Three miles south of Talent, Conductor Sam Henderson and family neither money nor friends. His eyes which he aspires. rocks. The eider Starr clung to thi May 18,1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Ormand in sec 15, twp 36, 3 w, $t, There has not been a time in the his boat and was carried down the river. Martha M Brown el al to W R Johnson; Hogue, twins, a son and a daughter left Sunday for Marysville, Cal., to visit were moistened with tears and his lips her folks. Sain will take a run out of quivered as be attempted to say more; tory of the county when so little com The body lias not beeu recovered. Stan 136.25 acres in sec 15. twp 34, 1 w. $550. J A Cumming to A Peck; 96 acres in d 1 WASHBURN—In Klamath Falls. May the Sacramento.division. but he turned away at beck of the plaint-such a complete absence of com was a native of Pennsylvania., aged 7! 16, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wash c 43. twp 39. 1 e, $350. jailor and was given tbe comfort of a plaint- relating to the management of years. Mrs. James Frater returned to Grants burn, a daughter. J F Kellv ro John Peterson; lot 10, blk cell in the “woman’s department” up- the county- offices has been heard as Pass Saturday from a visit with her sis 52. Medford. $30. during the last two years just past. In Edwin, the 19-year-old son of Mrs stairs. Lavina J Robinson to 8 F Hathaway, et ter, Mre. W. F. Farrier. Mrs. Frater DIED. quiry in every portion of the county W. Ford Spencer of Balls ferry, Shast: al; 47 acres id d 1 c 56, twp 37. 2 w. $1500. expects to move to Ashland. fails to reveal any thing but the most Isaac Rhodes to German Baptist Breth Belgian Hares. complete satisfaction with the manner county, was killed Friday by bein;. G. W. Darwin, formerly of the Jewett ren church; q c d to lots 33, 34 and 35. oik WITT—At Woodville, May 17,1900, S. The great California industry. Fort in which the sheriff, recorder and clerk thrown from a horse. With a coi mine on Mt. Baldy, is now located at O, R K add to sbland, $1. K Witt, aged 75 years. Geo W Isaacs to Little Kirchgessner; I Ashland where he has opened an assay unes are now being made raising them. have handled their respective offices and paniou the young man attended t’ Our breeding farm is among the largest for that reason Alex. Orme, Peter Apple races at Cottonwool during the da title bond to 19 81 acres in d 1 c 53, twp FIELDER—In Jacksonville. May 17, office.—Grants Pass Observer. 1900, Hubert, eldest son of Stephen in California. Does from $5 up. To in gate and Gus Newbury will be over While returning home at a late ho 37. 2 w, $800 m A. E. Reames democratic nominee for troduce our stock we will make large dis whelmingly re-elected. Betsey E Whiteman to A A Whiteman; and Susie Fielder; aged 17 years and they were racing saddle ponies dow. r 160 acres in sec 4. twp 36, 4 w, $1600. district attorney and Francis Fitch of counts on orders of three or more. Buy 4 months. Medford talked democratic politics in direct from the breeder. We start you Mr. Farmer, do you discharge your lane when young Spencer was tjirowr DO YOU KNOW Klamath Falls Saturday night. employe as soon as he has learned how off an 1 instantly killed. right. Dealers can treble their money MARRIED, Consumption is preventable? Science has to do just wL?t you wish him to do, and on our stock. We refund 10c for every package of From tlte Kiowa and Comanch. proven that, and also that neglect is sui- —■——■ "g employ a novice who knows absolutely B lue R ibbon R abbetry . Putman Fadeless Dye that fails to give agencies comes word that the Indian; cidal. The worst cold or cough can be BROWNRIGG—SMITH—At Phoenix, 75 Pierce St., San Francisco, Cal. nothing about the work you wish him are starving. Money due them have cured with Shiloh’s Cough and Consurup May 13, 1900, by E. D. Foudray, J. P , satistaction. Monroe Drug Co., Union to perform? »Vhen your employe has tion cure. Sold on positive guarantee for Elder VI. Brownrigg and Miss Alice ville, Mo. Sold by E ugene A. S herwpn . Judge Crowell'« Letter. proved a most satisfactory one for you— not been paid; their rations have been over 50 years. E ugene A. S herwin , Drug Mae Smith. A. J. Froehlich and wife and Miss Medford, Or., May 16, 1900. one who works to your interests, do you cut off, and traders have refused them gist. ______________ ___ FLEMING—WYATT—In Yreka, May Marie Lucas have returned to Henley To the People of Jackson County:—It dispense with his services and put your credit. Aged squaws are begging foi The robbery of the Merlin post office 16, 1900, by W. M. Thomae, J. P., from El Dorado, Cal. Mr. Froehlich has been charged that I am doing many self to the expense of teaching another food enough to preserve life. was neither $1200 or $800. The Grants Silas M Fleming and Miss Emma will have charge of a quartz mill at things politically. You know I seldom to do the same thing? Assuredly not. Alec Whitney, aged 25, was shot and Pass Observer says it was $8. oblige my detractors by doing the things Then vote to re-elect Alex. Orme as killed ou a street car at Augusta, Ga., Wyatt, both of Jackson county, Ore. Yreka. J. H. Beeman the Gold Hill mining they charge me with. So it Is in the sheriff, Gus Newbury as clerk, Peter by a negro, in a quarrel over a seat. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby. OPP—REES—In Jacksonville at the man and democratic nominee for repre present instance. And when I make a Applegate as recorder, men who have The negro, Gus Wilsou, was taken off Miss., makes the following statement: house of the Catholic priest, by Fath “I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure sentative, was in Ashland and vicinity plain statement, you who know me, will proved themselves to be efficient and a Georgia railroad passenger train at er La Croix, Mr. John W. Opp, of pains-taking public servants. will do all it is claimed for it. Mv wife Friday and Saturday interviewing the understand it. Phillburg, Montana, to Miss Rose Harlem by a mob and lynched. He could not get her breath and the first dose I shall vote for Charles Prim for voting elements. If you wish to have the affairs of was being taken to Atlanta for safe Rees, May 19, 1900. of it relieved her. It has also benetitea my county judge, for I know him to be your county properly managed elect N. keeeping. whole family.” It acts immediately and Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s two stores truthful; I know that he is honest; and Pagosa and cures cough,colds.croup, grippe, bron TIICHUDY — PANKEY — At have received their new stock of spring I know him to be thoroughly qualified L. Narregan and Thomas Riley to Springs, Colorado, May 4, 1900, Gus chitis. asthma and all thioat and lung them for you. They are men tave Thchudy and Miss Ida Pankey, and summer goods and the public is re In all these most -important qualifi handle troubles. E ugene A. S herwin . who have proved themselves worthy of spectfully invited to call and examine of Central Point. cations, he is the worthy heir of his public trust by having successfully con their offerings and prices, Portland Telegram : The chief of the father, now gone to his rest, P. P. Prim, ducted their own business, and do not forest rangers has sent out some instruct Col. Robt. A. Miller and the Josephine whose honor and integrity no worthy come to you with business failure of DOES THIS STRIKE YOU ? ions as to the qualifications necessary county fusion ticket were advertised to citizen of Jackson county doubts or Muddy complexions. Nauseating breath speak at Grants Pass Wednesday even questions. In Charles Prim’s hands I their own as a part of their history. for this “high" office, to wit: Must be able to sit astride a horse; must know a come from chronic constipation Karl’s ing of last week, but failed to secure an beleive the interests of the tax payers of You do not want anything but men who have successfully conducted their own Root Tea is an absolute cure and tree from a sand hill; must even know a Clover Jackson county will be safe, and hence business to care for yours. as been sold for fifty years on an absolute audience sufficiently large enough. fir tree from a sagebrush ; must know a guaranies. I shall vote for him. Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene Emil Peil, blacksmith and dealer in ( continued on third page .] fire from a shower; and finally, and A. S herwin , Druggist. Very respectfully, Main St. Opp. 1.0. O. F. Hall, coal, agricultural implements, wagons, ---------------------------V chiefly, must have a pull with Binger W m . S. C rowell . buggies, etc. Bains, the lightest run Probate Court. Hermann. It is only fair to say that Tortured by a Witness. FJAIJSTTS. ZPJLIUSTTIEZEÒS’ TOOLS, this is not an exact and full summary of Estate of minor heirs of Geo Scbumpf. ning and strongest wagon on wheels. Card of Thanks. Intense suffering was endured by wit Latest improved buckeye mowers. the qualifications specified bv Captain F.bler Band appointed guardian. XST-ALTÆ j FAFER, G-LAS. ETC. We desire to express our heartfelt ness T. L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky., b fore Ormsby, but it is about right, and is Estate of «obt Westrop. Final account Mr. and Mrs. F. J Belts came down thanks he gave this evidence : “ I coughed every to the neighbors and friends for B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wires . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. sufficient guidance for those who want of administrator approved. Estate of John H shepherd. W H Shep from Ashland this morning. Mr. Belts the kind deeds and assistance rendered night until my throat was raw ; them »summery government job. will go to Silverton to take charge of the us in our late bereavement; and for the tried Dr. King’s New Discovery which herd appointed administrator. flakes the Hair grow. Clears J. C. Kennedy. Roanoke, Tenn., says, Estate of Wintjen & Helms, partners S. P. office there, and Mrs. Beltswill rich flora! gifts which brightened the gave instant relief. I have used it in my “1 cannot say too rnjich for DeWitt’s SV itch E H Helms appointed administrator. visit friends in this city.—Saturday’s latter lays of our deloved daughter and famdy for four vears and recommend it the Complexion. Softens and Hazel Salve One box of it cured what the Roseburg Review. as thé greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds whitens the Hands. Preserves sister doctors called an incurable nicer on my A Woman’s Awful Pent. and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. and beautifies the skin of In Burnside W. R. C. will give a dinner M r and M rs . N. A. Fox. i*w.” 'Cures piles and all skin diseases. It will stop the worst coughs, and not Look out tor worthless imitations. A lbert F ox . "There is only one chance to save vou in Ashland election day. only prevents but absolutely cures Con. fants and Children. E ugene A. S herwin . R oy F ox . life and that is through an operation” tar Absolutely pure, delicately medicated, Burpriein^ly Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Morris and child ■ sumption. Price50 cts. and $1. Every effective, F orest F ox . CuTiCtRA S oap is not only the meet efficacious were the startling words heard by Mrs arrived last week from Newman, Cal., of akin purifiers and beautiflers, but the purest and sweet bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at ♦ I. B. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her and are visiting her folks, W. R. Kin est of toilet, bath, and baby soaps. E. A. Sherwin’s. TELL YOUR SISTER doctor after he had vainly tried to cure caid and family. Mr. M. will in a few Sold everywhere. British depot: N bwbert . London. POTTBR D. AND C. COKr, Sole Props-, Boston, U. 8. A. her of a frightful case of stomach troubk days join his father and other relatives A Beautiful Complexion is an impossibility Judge Lorigan at Sau Jose has reset and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had who are moving from California to New witbont good pure blood, the sort that ♦ only exists in connection with good diges the date for the execution of Thomas formed and sue constantly gr»w worse. Watcom, Wash. + tion. a healthy liver and bowels. Karl’s Flannelly, the Redwood city man who Then she began to use Electric Bitters + Ha« Returned and Has Equipped Hi« X “1 had stomach trouble twenty years and Clfiver Root Tea acts directly on the killed his father, for June 29. + PICTURES! which wholly cured her. It’s a wonder bowels, liver and Kidneys keeping them in gave op hope of being cured till I began to * Old Established Gallery in Aabland With + ful Stomach, Liver and Kidnev remedy, use Kodol DyspepC. PICTURE FRAMES! perfect health. Price 25 cts. ana 50 cts. * Cure, It has do tie " The 18-mile cinder bicycle path be i Cure* Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try me so much good I : ria call E ugene A. S herwin . Druggist. it the savior of my < tween Vallejo and Napa has beeu com it. Only 50eta. Guaranteed. For sale life,*' writes VV. R. Wilkinson, Albany, pleted. by E. A. Sherwin. Tenn. It digests what you eat. E ugene Ex-Congressman M. W. Howard of MOLDINGS A. S herwin Ex-City Marshal Paul Chaigueau of Carbon Finish. * Alabama will speak in Jackson county CABINET WORK 4- \-s* The farmers of Sprague river have now Photos in Water Colors. - Bishop Morris has the following ap in behalf of tbe Cincinnati populist con Napa, was found guilty of embezzle UPHOLSTERING in course of construction a large irri pointments for services in the Rogue vention as follows: Ashland June 2nd, ment of the city funds. It took the Pictures in the Latest Styles. .. * GENERAL REPAIRING •■•••air" gation ditch with a capacity of about River Valley. Tuesday, May 29th, Medford the same, Jacksonville, Gold jury just 25 minutes to reach this con Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. OF FURNITURE 1000 inches of water—a sufficient amount Grants Pass; Wednesday, May 30th. Hill and Eagle Point June 1st. Howard clusion after listcuing for two days to Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. to increase the value of the adjacent Gold Hill; Thursday, May 3lst, Cen is a handsome looking man. a born orator the testimony and brief arguments by land 50 per cent. The ditch is 11 miles tral Point; Friday, June ist, Jackson and a fervent sincere speaker. His re Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon. |. * long, extending from John Wells’ ranch ville; Sunday, June 3d, Ashland; Sun cord in congress was in the advance counsel before they retired. The AT THE to Albert Walker’s lower place. A force day, June 3d, Medford. The Ashland line of the reform questions and opposed amount involved was in the neighbor ASHLAND. r¿ of twenty men is employed in the work service will be at 11 a. m. the rest at 8 the work that finally made a corpse of hood of $2500 and covered a period of UNDERTAKING PARLORS. ^I^CTING and more are needed The promoters p m. A cordial invitation given to all. that once great narty. Anybody wish several years up to his resignation some of the enterprise are John Wells, Ed. ing to hear an advanced thinker plead ten months ago. The easiest and most effective method of for a lost party and deep principles that Fitch. Thos. Garrett, Ed. Caaebeer, Wm. DlSEASj; Thomas Collins, who was arrested by Smith, Albert Walker and Jesse Parker. purifying the blood and invigorating tbe will be the great issues of the future system is to take DeWitt's Little Early the San Francisco police for robbing should not fail to hear Mr. Howard. Risers, the famous little pills for cleansing California Seeds Given Awav. tbe liver and bowels. E ugene a . S herwin . Though he will not change your vote in the First National bauk of Seattle of Karl’s Clover Root Tea this campaign he will drop impressions $5000, sprang a surprise in the Seattle Until August 1, 1900, anyone sending The Central Point public school closes that will remain with you for reflection jail by pleading guilty and making a name and address with 10 cents in stamps Beautifies the Complexion, Purifies the In.'ihi, gives« Fresh. Clear Skin. CuresCon to defray postage, packing, etc , will receive tomorrow with commencement exercises in the years to come. confession, in which he claims that he stipntkin, Indigestion, nnd all Eruptions <•( free .i package contain*ng a choice select under the direction of Prof. L. A. Stock the Skin. An agreeable Laxative Nerv • did the yob alone. The general impres ion of first class flower or vegetable seed ing. President Van Scoy of the Ash Tonic. Sold on absolute gu?-r*nteo by a.l W. S. Musser, Milbeim, P«., saved tbe drugafet* at fiOc. find 91-00. All are of the finest California variety- land State Normal School delivers the life of his little eirl by giving her One Min sion is that he is tryiug to save “Kid” grown at tb>s place All** ask of you is address. The graduates from the school ute Cough Cure when she was dying from Parker, his pal, from a term in the pen- 3- C, WELLS 4 CO., LEROY, N. Y. JACKSONVILLE, SOUt FRORXICTOR3 that when they are grown and matured, are: Robt. Galloway, Will Hockenvos, croup It is the only harmless remedy itentithry. Parker is now on trial. vou will tell your neighbors or friends that Bertha Corum, Anna Pankey. Will Car- that gives immediate results. It quickly OREGON. OREGON. ASHLAND. A colony has been formed to take up FOR. SALE BY tCUwENK I. SHERWIN the seeds cante from us. State which you son, Isaac Magruder. The graduates curés coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, prefer, tl-wer or vegetab’e seeds. astbnia and all throat and lung troubles. 1000 acres of desert land near Iudio, from the 8th grade are: Lizzie Gibson, E ugeni A. S herwin . RAYMOND A ROBERTS SEED CO where a strong flow of water at 500 Boarding School for Girls. I Box 580, Santa Paula, .Cal. Lottie Pankey, I^ela Williams, Verna Notice for Publication. Clements, Myra Galloway. Fleet Floyd Strother, a well known feet has been found. Pumping plants Itepartment ot the Interior. Land Office A. B. Hopkins, a Josephine county along this strata, it is said, will provide FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS The worm has turned at last. The San Francisco man, died at his home irrigation for thousands of acres of now at Roseburi. Oregon, April 30, 1900. pioneer, died at Grants Pass on the 15th there after a long illness. steam laundry trust is to open an estab Notice b hereby given that the following inst. aged 60 years. SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES waste land. named settler has filed notice of his inten lishment at Shanghai, China. While on his deathbed William Frank tion to make final proof in support of bl« Jacksonville, Oregon. Henry Wright, a coachman, was Good 'eCGrnmodatwns It ha« been fully demonstrated that Ballard was married to Miss Rosa claim, and that »aid proof will be made be RiyS Cream Balm is a specific for Nasal Frances Klink, at Oaklaud. Thirty-six drowned while bathing at tte Ban Ma fore Gus Newbury, county clerk, at Jack Catarrh and cold tn the head This dis hours after the ceremony the groom teo beach Sunday. sonville. (heirou on June 16. 1900. viz , Located in the Heart of the City. tinction has been acheived only as tbe re Samuel J Bailee on his H E No 9584 for sult of continued successful use. A morid died. “After suffering from severe dyspepsia For Infonts and Children. the lots 1. 2. 3 and 4 Sec. 6. Twp 40 S R 4 E. RoyAL The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. ROYAL— the New Dry Goods & Clothing most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world—cel e b r a t e d for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful; it assures you against alum and all forms of adultera- tion that go with the cheap brands. ;. Main Street. Williams Block. A FULL LINE of SHOES in LATEST STYLES Just Added to Stock. New Goods Constantly Arriving. R. N. NASON’S PAINT! FURNITURE Window Shades, Draperies, Carpets, Linoleum. ASHLAND MILLS. ÇÔÜRÏ PATENT ÏHLÔÜR?) W. J. VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S (BtiOltj H. S. EVANS,ASHLANR OK IIP PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. I F. L CAMPS ....The Photographer j SV THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY. ! * ♦* ♦ I t St. Mary’s ACADEMY. A shland H ouse N, BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY. J CASTOR IA He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land v:xt George W. Hailev. of Shake. Oregon: John Moore, of Bhake. Oregon: James 8 Bailey, of Shake, Oregon; Alford Hopkins, of Soda Springe, Oivgvo. J. J. BRJDULK The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the MffnMtueof condition of the utembra ie in tbe nasal Sassages can be cured by this ourifying and etling treatment, bold by druggists or it will be mailed for 50 cents by Ely Brothers. 56 Warren Street. New York. Il spread- over tbe membran«, is absorbed «»4 relief h lmnwdlxtw. over twelve years and ming many remedies without permanent good 1 finally took Kodal Dyspepsia Cure. It did me so much good I recommrnd it to everyone," writes J. E. Watkins. Clerk and Recorder, Chilli cothe, Mo. It digest« wbat jrvu vat. Free Bus to and From all Trains, Tbe Valley Record for the News.