PERSONAL, AND SOCIAL. I Funeral of Conner Lester V. High — Pantteal News Items. * ‘•Nevada” to Be Played Again. ------------- By the kindness of Hon. Binger Her- As soon as the people of Woodville The play “Nevada, or The Lost Mine,” “Nevada” at the opera house Monday mann, the Navy Department forwarded were apprised of the news of Postmaster recently put on the boards under the night. the remains of the late Lester V. High W. V. Jones’ removal and the appoint auspices of the Knights of Pythias, and . , » o- from the cemeterv at Cienfugus, Cuba, ment of J. M. Whipple in his places which was very favorably greeted by a John >tanley came over from Sisson jjjg father, Deaton High, in this city, petition was prepared and circulated yesterday. yesterday. arriving from the south Monday even- I i asking for Mr. Jones’ retention in the large audience, will be repeated at the opera house Monday evening, the pro office. It was signed by aoout every ceeds of the entertainment to go to Chas. Manna Smith left Monday for San ing. The funeral took place yesterday after patron of the office. When Mr. Whip Francisco. ! Tli L Loomis, who was totally disabled by a noon from the undertaking parlors of H. ple saw the unanimous expression of the OF ALL FORMS OF W. E. Price, the commercial traveler, C. Stock, a large concourse of friends i people was in favor of Mr. Jones holding stroke of paralysis several months ago and is now in a California hospital. Mr. is in town. and neighbors following the remains to , the office he did the graceful act of also Loomis is a very deserving young man Dr. A. C. Caldwell is located at St. 1 the last resting place in Ashland ceme placing his name on the petition. and in hie prime lias more than did his tery. The order of the procession was Thue it will be seen that the effort of share for the aid and succor of his fellow Paul, Minn. os follows: Ashland band; Co. B, 3d republican party pluggers to do up a Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, R. Beswick went to Yreka today on a Reg., O. N. G.; Gen. Wheaton Post, good citizen and popular man in order to | human beings, and the members of the Nevada Comedy Co. deserve credit for Earache, Burns, Scalds, Corus and Bunions, Stiff Joints. business trip. Spanish-American War Veterans: pall coyer up a wanton political crime and to the happy thought of rewarding the Miss Terrill returned from Klamath bearers and hearse; mourners; Burn-! quiet the conscience of bosses with an 1 stricken brother in this way. The pub 50-0. & Sl.OO PER BOTTLE eide Post, G. A. R ; W. R. C.; citizens. axe to grind in June and to keep them; lic will be assured of a first class even PRICE, county Sunday. A choir composed of Wm. Yeo, Geo. from seeing the political ghost of Jim ! ing’s entertainment bv amateurs as all E. R. Grieve came over from Horn Walsworth, Elmer Patrick, Mrs. L. E. Whippie stalking through the air in ; who attended the first performance can brook yesterday. Norris, Misses Isa Duncan, Maud Berry, their sleep, is about to miscarry. assure them. C. C- McClendon went to Sams Valley I Belle Anderson, Grace Beach, Ethel Chairman John P. Dodge has called a yesterday on a visit. Parker—Holman. Ashland, Oregon, ! Walrad and Helen Churchman sang meeting of the Jackson county republi-1 Mrs. F. H. Carter returned yesterday "We’ll Never Say Good-bye.” Dick Parkes, son of Mr. and Mrs. S A. Burnside Post G. A. R., acting Com can central committee to convene at I Parker, and Miss Jessie Helman, daughter from a visit at Salem. Hi Read these Testimonials, given under oaib, of Cure« Actually Performed: mander J. R. Casey and Chaplain Milton Jacksonville iVlarch 10th to arrange for of Mr. and Mrs. Butler Helium, were mar- Mrs. Celia Bachand is over from , Berry, then performed the burial service county conventions, etc. It is rumored 1 ned at the home of the bride’s parents on that an effort will be made to get the Mechanic street yederday afternoon by Sisson visiting her folks. ! of the order. The choir of the First Spiritualist committee to make a formal and official J Justice cf the Peace Milton Berry in the I can cheerfully state that the Snap W. Dickerson who being duly sworn, mads Mrs E. L. Applegate went to Grant’s ■ Society of Southern Oregon—Lieut. H. announcement of Hon. E. V. Carter as presence of a number of relatives and Shot is the best liniment I have ever used, the following statement Pass yesterday on a visit. friends Tbe h»ppy couple believe in tbe My daughter, who was a student at ths i S. Evans, Mrs. W. H. Breese, Mrs. W. Jackson county’s sole choice for the con or ever heard of in a life time. Stat* Normal night while study Ed. White left today for Igerna to J. Virgin and Mrs. Julia Evans—sang gressional nomination. From reports it efficacy of the early initing of hearts m the We always keep a bottle of it at the case of two souls that beat as one. both ing felt a pain in her hand which aeon ex work in the logging camp. "Meet Me Angels at the.Gate,” an ap appears that there is quite a little op- being several vears in their teens. They normal school. Among the athletic »In tended to the arm. day she went j Position developing to Mr. Carter ’ s can- left on the evening train to «pend their dents who have been hurt one or two ap to school and during the day she lost the Ralph Woodford was up from Med propriate spiritualist hymn. H.S. Evans ad»;He„d .1 .he de- X TXS ffiSS honey moon at Grants Pa«s after which plications of this liniment has taken out use ot her arm and it became spotted and ford Tuesday and yesterday. ceased and a fellow sharer in his> views, < tQ R and gever« 0pp08etl. Time they return to Ashland to make their home, the inflammation and cured a sprained the teachers sent her home, tearing blood Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Calhoun of Grants and being strong in the faith of their poison. When she arrived home I took made a few remarks which cover some develoPthe non-committals in his uintual affection their friends wish them ankle, a dislocated knee and a mashed her to Mr. Sutton's office where he applied Pass moved to Ashland today. finger. One application cured a young of the main points of the young man s | {#v ^ p tbe secret of success in wedded bliss. Shot” liniment and within twenty favor, however. lady of a paralized arm and another "Snap Go to L. H. Thomas for watch and history aud career 60 well that we in minutes of the first application, the swell vonng lady who bad the rheumatism and Tbe Dalles Lakeview R. It. clock repairing. Helman street. troduce them in this article: ing was gene down, the pain was gene and Congressman Tongue was a little tardy also a 6tone bruise was entirely cured by the spotted appesrance|left it. and>he has Friends, I have the privilege of mak but this w-ek succeeded in paying off a Portland Oregonian:] Mrs L. H. Thomas went to 1 Lian two applications. never had the least trouble with her arm ing a few remarks on this solemn occa good size! political debt. Harry Miller county last night to visit relatives. It has also cured burns, cuts, carbun since or a recurrence of the pain. Articles of incorporation of The Dalles sion. We have assembled here for the was the first "knocker” that came for Southern F lorknck L. Tasrxu. Railroad Company, which were cles, pimples, tooth-ache and rheuma A. P. Shipp of Central Point was reg third time this month to perform the ward with his hammer to do np Binger Notary Public for Oregon. istered at the Ashland House Monday. last sacred duty.and service that lovq,mid Hermann., It cost Harry the congres filed in Portland Saturday, are the legal tism. beginning of an enterprise which has been We have never known inflammation Mrs. James Sayle is visiting her friendship sorrowfully renders” to tbe sional nomination bnt lie made BiDger in contemplation for some months—that that it will not speedily takeout, if thonr- State ot Oregon,) daughter, Mrs. Ranse Rouse, at Med ; earthly remains of a departed comrade remember "that letter” before be got of building a railroad along the east slope oughlv rubbed in once or twice. r SS. of the Cascades from Tbe Dalles to Lake Jackson County ’ ford. j and loved one, one who gave his through with him. It is A MARVELOUS MEDICINE, and will view. Thirty miles of the proposed line, Janies M. Feast being duly sworn de ' life in helping to maintain a noble prin T. W. Stephens, representing Schilling ciple, in fighting under the stars and Roseburg Plaindealer: Judge C. B. from Tbe Dalles to Dufur, have already do even more for the afflicted than is poses and say’s:- That about ten days & Co., has gone to Klamath and Lake stripes to free a suffering people from Watson, of Ashland, was in the city been surveved The remainder of the i I claimed„for it. ago 1 had the neuralgia tn my face and it route has been decided upon in a general I pained me severely and bad been troubling W. T. V an S coy . counties. the yoke of tyrany, in maintaining last week attending a contest caee before way, and a party of engineers is at present I me for two weeks or more wheu I had Mr. The tax roll was turned over to the the same principles that our forefathers the U. S. land office; during a visit to between Burns and Lakeview making a President Southern Oregon State Nor Sutton apply his Snapshot. He rubbed mal school. the Piaindealer office he expressed him sheriff today. Taxes become delinquent fought for under the beloved George reconr.oissance, and upon their report will my face for a few minutes and completly Subscribed and sworn to before me self as satisfied with the political out depend the location of the line April 1st. [ Washington. We do not tell the friends cured the pain and since that time been al look in his district. Running along tbe east side of the Des this 41 h day of November, T891. most wholly free from pain. C. J. Dickerson and J. W. Whitleck of not to weep. No; we would rather min chutes, the new road will bear about the F lorence L. T rkfkkn . My wife was sick with the cholera mor Roseburg Plaindealer: It now looks same relation to the Columbia Southern Silverton took today’s stage for Klam- i gle our tears with theirs. Tears are a Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took abont half a teaspoonful of I satety valve on an occasion like this. as if the opposition to the renomination that theWest Side branch of the Southern ath Falls. the medicine and it cured the trouble at Let them flow. of Hon. Thos. H Tongue, would fall to Pacific does to tbe main line, and will in no once and she never felt anything more of NORMAL ITEMS. John Welclion is out from Missouri Lester V. High was born in Yolo coun pieces before the convention meets and way inter fere with the traffic or territory State of Oregon. it. Mias Tiffany visited school Thursday I and will locate. He is a brother of Mrs. ty, Cal., Feb. 14,1873, but was raised in we predict that Mr. Tongue will again of that line It has, it is stated, an ample Ç 68. J ames M. F iwxi .. morning. , John Cole. territory of its own, and one whose devolop- Jackson County, Jackson county, his parents coming here be renominated by acclamation. No Subscribed and sworn to before me this nient will be of great benefit to Portland. On this 28th day of July. 1899, appeared Clyde Rhodes entered the sub-normal Chas. H. Pierce, lumber, and J. A. when he was five years old. Hie spirit candidate except Mr. Tongue will prob Between The Dallesand the Warm Springs before iue, a Notary Public within and for 19th day of November 1899. ASHLAND.Or....Thursday, March 1,1900 class Monday. Gro. W. TaarasK. Whitman, bicycles, were up from Med departed from this casket of clay on ably have more than the delegates from reservation is a district admirably adopted the State and County above named one W. Notary Publicjfor Oregon. April 3,1899, at Cienfuegus, Cuba, from his own county, and at most there will to wheat growing, but whose isolation has Thora Smith entered the teachers’ review ford Monday. a fever hecontracted at Honduras,C. A., be but a complimentary vote cast for the hitherto made it inipractable for that pur class Monday. CENTRAL POINT. Attend "Nevada” at opera house while serving his country. He enlisted local candidate after which the delegates pose. Once a railroad enables the farmer!' Philip Rose entered the training depart Monday night. A good show and a in the U. S. Navy July, 1896. He did will hasten to get into the procession for to dispose of their crop D. W. Beebe of Beagle was in the city a ment Monday. is said all of them will put in wheat, and it worthy cause. his duty bravely and valiantly on board Mr. Tongue. few days ago. is expected tha^ the country will prove one Will Moxley has returned home to Etna the battleship Oregon all through the Henry Williams, on trial for assault W. C. Moore was down from the Bigham Siskiyou county. of the heaviest producers in the State. Spanish-American war. He was on The Oregonian is printing political re ing A. Lempke, at Grants Pass was de ranch a few days ago. From the reservaiton the road will take board that ship in her famous voyage Chester Irwin departed Friday for his ( clared not guilty. ports from the republican county com an easterly trend to Burns, and then run Rev J A. Davis preached at New Hope home at Woodville. around Cape Horn. In one of his letters mitteemen of the various counties. southewest to Lakeview, which is to be its church at Table Rock last Sunday. Briscoe of Central Point and A. he expressed his surprise that he felt po Henry E. Ankeny takes almost as sweep- teriminus. Thus all the trade of Southern Lulu Dame and Mabel Paiethorpe re G. Thos. Clark of Gold Hill were registered at fear whatever. When the Spanish fleet ingly a rosy view of this county as the i Oregon, which now goes to California, and A. C. Parker has sold his nice residence entered school the 20tb. Hotel Oregon yesterday. in this town to Ben Peart, the blacksmith. sailed down the Santiago harbor with out burst by Hon. E. V. Carter. Listen which will be materially increased with the Ethel Gunten visited her parents at Horn completion of liie new line now building James R. Reames, the Phoenix farmer all her guns trained on the American to Ankeny’s story : Rev Gregory held meeting in the Bap brook from Thursday to Sunday. from California toward Lakeview, will be tist church last Sunday morning and even and brother of the late T. G. Reames, battleships that awaited to prevent its Jacksonville, Or., Feb. 24.—The out- brought to Portland, and a field, compris- A 14-toot flag was raised over the normal was in Ashland Monday. escape, he had no fear of death. lie 1 )ok in Jackson countv at present favors i ing the entire State, will be al the doors of ing. school Thursday at one o’clock ’midst the believed as all spiritualists believe, republican party for several reasons, , Portland merchants. W. J. Freeman and family have re cheers of the students. Complete Lines. Bulls! Bulls! Stockmen, have you that so called death was only a change, the IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine the principal of which is the general turned from their extended visit to Mr. seen those Hereford bulls of Owen & A. O. Freel a student of the junior class, a continuation of life. When we realize prosperity of the country under the pres A musical was given at Mrs. Julia Up to Date Goods. F.’s old home iu Illinois. Line of Fresh Clean Goods left for Griffin creek Saturday to take Moore’B? If not, why not? that fact, death is then robbed of its ent administration. Onr banks have Evans’ home on Third street yesterday Mr Corum of Washington county bought charge of the Enterprise school. E. M. McIntire left Tuesday for La- power over mortals and is not dreaded. more money than they can loan, interest evening in honor of Miss Theresa Casey, the Bob We«trop house and lot sold last NININGEIi BLOCK Mrs. Aden, secretary of the Y. W. C. A. feyette, Yamhill county, where his Amidst our tears and sobs we exclaim, is low and good security much sought who with her parents have been spend Saturday at administrator's sale. of the northwest, visited the school Friday brother is not expected to live. NEAR DEPOT our boy, our friend is dead. Say not so. ing the winter in Ashland. The family after. The money has come out of the > Professor Baker, whose name was given and addressed the young ladies. He is not dead. Life has departed from old stocking and from under the stump will soon start for their home in Omaha. ' as Smith, commenced teaching school in James Patton came up from Grants this body, that we reverently lay here in The school flag floated at half mast yes an enjoyable program refresh and is seeking investment. All of this After ■ the Willow Springs district last Mundav. Mr. Baker comes to us well recommended. terday in memory of the late Lester V. Pass yesterday to look for a cue to burg its last resting place. But who in this leads me to believe that Bryan and free 1 ments were served ; then games of dif High, a student of the commercial depart lars who robbed his house the night be large gathering of people would dare say silver are things of the past. All of our ferent kinds were introduced making a I The ladies ot the M. E. church will give ment of 1893. fore. that the soul, the spirit that animated products are in demand and at advanced pleasant evening for all. Those present an oyster and cake supper at the brick hsll A special programme was rendered in the next Friday evening. Their church will Miss Mollie High, the Yreka dress the body is dead. Not one. prices, with the single exception of were: Misses Mamie and Francis Mc Bred regiatered Here- not be ready for occupancy for some time chapel Thursday morning in memory of maker, came over Tuesday to attend the All nations and tribes instinctively wheat, and we do not raise much of that Williams, Theresa Casey. Lillian Storms, The Bulls are all Pure pedigree with each one the 16th anniversary of Washington ’ s birth yet. believe in a futureexistence. Some peo to export. This winter has been very Mabel Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vau- fords; a duly certified funeral of her brother, the late Lester V. day A collection* was taken up for the ferent famaliee and of ple try to teach and believie that the favorable for the miner, and the yield of pel, Mr and Mrs. S. J. Evans, Mrs. W. They are of three dif- • Duncan Clark s female minstrel troupe purchasing of a flag. Ths receipts of which High. no kin. Neighbors purchasing one of each death of the body efids AU w Ij>o they gold should be good. J. Virgin, Mis. H. L. McWilliams, Mrs. did not show in the Point Tuesday evening was >10. There will be a game of baseball be succeed. No, I think not. ‘’^*- can change at end of useful period, thereby as per billed. It is thought best to keep P. 8. Casey, Robt. McWilliams, Leon The majority of our people are for gold tween a town nine and the high school thoroughbred animal shows out until the small pox excitement When troubles come and some dear standard and expansion, and are, you Patrick, Fred Engle, Ernest Long, W. Y. having the use of a KLAMATH FALLS. nine Saturday afternoon near the Cath one passes from this mundane sphere, for several years. They W-qBjBjjfe. ■ -'5; will be Bold at prices is over. Crowson, Sylvain Provost, H. S. Evans, might say, unanimous for the construc Geo Offield of Merrill was in the Falls olic church. that are consistent, JgjEgyja -‘r':''**.'-ÿ***'<»'.:>■ with rich and careful then, if no other time their spiritual tion of the Nicaragua canal. B, P. Greene, Thad Mcllattan. George and John Rose nave rented the Tuesday having concluded his school at breeding and individ- uaimtrit Attorney Burke Tongue of Hillsboro, natures are aroused, and that small Central Point hotel and have put up Tbe republicans will certainly carry notices for a saloon license, it is reported that place. a eon of the Congressman, attended the voice of their spirit friends whispers the election in June as well as the presi ---- INSPECTION INVITED----- that Jack Montgomery and wife will con John W. Wells and W. A. Walker of funeral of the Gen. T. G. Reames at to their mind, we are pot dead, we still dential election. Their gains will come duct the hotel. live and await your coming*, we would be from the gold-standard democrats, the Bly bave gone to San Joaquin valley Jacksonville. Registering voters is progressing very with two carloads of draught horses. happier if you would not grieve so for increase of immigration and the return John S. Shook, the Klamath county slowly in this precinct. There have only us, we are preparing the way for you. of many former republicans who went ASHLAND, OREG-ON. stockman, who is visiting Ashland left Fred Melhase, the prominent stock 60 or 65 registered here so far and some of Do let us help you. These, we astray on silver. There will be no fusion them are voters of Willow Springs and man of Ft. Klamath was in town the Tuesday for Gold Hill tc look after min know would be Lester’s sentiments. this year, consequently there will be first of the week attending to business ing properties. Mound precincts. A. F. HUNT. WM. 8TORM. As you all know that he was a three tickets in the field—republicans, J. L. THORNTON. affairs. There seems to be quite an interest being Chas. E. Comstock, the Penn Mutual kind hearted, unselfish ^youth. His, fljiridle-of-the-road populists and demo taken in the town elec .ion to be held on Thos. S. Handley and C. H. Dunlap representative, is stopping in Ashland good disposition made him matiy frieuds March 12 The ticket as now made out is of Lakeview arrived here Monday en insuring people's lives. Mrs. C. visited wherever he went. Many kind Words crats or any old road populists. Four years ago the demo-populists elected as follows: For trustees, J. W. Merritt, and deeds of bis come back fresh to bur their entire county ticket, with one ex W C. Leever. J W. Freeman, Wm. M. route home from San Francisco and Ash him yesterday. Holmes. J. H. Gay. E. Pleasants, M.S. land. Owen & Moore sold three Hereford memory as we think of his past life ception, and gave Bryan a majority of Welch and Wilder Freel; recorder, J. W. bulls last week. Two to Jno. Cox, Med among us. We should take heed and be nearly 1000 votes. Twq years ago the Considerable interest was manifested Jacobs; marshal, D. Lynes, (), R. Pankey; ford, and one to Mr. Dixon, Roseburg, more kind and considerate for our fel republicans elected their entire county street commissioner, W. A. Owen, A dsou at the tax sale last Saturday. The bid low man, for the young that are grow ticket, with two exceptions, and this Ford; treasurer, G. 8 Moore. ding was quite lively, and the common at >175.00 each. ing up around us. Earth-life is fleeting, year we intend to elect tbe entire repub comment was on the fact that not a Mrs. W. H. Atkinson, who has been any day or hour it may be our turn to go, lican ticket and give the presidential ASBESTOS. , single piece of land was bid in by the absent in Wisconsin and Oakland, Cal., for such is the fate of all mortals. el ¿ctors a majority. for many months, returned home to February comes with its usual snows. I I county. Our country, the country for which H. E. A nkeny , Lester fought, suffered and died, appre Miss Edith Daggett who has been Ashland yesterday. Republican State Committeeman. beih Williams went to Gold Hill the last visiting in Los Angeles during the past of the week. County Judge Abe Axtell and Clyde ciates the actions of the brave lads who China Cont>uiBhip Appointment. year, returned home Tuesday. Hockett were up from Grants Pass yes left homes and loved ones and have Wm. Mitchell went to Sam’s Valley one fought its battles. There is not a spot Washington, D. C. Feb. 27.—Hon. H. day last week. Commercial men are becoming very terday representing tbe old and the new on earth too remote, that if one of them B. Miller of Eugene, Ore., has been nomi Seth and Earl Williams were at D. Reyn numerous just now, C. M. Grieve, A. G. soldier at the High funeral. fell by bullet or disease, their remains nated by President McKinley as consul Stall and F. E. Clark of San Francisco olds last week. Mrs. E. Dekum, Ivan Humison, Milo are carefully taken care of and sent home for the United States at Chungking, Frank Davis returned from Medford the and H. F. Correll of 8acramento, arrived P. Ward and T. J. Pierce are all at Gold to their native land to be layed to rest China, vice Geo. F. Smithers, of Dela here the first of the week. Hill. Mrs. Dekum is preparing to erect in the soil where their young feet last of the week .- ware. liave joyously trod in days gone by. J. W Hamaker, Geo. Nickerson and n>3000 residence at Gold Hill. Frank Hammond returned from the (This position is the second in grade Yet why, why is it necessary that this J. W. Siemens returned from Bonanza valley this week. Have just added to my window shade in the consular service, and carries with bit of clay, this cast off remains that Fred Mitchell came home from Yreka Friday, where they have been institut line an invoioe of wide opaque and rollers , was once used by a sympathetic loving it a salary of >3000 per year, together ing an A O. U. W. Lodge. for making extra wide and odd size with the emoluments of office. Hon. H. one day last week. spirit, why should it be valued or sent bo B. Miller is one of the best known and A voung hopeful, by the nameof Eddie i shades. J. P. Dodge, opera bouse. Owing to high water our mail failed to , far. Does it matter in the great eterpity McClure was arrested and tried before ! arrive last Wednesday. W. H Swisler, the well known com what becomes of something that is of no capable men of the prominent republi Justice Hatton Tuesday, on charge of 18 Cts mercial traveler, after an absence of five further use to us. No, the only reason cans in Oregon. He has represented Pillsbury’s Vitos, per pek’g . Frank Dayis was visiting with D. Reyn assult with a dangerous weapon, and 15 years from this territory, is again com- is, ’tie a consolation to mourning love to Josephine county in the state legislature Pillsbury's Oats, per pek’g.. olds one day this week. both as senator and representative, and R vston Breakfast Food, pek’g.... 15 was held over for the circuit court. 4.> << Canned Fruits Extra A. L. Wooley and family were visiting ’ Young McClure and his victim, Tommy ; ing here, having made his first trip know that the grave of the dear depar ted has been mentioned for a similar posi Shred Whole Wheat Biscuit, pk’g.18 «( All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. recently. Grandpa Wooley last week. is near by, that they have performed the Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. Roberts, have been attending school in tion from Lane county at the coming Grandma’s Musli, per'pck’g........ 12 «• Hornbrook is honeycombed with Boer last sacred rights in laying to rest election. Political maneuverings have Flaked Wheat, per lb,..................... 05 • r Fred Mitchell was visitiog his grandpa Poe valley, when on Wednesday last Hodges the last of the week. aleo probably kept him from represent they decided to settle the question, of sympathizers and a grand ball will be all that is mortal of their loved one. the finest, per lb......... 5% <• Spiritualists regard death as a step ing this district in congress. Mr. Miller Oatmoat, given there on St. Patrick ’ s eve, March who was the "huskiest ” in the manly Oatmeal, lower grade, per lb......... 04 *< The poiy*"»«s bave began to boil in the art of self defence and proceeded to 16th, to raise means for the Boer ambu upward, a birth into a higher life. We is a prominent business man, owning an Pcstum Ceres), large size................ 25 << Meadows over road ov<.rw*.ss. enter that world as we leave this, no interest in the Grants Pass Sash & Door Postum Cereal, 6mall size.............. 15 Cl lambast one another according to lance fund. ———« Bad colds and fevers are taking their better, no worse; we reap the reward of Company, and also has some of the best Qneensbury doctrine, till the juicy Bargains ! Bargains in hardware, tin rounds in the neighborhood again. what we have done here. This world orchards in the Willamette valley, “clarvi” was spilling all over their Prospecting for coat in this section has youthful vic«ges. At a critical moment ware, stoves. Closing out for tbe next ' and the next is heaven or bell, just as located in Marion, Douglae, Josephine thirty days for cash only. Give me a we make it, for ourselves and others. been sloped for the present owing to too young McClure thinking his life in Granulated Sugar, call and be convinced. Store and fixt Lester was a firm believer in there doc and Lane counties. He married a much waler. daughter of Jno. Kelly, Springfield, this eminent danger, jerked out his pocket ures for rent. B. F. Reeser. trines. He realized that happiness county and has a family of two daugh Mr* and Mrs. Win. Mitchell were the knife and slashed it across Robert’s arm Attorney Geo. S. Nickerson of Klam comes from within, a peace and hap ters and two sons, who are attending Soests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wooley one inflecting a nasty little cut but not con 17 lb«, for $1.00 •V this week. sidered serious. The trial brought ath Falls and Director W. J. Wood went piness that the world’s gayety can not school in this city. Mr. Miller paqved IS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL Mrs. A. L. Wooley and Maggie Reynolds quite a delegation of friends and wit to Salem Sunday to interview the state give, or its trials and troubles rob us of, to Eugene several yçqr, a»o to secure for then the Supreme in us controls the land board in the interest of the Oregon were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell nesses to town 1 educational advantages for int children, OFFICE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. physical. We getglimpses of a grander, ’ and b&a an elegant residence on East your money BACK IF OUll GOODS Midland Railroad. one day this week. better life that we yearn to gain; we Religions Items. Earl Williams came up from Grants Dont ferget that on next Monday, grow better, kinder, more coiiBj<&rate. Ninth street, which is one of the soçig| ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. Pase^wbere be has been visiting bis sister Tbs usual services at the Presbyterian Tuesday and Wednesday, Dr. Lowe the It makes it easfor "to love our eij^mies centers of Eugene. Mr. Mijler is ex Mrs. John Wolfotk. church next Sabbath. Sermon subjects optician will be at Hotel Oregon. If and do good to those that hat& us.” pected home tonight or tomón ow from A. L. Wooley, Asbestos’ energic farmer will ba “Jeans healing the sick” and you value your eyesight dont fail to see When1 w6 understand fully thejgran- Moscow, Idaho, where he went to lec before the agricultural college.)— brought a load of grain in from tne valley “Whnt is Adoption?” him. And not Price, is always considered in our Dr^£ deur of these teachings, death froqld ture The.-.. Eugene Guard. the last of the week. » The men of the Presbyterian church Mrs R. S. Taylor and daughter and be robbed of its sting. Department; If the fair weather holds out a while will garve dinner at the church on Sat gon Marvin, Sheriff Alex, Orme, J. C. Eternity, then would hold no dread, Ashland longer, the farmers will be through with urday March 31 from 11 to 1:39. Come Whipp and Henry Orth were up Iron} For life is eternal, there are no dead. For fine canned goods go to Gibsou their seeding iu this section. Bros. Jacksonville yesterday tq attend the We live to learn, and to others jjve everybody. In Southern Oregon. Audrey and Oora urininger returned Wanted—A good waiter girl. Apply The Sunday morning sermon at tl>e Lester V. High funeral as was Mr. and The knowledge tqat we forever live, from Ashland where they have beeiuitiend- Mrs. M. F. Stewart, D. R. Andrus, My. 0! Peaceful rest, 01 Joy sublime, at the Ashland House. ing the normal for the past few weeks. Christian church will be on the “World and Mrs. Fred Barnehurg qf Medford. ?o gain the victory over death and time. Wide Salvation.” In the evening "The Ernest, the eight months old child of Fred Bailey of the Meadows, was up in Heroism of Life." Co. B. of the 2d Q. N- LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE II. C. Dqllarhide returned to Duns? a help the fallen, to encourage the Mr. and Mrs. E. Edelhoff of the Ash the Asbestos district circulating a pei- G. will be in attendence as a body. Na * « ■ weak, muir yesterday. He has arranged with tion to change the road in the Meadows. tional music. The public is invited. land Grocery Co., was found dead in bed the Ashland Iron Work, to make the What higher joys should mortals seek. ■OF------- in its mother’s arms Wednesday morn Our mail carrier brought the news to As Preaching at the M, F.. church Sun first hot air frost protector machine un And when our life on earth Is o’er ing, of lung trouble. Burial in Ashland bestos that Schuyler Hammond was one day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. by the We go to join those gone before. cemetery, Rev. A. M. Russell officiating. of the parties who*helped to bury a man in pastor. Suhj-ctoi the morning discourse, der the patent of Peter Nevens of Edge Semi-Weekly Stage Line Corporal Otto Miller, Corporal Fred Grants'Pass wba.died with smallpox. He is “Possibilities and Revelations ol the wood. The machine can be carried Dy An elegant line of Framed Pictures at now in our neighborhood and has given one horse and the hot air is blown on Ahlstrom, Geo. Churchman, Walter Future Life”. Evening subject, "How the trees with fans the people quite a scare. and Mail Contract from Denny, Clyde Hockett, John Bailey, Opera House Furniture Store. long halt ve between two opinions?’’ The state bee-keepers’ association held Fred Herrin and Henry Wagner—the ■o Have yon seen the Raycycle, the beet Suudav is “membership dav,” and it is Gibson Bros, have marked down nearly Ashland to, pvlioan Bay. and handsomest wheel made; will run hoped that the members will Im present. all their fine stock of canned and bottled firing squad of Gen. Wheaton Post, fired its annual session at Los Angeles last Water Street. three volleys over the open grave, and week. The old officers were re-elected. Call and see me when you are in need of 1000 miles without oiling; will run 27 New members will be received. The goods. any property of any description, either to Bugler Buel Hildreth sounded _ taps. They are as follows: R. Watkin, presi fsr cent lighter than anv bicycle made public cordially invited. J. T. Abbett, rent or bur. a sapper Sergeants Grubb, Crowson and Pracht y mail or ho easiest bill climber made. For sam pastor. I have ranches for sale in every part of at Ckld Fellows hallQ on March 10th from and privates Frank Grubb, Conner and dent; J. F. Mclutyre, Sespe, secretary, express _ Receive ple and prices call at Reeser's hardware and treasurer; E. Hart t Angeles Jackson county; fine land and low prices. from 5 o’clock to 8. I Oysters, cake and ; Werth, Gen. Wheaton Post pall btarei :rs Çrompt attention. There will be divine services in Trinity Small acreagss of fruit land near town tore. county; E. A- Hones, Orange county; away’the’re^iM. EKM« C a «H AT Episcopal Church Sunday at 11 a. m. coffee, etc. A good program and good j and land in bearing fruit, any number of MXASOBABLB.EATZa- R. Touchton, Ventura county; H. E. The postoffice at Independence, Polk All are invited. Sunday school at 10 a.m. music. All are invited. Admission 25 i acres, large or small. cents. Wilder, Riverside couutv; Delos Wood, county, was burglarised of over >600 I I bave several bouses to sell In the city; At the Baptist church on Sunday at R. O. Stine has resigned his position Santa Barbara county, vice-presidents. prices to suit the times. Sunday morning. >400 being in poetage John Stanley of McCloud and Mrs. stamps. The safe was blown up with 11 a. m. the pastor will preach after Olive Lee of this city went to Jackson with Newell’s railroad tunnel carpenters The Japanese residents of British Co HOUbES TO RENT. which the Lord’s Supper will be served. at Siskiyou and will make his head powder. MONEY TO LOAN The B. Y. P. U. Society will meet at 6:30 ville yesterday to be married. They re quarters in AsLland. He has gone to lumbia have renewed their offer to raise turn to McCloud to make their home 1N8U RANCE A 6PECIA LT Y. One a three seat and the We give no rewards. An otter of this ' p. m. At 7:30 a praise service led by the and equip at their personal expense a Elk creek to put up a 10,000 feet per kind is the meanest of deceptions. Test choir and assisted by a male quartet, where he is employed in the big eaw Here are a few of my bargains: corps of at least 100 traiued men 50 day eaw mill for H. C. Messenger. The thecurraiive powers of Ely’s Cream Balru , will occupy the eveuinghour. A cordial mill company. other two seats. Six head Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres mill will manufacture oak and ash lum of them formelv soldiers in the army for the curs of Catarrh, Hay Fever and Mrs. Stanley A. McIntosh, who has ber. » in fruit. >450, ” • *•’ •*' ’ 1 Cold in the Head and von are O'-rs to con . invitation is extended to all. of Japan, for service with the British Sis acre tract, three acres in fruit, good LADIES’ been visiting her folks, C. O. McClendon tinue the treatment. Relief is immediate of Horses and two sets of forces in South Africa. r£he Japanese house, bam, etc., running water, for >500. After P.urnside Post and W. R. C., G. and family, in Ashland and relatives aud a cure foUows It u not drying, does Go to Gibson Bros, for flue groceries Auolher ten acre tract, some fruit, two -A. IN* 2D and friends in other parts of the valley, A. R., returned to their hall from teeter are eager to gq the front, aud all the not produce sneezing. It soothes and and provisions. Small bouses. >100. Harness. heal* the membrane Pt ice 50 cents at leaves to-night for her home at Harri V. High’s funeral yesterday afternoon volunteers havv made themselvers elig These are within a mile and a bill of druggists or by mail. Ely Brothers, 56 8. M. Rhodes has moved his hard son Gulch, Shasta county. Father Edward Donnelly, the new Catho- ible for service by taking out papers of Ashland. Warren Street, New York. ware store from the old quarters in the fie priest, made them a patriotic talk British citizenship. Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely A. T. Morian, the trainman, returned hat was well received and highly spoken Call on or apply to. unimproved, >200 Matt Konsack, who has been visiting I. O. O. F. block to elegant quarters in yesterday liieutenant-Calopel Henry R- Brinker from New York rtate, where his place of business in the Beach block Hotel property in town, for sale for >4000. *v,a.of for its loval American sentiments, his brothers at Merrill, Klamath county One hundred acres fine valley land, two jook^uesday’s train for Sheyenne, N. D. over the bridge on Main street. Besides he was called by the serious illness of I Father Donnelly is an old soldier, having hoff, fjleventh United States Infantry, miles from Medford. >4500. hi* customary hardware stock he has re bis father. served in both the army and navy on the has been appointed Treasurer of the Call and see me m regard to any of the ceived a new stock of goods and a full Union eide during the civil war. Island of Porto Rico, relieving Major above, and if they do not suit, I have a D. Perozzi, qf the Ashland Creamery line Qf tin and granite ware, orchard Jamas A- Buchanan, Fifth Infantry. large list from which you might choose Special bargains qn canned corn and D ry G oods , N ovelties , tools, spraying tools, stoves and ranges Co . is having a 24 x 24, two story cqld GEO. W, IREFKEN. [ . ..Nogh Coleman wm over fuom Colt ’ s •tor««« plant erected near ths creamery, strins beans and baki» powders al Gtfc and everything kept in a hardware store. ixjei on in. Ashland Oragvn. | Main fnwt, FW Bridgt. MUguiiQr. Itii of randrwns fruía Jgckson i ton., wn firm. L v u ~ Wwtsk kttwdlct ths tall. Give fata ■ rail in bis nww ^uartwi. Màio ffUWt, Of« tta Bfltgd. SUTTON’S SNAP SHOT. THE WONDERFUL DESTROYER I___ ________ INFLAMMATION IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON. PROP VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLEY RECORD. Spring Stock! Dry Goods.... Clothing, Boots & Shoes. WM. YEO & CO. Twenty-Five Bead of Pure Bred Hereford Bulls. ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Yes, Oregon. Ashland, We have them: COLEMAN BRO'S-, Proprietors. BUY : AND 1900 GREEN SELL SHERWIN FRUITS. 1900 THE LARGEST and RFRT For Sale Ashland- . STEAM.. GEO. W. TREFE EN Laundry :: t.’üRltuLÜm. 2 First-Class Spring Wagons, J. N. SMITH, UNDERWEAR