HOME CURE FÛRBLÜÛDPOISON. Bmn ot thi Doctors’ Patchwork; You Can Cure Yourself at Home. There is not the slightest doubt that the doctors do more harm than good in treating Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of this loathsome disease would be much better off to-day if they had never allowed them­ selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the TAUFT RECOUP P-.-tl ASHLAND, Or. ..Thursday March 29, 1900 SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. A. O. V. W. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Meets in lodge room in Masonie Hall ivery skcond and yovbth Wednesday in *acb month. All brethren in good standing ire cordially invited to attend. Geo. E ngl «, M. W. •it’O W. TkErBKN, Recorder. The doctors are wholly unable to get rid of _ , and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the e saves and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the *fid endoavof to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash 3WJ ■ Th® mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out is cimtinued indefinitely, the drugs doing the system datnagstt^“1 tLedifeasei itself. H-ji/Myws, lDU MnlbefnT St., Newark. N. J., says: "I had spent a liars «ith tb( doctors, when I realized that lo m^JlQ good. I had large spots all over my mwj . iuih these toon Broke out into running sores, and I endured »11 the suffering which this vile disease pro­ duces. I decided to try ST S. 8. as a last resort, and was soon greatly improved. I followed closely your ‘Direc­ tions for Self-Treatment,’ and the large splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my- self at home, after the doctors had failed completely.” It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for the disease is be­ yond their skill Swifts Specific— G. A. R. Bvassina post no . 23. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and ^aturdav of «»ch month. Visiting Cow adrs cordiath weicomed. 8 H DUNLAP, Commander. W. I. M c N utt . Adiutant. this vile J R. C. W. BUBNSIPB BILIir COBPS NO. 24 Meetsin Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p •t on rhe second and fourth Saturdays of •a-b month. M bs M alvina Fsaauaox, Pres. M J. Spenc-r. Sec’v. 50 YEAR8* EXPERIENCE S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD —acta in an entirely different way from potash and mercury—it forces poison out of the system aud gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the disease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever, gonstaatly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat­ ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad* targe, and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity, information to Swift Specific Go., Atlanta, Ga. PYTHIAS li NIGHTS OI • A NITE LODGE, NO. 23. Knighte oi Ashland. Oregon, meets every • ■..lav evening. Visiting Knights in good inding are cordinllv invited to attend F. D. ROBBINS, 0. C. T. H. 8otrBON. K. R. 8. ■ f J gJ 1 N k J 1 w ■ ■ 1 i k ■ ■ B ■ TRADE MAHrKS D esign * f "Fv” 1 C opyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qatckly ascertain onr opinion free whether aa Invention is probably patentable. Communi«». tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency.for securingjatenta. Patents taken through Munn s Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation of any scientific journal. Terms, »3 » year; four months. >L Sold by all newsdealers New MUNN & (jQ^BIBrtmdwiy, York Hrliicl Office «25 r Bt. Washington. D. U ¿ tiudgan for Men and Women Hudyan gives one Energy, Vigor,Vim, makes one Robust and Strong. Hudyan creates bright, rosy complexions, be­ cause ft insures perfect activ­ ity of all organs of tbe body. Women who suffer with pain­ ful or Irregular periods, leu- corrhcea, bearing-down pains, chronic Inflammations and ulcerations find absolute comfort in Hudyan. Itcures. Hudyan makes rich blood, promotes sound sleep, creates a healthy appetite. Ilndynn cures are permanent and last­ ing. Consult the Groat Hudyan Doctors Free. They Advise Free. Csll or Write. lludyan, 50 cts. a package, 6 packagea, *2.50. For sale by all drug­ gists, or send direct to Hudyan R.msdy Co., corner Stoolton, Ellis ^nd Mar'et Streets, ta- Francisco, Califoraia. FIFTY CENTS. Hudyan cures, never doubt it. Hudyan curedalldlsorders «rising from Weak Nerves or Impoverished blood. Hudyan cores Nervousness, Trem­ blings, Weakness, Dlzxiness, Allgoue Feeling. Iluilyan cures Sleeplessness, Despond­ ency, Mental Depression, lludyan cures Indigestion, Bloating of Stomach, Palpita­ tion of the Heart. Pale or Sal­ low Complexions. Hudyan cures Clouded Memory,Head­ aches, CostiveneM, Torpid I Tver. Hudyan cures Pain in Lack, Fain in Side, Pains in Limbs. \\ eak Back, Sediment In Vrlne, Ringing in Ears, Dots before Eyes. Hudyan cures Loss o! Flesh, Loss of Appetite, ITaggard Appear­ ance, Lack al tuergy. D.R.&M AT HALF PRICE. If you want us to make to E.r MKASLKK and OKI»EH STK GOODS for the RBL1KF AND IT KF OF VAKICOSK VK1NN, WEAK, bWOLLK.X OR VLi KIl* ATED U11W, COKPVLEXt'V. ABDOMINAL WKAKNKSS OR TUMOR, state your beltht, weight »nd age, state number of inches around body or limb at each letter shown in cut and send to us with our 8PKC1AL PKK K. We will make the goods to order from the very flnest freak robber elastic material, guarantee a perfect lit and Qif you do not find it perfectly g satisfactory and equal to goed others get double the price for return at our expense and we will refund your money. EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF OUR SPECIAL PRICE £ *« TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL R O U T E S Great Oregon Northern Ry Short Line VIA VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL KANSAS CITV CHICAGO Ooean Stea mea Leave Turtlaud Everv elafttte thigh stock lag, A to I, SI.SO; thigh lerging. C to I, SS.OO« thigh piece, Kt© 1, S’t.SOi knee stocking, A left, fh.OU; knee legging, C toG, S4.OO; Lnee cap, K to 6, »».00. garter slocking, A to E, »3.00; garter ______ lejcaiMT, I to K, »3.00; anklet, A to < !■ »S.OO; abdominal belt. K to I, »10.00. COTTON BLASTIC , GOODS, ON K-T Hl RD LESS. Special Covered Elastic Abdominal Supporter, made of soft lisle thread, interwoven with protected rubber thread, 8 Inchee wide, »2.00; 10 laches, t »2.2»; li inches. Si. ®0. Write for Surgery Catalogue SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO.. (Inc J, CHICAGO. ILL N u 5 DAYS FOR A The S ■y Uall. Postage Paid. OiIs$6.70aYear. (Including postage) to any part of the United States. Canada and Mexico, THS WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the bright!- and moat complete Weekly Newspaper tn ti, world, prints regularly 84 columns, or twel> pages.of News, Literature and General Inform- lion; also a magnificent Agricultural Depart men Pullman Sleeping Ca~s Dining Cars C? Reversible Map; Tha United States, Dominion oi Canada and Northern Meiico ON C Sleeping Cars Snake River— ¡.eave Riparia daily Leave Lewiston daily. ONE SIDE, And the Map of the World Stea:n»r« Monthly from Portland to Y<» kclMxne and Hone Kong in connecnoi with O R AN. For full infortnstion cal on O. R AN Agent, ROBT. LEONARD. Ashland. Or O r annsKss: W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Agent, MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO «IRANI* FORK> i'R>N WINNIPEG HEI.FNA and BUTTE Oi nonu’ELt CARIALI. A <'O. Gen. A gu. Nor. Pec. S. 8. Co. Jri-.J’.TLA N • VBKGON THROUGH TICKETS Phillips : Wire : Fence MACHINE > Erects a Hog, Poultry or Stock Fence for about half the money required to build any other kind of fence. Machines and farm rights for sale bv mtjriv CHICAGO 4 ashíñgton I’lllLADKLI’illA NEW YORK» :<»-ro\ \ m > TO ail POINTS EASTTnil SOUTH OX TUR OTHER SIDE. Send $2 and Gel the Map and Weekly ( browicle f.>r One Year, pos’aice prepaid on Map and Paper. »DrKEWi M. Nature gives an Interesting summary of the results achieved in malarial re­ search by Manson, Ross. Grassl, Big- nami and Bastianelli, and then goes on to indicate the lines along which fu­ ture achievements may be expected. The different species of anopheles should be hunted for, in order to see if these are the intermediary hosts of the different types of malaria throughout tbe world and what species Is most concerned in human transmission. An­ other problem will be whether the ano­ pheles can be extirpated from a locali­ ty and by what means. It seems that the anopheles is confined to small areas, so that “the suggestion of Ross to draw off the water from stagnant pools may not be so hopeless a task av it would at first appear.” Not Hie Choice. She—You’re inclined to be stout, aren’t you? He (rather obese»—No, indeed, 1 sim- ply can’t help it.—Chicago News. Gone. Oh, where are the «nows of my youth f Oh, where is the sleighing of old, When the flakes filled the sky, and the drifts piled so high. And the air effervesced with the cold! FR.E ScNT b-HOWINQ Tourist ASHLAND, OREGON, COPIES CHRONICLE "j r. DAILY DO YOU W ant TII; Elegant ■ Building. ---------------- p • I . Chronicle TH El SAMPLE N ri il. do YOUNG, Proprietor & F. Chronicle, «AN BRAN CUSCO. CAL. $2.45 GOLD PLATED Oh, where is the straw ride of yore? Oh, where is the maiden so dear, Whom my arm crept around aa we skimmed o’er the’ground. With the bells jangling out sweet and clear! Oh, where are the pleasures of youth! Oh, where is tbe boy in their train! Ah, I sigh for him here with the wind crooning drear. And the rain beating hard on the pane. —Cleveland Plain Dealer. A. 1». CHARLTON, Assistant General pas6enger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON f * “Star” tin tags (showing small stars on under side of tag), “HorseShoe,” “GoodLuck,” “Cross Bow,” and “ Drummond ” Leaf Tin are equal value m securing presents mentioned and may be assorted. Every man, woman and child something on the list would like have, can have TAOS I Match Box. iMMSaiMSISOsisstlSSOSSSs Xfi t Knife, one blade, good steel ........ Sciaeoi a, 4H inches. ...*•• •••••• •••••• Child’s Set, Kutfs, Jork and Spoon Salt end Pepper Set, one each, quad­ ruple plate on white metal................ so » « French Briar Wood Pipe.......... . 7 Razor, hoUow ground, fine English so eteel.......................................... . 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, beet quality ........................................ _ 9 Sugar Shell, triple pla-e, beat queL. SU 10 Stamp Box, sterling silver........ ... 70 11 Knife, “Keen Kutter,” two blades.. 71 13 Butcher Knife, “Keen Kutter,’’ S-in blade................................................. VS IS Shears, “Keen Kutter.” ¿-inch......... 79 14 Nut Set, Cracker and 6 Picks, silver plated.•••■*•••■••••••................ So 15 Bave Ball, “Association,” best qual.100 IS Alarm Clock, nickel............................... ISO 17 8ix Genuine Rogers’ Teaspoons, best plated goods........................................... 1W 18 Watch, nickel, stem wind and set.. Mu 19 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn handles.................... MO 20 Six Genuine Rogers’ Table Spoons, best plated goods...................................250 21 Six each. Knives and Forks, buck- born handle«............................................450 23 Six each. Genuine Bogers' Knives and Forks, best plated goods.......... 500 1 1 8 4 5 They are doomed to so much suffering. But are they doomed? Is not the suf­ fering the result of conditions which un­ der skillful treatment might be entirely cured? Thousands of women who had been great sufferers, have learned that suffering was unnecessary after using Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It heals diseases of the delicate womanly organs and bauisnes the headache, back­ ache and other aches which are the con­ sequence of these dii-cases. "Favorite Prescription” is absolutely a temperance medicine in the strictest meaning of tke term. It contains no alcohol and is free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. "Z wrote you for advice February 4th, 1896," writes Mrs. Loma Halstead, of Claremore, Cher­ okee Nat., Ind. Ty. «1 was rackiug with pain from the back of my head down to my heels Had hemorrhage for weeks at a time, aud was unable to sit Up for ten mluutes at a time. Yau answered my leUer, advised rue to use your valuable medicines, vis.. Dr. PisJtcs’a Favorite Prescription, ' Golden Medical Discovery,' aud ' Pleasant Pellets,’ also uftet advice about in­ jections, baths and diet. Tb my surprise, in four mouths fara the time I began your treat­ ment I was a well woman and have uot had the backache since, aftd ndar 1 pat is sixteen hours a day at hard work.“ Sick women axe invited to consult Dr. Pierce -by letter free. All correspond­ ence private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. TAGS. IS Clock, 8-day, CMandar, Tbarmom- •ter. Barometar..................................... *™ M Gun casa, leather, no better made. W) IS Bevalver, automatic, double action, IS or IS caliber...........................................SM SS Tool Set, not playthings, but real tools....•••••>.. w. .... as® n Toilet Set. deco-ated porcelain, very handsome............................... SOO SB Remington Rifle No. 4, M or n cal. Mi • Watch, starling silver.full jeweled law SU Dreea Suit Case, leather, handsome and durable........................................ . MW U Sewing Machine, first class, with all attachments...................................... U00 n Revolver, Colt's, S8-caliber, blued steel.. «■•■••••■•... •••• • • 1 W0 IS Riffe, Oolt’e, 10-ehot, 23-caUber......... 1WU M Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in­ laid.............................................................. MOO M Mandolin, very handsome.................. MW SS Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, 12 gauge.. •••••• ■••••• MOO OT Remington, double-barrel, ham­ mer Shot Gun. 10 or 12 gauge......... MW S8 Bicycle, standard make, ladies or gents.......................................................... 2500 30 Shot Gun, Remington, double ber­ rei, hammerless......... .............................M00 For rates, pamphlets or other infer motion, address, J. THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES M0VEHBER 30TH, 1900. Agt., S kattlr , W ash . QnAFinl kintira I Plain "Star’’Tin Tags (that is, 8tar tin tags with no small OpcLIdl nULILC I stare printed on under side of tag), are not good for preMots, -- ------------ .. M-.i. „¿a but wtil be paid for in CASH on the basis ot twenty cents per hundred, if received by us on or before March 1st, 1900. .«ar-BEAli IN MIND that a dime’s worth of C will I m : longer and afford more pleasare than u dime’s worth Of tw other brand. MAKE THE TE8TI Send tags to CONTINENT Al. TOBACCO CO., St. Lwil, MO. 10,000 lllustretionr. tb« lariat, re Mt MmUeU*■**•"•* uiij c " im “ s , ClMk.. Dr«».«., BwUuA Sb««. Wstobw lewvlry, ■sr««w«. Sure«. Afrlaaltanl l»»lr»e«U, r«rBll«re, HanMs. S s MI m , ft-». Ke. Tells just what your storekeeper at home must pay for everything he buys and will prevent him from overcharging yonon anything you buy; explains just how to order, how much tbe rrelgM, espmesor wall will be on anything to your town. The big kook coats as nearly gl.M, tbe postage alone is Meents. ziiiq rDCC AffCPR Cat this ad. out and send to us UUH rRlct w)th ig ee«u u stamps to help pay the S4 oenu postage, ae ' a a L Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Druggists or bv mail; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren Su. New York City. m K«ma 11 This Saddle Is made on a I5K or 16-lnch Cenulne Ladeama or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... CABEFULLY SELECTED RAWHIDE COVERED TREE, bound or roll oantle, steel leather covered stirrup, or S-inch oxbow brans bound, as desired. WIU md baaad CSB0« fitbffFWi«« TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG ...STYLES lined, 3-lnch wide lace stirrup leathers, 1 Virch tie straps, extra long on near 6ide, »-inch to buokle on offside, heavy cotton twisted KeaddUl 5-inch front cinch, heavy cotton belting flank cinch, connecting strap. Loon seat, seat and jockey all oDe piece. W a NAMAKER’S all wool suits FOR MEN AND BOYS AT THE AGENCY. DE I»E ATT BLOCK, ASHLAND, OREGON, e e e e -----THE---- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This is the GREAT SHORTJ JJLINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vea- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: “ALWAYS r for ti>r L't icae >. ' ilwankee A St. Pan! Railway, ki own all oter it>t» Uninn as the G «»' Railway running th* ' ' RAILROAD. Current Question. We’re livin in the present An dyin in the past; The ole worl's rollin pleasant. An we’ll reach home at last! _ —Atlanta Constitution. ★ ... MILWAUKEE” ★ ★ ★ ★ “PIONEER LIMITED' ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Luxurious Coaches, ★ Electric Lights, Steam Heat, ★ ★ ★ Canada. Al ★ ★ ★ W. CASEY, ★ Trav. Pass. ★ ★ ANADIAN o ★ ''P acific K y . ★ ★ save OTADTIN ★ YOURW I Xl< TAGS ★ printed ★ Natural Tags of below, ★ can find to and ★ that they FRBXSX ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STAR PLUC TOBACCO ★ ^DENVER« Quinn—What is the currency question here in Chicago? De Fonte—Could yer give a poor man a nickel?—Chicago News. Best Winter Route Through tickets to Jcpan aud China, via Tacoma and Northern i’aciii: Steamship Co. Zorinformadon, time cards, map and ickets, call on or write “THF Malarial Research. ORTHERN PACIFIC $1.50 a lea RATJ.WJX y R AND THE CHRONICLE ranks with, th« greets** lewspnpers I d tbe United Slates. THE CHRONICLE has do equal on the Perm oast. It leads all tn ability, enterprise and n*«t THE CHRONICLE’S Telegraphic Reports ar the latest and moi: reliable. Its Local N«wi Ui- Oiliest and spiciest, and Its Editorial« from w. idlest pens In the country. TILE CHRONICLE has always been, aud altvay* <111 be, the friend and champion of the people ae ♦gainst combinations, cliques, corporations. oppressions of any kind. It will be indanentUn a everything neutral tn nothing. A Mysterioue Password. An accident occurred on the Oregon The Batenes» Bunlett-Coutts was Railwav and N vi-< ; is anJ was passed line rear I ...... once shopping In ' « ar ta a nut Ter by in the d’i . from one tfc r lie rem- c. serious iujiuy oi aa . -• i j . . the sLc-pu. ___ __ She was escorted from crew were on a io;. _ do->u “Two ten. counter to counter, and everywhere the grade, and around a atu ve w'-100. does not cure, take the mine, half a mile from Keswick, aud tnjttle back and we will refund vour money Sold for over fifty vears on this guarantee. beyond a broken leg and severe bruises, Price 25 cu. & 50 cts. E vobnk A. Swss- appears uninjured. The miner rode up win . Druggist. the shaft standing on the edges of the bucket and holding the cable. Just as A party of explorers headed by Lien- the surface was reached something gave tenaut Herron of the army reached Fort I way and man and bucket plunged down. Gibbon last December after having been How Oarlock escaped instant death is a given up for dead. The party started mystery. out to discover a feasible route from Assessor Jameson of Kern county sold Cook’s inlet to the Yukon, but was lost. two cars which he had seized for taxes For three months the men wandered about aimlessly without rations other due upon them. One was the property than the country provided. Finally an of the New England Car Company of Indian found them and guided them to Boston, and the other of the Canada Cattle Car Company of Ne.w York. The ' ■civilization. two brought only $68 altogether. Their Health officers of Tacoma attempted oombiiied value was probably $2000. R. Io establish a pest-house for smallpox McDonald, a local merchant, was the oatients in an abandoned engine house nurchaser. of that city, but citizens of the neigh­ William H. Nash, a pioneer business borhood threatened to burn the building man well-knowu to frnit-grewers all «nd lynch the officers if they did. After over California, died in San Francisco rough handling the officers escaped with last week. He arrived in California in nothing worse than a wrecked buggy. 1846. There are eight cases of smallpox in The new steel bridge constructed ■ Tacoma. across the Mokelumne river at Clements MANY A LOVER was opened to traffic February 28. The Has turned with disgust from an otherwise structure is one of the strongest in the lovable girl with an offensive breaih Kart’s Clover Root Tea purifies the breith state in the estimation of the builders. 1 by its action on lbs bowels, etc., as nothing The bridge makes a very neat apjiear- ! else will. Sold for years on absol te guar­ ance and it will be of much service, as antee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E vgbkb there is considerable travel over the A S herwin , Druggist. roads in that part of the county. Coasnmptlon of Beer In Germany. Santa Ana’s high school bond election According to tbe statistics published resulted in a victory for bonds, the vote by the imperial bureau, the consump­ 1 standing 452 for the proposition and 122' tion of beer in Germany during the asainst. year 1897-8 was 1,383,700,000 gallons, To secure the original witch hazel salve, while It was 1,237,000,000 gallons in ask for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, well the United States, 1,192,000,000 gallons known as a certian cure fcr piles aud skin Beware of worthless counterfeits in Great Britain, 463,500,000 gallons in diseases. They are dangerous.—E. A. S hkbwin . Austria-Hungary, 279,000,000 gallons Efforts are being made io raise a mL-r in Belgium, 180,000,000 gallons in France and a little over 90,000,000 gal­ to build Rear-Admiral Schley a home. An authoritative statement as to the lons In Russia. Of the 1,383,700,000 gallons brewed in Germany, more than new naval programme to bo recom­ a quarter was produced in Bavaria, mended by the house committee or while the Brandenburg Marches pro­ naval affairs has been obtained as fol­ duced about 135,000,000 gallons, the lows: Two battleships of 13,500 tom Rhine provinces about 103,000,000 gal­ each, of the highest practicable speed lons, Saxony 94,500,000 gallons, Würt­ and costing about $6,000,000 each; three temberg 85,000,000 gallons, Silesia 67,- armored cruisers of 13.000 tons each, oi 500,000 gallons, Westphalia 62,000,000 the highest practicable speed, costing gallons, the duchy of Baden 45,000,000 about $6,000,000 each; three protected gallons and the duchy of Hesse-Nassau cruisers of 8000 tons each, high speed, auc nearly as much. It may be added that to cost about $4,600,000 each. These of the beer produced In the Branden­ recommendations will require a total ex­ burg province 63,000,000 gallons were penditure of from $50,000,000 to $55,000,- brewed in five Berlin breweries, a 000, none of which will have to bt fourth of this being brewed by one appropriated at this session of Congress firm. The consumption of beer per head of the population is estimated at 36 gallons In Belgium, 32 in Great Brit­ ain, 25 in Germany, 21 In Denmark, 12 in Switzerland, 10 In the United States, 9% in Austria-Hungary, 9 in Holland, 5 lu France, 3% In Norway, 2*4 in Swe­ den and 1 in Russia.—London Times. Kodol Dyspepsia Cun ’s ELECANT HAND RAISED 8TAMPINC as Illustrated. Wright of baddie »beet CS madw pecked for shipment, «5 poutnta. FKEMHT IS oni ABOVI tl.oo ron BATH MO S1LM. _ WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS ARD SADDLE CATALOGUE, showing a full line sf CowWJ? and Rancher Out dis at the lowest prices erar qsOTM. Address, fi ‘î'ï*. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICABO, ILL (Bears, RwhiMk it Ci. are «amnghlj reMIte—MM>) » stfuvtln tire ^¡ujaaTWO fli^srelvt or- antrofi p?Sp¿iitión cao approRh lì tn tfflclFngjA It In­ stantly reUmaitifl wnanirently cures Dyspepsia, Indîgçtftm, Hretrtburn, Flatulency ^BogT^ptomacn^NgOTe^ SUOBNX AJBMXBWTK.