f Lillian K nibUl. formerly of Wil- Thp mnntlilr stat«n«)n+ »f ’ho nnhlic THE limt s w.vs k * debt is-ned, shows that at the close of ia a room in San Francisco where she February 28, 191k), the debt less cash in had been smoking opium. the treasury amounted to il,llS.8''i>,0‘ », The People's Paper. A jury rendered. verdict of ac piitt a a decrease since February 1 of in the (¿sc of George F. Plyler at Santa 168. This decrease is largely accounted Plyler was charged with may- for by the increase in the amount of 11 LAND, Or. ..Thursday, March 22,1900 Cruz. A familiar name for the Chicago, j hem. For nearly three years he has cash on hand. The debt is recapitulated Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, f been in jail. This was his third trial, as follows: Interest-bearing debt $1,- kDOWu all over the Union aa the “Star” tin tags (showing small stars printed on under tide San Francisco pays anuually $1,000, - > he having been found guilty twice and 026,862,120; debt on which interest has Groat Railway running the of tag), “ Horse Shoe, ” “ J. T., ” “ Good Luck, ” “ Cross Bow, ” i each time sentenced to 14 years at ban ceased since maturity, $1,208,000; debí 00 for telephone service. and “Drummond” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in Oil as fuel for welding is now used by Quentin. The prosecution was weak bearing no interest, $380,708,761; total, securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. ened by the fact that Charles Harris ’ $1,417,248,832. “ ■outhern Pacific company. Every man, woman aud child can find something on tho list testimony could not be introduced in There is not the slightest doubt that* the Dry weather in Arizona interferes The attention of the treasury depart that they would like to have, and can have Trains every day and night between evidence because the stenographer failed ment has been called to the advertise doctors do more harm than good in treating rith all industrial projects. >• St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of to compare his notes with the tyj FRSXSX A telegraph lino is to be built this 1 written copy of the testimony taken It ments of Canadian steamship lines so-1 TAGS. this loathsome disease would be much better TAGS. Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the I liciting freight to be shipped during the 1 Match Boz........................................... . . 25 23 Clock, 8-d*y, Calendar, Thermom off to-day if they had never allowed them eason from Ashcroft to Atlin, B. O. the preliminary examination. Har s coming season from Seattle to Cape eter. Barometer................................. 5CM world.” Understand: Connections are 35 2 Kn'fe, one blade, good steel......... . selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the 3 Scissors, 4X inches................... . ........ . 25 34 Gon case, leather, no bjtter made. 3<M A special election held at Santa Ana was th§ victim. Ex-Constable H made with All Transcontinental Lines, 26 Revolver, automatic, double action, 25 4 Child ’ s Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon only remedies which the doctors ever give for o rote on the issue of <30,000 school veston is the only one of the m 1 Nome, Alaska. This was done upon 32 or 38 caliber....................................... ..................................... 61» 6 Salt and Pepper Set, one each, quad assuring to passengers the beet service 26 Tool ~ . Set, ------------- ...-----. but real blood poison. the erroneous assumption that Cape not playthings, 60 ruple plate on white metal .............. >onds for a new high school building concerned in the crime who is servin, II tools......... ............................................. 650 6 French Briar Wood Pipe..................... 25 known. The doctors are wholly unable to get rid of 27 Toilet Set. deco-ated porcelain, 7 Razor, hollow ground, fine English esultipg in a victory for the improve- sentence in he prison, An effort is „o Nome would be made a subport of entry th* vile p oison, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the very handsome.................................... 800 steel............................................. . ........ . 60 of the United States. The route of| 28 Remington Rifle No. 4, 22 or 32 cal. Si» be made to nave him pardoned. 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, best sores and 2 eruptions. This they do into the diiewe—the i ______ . ‘ “ " ' by _ driving ' ' ' _ the ” _ poison ‘ these shipments it was intended should, Luxurious Coaches, quality.................................................... 60 2» Watch, sterling silver, full jeweled low) system, and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash W. H. Pierce, a Sutter county rancher, 9 Sugar Shell, triple pla-e, best quaL. 60 30 Dress Suit Case, leather, handsome In the superior court at san Jose the be from Seattle to Vancouver by rail, and durable ...................................... 1000 and tpercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out 70 19 Stamp Box, sterling silver ................ Electric Lights, ho has a wife and six children living county ordinance which prohibits any • a distance of 50 or 60 miles, thence to i Sewing Machine, first class, with 11 Knife, “Keen Kutter,” two blades.. 75 into Bores, and the fight is continued indefinitely, the drugs doing the system ................... .’.......... 1 1500 all attachments.! attachments................................... )ar Live Oak, died at the United States 12 Butcher Knife, “Keen Kutter,” 8-in Cape Nome by steamer, thus evading one from buying or selling quail in Revolver, Colt’s, 38-caliber, "_.i blued more damage than the disease itself. Steam Heat, blade......................................................... 75 32 - )tel in Marysville from an overdose of steel........................................................ 1500 _________ 13 Shears, ______________ “Keen Kutter." ,.......... 8-lnch .......... ......... 75 Mr. H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J., says: “I had spent a Santa Clara county was declared void our laws, which prohibit foreign vessels 33 Rifle, Colt’s, 16-shot, 22-caliber........ 1500 14 Nut Set, Ciacker and 6 Picks, silver udanum, taken probably with suicidal hundred dollars with tit doctors, when I realized that ■ plated piated. ...................................................... ’..777.-.7..~r.r.'.~'..“ .7 80 34 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in Of a verity equaled by no other line. as far as it relates to the opeu season. ; from carrying goods from one port of ■ laid......................................................... 3000 15 Base Ball, “Association,” best qual.luo they could do me no good. I had large spots all over mv The decision was rendered by Judge ; I the United States to another. The «e- ¡ See that your ticket reads via “The 16 Alarm Clock, nickel ............................ 150 Mandolin, very handsome ............... Svoo 35 body, and these soon broke out into running sores, and I George Biek of the Biek Brothers' Lorigan . 17 Six . Genuine 2 Rogers’ ~ Teaspoons, __ ______ ':._t best in tho case against John Ma- j | partaient, in view of this fact, has de Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, Milwaukee ” when going to any poin 36 endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro __ j plated lated goods ............ ..... .......... k.......... 1. 150 ......................................... nine of Forbestown, Butte county, was loney, ' 13 gauge................................................. 3000 who keeps a game market. The cided, for the present at least, not tc 18 Watch, nickel, stem wind and set.. SOO in the United States or Canada. Al duces. I decided to try S. 8. 9. as a last resort, and was 37 Remington, double-barrel, ham ¡rushed in the mine by a bank caving ' prosecution was by the County Game make Cape Nome a .subport of entry, 19 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn mer Shot Gun, 10 or 12 gauge....... 2000 Boon greatly improved. I followed closely your ‘Direc 300 ticket agents eell them. handles ________ ________________ m him. Fifty men were employed in Protective association. In Justice Wal leaving St. Michael the nearest port tc 20 Six Genuine Rogers’ Table Spoons, 38 Bicycle, standard make, ladies or tions For Self-Treatment,’ and the large splotches on my ......».*350 best plated goods.................................. ’ ligging for the body. He was badly : gents ..................................................... 2500 For rates, pamphlets or other infer lace’s court Maloney was fined $25 for the new gold fields. The effect of this chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long 21 Six each. Knives and Forks, buck- Gun, Remington, double bar unshed. J horn handles............................ 7. . 7.7~7. sso 39 Shot disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my selling two quail. Through habeas action will be to presereve the trade; motion, address, rel, hammerless .................................. 3000 22 Six each. Genuine Rogers’ K Knives skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my The register and receiver of the Unit- , corpus proceedings he was released by with Cepe Nome for American vessels ; and Forks, best plated goods. ‘ 1............... 500 40 Regina Musió Box, 15Si inch DUo,,aU00 J. W. CASEY, self at home, after the doctors had failed completely.” C. J. EDDY, ?d States land office a Visalia, received an order of the superior court, it being THEABOVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30 th , 1900. It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors The world’s production of pig iron in i Trav. Pa6s. Agt., General Agt., orders from the United States general held in an extended decision that there to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for the disease is be Qnnnini A! nt inn I Plain " Star ” Tin Tags (that Is. Star tin tags with no small S eattle , W ash . P outland , O b . land office to suspend from disposition can be no restriction u nn quail being 1899 was 40,560,000 metric tons; 36,- ' QpUVIai nUllLU . s,ars printed on under side ot tag), are not good for presents, yond their skill. Swifts Specific— --------- ■ ■— but will be paid for in cash on the basis of twenty ewiteper 1,082,088 acres of land in the oil regions bought or sold in the op i season. The 507,387 tons in 1898. The United States hundred, if received by us on or before March 1st. 1900. jf Tulare, Kings, Kern and Fresno Game Protective association will now now stands at the head of all rations as JWBEAR IN MIND that a dime’« worth of —acts in an entirely different way from potash and mercury—it forces the counties. A total of 1,635,000 acres make a strong fight to secure a general an iron producer. The Mexican Central railway was poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures thp was suspended during the five days in game law through the legislature, as will last longer and afford more pleasure than a dime’s worth of any the oil region of that valley. disease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever, county ordinances are almost invariably able to show fixed charges earned for other brand. MAKE THE TESTI constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat 1899 by reason of the advance in silver; News comes from Gonzales, in the declared invalid by the courts. Send tags lo CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad- had the price of silver in 1899 been the northern portion of Monterey county, A shooting affray occurred near La vioe, free of charge, and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity. same as in 1898 the net result in gold j that the big irrigation canal lately con trobe, El Dorado county, wherein G. S. ----- and----- Write for fall information to Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. structed there has been opened and is Estey killed a man by the name of Hoff would have been a deficit of $60,000, working very satisfactorily. Over 1000 man. The two met in the woods neai instead of a surplus of $99,000. acres of laud have already beeu irri the mining claim of Estey, each carry ■ The Central Pacific and later the i gated. ing a double-barreled shotgun. Hoff Southern Pacific railway has been using 4-POUÎW CATALOCUE FREE A. AD "" An immense cave-in occurred at the man, who was a stranger to Estey, asked a circuitous route around Great Salt Theonly route that can give TiilC RID CATA1 flKHF contain, 1S86 pagea, is 9x12x2 inches Inla pluVAIALVUuC contains over 100,900 quotations, Iron Mountain mine, Keswick, in which the latter if he was the man who owned lake, Utah, for 30 years. Survey is now Grand Scenery, Low Rates, 10,900 illustrations, the lanw«t. •»"»« eoni;.leie mr p.Mlrt«L HAMES THE LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICACO PRICES OH eight men were entombed. All eight the claim. Upon receiving an affirm being made for a cut-off across the lake EVERYTHING including everything in Croccrw^ low, U.-.i-uod., So- Model Accommodations. men were taken out after hours of hard ative answer Hoffman said: “ You art from Lucin to Ogden, Utah, to connect Hou,, Clothlax, Cloaks, Presses, Boot, and Shoes, Watches, Jewelry, Books, Hardware« Stove«« Agricultural ImplrmeoU« Furniture, Hamess, Saddles« work. Those who were alive at the y the one, then, who libeled my mothei ’ with the old Southern Pacific line at a Bosr’c«. Sewing irrhlaes, Crcekery, Crentt, Pianos, Mnsleal instromentj, 4 Foraishine fiooda, Uco-, Boohers, Fishing Tackle, Bleyelea, PkoUeraphla time of rescue died shortly afterwards. in an article written to the papers. I’ll I i point just north of the Ogden river. Goods, Ete. Tells just what your storekeeper at home must pay tor everything he buys and will prevent him from overehaiying youM II The cost will be considerable, involving The Los Angeles land office has re kill you and the editor who published Anything you buy; explains just how to order, how much the freight, expreaa or saD will be on anything to your town. The big book ceived from the surveyor-general’s of it.” He then drew his gun in a threat ■ building a steel bridge 191., miles long costs us nearly $1.00, the postage alone is 34 cents. ; riSETC* Cut this ad. out and send to ua fice maps of two townships—13, range ening mai icr, but Estey fired first I upon piling driven into the bed of the OUR FREE UrFtK. with 16 ir stamps to W ithout C hange of C ars . £3 help pay the34 cents postage, and the Bic FUI’K 1 north, and rauge 1 south—^hich will with deadly effect in the face of Hoff • lake, somo necessarily 50 to 80 feet in by mail poatpaid, and if you don’t think it ia worth 100 times the 15 centa ¿r enable sttlers who have squatted for man. Estey then surrendered himself. ■ length. you send, as a key to the lowest wholesale prices of everything, say r » 80 and ws will imBediateiw return your 15 cents« years on about 22,000 acres in Calabasas There were no witnesses to the occur The British house of commons has WHAT THE PRESS SAYS ABOUT THIS CATALOG!. Ei Through Tickets to-------- l S—s “It is a monument of business information.’ —Minneapolis (Minn.) to secure patents to their claims. Ten rence. voted £60,000,000 to carry on the war ^ “iTwonderful piece of work.”—Washington National Tribune ’ months are given the squatters to file in South Africa. And from Europe via “The Catalogue is a wonder.”—Manchester (N. H.) Inion. ? MANY A LiOVEIl “Seara, Roebuck & Co. 18 one of the largest houses of its kindin claims. Has turned with disgust from an otherwise Chicago.”—Chicago Inter Ocean. A miners’ train carrying 400 men to all Atlantic Steamers. “The big catalogue forms one of the finest shopping mediums that Samuel Spear, a young man employed lovable girl with a:i offensive breath work in the mines near Brazil, Ind., could no^3iblv be sent into a district.”—Boyce’s Monthly, Chicago. Direct route Kootenay Karl ’ s Clover Hoot Tea purifies the breath ‘ •T^eir catalogue is a vast department store boiled down. ld by the Power Development company of by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing was wrecked a few days ago. Two men ‘•The catalogue is certainly a merchandise encyclopaedia. — Chicago Epworth Herald. Bakersfield, was killed by an electric else “ A law should be passed eJmnelling the use of this catalogue in al) public schools.”-The HttU G.Southto^ Mining District, Brit will. Sold for years on absolute guar were killed outright and 40 seriously We could quote thousands of similar extracts. Send 15 erat. at 1 .VXli ii Q A shock. Spear was running a telephone antee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene injured. Some of the injured will dio. ish Columbia. axil. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Ino.), CHICACQ, ILLINOIS, U. 8. A. line and cut the wire he was working A. S herwin , Druggist.__________ V A new state bank will be started at with. The end flew up and touched an Express Line to------4----- jx® R, Charles C. Carter of Fresno, late prest Los Angeles soon. Colonel R. M. electric wire above him and 10,000 volts passed through his body. He died after dent of the freshman class of the Uni Baker is to be president and W. Mead SEFtaD M .fcF s w M ve wiii eend you OUK HIGH , A about three hours, remaining in a coma versity of C lfir ia, va- murd r<d at vice-president. The capital will be •3ADE DROP CABWH SUSOiCX SEWING MACHINE frcl<ht,c.o.D.eubjettu examifui. his parents ’ s homo in North Berkeley ». lien, i ou cau examine it. at your nearest freighjt-depot and it found $100,000, and the charter of the defunct tose condition during that time. ncrfeelly satisfactory,exactl V as represented, equal to machine»other»sellfcggfin 0 by his older brother, Alexander G. Gar city bank will be absorbed. Canadian Australian Line to---- 9-a) ix hk ’ bn« SCO.t ‘ 0, ai. 1 HIE ( KKATf-sT BARGAIN YOC Billy Simpson, a well educated Iudian ter, who imn.e liately afterward com jp-auLAi'.i) of , tiy gpesjai o,(er Price $15.50 To secure the original witch hazel salve, •> cur frelght a-o-nt our X------ living near Chico, was found in some mitted snitile. The double tiagedy oc ask for DeWitc’s Witch Hazel ¡Salve, well ind fro; rht charges. Machine weighs 120 pounds and the freight will Ullman for Men and Women Hudyan gives one Energy, Average cents for each ¿00 miles. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL in shrubby on General Bidwell’s rancho curred in the brothers bedchamber at known as a certian cure for piles and skin your À own home-, and we will return your S15.50 any day you are not Vigor.Vim.makesonc Robust with his head mashed to a pulp and his the rear of the family cottage. Tem diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits satisfied. Resell different matesaed pradetof Sewing Machines at S8.50, fifty cents . and Strong. Hudyr.n creates SlO.iiO. £11.00, S12.O0 and ey, all fully described in our Free Sewing bright, rosy complexions, be pockets rifled. Officers are searching porary insanity, supposed to have been They are dangerous.—E. A. S hebwin . Saetine Catalorue, but $13.50 fOZ this DROP DESK CABINET BIRD ICE is Huilvan cures, never doubt cause it insures perfect activ the xreatcMt value ever offered by any house. it. Hudyan cures all disorders diligently for the murderer. ity of all organs of the body. The theater ter Français was destroyed For full particulars as to time, rates, reduced by a recent surgical oporation arising from Weak Nerves or BEWARE OF IMITATIONS W omen who suffer with pain H. M. Bryan and F. L. Bernard, pay is believed to have Leon the cause of the by fire at Paris a few days ago and a tisement8,offering unknown mRchiues under various names, with various in- and for copies of C. P. R. Publications, Impoverished blood. Hudyan ful or irregular periods, leu- uaeenxMits. Write some friend in Chicago and learn who are reliable and who are not. cures Nervousness, Trem corThcea, bearing-down pains, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, master and check clerk of a large retail crime, for the brothers had always been young actress was burned to death. •a-ajE4 K51 M £ iT* has every MODERN IMPRO^IKEM, blings. Weakness, Dizziness, chronic inflammations and raEL r5UitE«iiVB\ every good point of every high Ashland, Oregon. Allgone Feeling. Hudyan business firm in San Francisco, recently exceptionally fond of each other. Eastern railways have planned to ? ................ ulcerations find absolute kk- grade machine made , with the cures Sleeplessness, Despond OrtoH. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third comfort In Hudyan. Itcures. — DEFECTS OF NONE. Made by the secured $-3000 of money that the firm shut up all their ticket offices in cities ency, Mental Depression. Henry Williams, a farmer living at Hudyan makes tich blood, best makers in America, street, Portland, Or. Hudyan cures Indigestion, had for paying the employes and ab Falling Springs, Wash., attempted to outside of points where their railroads from the best material money* a promotes sound sleep, creates Bloating of Stomach, Palpita cun buy. E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., a healthy appetite. Iludyan sconded. tion of the Heart, Pale or Sal murder his young wife and her family run. SOUP QUARTER SAWED OAK »2IHETe,.;P;i;u;e:L cures are permanent and last Vancouver, B. O. low Complexions. Hudyan ing. Consult the Great Hudyan Fruit-growers of Sutter, Yuba and with incendiary torch and bullets. The The house of representatives unseat closed (head dropping from sight) to be used as a center table, stand cures Clouded Nemorv, Head Doctors Free. They Advise or desk, the other open with full length table and head in place for aches, Costiveness, Yorpid Butte counties have organized. four intended victims escaped and the ed G. A. Piobbins, a Democrat from the sewing. 4 fancy drawers, latest 1S39 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, em Free. Call orWrit». Hudyan, I.iver, Hudyau cures Pain In bossed and decorated cabinet.finish, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on four 50 eta. a package, 6 packages, Fourth district of Alabama, and seated fire was extinguished, and, as a fitting Mrs. Rachael Doan, who lives near Baek, Pain in Side, Pains in casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. Finest large High Arm 32.50. For sale by all drug ‘head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrating shuttle, automatic Limbs, Weak Back, Sediment Exeter, Fresno county, was fatally climax, Williams sent a bullot through William F. Aldrich, a Republican, who gists, or send direct to Hudyan (ftp bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator,improved loose in Urine, Kinging in Ears, Remedy Co., corner Stockton, wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, burned recently. She was heating his own head. It is supposed tampor- has been three times a contestant from Dots before Eyes. Hudyan patent dress guard, head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully Ellis and Market Streets, S»- cure» Loss of Flesh, Loss of the same district on the ground of fraud ary insanity was the cause. nickel trimmed. GUARANTEED the lightest running, mo^t durable and neareat water in the yard when her dress caught Appetite, naggard Appear Francisco, California. noiseless machine made. Every known attachment is furnished and our Free In fire. The unfortunate woman lived 16 ance, Lack ol tnergy. struction Booi tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any J. R. Beaumont, well-known in theat and who is now given his seat for the kind of fancy work. A 20-Years* Binding Guarantee is sent with every machine. * •J hours after the accident. She was 19 rical and secret society circles on the third time by a Republican house. The IT COSTS YOU NOTHING <**>»»*■*’bi« ■»Chine, compare it with 11 vuo I oj VVIWI nmu those your storekeeper sells at 840.00 to vote was a strictlv party one. years old and had beeu married but a coast, died under mysterious circum- •eo.00, and then if convinced that you are saving |2.r>.00 to 840 00. pay your freight agent Che 816.60. When people are contemplating a trip, WK TO RETURN YOUR 815.50 if at any time within three months you say you are not satisfied. ORDER TO-DAY. short time. sances. The coroner believes it is a h.; DON’T DELAY. (Sears, Roebuck &. Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) whether on business or pleasure, they F. Leinars, a pipemau employed at case of suicide, as a small empty mor naturally want the best service obtain Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. phine bottle was found in the roam. the Ice and Cold Storage company’s able so far as speed, com ion and safety plant at Los Angeles, was instantly is concerned. Employees of the Wis The old revenue cutter Wolcott,which consin C entral L ines are paid to serve killed by the blowing out of a cylinder was bought by private parties some the public and our trains are operated head in a 100-horse-power water puri time ago,is supposed t-o have beeu lost in so as to make close connection with !■ ATHALFPRIC AT HALF PRICE. fier. Lamars was driving the head in Alaskan waters. She is a mouth over diverging lines at all junction points. If you want us to make to place and stood directly over it. He due at Sitka from Seattle and Indians your MEASURE and ORDER Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cara KLA8T1C GOODS for the RELIEF was blown about 20 feet and nearly report having seen a steamer blow up at on through trains. AND CURE OF VARICOSE VEINS, every bona in his body was broken. WEAK, SWOLLEN OR ULCER Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals sea and quantities of wreckage come LIMBS, CORPULENCY, 1f—■ ATED ABDOMINAL WEAKNESS OR served a la Carle. William Henry, a halfbreed Indian ashore. + H- i — Y TUMOR, state your height, TO TH E I — Ln order to obtain this first-class service, living at Covelo, Cal., shot and killed and age, state number i The body of an old Mexican, known r-> weight of inches around body or ask the ticket agent to eell vou a ticket Nettie Smith, au Indian woman twice as Jim Waters, but whose right name limb at each letter shown in I have been thinking of writing to over cut and send to us with our his age, with whom he was infatuate I, SPECIAL PRICK. AVe will make was Macarido, .was found in the bush vou for some time,” writes Mrs. W. D. Í the goods to order from the and then killed himself. He had been near San Bernardino, with the skull Benson, of Maxton, Robeson Co., N. C., H The Wisconsin Central Lines very finest fresh rubber elastic r material, guarantee a perfect fit and living with the woman and she threat cracked, He is supposed to have been “to let you know what a wonderful thing ■ i 0 and you will make direct connections •8 if you do not find it perfectly ened to leave him. g satisfactory and equal to good at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and 1 killed by an Indian kuow'n as ‘‘old Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery B others get double the price for did for my little boy. He was taken all points East. t B return at our expense and we will The hotly of the aged wife of Barney Charlie.” refund your money. with indigestion when he was a year : For any further information call on any THE POPULAR THROUGH McNamara, an old farmer living near G1VE8 THE CHOICE OK James McHanev, at one time the and a half old, and he was under the OUR SPECIAL PRICE •« s ticket agent-, or correspond with CAR LINE FROM THE ** Santa Rosa, was found in a well at her wealthiest mau in Sau B ir -liuo was doctor’s treatment for five long years. elastic thigh storking, A to 1,87.50; c- 1 JAS. C. FOND, thigh legging, < to 1, ¿6.00; thigh home a few days ago. McNamara k piece, «to I, ¿2.50; knee stocking, arrested there a few days age charged We spent all we made for doctor’s bills, General Pass. Agent, TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL A ■ A toG, 85.00; knee legging, C toG, claims she fell in the well, but officers with counterfeiting. He had been un and it did no good. He could not eat or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , 1 84.00; knee cap, K to G, 82.00. garter stocking. A to E, 83. OO; garter think otherwise and are investigating der suspicion for a long time. Mc- anything only a little milk and cracker, General Agent, W isconsin , J ______ « »co. F 9 leggteg» t to K, 83.00; anklet, A to C, and sometimes even this would make the case. 246 Stark Street, 83.00; abdominal belt. K to M, 810.00. COTTOS ELASTIC for- him sick, and he got very weak ; could Haney is penniless, having lost his TO ALL POINTS GOO1»8, ONE-Til I RD LESS. Special Covered Elastic Abdominal P ortland , O regon . Steve Thompson and John Richards, tune through fast living. Supporter, made of soft lisle thread, interwoven with not sit up all day, and I gave up all hope protected rubber thread. 8 inches wi4le, 82.00; 10 inehea, Indians, were arrested at Chico charged R. G NICHOL, Gawra! Agent S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T k ( 82.25: 12 inches. 82.50. Write for Surgery Catalogue Solly Walters, the well-known San of his ever getting any better. Looking SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO.. (Inc.)» CHICAGO. ILL with the murder of Bill Simpson, au Francisco newspaper artist, died near over one of your books I noticed Dr. 151 Wuhmtloo Si, PORTLAND. ORE. DENVER. COLO. Iudian. They have confessed. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Honolulu recently, where he had gone Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery rec ommended for indigestion. We bought ( \ in search ot health. u YOU TRY 1T.> Be Eure and see that your 6ome and gave to our boy. Two bottles Lieutenant J. C. Gilmore, formerly oi of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov Ticket reads via If Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure which is sold for the small price of 25*cts the cruiser Yorktown, who with a party ery cured him. He. is. well as can be, VIA MIA 50 cts and $100. does not cure, tske thc of shipmates, was captured by the in and can eat anything that he wants and hottle back and we will refund vour money surgents at Baler last April, reached it does not hurt him. He has not been SALT LAKE SPOKANE <oid for over fifty years on this guarantee rhe a day since, and it has been three price 25 cts. & 50 cts. E ugene A. S her San Francisco Ou a transport from Ma sick years since he took your medicine. I win . Druggist. DENVER MINNEAPOLIS nila recently. Four others who were ZÒ-A.TT. WA Y pray that God will always bless you and prisoners with Gilmore came up on the your medicine.” NOT OMAHA ST. PAUL society directories . transport. A AtfD AND í William Schwan was shot and killed A. O. U. W. ----- THE----- FOR DISE A SES OF TOY. at his home near the petrified forest, KANSAS CITY ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. CHICAGO CHICAGO, ST, PAUL, Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hal) Sonoma county, under circumstances tvery second and foukth Wednesday ìd that indicate murder, although it may THE STOMACH MINNEAPOLIS and tach month. All brethren in good standing have beeu suicide. A strongly constructed Graph i OMAHA RAILWAYS. *4 tre cordially invited to attend. ophone, with simple mechan Ocean REPRODUCES SAME 1 G eo . E ngle , M. W. Harry B. Thatcher, a well known ism, made to meet the de BLOOD, NERVES RECORDS AS ' This is the Steames Leave Grò. W. T refben . Recorder. young man of Seattle, committed sui ALL STANDARD mand for a first-class talking Portland Every TALKING cide in a hotel there a few days ago. machine, at a low price. G. A. R. GREAT SHORTJ &LINE MACHINES. Pullman AUD LUNGS Family troubles are supposed to have EUBNSIDE POST NO. 23. caused the deed. Between FOR Sleeping- Cars Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and Word comes from the Iron mountain i<1 Saturday of each month. Visiting Con' DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO Elegant The pleasure in owning a Graphophone is largely increasedby being able t<« make aud reprçduce ’adescordiaiiv welcomed. mine at Keswick, that the management your own records. We furnish this machine with recorder for $7.50,maklug it the cheapest recording And All Points East and South. S. H. DUNLAP, Commander. and reproducing talking machine on the market. Graphophoues of every description. Call or write. has increased the wages of miners and Dining Cars W. I. M c N utt . Adiutant. » COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept, ta > a -<• • • muckers. Miners are to receive $3, in Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- Tourist siiinnâimnnïiôôHïâïïîiîiïiïHiuHîieïi stead of $2 65, aud muckers $2.50 in- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car W. R. C. I stead of $2.10. Trains and Motto: •z Sleeping Cars BUBNSIDK RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 President McKinley has signed the Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p “ALWAYS ¿ON [TIME” dnake River—i.eav^ Riparia daily ■n on the second and fourth Saturdays of bill for the preservation of the Cala Leave Lewiston daily. ST. PAUL each month. veras big trees. ■ ■ 1 ———. ' OSE DOLLAk, Have given this road a national repute* Mtn. M a ;. vina F erguson , Pres. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- MINNEAPOLIS ’.ion. All classes of passengers carried M ks . M J, Sp. : c r. Sec’v. Mrs Ida Wilcox was beaten over the special high grade ■ kolioms and Uonj Kong in connection >n the vestibuled trains without extra OU LI’TH head by her husband, George F. Wilcox, with O. R AN, LWONDER JMF $38.50 STOCK SADDLE ebarge. Ship your freight and travel liNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. h. by freight C. O. 1>. subject to examination, FARGO For full lnlortualion call on O. K it N: GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of at Kelseyville, Sonoma county, a few ivtr this famous line. All agents have She died the day following. k YOU CAN EXAMINE IT fte,gh.Î Axent, RO HT. LEONARD, Ashlaud, Or. Pytlras Ashland, Oregon, meets everj days ago. iclret«. W. H. MEAD, to Bk — ■ — depot, and if found GRAND FORKh ELY ’ S CREAM BALM is a poet ttve cure. Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good H er husband used, a revolver as a weapon. perfectly satisfactory, exactly as represented, O r kpi ’R css : General Agent, 243 Washington St., Apply Into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 l anding arecordisllvinvited tn attend jgS« An Extra Fine High Crade Saddle W. H. HURLBURT, After committing the deed Wilcox, cent« at Druegists or by mail: Er.mp'.es 10c. by mail. W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. F. D. ROBBINS. C. C. w OT l and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at from Oen’l Pass. Agent. made his escape but was arrested Sun ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.» New York City. Traveling F.A P. Agent, T. H S txpson . K. R. 8. m tVtSeWh?» OUR PRICE, $38.50, P R l LAND, <»R Portland. Oregon. day at Pasaden where he had gone to gaKv less the $1.00 deposit, or $87.60, and freight tí charges. his fathers’ home. The couple had sep - ■ DODWKLL, CARLILL & CO, $2,45 PLATEO arated aud he was trying to induce hex g?*YSThis Saddle is made on a ISKor Cut this ad. out and send to u&, Gen Agts. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co. 16-lnch Cenulne Ladesma or SIND NO MONEY and we will send to return home but she refused. PORTLAND, OREGON Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... you this watch by express. C. O. L>. ALLEY RECORD. HOME CURE FOR BLOOD POISON. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ WiW I JUklff TAGS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STAR PLUC TOBACCO ★ ★ ★ ★ ,____________________ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Beware of the Doctors’ Patchwork; You Can Core Yourself at Home. S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD “ MILWAUKEE” PIONEER LIMITED' SOO PACIFIC LINE. fH^^EftTTiUBY4M Ocean to Ocean ato ( Ilina and Japan. MONEY HONOLULU -AUSTRALIA A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... [7] ELASTIC 600DS Ö.R.&N .DENVER-« RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. EAST N orthwest ; E ast R O U T E S Great Oregon yORTHERN PACIFIC Northern Ry Short Line new graphophone The.... Northwestern Line! $5 u N 5 DAYS S MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS f SE8MD US ONE'DOLLAR OUR $38.50 BOLD THROUGH TICKETZ Phillips : Wire : Fence < MACHINE > CHICAGO «ASillNGruX PTTnLö)ELPniA NEW Erects a Hog, Poultry or ShK4i Fence for - the niouc}^- required *lo build any .other l^i^d of fence. Machines . a n d farm rights for sale bv o W TO YORK •-TOX AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOOTH Through ticket? to Ji s tu!¡4. via Tac oiùa and Nor: Bern Pae âleatnsLip Co. 7orinformation, linfe card", map atn> ickct», null on or writ* t ». 1». CHARLTON, __ kMistantGeneralJ’assengerAgent aBULAND, OKEUUX'. < UTLi ND. CABGO> • subject to examination. You can examine it at your erprecxofilee and it found perfectly satlsfae- tory. exactly as represeated and in ct cry way c^uai to watches liatarwbeiag advertised at IS. 75 to ?6. 75 under such misleading descriptions as Eight Style, America* Style, Go)4 Filled or L!U S3O. OM o S1O-OO Gold Filled Watches, wte. If you find it the equal or better than any of these watches, pay the expreu treat 0C8 PJUCK, st.45 and express charges. Don’t be Deceived by catchy advertisements which would lead you to believe you could get a 115.00 or «50.00 wateA rw S3. 73 to »«. U, wL _____ >hea we __ m _____________________ !1 Uesarno wateh for $2.45. L- - . nniun Ca MO rSmwB>rka»4Be>rl4.û Case or Screw Each and Bexel dost ; pro^rUpra Far*, stem wind and set. paid plate., handeom. ! ly engTavedandpoUshed, grad, ro! ral.aiie. engraved and polished, lMk.Uk.abtA. looks like a high -grade d SIle4 and is a frr.t great trading Isa Dickel -jewel* aad I» i radiez watch, w.tek, movement &a nickel 7 7-jewet. yd strut » in.l American, warranted, ana a arood time- keeper. For Wat.be. tr»n as wu «.14-111.4 w.tebM •2. ' 3 a*4 up, writ, for frw W atcb aad J«<T.lry Caul®s=S FALL Lewis Ackerman. Gosben. Ind . savs DeWilt’s Liitle Early Rise s nlwa'brine certain relief, core niy headache and never gripe.” They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver —E A. S hebwin . SICK HEADACHE’S, The mrse of overworked womankind a»e qmcklv and surely cured by Karl’s Clover Hoot Tea. the great blood purifier and tis- ’ce builder. Mvnev refunded if not satis factory. Price 25 cts and 50 cts. E ugene A. flnEBWiN. Druggist Best Winter lioute ■ ■■ STYLES u a NAMAKER’S CAREFULLY SELECTED KAWHIDE COVERED THEE, bound or roll cantie, steel leather covered stirrups or 2-inch oxbow brass bound, as desired. Will send hound untie nnless otherwise ordered. TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG r. - »«rt.,ro-inebloo« ————————————— extra heavy wool lined, 3-inch wide lace stirrup leathers, lj^-inch tie straps; extra long on near side, 2-inch to buckle on offside, heavy cotton twisted Mexican 5-inch front cinch, heavy ootton belting flank cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, seat and jockey all one piece. j tt- C i i- : UM? as illustrated. Wright of Saddle about 85 pound« packed for shipment, <5 pounds. FHEUdIT IS OSLl ABOL1 SLOO FOk EACH *®O ZII.F.S. all wool suits I OR MEN AND BOYS AT THE AGENCY, DE PEATT BLOCK, ASHLAND, OREGON, Kindly call and get posted on Prices and Qeaiities. Many thanks are in order to uiy host ot last year’s pa Irone, and we feel able to look them square in the eye when ihev call to see what we havefor them this ye .r. For sunshine, flowers and oranges take tbt- Sunset R >nt>- via Loe Angeles to all OUR 62.45 WATCH 13 »«nt=‘ fuI1 w-rf" points East. Tourist t xcarsmn cars and chair cars to El Paso. Fort Worth, Kan sas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston l-New Orleans and Washington, D. C. fJ^^Ladies’ and Mieses’ Styles and j For rates, gui les and information ad- Simples will be here soon. dreaa 0. H. M abkham , G. P. A., 8EAR8, ROEBUCK & CO. (lira.), Chlcagt I Portland, Or. DAVID JkLTZEIsr. ; i ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPINC Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS AND SADDLE Nature In strengthening and recon CATALOGUE, showing a full lute of Cowbay and Rancher structing the exhausted digestive or Outfits at the lowest prices everguatod. Address, f -. gans. It te the latest discovered digest SEARS, ROEBUCK & CD. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL ant and tonic. No- other preparation (Scan, Boebeeii SCO. aro tkemahty rrllaWe. —Setter.) ' can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SickHeadache, Gastfalgf a, Cramps, and ■ all other résulta of imperfect digestion. ■ Prepared by C. C. PeWin 4 -Ce., Coieag«. £UUKN£ A.JBH£BWIN.