SPRING GOODS * 1 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. CAXTXB SWXXK ASHLAND. BRYAN SPOKE IN A8HLAND. West^AsHand—F. D Wagner, chair­ man ; Geo. Engle and C. H. Gillette, secretaries; D. H. J -ckeon and T. F. Kershaw, tellers. After the two tickets were placed in nomination Mayor W. B Colton ar.se and asked to make a few remarks be ( re anybody voted for him as delegate. He wished it distinctly under­ stood that be was not going to work in the special and exclusive interest of any candidate for any office, that he was un­ pledged and would vote for the best in­ terests of the county as he saw it. The vote stood as follows: D H Jackson........... 46 M Berry............ 29 F D Wagner............. 46 C A Eliason....29 C A Hitchcock___ 46 Levi Stewart.... 30 T H Simpson............ 46 W Patterson ..29 A E Kinney.............. 72 Geo Engle....... 29 ED Briggs................. 45 W B Colton....31 William Myer........... 45 A E Kinney... 72 J R Wick.................. 44 W A Patrick.. 30 South Ashland—J. P. Dodge, cbai.-m man;F C._Hames and O. Winter sec- re'aries. The following was the vote*. J P Dodge............. 74 ‘ J P Dodge............ 74 G W Dunn........... 55 W B Pracht.. . .19 J M Wagner........ 55 D F Fox ............... 19 A C Spencer........ 55 C H Vegbte ......... 17 I E Vining.......... 56 0 E Hooper 18 P W Paulson........ 57 F C Homes ......... 20 EV Carter . ......... 55____ __ B F Reeser.......... 18 North Ashland—For chairman, C. F. Hasty received 28 and P. B. Whitney 23. Whitney and G. S. Butler were elected secretaries and Joseph Polev and W. F. Loomis tellers. W. F. Wooden ex­ plained what tbe Carter ticket stood for and Chas. Holmes stated the case for the delegation on which bis name headed the list. The vote was as follows: J R Casev ...............77 C M Holmes....... 30 A F Hunt.............. 56 J R Casey ......... 77 W A Holmes...........58 C C Walker ........25 M L Alford.............. 59 H Judge............ 26 .0 F Hasty............... 58 John Murphy...27 E F Loomis............. 60 P B Whitney...27 W F Wooden.......... 58 J W O Gregory. .27 Spring Stock! For Thirty Minutes He Touched Briefly ou the Issue* or the Day. Democratic State Chairman R. S. Sheridan, and Chas. H. Fisher, editor of the Review, Roseburg; National Demo­ Wanted—A good waiter girl. Apply cratic Committeeman J. H. Townsend | at the Ashland House. of Dallas, Hon. J. O. Booth of Grants I Cbae. B. Gay was up from Central Pass, H Taylor Hill of Crook county, Point Tuesday to hear Bryan. Chas. Nickell of Jacksonville, D. H. Mil­ ler of Medford, and President M F. Eg­ Miss Amy Booth was up from Grants gleston, Secretary W. O. Marks and Vice Complete Lines. Pass Tuesday to bear Bryan speak. IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine President T. J. Howell of the Ashland Hon. Hervey Lindley was over from Bryan Club, and Populist State Chair­ Up to Date Goods. Line of Fresh Clean Goods Klamathon yesterday on a business trip. man Frank Williams went to Colestein Tuesday morning to meet Wm. J. Our mens clothing is unexcelled in NININGER BLOCK Bryan. Howell stole a sneak ou the price, style and quality. Miller & Bart­ NEAR DEPOT committee and went one station further, ges. in order to “get next” to the sacred per­ Prof. J. M. Garrison of Forest Grove son before the others. Bryan greeted ia organizing a J writing school in Ash­ them all cordially and talked politics land. and scenery on the side coming down from the Siskiyous. Miss Mollie Bameburgof Medford was As usual wherever ho g -es local states­ The Bulls are all Pure Bred registered Here- in Ashland Tuesday to bear Bryan men are ready to caution him on what fords; a duly certified pedigree with each one speak to and what not to speak upon. Mr. Thev are of three dif- puichuin r> and of In love, laughter and song, Gov. Taylor Nickell hinted at suggesting a cue and no kin. Neighbors useful peg one of each has coined his masterpiece.—Memphis Bryan, as he always does, came prompt­ can change at end of tborouguriod, thereby Scimitar. ly forward and said he has been ap­ having tbe use of a Mr. Carter left Sunday for the country «m bo e bred animal proached many times by politicians of for several years. They old {at price* Miss Bessie Cottrell left Tuesday for i precincts to look after bis interests and great prominence with a view to getting that are* consistent, with rich and carefu I Martinez, Cal., to visit her sieter, Mrs. i study tbe wants of the delegates elected. him to drop his views on the money breeding and individ- He assembled tbe delegates from the ual merit* Cbas. Hayden. question. Bryan refuses to do so, as he three Ashland precincts in tbe council ---- INSPECTION INVITED----- J. B. Leach left yesterday for St. , chambers of the city hall Tuesday night. has deep and earnest convictions and his opinions cannot be adjusted like Elmo, Illinois, to make his future borne, No reporters were invited hence wbat E5IXT WKOORK2 those ot an ordinary political opportun­ for a time at least. ' exercise* he gave them to perform noon ist. F. K. Deuel, who is a delegate to the < cannot be definitely described. That OTtEG-O2ST. When the train arrived Chairmen A.STÏLA3STID, delegates were "felt of” in good republican county convention, is up tbe I Sheridan and Williams promptly escort­ shape there is no doubt and just how trom Medford today. 1 ed the speaker to the stand erected and Conductor Ben Maddox has been very j much they will stand to is quite likely in decorated by the Ashland Bryan Club. A. F. HUNT. WM. STORM. tbe boss’mind and they will get their J. L. THORNTON. As had been arranged by the committee ill at Depot hotel. His wife came up ( cue later on. As the delegation waa a Williams introduced Bryan in a few Tuesday to wait on him. < "personally selected” article it is con­ words as “the next President of-the to be genuine stuff capable of An elegant line of Framed Pictures at sidered i United States.” No time was lost by Opera House Furniture Store. I having no will except tbe will of tbe king either speaker, committee or audience, and as Carter is famous for manipulating G. R. Carlock closed the Wagner ' and Bryan talked uninterruptedly for 25 EXTRA VACANT LEADERS TURNED DOWN. men into doing things for him that they creek echool Friday and left thie week would , minutes, making his car just before the never think of doing fof" them­ It is reported that Representative Max­ train pulled out. He was in full view of for Bly to open a school there. ( selves, the delegation is supposed-to be well w*i "turned down” in the Tillamook that can be delivered aS a Whole or county republican primaries. He was one the large audience and made a courtly H. H. Abbott, the clever general one < agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, in i job lots for tbe best deals that can be of tbe ‘push” of the last legislature that appearance. The people were mostly in to voied shamelessly for about every appro­ sympathy with the speaker, but were came out from Portland today. I had on tbe market. There are some who priation that was ottered. not noisy as it was desired to make the Came to Hear Bryan, this (but they are considered rank Gen. P. J. Joubert, commander-in- doubt ' and claim that tbe delegation Representative Curtis who was placed most of the short time allotted and to ,Among the people from other points chief of the Boer army, who has been outsiders) ' will only trade other office seekers out of as leader of the house by speaker Car­ hear as much from him as they could. in the valley who came to hear Bryan ill, died at Pretoria Tuesday night. ( their bat, coat, vest and boots and that ter appointing him to the principal com­ The closest attention was given to every we note the following: Mrs. Robt. Taylor and Mrs. A. W. < when tbe boss asks them to trade some mittees of the organization—finance, sentence and occasionally there were re­ ASHLAND. (Jr...Thursday, March 29,1900 Jacksonville—County Treasurer L. L. Porto Rican eut of hie bants printing and resolutions—and who well sponsive demonstrations of approval. Storey have been elected delegates to the political | Jacobs, A. N. Soliss, Chas. Nickell, T. there will be a mild remonstrance and sustained the reputation of being the He touched on briefly the three ques­ Rebecca grand lodge meeting at Astoria, i M. Reed, J. R. Neil, Frank Neil, Frank when it comes to swapping off Bbirt-tails worst grafter and rascal on the floor of tions of finance, trusts and imperialism. CENTRAL POINT. Roundtree. A. McCallen. Engene A. Sherwin is having fitted up ' He showed that the republican party to- Gold Hill—J W. Hay, O. Dews, M. a branch drug store in the building va­ there will be a kick. But there is no that body, has been "turned down” by ' day was advocating things directly op­ Mr. Gardner of the Meadows was in town telling what a republican is capable of do ­ the republicans of C ’ .teop county and Chavner, Abe Crabtree, Isaac Wright, cated by the Dewey restaurant, near the Wednesday. ing when be sees hie "plain duty” before the republicans of Astoria are not nec­ posed to the ideas of Abraham Lincoln, Jesse Coffee, Mr. Allen, John McClen­ Prof. Merrill, mnsic teacher, is In town don, Lawrence Cardwell, J. W. Marxs- depot. essarily considered very high minded, its founder. Some people do not like to him. renewing old acquaintances. For Sale — A 4-room house and two either. In the closing days of the ses­ think anything about the money ques­ bury. The principal “deal” that will be at- sion Curtis had a number of senate bills tion, but we are fortunate he said in hav­ L. L. Jacobs, county treasurer, was tbe Medford— D. H. Miller, Ranse Rouse, lots on 7th street, railroad addition, for will be the uniting of th* Ash­ in his possession as chairman of com­ ing the trust question that they can i Suest of his father, A. S. Jacobs, last lues- W. H. Pickens, Dr. J. M. Keene, Mayor $750. Call at place or address J. A. twmpted land and Medford delegation* and; then mittees to which they were referred. think about There is one beauty about ay night. Dawson, Ashland. Or. • I Howser, John W. Wiley, Grant Rawl­ trading and whipping in enough of tbe When the time came for their consider­ the trust question. If you don’t want to Mr. Evans is getting the material on the ings, Chas. W. Walters, D. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beeman returned ' precincts to stand for Carter for ation in the house Curtis had disap­ take the time to go to it, it will come to ground to build a dwelling house on Fifth Horace Mann, D, T. Sears, W. E. to Gold Hill last night from a pleasant outside ' congress and Austin S. Hammond for peared, taking the bills with him. you. Men realize what the trust means street in tbe north part of town. Phipps, Dr. W. 8. Jones, Chas. Strang, visit of seven weeks at San Francisco, 1 district attorney and N, L. Narregan for Ordinarily such a theft as this should todav who did not realize it in 1896. In Tbe infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Warier W. T. York, H. G. Wortman. Faralone Islands’and Stockton. All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra county judge. The latter does not fancy be punishable by imprisonment in the this line Bryan said: "I am remined of Damon died last Friday night, March 23d, one of Solomon ’ s proverbs, ‘ The wise Mrs. Clara Vaupel, mother of C. H. Deatb or Mrs. H. Farlow. the trading proposition to tbe extent that penitentiary. Neither Speaker Carter Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. of whooping cough, aged 5 months. man foreseeth the evil and hideth him­ and G. W Vaupel, left Friday for Chi­ Death again entered one of the pioneer cago on an extended visit with her chil­ the two former do and there are some or the illustrious body over which he self ; the foolish pass on and are pun­ Quite a number of people gathered at the depot last Tuesday evening to get a glimpse homes in Ashland this week carrying dren in that part of the United States. doubts as to the ability of tbe Hammond- presided attempted even to send a ser­ ished.’ There is a great idea there and Keene program biing able to deliver tbe geant-at-arms after the thief. Among of Bryan as he passed through, but were away Mrs. Lucinda E" Farlow, wife of it is beautifully expressed; but it is so disappointed as be did not show himself Hiram Farlow, who expired Monday The entertainment committee of the entire Medford delegation on the Carter these bills was Senator Proebstel’s long that I have condensed it so that it deal, which will knock considerable of nickel-in-the-slot machine bill, and Sen ­ Ladies of the Maccabees will give a grand The repairs on the M. E. church will soo n morning. Mrs Farlow nee Farwell was can be more easily remembered and this be completed. They held services in it last born In New Hampshire. More than calico ball today (Thursday), March 29th, the life out of the'trading business. Tbe ator Mulkey’s bill cutting down the ex­ proverb in its condensed form reade like rural precincts, so far as expression goes, orbitant prices for state printing and ; Sunday When completed will tnaxe a fifty years ago she was united in mar­ at opera house. Everybody invited and are very favorable to Tongue and it will Mulkey’s amendment to the consti­ this: ‘The wise man gets the idea in hie very respectable appearance both inside riage to Hiram Farlow in the state of a good time assured. and out. take considerable influence and pressure tution abolishing the state printer’s head; the foolish man gets it in the Illinois. In 1852 accompanied by the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richards, two to bear to break them up, though in office. The character of these bills may neck.’ ” At the republican caucus held in the ci'y family of Richard Farwell, her brother, Imperialism was the closing subject hall last Saturday, J. W. Merritt was the Farlow’s crossed the plains with daughters and eon of Boston, Massachu­ former conventions they have frequently have had something to do with Curtis’ treated by Mr. Bryan. Imperialism and elected chairman and Merritt Elliott sec re - four wagons, the party being alone most setts, visited Mrs. Rounsavelleand F. H. been disrupted by the power of the man­ immunity from punishment. The fol­ tary. W. J. Freeman, W. C. Lnever. I. A . of the way. They settled in the Will­ Carter’s family in Ashland this week euvering ability of the solider and more lowing dispatch tells of Curtis’ turning militarism must go together. He also IS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL referred incidentally to the South Afri­ while touring the coast. Merriniau, J. W. Merritt and Merritt E.li- compact town delegations. Through the down: can war and pointed out the inability of ott were elected delegates to attend the re­ amette valley where Hiram Farlow yet work of H. D. Kubli and others the cen ­ Henry Werth returned yesterday from Astoria, March 26.—The approaching republican organizations everywhere to OFFICE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES publican convention at Medford next Sat ■ owns his first farm. A little over 32yrs ago Hiram Farlow with his wife Lucinda Medford, having accompanied Bryan tral committee increased the number of election promises to be one of the most express sympathy for the Boers because urday. far. Henry was a member of the Ne­ delegates from the country precincts verv exciting ever held in Clatsop county. QUALITY Democratic caucus held in city ball pre- came to tbe then little village of Ash­ braska volunteers of which regiment materially and as there are quite a Ths principal event thus far is the with­ the blight of imperialism was upon the land where they have since made their cesding republican caucus elected Ben Beall sprinkling of bright light* from the drawal of C. J. Curtis from the repub­ party. Bryan was Colonel, and he thinks Wm. home. Mrs. Farlow was a lady of es ­ chairman and John dwell secretary. He made sarcastic comment on Mark And not Price, is smaller places in this convention they lican party and his affiliation with the always considered in our Drug Ralph Dean of Willow Springs, J. W. In­ timable qualities and was held in great J. is about the finest man on earth. Hanna’s admiration of the English gov­ may not be stampeded so easily, after citizens ’ movement. gram ot Willow Springs. W. K. Price of esteem by her neighbors. She was well Department; ernment as expressed in a recent inter­ Remember Gov. Bob Taylor will de­ recognizing their relative importance. Willow Springs and J. W. Jacobs of Cen­ advanced into her 76th year at the time liver one of his masterpieces at Chau­ For many years Mr. Curtis has been a view which had or ought to have its own tral Point were elected delegates to the dem­ otf her death. Her three children sur­ leading republican being elected City At­ ocrat convention to be held in Jacksonville viving her, all residents of Ashland, are tauqua Tabernacle April 28. Gov. Bob At the Medford primaries over 200 votes torney and also representative for several lesson for the people. TWylor will never see the day when his werei polled m 2 precincts * by rival Saturday. At Medford a large crowd gathered, ’ ’ * factions. " ■* .terms.. He is said to have asked the Southern Oregon. Mrs. E. M. Miller, Mrs. Allie Hinman jokes will fail to reach the hearts of men town was classeiflfo — ar - Tongue tow»' ’ .jdmlnation , The town ------------------- - -------------- on the legislative ticket this although no speech was scheduled, and audE J. Farlow. The funeral services and women.—Atlanta Constitution. ASBESTOS. arid both tickets were said WbeforToniejftx : the S. P. company officials kindly held issues involved being local leader»hip. ^ysar, and the refusal of party leaders to tho train while Mr. Bryan talked briefly, Fred Mitchell was in Gold Hill last week. were conducted by Rev.|A. M. Russell Prof Garrison, the veteran writing the anddhe interment took place in Ashland The Narregan-Hammond slate won over the grant hie request is generally believed to and Gold Ilill also, furnished an enthu­ Notice to Creditors. Wm. Mttcbeli is building an addition to cemetery at 11 o’clock a. m. on Tuesday teacher of the Pacific coast, announces a Vawter-Gregory slate by five majority tn have boen tbe cause of Mr. Curtis’ siastic crowd that cheered the orator business course in penmanship at the As other business requires our atten- his home. one ward and 15 in tbe other. Many non ­ change of frout. which was attended by many friends highschool building, to begin this even­ republicans were voted. Since it became known that Mr. Cur­ aftet he spoke a few words to them. tention, our books will be left with H. Frank Davis has gone to the valley to re­ and acquaintances of the family. At Grants Pass the train was held for C. Galey at the Bank of Ashland for im­ ing. There is no department of edu­ main a few days. The Carterites controlled the Talent tis wopld co-operate with the citizens, he Bryan Aide A Hobo. cation that should receive more attention primaries, no effort being made to secure has been vigorously attacked by O juntv 20 minutes on account of the large crowd, mediate collection after March 20,1900. Miss Florence Reynolds nas returned numbering hundreds, with a brass band P ulton & N eil . As Wm. J. Bryan was walking up and than thie, while Prof. Garrison is with a Tongue delegation. Poetmaster Wil­ Judge Gray, who has questioned Curtis’ and thundering anvils that welcomed the home from Yreka. us. Hie ability to impart a business legislative record and branded him as a down tho platform and viewing the scen­ son was naturally expected to look after leader. The crowd was of a demonstra­ Dennis Duggan of Table Rock has been ery during the stay of the train at Duns­ hand writing is everywhere recognized spray your fruit trees Oregonian: “Our flag,” said Presi­ Tongue’s interests but Tongue’s friends republican for office only. Curtis taken tive character. County Judge and Mrs. visiting D. Reynolds. muir Tuesday morning a hobo solicited and we hope that large numbers will be were greatly surprised Monday by find­ Gray’s roast rather good-naturedly—fjr Axtell presented Bryan with a band- dent McKinley, in an address last Aug­ for San Jose Scale, Larkin Reynolds of Jacksonville was a groupe of three drummers for 25 cents. wise and secure a graceful.handwriting. ing out that tbe Nasty- was a delegate Curtis—and in reply asks what Gray has ust, “does not mean one thing here and some boquet of flowers. making a visit to his parents. done that he should Set himself up as Green Aphis, Wool­ another thing in Cuba or Puerto Rico. ” They told the hobo to “work” Bryan Our youths and childrens line of cloth­ and was for Carter,' ,$he delegation Curtis also admits that he Have we changed our flag since then? A L. Wooley is assisting bis father in and if he worked Wm, J. they would ing is now complete. Prices are right. standing three to one for Carter. -r critic. ey Aphis and Curl BOKN. is not a political angel, and states that each give him a quarter. The hobo ap­ Miller & Bartges. putting in a crop on the Gee place. There were 55 votes cast at the Gold if his record is b&d Gray surely can tie Leaf. Compound proached Mr. Bryan who was some dis ­ I want to let the people who suffer from Work will commence on the coal mines The Louise Brehany troupe raVe a Hill primary. One of the delegates it, even if he can’t beat it. tance away, told a pitiful story and asked rheumatism and sciatica know that as soon as the rainy season isover. made and sold by CurtiB is of the opinion that the citi­ SEARS—In Pooh Bah Precinct, March Chamberlain’s Pain Balm releived me for 25 cents. Mr. Bryan gave him the concert at the opera house, Monday asked for instructions as to how the 19,1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sears, Louis Bolle and family of Wellen have amount and the hobo returned to the nizht, to a good sized audience, at $1 delegation Bhould stand on the Tongue zens will have the beet of it in June. after a number of other medicines and a a son. moved up to their piece in the Meadows. drummers who “subscribed” the 75 admission. They made the admission —Carter congressional candidacy the He savs the sentiment is deeidely that doctor bad failed. It is the beatliminent i price at Rosvburg $1 also, but when the vote to be taken by ballot. As the way in tbe countrv precincts Nothing Miss Lila Sackett, who has been visiting cents promised. I have ever known of.—J. A. D odgen , friends iu Medford, has ieturned home. troupe arrived there the next day, Man­ ballot would take up too much time and has been said as yet as to who will be DIE». Alpharetta, Ga. Thousands have been there being no objection the question Mining New*. nominated, through it is understood ager H. B. Thearle inserted the follow­ There are several candidates for the office cured of rheumatism bv this remedy. was put before the house on a motion of road supervisor for the Meadows district. Ohe application relieves the pain. For The Shorty-Hope mine will start op ing item in the Daily Review: "The in favor of Tongue. It carried unani-. that republicans and democrats will be represented on the ticket. manager, Mr. H. B. Thearle, requests GOWLAND—Near Normal school,March sale by E ugene A S herwin . A pleasant social dance was enjoyed at the first of next month. mously. us to state that what seats are not al­ 25, 1900, Mr. Gowlantl. the Meadows school house last Friday even­ McClure & Cox are going down on , ready taken will be sold at 50 cents The following is the big republican Interment in Hargadine cemetery. Ashland and its Medford allies also ing. their new ledge near Gold Hill. The ( each.” Local people who play attrac­ expect to “corner” the chairman and convention that meets at Medford Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis .were visiting ore assays $48 per ton. DUNNINGTON —In Jacksonville, Mar. QLIVER S. .BROWN , < tions in Ashland should not swallow all secretary of the republican county cen­ urday: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mitchell last Wednes­ 19, 1900, Mrs. Sophia Dunnington, Ivan Hu m ason will have Ins 10 the assertions made by advance agents. tral committee and corral the organiza­ day. Gold Hill—P H Daley, _____ _____ Riley _________ Hummers- aged 84 years. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tion and party machinery, which is con ­ Stamp custom quartz mill in operation ley. E Ray, A J T Smith, W T Reames. Dr. J. W. Odgers will open a dental Levi Beurlock has returned from Y’reka FINLEY — In Spragm river valley, Mir. sidered will be quite valuable. North Medford—I L Hamilton, Paul for his team and wagon which be left here in 20 days. Mr. Cowgill, an experienced , office in the Beach block, over the bridge, Beach Block. 14, 1900, Henry Finley, aged 38 yrs Demmer, H H Howard, A M Woodford, man, is putting it np. last fall. on Main street, March 19th. • The Republicans of Ashland were N B Bradbury. J Brandenburg. Water Street, D. Reynolds has been seriously 111 for - - Oregon. Perry Kuotta and Robt. Swinden have South Medford—ü L Davis. Geo Webber, FARLOW—In Ashland, March 26. 1900, Ashland, Sunday’s S. F. Call was especially chased after as they were never chased Lucinda E. rarlow, wife of Hirmao several days. Dr. Morrill of Gold Hill is in bad a mill test of three tone of ore from attractive to Ashland and southern Ore­ before by an aspirant for such a high po­ A C Hubbard, N R Johnston, John Norris, i^Ssbv mail or attendance Farlow, aged 75 years, 6 moi t’>s and their new discovery on Foots creek made gon people, tbepageof photos of interest­ sition Mr. Carter could not afford to F K Deuel, C I Hutchinson express receive jtW Mining Law a Specialty. North Ashland — J R Casey, A F Hunt, ani 16 days. Geo. Reynolds and his sister Florence by the Houck mill. It is very rich, ing and lovely beauties presenting fa­ have lost Saturday’s primaries in Ash­ Prompt attention. W A Holmes, M L Alford, C F Hasty, E F were visiting I. W. Cox and family ot Gold milling $84 per ton. bbmb C ash at WHEELER-In Ashland, March 22, miliar faces In our daily life The pict­ land and personally solicited his friends Loomis. W F Wooden. KKASOMABLX IATU' Hill last week. to attend the primaries, asking demo­ 1900, Mis. Joseph Wheeler, of N jwloii , Talent—Joshua Patterson, J B Coleman. Dr. Rav A Co, have had 26 men at ures were thoseof Misses Blanche Stand­ crats, populists, socialists and those of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mitchell have re­ work on tbe Braden mine near Gold ard, Mabel Million, Kate DePeatt, Helen Iowa, aged 59 years. E K Anderson, M D Wilson. Alternates, White Plymouth Rock Pullets turned to their home after an absence ot Hill for several months with the 10 ) Stanley, Blanche Logan, of Ashland, all kinds of political faiths. He is a great E A Hendricks, J E Foss, L J Sleppy, H H Mrs. Wbe ler only reached Ashland bustler and can discount anything that several months. Goddard, two weeks ago and came to visit tier and Cockerels for Sale! stamp mill operating night and day. , Hattie Belle Odgers, Aileen Webber, has ever appeared on the scene plugging Phoenix—W R Coleman, C 8 Sergent, A children, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Miss Macgie Reynolds accompanied her The ledge is from 4 to 6 feet wide. Mary Little, Dortha Pickens, Blanche J Weeks John Gore. for town marshal or constable. The re ­ brother, Larxin, back to Jacksonville where W. F. Loomis on Spring street. The 11.50 for 13, or $3.00 Toft, Minerva Pickens, of Medford, Amy Table Rock—C A Dickison, W Bebee J funeral took place from there Mouday Eggs for setting at Mitchell A Simons who purchased the Booth, Sylvia Anderson, Clara Stahl, publicans seemed to like the eondescen- she will remain awhile. for 30. P R Rowe. J G Martin. Ed Welch was around one day last week Whitnev mine near Tolo have eix men ‘ Mrs. C H. Evans, Mrs. Wm. Nelson, of tion. North Jacksonville—J C Whipp, J W afternom. Geo. K. Wentworth, getting tbe names ot the road workers. at work driving a tunnel and making an Grants Pass. Aggie George of Kerby and H. D. Jones, a miner, elected a dele­ Robinson, N Langell, W H Gore. DAMON—In Central Point, March 23. Dunsmuir, Cal. Mrs. Bust. Propr. | A#bl,nd?°Orep>n. upraise. The ore is very rich, some of The peop'e of tbe Meadows are contetn- South Jacksonville—J McPherson, Emil Mrs. D. L. Browning of Leland. gate from Rock Point is a bright article 1900, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. ?dating building a bridge across the upper it going $2000 per ton. If is claimed Britt, JaaJ) Fay. Phil Gleave, T Cameron, and the country delegatee expect to II. Datnon; aged 11 months. Have just added to my window shade ord of Evans creek, a dangerous place. there is $15.000 in sight. Fred Sturgis, line an invoice of wide opaque and rollers i elect him chairman of tbe convention, Eagle Point—H Von der Hellen, J A LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE ••• Al ,11 Horn. E. A. L. Smith on Monday had the for making extra wide and odd size , as that is about as far as the country Jonas, J J Fryer, J Geary. NORMAL ITEMS. MARRIED, balance of tbe ore on tbe damp of the shades. J. P. Dodge, opera house. precincts can expect to get in the dis­ Central Point—J W Merritt, W C Leever, Uncle Sam mine near Gold Hill milled tribution of the honors or emoluments. I A Merriman, W J Freeman, M Elliott. Miss Potter visited school Tuesday. F- Miss Kate DePeatt was^sdmitted to After the recent county oentral com­ Rock Point—Dr C Vrooman, H D Jones, at Houck’s mill. Previous assays of hia Lunches Put Up. Charley Drew has gone to Klamath. VANDERHAYDEN-BRYAN-In Jack­ dump went from $19 to $330 per ton. the bar in San Francisco on the 10th mittee meeting arranged the call for J Miller. sonville, March 22, 1900, by Rev. N. Earl Jackson has entered the sub-normal He has lost the vein temporarily. Mr. inst., passing the best examination of a primaries in a manner as :to partially Applegate-K J Kubli, H D Kubli, W G M. Hansen, Samuel Vanderhayden i class. Smith is prospecting on Foots creek now. large list of applicants. She has been neutralize the iron grip of the two big Ofclakers. Uniontown—Wm Cameron, R J Cam­ and Miss Addie L. Bryan, both of studying law in the office of Mrs. Clara towns, Mr. Jones sized the situation All Passengers Trains Miss Minnie and Rose Hockenyos visited eron. Grants Pass, March 25.—A great deal of S. Foltz, the brilliant lawyer of that Josephine county. at Medford last week. o upthus: “Theconvention is.bigenough Steamboat—J M Toms, James Young- attention is attracted by a display of gold Stop 30 Minutes for Meals Watkins—W E Finney, A D McKee, W Rev. Brown visited the school Monday nuggets from the Oscar creek mine, owned city. Miss DePeatt is visiting in the so that the country precincts can hear Call and see me when you are in need of by Hayes. Jewell A Moore. The gold tills a Willamette valley this week en route to the jingle of the slate as it falls to tbe B Jolly. and addressed tbe students. any property of any description, either to Woodville—W V Jones, J M Whipple, to the rim. and is all coarse and Boise City, Idaho, where she will open floor.” 5 Wick Easter ia visiting at the Normal for pieplate rent or bu’’. bright in color. The largest nugget is worth a law office for the practice of her pro- ------ Smith. a few days before departing for Manila. Up to last night Tongue ’ s friends figursd I have ranches for sale in every part of Foots Creek—Thos. Carr, G. W. Short, $242. while at least a dozen others run $25 to fessson, Idaho being one of the states •«•tei that they had 67 delegates tw the county Jackson county; fine land and low prices. Miss Nellie Towne of Phoenix returned $75 each. The total value is over $1500. and of the union where women vote and sit convention that were favorably,to him and A. J. Smith. Small acreages of fruit land near town Pleasant Creek—Miles S. Wakeman, to her home Saturday. She soon begins it is only a pari of tbe clean up of this mine, on juries just like a whiteman. Miss that 23 were favorable to Carter, tbe balance and land in bearing fruit, any number of Chas Owens. which has always been known for its large DePeatt is an Ashland giil and is pos­ leaching. of the 22 yet to hear from as to their choice, acres, large or small. Meadows—£. C. Pomeroy. gold. _ sessed of the necessary mental, moral but more likely to add to their 67 than any Willie Tripp'epiece. Claude and Arthur I have several houses to sell in the city; wool! CHOPPERS WANTED losses they may possibly fear . A s 57 makes Plum spent Saturday and Sunday at Duns­ prices to suit the times. and physical capacity to make a success Democratic County Convention. a ma jontv thev expect to be able to send a muir. H BOIVIN, Manager, Fifteen wood-choppers at Siskiyou, of her chosen profession. HOUeES TO RENT. majority of Tongue delegates to tbe con­ The following are the delegatee elected Allie Vincent who baa been attending Ore., to cut wood for railroad use. MONEY TO LOAN. Bulls! Bulls! Stockmen, have you gressional convention. This.is pn the basis to the democratic county convention at school during the winter, returned to his INSURANCE ASPECIALTY. H. F. C ole , Cole’s California. seen those Hereford bulls of Owen & of Medford being solid for Tongue. COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET home in Klamath county Saturday. Jacksonville Saturday : Mr. Carter Is working hard and shows no Moore’s? If not, why not? Here are a few of my bargains: Ashland, Oregon, Central Point — W K Price, J W Jacobs, REAL ESTATE. signs of giving it up. He is sure to have Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres Mr. Bonebrake,a rail road’ brakeman, at least a part of tbe deiegatiou, if they are E F Dean. J W Ingram. SAMPSON. GW Webber to W L Orr; property in in fruit. $450. Gold Hill—D Richards, O B Dews, M was seriously injured in the railroad apportioned by precincts, and nay get Medford. $500. Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good Cool weather again. McDonough RL Beaver to J A Morey; lot 2. Har­ yards in Ashland Tuesday evening while control. house, bam, etc., running water, for $500. Shop is now open. Big Butte — W F Wilkinson. conplingcars. He was taken to bis John Morris was up from town this baugh’s subdivision, $L. Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two Hon. R. G. Smith’s candidacy for con­ Woodville—J B Phelps. G W Howard to F M Plymale; property home a^Roseburg. Nothing but First - Clasp week. small houses, $100. gress has tailed to materialiM In Josephine Rock Point—J E Coffee. in Medford. $400. „ _ These are within a mile and a half of county. At the republican primaries in North Jacksonville — J N T Miller, J H Primaries are to be held at the school Work turned out. The democratic county convention for Grants Pass yesterday the opposition to John S Plvmale. et al, to Jane E Ply- Ashland. house Saturday. the purpose of electing delegates to state Tongue was so small that ft agreed to a Thompson. nisle. same property. $1. Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely South Jacksonville — A N Bohss, F R F G Plvmale et nx to C E Stewart; trust convention and nominating a county compromise delegation which was practi­ Niel, Chas Nickell. unimproved, $200 Arvel and Hubert Dyer were at the deed to interest in his father s estate, $1. ticket 16 called for April 7th at Klamath cally made up bv Tongue’s local managers. Hotel property in town, for sale for $4000. WILLIAM FOX. ALLO XILDXKTK Eagle Point — • P McGee, Geo Daley, jr. Boon ranch recently. Mary A Pryce.et al, to Emma O Morrill; Falls. One hundred acres fine vallev land, two This settles that county for a solid Tongue North Medford — James Stewart, H Klip miles from Medford, $4500. Tom Taylor has quit work on the rail­ lot 8. blk 6, Gold Hill, $100. delegation. pel, T W Johnson, A D Naylor. UH Pierce to Big Bend Milling Co; 160 1 The Klamath county republican con- Call and see me in regard to- any of tbe Klamath and Lake counties will also road and went to Hiatt Prairie. South Medford—J A Whitman, H Mann. seres in secs 6 and 7, tp 35, 2 e. $1 , vention meets at Klamath Falls March send Tongue delegations, is the opinion of F Wait. - above, and if they do not