PERHON Ali AND SOCIAL. Second Rendition of “Nevada." [ Under Arrest. School Election Monday. George --------- S. Parker, late --------- editor of Some ------------------------------- of the best of Ashland -- ’s amateur ---------- _ the _ Monday was the annual school meet-- M O. Warner is in town. Ione Post, was enjoying a turkey dinner thespians made their bow before a fine ing and it was well attended. After tbe Ben Tabor left for Grants Pass y ester- in the dining-car of train No. 1, when it audience, which filled Ganiard’s opera business of the board was attended to arrived in Arlington at 12:55 Tuesday house, Monday night. The occasion was and it was disclosed that tbe population day. His repast was rudely interrupted$y Con-, the second presentation of the comedy of this district was uow over oOOquali- Ten Mills went to Hornbrook yester- stab'e Sweeten and Marshal Pound when “Nevada,” of the melodramatic type, fled voters and that in such districts the day. they entered the car and informed him ' for tbe benefit of Chas. L. Loomis, the school law calls for election of director that the authorities at Ione .wanted him. For fine canned goods go to Gibsou While running the Post, Parker con unfortunate young man now under treat- and clerk by ballots on the second Mon- i ment for the serious injuries received io day in March. The meeting adjourned •F ALL FORMS OF Bros. cluded to combine business with pleas an accident here last fall. The plot of and organized - - into - - the - pur- a caucus for H. F. Cole was over from Cole’s this ure, so got himself appointed United the play hinges on some tragic incidents 1 pose of nominating a director and clerk. States Commissioner. The charge upon in the gold mines of the west, where the Thos H. Simpson was unanimously week. which he was arrested, we understand, is laid, complicated and colored by nominated for clerk. For director to G. F. Billings was at Jacksonville yes is embezzlement. It is claimed that he scene those of yesterday on tbe other side of succeed J. R. Norns the first ballot terday. Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, has appropriated to his own use money the Rockies, and the fear of tomorrow 6tood: E. D. Briggs, 3; J. R. Norris, 15; Earache, Burns, Scalds, Corns and Bunions, Stiff Joints. E. E. Gore was an Ashland visitor paid on land fillings. It is also stated begotten of acts bearing the impress of R. P. Neil, 22. Neil was nominated on that he will be called on to explain a crime, yet not easily explained. The the second ballot. Monday. number of other matters upon his ar The election takes place at city nail PRICE, 50-0. & $1.00 PER BOTTLE Mrs. J. D.Blitch was down from Siski rival at Ione.—Arlington Record. Mr. piece is full of exciting situations. The villain, and not of the light weight var next Monday from 2 to 6 o’clock p. m, you Tuesday. Parker was born and raised in Jackson iety either, was very prominently in Ira Dodge, C. H. Gillette and C. M. Go to Gibson Bros. for fine groceries county and among his friends was never evidence. It was such a relief from him Poley are judges and clerks. known to have any swindling proclivities. to welcome the nimble, fun loving, heart I and provisions. Noted Lecturer Coming. “other matters” hinted at in the winning little waif, “Moselle.” The Ashland, Oregon, W F. Gallagher’s Wizard Oil Co., is The above article may probably be the real man who wrote the play “ Nevada, ” Ex-Governor B>b Taj lor, of Tenneeee, playing at Roseburg. I motive for the arrest and the detention. wae plainly ambitious to carry us through ' is soon to deliver a series of lectures Wanted—A good waiter girl. Apply the diapason of human emotions. If he ’Read these Testimonial», given under oalb, of Care* Actually Performed: Road Supervisor—Barron District. did not whollv succeed, our local actors, j through the state of Oiegon, commencing at the Ashland House. at Ashland, closing at Baker City. Gov J. M. Tyler, present incumbent, an G. T. Watson. W. O. Marks and Thad ernor Tas lor is one c.f the beat known Miss Lena Elliott went to Portland nounces himself as an independent McHattan, helped him out and made it I men in the United States and is ranked I can cheerfully state that the Snap W. Dickerson who being duly aworn, made Monday on a two weeks visit. candidate for the office of road super so. Greed of gold and love was back of 1 as one of the most entertaining platform Shot is the best liniment I haveever used, the following statement ;- My daughter, who was a student at the Miss Mabel Jones visited her home at visor of Barron precinct at the coming all the pain and deviltry of the tragic speakers in the country. The famous or ever heard of in a life time. Normal School,one night while study Medford Saturday and Sunday. June election, and as an indication of part of thei story; but our play writer campaign made between him and his We always keep a bottle of it at the Stat- ing felt a pain in her hand which aeon ex was unnecessarily harsh and sudden in faithful service points to his past and normal school. Among the athletic stu brother for the governorship of Tenneeee O Harbaugh was up from Jackson tended to tbe arm. day she went present record and promises to serve tho his transitions from the stage of pathos is familiar to all. Dr. C. W. Barr and dents who have been Imrt one or two ap to school and during the day the lost the ville Tuesday on a business trip. public equally as well or better if elected to the ridiculous and funny turns of the Hon. M. A. Miller of Lebanon will plications of thia liniment has taken out use ot her arm and it became spotted and Kubli Bros, have started up the Gold The Gold Hill McKinley club which road. Now, we are at liberty to growl handle his tour through Oregon. Write the inflammation and cured a sprained the teachers sent her home, tearing blood en Standard mine on Galls creek. ankle, a dislocated knee and a mashed poison. When she arrived boms 1 took has been organizing for many weeks at him a little, partly in justice and be to them. finger. One application cured a young her to Mr. Sutton’s office where be applied Judge J. R. Neil and Mr. Helms were secured a membership of 63. The oppo cause we don’t know him, but we are Dr. J. G. Goble, the optician, will be lady of a paralized arm and another “Snap Shot" liniment and within twenty sition to the republican party last week frank and pleased to say that our ama in this end of the valley Saturday. minutes of the first application, tbe swell began circulating their club list and teurs, whom we do know, carried us at Hotel Oregon from Monday, March young lady who bad the rheumatism and was gene down, the pain was gone and Geo. H. Calhoun and A. C. Dixon were secured 150 names. They will soon through the three acts to the happy de 5th to Friday the 9th, inclusive. Office also a atone bruise was entirely cured by ing the spotted appearanceflett it. ana'sbe baa hours are from 1 to 5 :30 p. m. up from Grants Pass over Sunday. nouement with much credit to them two applications. never had tbe least trouble-with her arm organize. selves, affording a delightful evening’s For those, who from advanced age, or It baa also cured burns, cuts, carbun since or a recur rance of the pain Hervey Lindley came over from Klam- F lobekce L. T bbfbui . entertainment to all present. There are like causes find it impossible to come to cles, pimples, tooth-ache and rheuma Bryan Club to Organize. atbon yesterday on a business trip. Hotel, Dr. Goble 1ms arranged so he tism. N otary Public for Orego n. two characters in the play of an order re There will be a meeting of the Ashland Mrs. G. H. Palethorpe has been vis quiring'histrionic abilities far above the can call at their residence and test and We have never known inflammation iting at Grants Pass, returning today. . Bryan Club in the city hall Saturday average to successfully interpret. These examine eyes, from 8:30 a. m. to 12 ni. that it will not speedily takeout, if thor State of Oregon.) evening, the 10th inst., at 8 o’clock. r ss. wishing him to call, address pos oughly rubbed in once or twice. Call and examine goods and prices at Members and all other citizens inclined are “.Nevada,” the wanderer, and I Tnose Jackson County ) tal care of Hotel, or leave word at Hotel. It is A MARVELOUS MEDICINE, atld will Gibson Bros, before -buying elsewhere. to affiiliate with the Democratic partly ¡at “Moselle,” a waif. Mr. H. S. Evans All work is guaranteed. For reference, James M. Fewel being duly aworn de acted the former and Miss Nellie Patrick doeven more for the afilieted than is poses and say’s:- That about tan days E. Dearing, who has been working for this juncture and in the ensuing national impersonated “Moselle.” Mr. Evans Dr. Goble refers you to the many peo claimed.for it. ago I bad the neuralgia in my face and it Geo. Dunn left vesterday for Elmwood, campaign are requested to be present. sustained his part particularly well and ple who have had glasses fitted by him. W. T V an S cot . pained me severely and had been troubling A re-organization of the club is desired Ill. President Siuthern Oregon State Nor me for two weeks or more when I had Mr. and there is important business to be his make-up was especially well suited. Have you seen the Raycycle, tho best Sutton apply his Snap 8hot. He rubbed In Miss Patrick was seen the aptitude and handsomest wheel made; will run mal school. H. S. Evans was at Jacksonville a few transacted. M. F. E ggleston , my face for a few minutes and completly Subscribed and sworn to before me cured days ago arranging to fix up the Masonic Secretary and Member Executive of catching the spirit of the role she es 1000 miles without oiling; will run 27 the pain and since tbat time been al sayed to act in a degree near to perfec this 4th day of November, 189'1. hall. Committee. most wholly free from pain. per cent lighter than any bicycle made. tion. A child of the mountains, nurtur F lorence L. T refrfn . My wife was sick with the cholera mor The easiest hill climber made. For sam H. V. Mitchell, the cattleman of ed in infancy with tender care and kind Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took abom half a teaspoonfui of Woolen Mill Meeting. and prices call at Reeser's hardware Edgewood, was in town the first of the ness which her situation exacted of the ple the medicine and it cured the trouble, at store. week. A number of citizens attended the big hearted miners; she was a part <4 NEIL CREEK once and she never felt anything more of it. And now comes the news that Gov State of Oregon. Gibson Bros, have marked down nearly public meeting at city hall Tuesday the peculiar environments, like the Mr. C Neil has been quite ill, but is ss. evening to start the matter of formally J ames M. F ewel . beautiful mqqntain flowers that pushed ernor Geer is going to get married. all their fine stock of canned and bottled now on the road to recovery. bringing before the people of Ashland their fleafls above the mossy carpeting Well, don’t stop him; he isn’t the first Jackson County, Subscribed and sworn to before me this goods. On this 28th day of July, 1899, appeared Little Beulah Neil is reported to have the question of rebuilding the Ashland over the great rock ledges above the man that has found a good wife and in before me, a Notary Public within and for 19th day of November 1899. ASHLAND, Or....Thursday, March 8,1900 the G eo . W. T reebew . measles. A. F. Hunt returned Saturday from a Woolen Mills, destroyed by fire Jan. 21st. claim, like the noisy, laughing waters all probability will not be the last one.— the State and County above named one W. Notary Public^for Oregon. visit with his sick father jn Douglas Jofin Korrjs was made chairman of that coarsed down the canyon beneath Bandon Recorder. The smallpox scare reached Nejl creek the meeting aqd stated to those present “the trail,” pausing now in little SAMS VALLEY and our heroic teacher procured pointe couqty. the verbal proposition of E. K. and G. crystal pools, but only tor a moment, to Fred Geer qf Portland, coqsiq of the and proceeded to vaccinate the students. Old Grandpa Stevenson is on the sick HORN. governor of Oregon, was in Ashland yes F. Anderson. They want the people of flow away into other activities; eo was list. Zenas Howard moved back to his terday. Ashland to subscribe $15,000 in stock. “Moselle” and Miss Patrick understood The matter was informally canvassed “Moselle” and was “Moselle.” Miss MATTOON—In Ashland, March 4, 1900, Wm. Selph vent to Talent Saturday on a mountain home last week.. A. R. Grieve of Siskiyou was at Rose- and upon motion of E. V. Carter, a com Dora Pennington was “Mother Morton.” to Mr. and Mrs. Orange Mattoon,a Mr. Davis, who has been here for the business trip. burs this week on business before the mittee composed of J. R. Norris, E. A- Her part was not as conspicuous as some ■on. Mrs, Wm. Gee is visiting with Mrs. N. purpose of schooling his children, left for land office. 8herwin anq J. R. Casey was appointed others, but it was one of motherly good their home Tuesday. Fitzgerald this week. to canvass the town and see how much ness which Miss Pennington acted so THARP—At Willamina, Feb. 23, 1900, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bush of Ashland to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Tharp, a daugh The school entertainment given here are visiting her brothers and their fami stock could be secured. Neil Gage of Beagle was in the valley yes naturally and well as to show that she is •••••• ter. a few weeks ago was a grand success in The meeting adjourned subject to call one ot the best of the company. John I terday on business. lies in Douglas county. every way. of the chairman. Churchman maintained the character of J. R. Morrison and family paid Trail Attorney Geo. S. Nickerson was here “Vermont,” an odd, square, old miner Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker, who spent Tuesday en route from the Willamette creek friends a visit last week. Ex-Chief Justice E. B. Watson of the who cuts an important figure in the OLIVER S. BROWN the winter in California, returned home valley to Klamath Falls. Oregon supreme court, who began his story, and did it well. W. Y. Crowson C. B. Fitzgerald began a three months’ Sunday evening. Complete Lines, IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Miss Hattie Peninger, who has been upward career as county clerk of Jack- made a good “Dandy Dick,” a young school at Dry creek Dear Beagle Monday. Fred Kincaid is quite sick, not able to visiting Ashland friends, returned home son county, is said to be a candidate for miner. He sustained his character well Line of Fresh Clean Goods Up to Pa^ Goods. Highly Gee came up from Wolf creek on be in school this week. Winnie Spencer the republican nomination for supreme throughout. W. O. Marks dropped into to Central Point Monday. Beach Block. * business trip. He will return home in a is also unable to be out this week. judge to succeed Judge Wolverton. the camp as “Silas Steel,” a health mis N1NINGER BLOCK State Senator Chas. W. Fulton of As few days. sionary, and his appearance was always C. F. Doughton of Albany, was visiting toria was on Tuesday’s train on legal Ashland, - - Ex-Postmaster M. Purdin of Medford, Oregon. NEAR DEPOT Miss Bertha Rippey will commence his sister, Mrs. J. F. Wallace, from Sat looked for with interest thereafter. It left for California Tuesday to take a long business in San Francisco. wouldn ’ t do at all to leave Marks WU ©f achool in the Chaparral ‘school house the urday until Tuesday noon, when he took needed rest, after running a first-class The Ashland Dancing Club will give a postoffice for four veara. He stops off at this play with his “^qatqd's B>q|qi.” the train for Redding, Cal. first Monday in April. Mining Law a Specialty. Hard Times Ball at opera house on St. Redding to visit his son Ira at the Depot He knew how td, fltqqt his character ami Monday, March 5th, the annual meet Patrick’s eve, March 16th. Dr. Morrill and wife passed through here was^lvimys eqtertaiqiug J- > r hotel and then goes to San Francisco. one day last week. Dr. M. having been ing of district No. 7 was held, and the was slated into the role r -ydK,lllu Dr. J. W. Odgers will open a dental /erden, a called to D. Reynolds, who is reported very following officers elected: J. C. Neil, While at work on the Lacey block on pseudo-detectL«» ’ . Bred regitlered Here- office in the Beach block, over the bridge, director, to serve three years; W. R. The Bulls are all Ture out a villain who must ■jth strpet last Friday Elmer Long met hl dPHtJ- ' ill with kidney trouble. nedigree with each one « Kincaid elected tor one year to fill out oa Main street, March 19th. ...caole in the mind of the audi fords; a duly certified With an accident that may cost him th» ferent famalies and of J. J. Pankey launched bis row boat “Ore* unexpired time of J. II. Witherow; A. B. They are of three dif- Complaint bqs been made that some sight of his right eye. He was driving ence all along. Although Jack was purchasing one of each handicapped for this part by being one gon" on Rogue river np^r Jos. Hannah’s Chapman was reelected clerk. no kin. Neighbors parties have placed a fish trap in Bear spikes into a rafter when one of tliewi useful period, thereby of the most amiable men in the com can change at end of lgst Sunday, which will be quite 4 cop. creek below the Talent bridge. hurled into the anterior cl^iqqer of the thoroughbred animal pany; he supported it well, to his exit having the use of a SAMPSON. Venjence to that community. eye. will be sold fat prices Mrs. Geo. Engwicht and Miss Lucy Now is the time to and destruction, which ie usually accord —. Ill-.*«!’» i 4 'tCflA. for several years. They Walter Howard has a job at the logging Crowe leave Saturday for Edgewooij oq Marion Centers of Wellea is visiting rela, with rich and careful ed to the villain in the last act! J. Bulls! Bulls! Stockmen, have you that are consistent, spray your fruit trees ual merit* tives here. He will return home tomorrow. camp at Snow. a two weeks visit with relatives. seen those Hereford bulls of Owen & Edw. Thornton was “Tom Carew;” a breeding and individ- for San Jose Scale, Miss Clara Polev of Ashland, district No. young miner, much in love, whose vi Miss Hu Ida Craddock, who h as been spend- Marian Thornton, eon of J. L. Thorn Moore’e? If not, why not? meant much for weal or woe Jug the winter here, will accompany Mr. C. 60’s former teacher, opened the spring term ton of the Ashland Meat Co., arrived Green Aphis, Wool J. W. Collins, the San Francisco rep- cissitudes to himseH and others in the plot. It is of school Monday. home. Saturday to remain in Ashland- resentive of the Ashland Woolen Mills, a character not easily sustained before ey Aphis and Curl School meeting Monday. J. D. Williams was In town Tuesday and yesterday all one’s acquaintances, but Ed. held to Mr. Rickey. Mr Perry, C. Trimb'e and Mrs. Max Praoht and daughter, Miss visiting Leaf. Compound Ashland and gave the woolen and D. N. Davis both of Green Spring Wm. Pienning of Gold Hill passed through Lottie Pracht, returned Monday from it well until his inamorata was his own. mill meeting encouraging reports of the here Saturday on their way to E ik creek, mountain were present. made and sold by San Francisco and a visit in California. Miss Leora Hughes was a pleasing qhar- woolen goods trade^AWWhe splendid acter as “Agnes Fairlee.” It was . her WM. STORM. where Mr Rickey has some mining prop J. L. THORNTON. A. F. HUNT. REAL ESTATE. Lakeview is to be added to the Red reputation of Ashland blankets. opportunity to figure in incidents il erty. Mr. Perry returned home Monday. ding Sunset telephone line. The assist FE Pottenger to W S Jones; lots 1, 2 Special bargains on canned corn and lustrating the loyal devotion and love Trimble and Pieuning will do some develop ant superintendent is now going qver the string beans and baking powders at Gib characteristic of the best o', her sex and and 3, blk 46. Medford, $75 ment work before returning. Emogene Charley to .Martha M Brown; line. son Bros. did it well. The audience will long re q c d to same property, $500 the stern integrity with which KLAMATH FALLS. ‘ The baseball game in Ashland Satur Anna Wells to N R Johnson; lots 7 and N. Mansill fell some 35 feet and was member day between a town nine and the high precipitated into a mass of debris at P. Agnes confronts her wronged brother 8, blk 58, Medford, $99. County court is in session this week. Hugh Sanders to W J Smith; 30 acres in school resulted in favor of the latter—21 A. Lindstrom’s trestle building works along with the simplicity and sweetness Geo Brandon, the enterprising mer sec 16, twp 36. 3 w. $75 character which this girl exhibits in to 22. on the Siskiyous Saturday afternoon, re of John Arnold to u W Patterson; q c d to chant of Merrill, was in the Falls Tuesday. other parts. Thad McHattan was made ceiving serious injuries in the stomach Wm. Clark was in town Tuesday ar lots 11 and 12, blk 24, Medford. $175. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Reames, have re Sadie I Horner to same; q c d to sam« ranging to make a stand in Ashland as well as internal injuries. He was up as a very natural Chinaman and im personated that character exceptionally turned from their recent visit in California. property, $225. with hia celebrated blooded horse, Ty- taken to the Portland hospital on the well. Geo. T. Watson as “Jube,” a A K Mills to M Rosenbaum; q c d to bault. evening train. L. B. Applegate arrived Monday with negro miner, was first-class in all re 160 25 acres in sec 29, two 36.1 e, $640. Wife and daughter, who have been spend Lon Randle, the barber, and Miss spects. He has a happy knack of dialect Van Dunlap left for Klamath coqnty M Rosenbaum to U 8; same property. ing the winter months in San Jose D G Karnes to A H Lawrentz; 5.84 acres today to take up the matter of secur Susie Helman, daughter of Grant Hel in his role of the negro character. The ing a right qf iyay far tqe Oregon Mid man, went to Jacksonville Sunday even latter two sandwiched in lots of fun D. Cronemiller, who has been spending m sec 25’ twp 37. 2 w, $725. F W' Hutchinson to Clara G Johnson; land Railway- i ing and were the principal actors in a quiet which sent the audience into roars of the winter in Oakland, Cal., returned to lots 11, 12 and 13, blk 3, Medford, $100. affair which has sealed their lives in the laughter. Mr. Watson’s specialties were bis home at Fort Klamath this week. J C Ferguson and John Mahan to W 0 For Sale—A 4-room hoqse and two bonds of wedlock. They have the best £ood and much appreciated. The enter At the school election held here last and S N Gibson; 80 acres in sec 8, twp 39, lots on 7th street, railroad addition, for wishes of their friends for a happy and tainment was a great success and $114 1 e. $200, $750. Call at place or address J. A. successful married life. Monday R I. Hammond was elected '»ere netted for the benefit of Mr. T K Bolton, et ur. to A F Eddy; 60 acres Uawson, Ashland. Or. « director tq succeed G. T. Baldwin, and R. in sec 36, twp 35, 3 w. $1000. Miller & Bartges have opened their j ’ tLoomis. Mr. Ray Satchwell’s fine or W- Marple elected school clerk.' L- B. Warner, representing the Albany new dry goods and clothing store in chestra was one of the excellent and most A F Kfldy to A 0 Dixon; same property, I 500. Nurseries, went to Yreka Tuesday with Williams blocks on Main street and appreciated features, giving the audience Th« Bros passed through her« Fri N A Spencer to A H Lawrents: 80 acres a carload of fine nursery stock for that have a fine stock of goods ready for the well rendered selections between acts. day with 100 bead of horses and mules, in sec 21. twp 38, 2 w $100. section and Scott Valley. spring trade with more on the way, Margeret Lauch lari to Luke McGinnis; Religious Items, which were sold to Saoramento parties. 31, 23, 23, 24, blk G R K add to Ash Miss Lillian Walrad left last evening being well prepared to do a good busi The average price realized on the sale was lots Sermon Sunday evening at the Catho land, $700. for Seattle to pay her friend, Mrs. Scott, ness. Watch their large advertisement $80 per head. Jennie O Charles to Martha'M Brown; formerly Miss Cora Kist, a visit. Mrs. which appears on the first page of the lic church on the “Forgiveness of Sin” or “God Alone Can Forgive Sin.” M A. Looaley of Wood river, former q c d to 120 acres in sec 30, twp 36. 2 e: one- Scott met her in Portland. R ecord . All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned E ruits-^Extra halt interest in 136 25 acres in sec 15, twp editor of the Klamath Republican is in the 34, The sermon subjects at the Presbyter 1 w;80 acres in sec 22, twp 36, le. $1. At the school election in Medford Mon The McWilliame-Casey Co. have Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best, Falla this week, passing around the “glad John Osborne to Martha M Johnson; ordered a Jacobs Concentrator for their day, Oountv Judge Crowell received 93 ian church next Sunday will be, “Life or Death ! Which? ” and “ What is Sanctifi hand.'1 It is rumored that Mr. Loosley lots 3 and 4, blk 64, Medford, $400. votes and G. L. Webb 56. The issue C Mingus to Lavina Mingus; 3.01 acres new 5-stamp quartz mill now being put said to be involved was the selection of cation?” has political bees in his bonnet. in sec 5, twp 39, le; also lots 5, 6 and 7, up on their mine ne^r Jacksonville. principal and it is given out that N. L. Services at the M. E. church next “Dad” Willson and John Cabler, who blk 2, Medford, $5. Mrs. L. Applegate and Dick Parker Just received another Same to same: 160 acres in secs 9 and IQ. ac4* bride returned yesterday from a Narregan is to be retained. It is said Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. have been floating around in their house Supt G. A. Gregory was after the princi Subject of morning sermon “ Character twp 39,1 e, $5. ' boat over the Klamath river and lake since large shipment. P H Ovialt, and et ux, to F Barneburg; visit with Grants Pass friends. The palship again under certain political Building;” evening subject, “Ancient last December, returned last Thursday lot 1, blk 60, Medford, $250. young people were serenaded last night. contingencies. Land Marks.” A cordial invitation ex it is’nt the finest and having made quite a valuable haul, in the H Voeeli to G W Isaacs; lots 1, 2 3 and 4, Engineer James Dickey returned to Jack Anstay, seven years ago a well- tended to all. J. T. Abbett, pastor. blk 53, Medford. $633. fu'r trappenci thia season. his headquarters at Ashland for duty Services st th^Congregational church Fred ux.and Anna Gilchrist, known passenger conductor out of Ash [pE^best Sugar in Ashland, to C H Chapman: 40 acres in sec 3, twp 37, last Sunday, after an enjoyable layoff of land, was on Saturday’s north train next Sabbath March lltb, as follows: CENTRAL POINT. several days in Dunsmuir.—Dunsmuir with his wife touring the coast. Jack Sunday school at 9:30, preaching ser 2 w, $1550. bring it back. Mrs. W. T. Leever is low with heart and W I Vawter to Minnie Theiss; lot 7, blk : News. has been in the commission business at vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Y-P. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL kidney trouble. 1 6. and all of blks7 and 8, Beatty’s add to reported that Supt. R. L. Fields Detroit, Mich., ever since leaving here S. C* E. at 6:30 p. m. The public ie It is repoi Medford, $1 OFFICE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Miaa Mary Jacobs has returned home qf the S. P. lines in Oregon and Supt. and has prospered. He is living in a invited. G. W. Nelson, pastor. R H Whitehead, et ux, to Edith ßrad- . of after a four weeks' visit in Jacksonville. bury; lot 12, blk 1, Cottage add; w k of J. S. Noble of the S. P. lines in Nev- $17,000 residence, getting married soon Lent at Holv Rosary Catholic church: Ashland. ter leaving Asniana. , , ;■ - The devotion of the “Stations of the Rev. Gregory will preach in the Baptist lots 1 and 2 , blk U, Beatty's add to Med ada, at Wadsworth, will exchange after $106. ' places soon. Oliver S. Brown, an attorney-at-liw, gross’’ will be held on all Friday even- pburcfc next Sunday tuorning and evening ford. Kebecoa A Finney to trustees First Pres J. W. Marksbury of Gold Hill was in who cameto southerp Oregon last year • lings, during Lent andon Sondav even- The. The Degree of Honor gave a supper on byterian Church of Medford; lots 10,11, 12 there will be Vespers, sermon and office town this week. He has purchased from Wisconsin has opened a law officepug, the 7th at the brick bad for the benefit of 13 and 14, blk 54, Medford; $1500. And not Price, is always considered in our Drag benediction of the blessed secrament. F W Hutchison to Ellen J Shoutts lots 9 in the Beach block and will locate hiere Benj. Fox ’ s place of 43 acres near the the order. Ashland and 10, bls 3. Park add to Medford; $100. Department; state normal school and will move to permanently to practice his profession, All evening devotions begin at 7:30. Geo W Galloway, et ux, to Martha John Ashland this spring. At the school meeting held last Monday, making mining laws a specialty, though Hinh mass and sermon on Sunday at 10 W. J. Freeman was elected director and J. ston; lots 1, 2, 3 and 7, blk 6, Park add to attending to all kinds of business. Mr. a, m. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Medford; $350. Bargains! Bargains in hardware, tin Brown is a bright and intelligent young H. Gay clerk. Euphema Allen to G B Cole; 116 acres in ware, stoves. Closing out for the next In Southern Oreg■on. The Hilt mine near Cole's station, man and will no doubt do well. Prof Stocking will move next Saturday sec 16. twp 37,1 e; $2100. thirty days for cash only. Give me a Siskiyou mountain, has been prospect Anton Suren to Carl Phelps; q c d to call and be convinced. Store and fixt Capt. J. T. C Nash the well-known min ing very well lately, the base ore in ledge front the flue Dr. Hinkle residence to E. Moltke quartz claim; $100. ing man of Medford, has recently dis of a hundred feet wide, paying about > ures for rent. B. F. Reeser. Pleasant’s residence. covered that he has two brothers living LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Notice to Creditor*. Postmaster W. V Jones will not like in Maine. He had not heard from either $5.90 to the ton, and the main ledge 1 Mayor Howeer of Medford was in the yielding from $10 to $15 a ton. About ly be disturbed in his officeat Woodville Point one day last week looking after the As other business requires our atten- for 38 years and supposed them dead, 300 feet of tunnel has been run in this juiddie of the roadsters. tention, our books will be left with H. as J. M. Whipple has written to Wash while they thought that he was no longer mine, and is good property for the cya ington, D. C., that he will not take Ute in the land of the living, but had been Rev. Gist of Medford and Rev. Tout of C. Galey at the Bank of Ashland for im position under the circumstances. nide process of working. The Sterling Semi-Weekly Stage Line mediate collection after March 20, 1900. lost in a wreck of a schooner years ago. quartz mine in the same district has Ashland will commence a series of meet P elton & N eil Postmaster G^ q . F- Merriman was up The discovery was mutually pleasing to been sold to a party of eastern men, the ings next Monday evening in this place. and Mail Contract from from Medford Tuesday. He took official all concerned. amount paid for same reported to be Jack Montgomery and wife are in charge Grants Pass, March 1,—The Southern charge of the office there last Thursday $4,000. Gold Hill's incipient small pox scare of the hotel in this place. Geo. B. and Pacific Company has just brought to tbe and his daughter, Miss May Merriman, Ashland to Pelican Bay. A rich strike is reported from Boland John R. Rosa will have the saloon in r in Grants Pass yards a large steam shovel, and Miss Letha Hardin, are his assist has subsided. A. L. Vincent’s little creek, a tributary of 8ncker creek. Tbe Call and see me when you are in need of girl had been vaccinated and in taking With the necrasarv adjuncts. This plant ning order in a few days. ants. any property of any description, either to a bath afterward was discovered broken discoverer is W. D Gardner. He bas’ wilt be used to get out decomposed rent or bur. The bazaar and oyster supper given last granite at a point a few miles south of y mail or Burnside W. R. 0- will give a supper out with sores which oaused a wild ru dirt that yields $50 to $60 the pan, and ' I have ranches for sale in every part of express r'eceive Friday evening by the Ladies’ Aid SocietY tbe town. Extensive trials have shown at Odd Fellows hall on March 10th from mor that she had the small pox and the quartz that has an estimated value of Jackson county : fine land and low prices. prompt attention. of the M. £. church in the brick ball was a tbat tbe fine granite makes a clean and from 5 o’clock to 8. Oysters, cake and startled community closed the public from $80 to $100,000 to the ton. He has Small acreages of fruit land near town T eems C ash at uneaithed a ledge from two to six inches school. A physician explained the and land in bearing fruit, any number of grand success. Receipts $28 50. more durable walk and tbe Southern coffee, etc. A good program and good reakovablz bat IS- wide. This is described as one of the acres, large or small. Who will be the next man to rush down Pacific Company will use it extensively music. AH are invited. Admission 35 causes and everything became serene. very richest fiuds ever made in Southern 1 have several houses to sell in the city; to' Portland and unbosom himself to the in and ab >ut all tbe stations between cents. prices to suit the times. W. L. Cole, a member of the staff at Oregon.—Grants Pass Courier. Grants Pass and Portland^ There are Oregonian man and tell him what flourish whole mountains of decomposed granite , Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker returned Keswick, spent Sunday in Redding. He HOUbBS TO RENT. Held for Raye. ing times we are having up here in Rogue witbin a few miles of Grants Pass. It is 1 Sunday from a pleasant visit of several was accompanied by William Reed, MONEY TO LOAN. B. F. lfarvev and Hugh Patterson, the 1 One a three seat and the INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. river valley and bow the Republicans will being used throughout the residence dis . months in southern California, princi- cashier of the company.—Redding railroad brakemen were given their balmy climate of San Diego. Searchlight. sweep the oountv for McKinley, trusts, tricts iu town, wooden walks being taken I I Here are a few of my bargains: second preliminary examination charged 10k a tour over the line into other two seats. Six head Ten acres of good oom bines, gold standard, imperialism, etc? put. The female imposter, fraud and confi with rape on tbe person of Minnie Thorn, fruit laud, three acres dence woman who "worked” some Ash under 16 years of age. This time the in fruit, 8450. It don’t look that way down in this neck of Coroner W. L. Cheshire rece.ved a of Horses and two sets of Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good LABIES’ Emil Peil’s new 70 x 30 two story land people about two weekB ago, was examination took place before Justice the woods, wheat 43 cents per bushel, flour letter today from W. J. Holland, quaran house, barn, etc., running water, for $500. 7ft cents per 50 lb. sack. But then we don’t tine officer in tbe western portion of the warehouse back of his blacksmith shop arrested near Corvallis Tuesday, charged Miller at Roseburg, Douglas eountv, Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two with larceny of a livery stable rig from Harness. small houses, $400. raise much wheat here and that don’t af couuty, staling that the work of fumiga recently completed isbeing filled by the that town and is now in jail. She did where tbe crime was committed. Tbe other examination for abdnetion was tion is nearly completed. The only new three carloads of goods he has just re These are within a mile mm I * half of fect any body, you know I Ashland. . cases are in tbe family of Mr. Lewis, on ceived. The top story is loaded with business in Ashland under the name of held hi Laoe county. Harvey, who was OHII-.DIò®3Sr ’S “Helen Whydtmeier, the unfortunate Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely Have just added to my window shade Wolf creek, who recently took the buggies and spring wagons and the German girl,” but has a string of aliases out on bail, demanded a preliminary Call on or apply to, unimproved, $200 lower room with farm wagons and agri bearing, expressing hopes of being able line an invoice of wide opaque and rollers disease. The new eases are very light, Hotel property in town, for sale for $4000. as long as the repertoir of her hard luck •for making extra wide and odd size and with this exception there is no cultural implements and a car load of stories. She had escaped the police at to get the charge against him dismissed. I One hundred acres fine valley land, two coal. Mr. P<*il has gone into that busi The girl ’ s testimony was very damaging spread of the disease, which seems to shades. J. P. Dodge, opera house. miles from Medford, >4500. to him. Harvey and Patterson were baveepeat its course m that section.— ness on a more extensive basis than has [ Portland a few days before, Call and see me in regard to any of the ever been undertaken in Ashland and , - - - then bound over to appear before the cir Eugene (Lane County) Guard. above, and if they do not suit, I have a Mrs. Geo. Cryderman came up from Tolo it has been a long felt want that he is tod*7* cuit court in $1000 bail, which Harvey large list from which you might choose D ry G oods , N oviltdss , German capitalists are expected in Jack- now supplying. . i „ These caaes are oa trial in the circuit furnished._______________*' GEO. W. TMFREN. son county tomorrow to investigate tbe Lxk box 131. Ashland, Oregnn. Miss Ada Dunlap Mt for Redding today, ^ly M4 b gwwti Fw S imp . Mftrt Or. Engineer J. B. Howard is» town fodoy. tugar bMt factory prapasMM». SUTTON’S SNAP SHOT. THE WONDERFUL DESTROYER INFLAMATION IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON, PROP. i VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLEY RECORD. Spring Stock! Dry Goods Clothing, Boots & Shoes. WM. YEO & CO Twenty-Five Head of Pure Bred Hereford Bolls. *^J. R. CASEY. ASHLAND MEAT CO. Seventeen.... Pounds Dry Granulated Cane Sugar For One Dollar! General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Oregon. Ashland, COLEMAN BRO'S-, Proprietors BUY 1900 GREEN : AND : SELL SHERWIN FRUITS- 1900 THE LARGEST and RFRT For Sale... GEO. W. TREFREN Ashlaod.- ■ STEAM.. Laundry :: 2 First-Class Spring Wagons, I 1 J. N. SMITH, UNDERWEAR