Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1900)
nvrnnT. I Mr ★ X ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★ .«STAR™ TAGS ★ - -rte case« the external «igns of Contagious Blood Poison are so slight that the .. ,im is to firmly nrmly within the grasp of * ** the monster the “ " true nature * of •..aim *' before **" * * the * disease ts known. In other cases the blo«d is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the "y. swollen glands, mucus patches in the mouth, sores on scalp,* ulcers on tongue, sore * v- / r throat, eruptions on skin, copper colored splotches, and falling hair and eyebrows no room for doubt, as these are all unmistakable signs of Contagious Blood Poison. Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood Poison. These poisonous min erals never yet made a complete and permanent cure of Contagious Blood Poison. They drive the disease back into the system, cover it up for awhile, but it breaks out again in worse form. These powerful mineral« produce mercurial rheumatism and the most offensive sores and ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off. Mercury anr T - *r h make wrocka I, » not those who have been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches and pain UW euros« UUA VC, and --------------- S. arts in an entirely different manner, ; being _ a _ purely vegetable remedy ; it forces the poison out of the system, ar. tes the general health. S. 1 ; tearing down, builds up and invigorates _ S. S. is the only antidote for this specific virus, ai the 1-tore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No matter in 1 what stage or how hopeless the case may appear, ev« >n to to ----------- make a — rapid, cure. 3. — S. S. is not though pronounced incurable by the doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon —-/ *- permanent ---------- » . « — ---------- * -- — , . Al------- _ It Js new, untried remedy; an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it a sure and unfailing cure for this disease, only purely vegetable blood medicine known. ___ Lw*k- i he Fare« Uli ritKQ LlfcO 12 Lil CM Hi U ìyg *’1 to d&Vc Gilè The people of all parties are exprees- | trees Iron* deatruoriaa. Is u estimated ing a great deal of diaguat at the way that 2669 tma of a>riMta will be harv- « the party primaries and delegate con ventions to nominate county tickets t Clean»e the liver, purify the blood, invig have been carried on. The system orate the body by uiing De Witt’s Little seems to drive more and more people I Earl« Kiser». These famous little pills away from the prin «alien and leave nr ? act promptly. E uhsmk k .B mebwin . more power iu the ba I m ’>? rl>- i - ■ mai’liii • 1 be final" sto» n.iios ’rinçalroremen were Hl-— - t i ri xi Vancouver, B. i«.». c1;* .. -r.^Uciy beaten. . L ■ >/ C'nimb .í.íllj Di« iiouoxn, a wtll-knowu butcher .t.y boss, uiaste’ •_ ’, lit- k. of Petriuma, wan thrown fro.n a horse t-tode- ie trit. or a 1 Mr H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St.. Newark, N. J., says: * I was afflicted with a terrible blood disease, which was in spots at first, bat afterwar-. - t >e LAVil ' reoruOy an i received injorios which 1 cide 1 I’ he V •prrr-d all over my body. These soon broke out into sores, and it is easy to imagine the suffering I endured. Before I became convinced that th. 7 7 doctors could do me no good I had spent a hundred dollars, which was really thrown away. I the: acedemy or at CAUsed his death. tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my firs, dies it around bottle of S. S. S. I was greatly improved, and was delighted with the resell. The large, red aplotchc •>-0 ni» hoar a portion tocracy an<t if mn,em them can get i- on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained u liou oï Ke wick was lost weight, became stronger, and my appetite improved. I was soon entirely well, ana my skin e he lets the comnaMi herd hav» a chance oi '• : b,-.« clsir as a piece of glass." and then the result is kept a secret. ■ bur -4, trRii-ihng a loss of a out $18,- Send for our Home Treatment Book, which contains valuable information abou The system is rotten and un-American 0?.. '.vnit c *503 mkuriume. A space this disease, with complete directions for self treatment. Our medical department i that thus ceniializer power away from bv U business h’ uses and in charge of physicians who have made a life-time study of blood diseases. Don’ the people 'The people of Ma-io>: coun V , : sie. It iiivrs i* how b lie hesitate to write for any information or advice wanted. We make no charge what ty are thoroughly tiled and disgusted th* fji ìir^, nU L ■ i es for » vv..- ywsr for thia All correapnndenee la held in the most seared THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, Gi with it and very few decent and reap*. *•' ..♦.•! Kes- "^’hf-l u. . »t > WT ‘ of .f able repllblk al. - w-.-U’ <■ < U e • U. , -.¡i- ¿ad iir~ primaries and lheie is icri little iut-r- WIC K *x/¥v ' S ■ ‘aF'ii Ci b ftgi.'iUg lacbüfoe U» ■u. diar town est in the convention outside the ranks Troubles from a. Lucky Grave Sit*. tiie inwastaacs vo-Rpsu^ts k-ve gradually When the former minister of law, Cho of the place-hunters.—Salem Journal. withdr&ww ixwut tb«re uadi Lufitirauoe I’yeng-sik.was governor of Chungchong Attorney Samuel B. Terrill has beau from fte» was n«u'ly iaipMuiUe t« »b- province he was told by a geomancer acquitted of a charge of embezzlement tain. that the site of one 0 Hen-keun’s house Orohaniiris at Keswick have com- was the luckiest spot for a grave. Gov. at San Jose. Terrill admitted he took the Mouutaiu Cho asked O to give him that site, but money not his, but contended that he «netiaad «ado* They the latter refused. Then the governor should be charged with grand larceny. ’Oapper «auipauy for changed his tactics from diplomacy to He cleared himself on these growads. I <■'.«■» tka flumes from the b ii eiter de- force. He issued a proclamation charg There were other charges against him skroyad tuslr tveus aud they "vaut dam- ing O with beingthe most undutiful son but they are outlawed, and iu all proba in the province, and his whole family bility he will go free. • A movement is ou foot to make a as immoral. Tfce law requires the gov ernor to exteribinate such criminals bicyolepath between Benicia and Vallejo from the face of the earth, and he (Cho and practical action will be taken just Pyeng-sik) dispatched a company of as soon as the one between Vallejo and j the governor's bodyguard to the town Napa is completed. An enthusiastic meeting of the farm- I where the O family lived, destroying every house in the village, and killing ers and merchants of Madera county eight persons and injuring six. After was held under the auspices of the thus exterminating the O’s the governor chamber of commerce to devise ways appropriated the site of their house and and means of securiug better irrigation I built a vault on it far his future grave. facilites whereby 45,000 more acres of I The court has now restored the proper the best land may be irrigated. Will- | ty to the lawful heirs and made Mr. iam Hughes was chairman, aud he iu- ' Cho pay an indemnity of $10,000 for the vited Civil Engineer Tielman of Fresno nurd er of the eight persons.- to address the meeting. Plans were i , formulated to carry out the suggestions i I HOW IS YOUR WIFE? offered by Tielman, aud committees , Has she lost her beauty ? It so, Consti were appointed to confer with Henry ; Many a woman has periodic crying pation, Indigestion. Sick ’ Headache are the Hudyan gives one Energy, fludijan Tor Men and Women spells. She meets her huslxmd with Vigor,vim, makesone Robust orincipal causes. Karl’s Clover Root Te- Miller and secure his co-operatiou. eyes red and swollen and he cries out: and Strong. Hudyan creates fifty C ents . has cured these ills for half a century George H. Fanning, a raucher and “ What h^u» happened ? ” " Nothing” hi - bright, rosy complexions, be Price 25 cts and 50 cts. Money refunded Ilbdyan cures, never doubt cause it insures perfect activ ; if results are not satisfactory. E ugene A. large land holder of Merced, died at wife replies. nI don’t know what is the it. Hbjy*n cures all disorders ity of all organs of the body. matter with me, but I just had to have i S herwin , Druggist. Banning some days ago. arising from Weak Nerves or Women who suffer with pain Impoverished biood. Hudyan a good cry.” Men don’t have crying ful or Irregular periods, leu- cures Nervousness, Trem The Sanger Lumber company’s box, spells. It would seem therefore that an corrhcea, bearing-down pains, bling*, Weakness, Disxiness, chronic inflammations and sash and door factory was destroyed at affection confined to women must hav. All gone Feeling. Hudyan ulcerations find absolute cures Sleeplessness, Despond comfort in Hudyan. Itcures. Sanger some days ago. The loss will its eause in the womanly nature. There ency, Mental Depression. Hudyan makes rich blood, is no diMtbt that a diseased condition of reach $40,000. Hudyan cures Indigestion, promotes sound sleep, creates the delicate womanly organs, is in gen Bloating of Stomach, Palpita a healthy appetite. Hudyan Special Agent Thomas Howard of the tion of the Heart, Pale or Sal cure« are permanent and last* eral responsible for feminine nervous low Complexions. Hudyan rural free postal delivery service is in ing. Consult th. Great Hudyan ness and hysteria. cures Clouded Memory,Head- Doctors Free. They Advise Sacramento ^for the purpose of looking The use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre aches, Costiveness, Torpid Free. Call or Write. Hudyan, Liver. Hudyan cures Pain iu over the ground and establishing free scription makes women happy by mak 50 eta. a package, 6 packages, Back, Pain tn Side, Pains In •2.50. For sale by all drug, ing them healthy. There are no more country routes. Lirfibs. Weak Back, Sediment gists, or send direct to Hudyan crying spells. "Favorite Prescription’ in Urine, Ringing in Ears, Remedy Co., corner Stoekion, L. A.Upson, one of the widely known Dots before Eyes. Hudyan cures inflammation, ulceration and fe Ellie and Market Streets, Sa- eurea Loss of Flesh, Loss of men of the Sacramento district, died of male weakness. It makes weak women Frinclico, California. Appetite, Haggard Appear paralysis at Sacramento a few days ugo. strong, sick women well. ance, Lack of Energy. After being out one hour the jury in There is no medicine "just as good.” the John Pendleton murder trial at Accept no substitute. three years,” writes Mra. Mary A. Sasser Redding returned a verdict of murder of "For High, Lamar Co.. Texas, "I suffered with fall THE CHRONICLE ranks with tbs «reates in the second degree. Pendleton killed ing of the womb, also ulceration of the womb newspapers tn the United States. After using three bottle? of your ‘ Favorite Pre W. L. Randle on September 5 lost. The scription,' THE CHRONICLE has no equal on the Paclfi* four of ’Golden Medical Discovery’ Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news men had had trouble over a mining and two vials of ’ Pleasant Pellets,' I found re THE CHRONICLE’S Telegraphic Reports ar* lief. I am able to dq niv woric with ease. I rec claim. There were no witnesses. Pen the latest and most reliable. Its Local News the ommend your wonderful medicine to all my fullest and spiciest, and lta Editorials from the dleton claimed that he shot in «elf-de- mends, foe I truly believe it t saved * my life." ~ ablest pens In the country. Adviser, Free. Dr. Pierce’s Medical I fenae. THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always in paper coven», is sent free on receipt of will be, the friend and champion of tho people m A« Entertaining Portfolia. ai one-ceat stamps to pay cost of mailing against combinations, ollques, corporations, 01 Unmousted picture«, those pretty only. Cloth binding 31 stamps. Ad •pprewlons of any kind. It will bo tndevendeu* la everything neutral la nothing. and interesting ones- that,sometime« dress Dr, R. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y. come as supplements with the really good papers, the photographs thatyou do not care to frame and which are too Joy’s fsr ilio jaUtd anil Go«e large to put in an album, the engrav Health for all Mankind« ings that have-been picked up here and IOY'3 VEG2TABLE~SARIAFAS.-l.LA. there, and especially the pictures cut out of old but good guide books, may; ELY’S CREAM BALM la a positivecnre. be arranged in a portfolio so simple Bail: .'-.ont Apply into tho nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 6« her'.'b, and that it can be handled by everybody cento at Druggists or by mail; samples 10c, by mail Contains no GIVES THE CHOICE OF ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York City without its »howing the usage givenit. mineral drugs or Buy an ordinary portfolio, a good- ceamy pcis- sized one, with a strong back to it. cu. Joy’s TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL 50 YEARS* Vegeta a is Cover it with coarse gray linen, and Sarsaparilla EXPERIENCE paint on this in a floral cr architec roba the t-lcod of alt tural design the word "Pictures.” Let as impuri B f J gJ 1 L J your pictures be loose, but mount ties, end / 1 V ■ j k q courses all those which are small or which have V n B k ■ B • 8 Ú icúc impari- suffered in the least, and trim the edges of those that are ragged. It is necessary in time, because they are TRADE MAHRS D esigns handled a great (Seal, to throw some of I "vvv^^ C opyrights Ac. the pictures away, but there are al Anyone sending a sketch and description may VÌA ways fresh contributions. Two port aaickly »»certain our opinion free whether an VIA invention is probably patentable. Communie», folios filled with these pictures will en strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents feafsap.trUkt sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. SALT LAKE lions SPOKANE tertain a party of young people an en 'ifiVW.Îfi U. l J Ifcl Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the tire evening, giving them subjects for DENVER MINNEAPOLIS LaUJK3, palpitation conversation and opportunities for of hi-urt, rush of tete-a-tete, so that they will go home OMAHA ‘ ST. PAUL A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir blood to tlie head. pleased with themselves and witheaeh culation of any scientific journal. Terms, >3 a AMD AMD ihzztnesa, ria^inif in year: four months, Sold by all newsdealer^ other.—London Mail._______ eexs, spots before tho KANSAS CIT\ CHirAGO headache, bil- “I think De Witt’s Little Early Risers Bcauch. Office 625 V Ft. Washington. D. U are the beat pills in the world.” says W. L)Uf>ness,consli pation E. Lake. Happy Creek, Vn. They remove of bowels, p,t.n? li Th* Chronicle Building all obstructions of the liver and bowels, the bick.ineiancholy. Ocean act quickly and never gripe. E uoene A. tongue coated, foul Steamea Leave S hebwim . !> brt-ttih, pimple« on Portland Every Erne, bony end limb ON EVERY BOTTLE, wrecks, NN cures k * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Star ” tin tags (showing small stars printed on under «ide of tag), “HorseShoe," ‘‘GoodLuck,” ‘‘Cross Bow,” and ” Drummond ” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Every man, woman and child can find something on the list that they would like to have, and can have msxsz TÁ04. TAGS. I ............ M M Clock, S-day, Calendar, Tharmom- e:er. Barometer..................................... K0 i Kn fe, one blade, good ateel M Gnu case, leather, no better made. KU S Bcieeora, 4I< inchee................... Ret* Knife. Fork and Spoon M 24 Revolver, automatic, double action, < 4 Child" Z-.. :______ 1_____________ n or «caliber...........................................4U0 5 Salt and Pepper Set, one each, quad- mple plate on white metal................ •0 M Tool Set, not playthings, but real tool»............................................................ 6K € Frencli Briar Wood Pipe...................... 27 Toilet Set. deoo-ated porcelain, 7 Razor, hollow ground, fine Engliah very handaome................ 800 ateel •*•«••• w >8 Remington Rifle No. 4, 22 or SI cal. 800 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, beat (JUftllty ■••••• ....»• eeeaeeaeeee eeeaeee* «0 29 Watch, sterling silver, full jeweled UNO • Sugar Shell, triple plate, beet quaL. eu » Drees Suit Case, leather, handaome and durable.............................................. 1000 10 Stamp Box, sterling silver.................. 7« U Knife, “Keen Kutter,’’ two blade».. 74 81 Sewing Machine, first class, with all attachments.................................... 1000 12 Butcher Knife, “Keen Kutter,” 8-ln blade. .... ••••■•...•..••••■■ 7« St Revolver, Colt’s, «-caliber, blued steel........................................ two IS Shears, “Keen Kutter." 8-incb......... 71 « Rifle, Colt's, lt-shot, 22-caUber........ 1000 14 Nut Set, Cracker and i Pick», «liver I* la ted.......... ..■••• ■••••■ .... 80 M Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, In laid...............................................................KOO 15 Base Ball, "Association,” best qual.lou 16 Alarm Clock, nickel............................... IK M Mandolin, very handsome... — 2000 17 Six Genuine Bogers’ Teaspoons, best M Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, plated goods........................................... IK 12 gauge..................................................... tooo 18 watch, nickel, stem wind and set.. SOU 87 Remington, donble-barrel. ham 19 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn mer Shot Gun. to or 12 gauge......... tow handles................... 100 M Six Genuine Rogers' Table Spoons, « Bicycle, standard make, ladies or best plated goods................................... NO gents................................... 20W 21 Six each, Knives and Forks, buck- Gun, Remington, double bar horn bandies.............................................. 2K 39 Shot rel, hammerlees..................................... tow 22 Six each. Genuine Bogers' Knives and Forks, best plated goods........... KO 40 Regina Muslo Box, UM inch DUc, ,KW 1 Match Box eae«««» ..«••••••••■< RO UT E( Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line Scientific American. 5 DAYS FOR N Of Shiloh’s Consumption Cure is this gnaian»ee: ‘ All we ask of you is to use iwo-tbirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you can say that you are not benefited return the bottle to your Druggist and be may refund the price paid.” Price 25 cts , 50 cts. and >1.00, E ugen « A. E h kb win . Druggist. RATI. WA Y 3 t'nake River—Leav? Riparia daily Leave Lewiston daily. Steamer« Monthly from Portland to Yo- kohotna and Hong Kong in connecrici with O. R A N. For fall information call on O. K. .t N O r apphkss : W. H. HURLBURT, Oen’l Pass. Agent. PORTLAND OK DODWELL. CARLILL A CO. <1en Arts. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. t’o. PORTLAND. OKRCON u N declineefrerve forco cri y spells, faint rr-vlls cold, clammy Arci and hands, sour .riiegs, ictig’jo, in- *n-J ali dis ; of ibeete-iEach Sleeping Cars EJegant I Dining C rs Tourist Sleeping Cars Qnaclnl Mntira I Plain “ Star ” Tin Tags (that is. Star tin tags with no «mall OpcLIdl nUllLU . stare printed on under side of tag), are not good for prsiento, .q,m ■ ¿r.: but will be paid for in CASH on the basis ot twenty oeataper QaloUrjeeursl. OU* F53 PTS WHEN FATEXT v ¿TAAKXD. Send model, fikeuh or photo. wiih aaeöririirin-fb» free report »efio pateutability. 4A-PAC.T r MAND-E0QK FXZS. CoaUine rvfereaees and füll > lefor-mation. WUTI FOB COPT OF 0UB STECLAL ? 0FFUL It ie the moet liberal proposidca eve? pade by a : itoBt aticrney, and EVZBY INVESTOR SH0ULD •, READ XT before appinuf for patent. Addreu: « H.B.WILLSON&CO. , PATENT LAWVtRS. I < GRAND FORKS CROt/KSTON I WINNIPiG i HELENA and BUrTE r UDretoBto«.. WASHINGTON. D C. » aR££ Phillip : Wire: Fence & MACHINE Erects a Hog, Poultry or Stock Fence for about half the money required to buiM any other- kind of< fence. Machines and farm rights for sale bv r. 3EC, MUKIV ASHLAND, OKKGuN. TO THROUGH TICKETZ TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORKI BOSTON AND AU PORiTS EAST and SOUTH Throqch tickets to J i.o.nn aud China, via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Sltsiusliip 4i. «, i .« i , l > Co. .For information, time cards, map nnd foket», cab ou or writ« '. « ;.* vtr T*i' Assistant Gcners' ^assengei I PURTLAlb ■ **!£»»• N C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P ortland , O b . JWBEAR IN MIND that a dime’s worth of Will last longer and afford more pleasure than a dime’s worth of any ether brand. Send tags to CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO., St LOUiS, Mo. SOO PACIFIC LINE. SctNjç I lne ™ W orld DENVER« RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. The only route that can give Grand Scenery, Low Rates, Model Accommodations. Ocean to Ocean W ithout C hange of C ars . Through Tickets to------- THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE wm NORTHWEST E ast TO ALL POINTS R. G NICHOL, General Agent And from Europe via all Atlantic Steamers. Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit ish Columbia. S. K. HOOPER, G. P. h T A 151 WMhto.too Sc, PORTLAND, ORE. AMFKK \ \ A For full particular« a« to time, rate«, and for copies of C. P. R. Publication«, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. OrtoH. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third street, Portland, Or. E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. O. THE “NECESSARY” MAGAZINE The best-informed men and worn in in the world use the AMERICAN ' MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS to keep well informed, and call it the ” necessary ” and " Indispensable ” magazine. In the busy rush of to-day ambitions men and women must know about the important questions of the month, and not only this, they want to know about them at the right time. When the whole country is puzzled over the gigantic combination of trusts, a well-informed article is printed in the AMERICAN MONTHLY, giving the facts, and its editor discusses the theory ; when the Dreyfus affair is in everyone’s mouth, the best story Of Dreyfus and ths great case comes out in this magazine. Every month, is “ Th« Progress of the World,” Dr. Albert Shaw gives a comprehensive picture of the world’s history during the pre vious thirty days. In the departments, the valuable articles and books that have been published during the past month are reviewed and quoted from, so that the readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY can get the gist of them. In every issue nearly a hundred pictures «re printed, i including the portraits of the men and women who «re making the history of the month. To be thoroughly well informed helps any man or woman in his or her work. A subscription to the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS represents an investment for the best kind of profit, as well as entertainment. One subscriber has just written: “ Count me a life subscriber, and when you send me a number beyond the limit of my subscription and secure no renewal from me, consider it a notice of my death.” Price 25 cents per number, $2.50 a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of ten cents in stamps. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY « 13 Astor Place New York j A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want tbe best service obtain able so far as speed, comfort and aafety ¡■concerned. Employee« of tbe Wu consin C entral L inks are paid toaerve tbe public and our trains are operated ■o as to make close connection with diverging line« at all junction point«. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cara on through trains. Dining Oar service unexcelled. Meal« served a la Carle. In order to obtain tbi« first-cl«*« aervic«, ask tbe ticket agent to «ell you a ticket over................. The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connection« at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any furtherjinformation call oa any ticket agent, or correspond with JAR. 0. POND, General Pa««. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukbb , General Agent, W isconsin , 246 Stark Street, P ortland , O regon . ARE YOU GOING EAST? n»NEW GRAPHOPHONE NOT A TOT, - t fisi fouiieys. i rgetabie iisr- ».is void bj ell Refuse ft -.¡ilute when you 3X3 My dear Smith-.— Your pointer was a peach. A strongly constructed Graph -1 lett for Chicago immediately after I saw far tbe best kc that ophone, with simple mechan you, and of course bought my ticket over you ¿et the best, the Wisconsin Central Ry., from St. Paul ism, made to meet the de Io Chicago. I had plenty of time in St. ALL STANDARD mand tor a first-class talking Paul to go up town and gel my supper, as TALKING machine, at a low price. MACHINES. my train leaves St. Paul at 7:40 p in. (Including postage) to any part of the Fulled | I returned to the depot about 7:20. When State» Canada and Mexico i passing through the gates, the gentleman THE WEEKLY CHP-ONICLE. the brighter, haid, "There’s your train to the right:” I and most compl?t9 Weekly Newspaper in the handed my grip to the gentlemanly porter, The pleuare tn owning» Graphophoael« largely lnoreaeedby being able to make and reprodace world, prints regularly 84 columns, or twelve» who p aced it in my berth. (You will no your own record».IVe fam t»n thle machine with reoorder for «f.50,making It the chehpeet recording ■nd reproducing talking maohlae on the market. GraphophOB«« ot every description. Oall or write. pages, of News, Literature and General Infjriua- tice I call this my tram, while it really be tioni also a ma*raificent Agricultural Department COLOMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept. longs to the Wisconsin Central. 1 con Id not SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRcE. help but feel that I owned the train, and even the road, the employees are so courte « --------------- ous.) I then prepared myself for the oom- do you want the torts in store. Well, talk about traveling! I have traveled all over the wide world, but never had a more delightful trip than this CHRONICLE one from St. Paul to Chicago over the Wis consin Central Ry. I retired about 10 p. m., , and enjoyed a good nights rest in the Pnll- ; man Palace Car; only woke up once during thenight, and that was when the porter punched me and said; "Mr. Brown, please SHOWING | don’t snore so load, you disturb the rest of I the passengers.” I at once fell asleep, and SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. The United States, Dominion ol awoke again about 7 a. m„ and prepared myself for breakfast; went into the dining A. O. U. W. Canada and Northern Mexico car about 8 a- m., and partook of a most sumptuous meal. All meals are served a OTV ONE SIDE, (your own selection) to every sub ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. la carte, as you know. My entire trip was scriber. Only 50 cents a year. And th« Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall a most delightful one. j will never cease The Favorite Line to all Points jvery sicond and fourth Wednesday in to praise the Wisconsin Central Ry., and I East, tacb month. All brethren in good standing know that your sentiments are the same. ire cordially invited to attend. Our friend Jones reached Chicago via ON THE OTHER SIDE. Broad, vestibuled and np-lo-date trains G eo . E ngl «, M. W. another route and was six hours late. between Pueblo and Denver, and Omaha, G eo . W. T befben , Recorder. Send 52 and Get the Map and Consequently, he missed connections for 1 Chicago and Kansas City, making direct Weekly Chronicle for One Year, New Tork, and cannot make connection j I connection in Chicago with all morning I G. A. II. the Paris Exposition I poatag« prepaid on Map and Paper. therewithSteamerfor A LAMES’ MAGAZINE. Hence has given up his trip, and will re- I i I trains east. First-class Pullman Sleepers BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Library Buffet cars, between Denver and I turn home via the Wisconsin Central Ry. A gem; beautiful colored plates; latest ADDRESS (f) • Chicago ; the most perfect dining car serv ” Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and fashions ; dressmaking economies ; fancy Your friend. A M. H. de YOUN&, work ; household hints; fiction, etc. Sub ice in the world—"a la carte;’" through Sd Saturday of each month. Visiting Com Frovrtstor B. T. Chronic!», P. 8. Since you were in Clucago'^t’he ?rst Sleepers eyerydavlve- radeseordiallv welcomed. scribe to-day, or, send ¿c. for latest copy. Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. •AM FB^WVlaOO, CAJk 8. H. DUNLAP, Commander. Chicago Wisconsin Central Ry., have changed their tween Salt S"H Lake City • and ”'1 cm «— via the Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- I i Scenic Line; personally conducted excur- W. I. M c N utt . Adjutant. -terminals, and are now running into the date, Economical and Absolutely Central Station at Park Row and 12th 8t ! sions in ordinary Pullman sleeping c->.rs Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. This depot is also used bv the Michigan ! once a week from Portland and San I’ran- W • R. C. Central R., Illinois Central and C C. V ± I cisco to Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo. Boston BUBNEIDE BELIEF CORPS NO. 24 ! and New York via the Great Salt Lake fat U Meetsin Odd Fellows ball at 2 o’clock p I Route, without change to Chicago. No an- ; noying transfer in Chicago. These cars are m on the second and fourth Saturdays of BAZAR» Best Winter Koute provided with all weeklv periodicals lor each month. For eunehine, flowers and orenges take free use of our patrons. M b ». M alvina F erguson , Tres. Mas. M. J. Spenc-tr. Sec’y. the Sin.eet Route via Loa Ange ee to all i f1 '■‘p.* 1 ? » • pointe East. Tourist t-xcnrBicu care and (No-Scam- A Bo wanes Patterns.) KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. 1 chair tars to E! Paso Fort Worth, Kan- For further information, maps, folders, Only 10 15 cts. each— oom higher. n, A ieaaCity, Chicsco, Cincinnati, Houston etc., call on D. L. Rice, agent GRANITE LODGE. NO. 23. Knights of P. Co or Ask for them. Sold in nearly every city *■7’^^*- •' i.’»’:-«- and town, or by mail from Pythias. Ashland. Oregon, meets even ,New Vueans gob Washington, D. C. ’ write to Monday evening. Visiting Knights hi eo-H For r.tte«, guide» a: 1 information ad- A. B. COOTEB, THE McCALL co ., •Landing are cordially invited to attend drew» C. H. M arkham , G. P. A., 138-148 West 14th St.. Hngr York. Gen’l Agent, Pass. Dept. F. D. ROBBINS, C. O. ¡fot) iii-r Bl Au: U: O' fVTb, Portland, Or. T. H. SlMWON, K. B.8. Portland, Ore. ‘ Map of the World Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam .Heat, hundred, if received by ns on or before March 1st, 1900. Reversible Map? DULUTH FARGO Train« every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Osoaha and Chicago, “The only perfect train« in the world.” Understand: Connection«are made with AU Transcontinental Line«, assuring to passenger« the beet service known. J. W. CA8EY, Tr*v. Pass. Agt., S eattle , W ash . MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS Pullman “PIONEER LIMITED', For rates, pamphlets or other infer rntlion, addre««, $1.50 a fei S A familiar name for the Chic-atu. Milwaukee'A BL Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa th* Great Rauwav running ibr Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket read« via "The Milwaukee” when going to any poin in the United State« or Canada. Al in let agent« sell them.. . THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES HOVEN BER 30 TH, 1900. MUNN & Co.361Bro,dw,y New York ORTHERN PACIFIC ... MILWAUKEE” ★ ★ ★ ★ . ★ ★ ★ ★ (" anadian STAR PLUG TOBACCO ★ MAKETHETE8TI PACIFIC ★ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ★ Tears EAST ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ '"THE I A FREE PATTERN MAGAZINE MS CALL/fi Be eure and see that your Ticket read« via The.... Northwestern Line! ----- THE----- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. Thia i« the GREAT SHORT LINE >r Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Point« East «nd South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerlee« Vet- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Train« and Motto; ALWAYS £ON ¡TIME,” Have given this road a national reputa tion. All clasee« of passenger« carried on the veetibuled train« without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over tbi« famous line. All agents bav« ticket«. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., W. O. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F.& P. Agent, Portland, Oregon. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digest* the fDod «fid ahis Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gana. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea- SlckHeadache,Gastralgie,Cramps,and all other results of Imperfect digestion, Prepared by E- G. DaWIu « 4».. Cfilcega. 1UGBMB A4U1SSW1M,