PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. POLITICAL NEWS ITEMS. People’s Party Maaa Convention. Bryan Speaks Tuesday. Wm. J. Bryan, the presidential candi­ date, will apeak in Asi.iaad »*■ depot at 4:40 p. m. Tuesday, March 27e iseueecf the day. Seats will be provided a d everybody is invited. The Bryan club meets at city hall 7:30 p. m. Saturday to arrange for W. J. Bryan’s meeting. Roseburg Review: Many of the Ore­ gon towns are disappointed* because Mr. Bryan will not stop to speak in them, and are requesting State Chairman Sheridan to have his list of dates changed. As a matter of fact Mr. Bryan selected his own dates and places to speak and Mr. Sheridan knew nothing even of his intended visit at this time until he re­ ceived the list of appointments, there­ fore he is not in the leaet responsible forthem. Roseburg owes its selection to a promise of Mr. Bryan to a delegation of Douglas county people who went to Ashland over two years ago to hear him speak. At that time he stated that on his next visit to Oregon he would stop iu Roseburg, and his determination to do so next month is an evidence he does not regard his promises lightly. Chair- man Sheridan would like to see the great orator’s time in the state extended 60 that his itinerary might embrace every section of it, but Mr. Bryan is so much iu demand as a speaker that his stay is necessarily brief, much as that fact is to be regretted. Spring Stock! Medford, Ore., March 17, 1900. The Jackson county republican pri­ i To tbe voters of the People's party and J. C. Eubanks left for tbe sontli Mon­ maries Saturday at 2 o ’ clock promise to day. all others who favor Political Reform : be quite interesting and will without Chas. E. Comstock is up from Med­ doubt be warmly contested at several In as much as the time is near at hand when it will become necessary to arrange ford. points, notably for the large delegations for the approaching political campaign, going to the conventions from Ashland Ashlaml Grocery Co’s Specials this it is deemed advisable to hold a mass­ and Medford which seem to be the convention of the People’s party and oth­ week. sUrm center of the campaign. The ‘‘big M. M. Taylor was up from Jackson­ fisn” of the local republican organiza­ er reformers, in Medford April 3rd, 1900, at 1 o’clock p. m. of said day for the pur- ville Sunday. tion are fighting for control and the is­ : poses (1) of electing delegates to the Peo­ sues involved run tbe scale into national Miss Lena Abbott left Saturday for ple’s party state convention, (2) of de­ politics, a candidate for congress having vising the best methods of securing har­ Klamath county. Complete Lines. IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine arisen out of the situation from this city, monious action in the pending campaign Miss Myrtle Wells has gone to Redding which complicates the usual arrange­ Up to Date Goods. Line of Fresh Clean Goods in Jackson county, and (3) the transac­ for the Bummer. ments of the republican leaders. tion of such other business as may rignt- Hon. E. V. Garter wants the solid fuliy come before the convention. J. L. Helling came up from Granta NIXING ER BLOCK A FINE LINE OF delegation from Jackson county to the 1 All voters who believe in the princi­ Paas yesterday. ■ NEAR DEPOT congressional convention and be needs 1 ples sQt forth jn the St. Louis populist Lindsey Sisemore of Sama Valley was it bad. Many republicans, for various 1 platfoi'm, especially the doctrine of the in town this week. different stated reasons, do not want him Initiative and Referendum plan of legis­ Rev. 8. H. Jones of Jacksonville left to have that delegation. He must fight lation, and who are unalterably opposed for it and has teen at work on the big . to the imperalisiic monopolistic and gold for San Francisco Monday. job for some time being very active both standard policy of the present republi­ Mrs. G. H. Hedberg went to Dunsmuir personally and through his machine to The Bulla are all Pure Bred registered Here- can administration are urgently request- last week to visit friende. gain that end. A strong opposition has . ed to attend and take part in the said lords; a duly certified pedigree with each one Postmaster Geo. F. Merriman of Med­ manifested itself to his candidacy among mass-convention. They are of three dif- fea a and ol ford was in town Sunday. the republicans of Ashland and they no kin. Neighbors puicbaaing’oneof each Signed: J. S. McCain, Secretary Peo- can change at end of useful period, thereby A. J. McDonell, the miner, came over claim they have sufficient force to de­ I pie’s party central committee of Jackson feat his delegates to the county conven­ ■ county; J. W. Marksbury, member nat- having the use of a thoroughbred animal from Klamath river yesterday. tion that stand for his nomination for for several yearB. They will be sold fat prices committee: G. R. Lindley, W. E. Mrs. Chas. Brady and infant went to congress. They are not opposed to his ' ■ ional that are consistent, with rich and careful Phipps, J. A Smith. G. F. Schmidtlein, San Francisco Tuesday on a visit. nomination for the legislature. Mr. Geo. R. Hamuiereley, A. 8. Barnes, J. breeding and individ- cal merit* Burnside W. R. C. will give a dinner Carter needs tbe solid delegation of 22 L. Batchelor, A. L. Gall, C. C. Gall, votes from Ashland and he needs dele­ Martin Perry. in Ashland election day. gates whom be can handle like checkers, Miss Nettie Tharp, tbe teacher, left as the political exigencies of the occasion People’s Party Convention. — for Klamath county Saturday. demand that he be in a position to com­ To the People’s party of Jackson County, The Democratic primaries will be held pel unwilling support from other dele ­ Mrs. James Wiley returned Saturday Oregon;— in Jackson county Saturday, at 1 o’clock gations. With this backing of 22 auto­ from a visit with Medford relatives. You are hereby requested to hold pri­ p. m. to elect delegates to the county matoms from Ashland the clever wire­ Miss Sadie Anderson returned to Tal­ puller can sw ap off Tom, Dick aud Harry maries in the different precincts on Sat­ convention which meets at Jacksonville A. F. HUNT. WM. STORM. J. L. THORNTON ent Monday after a visit in Ashland. until he has traded every other candi­ urday, March 31,1900, at 2 o’clock p. m. March 31, aud elects delegates to the and elect delegates to the county con ­ state, congressional and judicial dis ­ M. Hutchinson of Klamath county was date in the convention out of everything vention hereby called to convene at Med- trict conventions. The following is the ioean’ ’t t > • ♦ ? • registered at the Ashland House Friday. except bis shirt tail and it he doesn promise to be good he will threaten him tohljfiiday, April 6tb, 1900, at 11 o’clock apportionment by precincts, making a Chas. F. Young, wife and boy, returned with the removal of that. This is poli­ a. m., for two days’ session, on the fol­ convention of 49 delegates*. to Gold Hill this week from a visit in tics and especially the politics of modern lowing apportionment: Applegate........ 1 Meadows.......... .1 Ashland. 2 North Medford .3 I republican bosses, the chief exponent Applegate.............. 3 Mound...................... 3 West Ashland. Meadows ................ 3 Ashland, East . ....4 North Ashland 2 South Medford. .4 Gen. W. H. Byars of Salem was in and disciple in Oregon being Senatoi Ashland, West-----4 Pooh Bah................. 3 South Ashland....... 2 Mt. Pitt........... .1 Il I town yesterday and left for Klamath Joseph Simon. The purpose is success Big Butte ... .v»,..3 Phoenix................. .4 Big Butte ............... 1 Pleasant Creek .2 and every other consideration and all the Barron ......... 3------------ county today. Pleasant Creek - --- ........ 3 Central Point......... 4 Rock Point ... .1 higher ideals that may rest in the -finer ..3 CBthKx..'.. 7 ................. 3 Roxy Ann .. Chimney Rock ....... 1 Steamboat....... .1 Our mens clothing is unexcelled in conceptions of the minds of men must Central Point.......... 4 Kock Point.. Eagle Point ., . .2 Sterling........ .1 SAMPSON. price, style and quality. Miller & Bart- be sacrificed and slaughtered. Dann ........................ 3 Sterling......... Eden ............ .2 ..2 Table Rock.... ges. Weather hot. .3 Flounce Rock ..1 Talent........... . .1 Some men are born to the job and Eagle Point............. 3 Sams Valley. ..5 Foots Creek.. .1 ..1 Trail Creek Mrs. J. L. Gault went to McCloud yes­ some acquire tbe art and while ‘‘there Foo's Creek ...........2 Talent........ Mr. Rush was here Thursday. ..s Gold Hill................. Flounce Kock..........2 Table Rock.. ..3 o Uniontown. 1 terday to join her husband for the sum ­ are others ” Mr. Carter has stood at the The enrollment of our school is increas­ .5 Trail......................... 3 North Jacksonville. .2 Watkins ... Gold Hill .. ... .1 ABHLAND.Ur...Thur8day, March 22,1900 ing. mer. of tbe class among Ashland repub ­ bead 4 Watkins................... 2 South Jacksonville .3 Woodville . Jacksonville ... .1 and his friends are under the im­ Lake Ureek----- 3 Willow Springs....... 3 Lost Creek............... 1 John W Coleman returned Tuesday licans Gardners are employing themselves in pression that be has lost none of his .4 Woodville.,............. 3 West their line. . from a business visit to Dixon, Cal., his cunning since tbe famous primary of Medford, CENTRAL POINT. Rev. W. E Bitzer, W. Caton, N. Y.. 5 Union..................... 3 Medfojd, Rasi ... old home. “1 hail dyspepsia over twenty The growth of the vegetation during this Mr. Yah Natta of Ashland was in town 1896, which crowned him king of local The.convention will nominate a county writes, and tried doctors and medicines nice weather is rapid, Misses Bertha and May Semple, daugh­ primary plungers. “The others” claim ticket,-elect delegates to district and years, Tuesday. without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use Yount passed here Thursday going ters of W. A. Semple, left yesterday for that the “conditions” were favorable in state -conventions, and attend to such Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ana it helped me J oh fa E. Ross has sold his interest in to Mr. Snow logging camp. Oakland, Cal. times past and contend that he will miss other business as may properly come be ­ from the start 1 believe it to be a panacea the saloon to his brother Geo. B. Ross. for all forms of indigestion.” It digests M l Pravter was up Thursday after a Miss Winnie Lewelling arrived from the canning brain and intellect of Dis­ fore it. ' Dr. Parsons of Ashland made a pro­ load of castings for the foundry. The, following platform was outlined what you eat —E. A. S herwin . Roseburg yesterday to pay a visit to her trict Attorney Watson in his present plans and purposes. The on-looking from the resolutions sent in by the clubs, fessional visit here last Sunday to see Salem, March 19.—Govenor Geer to­ Geo. Grow, jr., is clearing on his Samp­ friend, Mrs. F. Parrish. public await the passing events and some and is hereby referred back to the clubs, Mrs. W. T. Leever. son creek ranch preparing a garden spot. E. B. Duffy, the clever traveling agent modern and original contributions to the for adoption or rejection, and is to be day received a check for $27,806,85 from the War Department at Washington, in Weather fine and crops uever looked of the Rio Grande Western, was an Ash­ science of practical polities may be looked voted on section by section: settlement of the State of Oregon’s claim better this time of the year. The sticky NORMAL ITEMS. land visitor Monday. for from the workings and developments S ection 1.— for clothing furnished the volunteers. All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. country will prodace a big wheat crop Canned Fruits Extra of the keenest aud brightest lights iu tbe E. B. Curry has sold his house and lot Nat Melius entered school Monday. As a fundamental step to the preser­ This is the result of General Ganten- this year. g. o. p Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. in Ashland to Martin Swyter, recently vation of our endangered liberties we de­ bein’s efforts in behalf of the state. Hazel McConnell entered the training of Albany, for $900. Rev. J. T. Abbett of Ashland was The Carter interests are working an mand that the reign of corporations shall - department Monday. down and participated fn the funeral of The Misses Hargrove, the milliners, anti-Tongue combination at Medford in our legislative halls, bv the es- Bev. Father Desmarais of St. Patrick’s through Austin S. Hammond, a candi- cease Joseph Downing Monday. Rev. Greg­ announce their spring opening this week, ubteb^en? ¿f^dirVcriegTsTation." Leonard Masters left Saturday for ... . . .2. ‘ * • We church, Portland, was on Monday’s date for district attorney. Dr. J. M. . ory preaclied the funeYal sermon. . . Josephine Co. to teach school. must shorten the plow handles of govern- Friday and Saturday. train for San Francisco on a visit. Keene is said to be the main inspiration bv bringing tbe legislator closer M m . Guy (daughter of W. T. Leever) Otto Brown, a 13-ycar-old boy, is in Mrs. Plum of Igerna Cal., visited her principles—30 close that no lob- jail at Portland. He is suspected of The orphan children of Albert John­ of the enterprise and he says the Tongue . t0 of Portland is visiting relatives and sons Arthur and Claude last week. push, are trying to make him ‘ the j can intrude between thsm. son were taken to the Orphans’ Home at friends and taking care of her mother having murdered his cousin, a boy about The programme which the Bellview’s Portland last week, by Mrs. Hudson. who is very low with kidney and heart ,S9Pe ■ . , , - I Through- the initiative and referendum rendered in the chapel Saturday even­ Jacksonville is for Tongue and it is gii moral and political questions can be | I his age, by pushing him into the Wil­ trotrble. L. B. Warner returned Tuesday from claimed that practically all the rural 8Ubmitted to a lair and impartial vote of lamette river. ing was exceptionally good. The deco- Mrs. F. B. Moore who was taken to rations were of Oregon Grape. Miss Siskiyou county where he finished his precincts are for Tongue unless some tUe peopiei and jf adopted by a majority James Red bury, a retired builder, the Good Samaritian Hospital in Port­ Mabel Jones of Medford received the delivery of Albany nursery fruit trees. ‘fine work not yet unfolded will be 0[ votera become the law of the land. well-known along the coast, was drown­ land is reported in a fair way to recovery prize for the beat original poem. Miss Myrtle Hart of Cleveland, Ohio, done. While we demand that if either gold ed at Santa Monica a few days ago by IS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL from her long spell of sickness without arrived yesterday to visit her relatives, or silver is to be used as money both tbe capsizing of a boat. Chas. W. Walters of Medford will 1 undergoing a surgical operation. H, Fl. V. H. IV Sold. W. H. Bush and family at Depot restau­ make a stand for the republican nomi- shall te used, we insist that the test OFFICE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES 1 W. W. Scott has rented his fine fruit this country ever possessed was W. 8. Barnum of Medford has pur­ rant. BOHN. nation for county clerk. The anti-New- currency 1 and grain farm of 90 acres to R. A. chased the roadbed, rolling stock, etc., Mrs. J. H. Gay and son Charles, who bury men say Gue. will never cimeoff the full legal tender greenback of the QUALITY Clark late of Washington county. Mr. of the Rogue River Valiev R. R. opera­ have teen visiting Ashland relatives, ; ' civil war. And we look forward with DARWIN—Near Grants Pass. March 16, and Mrs. Scott will start east in two ting between Medford and Jacksonville, returned home to Central Point yester­ until knocked off. hope to tbe day gqtd shall be re­ 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Darwin, And not Price, is Dr. J. M. Keene, the Medford polife- legated, weeks for a visit of three months in for $12,000, from Honeyman, De Hart & day. always considered in our Drug the artg of the country and a son. cian, wire-puller and confidential W«$r 1 Iowa, Chicago and Oklahoma. the buffian family possess, free of tribute Co. of Portland. Mr. Barnum took Department; Thos. H. B. Helm and wife of Texas, of Senator Joe Simon, spent Motjdav to bankers, a governmental full legal charge today. The road was about to be who have been visiting his sister, Mrs. night in Ashland. Doc. is “ setting up ” KLAMATH FALLS. measure of value, made of paper, that sold to a lumber company and moved DIED. R. Neil, left today for Klamath the primaries in tbe interest of Repre­ will expand side bv side with tbe growth Don Steele, who has been living in Beno, away when Mr. Barnum made the pur­ J. county. sentative Carter for congress and against , and population. Then, and only then, Southern Oregon. Nevada, for tbe pot three years, is here chase. ANDERTON—Near Talent, March 14, visiting friends and relatives. C. H. Findley of Grand Rapids, Mich., McBride’s re-election to the legislature. will the; -people realizo tbe full benefits 1900, Daniel Auderton, aged 80 years. New School House, $13.300. is in town. He will locate about 100 Judge Orr has returned from his trip to Hon. J. H. Davis, of Texas, better of civilizatiop and the world be made a BROWN—In Medford, March 12, 1900, Ban t'ranclMO. Hie wife will remain there families iu Klamath county if the rail­ known as “Cyclone” Davis the famous I garden of delights for mankind. Ashland School District ’ s board of di ­ Bydeatel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Wp call.attention to the public school some time under medical treatment. . , populist orator, -arrived-ln Ashland SqA- rectors have opened the bids for construc­ road is built. E. Brown, aged 14 months. syslet& aod tbo postal service as eaem- Mrs. E. E. Porter of this place was ad­ tion of the proposed new east school Chas. Rose arrived yesterday from day night from the south and after coir* 1 piifleationeof a beneficent state socialism, BROWNING—In Spokane, March 9, judged insane Tuesday, and taken to Salem house in McCall’s addition on Boulevard, San Francisco where he has been work­ suiting with State Chairman F. Williams, F on Wednesday by M E. Patterson and Geo. adjoining the Ashland cemetery, There ing in the Union Iron Works. He goes National Committeeman J. W. Marks­ which-onr people would only relinquish 1900, Mrs. Margaret Biowning, recent­ Porter, ly of Ashland, in the 39 i 1 a year of her bury and others went to Roseburg last with their livre. And we demand that were two bids W. O. Heckart of Corvallis to Klamathon next. age. night to interview Democratic State the carrying of messages written with James Sullivan, an insane person, was bid $14,495 aud H. Snook of Salem $13,- Wm. M. Colvig returned Monday to Chairman R. 8. Sheridan. He is repre­ pen and ink be amplified to embrace brought through here last Thursday from 300. Mr. Snook was awarded the con­ —In Central Point, March Lakeview in charge ot J, U. Basey and M. tract. It will be a 78x84 structure, two Jacksonville from Victoria, B C., on A. senting the national committee for the messages written by eleotricitv, and that DOIVNING spray your fruit trees 17, 1900, Joseph Downiug, aged 82 yrs. tiie train of cars which carries our letters R. Hart. O. U. W. lodge business. He was not 'O’ purpose of ¿¿tjing a delegation to the and 3 months. stories high and a basement. The base­ interviewed on politics. for San Jose Scale, The Degree of Honor gave a dance and ment is to be ot cut stone and the bal­ fusion conventional Sioux FallL.^Ik, he owned by the government to carry Deceased was the father of J. L. Down ­ those who wrote-UHe- letters, No other Green Aphis, Wool­ supDer in commemoration of St. Patrick’s ance of the building to be of brick 16 and Call and see me when you are in need of J . * ’ 9 W. F. Gallagher’s Wizard Oil Co. May 9. ref or tnSW-ill avail touch if corporations ing of Ashland, Fred T. Downing of any property of any description, either to day, which was a decided success. The after a successful engagement in Ash ­ 12 inch walls. The building is to be The fusion populists of Jackson county are permitted to> niy ifisw much they Grants Pass, T. J. Downing of Gold Hill, rent or bur. ey Aphis and Curl proceeds amounted to$115. heated by two furnaces, the apparatus land went to Medford S unday and are who were so badly smashed and demor­ shall take from the {¡producers and bow J. H. Downing of Central Point, Mrs. I have ranches for sale in every part of Leaf. Compound Tbe ¡republican primaries will be held to cost $1800 additional. The building putting in a week there. alized at last election have been wake i- much they will leave them. This is tax­ E. P. Hesselgrave of Central Point and Jackson couuty; fine land and low prices. bare on Saturday, the 24th. Numerous is to be completed by September first. Small acreagss of fruit land near town made and sold by Every day something new at the new ed up from their Hungarian trance by ation without representation in its worst W. H. Downing of Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and land in bearing fruit, any number of candidates are springing np right along and tbe county convention on the 31st inst dry goods and clothing store. Miller & “Cyclone” Davis, and this week isane a form. It is the disgrace of our republic Downing has been a reeident of this acres, large or small. call for a mass convention at Medford that foreign despotisms have defended valley for about sixteen years. The promisee to be an unusually interesting A Designlug Woman Halted, Bartges. I have several houses to sell in the city; April 31, to see where they are at. one. the right of our people in these partic­ funeral services were held at the late prices to suit the times. S. F. Evening Post, April 16. M. R. Hart and J. C. Basey were on Residents of tbe west end of town were J. II. Huffer, sr., of Jacksonville, a re­ ulars, while corruption has made self- home at 11 a. m. Monday. There were some interesting develop­ Tuesday’s train en route home to Lake­ HOU b ES TO KENT. somewhat startled by tbe report of a gun publican candidate for county judge, vis­ government a helpless failure in this view, having taken Jim Sullivan to the MONEY TO LOAN. last Sunday night about 10:30 o’clock fol­ ments in Judge Daingerfield’s court to- ’ land.. We believe in the collective ited Ashland Monday. He will have INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. lowed by lively footfalls which seemed to day when the application of Mrs Carrie i insane asylum at Salem. ownership of those means of production the endorsement of the Jacksonville del ­ QLIVER S. .BROWN hit tbe high places along the sidewalk. M. Crouch for alimony pendente lite was I Here are a few of my bargains: Alfred Carter, a pioneer miner of For ­ and discributiou which tiie people may The names of two sporty drummers are im­ heard by the court. , est creek, near Jacksonville, died sud­ egation and is assured of a considerable elect, such as railways, telegraphs, tele- Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres following in the convention and expects plicated in the invaterious affair, which ap­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Mrs. Crouch lives at 427 Golden Gate , in fruit. $450. denly Friday, aged 72 years. He was en­ the nomination. I phones, ccal mines, etc. pears to be a red hot scandal. Tbe “wise” Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good drummers got out of town as soon possible avenue. Some time ago she filed suit . gaged iu the early Indian Wars. H. S. Hudson, a former member of' We are opposed to individuals or cor- house, barn, etc., running water, for $500. Beach Block. and wall undoubtedly give this place tbe go­ for divorce from her husband, B. F. J porations fastening themselves, like Our youthe and childrens line of cloth­ the legislature now in the custom house Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two Crouch, a carpenter, on the ground of by next time. small houses, $<00. ing is now complete. Prices are right. at Portland, was in the valley this week vampires, on the people, and suckiug Ashland, - - Oregon. cruelty. their substance; and we demand that These are within a mile and a half of lleady for Exchange. Mn. Crouch alleged that she marrried Miller & Bartges. looking up politics in the interest of the whatever can be better done bv govern­ Ashland. Crouch at Jacksonville, Or., on Aug. 15, renomination of Congressman Tongue Water Street. Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely Geo. W. Blodgett, the assayer, left Miller A Bartges have stocks of new ment for tiie enrichment of the many £¡0“ Mining Law a Specialty. I shall net be turned over to individuals for unimproved, $200 goods fresh from the looms which they 1895. The couple lived at sixes and Monday for near Jacksonville to take and re-election of Senator McBride. sevens for a considerable period. Mrs. charge of the Golden Standard Mining Hotel property in town, for salefor$4000. wish to exchange for money. Horace Dunlap, formerly of Pnoenix, tbe aggrandizement of tbe few y mail or One hundred acres fine valley land, two Crouch claims to have been a widow Co’s new 5-stamp quarsz mill. Hence, we insist that banks have no will quite likely be the republican nomi ­ expresa recel ve miles from Medford, $4500. whea she married Crouch and had a White Plymouth Rock Pullets 8AMS VALLEY. prompt attention. Call and see me tn regard to any of the Mrs. P. S. Casey and daughter, Miss nee for sheriff in Lake county, against more right to create our money than young eon by her previous marriage. <1 they would have to organize our army or T ckms C ash at Andy Neilson, the present democratic above, and if they do not suit, I have a Theresa Casey, returned yesterday from and Cockerels for Sale! We had a tine rain Sundty night. Tins boy died after a brief illness, and, RZASOBABLE. BATES* large list from which you might choose pass our laws. incumbent. a visit with Jacksonville friends. They Eggs for setting at $1.50 for 13, or $3.00 The little son of Jeff Linville severely cut as Mrs Crouch alleges, her husband leave next Wednesday for Omaha. We reaffirm tbe fundamental princi ­ OEO. W. TREFREN. Hon. E. B. Watson of Portland and ples of tbe Omaha platlorm and declare his toot one day last week while playing opeiiy charged her with having poisoned for 30. Main Street, Near Bridge. Ashland, Or. with an ax. He is getting along nicely at her awn son. The accusation was spread M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich , says, formerly of Jackson county, will have it to be tbe immutable creed of onr party, Geo. K. Wentworth, broadcast, and Mrs. Crouch was unable "DeWitt’s Little Earlv Risers are tne very the solid support of the delegation from coeval with it in birth and filled with tbe present. Dunsmuir, Cal. A gentleman by the name of Hoof, who to prevent her good name being assailed. best pills I ever used for costiveness, liver this county for supreme judge, as well as spirit that launched it on its grand car­ aud bowel troubles. ” — E. A. S hkrwin . One night iu June last Crouch broke Josephine and adjoining counties. Henry came here from Mis»ouri a few days ago, eer. It must not be whittled away or has broke out with the measles since arriv­ in to her room and dragged her out of A. P. Talent, wife and two daughters, D. Kubli is looking after Judge Watson’s traded off for offices. Tbe man who pro­ lililí ing here. Some are scared for fear it might ted in a paroxysm of rage. She became interest and there will be no opposition poses to do this is au enemy of mankind ; LJLIDIEIS’ be the smallpox. ill, snd Crouch later sent her to the Minnie and Myrtle, and their two grand in the county convention. be would sell tbe kingdom of heaven for children, arrived Tuesday at their form­ A reward of Two Hundred and Fifty The exceeding hot weather which we couixy hospital, where he left her for er home in Talent from San Francisco, The People’s party county central com­ a mess of pottage. have been having for the past few davs has seveial weeks without making a single I In order to maintain the liberties of Dollars will be paid bv the City of Ash­ mittee mit tee met at Medford Saturday after­ bated tbe ground in many places although inquiry concerning her. When she to again take up their residence. noon, Chairman Grant Rawlings presid­ the people, we must preserve their land to the person or persons furnishing there is much ground too wet to plow emerged from the hospital her hea till Have just added to my window shade ing. This is the only people’s party or­ homes, and we therefore demand laws H BOIVIN, Manager, which will make plowing and planting late was mattered aud the doors of her home line an invoice of wide opaque and rollers ganization in the county and is recog­ in the several states exempting the information which shall cause the arrett in some parts. closri upon her. for making extra wide and odd size nized as the legal people’s party. Ac­ homes of the people from taxation ab­ and conviction of any person or persons Dr. Morrill was summoned to Isreal Tbe Crouches have real estats aud oth­ cording to their plan of organization they solutely in a sum not less than $2000, of the crime of arson, committed within COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET Harris’ last Thursday. On arriving he er property worth about $3000. Mrs. shades. J. P. Dodge, opera house. found the whole family suffering from Crouch asked for a division of ths prop­ Ashland, Oregon, J. E. Crowson, wife and girl left yes­ are strictly opposed to fusion. The meet­ »nd a personal property exemption of poison. Mrs. H ’s mother had gathered for St. Charles, Minn., to remain ing was quite well attended and decided not less than $300 to each head of a the city limits of said city. and prepared a lot of greens for dinner in erty, $40 a mouth alimony and $100 terday a year. Mrs. 8. E. Dunning accom­ upon calling a county convention of 1(B family. To make up for this reduction D ry G oods , N ovelties , W. B. COLTON, which they supposed they had gathered couuwl fees. of taxation we favor an income, inheri­ Wlpn tbe case was called, the attorn­ panied them as far as Hazle, S D. delegates at Medford April 6th and 7tb> tance and other like taxes. some poisonous weed. The doctor pro- Shop is now open. Mayor. the primaries to be held March 31st. Main Street, Oyer the Bridge. fjonneed tbe poison of a strychnine nature ey fol Mr. Crouch protested against pay­ They were ticketed over the Northern “With malice towards none, with The platform is to be formulated on Qie audit is thought that the family who oc- ing NTs. Crouch any money whatever. Pacific by Robert Taylor. Nothing but First - Class eharity 'to all, with devotion to the referendum principle. rupiwt the bouse previous to their moving ‘♦i “Ke have filed a cross-complaint,” he Dr. J. W. Odgers will open a dental Work turned out.- right as God gives us to see the right.” there had left some poison in the house said,“in which we allege that when Mr. J. M. Batchelder, the county clerk of office in the Beach block, over the bridge, which in some way fell in the victuals We commit our cause to tho hearts and Lake county who resigned suddently‘r0* consciences of the American people. « while being prepared for dinuer. None Crourfi married this woman she was al- on Main street, March 19th. read/ a wife, and that her husband, cently was succeeded in his office by jproved fatal, however STATE AFFAIRS. Jerry Thornton came down from Ash* 1 one of his bondsmen, W. A. Wilshire. ¡fromwhom she was never divorced, is i S ection 2. We demand a system of land this morning en route to Oakland. One Dollar CASH will bur 17 pounds still alive. We will have him here if Batchelder had been drinking and there Notice to Creditors. ■ necessary. Instead of granting a divorce He will go to Coquille in a few days were rumors that he was short in his taxation for railroad, telegraph, tele­ of Su^ar at a credit store, stop to Mrs. Busb. Fropr. j ¿sbland!’ officers shall receive their constitutional P eltox A N eil Tbn Court frowned, then asked if Mrs Wanted—A good waiter girl. Apply lished a long statement of the cause of i salaries and no more. system can we ask for than the ad ­ Cro«ch could get along temporarily with Semi-Weekly Stage Line S bction 4. We demand that the office the legislative hold up of 1897, in reply I want tn 1st the people who suffer from $25 a month. This being acceptable, an at the Ashland House. vertising of the credit stores? Lunches Put Up. rheumatism and sciatica know that ordt< was made allowing her that sum L. L. Jacobs. Alex Orme, Silas J. Dav, to the attack made upon him in the U. ■ of state printer be abolished, and that from and Mail Contract Chamberlain’s Pain Balm reieived me pendente lite, together with $75 counsel I Geo. O’B. DeBar, Peter Applegate, E. 8. senate by Senator Simon. H. W. said work be let out by contract to the DeRobqam. F. Luy, Mark Applegate of Corbett followed with an attack on lowest bidder. after a number of other medicines and a Ashland to Pelican Bay. All Passengers Trains S ection 5. We demand the reduction doctor bad failed. It is the best liminent Crouch is a well-known union carpen­ Jacksonville, and G. C. Noble and H. H. Mitchell in Tuesday’s Oregonian. The I have ever known of.—J. A. D odgen , ter and is prominently identified with i Harvey of Medford were up Tuesday airing of dirty republican linen is on in of all salaries of county ofljcials in pro­ Don’t pav 25 cts. for a 10-lb. sack of portion to the amount of work performed, Whole Wheat Flour wben you can night visiting the I. O. 0. F. lodge of earnest. Alpharetta, Ga. Thousands have bean labor organizations. Stop 30 Minutes for Meals buy it from us for....................... 15 Cts. this place. cured ot rheumatism bv this remedy. Salem, March 19.—The Capital Journal based on like salaries, for similar work in private enterprises. Ohs application relieves the pain. For For Sale—A 4-room house and two tonight quotes Governor Geer as follows It is a condition, uot a theory, that S ection 6. We pledge our candidates Don’t pay 25 cts. for a 10 lb. sack of sale by K vqsne A S herwin . on the question of bis candicacy for the WILLIAM FOX. ALLI» HILDRETH confronts ths Oregon voters If they lQts on 7th street, railroad addition, for Senate to succeed McBride: Graham when you can buy it from for the legislature, that when elected Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Coshow returned don’t register, they will lose their votes |75O. Call at place or address J. A. u< at. .................................. 15 Cts. "I will not allow my name to be used by they will work for the enactment of laws Dawson, AshUnd. Qr. « Wednesday from their three months’ in Juns and November. either tide or by any factions, and will not to ca^ry out these demands. have Crushed Wheat at, per visit at Ashland and Roseburg. Mr. allow the subject to take a particle of my The salaries for county and district We Bargains I Bargains in hardware, tin­ The Portland Evening Telegram con­ time or thought. The people have elected sack ........................... 20 Cts. Coabow went south for the benefit of hie officials were omitted and may be cov ­ Ashland, Oregon health, and after an absence of three ware, stoves. Closing out for the next tains a portrait of Mrs. Edyth Schley of me governor, and have not «iked me to run ered, with any other matter, by farther Can you get a cheaper or better months is not the flashiest man in town. thirty days for cash only. Give me a that city, who has written a melodrama for senator, aud it would, be unfair far me resolutions from the clubs, and will be mush ? One a three seat and the City Passenger call and be convinced. Store and fixt entitled ‘ The Indian Princess,” which t > do so, or do anything else than give them —Brownsville Times. urea for rent. B. F. Reeser. she expects to have staged in the near the test service I am capable of in the posi­ acted on by the convention. Three are not specials but our regular By order of the Regular People’s Party price. The report comes from San Francisco future. The lady was born and raised tion to which 1 was elected.” other two seats. Six head and Truck Transfer a Have you seen tbe Raycycle, the best in Jackson county and is hotter known as r County Central Committee, in session that tne proposed '‘relief bureau” of the and handsomest wheel made; will run At the M. E- church Sunday the ser When you combine our prices with the at Medford, Or., March 17,1900. 8. P.Co. baa been abandoned after a Con­ Miss Mary E Ounnyngham, daughter of of Horses and two sets of ——AD ktads of freight, baggage money back proposition—you know we G kant R awlings , Cbairmau. ference between the railroad officials and 1090 miles without oiling; will run 27 J W. Cunnyngham of Ashland. Her vices will be as follows: Sunday schoo household , ate.. transfer* give vou your money back if everything J. W. W iley , Secretary. the grievance committees of the employee. per cent lighter than any bicyclo made. friends in this part of tbe state will be at 9:30 a. m. Preaching to the children ed wW and snfety. at 11 by the pastor, subject, h How to be Harness, The easiest bill climber made. For sam ­ is not satisfactory, we ask no questions The news is received with marked ami HauliMi soils O om - pleased to hear of her success. Several ple and prices call at Reeser ’ s hardware Great ” Junior League meeting at 4 :33- why or wherefore — you have the ideal trsDtadraB*) I • $ • • • • s Republican, Democratic and Populist unanimous approval by all cl its es of vears ago she was married at Baltimore, store. railroad men. Maryland, to W. C. Schley, a cousin of p. m. Devotional meeting of the Ep­ state conventions will meet in Portland store and you take no chances. worth League at 6:30. Preaching at tbe same day*—April 12. WOOD FOR SAZ j ® Call on or apply to, „ „ , u _ i What does Dame Fashion say shall be the noted Admiral Schley. WE LEAD- 7:30, subject, “Shall we continue in Bulls Bulls. btockmen, have you moBe for feminine head gear this The Republican National Convention V iuwi- • The entertainment committee of the Sin?” All are cordially invited. J. T. will meet in Philadelphia June 19; the OTHERS RAVE TO FOLLOW ^MBAhose Hereford bulls of Owen A spnng and summer? The ladies of Ash- Abbett, pastor. Ladies of the Maccabees will give a grand Moore's? If not, why not? Will handle fea la Ashland during the Sugar—of Course. Populist National Convention in Sioux land art' invited to visit Misses Hargrove, calico ball next Thursday. March 29th, summer season. Delivered at your door W. B. Colton lias tax roll for Ashland Falls, 8. D., May 9; the Miudle-of-the- the milliners, this week, Friday and Sat­ every morning. urday and inspect the latest fashions, at opera house. Everybody invited and precinct and will send money to pay Road Populists in Cincinnati on the same Passengersdeltìferdd to eny parto! taxes tea tor all all who request. request. Also prepared day; Prohibitionists Frohiuwomsts in Chicago, June 27, st which time will occur their regular a good time assured. National CoaYcottou fegiatiar voters free oi charge at hisd^eDer^^ticNa An elegant line of Framed Picture« *t spring openidg of millinery goods.. An riegt&t display styles will w itrcwn, 09» How JT WaitW Bto». SPRING GOODS HAVE ARRIVED! Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clotning. LADIES TAILOR MADE SUITS, WRAPPERS, SHIRT WAISTS, SKIRTS Dry Goods.... Clothing, Boots & Shoes. WM. YEO & CO. Twenty-Five Head of Pure Bred Hereford Brils- ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. VALLEÏ RECORD. Ashland, Oregon COLEMJlN BRO'S-, Proprietors BUY SELL AND 1900 GREEN : SHERWIN FRUITS. 1900 THE LARGEST and BEST_J¿1_ GEO. IV. TREFßEN K_J. R. CASEY. Ashiand.- . STEAM.. Laundry Í ASHLAND $250 REWARD UNDERWEAR Bush’s Restaurant! Meals 25 A Few Pointers! 3 First-Class Spring Wagons, FOX & HILDRETH, J. N. SMITH, Ashland Gro. Co Lock 131' AsMwdj Oroftn. I