i CATAÜRH The tluur null pany at Co m.i ed by nu fireman, » . were kiited fully injurt ning at naturai ¡ • FORERUNNER OF • CONSUMPTION. Few realize what a deep-seated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it as a simple inflammation oi the nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. Bnt, however insignificant it may seem at first, it is serious and far-reaching in its results. ’ The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system. The stomach, kidneys—m fact all organs — _ feel l II the organs ieel the tne effect eneci of oi this inis catarrhal vaLarrnai poison, poisvi and when the lungs are reached it« progress ►id and destructive, and '* finally r.. . t ¿8 jajid *" ends 1 in consumption. ■ns that the senses of hearing and smell are in part or entirely lost, the soft bones of the noseeate? into ancklestroyed, causing intense suffering suffering and and greatly greatly disfiguring disfiguring the the face. face. While While sprays, sprays, washes and salves may give temporary relief, no permanent benefit can be expected from such treatment. Mrs loaephiDe Polhill, of Due West, 3. C., writes: “I had Catarrh, which became so deep- seated that I was entirely deaf in one ear, and all inalde of my nose including part of the bone, Joughed off When the disease had gone this far the physician gave me up as incurable. I rterwnned to try S. 3- S. as a last resort, and began to improve at once. It seemed to get at the «et of the disease, and after a few weeks’ treatment I was entirely cured, and for more than Seven years have had no sign of the disease. " ra SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Troubles from a Lucky Grave Site. Hudyan for Men and women When the former minister of law, Cho Pyeng-sik.was governor of Chungchong province he was told by a geomancer that the site of one O Hen-keun’s house was the luckiest spot for a grave. Gov. Cho asked 0 to give him that site, but the latter refused. Then the governor changed his tactics from diplomacy to force. He issued a proclamation charg­ ing O with beingthe most undutiful son in the province, and his whole family as inunora]. Tfce law requires the gov­ ernor to exterihinate such criminals from the face of the earth, and he (Cho Pyeng-sik) dispatched a company of the governor’« bodyguard to the town where the O family lived, destroying every house in the village, and killing eight persons and injuring six. After thus exterminating the O’s the governor appropriated the site of their house and buHt a vault on it for his future grave. The court has now restored the proper- • ty to the lawful heirs and made Mr. Cho pay an indemnity of $10,000 for the ■ murder of the eight persons.- I Signe oi Death. I The outward signs on the houses where some one has died in North Holland are original in the extreme. When the dead person was a Protest­ ant. a long black mantle, such as the undertaker wears when, he goes to the grave, is hung in the middle of the front door. In the case of a Roman Catholic, a tall cross is placed on the doorstep.—Chicago Journal. Hudyan gives one Energy, Vigor, vim, makes one Robust and Strong. Hudyan creates bright, rosy complexions, be­ cause it insures perfect activ­ ity of all organs of the body. Women who suffer with pain­ ful or irregular periods, icu- corrhcBa, bearing-down pains, chronic inflammations and ulcerations find absolute comfort in Hudyan. Itcures. Hudyan makes rich blood, promotes sound sleep, creates a healthy appetite. Hudyan cures are permanent and last­ ing. Consult the Great Hudyan Doctors Free. They Advise Free. Cell or Write. Hudyan, SO eta. a package, 6 packages, 82.50. For sale by all drug­ gists, or send direct to Hudyan Remedy Co., corner Stockton, Ellie and Market Streets, Sa- Frsncisco, California. FIFTY CENTS. nu.lyan cures, never dou%t It. Hudyan cures all disorders arising from Weak Nerves or Impoverished blood. Hudyan cures Nervousness, Trem­ blings. Weakness, Dizziness, All gone Feeling. Hudyan cures Sleeplessness, Despond­ ency, Mental Depression. Hudyan cures Indigestion, Bloating of Btomach, Palpita­ tion of the Heart. Pale or Sal­ low Complexions. Hudyan cures Clouded Memory,Head­ aches, Costivencss, Torpid Liver. Hudyan cures Pain in Back, Pain in Side, Pains In Limbs, Weak Back, Sediment in lirme, Ringing in Ears, Dots before Eyes. -Hudyan. cures Loss of Flash, Loss of Appetite, Haggard Appear­ ance, Lack of Energy. Colonel Bernard Pevton has r<*«ivned his position as suneriut°ndent of the powder works at Santa Cruz He had been connected with the works for 33 years. The sugar men of Polano county are in high glee. The comous showers of last week have inrorod a tremendous cron of sugar-hepto ;p the cor.ntv. E. J. Sammons. nf the Golden Gate Beet-Snmi” company, reports his plan’ ’ >i io a fl wishing condition. The - n r of r’o« company will not b'- less the-* 12.000 tons, which Is already contracted for at '5 50 a ton. Massy Thomas,one of the earliest set­ tlers of the Santa Clara valley, died a few days ago. It is expected that navigation on the Yukon will open six weeks earlier this year than usual. Miss Mansfield, on trial at Hollister, for alleged defaming Mrs Ed Conrad’s character, was found not guilty. HOW IS VOUII WIFE? Has she lost her beauty ? It so. < on-t ration, Indiee-tion Sick Headache are th principal catp.es. Karl’s Clover Hoot T> lias cured the-e ills for half a cent uri Price 26 cts. and 50 cts. Money refun. It ii qni-kly absorbed. 50 cents at T>rn-sis’- .hv mail; .“.impleslOc. by mail. I ELY BROTli) b *. V. . r. u ft. Now York City. I TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL Oregon •MXÜETY bl RECTORIKR. VIA ▼ IA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA and ABD CHICAGO KANSAS CITY Ocean fiteames Leave Portland Everv A. O. U. W T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights A c . Northern Ry Short Line SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL F >r eilnebine, flowers and oranges tak the Sunset Route via Loa Angeles to a! poin’s East. Tourist excursion cars an chair ears to El Paso, Fort Worth, Kan -asCitv, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston New Orleans and Washington, D. C. For rates, guides and information ad eesd C H. M arkham , G. P. A , Portland, Or SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE R O U T E $ Great U.-at Winter ltoute EBY’S CREAM BALM Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hau very second and fourth Wednesday ii. •ach tuunlh. All brethren in good standing ire cordially invited to attend. G eo . E ngle , M. W. G eo . W. T refren , Recorder. Scientific American. g . A handsomely illustrated weekly. Larsrest cir­ Tenns, S3 e culation of any scientific tournai. Terms, |3 a year : four months, $1. Sold by all^newsdealera N ORTHERN PACIFIC RAIJ.WA Y KNIGHTS OF Steameie Monthly from Portland to Yo- kolioniR and Hong Kong in connedior with O. R. A N. For full information call ou O. K. A N O r addrksb : W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Agent. PORTLAND. Oi DODWELL, CABLILE A CO. Gen. Agis. Nor. Pae. S. 8. Co. PORTLAND. ORRGO> N $2.45 60LD PLATED S Cat this ad. out and send to us, BKXVS» and we will send you this watch by express, C. O. D. subject to examination. You can examine It at your exynsa c»e. and if found perlS.ily Mtlsfas- t.ry, euetty aMsyreMteS aaS la awry way esaaJ te watsb«« k ika.arsb.liie aSverilMSat St.lit.SS. 14under such misleading desoriptlone a. Klfla Styl., Sswrlera Slvl., O.M FllleSorLMk uk. sso. os<. sse-oeoaM nn.d w.uk.s, if Jou find ii the equal or •iter than any of tnes. watches, pay Ik. .xprus aerat oth rxicx, st.is and express charges. Pullman Sleeping Gars Elegant Dining Cars Tour st Sleeping Cars QuieUt eeouMd. 0UÄ FEA DwE WKX.K PATENT CLTAINED. Sen®e: vevi —ibi.» Visit. ST.VQf 1U U4.8H. 1- met *. R2. Ao. v rita for tìuriery Oa.telogu< StAffS. KSSBIKA « G», (MsJ, emeu, iU ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - is-Ol ★ 'Í.' f».- ★ Vs i ★ ★ 1 Match Box............. ............... . TAM. 28 Clock, »-day, Calendar, Tharmon- i It 1184 I .... M 1 Knife, one blade, good steal.. >ra. 8» ** Beirscrs, 414 uicuui. t inches ............ ..................... . ...... 24 < _ • — •- _____ and Spoon ___ M 5 Salt and Pepper Set, one each, quad­ ruple plate on white metal................ 10 « French Briar Wood Pipe....................... I Baser, hollow ground, fine English steel................. *...........................777..... to 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, beet quality......................................................... ... 9 8upv- Shell, triple pla’e, bee. anal. W 10 Stamp Box. sterling stiver................ Fl) B Knife. "‘Keen Kutter," two blades.. 74 19 Butcher Knife, "Keen Kutter,” 8-in t'liiile % 7S IS bbeare, "Keen Kutter,” 8-incii......... 78 14 Nut Set, Cracker and « Picks, silver Plated............................................................ 80 15 Base Ball, “Association,” best qual.lou 16 Alarm Clock, nickel............................... 150 17 Six Genuine Rogers’Teaspoons, beet plated goods............................................. 150 18 Watch, nickel, stem wind and set.. SOU 19 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn handlp*...................eeeee >*eee$e .... .. . . . SOO 20 Six Genuine Rogers’ Table Spoons, beat plated goods..................................... MO 21 Six each. Knives and Forks, buck- horn handlee..............♦............................. 250 23 Six each, Genuine Rogers’ Kaivee and Forks, best plated goods............ 800 ★ ★ ★ IT CURES IR^E^UUMETY INFLAMMATION VLCFRÆÏ1ON AND FEMALE WEAKNESS IT MAKES WEASÍ WOMEN STRONG SKKWOMEN ’IVEU. V effet 6a.'-.. - curca p *r p 1 Cl. r o n.i • Constipa tion, Livt r Co tn plaint', and Kidnej Affections. genu............................................. Moo 39 40 Shot Gun, Remington, double bar­ rel, hammerlees...................................... 3000 Regina Muslo Box, 15.X inch Dias, AOOO Plain ■'Star” Tin Tag« (that is. Star tin tags with no small OpULIdl nUllLU 1 stars printed on under side of tag), are not good forpraentt, ====^== but will be paid for in CASH on tiie bfiBto Ot twwjty cento per hundred, if received by us on or before March 1st, 1900. JWJBEAR IN MIND that a dime’s worth «f ★ STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last longer and afford more pleasure than a dime’s worth of any ★ Send tags lo CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. other brand. MAKETHETESTI ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ASHLAND l mS BICCAT4L0CUE 1..W4 IlluirMtonr, lb. Hrarat. aratrawpl.u .nd Iswralprtwd raulsx.. rara*.MM»4. tukll THE L8WEST WHOLESALE CMICAflO PSICES ON EVE8TTHIH8 Including w.ry tiling in Srararira, Drai^ lWyOwdn, X.- &ra£ ¿.Wira, Orakn. Bnrara, BraU»4 Sbra.. Watehra, Zrarin, Drab., N.r4ww., Burra, Afnraiural Implaurata, Purallrar, Hnrara., 8.441 m , Nra^ra, >*ralra.. Crrakwy, Orgun, H um , ■■Ural IralruntraU, t.nlWlwVwK Uran, Ber«lrra>, FUhla, Traklr, Bicyrlu, rk.l««r.pkle 4tw4m kit. T.U. just whnt your storekeeper at home must pay fer every tiling he bay. and will prevent him from overcharging you on anything you buy; explain, just hew te order, how much the n-.l,bt, raprau or maV will bo on anything to your town. The hie book eoata ua nearly «I.««, the postage alone U M oonta. OUR FREE OFFER. teip pay the U oenU poster«, a*d th« Bi< (took will be mt u y«u FUUI by soil pMtpaid.and If you don’t think it is worth 100 time« the lb cents y«u send, as a tey to the (owest wholesale price« of everything, say SO and w« will faeese^lately re tern year IS «eels. WHAT THE PRE»» »AY8 ABOUT THIS CATALOGUE: •‘It is a monument of buelnehs information.“—Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribune. . _ . MA wonderful piece of work.”—Washington National Tribune uThe Catalogue is a wonder.”—Manchester (N. H.» Union. “Sears. Roebuck & Co. is one of the largest houses of its kind in Chicago.”—Chicago In ter Ocean. ‘ “ •The The big bigcaUtlocrue catalogue forms f one of the flnestshopping mediums that could possibly be sent Into a district.”—Boyce’« Monthly, Chicago. ___________ _____ w__________________________ Constitution. “Their catalogue Is a _______ vast department store boiled down.”— Atlanta Atl; “The catalogue is certainly a merchandise enoyclop»dia.”— Chicago Epworth Herald. •‘A law should bo passed compelling the use of this catalogue in all public schools.”—The Hon. G. ▲. Southtoun. We could quote thousands or similar extracts. Bead 1» eeets at oeee «■» you will receive the 4-peend book by return aalL Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK 4. CO. (lno->, CHICAUO, ILLINOIS, U. 8. A. our Sarsaparilla $38.50 J W. CASEY, Trav. Paes. Agt., S eattls , W ash . C. J. IPDY, General AgL, P obtuamd , Oi. C anadian ?ACi FIC Grand Scenery, Low Rates, Model Accommodations. Ocean to Ocean W ithout C hangk or C ars . Through Tickets to------ oS- 's And from Europe via all Atlantic Steamers. Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit­ ish Columbia. 9 * perfectly eatisfaetery, exactly ae represented, An Extra Fine High Oracle Saddle For full particulars as to time, rates, and for copies of C. P. R. Publications, nay the freight agenl OUR PRICE, $38.50, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, lees the $1.00 depoeit, er $#?.&G, auid freight charges. Ashland, Oregon. This Saddle Is made on a lO&or OrtoH. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third 16-inch Cenulne Ladesma or street, Portland, Or. Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... E. J. C oylk , A. G. P. A., CAREFULLY SELECTED RAWHIDE COVERED TREE, bound or Full can tie, steel luatitei covered stirrups Vancouver, B. C. or 2-inch oxbow brass bound, as desired. Will uvud bouid and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at from cantie mileas otherwise ortki'etL TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG Skirt,,so-iich long ... —. <} ——extra heavy wool lined, 8-incix 'wide lace stirrup leathers, lii-inch tie straps, extra long oq near tide, ii-inch tv buckle on offside, heavy cotton twisted Mexican 6-inch front cinch, heavy cotton belting fiMflk cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, seat and jockey all uno piece. ELECAWT HAND RAISED STAMPINC aa illustrated. Weight of Saddle shout 86 pound»; packed for suipmoat, 45 pounds. rL.fc.lxi>!I 18 ONLY ABOli $1.00 KOU FAf H too 3IL‘*. WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE, $howir.{) n lull line ct Cowboy and Rancher Outfits at the lowest pi ices ever quoted. Address, f SEARS, ROEBUCK & Cu. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL. (Sc*ers, Bsekuek & Co. are tLerou^hly rehsUe.—Editor.) DENVER« A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating « trip, whether on bauineae or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain­ able so far as speed, com tort and safety is concerned. Employees of ths Wi a consin C entral L ines are paid to servo the public and our trains are operated sq as to make close connection with diverging lines al all junction pointf. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars ou through train«. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a la Carte. In order to bbtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over................ The Wisconsin Central Lines THE POPULAR THROUGH EG CAR LINE FROM THE w#* N orthwest E ast The favorite lAtie to all Points East. TO ALL POINTS S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T. ft • R C NICHOL, Gv.wrzl Agent Bl Wuttajiou Si, PORTLAND, ORE. ¡ T 1 1 and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any furtber|information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND, General Paas. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General .’.gent, W isconsin , 246 Stark Street, P ortland , O regon , ARE YOU GOING EAST? Be sure and see that your Ticket reads via w » — ■> o i ■ ■■>«■<»•<■■ no NEW GRAPHOPHONE NOT A TOY. The..., Northwestern Line! ----- THE----- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. A strongly constructed Graph* ophone, with simple median, ism, made to meet the de­ mand for a first-class talking machine, at a low price. MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS The pleatlire in owning a Graphophone is largely Increased by being ableto make and reproduce your own records. We furnish this machine with recorder for S7.50.rnaklng It the cheapest recording and reproducing talking machine on the market. Graphophones vf every description. Call or write. '' 'ati-iisc'» Address. Ge try St. This is the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless V««. tibuled Dining anJ Sleeping Car Trains and Motto; ALWAYS ¿ON ¡TIME ” asc ,° t ^. RINK. — Yon may dive and swim and have more fun than “anybody”—come out as “fine I as silk" and “white as wool"—rejuveri ated find happy. SEND NO MONEY ----------------------------- ............................................. .... a ■ XjR J mr,, . v/e will send veu DU*2 U«RP ’8A0E (tX-JF tM’-Ui UWIM MACHINE hy fr«;ghtfC.O.b.svbjoct tu «kauiaa- f \ uu c.’.'i »-.«u.u.eit at >our nearest freight depot and if fosnd •.trfr 'ly tvUhXir .er;, axact ly at represented 15.50 oiir . rectal _____ nd ' :id freight frei.mt c»ta. : s. RxrhU« »«Igr* IS) i ouods and thefi eicht will aemforaecm.ioreaetiCi inüro. CiVE IT T)J8££ M8HTHS' TBIALin .o-ar o«a b : e ■ und we will return your.iC.iS »uy d "» y’u öre not .stisded. V», rail diksresl «.k.s rad yreSascT Scvisr Xrahlara.t es sc J1O.CÖ. <11.es. EJ2.UO »sd «p, al! fuily dekJribed in nur Trra s«7tai ’zerCsiidogv» Wfoi thle bg'Jf BXbS VA81SKT BIHDICS u he erzcU-M vai.................................. SW 87 Toilet Set. deoo-ated rorcelain, very handsome................ 800 Remington Rifle No. 4. S3 or S3 cal. WO 39 Wa.cu, Wateh^sterling »leimig .liver,lull silver, fulljewyled j.weieu *< low) SO Dreu Sait Caan, leather, handaome durable.. ....................................... .7................ i............ .. . : low and . durable - .. ----- . 81 _ Sawing Machine, first class, with all attachments.......................................1 1WU S3 Revolver. Colt’s, 38-csliber, blued “ steel ste¿f.. 77.’ .77.~7.7i. 77. 77777777. .......................................... .......... 77.77. isoo 3S Rifle. ’s, zz 16-shot. ¿3-callber. ~zz . Oolt z.zz. -Z . zz ‘_______ istw M - . — - - Quitar (Washburn), rosewood, in­ laid...............................................................SUOO Mandolin, very handsome.................. 9000 M Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, It gauge......................................... «000 «7 Remington, double barrel, ham­ mer Shot Gun, 10 or 11 gauge......... 1000 18 Bicycle, standard make, ladies or THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30 th , 1900. jtsv’s r«r »lie janed and u.woa Real th for all SLuilnua, Broad, vestibuled and np-fo-date trains between Pueblo and Denver, and Omaha. Chicago and Kansas City, making direct connection in Chicago with all morning irainseast First-class Pullman Sleepers Library Buffet cars, between Denver and Chicago; the most perfect dining car serv­ ice in the world—“a la carte;” through first class Pullman Sleepers every day be­ tween Salt Lake City and Chicago via the t'cenic Line; personally conducted excur­ sions in ordinary Pullman sleeping cars once a week from Portland and San Fran­ cisco to Omaha, Chicago Buffalo. Boston The English Bittern. and New York via the Great Salt Lake The statement having been made Route, without change to Chicano. No an­ that the bittern is one of the lost birds noying transfer in Chicago, These cars are in England, a correspondent writes to provided with, all weekly periodicals for free use of our patrons. lhe Daily News that so far from be­ ing exterminated, they are still so For further information, maps, folders, ibundant in one locality that sleep is etc., coll on D. L. Rice, agent B. P. Co., or t hard for strangers because of the loud write to A. E. COO PEE, noise they make, like a bull bellowing, Gen’l figent, Pass. Dept. and that in this region they are shot Portland, Ore. ind eaten. ’ — SWIMMING HALF PRICE. if you vani ns to make to AT . ; Stock Ee the moti PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Knights o t'ytbias, Ashland. Oregon, meets ever*. Monday eveiing. Visiting Knights ingo.7 l anding are cordially invited to attend. F. D. ROBBINS, C. C. T. H. S impson . K. R.8. Snake River—Leave Riparia daily Leave Lewiston daily. PATENTS n. Great Japanese Pyrotechnlet. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and In Nagasaki, Japan, there is a fire­ Xi-.' ■I •• rom- on a farm n^a”* «>•** miffed su:-id-- hr -J.,-., X-v mo- I five is known for th'* ®/'t ae-l :t is sup- nosed that he wa- tt-inr csr- ’y in.-ane. He leaves a wife au«1 fiv sin all oliil- dren. A British cruiser recently reported having passed a number of bodies float­ ing outside of San Francisco bay. Ow­ ing to a rough sea no atfemnf was made to get them. It is not known where the bodies came from. Henry H. Pitcher, cashier and man­ ager of the bank of Livermore and one of the trustees of the Vaniev estate, committed suicide at hi= borne in Liver­ more, Monday. His suicide was due to troubles over money matters. Frank Sabichi. a grand trustee of the Native Sons of the Golden Vest, died at Los Angeles a few ago. end far beyond th* reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with disap- poiutmeat and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Only a real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease. ~ S. S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it rich and healthy, s timul a t es and puts new life into the sluggish worn-out organs, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous accumulations. S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful tonical and purifying It is the only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe .11 blood troubles. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at ■ite our physicians about your case. They will cheerfully give you or advice wanted. We make no charge for this. . .o ,v com •' V wreck- Five Oriental Vic­ toria, B. O., n-r- • " ; are brinenuff mon* than 3'iX) T ¡.v iiie im- micrants while *>''<<’■• h-ivc already land­ ed during the last 3? days. CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE, t 122 THIRD STREET. PORTLAND, For HiU.i. Folders, and Ful tion regarding Eastern Trip caii on or ad dress A. B. C. DENN’IfiTON, City Passvaud Tioke; Ageut, Portiund. , i-.efler. »ukUes ander vaiious name-, with rartra« U- • «T?»4Uara "" railshle »Iwfc. zrerat. f $.S ff 4 i ö 4 fi If ■”»‘»8 laHkovtat- i, gi ?»» 8K hV 4 Ofc- ift. kickt fcdOl» I'UIXTOV klCUY FKiU -----------—'------ — ’*••-------- — CiVra »4VS, «ITH THZ ^Dssms u» iWt. Made by tlx j^btsi laaiirt in Am.rlta, 1r»= the btst material a».tr «an buy. rait.^Zie I werk. A to -Virs H. sm . d ; Vsiristceifi »eucwith machine. IT COSTS YOU AiOTHINS eonipors itwlth C - raw!“' -i.1, —-A0/*?* your suirvkerix-r Bella at >40.00 to 7 VJ Tv *-'*'*• pay your freigt t au-ent the S1S.6O. •. iirt'p mrf t raonmsyou A1-e satisfied. OKLEli id day . Co. are th* rouKt-J - rrntu.ie.ra-Editor.) SEARS, «DEBUCK & CO. Inc.) Chicago, ¡11. Have given this road a national reputa­ tion. All classes of passengers carried on the veetibuted trams without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famoue line. All agents have tickets. . W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., . C. 8 avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F. A P. Agaot, Portland, Oregon. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure • Digests what yen eat. I tartlUcially digests the food and aid« Nature in strengtheQfpg god recon« struct Ing the exoee ‘te or» gans. ItJs the latestdie^Kd digest* ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in« atantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps ana all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and email size. Boo Preparedly «0*