VALLEY BECOBD. VALLEY RECORD ........ ASHLAND, OREGON Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAI SER, Proprietor. SUBBCBIPTION R atbs : One Year.......................................... $1 75 8ix Months....................................... 1 00 Three Months.................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VOL. XII ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, Thirteen nigb School Graduate«. The final examinations for the Class of 1900 were held at the High School last week. The graduating class will com prise the following persons: Mattie Kincaid, Grace Bacon, Docia Willits, Frances McWilliams, Fannie Standard, Chandler Watson, James Spencer, John Mattern, Ernest Long, Ralph Bacon, Thornton Wiley and Blaine Klum, Miss Mary Caldwell. The Baccalaureate address will be given at the Methodist church, Sunday evening, May 20th. The Commencement exerciseswill beheM at the Chautauqua building Thursday ..evening, May 24th, at o’clock. Pres. Strong of the State University will address the class. Re union of the Alumni- -and reception- of new members will be held at the Hotel Oregon, Saturday evening, May 26th. Miss Doeia Willits receives the Sherwin Educational Medal. REPUBLICAN MAY COLUMN. Notice for Publication. cidal. The worst cold or cough can be Miss Minnie Robinson returned to her • Department ot the Interior. Land Office cured with Shiloh's Cough and Consump home near Talent, on Sunday, after a tion cure. Sold on positive guarantee for at Roseburg. Oregon, April 20, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following over 50 years. E ugene A. 8 ii saw in , Drug years attendance at the Liberal Uni versity at Silverton, Oregon. Miss Min named eettler has tiled notice pf his inten gist. nie is highly pleased with her studies tion to make Anal proof in support of bis and their manner of instructing and will claim, and that »aid proof will t>e made be fore Rus Newbury, county clerk* st Jack return to take up her work at the begin sonville. Oregon on June 16. 1900. viz ning of the school year in September. Samuel J Bailey on his H E. No 9584 for —Medford Free Press. For Infanta and Children. the lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 Sec. 6, Twp 10 8 R 4 E. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon an<1 c cultivation ot said land vis: George W. Bailey, of Shake, Oregon: John Moore, ol Bears the Bought BaaNtha Shake, Oregon; Janies 8. Bailey, of Shake, Oregoa -r Alford Hopkins, of Soda Springs, Signature of CASTOR IA The Kind Yeu Have Always Bought J. T. BRIDGES, Kegurter. $1.75 17. 1900. NO. 51. lets on Castle Cuag, Shasta Springs, Me- Cloud River. Yosemite, and excursion For County Clerk... • rates thereto.” California Seeds Given Awr*V. Until August 1, 1900, anyone sending name and address, with 10 cents in stamps t j defray postage, packing, etc., will receive free a package containing a choice select ion of first class flower or vegetable seed. All are of the finest California variety- grown at this place. All we ask of you is that when they are grown and matured, you rill tell your neighbors or friends that the seeds came from us. State which jou prefer, flower or vegetable seeds. RAYMON D & ROBERTS 8EED B ji 586, Banta Pau GÜS NEWBURY, of Phoenix. Cannot be better spent than bv subscribe ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think I $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it I KLAMATH COUN TY. THE JOHN BARRETT CO. Mrs. J. Frank Adams, wife of the wide-known rancher and irrigation ditch man of Tu!e lake, died there sud denly on the 8th iust of congestion of the liver, aged 34 years. The deceased was born in 1866 in Virginia City, Ne 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. vada, and moved to Klamath County, in 1885 with her parents Mr. and Mrs. r Wm Steele, On May 3, 1888, she was married to J. Frank Adams, Eince which Importers and Dealers in time they have resided at their ranch three miles east of Merrill. She leaves a husband, three sons Will,Frank and Rob bie, two brothers A’ex. Steele of Nevada and Don Steele, at present residing in Klamath Falls, and two sisters, Mrs. G. W. J. Wilson of Klamath Falls, and Mrs. J. T. Henley of Lost river. Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House Congressman Tongue, as chairman of the committee ou irrigation, recom mends and urges congress to appro Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-Place Fur priate funds to construct a great ditch from the upper Klamath lake, sufficient niture. Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. to irrigate the vast tracts of unirrigated valley land in this county. Judge A. 8. Bennett of The Dalles says a railroad company has been organized at that place to build a road south to Klamath Falls and that a corps of sur veyors will soou go over the route. Mrs. Joseph Moore, Sr., while return I ing home to Klamath Falls from a visit i in eastern Oregon died recently in Har ney county, of pneumonia. She was 73 years of age. She leaves a family of six grown children. ..................... PHONE NO. 205...................... Father Donnelly has received consid erable encouragement toward erecting a Catholic chur?h in Klamath Falls and one is expected to go up this year. James H. Lindsay a Siskiyou county pioneer of 1849 died on the 8lh at the homeof JudgeG. W. Smith, aged 74yrs. P. L. Fountain and N. 8. Merrill will attended the A. O. U. W. grand lodge at ABtoria. A son was born to the wife of R. H. Mell moil in Klamath Falls May 8th. Fied Cronemiller of Ft- Klamath hae gone to Cape Nome with Jay Beach. Alex. Martin Jr., is in San Francisco where his wife is ill. Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, Alex. Martin, Sr., is up from Oakland, Cal. Ferd Million sails for Cape Nome on REPUBUIOAN COUNTY T1CKKT. the 24th. Miss Kittie Million returned home Representatives— Sunday night. MATHEW STEWART. ...............of Talent W. A. CARTER.............. ......... of Gold HUI Dr. J. M. Keene was up from Med ford Saturday. County Judge— N. L. NARREGAN. ........... of Medford Jackson county’s delinquent tax list foots up $47,276.70. County Commissioner- THOS. RILEY .. . ...of Eagle^Point Miss Blanche Patterson visited Med County Clerk— ford friends Friday. GUS NEWBURY. . . ........... of Phoenix W. H. Brunk and W. O. Marks went County Recorder— to Gold Hill Monday. PETER APPLEGATE. . .of Central Point I. C. Matheny came out from Port 8heriff— land Sunday on a visit. ALEX ORME ... ..... ..of Foots Creek Medford is agitating the question of Treasurer— celebrating the 4th of July. MAX MULLER............ . of Jacksonville City Councilman R. Beswick went to School Superintendent- Yreka Sunday on a business trip; P. H. DAILY.............. ........of Gold Hill Commissioners’ Court. Mrs. Frank date and Mrs. Mary Assessor— The following business was transacted J. C. PENDLETON......... ...of Rock Point Krider went to Portland Saturday. at the Msy term of Commissioners’ - Surveyor— Henry Ammerman came in from his Court last week. Klamath county ranch last week. Samuel Mathes, Samuel Daffield and GAEL T. JONES.......... ......... of Medford Coroner— No inferior or impure ingredients are J. W. Dunn returned to Yreka Mon John Satterfield were appointed viewers of the county road petitioned for bv John G. B. COLE..................... .......... of Medford day from a business trip to Medford. used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen Kiukle and others, to meet at 10 a. m. C. P. Parker and family of Phoenix on May 26tb. N ik Narregan for County Judge. havjs gone to Wasco county to reside. ing its cost; only the most highly refined Reports of officials for March and All voters who desire to see a compe Mrs. Anna P. Lindsey of Fairhaven, April approved. Hospital report ap tent, careful, conscientious man elected and healthful. proved. Wash., is visiting Medford relatives. to the office of county judge in this coun Assessor Pendleton gave notice of the Mrs. Walter Damon went to Central Royal Baking Powder imparts that of R. G. Brown as deputy. ty will vote for N. L. Narregan. It is Point Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. appointment Ordered that road petitioned for by impossible to state one honest reason Leever. peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy Thos. H. Fredenburg and others be why he should not be elected. Those who do not like to vote for a republican Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Smith have pur opened for public use. I chased one of Emil Peil’s fine family noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls, Further consideration of road petitioned are “between the dgvil and the deep blue sea. ” Mr. Holt is 2he “ deep blue suireye. for by H. F. Bailey and others continued sea.” Mr. Narregan has been a resi etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is Japanese and China matting, a large until June term of court. dent and tax payer of Jackson county stock just received, at Opera House Furni Bond of H. Mann on advertising con for many years and no one ever had any unobtainable by the use of any other tract approved. ture Store Eighty-one scalps of wild animals pre thing against him. It has been said that he is not well known. The fact is Mrs. A. E. Reames is visiting rela leavening agent. sented for state bounty. tives at Hillsboro while Mr. R. is on his E. J. Farlow appointed chairman of that he lias been so busy attending to campaign. election board in West Ashland precinct, his own business that he is'not as much known throughout the county as some Alum is used in making cheap baking powders, If Miss Fredie Maass left Sunday for a vice Robt. Garrett. others who have made politics a business you v.ant to know the effect of alum upon the The sum ci $2 10 ordered refunded to six weeks visit with her aunt in San Even now, when election is approaching tend it linings of the stomach, touch a piece Ip S. J. Day on account illegal tax sale pur Francisco. your tongue. You can raise biscuit with alum and the otlier candidates are busy button chase. baking powder, but at what a cost to health I Mrs. C. W. Root returned Sunday W. K. Ingledue appointed clerk of holing the voters, Mr. Narregan is giv night from a visit with relatives in Cow election board in Pleasant Creek precinct ing his whole time to the work which he creek canyon. has contracted to do for the people of vice Owens. Frank Williams returned Sunday from Ordered that Postal Telegraph Co. and Medford. Since he has been in charge MOYAL BAKING POWDEÜ CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. an absence of several weeks at Sumpter, I Sunset Tel & Tel Co. be requested to re of the schools in Medford he has given eastern Oregon. move the polesun their respective lines his whole time to that work—not only along the ccuntv road batween Phoenix his time during school hours but all his TELE YOU It Fattier i'onnelly’a Lecture. Mrs. A. D. Ferguson and two daughers 1 and Ashland Dr. C. W. Whipp, a well-knotjn citizen so as not to obstruct the time. When he is county judge he will went to Montague Monday to visit her 1 attend to the business of the county with A Beautiful Complexion is an impossibility of Kerby. Josephine county, died last Lakeview Examiner: Rev. Father public highway or bicycle path. without good pure blood, the sort that son. Frank Miles. the same faithful vigilance. He is in Thursday of heart disease, aged 48 yrs. Ordeted that J. Patterson, supervisor Donnelly of Ashland was in Lakeview only exists in connection with good diges Tho8. Riley of Eagle Point, republican i of Talent road district be authorized to every way competent, being a lawyer tion. a healthy liver and bowels. Karl’s several days during the week, and cele Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gilmore visited and a man of mature judgment. He will brated holy mass at the residence of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gilmore last week nominee for county commissioner visited notify all land owners who have en Clover Root Tea acts directly on the i croached on road with their fences be make the best county judge that Jack- bowels, liver and Kidneys keeping them in James McShane on Sunday morniaig and have since gone to Oregon City Ashland Monday. son county has had for many a day. perfect health. Brice 25 cts. and 50 eta. In the evening he lectured at the court where he will remain awhile as rail Mrs. Geo. Morine of Klamath county tween Phoenix and Talent to remove E ugene A. S herwin , Druggist. house toa good sized audience on ‘ Relig road agent. said fences out of said county road. has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. 1 The republican convention in nomi ion and Society.” The reverend gentle Grand Commander C. B. Winn of the Patterson, in Ashland. Expansion Vs. Imperialism. Circuit Court Proceedings. nating Hon. Matthew Stewart of Talent man is a pleasing speaker, and deeply Oregon Knights ’ Templar, paid an offi and \V. A. Carter of Gold Hill as candi- Miss Letha Duncan returned,lost week interested his audience. There was J f Atkin vs F J Monroe, et al; to fore In his greit speech on imperialism, _____ _ ___ ________ I dates for the legislature made an excel- Senator Hoar (republican)said, in part: mortgage. Decree granted. nothing sectarian or denominational in cial visit to Malta Comniandery No 4 from a visit wiih her sister, Mrs. Witten, , close in Ashland Saturday evening. Mr. c " r Ray vs J R Mitchell ” injunction. ! lent and wise choice. They are both at Jefferson, Marion county. c _ " ............. ’ ‘ ‘ . liis remarks, no controversy on religious “They say 'that is, the McKinley im Plaintiff given until May 17th to amend capable, active, energetic and intelligent perialisms) that because, with the full topics, and Father Donnelly’s audience , Winn is in charge of the U. S. census for Dr. C. R. Ray returned Saturday to , complaint. gentlemen and have a ret ord for honesty felt it had received a rare treat. His , the first congressional district. Gold Hill from San Francisco where he Win Robinson was aimitted to citizen and integrity in both their personal and and practical consent of the men who listeifers were mostly non-Catholic and Frank P. Light, S. F. Ahlstrom and bought a concentrator for his mill. occupied them, tlnse men (That is, Jef ship upon the testimony of J P and Frank political life that is unimpeachable. they all speak in high praise of Father Mrs F. A. Miller of Lakeview were in ferson and his 6uec< ss»rs) bought great Trne. Their election means that the people spaces or terri.ory occupied bv sparse Mrs. W. A. White and Miss Pear) Donnelly, w ho is a social, affable gentle town Saturday eu route to Portland. Emma F Hall va Thos M Boyd; confirm of Jackson county want continued pros or scattered populations, neither own man, and who made many warm friends The gentlemen attend the A. O. U. W. Grieve returned to Siskiyou Saturday , ation. Sheriffs sale confirmed. from Harrison Gulch, Shasta county. BOPP Co vs D L Downing; to recover perity for the country: the election of a ing it nor breiending to own it, not ca during his visit here. Father Donnelly grand lodge at Astoria. man to the senate who will vote for money. Judgement for $140.76, etc. will return here again within a few Conductor D. C. Agler was on Sun Medford Brewing Co vs J L Mai ven, et honest money and the preservation of pable of occupying it or governing it, Wm. Hefiing died at Merlin on the 2d months. inst. aged 63 years. He leaves a wife 1 day’s train for Stockton, Cal., where bis , al; to recover money. Judgement for $101 the honor of the nation; the retention destitute of every single attribute which- makes or can make a nation or a people, and four daughters and two sons. He venerable and aged mother was dying. < etc. of all the territory over which the Ameri A Womau'H Awful Peril. T T Geer, et al, vs C E Wilcox, et al; to can flag floats, and which has been ac these statesman of ours, designing to I was the father of John L. Hefiing, the Mrs. J. C. Pendleton of Table Rock, , foreclose mortgage. Decree set aside and make the territory acquired into equal “There is only one chance to save von 1 blacksmith, recently of this place but has ] quired by the valor and blood of the states, to be dwelt in and governed un been visiting Ashland friends, the ; Z E Simpson allowed to answer, life and that is through an operation” now of Grants Pass. flower of American manhood, and in guests of J. W. O. Gregory and family A W Sturgis vs John Broad, etal;to der our constitution bv men with rights were the startling words heard by Mrs. which our own brave boys of the Second equal to our own—that therefore you A. Y. Beach who has been spend- 1 the past week. I foreclose mortgage. Decree granted. I. B. Hunto! Lime Ridge, Wit., from her- ing Mrs. N A Trust Co vs I B Williams, et al; to Oregon Regiment took a prominent may tet by purchase or by conquest an several months in Portland, and her I can and will save you money on sew- | foreclose mortgage. Decree granted. doctor after he had vainly tried to cure mother, part; for the election of United States Mrs. M. P. Dodson, arrived in j ing machines. A visit to our store will E P Hughes vs John Garvin; to foreclose senators by direct vote of the people and unwilling people, occuping and govern her of a frightful ease of stomach trouble Ashland Saturday. Mr. Beach, who is ' ing a thickly settled territory, possessing mortgage Decree granted. of this fact. Opera House i and yellow jvoftdice. Gall stones had of the publishers of the Lakeview convince 1 Furniture you every attribute of a national life, enj ly Merritt Jlellinger vs Conrad Mingus; to the oxtension of our cotnmerce. Store. formed and ano constant!v grew worse. one Examiner, came here to meet them and recover money. Demurrer withdrawn and ing a freedom they bare themselves Then She began to use Electric Bitters his G. A. G. sells school furniture and acheived, R. P. Little of Medford went to San i ten days given defendant to answer. Mrs. S. M. Beach of Ash that you may crush out their which wbollv cured her. It’s a wonder land, mother. supplies to the dear people at cost and G W Short vs Jas Braden; to recover Francisco Monday to try and catch a will join the party for Lakeview national life; ttiat you ruav overthrow ful Stomach, Liver and Kidnev remedy. is incidentally school superintendent. money. Dnmurrer to complaint over J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says, steamer for Cape Nome. If he fails he ruled. answer filed and 10 days given to G. A. G. must have institutes for the their institutions; that yon may strangle Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try will go to Texas. freedom; that you may put over it. Only 50cts. Guaranteed. Fur sale ”1 cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch plaintiff to reply, dear teachers every month of the firs J their Hazel Salve One box of it cured what the them govenors whom you appoint and W. C. Bostwick and Mathew Ray, J A Wilson, Anton Richter, P Boschey by E. A. Sherwin. doctors called an incurable nicer on my Applegate boys, at work on the railroad i and Cha? Schultz were admitted to citizen year of his reign, they were so essential, in whose appointment they have no when, he, G. A. G. drew $3 a day and voice; that you may make laws for them jaw.” Cures piles and all skin diseases at Siskiyou, spent Sunday in Ashland i ship. DOES THIS 8T111KK YOU t lxx>k out tor worthless imitations. Grant Herbert vs Mrs M J Armstrong; mileage for attending them. In the in your iuterrst, and not in theirs; that visiting the pay car. second year of the reign of G. A. G. the you may overthrow their republican confirmation. Sheriff’s sale confirmed. Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath E ugene A. S herwin . Great, when his salary is fixed, with no liberity, and in doing this you appeal John W. Curry of Medford is in Wash J H Stewart aud Geo Kincaid vs J G come from chronic constipation. Karl’s Several of the Butte Creek cattlemen rake offs except on school supplies, he Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and have sold and are rounding up their ington, D- C., and has a $103 clerkship Phipps; injunction. Bond filed. Pauline Hines vs Geo Hoffman, adminis has held only one institute and yet the to the example of Thomas Jefferson and , bas been sold for fifty years on an absolute cattle. They receive $19 for yearling in the census department. He will re trator of John Bolt, deceased, et al; to fore school law plainly says four shall be John Quincy Adams and Abraham Lin guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene steers and $26 for two year olds. One main a year or two. coln and Charles Summer. close mortgage Decree granted. A.S herwin , Druggist held every year. Cornelius of Oakland is the buyer and Thomas Jefferson comes down in his John W. Jacobs, who is engaged at Court then adjourned until June 27th. has contracted for 750 head so far, which rock work for the new public school tory with Declaration of Independence Some if not all of the requisites of Probate Court. are to be shipped from Medford, May 15, building, epent over Sunday with his marrie ». manhood must be lacking in a man who in one hand and the title deed of Louis to Helena, Mont. Fstate of Alfred Carter. Inventory and goes | wife at Central Point. —— i into a convention asking a nomi iana in the other. Do you tbink his left appraisement, showing real and personal 1 knew not what his right hand did? Dunsmuir News: J. H. Pinkston,the Jesse McTavish came up from San property valued at $651, approved. Order nation from his party and plays the hand MOOMAW—HALTER—At Talent, May baby act, when he is turned down. G. Do vou think those two immortal trans 6,1900, by Elder G. W. Hoxie, Benj. well-known passenger brakeman, has Francisco last week and has taken his made for sale of personal property. actions contradicted each other? Do resigned his position in the S. P. Co’s, father’s place on Weir’s crew of railroad Guardianship of minor heirs of Moses A. G. was honestly defeated in the re you think bo bought men like sheep and Moomaw and Sarah E. Halter. service and will leave for the Cabe Nome carpenters for a month. publican convention and his friend Jackson. Report of guardian approved. STRICKLAND—KNOX—At the Palace fold fields about the 15th instant. Mr Estate of C W Harper. Order made for moved to make the nomination of his paid for them in gold?” Mies Maud Tall man who has been vis sale of personal property. hotel. Grants Pass, May 3,1900, Al ‘inkston has scores of friends all along , opponent unahimous yet little G. A. G. “After suffering from severe dyspepsia bert Strickland, of Happy Camp, Cal., the line Who will wish him unbounded iting Ashland relatives, the family of R. Estate of F Albright. Jane 18th set as won’t play with the boys anymore, but over twelve years and using many remedies day of hearing and final account of admin K. Sutton, started Saturday for her and Miss May Knox, of Anderson, success in his Alaskan venture. without permanent good 1 finally took starts a game of his own. istrator. home at Madison, Wis. Justice Holman officiating. Kodal Dyspepsia Cure. Itdid me so much Gold Hill, May 12,—The city water Estate of J G Grossman. Same proceed In one school district G. A. G. told good I recommend it to everyone.’’ writes STINSON-CALHOUN—Near Medford, works has again changed hands. J. J. Harry Pinkston and Miss Anna Pink ing as above. J. E. Watkin*. Clerk and Recorder, Chilli Estate of Henry Finley. Heaton Fox the directors how dear the school was cothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. May 9, 1900, W. R. Stinson and Miss Houck has purchased from the Gold ston left Monday morning for Oakland, to him and that he was only selling appointed guardian of minor children. Lucy Calhoun, Justice James Stewart Hill Lights Power Company their pump Cal., where she will remain while he Estate of Geo W Heckathorn, J M Nich desks to 6ave the dear people’s money. E ugknb A. S herwin . officiating. ing plant and franchise, and has removed goes to Cape Nome, Alaska. ols, John Hart and f E Nichols appointed The other fellow got the contract and Dr. E. Kirchgessner of Central Point appraisers. SNYDER—EDWARDS —In Jackson the plant to his fiour mill above town. made $30. Query: How much would G. have been made with the and his brother in-law, A. O. Olsen of A. G. have lost if he had been awarded ville, May 9. 1900, by Judge W. S. Connections The easiest and most effective method of town reservoir and the town will be sup Minnesota, have gone to Crater lake and the contract? Crowell, Willis Snyder and Miss plied with water this week. purifying the blood and invigorating the Ft. Klamath via Rogue River. Berylla Edwards. system is to take DeWitt’s Little Early “Grafter” A. Gregory stated in his J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Mrs. H. F. Arenberg, who has been on Risers, the fatuous little pills for cleansing Miss., makes the following statement: an extended visit to her mother at Claw the liver and bowels. E ugene A. S herwin . school notes a week or so ago, that the BURN. “I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure Superintendent would not be in his A. S. Hammond and Carl Narregan, offiiceon Wednesday, as his time would will do all it is claimed for it. Mv wife son, Jackson county, returned home last Sunday evening.—Sisson Mirror. son of N. L. Narregan, republican nomi could not get her breath and the first dose be accupied visiting rural districts. He WILLIAMS—On Evans creek, to Mr. of it relieved her. It has also benefited my Mrs. Chas. Allen, who has been visit nee for county judge, have gone into should have told the truth, and said his and Mrs. T. A. Williams, a daughter. whole family.” It acts immediately and partnership in the practice of law at and cures cough, colds, croup, grippe, bron ing her mother, Mrs. John Coleman, at Medford and have succeeded Narregan time would be spent in scattering cam MILLER—Near Gold Hill. April 30, chitis. Phoenix for a year, leaves this week for paign literature, and securing the ser asthma and all throat and lung 1900, to Mr. and Mrs J. T. Milhr, a troubles E ugene A. S herwin . her home at Condon, eastern Oregon. & Narregan in the abstract business. vices of teachers as ward boosters, who son. “I had stomach trouble twenty years and should be giving their attention to their Jacksonville, May 11.—John and We refund 10c for every package of gave up hope of being cured till I began to William De Roboam, brothers, got into Putman Fadeless Dye that fails to give use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, It has done schools —Gold Hill News. an altercation here yesterday and drew satisfaction. Monroe Drug Co., Union me so much good I call it the savior of nry ( continued on thibd page .] weapons. The disturbance drew a croud ville, Mo. Sold by E coene A. S herwpn . life,” writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat. E ugene and the brothers were arrested, charged Tortured by a Witness. Mrs. J. B. Standard and Miss Fannie A.S herwin . with carrying concealed weapons. They Intense suffering was endured by wit Prevented by warm shampoos with C uticuba pleaded guilty before Recorder Plvmale Standard left Ashland Saturday and SUMMER RESORTS. ness T. L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky.,b fore S oap , and light dressings of C uticuba , pur today and were fined $15 each and costs, after visiting relatives in the Willamette est of emollient skin cures. This treatment the mountains our people in increas lie gave this evidence : “I coughed every which they paid, and released from valley go to McCotnb, III., on a business ing “To at once stops falling hair, clears the scalp of numbers yearly look for those days of night until my throat was raw ; them crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated. trip to be absent two months. custody. relaxion and recreation necessary to main tried Dr. King’s New Discovery which Itching surfaces. Stimulates the hair follicles, Grants Pass Observer: We are in Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s two stores tain the human machine in fair wurking gave instant relief. I have used it in my and makes the liair grow upon a clean, whole receipt of a letter from J. G. Lantermar, i have received their new stock of spring condition. The languorous sloth of the famdy for four years and recommend it some, healthy scalp when all else fails. proves very seductive while it postmaster at Merlin, in which he says and summer goods and the public is re seashore lasts, but many have decided that the as the greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds the report that the Merlin poet office spectfully invited to call and examine annual outing should provide not only and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles had been robbed of $1200 was a mistake. their offerings and prices, radical change of air and surroundtngs, bat It will stop the worst coughs, and not He says the loss was $800 and that the also such stiniolatiou of flagging energies only prevents but absolutely cares Con. Mrs. Dr. W. B. Officer and infant and as will provide brawn and vigor for the re sumption. Price 50 cts. and $1. Every robbery was made April 28th while he i PICTURES! was at supper. He does not state i Miss Lottie Brown arrived Sunday from turn to labor.. For this they arg6 the bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at PICTURE FRAMES! whether it was government or individ . Grass Valley, Cal., en route to Eagle mountain climb aud ramble, the balsam of E. A. Sherwin’s. ual funds that were lost but we judge Point. Miss Brown will remain and the mountain pines, and the clear, unadult Stamp pictures will be taken right the former. No clue has yet been ob Mre. Officer will visit with folks for two erated mountain air.” “In this direction the Shasta Route now along at Camps. MOLDINGS tained to lead to the perpetrator of the months. z affords a wealth of attractions. The entire CABINET WORK crime. An elegant stock of spring and sum line of road from Ashland to Redding is UPHOLSTERING W. 8. Musser, Milheim, Pa., saved the mer goods have arrived at Vaupel, studded with charming and accessible For County Clerk.... GENERAL REPAIRING life of his little girl by giving her One Min Norris & Drake’s. hotels and camps, where are cheer and OF FURNITURE ute Cough Cure when she was dying from LEE JACOBS, comfort and healing at reasonable cost, and Max Pracht now stationed at Santa where you can hunt, fish, ride, loaf, or croup It is the only harmless remedy of Jacksonville. that gives immediate results It quickly Fe, N. M., as a special agent of the In play with equal facility.” cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, terior department has been transferred • Or if you look for healing waters, none AT THE asthma and all throat aud lung troubles. to the treasury department at the re better can be found, hot or cold, than the E ugene A. S herwin . ASHLAND Democratic Nominee. quest of the secretary of the treasury springs of Ashland, Colestin, Anderson, UNDERTAKING PARLORS, Frank Wiles, a young man of this and will goon special service in the latter Bartlett, Byron and Paso Rubles.” * Before visiting Europe, the people of For County Commissioner.... place, was committed to the asylum last department. He receives higher pay by a the northwest should see the glories of week, the examination being before the operation. Yosemite Valley, and the wondrous groves R. R. MINTER, Judge Crowell and Drs. Jones & Shearer Emil Peil, blacksmith and dealer in of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians of Medford. coal, agricultural implements, wagons, are likely to make inquiries concerniug qf Eagle Point. buggies, etc. Baius, the lightest run . these attractive resorts.’* »O YOU KNOW F ur aii.K i>y «.U uknü . a . eUKKWlx ■J Saud to Mr- C H. Markham, General Consumption is preventable? Science bas ning and strongest wagon on wheels. Passenger Agent. Portland, for new book « Regalar Peoples* Parly Nominee. proven that, and also that neglect is sui Latest improved buckeye mowers. Pure BECOBD. ........ ASHLAND, OREGON T PRESSED BRICKS. Oregon. VALLEY Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. New Dry Goods & Clothing Williams Main Street. A FULL LINE of SHOES in LATEST STYLES Just Added to Stock. New Goods Constantly Arriving. R. N. NASON’S PAINT! Continental ousehold Paint, and , CEMETICO. -^— FfiUlT BOXES AND MILL WORK . © FURNITURE Window Shades, * Draperies, Carpets, Linoléum. J. F. DODGE, Opéra House Block, Ashland. u ASHLAND MILLS CÔÛRÏ PATENTI FLOU», j W. J. VIRGIN & C0«9 PROP’S H. S. EVANS,ASHLAND'OR Main 8t. Opp. 1. 0. 0. F. Hall, ZPJVIJSTTS. PAINTERS’ TOOLS, WAkJLL PAPER, Q-LJVS. ETO. B uilding P afebs , W bappinq P apxbb and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAPERING. PAINTING, ETC ♦ 1 F. L. CAMPS ....The Photographer Has Returned and Has Equipped Hie - k/aisuvw violivi/ »I 11U Old Established Gallery in XkDLliauu Ashland With V4U ' baa a ìqiq Ì THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY, t •> ♦ ♦ -t Carbon Finish. Photos in Water Colore. Pictures in the Latest Styles. Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. ♦ T * ♦ Gallery Opposite Í ❖ Hotel Oregon. .J.+^.^+++^+++++++++++^<..;^.++4.+4.M.+++++++4.+++++++++^+++4. ir A shland H ouse N, BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR. St. Mary’s ASHLAND ACADEMY. RATES, OREGON $1.00 PER DAY JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Good Accommodations Located in the Heart of the City. Boarding School for Girls. Free Bus to and From all Trains « FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES, JscksoflYillc, Orqpm. The Valley Record for the News