V ’ ALAJlJl AT.TiPY T* El £1 xjVJ J* !’• J-Ellis Rodley was convicted sat [ Six men were injured by an explosion Oroville of perjury on the first ballot.' in th'* Columbia Firecracker works at The jury was out ton minutes. Dr. I-’. O. A line? part of tho fac- Rodley was accused of consp cacy to --,. The Peopie » Papex. secure the estate of William Fuller, nr.xer • • -. ilo-ives, wiii di?. Frank ; a wealthy pioneer farmer of Butte Dutcher, a v. it >r, was burned and hurt by falling walls, and four workmen sus­ ASHLAND, Or....Thursday. Feb. 22.1900 county, by means of a forged will. The extra session of the California tained severe burns. Legislature closed Saturday. Secretary Root has sent to congress GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. “ Star ” tin tags (showing small stars printed on under side The Bellingham Bay & British Cc an abstract of the militia force of the of tag), “HorseShoe,” “J.T.,” “GoodLuok,” “CrossBow,” Nelson, B. C., is to have a smelter lumbia railroad has placed a $1,000,006 United States, It shows the total num­ and ” Drummond ” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in trust mortgage on its line of railroad ber of men available for military duty JLid lead pipe factory. securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. but unorganized, as 10,343,150, and an The Sierra Railway company is run­ from Whatcom to Sumas, Wash., to se­ Every man, woman and child can find something on the list ning train > from Jamestown to Carters, cure an issuance of bonds of that aggregate organized strength of 106,339. that they would like to have, and can have amount. The Bank of California is Cal. William F. Miller, the head of the the mortgagee. notorious Franklin Syndicate in Brook­ '< 't:lv 20'0 men are at work on the TAGS. demonstrates its superiority over other SAM. Near Santa Cruz, Cal., the Big creek 1 klatch Box.•• • • — • ■ M S3 Clock, «-day. Calendar, Thermom­ blood remedies. It matters not how ob­ ioast r i m id line at G.tviota and Santa electric plant is bought by F. W. Bil­ lyn, which promised to pay and did pay eter, Barometer ................................ 6W> 85 2 Kn-fe, one blade, good steel........ . to many persons 500 per cent on invest­ stinate the case, nor what other treat­ Barbara, Ca’. 3 Scissors, inches.............................. 25 M Gun case, leather, no bstter made, auu ling and J. F. Packard of Utah St Revolver, automatic, double actlon,^^ 4 Child’s Set. Knife, Fork and Spoon 85 ment or remedies have failed, S. 8. 8. ments and who fled when the news S3 or 38 caliber..................................... 600 6 Salt and Pepper Set, one each, quad­ The Northern P.v'ific Railway com­ $250,000, who intend to construct a du­ reached him of his indictment for grand always promptly reaches and cures any St Too! Set, not playthings, but real ruple plate on white metal.............. pany has bought the Everett & Monte tool*.......... . ........................................ 650 » f French Briar Wood Pipe ..................... plicate pole line from Santa Cruz to Big PlirQC thfi U/nrct P q COC disease where the blood is in any way involved. larceny and conspiracy by the Kings XI Toilet Set, deco-ated porcelain, 7 Razor, hollow ground, fine English UuluO lilu nuldl UQuudi Everyone who has had experience with Cristo (Wash.) railway. creek and raise the dam ten feet, mak­ county grand jury, was brought back to very handsome.............. 800 steel.......................................... . ......... to IB Remington Rifle No. 4. S3 or S3 cal. 800 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, best blood diseases knows that there are no ail­ The Old C ilotiv Trust company of ing it 40 feet high. 28 Watch, sterling silver, full jeweled 1000 New York. He had eluded capture quality ................................................. to ments or troubles so obstinate and difficult to cure. Very few remedies claim Massachusetts is filing in Californa 9 Sugar Shell, triple pla'e. bes. quaL. to so Dree* Suit Caae, leather, handsome The matter of excluding 300,000 acres since November last. and durable.................................... 1000 to cure such real, deep-seated blood diseases as 3. 8. 8. cures, and none can counties a $2,500,000 mortgage on the 10 Stamp Box, sterling silver............... 70 of land from the Olympic ’ forest reserve 11 Knife, “Keen Rutter," two blades.. n SI Sewing Machine, first class, with offer such incontrovertible evidence of merit. 8 8. 8. is not merely a tonic—it all attachments................................. 1500 HOW 18 YOUR WIFE? 11 Butcher Knife, "Keen Kutter,” 8-in Sunset Telegraph & Telephone com­ in Clallam county, Wash., and 200,000 is a cure! It goes down to the very seat of all blood diseases, and gets at the blade...................................................... 7» S3 Revolver, Colt’s, 38-caliber, blued Has she lost her beauty 1 It so, Consti ­ steel ..................................................... 1500 pany. 13 Shears, “Keen Kntter,” 8-inch........ 11 acres in Jefferson county, has been fa­ foundation of the very worst cases, and routs the poison from the system. It does 33 Rifle. Oolt’s, 16«hot. XS-caliber.......liuo 14 Nut Set, Ctacker and 6 Picks, silver pation, Indigestion. Sick Headache are the vorably passed upon by the cominissionei not, like other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily, 34 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in­ plated................................................... 80 During January there were 72 oil Cnncipal causes. Karl’s Clover Root Tea laid.............................................................. 3000 la Base Ball, “Association,” best qual.100 only to break forth again more violently than ever; 8. 8. 8. forces out every companies organized in California with of the general land office and is now be­ as cured these ills for half a century. 15 Alarm Clock, nickel.................. 160 35 Mandolin, very handsome.............. 8000 trace of taint, and rids the system of it forever. 17 Six Genuine Rogers’ Teaspoons, best an aggregate capitalization of $17,025,- fore Secretary Hitchcock for approval. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded 36 Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, plated goods ...................................... ISO Mrs.T. W. Lee, Montgomery, Ala., writes: “Some years if results are not satisfactory. E ugene A 13 gauge.............................................. SO00 Indications are that this half-millioo 000. 18 watch, nickel, stem wind and set.. 800 ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected S hebwin , Druggist. ST Remington, double-barrel, ham­ 19 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn Many of the employees of the Agnews acres will be restored to the public do- mer Snot Gun, 10 or 13 gauge........ 8000 my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and handles.............. .....200 maiu. It will include practically all the Two long steel bridges have just been 90 Six Genuine Rogers’ Table Spoons, 38 Bicycle, standard make, ladies or ulcers from head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed insane asylum have resigned lately. best plated goods................................ 850 gent*................................................... 8500 valley lands suitable for agriculture, and ordered by the Sou’hera Pacific com to die. Several prominent physicians treated me, Dut all 81 Six each. Knives and Forks, buck- The newly organized chamber of com­ legislation will be enacted giving actual pany. Oua is to cross Bear river, near Gun. Remington, double bar­ horn handles......................................850 39 Shot to no purpose The mercury and potash which they rai, hammerless......... ....................... 8*00 23 Six each, Genuine Rogers’ Knives merce at Stockton is planning many settlers three months’ preference right Wheatland, iu Yuba county,and is to be gave me seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was and Forks, best plated goods..........500 40 Begin* Music Box, 15>4 inch DLao.. 5000 beneficial improvements for the city. devouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen over scrip-holders to take up these lands. 36J feet long, with nine spans of 40 feet THE HBOVE OFFER EXPIRES MOV EMBER 30TH, 1900. wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift’s Specific. I im­ A windstorm raged at Vancouver, Dr. J. Ellis Rodley was sentenced at each. The other is to crest the S.iut.t ^narial Nnfica t Plain " Star ” Tin Tags (that te. Star tin tags with no small proved from the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct B. C., a few days ago. The wind at­ Oroville to 12 years’ imprisonment foi Ana river near Colton iu Southern Cali­ OpuLIdl IVUtILC 1 stars printed on under side of tag), are not good for present», to the cause of the trouble and force the poison out. Twenty ■■ but will be paid for in CASH on the basia of twenty cents per tained a velocity of 55 miles an hour. perjury in connection with the will oi fornia, and is to be 420 feet long, with hundred, if received by us on or before March 1st. 1900. bottles cured me completely.” Swift’s Specific— Thousands of dollars of damage was the late Alfred Faller. His counsel seven spans of 60 feet each. The steel JWBEAR IN MIND that a dime’s worth of done to shipping and property. asked for a new trial, which was re­ superstructure will rest on solid ma­ Mrs. Ellen Tweeddale was struck by a fused. He hen gave notice of an ap­ sonry, and in every rospect the bridges will last longer and afford more pleasure than a dime’s worth of any —is the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no traction car at Los Angeles and is not peal to the supreme court. He served will be high-class - modern structures. other brand. MAKETHETE8TI mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to expected to recover. Her skull is frac­ notice of th- arrest of judgment on the Work upon both bridges will begin in cure Cancer, Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Send tags to COXT I CENTAL TOBACCO CO., St. LOUiS, Mo. tured at the base. She ;s a wid w with sheriff, so the prisoner was not taken t< about two months and will be com­ Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Sores, etc. i pleted before the end of the year. two children. 80$”* San Quentin. Rodley asked a trial at l Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. The dredging of Stockton and Mor­ I once on the charge of forgery. The dis­ mon chan lie s by government contractors trict attorney asked that the charge has commenced. against him be dismissed, which wai A fire started in a house of ill-fame at done. Agust Horrmann, president of the , Eureka a few nights ago by the explo­ CROP CABINET BUBOICK SEWING MACHINE freight,c.O.D.s«MecUo examton- Jou. You can examine it at your nearest freight depot and if found sion of a lamp. The building was badly I i Rubsam & Horrmann Brewing com­ perfectly satisfactory,exactly as represented, equal to ■tachicesothers seii pany of Stapleton, S. I., committed sui ­ burned, and Rose Eastman, an inmate, hlrte as ¿ud.OO, and THE GREATEST B BGAIS YOU Special Offer Price $15.50 and Louis Frazier were burned to death. cide by cutting his throat with a razor in a private sanitarium in New York, and freight charges. Machine weighs 120 pounds and the freight will Mrs. Louise Boyce, cashier in a res­ average 75 centa tor each 500 miles. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL in where he had been placed for treatment your own home, and we will return your $15.50 any day you are not taurant at Tacoma, Wash., was shot satisfied. Hr sell different makes and gr?aesof Sew in- Mach lies at $S. 50, for some mental trouble. Mr. Horr ­ $10.00, £11.00, $12.00 acd np. all fully described in our Free Sewing four times by her husband. Edwin L. ficchine Catalogue, but $15.50 for this DROP DESK CABINET BLRDICK is mann was also president of the Staten the sreatebt value ever offered by any house. Boyce, and received fatal injuries. Jeal­ Island Savings bank. He was a mil­ BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ousy was the cause. Beth formerly lionaire. tisements,offering unknown machines under various names, with various in- lived in San Francisco. iacementK. Write somp friend iu Chicago and learn who are reliable ar.d who are not. every HODERh 1MPR0VE9ENT, A bill now under consideration by the F. B. Tirkield. Health Inspector of Chi THE ■ BURDICK has EVERY GOOD POIXT OF EVERY HIGH cago says, “Rodol Dyspepsia Cure cannoi committee of the senate on public lands GRADE MACHINE MADE, WITH THE be recommended >oo’highly. It cured rut DEFECTS OF KOME. Made by the beat maker« in America, of dyspepsia.” Itidigest- what you eat anc provides that the state school of mines from the best material money­ at Golden, Colo., shall annually receive cures indigestion, heartburn and all form can buy. of dyspepsia,—E ugene A. S hebwin . 25 per cent of all moneys paid to the SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK George Beauregard Barrow the man United States for mineral lands within closed (head dropping from sight) to be used as a center table, stand or desk, the other open with lull length table and head in place for who planned the abduction of Baby the State of Colorado. It is stipulated sewing. 4 fancy drawers, latest 1S9S skeleton frame, carved, paneled, em­ bossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on four Marion Clark, has become iusane in that this sum shall not exceed $12,000 in casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. Finest large High Arm head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrating shuttle, automatic Sing Sing prison, New York, where he any one year, nor shall it exceed the bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator.improved looee wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, had been confined since June 17 amount of money expended by the state patent dress guard, head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully last under a sentence of 14 years. It is for the school. nickel irimmsd. GUARANTEED the lightest running, most durable aud nearest noiseless machine made. E»ery known attachment is furnished and our Free In­ Health in her beaming eyes, health in likely that he will end his days in struction Book tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any News from Constantinople, sent via kind of fancy work. A 20-Years* Binding Guarantee is sent with every machine. Matteawan asylum for insane crim­ the frontier, tells of an extraordinary her glowing cheek, health in her merry IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to so« and examine »his machine, compare it with laugh. Yet country air and country those your storekeeper sells at $40.00 to inals, whither he has been taken. condition of lawlessness prevailing hours can’t save her from the common SSO.uO, and then if convinced that you are saving $25.00 to $40.00, pay your freight agent the Si 6. SO. WK TO BETCRN YOVR $15.50 if at any time within three month« you say you are not satisfied. ORDER TO DAY experience of women — an experience there. The wife of Hassan Pasha, min ­ The Chicago & Northwestern passen­ DON’T DELAY. (Sears, Roebuck & Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) ger train, known as the Felch mountain ister of marine, and two other ladies which dulls the eye, pales the cheek, Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. accommodation, which runs between were set upon and assassinated while and turns the laugh to a sigh. Womanly They sveje ills come to almost all. But for these Hudyan gives one Energy, Escanaba and Metropolitan, Mich., was out driving Thursday. fludyan for Men and Women ills there is help and healing in Dr. Vigor,Vim, makes one Robust mixed up in palace intrigues. About Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It regu­ wrecked in a rear-end collision at Ford and Strong. Hudyan creates FIFTY CENTS. bright, rosy complexions, be­ River switch Friday. Nine persons were the same time, in the lower quarter of lates the periods, stops unhealthy drains, Hudyan cures, never doubt cause it insures perfect activ­ killed, three are reported missing, five the city, a crowd of Albanian soldieir cures inflammation, ulceration and fe­ it. II bdyan cures all disorder* ity of all organs of the body. arising from Weak Nerves or attacked a group of Turkish sailors. A male weakness. It makes weak women Women who suffer with pain­ seriously and four slightly injured. Impoverished blood. Hudyan ful or irregular periods, leu- t general riot followed, and in the melee strong, sick women well. cures Nervousness, Trem­ corrhcea, bearing-down pains, The war department made the state­ blings, Weakness, Dizziness, chronic inflammations and ten men were killed aud many oti e • "Miss Ella Sapp, of Jamestown. Guilford Co., Al! gone Feeling. Hudyan ment recently that the total collections HE ulcerations find absolute N. C., writes: “I had suffered three years or more or less seriously hurt. The sultan more cures Sleeplessness, Despond­ comfort in Hudyan. Itcures. ffl at monthly periods. It seemed as though for the port of Havana for the 361 work ­ lì ency, Mental Depression. Hudyan makes rich blood, has received warning from the “ Young die with'pain in my back and stomach. T •’M Hudyan cures Indigestion, ing days of the year 1899, was $1,097,- Turkey ” party that he will be killed at I I would promote* sound sleep, creates could not stand without fainting ; had given ■ Bloating of Stomach, Palpita­ a healthy appetite. Hudyan up al! hope of ever being cured, when one of 154, making a n average daily collection tion of the Ifeart. Pale or Sal­ X cure* are permanent and last­ the end of three months unless he my friends insisted upon my trying Dr. Pierce’s low Complexions. Hudyan of $36.867. ing. Consult th« Great Hudyan Favorite Prescription. With but little faith I granted the new constitution they had cures Clouded Memory, Head­ TTSr-jf Doctor* Free. They Advise tried it, and before I had taken half a bottle I aches, Costiveness, Torpid Robert E. Spencer, the cashier of the asked for. Wholesale arrests have fol­ felt better—had better appetite and slept better. Free. Cell orWrit*. Hudyan, Liver. Hudyan cures Pain in 60 cts. a package, 6 packages, Now I am happy to say I am entirely cured, and banking firm of R. D. Robert and E. lowed these events. Back, Pain tn Side, Pains in $2.60. For sale by all drug­ *11 done in two months’ time, when all other Limbs, Weak Back, Sediment pencer at Thomsonville, Conn., which gists, or send direct to Hudyan in Urine, Ringing in Ears, It officially announced at London medicines had failed to do any good at all." Remedy Co., corner Stockton, filed a petition in bankruptcy in the Un­ that Sir Edmund J. Monson, the British Dots before Eyes. Hudyan THE POPULAR THROUGH Biliousness is cured by the use of Dr. Ellie and Market Streets, ta- cures Loss of Flesh, Loss of ited States court at Hartford Monday, embassador to France, has left Paris Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. CAR LINE FROM THE Francisco, California. Appetite, Haggard Appear­ with liabilities of about $105,000, was ar­ ance, Lack of Energy. for the south on leave of absence. Tne rested Saturday with criminal charge, f fAi Joy’s fcr the Jaded and Good alleging the misappropriation of funds. announcement is generally believed as Health for all Mankind. important coming on top of the known F9RriF lOY’S VEGETABL.E~SARIAPAflit.LA. anti-British feeling in Franca it is TELL YOUR SISTER TO ALL POINTS A Beautiful Complexion is an impossibility thought the departure of the embassa­ without good pure blood, the sort that dor from his post at the present junc­ ties throug* is made from R. C NICHOL, Gsneral Agent S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T ft nature’sown only exists in connection with good diges ture indicates more than appears on the herbs, aud 151 W^luajloo St. PORTLAND. ORZ. DENVER. COLO. proper chan­ tion. a healthy liver and bowels. Karl’s surface or than is contained in the offi­ Contains no nels. Joy's mineral Clover Root Tea acts directly on the Vegetable drugs or AT half PRICE. bowels, liver and Kidneys keeping them in cial explanation. Sarsaparilla deadly pois­ S. $. S. GOES TO THE BOTTOM. ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ soi ctT A D Tili YOliRW I MIB TAGS ★ r ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Promptly Reaches the Seat of all Blood Diseases and S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STAR PLUG TOBACCO SEND NO MONEY m a g perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 ct j. E ugene A. B hebwin . Druggist. Lewis Dennis. Salem, Ind., say* “Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure did me moregood’tban any 'hing I ever took.” It digests what you A Belgian rabbit show was held at eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and Los Angeles during last week. It was win . stomach troubles.—E ugene A. S heb ­ rf-ri - « j EAS I GIVES THE CHOICE OF elastic thigh stocking, A to I, $7.50; thigh legging, C to I, $6.00; thigh piece, Gio 1. $8.50; knee stocking, A toG, $3.00; knee legging, C toG, $4.00; knee csp, E to G, $2.00; gorier stocking, A to E, $3.00; garter _______ legging, C to E, $2.00; anklot, A to C. $2.00; abdominal belt. K to M, $10.00. COTTOS ELASTIC GOODS. ONE.THIRD LES8. Special Covered Elastic Abdominal Supporter, made of soft lisle thread, interwoven with Srotected rubber thread. 8 inches wide, $2.00; 10 inches, 2.25; 12 inches. $2.50. Write for Surgery Catalogue. TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL RO U TES SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO., lined. CHICAGO. ILL Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST- PAUL TÒATT. WA ’Y' KANSAS CITY Steames Leave Portland Every N S Pullman FOR Snake River— Leave Riparia dally Leave Lewiston daily. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- kohome and Hong Kong in connection with O. R A N. For full intormat’on ca:l on O. K AN Agent, ROUT. LEONARD, Ashland. Or OR ADt'KKSti: W. H. HURLBURT, tieu’l Pass. Agent. PORTLAND. OK DODWELL. CARL1LL & CO. Gen. Agis. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co. PORTLAND. OREGON Carpets at Vaupel. Norris & Drake’s For Eunehtne, flowers and oranges take the Sunset Route via Loa Angeles to all points East. Tourist excaraion cars and chair cars to El Paso, Fort Worth, Kan­ sas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, New Orleans and Washington, D. C. For rates, guides and information ad­ dress C. H. M arkham , G. P. A., Portland, Or. u I Ocean i probably tho largest show" of its kind ever held. While walking along a street in St< ckton a few days ago Mrs. Catherine Mallard, 75 years of ago, dropped dead. Although in good health she knew sue was going to die and expressed a wish to live long enough to see her grand­ children. From warehouse reports the potato crop of Salii as valley the past year has been cuoriu us. The output this year, it is estimated, will reach 10,000 tons. According to a decision received from Sacramento by the attorneys for the defendant, Cole, now serving a life sen­ tence for the murder of his sister-in-law, Mary Perez, at Castroville, the supreme court has granted Cole a new trial on errors. Victor H. Hendershot, a telegraph operator, was run over by a freight train at Loomis, and died a few hours later. Beat Winter Route AKO AKD CHICAGO N VIA VIA ORTHERN PACIFIC Sleeping Cars QUARTER OF A CENT. cures Dys- epsia, h r o n i c Constipa­ tion, Liver Com plaints and Kidney Affections. on. Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla :o b s the blood of all Xs impuri­ ties, end Courses all toesc imparl- B Erects a Hog, Poultrjr or Stock Fence for about half the money required to build any other kind of fence. Machines and farm rights for sale bv r. Ha MUitTW ASHLAND, OREGON. SEND US ONE DOLLAR «““s ’ OKK DOLLAR, SPECIAL HIGH GRADE $38.50 STOCK SADDLE by freight C. O. 1>. subject to examination. YOU CAN EXAMINE IT perfectly «atlafaetory, exactly a« represented, An Estimate Expert, Preeminent in An Extra Fine High Crade Saddle and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at from Hl* Department, Command* a Big Salary. .... MILWAUKEE” A familiar nxme for the Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul Railway, known all over tbe Union aa tbe Great Railway running the "PIONEER LIMITED' Trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “Tbe only perfect traina in the world.” Understand: Connections are made with AU Transcontinental Lines, assuring to paeeengers tbe best service known. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “Tho Milwaukee” when going to any poin in tbe United States or Canada. Al ticket agents seH them. For retee, pamphlets or other infer motion, sddrees, J. W. CASEY, 0. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt., General Agt., S eattle , W ash . P ortland , O r . fANADIANz-) ^"PACIFIC F\Y. ----- and----- SOO PACIFIC LINE, The only route that can give Grand Scenery, Low Rates, Model Accommodations. Ocean to Ocean W ithout C hange of C ars . Throuflh Tickets to------ And from Europe via all Atlantic Steamers. Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit­ ish Columbia. Express Line to ■ ---- *^® China and Japan. Canadian Australian Line to---- HONOLULU-AUSTRALIA For full particular! aa to time, rates, and for copies of C. P. R. Publications, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. OrtoH. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third street, Portland, Or. E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. 0. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want tbe beat service obtain­ able ao far aa speed, comfort and safety ie concerned. Employees of the Wis coNsiN C entral L ine « are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated ao as to make close connection «with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a la Carlo. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over............... The Wisconsin Central Lines OUR PRICE, $38.50, less the $1.00 deposit, or $87.50, and freight andjyou will make direct connections at Sc. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. This Saddle Is made on a 1554 or 16-inch Genuine Ladesrpa or For any further,information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with Nelson Heavy Steel Fork .... CAREFULLY SELECTED RAWHIDE COVERED JAS. C. POND, TREE, bound or roll cantie, steel leather covered stirrups General Pass. Agent, or 2-inch oxbow brass bound, as desired. Will send bound cantie unless otherwise ordered. or JAB. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG General Agent, WiscoMsur, lined, 34nch wide lace stirrup leathers, 13<-ineh tie straps, 246 stkTk Street, extra long on near side, 2-inch to bucklo on offside, heavy cotton twisted Mexican 5-lnch front cinch, heavy cotton P ortland , O regon . belting flank cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, seat and pay the freight agent charges. But all the high salaries do not go to managers, says Ainslee’s Magazine, in an article on “The Big Salaries of New York.” An expert who Is preeminent in his own department sometimes earns a salary that seems fabulous. In indus­ tries where profits are calculated in fractions of a cent on each pound of a commodity produced, the value of an expert who is as nearly as possible in­ fallible in his calculations can hardly be estimated. In the case of sugar re­ fining this is particularly true. Even though Mr. llavemeyer once said testily to an investigating committee that was questioning him about an increase of a quarter of a cent a pound on sugar; “Who cares for a quarter of a cent?” it is a fact that one of his highest-sal­ aried employes is his expert chemist, J. 0. Donner, who is reputed to be able to estimate the value of different methods of refining sugar even unto the third and fourth place of decimals. But the ability to make such estimates is not the sole value of such an expert. In or­ der to command the highest salary he must be able to suggest improvements >n existing methodsand develop possi­ bilities that would never occur to the ordinary expert who might be his equal in making a quantitative analysis. My dear Smith:—Your pointer was a peach I ieit for Chicago immediately after 1 saw Elegant you, and of course bought my ticket over DOES THIS STRIKE YOU ? the Wisconsin Central Ry., from St. Paul Dining Cars Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath to Chicago. I bad plenty of time in bt. Paul to go up town and get my supper, as come from chronic constipation. Kari’s Tourist C over Root Tea is an absolute cure and my traiu leaves St. Paul at 7:40 p. m. I returned to the depot about 7:20. When lias been sold for fifty years on an absolute Sleeping Cars passing through the gates, the gentleman guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene .-aid, “There’s your train to the right;” 1 A. S hebwin , Druggist. I banded fuy grip to the gentlemanly porter, . »X, T .________ who p aced it in my berth. (You will no­ tice I call this my train, while it really be­ SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. MINNEAPOLIS longs to the Wisconsin Central. 1 con Id not help but feel that I owned the train, and DULUTH_______ even the road, the employees are so courte­ A. O. U. W. ous.) I then prepared myself for tbe com- FARGO ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. torts in store. Well, talk about traveling! TO 1 have traveled all over the wide world, but GRAND FORKS Meets in lodge room in Muonic Hal) never had a more delightful trip than this •very second and foubth Wednesday in CROOKSTON one trom St. Paul to Chicago over the Wis­ •ach month. All brethren in good standing consin Central Ry. I retired about 10 p. m., ire cordially invited to attend. WINNIPEG __ and enjoyed a good nights rest in the Pull­ G eo . E ngle , M. W. man Palace Car; only woke up once during G eo . W. T befben , Recorder, HELENA and the night, and that wu when the porter punched me and said; “Mr. Brown, please RUTTE dou’t snore so loud, you disturb the rest of G. A- R. the passengers.” I at once fed asleep, and awoke zgatti about 7 a. ni., and prepared BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. my self for breaafast* went iuto tbe dining Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and car about $ a in., and partook of a most Id Saturday of each month. Visiting Corr s imptyous me.« I. All meals are served a •aiieecoriliallv TO welcomed. la carie, as you know. My entire trip was S H DUNLAP, Commander. a most deiigbtlut one. I will Dever eea-e W. I. M c N utt , Adiutant. to praise ihe Wisconsin Central Ry., and I know that your sentiments are the same. Our friend Jones reached Chicago via W. R. C. NEW YORK anotbef route and was six hours late. BUBK6IDE RELIEF COBF8 NO. 24 Consequently, he missed connections for ’.OSTON AND ALL Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock j> New York, and cannot make connection ftlNIs- EAST and SOUTH therewith Steamer for the Paris Exposition. oi on the second and fourth Saturdays of Heine Las given up bis trip, and wid re­ -ach month. Maa. B usan B each , Pres. M ls . Mary Berry, Sec’v. Central Ry. Through tickets to Ji pan and Chiba, via turn , home via the Wisconsin Your friend. Ta’"'ma and Northern .Steamship BROWN. Oo. 4 - KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. P S. Since you were in Chicago, the Zur i’lformation, time cards, map and Wisconsin Central Ry., have changed theit GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of ickets, call on or write termiua s. and are now running into the Pythias. Ashland. Oregon, meets every Central Station at Park Row and 12th St. Monday evening. Visiting Knights ingoed A. D. CH Alt ETON, Tins depot is also used by the Michigan »landing are cordially invited to attend Assistant General passenger Agent, Central K., Illinois Central and C. C. U, & F. D. ROBBINS, 0. 0. St, L. PORTLAND, OREGON T. H. S immon , K. H.8. jockey All one piece. ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPING as illustrated. Weight of Saddle about 85 noundiu packed for shipment, 45 pounds. FREIGHT IS ONLY ABOUT $1.00 FOR EACH 500 MILES. WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE, showing a full line of Cowboy and Rancher Outfit* at the lowest prices ever quoted. Address, ARE YOU GOING EAST? Be sure and see that your Ticket reads via SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL (Sears, Bwbuk A C* ar. tfc.n»*kl7 rrlUbte.—Uttar.) Northwestern Line! ----- THE----- A I.OC AL Disease A CATARRH rQiplMBALWl Nothing but a local remedy or change of ebmate will cure it Get a well - known pbar maceutica* remedy, Ely’s Cream Balm 12,45 GOLD PUTEO MEYERS Cut this &d. out aud send to us. BEND NO MONEY and we will send you this watch by express. C. O. D. subject to examination. You can examine it at your express o H m and if found perfectly »atlsfae- tory, exactly as represented and In every way equal to watehes that are being advertised at $3.75 to $6.75 under tnich misleading description* as Elgin Style, American “’ Ie, Gold Filled or Leak B e $80. OOto $10-00 Gold Filled Watehes, etc. If £ou find it the equal or etter than any or these W’atches. pay the exprena agent Ola PRICK, $8.4$ and express charges. These physicians have been curing weakness and con­ tracted ailments since 1881. They have the largest and best equipped medical in­ stitution, and the most ex­ tensive practice in the U. a. Climatic Affection 11 is quickly absorb- D octor & co. Specialists for Meo COLD 'N HEAD ed. Gives relief at once. Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays In­ flammation. Heals and protects tbe Mem­ brane. Restores the senses of Taste and Smell. No Cocaine, no Mercury, no In« jurious Drug. Full size 50c, TriaUsize 10c. at Druggists or by mail. ELYBROTHERS. 56 Warren St., N. Y. THROUGH TICKETZ > MACHINE < wí » NORTHWEST E ast w GOODS If you want us to make to your lEASlRE and ORDER ELASTIC GOODS for th* RELIEF AMD LIKE OF VARICOSE VEINS, WEAK, SWOLLEN OK ULCER- ■ ATED LIMBS* CORPULENCY, v ABDOMINAL WEAKNESS OR ’ TUMOR, State your beifht, » weight and age, state number of inches around body or limb at each letter shown in ** cut and send to us with our * SPECIAL PRK E. We will make the goods to order from the very fine»: freak rubber clastie material, guarantee a perfect Mt and if you do not find it perfectly satisfactory and equal to goods others get double the price for. return at our expense and we will refund your money. OUR SPECIAL PRICE £r •» -DENVER«» -RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. “THE No Pay Till Cared. Unfortunate men who can- not call should write for ad- vice and private book— ESTABLISHED IT YEARS. „ AI.I. FREE. Thousauds cured at horrve, .icitosecuMtatiai. No Charge for Consultation. 73i SAX 13A5C1SCO Don’t be Deceived I (your own selection) to every sub* scriber. Only 50 cents a year. S? g A Fem; beautiful colored- plates : latest ? fashions; dressmaking economies ; fancy 3? work ; household hints ; bcuon, etc Sab scribe to-day, or, send sc. for latest copy Lady agents wanted. Send for terras. JS 5 Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- S date. Economical and Absolutely S Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. -------------------------- - Anyone »ending • sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica. dons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent* ■ant free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific flmericati. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation of any scientific journal. Terms, *3 a year: four months, *L Bold by all newsdealers. ---------E MS CALLgfil Ä BAZAR P attosw (N q => Seam-Allowance Patterns.) Only io and 15 cts. each—none higher Ask for them. Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail from THE McCALL co ., § S 2? g I 138-146 West 14th St.. New York. S; GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and South. Their Magniflceht Track, Peerless Ves- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto; “ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given thia road a national reputa­ tion. All clasaea of passengers carried OURJ2.45 WATCH S K‘n'?’ <»>> «n tbe vestibuled trains without extra ■ Co»« or Serrw Bark sad Burl Seat charge. 8bip your freight and travel •mrop.r«,, stem wind and set.*old ,l«t.4, bandsom- ly engraved and polkhed, lo.ka Ilk. a Mgk-grsd. *.ld *11.4 over this famous line. All agents bave a.d 1. a gnat tradla* wattk, movement Isa nickel 7-jewel­ W. H. MEAD, ed stem wind American, warranted, and a good time­ tickets. keeper. F.r Watehes fross *8 seats a*, (eM-aikd wstekw General Agent, 243 Washington St., •*- 7* and up, write tor free Wate* sad Jewelry CaulogaK Portland, Oregon. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Ch lean* W. C. S avaob , Traveling F. A P. Agent, (Sean, Soebask 4 Co. are Unreachly nUahle.-BdUe«.) Portland, Oregon. FALL A LADIES’ MAGAZINE, This is tbe by eatehy advertisements which would lead you to believe you could get a . ....... *85.00 or »**.00 w.lek For *1. 7* 0. fl*. J*, .he. w. Mil th. ua. walrk fM *2.4fi. } Elevator Entwine*. | A FREE PATTERN g CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAY8. ■ SB STYLE! WANAMAKER’S ALL WOOL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS AT THE AGENCY, DE PEATT BLOCK, I ASHLAND, OREGON, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon­ Kindly call and get posted on structing the exhausted digestive or­ Prices and Qualities. Many gans. It is the latest discovered digest­ thanks are in order to my host ant and tonic. No other preparation ot last year’s patrons, and we can approach it in efficiency. It in­ feel able to look them square in stantly relieves and permanently cures the eye when thev call to see Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, what we bavefor them this year. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, gl^Ladiea* and Misses’ Styles ami ! Sick Headache, Gastralgia,Cramps, ana all other résulte of imperfect digestion. Camples will be here soon. Prepared by E- C. OeWltt $-^e„ ¿btoago. A.ILIZH!JSr.