Automobile omnihn«<>a are to compete THE PHILIPPINES. ' With Chicago street-car lines. Another large fir« ocourrel at Yoko- hanta recently in wh.■ J tf< t« - ..n Pfnglssa of tho Fight Between Briton President McKinley has signed the sai'l ro have b. ¡eu destroyed. and Boor. A resolution has b i iutr« • laced in M a vrr.«, March 18. — General Otis financial bill. /.ne reupiib F*aper. L ondon , March 15.—The war office considers Manila the most troublesome Several Chicago men are reported to congress directing tl: TJ -ii 11 i?tî îj»cates i to has received the following from Lord center in the situation today. The in have engaged in a game of poker at' district attorneys to find means ASHLAND, Or...Thursday, March 22. 1900 Roberts: surgent junta here, in conjunction with New York a short time ago in which a. break up the Standard Oil company. “ B loemfontein , March 15.—General that in Hongkong, is growing active. million dollars is said to have changed The enormous dividcud caused oougress to think something was wrong. Gatacre crossed the Orange river and The military authorities have been hands. The game lasted a week. Oregonian editorial: Crater Lake and occupied Bethulle this morning. Gen forced to put a stop to Mabini’s inter Sir Thomas Lipton has announced his Charles Adams, a passenger agent its environment in southern Oregon eral Reginald Pole-Carew, with 800C course with the public. The local and intention of again challenging for a living at Cincinnati, was shot and killed present ideal features fora National park. men of the guards brigade, two guns ___ ____________________________ yacht race for the international cup. foreign press considers his recent ut- The conception of Milton that and a small body of mounted infantry, terances ^calculated to incite the Fili- by his wife a few days ago. She claimed The race is to take place next year. Earth hath tbis variety from heav-m he was cruel to her and was beating left here in three trains this morning to pinos to a continued revolt and preju- her when she shot him. . Of pleasure zituate in hill and dale, ( It was stated in New York recently Makes heaven a glorious creation of join hands with General Gatacre and dicial to American control. The buildings for the Paris exhibition by Thomas B. McGovern that orders, He had passed imagination based on fact, when con General Clements. Flores, who has just arrived here, are not yet completed and it is thought subject to approval of the opening prices templated from the infinite grandeur of Bethany by 4:40 p. m. without meeting says he comes trusting to American on Columbia river salmon, already ag tbe scenery of which Crater Lake is the with opposition, having been able tc leniency, and he would not have that the exhibition cannot be opened gregate the entire quantity estimated as before June 1. wonderful setting. There are mauv supply from his troops engine drivers, dared to come to Manila if Spain were the probable pack of the association this reasons urged in favor of making a Na firemen, fitters, molders, smiths, car R. P. Leary, governor of Guam, re season, except snch quantity of special yet in control. He cherishes the hopes tional park of this area, and, as the most penters, etc.” aud aspirations which actuated him cently issued a proclamation abolishing brands for this market as are usually substantial of all reasons—that of the A dispatch from Lourenzo Marquez, when in the field and desires to watch slavery in the Ladrone islands. called for. The orders have come in possibility of the fnture settlement of dated Thursday, says that strong com Maud S, the famous trotter, died Sat more quickly and for larger quantities congressional action upon the question this region by homeseekers—cannot be urged against the proposal, there seems mandoes are massing at Warrenton of the Philippines. The insurgents, he urday on a farm near Portchester, N. Y. than usual, notwithstanding the cer to be no good reasons why Congress where the free states are going to make says, do not expect to vanquish the The famous mare was 26 years old. tainty that prices will open higher than a stand. not consider tbe matter favorably. Americans, but are maintaining a re A sub-commission of the national in last year. L ondon , March 15.—A dispatch tc sistance with the idea of forcing con formation in regard to conditions in the Ashland, March 19.—information How's Tbis? reaches this city that a contract has the Daily Chronicle from Bloemfontein, gress to accord them the best possible different industries of this country, will been let to Messrs. Dunbar A Cousins, dated Tuesday evening, March 18, says terms. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward hold sessions at the Auditorium hotel, Bloemfontein surrendered at 10 o’olock for any case of Catarrh that can not be the well-known railroad contractors of M anila , March 15, 5:30 p. m.—Flores, Chicago, this week. cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Chicago, for grading and laying the to-day. It was occupied at noon. Presi Agninaldo’s secretary of war, has sur A London cable says: The pacific F. J. CHENEY <S CO., Toledo, O. track on 72 miles on the proposed Oregon dent Steyn, with a majority of the rendered to General McArthur. We the undersigned have known F. J. condition which European matters have Midland Railroad. The coinpanv has fighting burghers, has fled northward. Agninaldo’s infant son, who was cap assumed is far more likely to be dis Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe also contracted with the Baldwin Loco Lord Roberts made a state entry at tured in November, and who was suffer turbed by trouble in the Balkans than him perfectly honorable in all business motive Works, of Philadelphia, for five transactions and financially able to carry locomotives—three freight and two pas noon. He received a tremendous ova ing from smallpox, is dead. by the South African war or anything out any obligations made by their firm. tion. After visiting the public building! W ibt &T buax , Wholesale Druggists, To senger onee. The line of the proposed N ew Y ork , March 15.—A Sun cable in which Great Britain is chiefly con ledo, O. road, as surveyed by Chief Engineer J. he went to the offitdal residence of the cerned, though the Balkan difficulty is A. McCall, starts at Klamath Falls and president, followed by a cheering crowd, from Manila, March 15, says: Troops most unlikely to result in a continental W aldino , K inn an & M abvin , Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. follows the north bank of the Klamath who waved the British flag aud sang who went to re-enforce the garrison at Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, river to a point between Klamathon aud the British national anthem. They were Gubit, fifty-two miles from Albany war. This latest trouble consists ip.thfi acting directly upon the blood and mucous Hornbrook, on the Southern Pacific in a condition of frenzied excitement. found the men unhurt. It had been re apparent determination of Prince Ferdi surfaces of the system. Price 75c. pur bo nand to declare himself king of Bul Company’s railroad. At that point the tie. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonia Monday afternoon, previohs to the ported that the garrison was surrounded Oregon Midland has 80 acres of land surrender, there had been a little snip by insurgents and that the town was garia and renounce Turkey’s suzerainty. free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. and the Southern Pacific 80 acres, and burning. The trouble started in thi- He would scarcely contemplate thi^ ing and shelling, but the enemy retired. it ie expected that a townsite will be David E. Lodge, sou of the late So way: The people made an attack on a without the backing of Russia, whence located there. The heaviest grade on Lord Roberts has his headquarters at come Prince Ferdinand's generals, guns noma pioneers, Mr. aud Mrs. John D. swindling foreigner and burned his the president ’ s house, and there are the road will be a 2’a per cent One, and, last week, his national loan. As Lodge, has disappeared lroiu Sauta Rosa while the greater portion will be under a many of the British wounded in the warehouse. The fire spread to other the spectator points out, for the sultan and with him has goue about $21,000. buildings and this attracted the insur 2 per cent grade. There will be no tun building. The railway is not injured. gents to the place. When the people to refuse absolutely the request of The question as to whether the money nels. The road will tap the rich sngar- A oable from London, dated Maroh 18, pine belt of the Jenny creek and Klam saw the rebels coming they stampeded Prince Ferdinand, supported by Russia was [legally iu possession of the youug ath river country, and the Hopkins says: The Orange Free State is the to the ships. The rebels, who were and not negatived by the triple alli man is yet to be determined, though he (Pennsylvania) syndicate’s timber lands Queen’s dominion. Gatacre has occu chiefly bolomen, were easily repulsed UlMVVj it was ance, would be MW a very serious event in- thought «V , . when --------- he - left - Sauta Rosa. will be tributary to the road. It is pied Springfontein, and Pole-Carew, by the Americans. deed, “and it may occur sooner than ! Lodge’s disappearance is regretted by stated that Philadelphia financiers are with guards, has joined Clements at Brigadier-GeneralKobbe has returned we, who are looking southward instead two sets of litigants, repcsented on one behind the construction of tbe Oregon Norval’s Pont. The Free State com j ride by the wife aud family whom he from his visit to the southern islands. of eastward, are ready to suppose.” Midland. manders have disappeared in the south The Standard Oil Company recently' deserted, and on the other by his two He reports that Samar and Leyte are [The above dispatch was printed in the aud their guns have been probably bur Oregonian but its publication was a sur ied or concealed. No resistance ha« settling down and that trade is reviving. paid $21,500,000 in dividends. Of that sisters, wlw are, with him, heirs to the prise to the stock holders of the proposed been offered to the British columns in Natives are returning to their homes tremendous sum $20,000,000 was paid estate of tbeir piireuts, which is valued new road. It may be a trifle premature, the southern district, and the burgher« and the troops are well received. La- out as the quarterly dividend of the at about $200,000. as the $150,000 bonus has not vet been gaspi continues to be a hotbed of rebel Standard Oil Company and $1,500,000 Word was receved at Santa Rosa re subscribed and the permanent survey are everywhere returning to their homes. lion, and constant patrolling is necessary for the Amalgamated Copper Company, cently that the California Northwestern There are many press dispat ohes from has not yet been made ] in order to destroy bands of insurgents. which is controlled by men who are in railway company has filed amended ar Brabant, Gatacre and Clement’s col The governor of North Oamarines, with terested in the first-named corporation. ticles of incorporation, declaring its in Bettnrni>nt <<f Service umns, but there is only one story: The his staff, surrendered to the Americans tention to at once construct a branch TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY The new coaches which the Rock 1- an' Free State forces are disbanding and the at Nueva Cacerres. He also ordered Take L axative B romo Q uinine T ab line from Cloverdale in Sonoma couuty R<.»d latelv received from the Pnlltum Ci rebellion in the Dutch districts of Cape runners sent out through the country to lets . All druggists refund the money if to Christine in Mendocino couuty. Cotnpam, and which are of tbe high back Colony is at end. it fails to cure. E. W. G rove ’ s signature seat -tyle with elaborate trimmings and in proclaim American sovereignty. H. C. Gooding, formerly chief justice L ondon , March 18.—The war office terior tirushing-, have been put in service on in each box. 25c. L ondon , March 13. — The war office of Arizoma, was shot and dangerously the four trains which run dailv between To has the following dispatch from Field peka and 8t Joseph One of these cars was Marshal Lord Roberts, dated Bloemfon has received a dispatch from Lord Rob The senate committee on public wounded by footpads in front of his attached to Tuesday’s train, and was ad erts announcing that General French buildings and grounds a few days ago residence, at Los Augeles, recently. tein, Sunday, March 18: mired by mauv who saw it These coaches reached Bloemfontein lsst evening and reported favorably the bill to increase The place where the tragedy occurred are valuable additions to tbe train service “ The Guards brigade returned yes occupied two hills close to the railway the limit of cost of the proposed build , is in the thickly settled, fashionable between tbe cities * terday from Norval’s Pont. Several station. ing at Boise, Idaho, to $800,000. residence district in the southwestern hundred burghers have laid down their M qnroe , Wash , March 10, 1900. M anila , March 9.—Twelve hundred Lieutenant Victor Blue of the battle part of that city. The judge had gone arms to General Pole-Carew at Eden Friends of Ashland: Through the burg and elsewhere. The officer com well-armed insurgents, formerly of Ca ship Massachusetts, now lying at the out for a short stroll preparatory to re kindness of the V allky R ecord I desire vite province, with a Chinese oolonel iD Brooklyn navy yard, was detached and tiring for the night. As he reached the to say to you that we arrived here safely manding at Belmont reports that some command, surrounded the towns ot ordered to proceed at once to the Pacific front gate on his return to the house he deserters have come in with a Maxim, and enjoyed the journey very much. Albay and Legasspi. They have ef coast and there report to Rear- Admiral was confronted by two men with drawn a nine-pounder aud another gun. An The country here is new and growing rapidlv. There seems to be plenty of other nine-pounder has been brought fected three night attacks, and continu Kenipff, who will succeed Rear-Admiral revolvers, who ordered him to hand out work for al), good wages, ready cash for into Colesburg. The cavalry brigade ally harass the Forty-eight regiment, Watson as second in command of the his watch and money. Because he did everything, and an abundance of rain has gone to Thabanchu in order to reas which has lost eight men killed and 20 Asiatic station. Lieutenant Blue is tc uot comply promptly they shot him. People here seem to be very energetic, sure the inhabitants of that district and wounded in defending -these towns. be flag lieutenant on the cruiser Brook ■ ■ enterprising and go-a-head citizens; they to distribute copies of the proclauqation Generals Young and Hood are asking lyn, flagship of the. Asiatic squadron. love their state and do all they can to to the people of the Free State. These for re-inforcements, and a battalion ot ' Mrs. Lida-Greycroft, the largest wo make it prosper. the Forty-seventh will be sent to Apar- irl My work is heavy, but pleasant. Mon proclamations are being eagerly sought ri. Other troops will follow. The rebels man in Indiana, cliecT suddenly'at hei after. home at Kokomo; 'falling fr6m hei; roe has just completed a fine school an 1 “Lord Methuen reached Warrenton recently persistently attacked Aparri chair while playing dominos. has furnished it well. She In conclusion, my wife and I desire to on March 16. He was in time to pre for several hours, but were finally weighed about 550 pounds and was 82 extend our best wishes to those who vent the bridge from being completely driven away. Details of the affa'r ar. years old. made it so pleasant for us while we so destroyed and to secure the pontoon od lacking. A national strike of machinists, tying The rebels are holding reunions in the journed in your beautiful little city. To the Vaal. up nearly every machinery manufac the people of Ashland in general we ex provinces of north Ilocos, and the Red “ English mail was dispatched from taring plant in the country and thyow tend to you our best wishes for your fu here l/V rail yesterday and tomorrow the Katipunau cross, symbolic of resistance, ing 100,000 men out of employnient, if ture happiness and prosperity. is again appearing among the natives. regular service with Cape flown will be Respectfully, It is believed that the insurgents gen to be called as the result yf the dis reopened. R. J. F avssktt . agreement in the joint conference of i “Mafeking reports that all was well erals, Tinto and P’orhes, have beer the representatives of the national asso Nursery Stock.." driven by General Young into General on March 16.” Hood’s territory south of Aparri. The oiations of union men and the manu L. B. Warner of Medlord, agent for Preaident M’Kinley to Aet- fact that General Young is unable, ow facturers held at the Grand Pacific hotel the Albany nurseries, carries all kinds W ashington , March 12-—President ing to lack of troops, to maintain gar in Chicago. It had been expected that You may have heard of fruit trees, berry vines, roses, orna mental trees, grape-vines, and all kinds McKinley has consented to act as in risons iu all the towns occupied has had the differences between the employer! about SCOTT’S- EMULSION and the machinists throughout the of nursery stock. He has 400 Yellow termediary between the South African a bad effect on the natives. V. "and* have a vague notion Newton apple trees, Callon or address Republic aud Orange Free S$ate on the A cable from London says: Captain country would be adjusted at tl^ meet him at Medford, Oregon. one side and GreatJBsifcBMBrihe other. Harrington, British minister to Abys ing, and the Chica<o ¡strike involving that it is cod-liver oil with 6000 men, would I ms called off, as well President Kmwv and President Steyn Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ■TOgwied President McKinkty to trans sidia, has just reported upon political: as the strike of 500 men at Columbus, its bad taste and smell and military aud economical conditions ii ment by Ely’s Cream Balm, which is agree all its other repulsive fea ably aromat'e. It is received through the mit to Great Britain their terms for a that restless country aud the facts dis O., and of 500 men at Paterson, N. J.,! nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur peaceful settlement of the trouble and closed warrant anxiety iu regard t< but it was a flat failure. tures. It is cod-liver oil, the face over which it diffuses itself. A rem immediate cessation of hostilities. Five dead, one fatally and one seri King Meuelek’s intentions. There ii edy for Nasal Catarrh which is drying or purest and the best in the President McKinley consented and the no longer a doubt that Menelek claims ously injured is the result of an attempt' exciting to tbe diseased membrane should world, but made so palata not be used. Cream Halm is recognized as state department was instructed, to trans the ownership of the auriferous district to start a fire with gasoline. George a speattc. Price 50cents at druggi-ts or qv mit to Groat Britain the communica White used the fluid at James Weaver’« ble that almost everybody mail A cold tn tbe head immediately tion from Prcsijbcnts Krueger and iu Italian Erythrea. His ambition can disappears when Cream Balm is used. Steyn. This doe . not mean that Presi be gratified only at the expense of i. residence in Columbus, O., and an ex can take it Nearly all Ely’s Brothers, 56 Warreu ¡street, New successful war with Italy, into whicl plosion followed. The building was sei children like it and ask for dent McKinley lum undertaken to act at York. on fire and the inmates were covered England might be drawn. Menelek mediator between the beligereats, for, has been importing guns, rifles and am With the burning fluid. more. Ten thousand dollars has been sub as heretofore stated* the president does France is said to have sent word t< scribed by one party for the erection of not believe that he consistently could munition with the benevolent or paic the projected woolen- mill at Eureka. go to that length unless requested to do complicity of the French customs au her consuls all over the world asking foi Other subscriptions to-'the stock, aggre so by both parties. In the present in thorities at Diboutil. It is even stated, k Mst of Frenchmen who could bt gating $8JbO, were ma le recently. This stance he is simply exercising his kind but this requires confirmation, that Italj »•ssed into service in case of war. brings the :uu unt subscribed up to ly officers in conveying to Great Brit has addressed friendly representation? The action has caused a great stir ii looks like cream; it nour- $56,000 and insures the building ot the ain the peace proposals of the twe on the latter subject to the French g*ov England. ernment without tangible restilts. Ii. wooleu factory. ishes the wasted body of South African republics. the meantime the famous Italian ex vV. J. Bryan is visiting in the satxtn- • The residents of the Coucord part of the baby, child or adult William Wallace Calder was hanged plorer of Abyssinia, Duke di Andria. West and will be in Pacific ooast states Contra Costa couuty have organized in •?. at Lewiston, Mont., for the murder ol announces that he has received letter? •luring April. better than cream or any an effort to have the couuty seat changed F. McRae and his sheephevder in Fer from that country and from Erythjei Company I, of the Sixth regiment, ' other food in existence. It from Martinez to Concord. Already gus oounty over a year ago. Caldei confirming news that Ras Makonneu. National Guard of California, located $30,000 has bxm pledged to reimburse bears about the same rela and his brother murdered the men, Menelek's viceroy in the Tigre country, nt Hanford has been mustered into ser the county for tho expense that will fol cremated their bodies and took McRae’« is preparing for an invasion of Italian vice with a membership of 61, tion to other emulsions that j low by reason of moving the county So menacing have these sheep, numbering 3000, to Big Timber, territory. ' cream does to milk. If you Mrs. Josephine Packham committed Seat. The courthouse nt Martines is a where they sold them. CMlder’s brother preparations become that it has beer fuicide at San Jose by swallowing car dilapidated affair, and the supervisors have had any experience necessary to send stroug re-enforcemeuti turned state’s evidence. bolic acid. She committed the act in have withiu the post few weeks accepted of Italian troops to the Tigre frontier. with other so-called “just as Mrs. Mary Foote Beecher Perkins the presence of her husband. She was plans for a new courthouse, which it is died at Hartford, Conn., last Wednes good” preparations, you anticipated will be erected at Martinez, President McKinley has commuted a young woman aud what prompted but which people iu this section desire day and the same day at Elmira, N. Y., the sentence of William Steele, formei the act is not known. will find that this is a fact. Thomas H. Beecher died. Thoy were to see erected at Coucord. Matthew Matson, chief logger of the cashier of the Chestnut-street National brother and sister of Henry Ward The hypophosphites that are Recent warm rains in British Colum Beecher. bank of Philadelphia, from six year» Noyo Lumber company, at Noyo, was t combined with the cod-liver oil recently killed by being crushed to death bia have caused many landslides, para and six months to 18 months, imprison Colonel Robert B. Wallace, com t give additional value to it because lyzing railroad traffic and mining. ment. Steele was convicted in 1898 oi under a runaway log. mander of the Thirty-seventh volunteer they tone up the nervous system Many prospectors have been buried be aiding and abetting an officer of the The memorial library building which regiment, died in Arizona a few days and impart strength to the whole neath laudslides and killed. bank in appropriating the funds of the is to be given to the city of Bakersfield ago, where he was in search of health. body. institution for his personal use. Th« has been completed, and will be for« News from Tillamook, Or., tells of the The tranfer of tho sugar production 5oc. Mid|i.oo. «11 druggists. schooner Lila and Mattie, which has from the plantations of the tropics tc sentence was commuted upon the rec mally transferred to the municipality 1 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. I been wrecked at tho mouth of Tilla the farms of the temperate zone is il ommendation of the district attorney on March 27. t The election at Palo Alto fqy»the issue mook bay. It is presumed that while lustrated by somo figures just published and the trial judge. It appears from the testimony that Steele was a tool oi $20,00 high school bonds resulted in attempting to cross out of the harbor by the treasury bureau of statistics. •he was set iu shore by a current aud They show that 95 per eent of the su the officer in question and did not par favor of the issue by a vote of 231 to 31; ran ou to a spit. gar crop of the world was iu 1810 sup ticipate in the misappropriation. Because W. XV. McGregory refuses to A fire in a tenement house occupied marry Mrs. Clara E. Ecroyd, his house ♦1.50 wefumbh the celebrated BROWNS AB- Ground has been broken at Copper plied by sugar ctuie, tropical product DO MIN AL BELT for the cure CORPULENCY. Corpulent people City for tho second smelter iu Shasta and but 5 per cent from beets, produced by Italians at Newark, N. J., caused 14 keeper, he is made defendant in a. suit who wear the persons to be burned to death. Many in the temperate zone. In 1899, how Brown's A'odcci- for $75,000 damages for breach of prom county. The site of the smelter has nal Belt run no more are injured and some may die. ise. The suit has caused a tremen risk of Have! been fixed ou tho Popejoy place, half n ever, but 34 per cent of the world’s su Raptor« or Um- mile from the Bully Hill copper mines gar supply was from cane, and 66 pel One family was wiped out completely, dous sensation in Pasadena, where the beUeal Hernia; and of another only the father is left. you get a comfort wealthy mining man has his home. recently bought by Captain de la Mai cent from beets. and ease of art ion o corpulent person McGregory is a bachelor 45 or 50 years for a quarter million dollars. The Thomas Pooley shot aud killed his this belt. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, of age. Cut this Ad. out and send to us with $ |. 50 capacity of the smelter will be 200 tone son-in-law, Thomas Littlejohn, and his and 10 cents extra for postage, state height, weight, age and a day. A converter will also be con daughter, Mrs. Littlejohn, while the twe are just what a horee needs when in bad inches around the body.largest part.and we will Thomas Flannelly, the San Mateo number send the bolt to you by cud) postpaid, with the understand- structed ao that the smelter product will latter were on their way to church, at conditoD. Tonic, blood purifier and patricide, will have to pay the penalty infrthatif it is not perfectly satisfactory and equal to vermifuge. They are not food but med De Its that retail at ♦$. 00 and upwards you can return it be black copper, about 98 per cent pure. Butte, Mont. Pooler’s daughter mar icine and the best in nee to put a horse of his crime on the gallows. For three at our expense. Write for free Belt aud Truss Catalogue. ■ The Americau Press Association at ried Littlejohn several years ago against in prime condition. Price 25 cents per years he has been confined at San SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO..CKICACO San Francisco has no interest whatevei the wishes of her father and the lattei package. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. Quentin awaiting the action of the su in a paper called the Enterprise, re I never forgave her and constantly quar preme court in his case. A few days Frank Hagermeister, a painter in the ago a decision was handed down affirm TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 187&— cently started at Mill Valley, Cal. reled with his son-in-law, each making NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. threats against the other, end severd employ of the Santa Fe Railroad at San ing the decision of the lower court and It ta very hard to aland idly by and see times Pooley drew a gun on Littlejohn. Bernardino, was killed there by a tree remanded the prisoner to be again sen» United States Land Office, our dear on«a suffer while awaiting tbe falling on him as he stood by watching ten cod. Roseburg. Oregon. March 5, 1900. General Henry Harmden, who com it cut down. arrival of the doctor. An Albany 'N. Y.) Notice is hereby given that incompliance dairymau called at a drug atore there for manded the troops that captured Jefl Philip Armour, James Swan, H. G. with the provisions of the act of Congress The steamer Walcott, once a revenue of June 3,1878, entitled ‘An act for the a doctor to come and see his child, then Davis, died of pneumonia at Madison. Durand, James King, C. B. Scoville cutter, was driven ashore during a and J. W. Hughes have agreed to give sale of timber lands in the States of Cali very sick with croup. Not finding the Wis., a few days ago. heavy stonu off the Alaskan coast and $2000 each to build a hospital at Pasa fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington doctor in, he left word for him to come A project is under way to establish a ” Archibald R. Grieve, of Siski ht once on hia i»-turn He also bought a completely wrecked. The passengers dena. Mr. Armour is the originator of Territory, you. County of Jackson. State of Oregon, woolen mill to replace the mill recently b-^ttle of C:.aml>erlaiH’a C mgh Remedy, aud crew were saved. has this day filed in this office his sworn the plan. A which he l.sJ liopt-d would give aom» re destroyed by fire at Marysville. statement No. 886. for the purchase of the Clarence C. Webster, a well-known lief until the ihi’tor should arrive. In a subscription list was opened headed by In the election ot Salinas, Thomas E^8K% of Section No. 31, in Township tew Lours he returned, saving the doctor John Martin, president of the Gas and 6an Francisco artist, died in Oakland a Benison was chosen mayor by 101 ma No. 40 b., Range No. 4 E.,~and will otTer to show that the land sought is more need not come, as the child was much Electric company, and N. D. Rideout, few days ago. jority, John W. Rowling, tax collector, proof valuable for its timber or stone than for belter.’ The druggist, Mr. Otto ScboJz, the banker, who subscribed $10,000 each. J. Sherman Peffer, ex-United States W. H. Clark, Fred Peterson and A F. agricultural purposes, and to establish his eava the familv nan since iccommended Seventy-five thousand dollars is wanted senator from Kausas, committed suicide claim to said land belore the Register and Tynan councilman. *. Chatnbeiain’a Cough Remedv to their for the enterprise.__________ at Kansas city a few days ago. He wa$ Receiver of tbis office at Roseburg. Oregon neighl*ora and .'r.enda until he has a con despondent. “I am indebted to One Minute Cough on Friday, tbe 18th day of May, 1900. Mrs. Calvin Zimnrerman, Milesburg, Ta . stant de-n-«nd for 1». from t>-at rartof the VALLE! RECORD WIM IN Ttft TRAHS^ALU, Heard 0111? ' SCOTT’S \ EMULSION I Professional Cards HINMAN, D. D. S. In tbs Masonic Building, upstairs, ovar PostOffics. »ays, “Asa »reedr cure for cough’, colds, For sale b' Eugene A. Sher croup and sore throat One Minute Cough * I tired Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my Cure is untqua ed. It i’ pleasant for chil ii'to r«nits. It gives dren to take. TbearVly I i.. n«omme*nd <> CATsTOniA. is rhe only ...... harmless mothers” It 1»» c remedy , ' tmniediate .... relief, is p easant » to take and is Be*™ th» T m Han Atoys EoujM that produces » immediate results. It cores ' ‘V1 • ‘ dyspeptic 1-s * . t*st friend says E. i bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat • Harigennk. CmriMLjplctb _Digests whst fiignataro [and lung diseases It will prevent con-! «at., Cannot fall to-CUrs.—E. A. Snxz- ft- sumpUon.—E. A. S hxzwix . . ...» .1. _ DR‘ 8. T. SONGER The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of — and has been made under his per- f »onal supervision since its infancy. - ZZ Allow no one to deceive you in. this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. Physician and Surgeon. Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon D CASTORIA Siskiyou. Oregon; Mrs. C. Noonan, of Sis kiyou. Oregon; E. R. Grieve, ot Hornbrook, Cai ; Vine Oden, of Shake. Ort gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file tLeir claims in tbis office on or before said 18th day of May, 1900. --J. T.BRIDGES, Register. M. BROWER, M. D. — ASHLAND — OREGON _ office : At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, Laurel and M>in Streets. A. McCALL J 9 Civil Engineer and Mineral Surveyor. ALWAYS NOTARY FUBLIC. Surveys for Patents and Mining Loca tions a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. CM- Office at residence. South Main Street The Kind You Have Always Bought The In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CENTAUR COMPANY. T7 MURRAY CTREET, NEW YORK CITY. Earl Fruit Company CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, •••«•se JACOBS CONCENTRATOR. Has fewer wearing parts andjlight est running machine made; handle •a much or mors tors as any belt machine. Ths patent canvas lap belt is the best belt mads for saving fine sulphurate and gold—nothia* beats it. A machine that is easy to run and keep in order. Cheapest and beet machine made. frige : 03SO MAIN OFFICES! Sacramento ® Los Angeles, Cal. COMPANY BRANCHE« CHICAGO BOSTON f NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA On board can. Manufactured by ASHLAND IRON W0RK8, Ashland, Oregon. For further particolare, address: JEHU JACOBS, Prop. • OPERATINC IN All Pacific Coast Fruit Districts FRUIT GROWERS’ EXPRESS ARMOUR & CO., Prop’s. General Offices: ê50 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. HENLEY, CAL. Henley, Cal., March 20,1899. We have used the Frue Vanner, Triumph and Wilfiey concentrators. We are now using two of the Jacobs Concentrators in our mill at Henley. We consider ths Jacobs Concentrator tbe best machine man ufactured. It does tbe work cleaner and saves a much higher per centage of sui- phurets than other machines, and we rec ommend it to all mining men to be ths best concentrator on the market. J O. OlLLfOM. W. 0. S tazlzt . L. A. M c I ftosb . -------- o-------- Ashland & Klamath Falls Refrigerator Service for Deciduous Fruits. STAGE - ■ LINE "—0----- Thoroughly Restocked and NEW CARS, LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION Entirely New Management. ONLY IN USE. ROBERT M. GARRETT, Superintendent. Pacific Coast Division: 1005 Second Street, Sacramento, Cal. Offices: 24-6 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager. Best and Quickest Route to ...KLAMATH FALLS. = ■ dr ; . /X: NEVV V.J?.A.CAR THE ONLY PERFECT Goes by Barron, 8bake, Soda Springs, Parkers and Keno; also best connections wit* stage lines from Klam ath Falla to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indian Agency. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: ASHLAZD. V entilator -R efrigerator The Patent Ventilator Device, Large Loading Space, and Large Ice Capacity of This Car Make it especially desirable for shipments of fruits and vegetables either under ventilation or refrigeration. CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, 1012 2d Street, Laughlin Building, Sacramento, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. XLAMAT« FALLS. Leaves........ 6:00 a m I Leaves 8:00 p m Arrives 2:45 p m | Arrives.... 6:30 am Passengers, Baggage, Express A Freight Must be Waybilled. Ashland Office: POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Klamath Falls Office: H H VAN VALKENBURG. SOUTH AND EAST Southern Pacific Co, MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. SHASTA ROUTE. For BOYS and YOUNG MEN. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Healthful and attractive location (14 miles from Salem: 40 miles from Portland.) COMPLETE and THROUGH preparatory, literary, scientific, classical, normal, commercial course. Trains Leave Ashland for Portland and SPECIAL COURSES in mathematics, surveying, drawing, civil service, French, Ger Way Stations at 2:50 ▲. M. man Spanish, Italian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music. A seperate class i; and 5:10 f. M. provided for students who on account of farm labor wish to enter late in fall and leave early in ?-pring Academic Degrees and Teachers’ 8tate Certificates and State Diplomas Conferred Send for catalogue. uonierrea. sen thr Address pKB81DENT M0UNT ANGEL COLLEGE, Leave Portland 8:30 a. m.,and 7:00p. iu. . 4, - M ockt A sgkl , O bzgon . Leave Ashland 1:17 a. m., and 12:15 p. m, Arrive— Ashland ... 12:33a. m. and 11:30 a. m. Sacramento 5:00 p. m. and 4:35 a. m. San Fran... 7;45 p. m. and 8:15 a. m. ASHLAND Ogden............. 5:45 a. Denver........... 9:00 a. Kansas Cy. 7:25 a. Chicago.... 7:45 a. BATHING TO IKISK TIE W1T1B IB I T0I1C Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi and animalcules, and neutral- Inng and correcting all acidi ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. __ SWIMMING RINK. — Inclosed snd covered, the same medics water, always clean, for the springs run a heavy volume— more than twelve hun dred gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have more fun than “anybody”—coxae out as ‘fine 'assilk” and “white as wool rejttven ated and happy. FROEHLICH &TCO. Opposite Hotel Oregon. All Wotk Accurately and Promptly Attended to. PRICES:: GOLD & SILVER COPPER............. ...$1.00 ...$1.00 TRUSSES, 65c, SI.25 AND UP NORTH OF THE PLAZA. GRANT .... HELMAN Proprietor m. m. m. m. and and and and 11:45 9:00 7:25 9:30 a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. L's Angeles 1:20 p. m. and 7:00 a. m. El Paso.... 6:00 p. m. and 6:00 p. m. Ft. Worth. 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 a. m. Cty Mexico. 9:56 a. m. and 9:56 a. m. Houston... 4;00 a. m. and 4:00 a. m. N’wOrleans 5:25 p. m. and 6:25 p. m. Washington 6:42 a tn. and 6:42 a. m. New York..12:43 p. m. aud 12:43 p. m. Pullman and Tourist on both trains. Cars Chair cars Sacramento io Ogdsn and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. I/OUis, New Orleans. Washington. Connecting al San Francisco with several bheainihip lines for Nice neat cottage», partly furnished, at riCTOST price charged ty? other», and WE or rent. For information address the ( ths saiantee ti tit i O fjwrenv. sly whether you wish ourSSc Fraeeb TraM or< proprietor. Tert BeeenlMe KUetle Treu, Illustrated i ad. oat and aend to oawlthOtB STSCUL » Located on the state your Hrlebt, We%hi, A*«, how long you have been ruptured, whether rupture U large or email; aleo state .. ’ He names as wifhrsses: C. Noonan, of Cure for mv health and life. Jt cured me HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE number inchee around the body on a Une with the at mng trouble following gribpe.” Thous ands owe tbeir lives to the prompt action of this never failing reimdy. It cures couehs, colds, croup.bronchitis.' pneumonia,grippe and ttroat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption, It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate rtwltt.-Eventa A E hzxwix . OREGON _ Physician and Surgeon, Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE _ — ASHLAND What is CASTORIA B $1.50 ANTI FAT-BELT country. win. - * Dentist. HONOLULU. JAPAN, CHINA. TUILLlPiNES, CENTRA Land SOUTH AMERICA rupture, say whether rupture ie on right or left «ide, and we will send either truse to you with the under- «tending, if II liMi fmtMl St »4 •,»> te treaam the« «•«all al three time« oar »Hee,you can return ltaad ww will return your money. WRITE FOB FREE TRUSS CATAL06UE »t trwaaea, including the lew S1S.SS Lea Tnua ¿n 7g tkaceeraa almoat any caao, an« wblch ee «ail far WA«|3 4MWS.BKAN«, ROkBUOK A QO. CHICAM See Mr D L Riez, Agent at station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Q. P 4„ Portland, OMgeh.