* A Larne Reg at ratto*. Political Newa Itema. For Assessor... Cigars and whiskey are ketching h-l. The registration for Jackson county JOHN GRIEVE Mr Noble’s eon Cyrus is doing lots of proved greater than expected at the out- registered, business. set. There were 3779 voters registered. of Central Point. a material increase over ’ incrZa£ vote of isto two Harry Tracey, the populist orator and ^9 “^“ The^nciS' ex-congressman from Texas, will speak (heA8hland precincts which show a gain OW becoming the new clothes are when m Ashland Saturday evening on behalf o{ vote8 g Qf aboat Regular People«’ Party Nominee. they see you in one of Hart Schaffner of the democracy. | makWg over one fourth of the legal voters I & Marx ready-tailored suits ar top coats, The republican county campaign has of the county. For Joint Representative. .. taken space in this paper for the pur­ and you’ll have the inward satisfaction of know­ Jackson and Douglas. Censas Enumerators. pose of setting forth their ideas unham­ ing you wear the best that money can boy. The pered by newspaper censorship. The Tbe following are the census enumerators Complete Lines. IN .GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine GRANT RAWLINGS, first installment in this issue is rather for Jackson county; Aaron Andrews, H S. 4 M. suits are guaranteed. M M M Medford; Homer W. Barron, Barron; crisp and spicy. Line of Fresh Clean Goods Up to Date Goods. of Climax. Winifred Y. Crowson, Ashland; Ira Tun­ John G. Wooley, the prohibitionist gate. Big Butte; James H. Gay, Central THE BEST TAILOR CANT BEAT orator, will address the people of Ash­ Point; Squire 8. Aiken, Prospect; Jos. L. N1NINGER2BL0CK THE FTT, AND AT land at Chautauqua tabernacle May 23d Hammersley, Gold Hili; Mark Applegate. NEAR DEPOT Regular Peoples ’ Party Nominee. and at Medford the 24th and Grants Jacksonville; C. C. Taylor. Medford; OUR PRICES THEY’RE AS EASY TO Henry H. Goddard, Talent; Henry T. Pass the 25th. Any one caring to hear Lyon, Climax; Silas F. Morine,Table Rock. BUY AS HALF THE COMMONPLACE. a fine orator speak should be there. For Representative.... THROWN-TOGETHER CLOTHING The citizens reform non-partisan mass Fruit Meeting. J. W. LING, county convention at Medford Saturday There will bo a meeting of the Ash­ that has neither style, shape nor good workman, was attended by a large crowd. J. W. land Fruit Association at the city hall at The Bulls are all Pure Bred registered Here- of Medford. Marksburv and W. E. Phipps acted as 7:30 p. tn. Saturday May 19, 1900, for fords; a duly certified ship to recommend it pedigree with each one chairman and secretary and stated tbe the transaction of important business. They are of three :dif- ferent familiea and of • conditions of membership and asked all All fruit growers are cordially invited to no kin. Neighbors purchasing one of each • those wishing to partake to step out from be present whether members of the Regular Peoples’ Party Nominee. can change at end of useful period, thereby the crowd. Seven men stepped out and Association or not. By order of the having the use ot, a thoroughbred animal constituted tbe convention. A resolu­ tor several years. They will be sold at prices E xecutive C ommittxk . tion was adopted calling upon each man For County Clerk.... that are consistent, with rich and careful to vote as his conscience dictated. With School House Corner Stone, breeding and individ- ual merit. out further business the convention ad­ W. B. JACKSON, Ashland Lodge No. 48, A. F. & A. M., ---- INSPECTION INVITED ----- journed sine die. This is merely the Of Medford. last flickering gasp of the fusion ¡>op- will conduct the exercises of laying the O’W’iEIX' io w-ilfbe at the Hotel Republican Nominee. Carter and Max Muller. some quarters that there are “common Oregcua.jou Monday aqd Tuesday . May 21 the first of tbe week. points” upon which the “push” may not Chas. Larson was down from Ashland and 22nd. Those wishing glaseës fitted I Summer hats at Vaupel, Norris & differ very materially. Thars.lay gathering junk for the Ashland will please call at the hôtel on above For Assessor. ... umili EVKI1.W, Uf It Drake’s. iron Works. dates.^"'^’. - . S. H. Holt is expected home next Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Newman Moon returned day from the Cincinnati convention. J. C. PENDLETON, County Treasürer-DeéJ Jadobs was up to Klamathon today. SAMPSON. Mr. Holt was placed at the head of the For County Commissioner. of Table Rock. Mathew Stewart of Talent and W. *. from Jacksonville last Thursday and Louis C. Bolle went to Yreka yester­ county ticket of the regular people’s All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits f Extra Carter of Gold Hill, republican nominees Friday greeting his friends. Lee is day to visit relatives. convention some two months ago much THOS. RILEY, for representatives, visited this end of the rated as a vote getter of the first magni- < Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. Regular Republican Nominee. tude. • valley Thursday. Sheridan Thornton was over from against his wish. There was no expec­ tation of election, simply the maintain ­ of Eagle Point (J. B. Watson and G. W. Trefren of Ash­ Conductor and Mrs. Geo.- Engwicht Klamathon this week. ing of an organization until tbe social For Representative.... land were passengers on Thursday’s stage. returned yesterday from San Jose, Cal., James Briner was over from Cole’s democracy or some other new reform Republican Nominee. John Morris was out from town Wednes­ where Mrs. Harry* Engwicht wife of Tuesday to get registered. party coinés along to take hold of MATTHEW STEWART, day going to the mountains to get his sad­ Mr. Engwicht’s brother, died. The re­ Burnside W. R. C. will give a dinner radical reforms. dle horse. mains were shipped east for interment But since the other county conventions F Sunday’s train for San Francisco. assistance rendered by adult members For Congress.... Lunches Put Up Charles Owens is still confined to his bed store. Watches and Clocks Repaired. Mrs. H. C. Hill of this city and her of the community in the musical part of I but is convalescing slowly. We trust that F- daughter, Mrs. Susie Terwilliger of Lit­ the program. The graduates are Nellie ■ • Í' B. DALY, Mr Oweus will soon be restored to health Announcement. tle Shasta, left Tuesday lor Tacoma to Reames. Bertha Dunlap, William Wil­ Willie Williams mashed one of his Ungers line of patterns and spring A full ; yisither son, Geo. Hill, before his return der, Harry Reames, Sunbeam Moore, of Lakeview. All Passengers Trains quite badly a few days ago while cleaning styles of Ladies White Plymouth Rock Pullets and Misses _____ _________ . _ costumes, . to Alaska. Walter Stancliff, Lillie McTavish. A. his wheel. Better be careful next time tailor made. Inspection of this depart ­ Willie. Stop 30 Minutes for Meals John Churchman has entered the ser­ J. Han by and Louise Ganiere have done Democratic and Peoples’ Party Nomi and Cockerels for Sale! ment is invited. Close attention paid to o Mrs. Charles Williams was shopping in the wishes of patrons. Don’t fail to see vice of Wells-Fargo as a train messenger. a good years work in Phoenix school. nee.,i ; Woodville yesterday Eggs for setting at $1.50 for 13, or] 13.00 L--------------------- these beautiful samples and gat price He left for Sacramento Monday and will For Cdtinl for 30. Call and see me when you are in need of Italian vs. Russian Strike. Mrs Mct'arvel and daughter. Bedie, have before you buy. If I cannot save money be put to work between that place and mty Judge.... any property of any description, either to returned from Central Point where they for my patrons I do not ask for their Redding as a starter. -1 Geo. K. Wentworth, Great excitement prevails among the renter buy. spent the past week visiting the former's patronage. ,c. D. K |L. NARREGAN, r A llex , Sales Agent. Italians employed at the big McCloud saw Dunsmuir, Cal. I have ranches for Bale in every part of J. D. Williams of Soda Springs, went daughter, Mrs. Ross. The Wanamaker Agency, DePeatt to Portland Monday to have a specialist mill in Squaw Valley, this county, by "Jackson county; fine land and low prices. ! of Medford. Mrs. H. Stevens left a few days ago for Block, Ashland. Small acreagss of fruit land near town examine his nose, which has been af­ reason of several of them being displaced Central Point where she will remain in­ and land in bearing fruit, any number of by a number of Russian Finns at re­ fected some months without any cause CENTlitL POINT. definitely. Republican Nominee. large or small. duced wages in piling lumber and doing You Can Afford to Keep Clean acres, I have several bouses to sell in the city; Dr. P. W Hughes and wife of Ashland known to local physicians. Fishing is the order of the day and our yard work. Thia resulted in a general prices to suit the times. local nimrods always return from their were in Central Point Monday and Tues­ H. BOIVIN, Manager. Henry Heideman. wife and three chil­ strike of the Italians, their leader attempt­ For County School Superintendent.... day's sport well laden with speckled day. ing an assault on Cochran, the engineer, HOUBE8 TO RENT. dren and F. Edwards of Los Angeles vis ­ if You Buy Your SOAP beauties John Grieve, middle-of-the-road candi­ ited Mrs. Wm. Patterson this week en who struck back with an iron bar, dur­ L. A. STOCKING, MONEY TO LOAN. Prof. B. L. Ls-1 better wears a broad date for assessor, has just returned from route to Seattle. Mrs. H. was formerly ing which time Van Arsdale had his an electioneering tour in the Butte creek of Central Point. INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET smile 'now days. Wonder what is the foot badly hurt by an Italian letting an Miss Minnie Clift of this county. from Us. country. cause? iron bar drop on it. Sheriff Eree- Ashland, Oregon, Here are a few of my bargains: E, Pleasants ts moving his store to the Prof. F. M. Anderson and L. yr.Cous­ bour, on being notified by telephone, An epidemic or Whooping Cough. Meadows-country near J, B. Welch’s saw- Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres Democratic Nominee. ins, foreman for Dr. Dwinell’s mine at started out from Yreka immediately, in fruit. $450. Last winter during an epidemic of mill. Gazelle have gone to Bonanza, Klamath accompanied by his deputy, J. B. Mar­ Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good Shop is now open. whooping cough my children contracted Mrs. W. T. Leever is very low the at­ county, to examine a reef and formation tin, riding all night and reaching Mc­ bouse, bam, etc., running water, for $500. BARS LAUNDRY the dieease, having severe coughing tending physician says she will not live but that is supposed to have something big I Cloud earlv next morning. They went Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two Nothing but First - Class Democratic Ticket. spells. We had us-d Chamberlain’s a few days. in it. small houses, $400, to a meeting being held by the Italians SOAP FOR.......... A. O Heatherly has moved to the stock Work turned out. Colic Remedv very successfully for croup These are within a mile and a half of Mr. and Mrs. Bush returned Monday in a house, when the ringleader slipped Representatives— Ashland. and naturally turned to it at that time ranch he bought of Tbos Dawson on out the back door. Following the man from a stay of eleven weeks with her Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely end found it relived the cough and Trail creek. wanted, they secured him back of a barn J. L. BATCHELOR .......... .of Aahland and One Ten-Cent Cake of TAR SOAP unimproved, $200. affected a oompiete cure.—J ohn E. Cur- Rey 8keels. the soufsleeplngevangelist, folks in Douglas county. While absent at the point of their revolvers, when J. H. BEEMAN..................... ef Gold Hill FREE with every 8even Bars. Hotel property in town, for sale for $4000. william rox. ALLIS MILDUTM ■OSD, Proprietor Norwood House, Nor­ is stt'l holding meetings in tbe Baptist Mrs. Bush was taken severely ill with some 40 men were determined to effect One hundred acres tine valley land, two County Judge— wood, N. Y. Thio remedy io for sale by church. So far there has been four con­ stomach trouble and was bedfast three a rescue, and for a while the officers ex­ miles from Medford, $4500. versions to tbe faith and more expected. weeks. E vuenk A. S ukbwin . Call and see me in regard to any of the pected to be obliged to do some shooting. 0HAS.PBIM.,,. ,,,.,of Jacksonville They organ': M a church last Sunday under The 12-year-old daughter of J. D. The crowd finally quieted down, and the above, and if they do not suit, I have a the name of GoTs church. Sheriff-- large list from which you might choose Head, the mining man of Medford, went Italian leader was brought to Yreka, tbe BAR8 LAUNDRY On last Saturday night some person who out bicvcle riding Sunday afternoon with sheriff appointing two good men as W. H. BRUNK... of Ashland GEO. W. TREFREN. must have been out of change broke into Miss Wilson. The girls were climbing SOAP FOR.......... Ashland, Oregon Main Street, Near Bridge. Ashland. Or. Clerk— the depot and robbed the till of its contents over a fence to gather some wild flowers deputies to prevent any further interfer­ of $14. It seems the railroad is not able to when Miss Heard fell and broke her arm ence with tbe mill company. About LEEL. JACOBS..............of Jacksonville half of tbe strikers went back to work keep a safe at this place. On Sunday City Passenger Recorder— again, the reduction being about 5 per night Wm. Carey's harness shop was hurg- very badly. larixed and Mr. C. lost 3 or 4 horse oollars cent., to make the per diem about $1 45. of Ashland Prof. T. A. Have« who has been at­ W. 0. MARKS and a bunch of whips. and Truck Transfer GENUINE WHITE «4 J— tending Stanford University this winter The Italian arrested will probably be AaMMor — The school directors of Central Point was on last night’s train for Astoria taken to McCloud in a day or two for CA8TILE SOAP....... ---- All kinds M freight, baggage * have selected Gus Samuels to teach the wnere he will finish O. A. Thornton’s examination before the justice of Squaw MARTIN McDONOUGH.. .of Gold Hill household goo is, etc., transfer- second department of tbe school and Miss school, the latter leaving on the 20th for Valley Township.—Yreka Journal. per pound. Treasurer — ed with promptness and eafaty. Stella Stidham the third department. Cape York, near Cape Nome, Alaska, Hauling on a large scale eon- J. H. GAY................. .of Central Point Both are good selections. Tbe principal tractedfor, . . , , , . . A Clackamas county man reports that and primary aelectiona are not made yet. with a party. Coroner — AT Large Fotos for 25cts. per doxen at he made 15 pounds of butter from one D b . J. E. SHEARER of Medford A Keen Clear Brain. Jersey cow in one week recently. This WOOD Sandison’s. butter if manufactured at a creamery WATER STREET Your beat feelings, your social position Surveyor— NEAR MAIN —rc* t> or busineessilt eeas depend largely on the C. W. Cirson, a painter, while out would sell for six dollars in cash. Of ..of Ashland perfect action of your Stomach and Liver prospecting, dropped dead of heart dis­ course this is an extraordinary produc­ L, 8. TREFREN........ Will handle ice is Ashland dnrtng tta Dr. King’s New Life Pills give increased ease at Dry Diggings, near Grants Pass. tion, but it shows what can be sone by Commissioner— Or den by mail or ummer season. Delivered at y