Engel Bros • VALLEY RECORD. ........ ASHLAND, OREGON —o— Published Every Thursday. VALLEY RECORD X. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S ubsumption R ates : One Year........................................... $1 75 - Six Months....,................................ 1 00 Three Months...................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VALLE! VOL. XII. .ASHLAND, ORKGON Cannot be better spent than by subecrib* ing to the VALLEY RECORD for • year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it I COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1900. r~ — Special Tax Lev lea. -1 The following are the special tax lev ies of the school districts and towns in Jackson county: Dsitrict No. 1, 7 mills; No. 4, 1; No. 5, 10; No. 6, 6 ; No. 9, 11; No. 20, 1«4; No. 22, 6; No. 23, 2; No. 29, 2; No. 38, 3; No. 41, 1 : No. 43. 3: No. 49. 10; No. 53, 2; No. 55, 5; No. 56, 8; No. 57, 7; No. 59, 2% ; No. 70, 4; No. 72, 1< J No. “ 73, 5 1-5. Jacksonville, 6 mills; Ashland, 10 mills; Medford, 10 mills. Live Stock News. The Ashland Meat Co. will open a Carpets at Vaupel. Norris & Drake’s. branch meat market near the depot. C. W. J. Virgin was up from Medford E. Nininger has begun the erection of a brick block alongside of his present block over Sunday. and the meat market will be therein. J. Tressler of Medford went to Klam- Will Storms will be in charge. athon Monday. Tbe Ashland Meat Co. ship two car- Phillip Mullen returned Saturday Inada of fine beef cattle today, sold to the from Woodville. Union Meat Co. of Portland. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Henry E. Ankeny went to Eugene Geo. W. Owen has add 200 head of Saturday evening. stock cattle to J. E. Pelton, L. A. and R. Miss Alice and Walter Wyant returned P. Neil at $20 per bead. The School Director Contest. Jamea Pelton arrives today from Mer to Henley Sunday. At the annual school election for rill, Klamath county, with a band of U’REN FUSES WITH REBUBLI- hermetically sealed, and if mailable, Capt. A. C. Smith of Phoenix went to beef cattle which after feeding at tbe director and clerk of Ashland district CANS, posted, addressed to Joe Simon, care No. 5. Monday the polls were open at Ft. Jones Monday. Dunn ranch for a month will be shipped. Ceo. C. Brownell, with the note please city hall from 2 to 6. T. H. Simpson Attorney Searles of Medford went to Pelton Bros, will soon drive their year Clackamua County Suspects the Pur- keep your property at home, if possible.” was elected clerk without opposition. San Francisco last week. J. B. ZEIGLER. lings from tbe Same Valley ranehto poses of the Simon “Hold Up” For director E. D. Briggs received 85 to W. F. 8hafer, the Gold Hill miner, their Ft. Klamath ranch. 66 cast for R. P. Neil Briggs made an Plugger. Convicted or Rape. active personal campaign for director on was in Ashland Monday. Pelton & Neil have purchased 150 bead Oregon Ci^y Courier Herald.] the single issue of opposition to the man Roseburg, March, 9.—Hugh Patter Henry White of Rock Point visited of yearlings in Josephine connty, ' ner and method of running the school Ashland relatives Saturday. W. 8. U’Ren, notwithstanding the son, Southern Pacific brakeman, con Crateb Lake National Park. Al. Deer, repreaenthjg OarneBj« by Principal C. A. Hitchcock, or oppo victed of the rape of Winnie Thorn, a John O»nw»y, Talent’s boot and shoe Montana, has Deen buying catfie en protests of his populist friends, still per Cottage Grove girl, under the legal age The House committee on public lands sition to ,$the Hitchcock system of sists in his attacks upon the plan of Butte creek. 1, Saturday favorably reported Representa teaching.” His election was therefore a maker, visited Ashland Friday. union recommended by the party in the of consent, today at 1 o’clock, was sent tive Tongue's bill creating the Crater surprise to many as Prof Hitchcock lias Mike Hanley has purchased J50 head various county meetings and in the enced to five years in the state peniten- Go to L. H. Thomas for watch and Lake National Park. The bill was re- been principal so long that it began to clock repairing. Helman street. of stock cattle from Burns at Deer Creek, state meeting held in Portland last tiarj’ at Salem. 5 ported without amendment, the pro- look as if he was a permanent feature of Josephine connty. The case of B. F. Harvey, charged Thursday. As in this meeting he was J. G. McDonald of Tolo was in town - vision excluding piospectors, which was the city’s educational system. appointed . secretary of the state execu with the same crime, was continued Wm. Ulrick has returned from a trip Saturday en route to Klamathon. stricken out at the last Congress, being tive committee until the meeting of the until the next term of court, as it would to tbe coast after cattle. The Medford Water Enterprise. allowed to remain. The Secretary of John A. Shook returned Monday from convention, by the chairman, Frank be nearly impossible to procure a jury the Interior said that In the case of John W. Wiley shipped a carload of Williams, who is also said to favor fusion at this time. Harvey was released upon C. B. Williams and J. H. Belser, of Gold Hill and down the valley points. Ranier Park, in Washington, prospect the firm of Williams & Belser, capital 6wine to San Francisco last Saturday. with the republicans, and as U’Ren’s filing $1,000 bonds with C. F. Hurlburt Wm. M. Colvig of Jacksonville is at ing was allowed, and as a result fires ists and contractors of San Francisco are course suggests that he intends to use the and W.C. Washurne, securities. Victoria, B. C., on A. O. U. W. business. State Populist Committee Address. and other depredations were commit considering the advisibility of construct secretaryship for the purpose of circulat WHAT IS SHILOH ? ted and could not be restrained. As the ing a water ditch front the forks of Little Portland, Feb. 23.—The sub-commit ing his propaganda against the party Miss Lora Colton is at Jacksonville 249 acres embraced in the park are not Butte creek to a point three miles east copying the county recorder’s records. tee of the pobulist state central commit plan and in support of the republicans, A grand and “ *>•“““ old remedy .emtuj for ,«• Cough, wu^u, Colds wiuu ami known to be mineral this restriction of Medford, for the purpose of furnish* tee, E. Kroner, J. D. Lacey, W. R. Kuig, so as, if possible, to thwart the proposed 1 Consumption; used through the world for Mrs. Geo. Cryderman returned toTolo should work no hardship. Mr. Tongue ing that city and country through which G. L. Perrine and H. M. Palmer, ap union in the April conventions it is “?• *.c*ntury’ has cured innumerable cases to call th» . h «X L I of ‘ncipient consumption and relieved many explained the bill to the committee, and it passes, with water and power. If Sunday from a visit with Ashland friends. pointed to issue an address to the popu advisable imrt v to hi, ‘‘nuU .V i °f th® 1 ‘“.adviced stages. If you are not satisfied 9 report is to be made by Representative constructed, the ditch will be 24 miles Miss May Sutton opened a three lists completed their work this evening. 1° i uP,an an<^ mekhod8. with the results we will refund your money Moody. Speaker Reed was the princi in length, with an average depth of six months term of school at Table Rock After expressing a hope for harmony First, lie has offered a letter to the 1 Price 25 cts., 50cU. and $1.00. E uoknz A pal opponent of the bill in the last Con feet and an average width of ten feet. and union among the reform parties, Courier-Herald which it has decided bncawijr. druggist, Monday. gress, and with him out of the way, Mr. and advising the keeping up of the pop not to publish, for the reason that his Engineer McRea of San Francisco and J. W. Prall returned to San Fran I’robate Court. Tongue hopes to have the bill passed at four surveyors of Medford left Monday to ( cisco Sunday from a business trip to ulist organization no matter what plan former letter published in its columns of union is adopted, the address con duly appeared in the Oregoniam and Estate of F M ---------- Plymale. --------------- Elizabeth Ply- an early date. „ make a preliminary survey of the route. Medford. tinues: other republican papers, credited to ' n’“,e appointed administratrix, and J R N. Bourgeois, proprietor of the Ash " ¡Don, u H llaskins and W J Plymale “We urge upon you, as you love your U’Ren in the Courier wzvsixiivi Herald, MuiaiU) without 11uvli M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mloh , says, A Burns paper, the Ilarney Valley <min<r nni ... „ ••DeWitt’« Little Early Kisers are tne very Items, says: Mr. P. J. Connelly, well land House, returned Sunday from country and hope to accomplish these comment. comment, thnR thus going out nv.r over th«» the stotu state appraisers. Guardianships of Ix>yd, Lola aha Edna beat pill« I ever used for costiveness, liver known in Oregon and the Northwest Portland. great results, in addition to the princi as accepted populist opionion published Brvant. citation issued.' «ad bowel trouble«.E. A. 8 hzk * in . generally as “Peter, the Poet” is now Estate Thos Head May Head appointed Have yon registered? If you wish to ples enunciated in our national platform by its own organ. All his efforts are of 1896, as well as state platform of 1898, ably seconded by the republican press. administratrix and Wm M Holmes. Jas Fish pushing the pencil on the Items. Mr vote you must attend to this important We have saved many doctor bills since Connolly’s versatile talent and playful matter. to call the voters’ attention to the fol Second, he has, without authority and .Jas Gregory appraisers. Estate of Mary A Stewart. Order ap we beiran using Chamberlain’s Cough fancy afford assurance of pleasant read lowing new conditions and issues, which from the people’s party ostensibly in the R. M. Cook and wife of Gold Hill, vis have arisen since our last state campaign: interest of direct legislation, made a pointing Ida M Stevens executrix, cancell Remedy in cur home. We keep a bot ing for our readers. ited Ashland relatives and left Monday “1. That the administration now in tour of the state, seeking out the popu ed. and F K D<nel appointed exeentor a» d tle open all the lime and whenever any E Enynrt, D T Lawton and I A Webb Oro Fino, Cal. Degree ofHiuioi: Anniversary. power declares the constitution of the list committeemen with his proposals. J appraisers. of n#y family or myself begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy, Al. Helms and Dr. S. Abbett, the United States only to be in force in cer He managed to secure from Grant and Estate of W H Atkinson. Order made Manzanita Lodge No. 45, Degree of aud as a result we never have to send Honor, A. O. U. W., of this city on Fri horsedoctor, went to Klamathon, Yreka, tain portions of its domain, lias openly Hartley proxies to the state committee cmfirming sale of real estate. manifested its purpose to annex to the meeting. With these, he having no cre away for a doctor and incur a large doctor day evening gave an entertainment and etc., Monday. Estate of Robt Westrop. Same proceed government by conquest, and not by dentials from his own county, where lie ings. biil, for Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy banquet to a large number of friends in An elegant" stock of spring and sum consent of the governed, a territory and has been removed from the county chair never fails to cure. It is certainly a med Maeonic hall. The program consisted YOUNG MOTHEHS. icine ol great merit and worth.—D. 8 of “A polioe oourt soene” in which Mrs. mer goods have arrived at Vaupel, people unwilling to come within our do manship, he entered the state meeting Croup is tbe terror of thousands of young main, and confesses that the strong arm and was appointed by his friend, Chair mothers MKABKLe, General Merchant and Farmer, Geo. Engle, John Churchman, J. R. Norris & Drake’s. because its outbreak is so agoniz Mattie, Bedford county, Pa. For sale by Norris and G. W. Trefren were the Miss Amy Booth, one of Grauts Pass’ of this government, while preventing man Williams, secretary as aforesaid. ing and frequently fatal. Shiloh’s Cough tyranny and intending to recognize inde Eugene A. Sherwin. His “plan” is that populists support and Consumption Core acts ljke magic in actors. A quartette composed of Mr. leading young ladies, spent Sunday pendence in Cuba, will oppress and gov republican candidates “who voted for cases of Croup It has never been known and Mrs. M. L. Alford, Miss Elsie Pat visiting Ashland friends. ern against their will, certain people on the initiative and referendum amend to fail. The worst cases relieved immediate terson and Geo. Churchman favored the Dr. Bohannon arrived in the valley Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. E uofnb audience with a number. Sleigh Ride— Saturday from Oakland, Douglas county, islands of the Pacific, who are equally en ment, in the last legislature and prom ly. titled to their independece under the ise to do so again.” But as the union A. S herwin , Druggist. by Misses Elsie and Maude Patterson, and left Tuesday for California. guardian influence and protection of candidate will also support said amend Eva Taylor, Mabel Million, John Church ment, his plea, even admitting his con Mrs. J. McGregor, who has heen visit our government. man and Fred Engle, followed. Ray “2. That while we favor peaceful ex tention that direct legislation le the only Minkler performed a solo, after which ing her mother, Mrs, O. W. Long, re pansion ; or expansion with the consent issue, falls to the ground. His plan, as Misses Vale Satchwell, Frances Tozier turned to Sacramento Monday. of the people to be brought within our elearly evinced in his letters to the and Ida Taylor gave a pantomine rep Wm. Cathcart, who has been working resentation of Faith, Hope and Charity. for Murphy Bros., returned to Cottage domain, we find the present administra Courier-Herald, is in reality an effort tion launching this republic into a policy to disorganize the people’s party and de A fine lunch, comprisising a wide Grove Sunday, being in ill health. of imperialism and militarism, which feat their proposed union with the range of bill-of-fare, was served, after Miss Gertrude Churchman returned has destroyed many governments in the democrats. It is an appeal to resent which dancing was indulged in until midnight. Satchwell’s orchestra furnish to Portland Friday after spending sev past and will surely cause the end of ment«. jealousies supposed to exist be- our republican form of government, if ween individual democrats and popu ed the music between the program num eral weeks with Ashland relatives. bers and during the evening. The De-’ Archie Pennington returned Friday Citted long to conttmre, as nowxmt- lists. It quotes such offensive partisan by a republican congress and the remarks of individual democrats as he gree Honor is a lively order and puts up from Salem and his friends were all remembers. It is an incendiary attempt a fine entertainment. Manzanita Lodge pleased to see him again in good health. president. “3. True to the policy adopted by the to dissension in the ranks of tbe people is a four-year-old. Miss Rose Brentano of Jackeonville, republican administration of this nation stirring to unite in common defense left Saturday for S.m Francisco on an ex we find it, contrary to the will of the against the commercial exploitation and Mrs. Harriet Evan», Hinsdale. Ill., writes “1 never fail to relieve my children from tended visit with relatives and friends. great majority of all citizens of the political tyranny being forced upon them croup at onoe by using One Minute Cough W. C. Cunnyngham, who is prospect United States, secretly sympathizing by laws enacted by the republican party. As Mr. U’Ren has received the sup Cure. I would not feel safe without it ” ing at Willow Springs, was in town this with England in its imperialistic and S if . hdy C uke T reatment . — Bathe the Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all week visiting his father, who was quite unjust policy adopted against the Boer port of these people in the past and as affected parts thoroughly with H ot W ater throat and iung diseases.—E. A. S herwin . ill. government and loosing towards the they do and will support direct legisla and C uticura S o ap . Next apply C uticcba destruction of another republic. tion, which measure he injures by hie Ointment, the great skin cure, and lastly take a full dose of C uticura R esolvent . Thia “4. The republican party, the father offensive assumption of proprietary Mrs. James Rayle returned Sunday BORN. treatment will aflord instant, relief permit from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. of all trusts, is neglecting to adopt and rights therein, his efforts are ungrateful, rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, perma Karl’s Clover Root Tea Ranse Rouse, and her new son, at Med enforce laws againsttrusts, but through disloyal and fratricidal and gives rise to nent, and economical cure when ail else fails. the Complexion. Purifies the MYER—In Ashland, March 11, 1900, to ford. the medium of its subsidized press is the grave suspicion that his real purpose Sold everywhere. Price, Tn z S bt , «1.25: or. Crncrtl Blood. gives a Freeh. Clear Skin. CuresCon S oap . 25 c ; O ixtmewt . 50 c . i R ksolvbmt (half use), 50c. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Myer, a daughter. seeking to continue and sustain these is to deliver as large a faction as possi lt'.patlQn, Indigestion, and all Eruptions of P otter D ri o and C hzm . Cotr., Sole Prop«., Boston. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Nelson returned ■** “ How to Cure Eczema, "(M -raze book, free. An agreeable Laxative Nerve TURNER—Near Ashland, March, 4, from their visit with Mrs. Ada Culver at monopolies, which will prove ruinous to ble of the referendum populists to the I onic. Sold on absolute guarantee by all republicans for other reasons than ad druggists at 25c., 60c. and $1.00. 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner of Alameda, and at other points in Cali the government and its people. “5, The republican party, which, vancement of direct legislation—some 9. C. WELLS & CO.. LEROY, N. V. Boise City, Idaho, a daughter. fornia Sunday. when in power in the past, granted to preferred place for U’Ren among the •our proprietors + ROUSE—In Medford, March 2, 1900, to L. Coshow, who has been visiting his railroad and other companies millions flesh pots, where observant men predict Mr. and Mrs. Ranse Rouse, a 9-lb son. relatives up north and his niece, Mrs. J. of acres of the best lands in the United ed some years ago he would land. FOR BALK BY EU(iKN E A. BHEKWIN. Specifics act directly upon the disease, In support of my opinion that U’Ren Franzen, in Ashland, left Saturday for States, as donations, now proposes to without exciting disorder in other parts take from the public domain all the pub intends to use his opportunity as state his home at Sawyer’s Bar, Cal. MAIIIUBD, lic lands, and to thereby turn over to secretary of the party to th wait ite ex of the system. They Cure the Sick. Jacob Hugger and C. E. Stewart re corporations and syndicates the few press will, I can Btate a number of in PICTURES! SO, CURES. PRICES. turned to Medford Saturday from Port BELL—OATMAN—Near McMinnville, acres of public lands now remaining, cidental acts of his and w ill one, it be 1— Fever., Congestions, Inflammations. .25 PICTURE FRAMES! Oregon, March 4, 1900, Miss Jessie land where they participated in the or thereby placing the stock industries of ing so completely illustrative. Prior to 2— Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 Oatman, daughter of J. H. Oatman, ganization of the Oregon Fruit Grower’s the we6t in the hands of the few, as the campaign of 1895 which the repub 3— Teething. Colic, Crying,Wakefulness .25 formerly of this county, and Charles Association. against the numerous owners, and furth licans made on the tariff plea, there was 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults............25 8. Bell, of Portland. Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s two stores er injuring the mining industries of tne a joint convention of populists and union MOLDINGS 5— Dysentery, Grlplngs, Bilious Colic .. .25 CABINET WORK DARLING —MORELOCK —In Gold have received their new stock of spring ; west dv stopping all prospecting upon labor men in Portland. U’Ren and my 6— Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. .25 UPHOLSTERING Hill, March 7, 1900, Herbert Darling and summer goods and the public is re the lands so leased upon the public do- self were on a committee to draw up 7— Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis........................ 25 resolutions for publication. He offered GENERAL REPAIRING 8— Neuralgia. Toothache, Faceache........... 25 and Miss Annie Morelock, by Justice spectfully invited to call and examine i main. “We therefore urge and request all direct legislation and protective tariff. their offerings and prices. OF FURNITURE 9— Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 J. B. R. Morelock. reformers and persons favoring the The protective tariff proposition was 10— Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Weak Stomach.25 Corliss Merritt, formerly editor of the ( true APPLEGATE—HINKLE—In Jackson perpetuation of our republic, the up- without other support than U’Ren’s, 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods.... .as ville March 5, 1900, by R 8. Dunlap, Heppner Times, and C. E. Hicks, of the ' holding of the principles set forth in the and after consideration was voted down ; 12— Whites. Too Prof use Periods............. .as AT THE J. P., Mark Applegate and Miss Sylvie Pendleton East Oregonian, are about to > Declaration of Independence and the yet U’Ren being secretary, he wrote it 13— Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness........ .as establish a paper at the new terminus of ASHLAND Hinkle. up and published it in the Oregonian Constituation of the United States, to 14^-Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .as the Columbia Southern Railroad, Shani UNDERTAKING PARLORS. make a determined and united effort to just the same and it went out under 15— Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains......... .as ko. reclaim the government from hands of populist endorsement. 16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .as DIED. D. T. Pritchard, the watchmaker and the few now in control, to cease all lo This is not the only instance of his re 17— Piles, External or Internal ................. .as jewelry, has moved to Ashland from cal dissensions and work together in har creancy to trusts he has accepted from 18— Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes .as HANCHETT—In Ashland, March 10, Medford and for the present is located mony for the success of the common his party. His whole career in this 19— Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head .25 1900, H. N. Hanohett, aged 76 years, 9 in the Nininger block, upstairs. He cause—the greatest good to the greatest state has been one of intrigue and 20— Whooping-Cough........................... .aS months. will have a room in the new block when number.” 21— Asthma. Difficult Breathing.......... .25 treacherous use of friends. He and his 22— Ear Discharge, Earache................ completed. .as side partner, Charley Fitch, used for What A Fall W m There. 23— Scrofula, Swellings and Ulcers... .as their own purposes, the organization Roseburg, March 10.—The Roseburg 24— General Debility, Weakness...... .as and the financial, moral ana political Board of Trade has issued a call request Portland Telegram, Rep.] 25— Dropsy, Fluid Accumulations....... .as support of the Clackamas populists, and ing the farmers of Douglas county to Look on that picture, and then on this. 26— Sea-Sickness, Nausea, Vomiting. .as the county paper they founded, the meet at the courthouse next Thursday In his last annual message President For Infants and Children. 27— Kidney Diseases............................. .as Herald. They held up the democrats to take active steps tor the establishment McKinley said : “Our plain duty is to 28— Nervous Debility.......................... . 1.00 of creameries at suitable points on the abolish all customs tariffs between the by opposing fuson until they got them 29— Sore Mouth, or Canker........................... 25 JACKSONVILLE, The Kind You Have Always Bought I L railroad. United States and Puerto Rico, and give selves fixed as they wanted, and then 30— Vrinary Weakness, Wetting Bed... .25 OREGON. Bears the 31— Painful Menses, Pruritus...................... 25 Burnside Post W. R. C. gave a supper her products free access to our markets.” when U’Ren, partly by democratic votes, got something he could sell he sold out 32— Diseases of the Heart, Palpitations. 1.00 Early last week the President sent to and short program at I. O. O. F. hall Signature of Saturday night which was well attended. the Republican caucus this message: to Joe Simon. Fitch got good patron 33— Epilepsy, St. Vitus’ Dance................. 1.00 Boarding School for Girls. 34— Sore Throat. Quinay. Diphtheria... .25 The program included recitations by “The President earnestly hopes that the age, but being disappointed in a second 35— Chronic Congestions. Headaches . .25 Misses Ida Stewart and Anna Hendricks, Republicans will unite and stand togeth deal, he first sold the Herald to the FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS a duet by Miss Lilly and Vliss Hendricks, er on this measure (imposing customs Courier and them himself to the repub 77—Grip, Hay Fever........................................25 Dr. Humphreys’ Manual of all Diseases at your and a mandolin and guitar selection by tariffs on Puerto Rico) and not allow the licans. Druggists or Mailed Free. BISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. Now, as Brownell put it, “Joe Simon Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Mary Rose, Lillian Hilty and Nellie Democrats to take control of the house.” Humphreys’ Med. Co., Cor. William t John Sts., JackMMville, Oregoa. One was the message of an apparently has passed the word that the initiative Fransen. Some $30 was cleared. New York. courageous and far-seeing statesman. and referendum must go through and • • •• If troubled with rheumatism, give The other was the message of a truck Joe never goes back on his word.” Chamberlain’s Pain-Balm a trial. It ling and time-serving politican. Brownell also says that wheras he HUMPHREYS’ OPPOSITE PLAZA. w ill not cost you a cent if it does no good. One spoke for the country, humanity wouldn’t adopt U’Ren’s course in his WITCH HAZEL OIL One application win releive the pain. and right. The other spoke only for place as it is “bad personal politics,” “ THE PILE OINTMENT.” It also cures sprains and bruises in one- party and self. The latter exhibited a yet “it is the best thing the populists For Piles—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding; third tbe time required by any other man who was anxious to sacrifice “a can do.” J W COX, Proprietor. Fistula in Ano; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum treatment. Cute, burns, frostbites, plain duty” rather than give the oppos The relief is immediate—the cure certain. STONE MASON If ■ this is the ordeal we must go quinsev, pains in the side and chest, ing party any advantage. PBIOE, 50 OTS. TRIAL SIZE, 25 OTS. through to secure the initiative and CONTRACTOR. Sold by Druggists, or «ent post-paid on receipt of price. elandularand other swellings areqnickly A First-Class But may there not have been a more referendum, God help us 1 And if this «UMPMRKT8’BED.CO.. Ill A 111 Wiliam SU, Mew Tert. cured by applying it. Every bottle war potent reason still than that of party ..Meal For is the sort of men who will wield the ranted. Price, 25 and 50 cts. E vgene unity? OREGON ASHLAND, instrument when we get it, God help us A. S hebwin . Anything von want cooked The capitalization of the sugar trust again. <a to order with promptness It is reported that the Edson Bros. is $70.000,000. Campaign funds are Although I hope to see the measure Contracts for all kinds and dispatch. All Hours. are considering the matter of putting up ______ needed. pass, I cannot help but reflect that, of of Mason Work. a large hotel on the top of the mountain | The people all over the Union are ask- al) tyrannies, that of a majority is the , in the Gazelle mining district at Willow '! ing, — and — 1 asking —u:— loudly: 1— Do rv- these * and -"'1 most hopeless. When once conscious of Creek, and its tributary, Sqaw Creek, other gigantic trusts absolutely control its power there is no appeal. Yet I be- which ¡8 considered a fine locality for a the Congress and President of the 1 leive that direct legislation, if passed, Furnishes either blue or brown I town. Quickly secured. CUR FEB LUE ^BXB PATBBT will compel just measures, something United States? 03TAINED. Send model, «ketch or photo, with like a river keepsits channel open, but sandrock from his quarry near I am selling all of the best grade of description for free report ss to psteatsbility. SS-PAC* Stock Note*. HAND-BOOK FBEZ. Contains references and bill I do not rely on the republican party to ! sewing machines at the very lowest Askland. information. WHITS FOR COPT OP OCX SPBCIAL pass it or even assist in doing so. prices Can save you from $3 to $25 on Louis Gerbei started „„ his last lot of __ 270 OFFER. Itis the most liberal proposition ever made by a patent attorney, and EVERY INVENTOR SHOULD I the purchase price of a machine. Sew- beef cattle from the Smith and Merrill While U’Ren and the factional support wan IT before applying for patent. Address: he may control, is the republican’s game, ing machines to rent. J. P. Dor.GE. i ranches * - Last Friday ---- . Montague. . for direct legislation is not. Opera House Block. But one more lot of Klamath county Mr. U’Ren has resented personal at Jacksonville, March 7.—Tlve late heavy beef remains, consisting of 140 large tacks and wishes to discuss merely his PATENT LAWYERS, steers at the Colwell ranch. They are * rains have materially extended the min- ' Ls Droit Bldg.. WASHINGTON, D. C. | plan, but as his plan is opposed to the ' ing season. The gold output of Jackson the property of Mr. Churchill of Yreka. one already adopted byAhe party, he is We are informed that this was a hard | County this year will be double that of not in order, while expdrcre of his pur . last. There is unusual interest in quartz winter on beef feeders. Tbe prices are pose to defeat the party is, and if it in lower at present than last fall. Cali ‘ mining, and many ledges are undergo- volves a personal attack, he himself is ) ing development. A number of stamp fornia being loaded up with Mexican responsible. I submit that a man who CONTRACTOR and STORE and Arizona cattle, shipped in duriog- mills are in course of construction. has shown so small respect for his po I From present indications, it wilt be but the autnmn months, which are now be litical friends and allies and their or KEEPER. ing put on the market. — Klamath Falls k a short time till the oatpnt from this ganization as Mr. U’Ren, probably has OAKLAND ST., NEAR R. R. TRACK I source will exceed that from the placers. Express. no self-respect either, and that his plan ASHLAND........ OREGON. For fine canned goods go to Gibson is absurdly out of order and under sus Wm Orr. Newark. O. says. *’We never feel safe wiihoutOne Minute Cough Core Bros. picion of being merely a bait; that the in the house It saved my little bov’slifej discussion of it is a humiliating sign of I Will supply first class Chinese laborers in when be had tbe pneumonia. We think it weakness, as he well knows, inviting '•¿Sri» any number desired for railroad construc the best medicine made.” It cures coi ’ contempt upon the party, and that tion, ditch digging, clearing lands, rights- and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take. his presence in tbe party is obnoxious ,ol-way. or any work desired. I harmless and gives immediate results.—E. < ’■rf “ JOB BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. and that he shcfald be placed in a bottle, X. | UUffUISS&GI' OVERALLS New DryGoods and Clothing Store Main Street Williams Block. PHONE NO. 206 MILLER & BARTGES, Ashand, Oregon. R. N. NASON’S PAINT ! Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon'Paint, Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. FRUIT BOXES ANO MILL WORK © ECZEMA FURNITURE Window Shades, Draperies, (yticura ■ * Carpets, i And Every Form of Torturing Disfiguring Skin and Scalp Humors Cured by Dr. Humphreys’ St. Mary’s ACADEMY. CASTOR IA Restaurant and Chop House. * J. F>. DODGE, Opera House Block, Ashland. ASHLAND MILLS CÖÖRl PATENT ÎFLÔÏïn W. J. VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S « Main St. Opp. 1. 0. O. F. Hall. T’ÆIJSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS WALL T’-A.T’KIt, GLASS. ETC. B uilding Parias, W mappisu P apxm ABD T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAINTING. WA CHUNG ETC. I F. L. CAMPS t ....The Photographer :: < I • ‘ H as Returned and Has Equipped His •j. + Old Established Gallery in Ashland With THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY. f Carbon Finish. Photos in Water Colors. Pictures in the Latest Styles. Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. 25-Cents. PATENTS PAPERING, ♦ A.D. FERGUSON. _ _ Give Me a Call Linoleum. * Gallery I Opposite < • Hotel Oregon. * ss A shland H ouse H.B.WILLS0N4C0. N. BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR. OREGON ASHLAND. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY. 4 Good Accommodations Located in the Heart of the City. Free Bas to and From dll Trains. of Heferenuee a