Y J CANCER m'^LC Time wi.s wnen Cancer was considered aa incurable as leprosy. Physicians and friends could give little relief or encouragement to one afflicted with this terrible disease. Even now doctors know of ho remedy for this fearful malady ; while admitting it to be a blood disei’se, they still insist that there is no hope outride of a surgical operation, and advise you to have the Cancer cut out, but at the same time cannot assure you that it will not return. You may cut or draw out the sore, but another will come in its place for the disease is in the blood —is deep-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon s knite or caustic, flesh-destroying plasters. The blood must be purified and strengthened, the system relieved of all poisonous, effete matter before the Cancer sore will heal. , . . . _ ., , .» S S. S is the only m^dirine that can overcome this powerful and contaminating poison and force it out of the blood. It builds up and invigorates the old. and supplies new, rich, life-giving blood. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy ; no minwal can be found in it; the roots and herbs from which it is made contain powerful purifying properties that act directly upon tbe blood svstem and make a safe and permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured thousands, why not you f Cancer is not always inherited : your family may be free from any taint, yet your blood may become so polluted that a severe z stubborn form of the disease may Impure Blood Invite» Disease. * or hurt, a little pimple on the eyelid, lip or nose, a «mall lump on >r breast, a harmless looking wart or mole, and other causes so insignificant as to attract little or no attention. If an obstinate sore, don’t rely upon salves or ointments to cure it—begin with o. 3. o. at once; it will cleanse your blood and prevent the formation of cancerous cells. Mrs R. Shirer, La Plata, Mo., write,: “A «mall pimple came on my jaw about one inch below the ear on the left side of my face At first it gave me no trouble, and I did not think it was anything serious unXil the jaw began to swell and became much Inflamed At the same time the sore organ to spread and "^n eat into the flesh aud gave me inteue pain I tried everything I could hear of. but nothing did me any good I then l«gan the use of S S. S., and after taking several bottles the Cancer healed and there » now no sign of the disease. Thia was two year» ago, and I am Mill enjoying perfect health.'’ Send for our special book on Cancer ; it contains much information that will interest you Write our physicians about your case, and for any advice or information wanted ; they have m*H«» a fife study of Cancer and all blood diseases. We make no charge what- XTf^this Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA AA VALLET RECORD-’ The People’s Michael Munkacsy the celebrated Hnnganau painter, died iu an asylum at Bonu a few days ngo. Paper I. a NV, ° t . Tburt-dsy, May 1Z, IfXX) Santa Monica is enjoying a good sized building boom. A. W. Foster of San Rafael has been appointed regent of the university oi California. The seventh annual convention of the Cali fornia Bankers association was held i at Sacramento last week. Captain Thomas Mein, one of Califor­ nia’s most successful miuing euginers died in Oakland a few day ago. Officials in New York state that there is an extensive business earned on there in which children’s lives are insured and then the li; tie ones are either abused or starved until they die iu order that I insurance might be collected. vv nen r*o8i.in;is.er James Clyne openea his office at Benicia recently, he discov­ ered that it hail been visited during the night bT robbers. The front office safe was always left open and was not dis­ turbed, but the safe in the rear of the office was drilled into, but was aband- ( ened, the robbers probably being dis-. turbed by the watchman. They rifled the desk in the front office and took about $50 and a revolver. Dr. Samuel S. Bogle, leading physician of Santa R osa , who, duriug a quirre' with J. M. Miller, shot and killed him. lias been held to appear before the super­ ior court to answer a charge of luurbei in the second degree. While returning from a picnic near Visalia, the engine drawing a train load of passengers ran into a calf. Tht engine and one car were thrown from the track. Many passengers were in­ jured, but none fatally. The wa^es of the employes of the electric light and power compauv ol Santa Cruz, have been raised ten pei J. E, Banks, a young British Colum bia mountaineer, was placed under ar rest at New Whatcom, Wash., some days ago, charged with swindling. H- sold a half interest iu a quartz claim to which he had no title to a great manv different people. His victims extend ing all tho way from Puget sound inti Wall street, New York. One of his victims is au actual owner of an inter­ est in the mine Banks claims. This is Banks’ first attempt at crooked work and he was exceptionally succesful. When one of his victims had him ar­ rested his smooth talk led the man tc j think he was honest and caused his *■ lease. Banks immediately disappeared. “BETTER LATE THAN NEVER E IES TO T AP cent. H. W. 0, Nelson, a pioneer of 18|9, died at his home iu Qlenu county, f few days ago. He was quite wealthy Thomas Bedford, a pioneer of 1850, ulsq a resident of Glenn, is dead. FÖcPier S Go en Mèdi al USE Twenty-five policemen of Los Augeles have been armed with shotguus to be better prepared to POP® ''fith the high­ waymen now operating in thgt city. wound. Petgr gpmer and Maje Walton are under arrest at fjaufor^ charged with counterfeiting. Part of t4eiF was i captured. ( According to reports read at tho con- ’ robber escaped. yention of the State Bankers’ associ- ■ One day lust week fire broke out at ation at Sacramento last week Califor­ Sandon, B. C., and destroyed nearly nia has a higher per oapita deposit than $1,003,03d worth of property. Twoj any other state, i thousand people were left homeless. W. J, Carlton of Qregou city com­ John H. Hoar, president of the board mitted suicide at Portlunii soiue days of town trustees of Haywards, wat ago while on a spree. Before lulling killed recently in a runaway accident himself he took two shots at Mrs. May Mill Valley, Marin county, has voted Farrell with whom he had been living. to issue bonds to the amount of $10,001 One of the bullets struck her in th« for the purpose of erecting a school shoulder causing a slight wound. I Hudyan gives one Energy. Vigor, vim, makes one Robust and Strong. Hudyan creates bright, rosy complexions, be­ cause ft insures perfect activ­ ity of all organs of the body. Women who suffer with pain­ ful or irregular periods, leu- corrhcea, bearing-down pains, chronic inflammations and ulcerations find absolute comfort In Hudyan. It cures. Hudyan makes rich blood, promotes sound sleep, creates a healthy appetite. Hudyan cures are permanent and last­ ing. Consult the Great Hadyaa Doctors Free. They Advise Free. Call orWrite. Hudyan, 50 eta. a package, 6 packages, 52.50. For sale by all drug­ gists, or send direct to Hadyan Remedy Co., corner 6to«kton, Edit and Market Streets, Sa* Francisco, California. rirrv cents . Hudyan cures, never doubt IL liudyancuresalldisorder* •rising from Weak Nerves or Impoverished blood. Hudyan cures Nervousness, Trem­ blings, Weakness, Dizziness, All gone Feeling. Hudyan cures Sleeplessness, Despond­ ency, Mental Depression. Hudyan cures Indigestion, Bloating of Stomach, Palpita­ tion of flic Heart, Pale or Sal­ low Complexions. Hudyan curesCloudcd Memory, Head- a< hca. Costiveness, Torpid l iver. Hudyan cures Pain in Lack, Pain in Side, Pains in l.iinbs. Weak Back, Sediment in Urine, Ringing in Ears, Dots before Eyes. Hudyan cures Loss of Flesh, Loss of Appetite, Haggard Appear­ ance, Lack of Energy. building. At the annual meeting of the Sank. Clara Fruit exchange last week, the fol lowing directors were elected: Phil< I 1 3 3 4 5 Match Box....... ............. •« Kn'fe, one blade, good steel......... Scissors, m inches.............................. Child’s Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon Salt and Pepper Set, one each, quad­ ruple plate on white metal.............. M 6 French Briar Wood Pipe.................... M 7 Razor, hollow ground, fine English steel............ M 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, best quality........................................... «0 9 Sugar Shell, triple plate, be»» qual. 60 10 Stamp Box, sterling silver............... 70 11 Knife, “Keen Rutter," two blades.. 7» It Butcher Knife, “Keen Kuttar,” 8-in blade....................... .............. . ............. 75 13 Shears, “Keen Kutter,” 8-inch........ 75 14 Rut Set, Ctacker and 6 Picks, silver ~ eo plated...... . .................... 15 Base Ball, "Association, best q0*1.100 16 Alarm maiiu Clock, viw*, nickel uiv.v, ...... ...... ........ .... 150 17 8ii Genuine Rogers’ Teaspoons, best elated goods.................. ........................ 150 plated 1 18 “ " Watch, ’st:“, nickel, • stem wind and set.. SOU 19 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn .................................... .....300 handles............. 20 Six Genuine e Ro( Rogers’ Table Spoons, best plated g......................................... 31 Six each, Knives and Forks, buck- horn handles....................................... 250 22 Six each, Genuine Rogers’ Knives and Forks, best plated goods......... 500 TAM. IS Clock, 8-day, Calendar, Thermom­ eter. Barometer.................................. 5« M Gun case, leather, no bjtter made. S00 25 Revolver, automatic, double action, S3 or 38 caliber..................................... 60# 36 Tool Set, not plaything», but real tool»................... 77.....................650 37 Toilet Set. deoo-ated porcelain, very handsome................................. 8«o 28 Remington Rifle No.4. 33 or 53 cal. »00 29 Watch, sterling »liver, full jeweled 1000 30 Dress Suit Case, leather, handsome and durable........................................ 1000 31 Sewing Machine, first claw, with all attachments............................... 16W S3 Revolver, Colt’s, 88-callber, blued steel................................................... IS00 33 Rifle, Colt’s, 16-shot, 33-caliber.......1500 34 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in­ laid...................................................... 3000 35 Maudolin, very handsome............... 3000 86 Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, 13 gauge...............................................3000 37 Remington, double-barrel, ham­ mer Snot Gun, 10 or 13 gauge......... 3000 88 Bicycle, standard make, ladles or gents................................................... 3500 ti Shot Gun, Remington, double bar­ rel, hammerless................................ Sow 40 Begin* Music Box, 15M inch DteS,.6W0 i QnAOial Nntira I Plain ** 8tar ” Tin Tags (that is. Star tin tags with no small OpuUldl nullLU 1 «tars printed on under »id» of tag), are not good /or prvsrnle, -CJ—. == but will ba paid for in CASH on the basis oft wmty crate per hundred, if received by ns on or before March 1st, 1900, JW-BKAR IN MIND that a dime’s warth of will last longer and afford more pleasure thaa • dime’s worth •$ any other brand. MAKE TESTI Send tags Jo CONTINENTAL. TOBACCO CO., EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL R Û U T E S Lu ANS RESTORE SOIINB BODILY HEALTH IT ALWAYS HELPS ITAIMSSTALWS HEALS JUuo, pitizens are taking steps to block the propose4 pipe line from Lake Tahoe to San Francisco, SEND US ONE DOLLAR _______ our $38.50 Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line VIA VA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS sr. PAUL SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AMD Z “Äor 25-Cents. DR. JORDAN’ The Largest Anatomical Museum in the , World. Weaknesses or any contracted flfcgZHh disease positively cared by the oldest jig flV* Specialist on the Coast. Est. 36 years. I 4 DR. JORDAN—DISEASES OF MEN 1 SYPHILIS thoroughly eradicated , fxen» system without the use of Mercary Trasses fitted by an Expert. Ml«dl- cal cure for Kuptore. a quick and radical cure for Piles. Fissure and 9 Fiatulae. by Dr. Jordan’s special pain­ less methods. Consultation free and strictly private. Treatment per­ sonally or by letter. A Positive Cure in every case undertaken. Write for B.»ok PHILOSOPHY aff MARRIAGE, MAILED FRBB. fA valuable book for men. ) Call or write Oft JORDAN a CO., 1051 Market st., S. F. BF KANSAS CITY Ocean Steames Leave Portland Every 5 DAYS N ORTHERN PACIFIC RAirW^ Y FOR------ u N S Snake River—Leave Rif aria daily Leave I.ewiston daily. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- kohoom and Hong Kong in connection with OR AN. For full information call on O. K. it N. O r address : t W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Agent, PORTLAND. OR Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars f s”. PAUL DOWELL, CARL1LL * CO. Gen. Agts. Nor. Fac. 8. 8. Co. PORTLAND. OREGON AHNNEAroiJS DULL i ll FARGO TO IH.3.WILLS0N&C0. H PATENT LAJVVER«. WASHINGTON, D. C- GRAND FOB Ki" CROOKSI- PATENTS ■ Q n-klv »vcureJ 0VR TEE DVB WHEN PATENT fl OSTAINSD. Send model, »ketch or photo, with W l. e - Mi-n f-wfree teport a»to peteniability. 4S-PA0.” ’ :tAFD BACK PRES. Contame reference, end full g| i... meuoa. WRITS POR COPY OP OVB SPECIAL 9 errsa. I tint he».« liberal Bropoeitio* ever mad. by • retest Attorney, and EVERY INViaTCR SX0VU) M BEAD IT barm appiyiag for patoia. Addroe»: WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THROUGH TICKETZ CHICAGO w ashington PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINT8 EAST and SOUTH I lliilip : Wire: Fence 0- MACHINE < Through tickets to Jt.ran aud China, via Tacoma and Northern Pacifie Steamship Co. For information, time cards, map and ickets, call on or write A. I». CHAIILTON, Assistant General pass«r.ger Ag» nt. Erects a Hog, Poultry or Stock Fence tor about half PORTLAND. CRFGON. the money reouired to build anv other kind of For County School Sup. rintendent .... fence. Machines and L. A. STOCKING, farm rights tor sale by I of Cent-al Point. J. EC, XdCTTRXKT ASHLAND, OREGON. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. A. O. U. W. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hal very record and fourth Wednesday in acL month. All brethren in good standing re cordially invited to attend. G eo . E ngle , M. W. ¡ro. W. T eefren , Recorder. G. A. IT. *«D CHICAGO I Democratic Jlipqjinte. BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and fd Saturday of each month. Visiting Con- radescordially welcomed. 8. H. DUNLAP, Commander. W. I. M c N utt , Adiutant. W. B. c. BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 East. Broad, vestibnled and np-fo-date trains between Pueblo and Denver, and Omaha. Chicago and Kansas City, making direct connection in Chicago with all morning trains east First-class Pullman Sleepers. Library Buffet cars, between Denver and Chicago; tbe most perfect dining car serv­ ice in the world—“a la carte;” through first class Pullman Sleepers every day be­ tween Salt Lake City and Chicago via the Scenic Line; personally conducted excur­ sions in ordinary Pullman sleeping ctrs opCe a week from Portland and San Fran­ cisco to Opiaba, Chicago, Buffalo. Boston and New York via the Great Salt Lake Roqte, without change to Chicago. No an­ noying transfer in Chicago. These cars are iirovided with all weakly periodicals for ree use of our patrons. la BATHING HALF PRICE. If you want-UB to make to v«ur MK a MRE and ORD KB BLASTIC GOODS for tbe RKI1KF ASM Cl HI OF Y a MICOBK TEISS, WEAK, 8WOLLK3 OB TLCKB- ATKD L1BB3, CORPCLKSCT. AR DOM IX AL WKAKXE8S OB TI BOR, state your hrixhf, weight and age, state number of Inches around body or limb at each letter shown in cut and send to us with our SPECIAL P^ICK. We Wil! make the goods Bo order from the wy C d , si ftr-h rubber elrnril« ■aterial, guarantee a perfect it and If you do not And it perfectly satisfactory and equal to goods others get double the price for, return at our expense and we will refund your money. OUR SPECIAL PRICE - AND ALL POINTS EAST. i HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE Through Palace and Tnuri.t S'eepeis Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. DAILY TRAINS, FAST TIME ; SERVICE AND SCEKERA ÜNEQUALED. Ticket« to points East via Portland and the GREAT NORTHERN RY., on sale at Sombem Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or i I GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office I nT. . GRANT HELMAN Proprietor f\Y. ----- and— Ocean to Ocean W ithout C hange of C ars . hrough Tickets tc-------- LS-i And from Europe via all Atlantic Steamers. Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit­ ish Columbia. OSK DOLLAR, CAREFULLY SELECTED RAWHIDE COVERfcn THEE, bound or roll cantie, steel leather covered stirrups or 2-inch oxbow brass bound, as desired. Will «cod Ixma4 Mantle an less otherwise ordered. For full particulars as to time, rates, ind for copies of C. P. R. Publications, •pply to W. IL MOWAT, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. Or toll. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third Street, Portland, Or. E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. O. TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG lined, 8 inch wide l^ce stirrup leathers, 1 Vtaeh tie strep«* extra long oo ne»r side, 2-inch to buckle on offside, heavy ebttoq twisted Mexican B-lncb front cinch, heavy cotton belting (Unit cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, eeat end jockey ill one pieoe. ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPING as illustrated. Weight of Huddle about 85 poundrn packed for shipment, 45 pounds. FREIGHT 18 ONLY ABOUT <1.00 FOR BACH BOO MILES. WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE, showing a full line of Cowboy and Rancher Outfit» at the lowest price* ever quoted. Address, • SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICA60, ILL (Own, Bwb»»k a Ct. an taoraa«*!, nllaMw—Uttar.) . S c & njc I lne ™W orld DENVER« PIO GRANDE RAILROAD. R. Ç NICHOL, General Agent A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain­ able so far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of the Wis consin C entral L ines are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Cbair Cars on through trains. Dining Car service nnexcelled. Meals served a la Carle. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over..................... The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, General Pasa. Agent, or JAB. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General Agent, W isconsin , 246 Stark Street, P ortland , O regon . S. K. HOOPER. G. P. A T. A VI Wafhtagloo *, PORTLAND, ORE ARE YOU GOING EAST? Be aure and see that your Ticket reada via SEND NO MONEY w we Will send you OUR HIGH GRADE DROP CABINET RUROICK SEWING MACHINE by fr.irht,c.O.D.subjectu eisB.Ua- ujh . You can examine it at your nearest freight depot and if found perfcetly satisfactory,exactly as represented, equal to maebinosothers sell as hixhas SCO-00, and THE GREATEST UAKGAIS YOU The.... Northwestern Line! Special Offer Price $15.50 and freight charges. Machine weighs 120 pound sand the freight will average la -cents for each 500 miles. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your own home, and we will return your Rla.50 any day you are not satisfied. We sell different cakeb and gradesof Sewing Machines at S8.5O, <10.00, ¿11.00, $12.00 ar.d up, all fully described in our Free Rawing • JOLChine tztulogur. but <15. bC for this DROP DESK CAB1XKT BURDICK Is Hte greatest value ever offered by any house. a^WARE.OFJMITATIONR —-THE------ ttsefiichts.offering unknown machines under various names, with various ia- duccmfntK. Write sone friend in Chicago ar d learn who are reliable and who are not. THE BURDICK k riar’c^p’ronT of ’ km -T y Vi'ai ■dCHprS WIDE. W-T- - IB DETECTS OF BOSE. 1 , lal.cr* row. the '■ can hi ^SAWED SOL eloeeo - uroppingfrom sight; to be used as a eeater table. .ueS •f Seek, the other opeq with full length table and head in place for sawing, 4 a f*»rr 1 ak.Maa ----- 4riwer», a---------- -------- framr, frame, 01 carved, paneled, em- bossed Dossea and ana decorated aecorateo cabinet finish, nnisb, line« iineet nickel drawer pulie. rests on four casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand Tlneer lsr«e High Arm bead, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrating shuttle, automat!« bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator,Improved looM wheel, adjustable pressure foot, Improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent dress guard bead l» h»na,nme|r deaerated sad mamealed ead be.eurellf nickel trimmed. GUARANTEED the llghlertran.l.g, meat demble and eeareat oolwlen machine made. Erery known attaehmenf la tarnished and Our Free In- »traction Book tells just how anyone can ran it and do either plain or any kind of fancy work. A 20-Years’ Binding (inAraBtee is £enf>with every machine. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING •»•»*»4ex»^aettl.ms«Une. compere It with j 1 - ■ ■ 1 ■ - ■■ those your storekeeper sells at («0.00 to tt>0.00. and then if convinced that you are saving »35,00 to 8(0 00, pay your freight agent the BIS. AO. w e TO BKTI'RX YOl’R $15-50 if at any time within three months you say you are not satisfied. ORDKR TO-DAY PON’T DELAY. (Seats, Roebuck & Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. dnc.) Chicago, III. MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This is the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- 11buled Dining and Sleeping Car Train* and Motto: “ALWAYS ON TIME1 Have given this road a national repute tion. All classes of paesengers carried on tbe vestibnled trains witboot extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, „General Agent, 243 Washington St, W. C- S avage , Portland, Oregon. Tiaveling F. A P. Agent, Portland, Oregon. rhe HEW GRAPHOPHONE NOT A TOY. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure A strongly constructed Graph­ ophone, with simple mechan­ ism, made to meet the de­ mand for a first-class talking machine, at a low price. REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. ✓ CHICAGO, ST, PAUL. Digests what you eat. ¡MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS S a Qfuphophon* Is largely increaeedby being able to make and reproduce M your OAn records. We furnish this machine with recorder for $150, making 1t the cheapest record Ing and reproducaiig talking machine on the market. Graphophones of ovary description. Call or write. Ejj COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept 135. San Francisco. Address, 125Geary Sc 9 PORTLAND. TTTVT -a. . w. P ortland , O s . w -Oñririr 'PACIFIC This Saddle Is made on a isMor 16-inch Cenuine Ladesma o? Nelson Heavy Steel Fork..., 122 THIRD STREET, NORTH OF THE PLAZA. General Agt., C anadian iNAUIAN Q TO i C. J. EDDY, Trav. Paas. Agt., S eattle , W ash . lenn the $1.00 deposit, or t&T.frO, and freight charges. * ST. PAUL DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICACO. You may dive and swim and have more I fun than "anybody"—come out as "tine as silk” and "white as wool”—rejuven I •ted and happy. Located on the J. W. CASEY, ♦Vt»?» OUR PRICE, $38JO. Shortest and Quickest Line Inclosed and covered, the same medics water, always clean, for tbe springs run a heavy vo'ume- more than twalv hun ■lred gallons per hour. Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, or rent. Far Lrr;.-.t. For information address the proprietor. For rates, pamphlets or other infci motion, address, TO ALL POINTS ASHLAND at Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “The Milwaukee” when going to any poin in tbe United States or Canada. Al ticket agents sell them. The favorite I4np to all Points $2.45 60LD PLATED RINK. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, . Steam Heat, N orthwest E ast For sunshine, flowers and orgngeg take GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Knights o Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every the Sunset Route via Los Angeles to all Monday evening. Visiting Knights ingood points East. Tourist excursion cars and standing are cordially invited to attend. cbair cars to El Paso, Fort Worth, Kan­ F. D. ROBBINS, C. C. sas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, T. H. S impson . K. R. 8. New Orleans and Washington, D. C. For farther information, maps, folders, For rates, guides and information ad- etc., call on D. L- Rica, agent b. P. Co., or ressd C. H. M arkham , G. P. A., write to Portland, Or. Cut this ad. out and send to us, A. E. COOPER, 8IXD BO M0RET and wa trill sand you this watch by express, C. O. D. Gen’l Agent, Pass, Dept. subject to examination. You can Portland. Ore. examine it at your exprtM ease and it round p-rteeily satMM- tery, naetly unpreMaUd eaS la errry way 0**11 te wsuboe a ikat are brie« a«.ertlw«at SB. 1« te 9 <. 7« under such misleading description» as Blgl» Style, Aaerleaa Style, Oold rille« or Lash Ld. sio. oot. sae-oe «old rilled WsMhee, eta. It I yon Bnd it the equal or better than any ot these watches, pay the express asset OCR PRICE, SI.«« ACCOM Mfí- and express charges. Don’t be Deceived lf J TIO.XS. by salehy adrerttaaeats which would lead you to «Sr believe you could get a ter St.71 te S*. 71, whoa wo m H tbeMM tnUekrer $2745^ to L’RIU THE WAT EK IS A Dill OUR $2.45 WATCH Up« F«r. stem Wind and set.r»d plat.d, handsom |y engraved and polished, leehe like a high -trade sold ailed g Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate? *• •«rrat tradio« watch, movement is* nickel 7-]ewel- fungi and animalcules, and neutral­ ed Stem wind American, warranted, and a good time­ izing and correcting all acidi­ keeper. tor Watehee r«w SS eeeU up, «eM-SRed watch« •At. aadep, wrll. for free Wateh had Jewelry CaUlotwa. ties it promotes a normal and —■ SEARS, ROEBUCK * CO J In«.), CM cim healthful condition in every part of the system. SWIMMING known. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR UNE FROM THE wm United States District Judge Locliren has decided that the ratification cjf the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain made Porto Rico Am­ erican territory and subject to the con­ stitution of the United States without any farther act of congress. Desk Winter Kopie assuring to passengers tbe best service and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at from “.___ Horatio Sprague, a young Californian, was caught iu the machinery of a sugar refinery near Baldwin, La., and killed, lie was explaining the workings of the machinery to a party of young ladies when the accident happened. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Trains every day and night between St. l'aul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the world.” Understand: Connections are made with AU Transcontinental Lines, An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle Tlie British steamer Virginia, bound for Baltimore, was stranded on Diamond shoal near Capo Henry, Va. While trying to escape five of the crew wen drowned. Ex-President Dole of Hawaii has been appointed governor of ' the Hawaiian Islands. “PIONEER LIMITED1 by freight C. O. D. aakjeet t. examtaatlaa. YOU your nearest iuu CAN van EXAMINE CAaainc IT n at depotj (f freight f,MBg perfectly satisfactory, exactly aa repreaeated. __Give Me a Call Meetsin Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p m on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. M bs . M alvina F erguson , Pres. Mas. M. J. Spencer, Sec'y. known all over tbe Union as tbs Great Railway running ths STOCK SADDLE $38.50 WONDER J. W. COX, Proprietor. Edward O. Leech, former director of tlie mint, who unilerweut an operation for appendicitis on April 12, died at New York. A familiar name for the ChicafO, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, SPECIAL HIGH GRADE. and Chop House. Price 25 cts and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. E ugene A. S herwin , Druggist. . . . MILWAUKEE” THIS BIG UAIALVVUC CATALOGUE 1«»« »w*? u