Cecil Leslie. “ press agent ” and em- Roland B. Molineux was sentenced at Arizona is sending cavalry horses to ployee< f the Mille t-r 520p : cent -windle, New York to die in Sing Sing prison South Africa. »ufessioa. L- sUe says: has made a 1 The extensive use of zinc shingles in during the week of 'larch 26 for the “ Ihe Franl- udivate was a colossal murder of Mrs. Katherine J. Adams. The adjutant-general deceived the fol- She i United States seems probable. bunko game, aie - f the men inter- The People's Paper. Deputy Consul-General Hardy writes ested in the concern Were formerly man Baker City, Or., has voted $100,000 lowing cable message from General Otis: from Mexico that land suited to the agers of Lyons & Co. and the E. S. Dean “ M anila , February 15.—Bates left i oonds for a gravity water system. growth of rubbvr can be had anywhere Company in this city, which were run ASHLAND. Or....Thursday, Feb. 22,1900 today with two regiments and a bat The Colorado Midland railway has a from $1 to $15 per acre. The titles are on similar lines. Miller must have tery of artillery, ou transports for San mow plow weighing 144,500 pounds. It VVBlVU vested ILA in pilflUU private vnixviixuap. ownership. Miguel bay, province of Camarines rats a swath 14 feet wide. gathered at least $1.000.003 out of the WAR IN THE TRASSVALL. Snr, to move ou Nueva Caceres and Pueblo, Colo., smelters are handling scheme, probably more.” Fosser Shaw, a 14-year-old boy, while towns in that section. The road east playing in the railroad yard at Sacra- I ' considerable Mexican ore. The United Mrs. Jeannette Schwartz and her two Procregs of the Fight Between Briton from Antimonan, through the province uieuto attempted to jump on a mov States government gets no revenue from children, Lulu, aged nine years, and and Boer. sf Tayabas, is not practicable for troops. ing freight train, lost his foothold, __ ____ _ roll- these importations of lead, for the ore Henrietta, four months old, were found “ The insugents in Camarices show rifunder the train and was instantly. is treated in bond and then shipped out dead in bed at Chicago, the result of L ondon , Febraary 14.—The w?r offico of the country. asphyxiation. ha» issued the followiug message from considerable activity and make attacks killed. on our troops along the southeastern A mob of negro soldiers from Fort Lord Roberts, received this evening: Johu H. Dole, one of the best-known Resolutions calling for a federal law “D ekil ' s D rift , February 14.—Gen coast of Luzon island. It is reported w live stock dealers of California, acci- Bliss attacked the city police station at to suppress bucket-shops and pledging that they hold several hundred Spanish eral French left this poiut at 11:30 yes tentally ehot off his left arm while El Paso, Tex., with the object of releas themselves to aid each other in various ing two of their comrades who had reforms were adopted at a meeting of terday morning with three brigade of and a few American prisoners in the handling a shotgun at Santa Rosa. cavahy, Horse Artillery and Mounted vicinity of Nueva Caceres. Kobbe, William Stroud was convicted of man been arrested. During a fight which fol the Chicago board of trade delegates, Infantry, including several colonial con with two regiments, occupies the south-1 slaughter at Red Bluff, for the killing lowed, Police Officer Newt Stewart and representing 13 cities. tingents, in order to seize a crossing >f eastern extremity of Luzon from To-; of Thomas Baggs in a saloon at Tehama one negro soldier were killed and it is believed that another of the soldiers is the Modder, distant about 25 miles. lie bacco on the north to Donsol on the November 11^last, . Baggs who had wounded. reports by dispatch dated m. tb.it south; also all important points of the ou a reputation of being a peaceful citizen, he had farced a passage at Clip Drift and islands of Cantanduaues, Samar and became engaged in a quarrel with the Aime Dupont, one of the leading Leyte. has occupied the hills north of the river, photographers of the United States, is defendant and was stabbed 13 times. " The conditions throughout the Phil capturing three of the enemy’s laagers Charles Stewart, son of a wealthy dead in New York. ippines are gradually improving. All with their "supplies, while General Gor Sonoma county farmer, was dragged The date of the fight between James J. don of the Fifteenth Hussars, with his coasting vessels are now engaged in for half a mile by a run away horse, transporting merchandise and products. Jeffries and James J. Corbett has been brigade, who had made a feint at Ron- and received injuries which may cause fixed for May 14. George W. Considine deval drift, four miles west, has seized The bandit element is troublesome in and William A. Brady, managers of the it and an oilier drift between it and Clip all of the islands and keep the troops his death. The Interstate Commerce commission men, met Tom O'Rourke, manager of Drift, together with two more laagers. very actively engaged.” A cable from Manila says: During will hold a session in Los Angeles on the Seaside Athletic Club, recently, and "General French’s performance is brilliant; considering the excessive heat the night of I ebruary 5, 30QO insurgents March 25, according to news that formally accepted the offer of the Coney and a blinding duststorm which raged bolomeu who had' "been armed with reached their officially from Washing Island club for the fight. The Seaside Mauser rifles, attacked the American ton. The object of the meeting will be club is to post a $5000 forfeit and the during the latter part of the day. “ Owing to the rapidity of his move garrison at Daraga, in Southern Luzon. to continue the discussion of the alleged fighters $2000 each with Al Smith. ments General French met with bnt Re-enforcements were sent from Albay, discrimination against Pacific Coast job Congressman Charles A. Chickering slight opposition, his losses being small. whereupon the main body of the ene bers which was taken up at St. Louis of Copenhagen, N. Y., Was found dead Lieutenant Johnson of the Inniskilling my made an attack on Albay and burn about two months ago. outside the Grand Union Hotel in New Burglars used explosives on the safe York city a few days ago. Hq_,tyad Dragoons is the only officer reported ed a number of houses. The Fourteenth volunteer infantry, which was stationed of Powor & Fleming, grocers, at Val either fallen or jumped from a fourth severely wounded. The blast- story window of the hotel. The body " The Sixth Division was last night on at Albay, retired, to a convent and fired lejo, Thursday morning. the north bank of the Riet at Waterval volleys at the rebels from the roof. The tore out the hinge bolts and threw the was found under the open window of Drift, and is moving to support the cav-1 i insurgents surrounded the convent and door nearly through the side of the his room, which was on the fourth floor, GENERAL LORD ROBERTS. airy. The Seventh Division is here and [ ] attempted to set it on fire, but were house. The burglars secured $60 in sil and evidently it had been lying there l routed by shrapnel thrown by mountain ver, but overlooked $130 in gold. will go on this afternoon.” for some time, as the clothing was Cady's Condition Powders, Captain Hooper of the United States soaked with rain. There was a large are just what a horse needs when in bad L ondon , February 16.—The war office ! guns which were worked from the conditon. Tonic, blood purifier and announces that General French reached windows. The detachment which went revenue cutter service accepted the bid. gash in the right side of the head. vermifuge. They are not food but med to Daraga took refuge with the Span of E. Coffin of Boston of $16,000 for the Kimberley Thursday evening. Salt Lake City, Utah, is going to buy icine and the beet in use to put a boree Fallowing is Lord Roberts’ message to iards in the town hall and fought the ! revenue cutter Corwin, ordered sold at two miles of water pipe, 30 to 36 inches in prime condition. Price 25 cents per I rebels all night. Finally the insurgents Seattle by the department. There were the war office: diameter, for use in a new gravity sup package. For Bale by Ashland Drug Co. I “J acobsdal , February 16.—French, retreated, leaving 71 dead on the sixteen bids. Coffin is engaged in whal ply main. with a foree of artillery, cavalry and ground. American loss was two killed ing in Arctic waters, but it is believed Atchison, Kansas, is about to drill for mounted infantry, reached Kimberley and five wounded. One of the wound J the Corwin will be put on the Cape coal. It is thought veins of coal under ed was an officer. i Nome run from Seattle. this evening, Thursday.” An expedition commanded by General f Former Judge William S. Vest, a lie the section at 600 to 1030 feet depth. L ondon , Feb. 17. — General Cronje, Bates and consisting of the Fortieth and [ Specifics act directly upon the disease, The Canyon City extension of the with a start of a day or two, is seem Forty-fifth Volunteer Infantry Regi- prominent and wealthy citizen of Minne- without exciting disorder in other parts Florence & Cripple Creek railway is in apolis, died at Los Angeles Sunday. He ingly in full retreat from Lord Roberts, Forty-titth ments and Keiley s battery, with pack came to T Dos h Angeles with his wife and connection with the Denver & Rio of the system. They Cure the Sick. with his wife and moving northward. General French, animals for transport purposes, sailed BO. CURES. PRICES. daughters about a month ago to Grande at the former point. with the cavalry, simply stayed over Thursday for the island of Camarines, i two - “'1 tbe - ’¡»ter. - bet «.»«»«ed - »Id on 1— Fever», Congestions, inflammation. .25 Tbl eXSta •I« The four-story building at 1535 to night in Kimberly and then pushed on southeast of Luzon. 2— Worm». Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 . to get in touch with the retiring enemy. which required six transports, was con the train and has been sick since his 1539 Wazee street, occupied by the Mil 3— Toothing, Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 arrival. The deceased was about 63 A long Boer wagon train is moving voyed by the cruiser Baltimore and the lar-Osborn Spice company and the 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults....... .25 toward Bl.iemfonteiu, followed presuma years old. Kansas-Moline Plow company at Den 5— Dy »enter v, Oriplngs, Bilious Colic... .25 gunboat Marietta. These vessels will 6— Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. .25 bly by a large force of British infantry. co-operate with the army in operations I Thomas Jefferson McClelland, a well- ver, Colo., was gutted by fire. The total 7— Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis.................. .25 In their hasty departure the Boers lapt. in the province of South Camarines. known capitalist with large Oakland in damage is estimated at $150,000, of 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache...... .25 ! vestments, died at San Jose, aged 67 which $50,000 is on the stock of the quantities of supplies and ammunition. Meanwhile General Kobbe is clearing 9— Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 A fire in the buiness district of Bowie, tlie rebels out of North Camarines from years. He had been ailing for over a Millar-Osborn company, $75,000 on the 10— Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Weak Stomach.25 S. D., caused a loss of from $115,000 to year. Many years of his life were spent stock of the Kansas-Moline company 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods.........25 Abbak to Nueva Caceres. $129,000, partially insured. The post- 12— Whites, Too Prof use Periods........... in South Africa. About 13 years ago, and $25,000 on the building, owned by 25 office, People’s bank and seven business An Editor’s Life Saved by Chamber in an altercation with C. X. Hobbs, a Charles Boelcher. 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness...... .25 14— Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions. .25 firms were burned out. lain's Cough Remedy. well-known San Jose man in Johannes “I think I would go crazy with pain 15— Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains...... .25 burg, Hobbs was killed. McClelland L ondon , February 19.— The corre During tbe early part of October, 1896, were it not for Chamberlain’s Pain Balm,” 16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague.... .25 spondent of the 'Hines at Modder river, I contracted a bad cold which settled c.n was exonerated at the trial. writes Mr. W. H. Stapleton, Herminie, 17— Piles, External or Internal — .25 luy lumis and was neglected until I wiring yesterday, says: Charles S. Johnston, a retired attor Pa. “I hsve been afflicted with rheuma 18— Ophthalmia. Weak or Inflamed Eye* .25 feared that consumption bad appeared in "General Cron jo’s army of 10,00 J 19— Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 ney of Oakland, committed suicide a tism for several years and have tried 20— Whooping-Cough....................................25 men, with 1000,wagons, is in full ra an incipient Btate. I was constantly few days ago by shooting himself in the remedies without number, but Pain Balm and trying tn expel something 21— Asthma, Difficult Breathing......... .25 is the beat mediclna I have got hold of.” treat toward Bloemfontein, hotly pur coughing which I could hot,’ I became alarmed stomach. He waa despondent through One application relieves tLe pain. For 22— Ear Discharge. Earache............... .25 sued %jt General Kelly-Kenny. It will and after giving the local doctor a trial sickness. 23— Scrofula, Swellings and Ulcers... .25 sale by Ashland Drug Co. probably be a rear-guard fight all the bought a bottle of Chamberlain’s Couvli 24— General Debility, Weakness...... .25 J. I. Berrv, Loganton, Pa , writes, “I am way to Bloemfontein. Oar cavalry has Remedy and the leenlt was immediate willing to take my oath that I was cured of — Dropsy, fluid Accumulations...... .25 J. C. Molgard, the grocer of Salivas 25 26— Sea-Sickness, Nausea, Vomiting. .25 already returned from Kimberly to join improvement, and after I had used three pneumonia entirely by the use of One Min who was supposed to have been robbed 27— Kidney Diseases............... ........... .25 bottles my lungs were reetored to their ute Cough Cure after doctors failed. It in the pursuit." 28— Nervous Debility........................... 1.00 also cured my children of whoopingcoueh.” a few nights ago aad was found un healthy state' — B. S. Edwards. Publisher L ondon , February 19. — It is now of The Review. Wyant III- For sale bv Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, conscious, committed suicide Monday. 29— Sore Mouth, orCanker.......................... 25 amply confirmed that General Cronji Ashland Drug Co. croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles — Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed... .25 John S. Reed, a widely known Cali 30 Children all like it. Mothers endorse it.— 31— Painful Menses, Pruritus..................... 25 escaped. Every detail received, how fornian pioneer, living at Ukiah, died 32— Diseases of the Heartf PalpltaUons 1 .OO E ugene A. S hkbwin . ever, proves how admirably Lord Rob Will Burts, a negro, was lynched suddenly' aC Ashland, Or.,‘-a: few days M 33— Epilepsy. St. Vitus’ Dance..................1.00 erts’ plans were conceived aad were suc near Baskett Mil's, S. G, by a mob of I 34— Sore Throat, Quinsy. Diphtheria... .25 W. A. Chase, a laborer, lost his life ago, where he was visiting. ceeding. But for the unexpected delay 250 men. Lost Monday night Burts in a tunnel about four miles from River 35— Chronic Congestions, Beadaches.. .25 G. D. Louck, a saloonkeeper of Santa 77—Grip, Hay Fever.............. at Dekjel’s Drift, which was almost im attempted to assault Mrs. C. L. Weeks, side. Chase was at work alone in the 25 passable for wagous, the whole Bier a planter’s wife. He escaped and a tunnel when many tons of earth caved Cruz, was shot by Manuel Amaya, Sun Dr. Humphreys’ Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. force won|<l have peen surrounded. The posse captured him. When Burts was in near the tunnel mouth. Chase was day night and died from the wound the „Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys’ Med. Co.. Cor. William I John Sts., Amaya and a coAf- delay of cue day there gave them their strung up the rope broke. The rope covered with five feet of earth. He following day. New York. panion, Joe Lecehra, were playing cards chance fob a hasty retreat. leaves a family. was tied and Burts again swung up, with Louch and suddenly attacked him, All the other movements of Lord the crowds emptying their guns into At the regular meeting of the Far HUMPHREYS’ Roberts were executed .exactly as to his body. Burts confessed to attempt mers’ club at San Jose a resolution was probably intending to rob him. Both time. Apparently General Crou je is re- ing to cut Mrs. Weeks, throat and said adopted for the organization of a county are in jail. WITCH HAZEL OIL treatiug with the main army, and even he told her he would kill her. A re insurance company under the state “ THE PILE OINTMENT.” William Steinitz, the noted chess Piles—External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding; if he escapes altogether he will prob ward of $103 was paid to the man who laws a» soon as $100,030 of desired insur player, has gone insane and »confined , ,: For Fistula In Ano; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum ably low all his baggage. The relief Is immediate—the cure certain in a New York insane asylum. ance is subscribed. captured him. PRICE, 50 CTS. TRIAL SIZE, 25OTS. T. G. Bonflls and H. H. Tammin, pro The St. Charles College at Grand Sold by DrucKlrt., or «ent po.t-paid on receipt of price. • * NUaPHBK18'M«B.CO.. 1114113Wilts« SL, SsvYsrk. Job printing at this office. Coteau, La., together with a large and prietors of the Denver Post, who were •-*y 9999999999999* valuable library, was destroyed by fire. shot by a Denver lawyer several weeks ago, have arrived at Los Angeles with The loss was $50,0C0. Following ia the apportionment for Notice to Contractors. Florida orange growers are threatened their physician. They are both recover democratic primaries: ing, and will remain in Southern Cali with another loss, their new groves be Votes. Delegates Precincts. fornia several weeks. The School Board of School District No. Applegate......... ... 30.................. 1 ing in danger from the oold wave pre W. J. Goldsworthy, a well-known 5 of Jackson County will receive sealed ... 68.................. 2 vailing throughout the state. Early West Ashland... ... 54.................. 2 I Sunday morning the mercury registered merchant of Stockton, who was caught North Ashland.. bids for the construction of an eight room, ... 68.................. 2 16degrees above. Sunday it was under the basement of a store adjoin South Ashland.. two story and basement brick school house ... 4.................. 1 freezing, and that night was even colder. ing his own establishment last Novem Big Butte....... . . Central Point... ...130.....................4 For a few weeks since the January cold ber with a pile of inflammable stuff to be built in the City of Ashland in ac Chimney Rock.. ... 38..................... 1 wave the weather has been warm, and ready to light, was found guilty of bur cordance with plans and specifications .65.................... 2 Eagle Point....... glary. That charge was made against many groves have leaved out and begun made by Chas. H. Burgraff of Albany. Or., Eden.................. 51 .................... 2 a 6..................... 1 to show signs of spring life. Growers him because of the entry into a build s Flounce Rock... at whose office a set of plans and specifica (ft Foots Creek.... 18.....................1 are fearful that these groves will be ing with the intent to commit a felony, a Thin, pale, anaemic girls; > tions are on file, and another set at the Gold Hill........... 77.................... 3 utterly killed or badly injured if the namely, arson. The trial has lasted ten days and attracted a great dealot atten North Jacksonville.... 57.................... 2 cold continues. need a fatty food to enrich«! office of the School Clerk Ashland, Or. South Jacksonville.... 106.................... 3 Frank G. Simmons, postmaster at tion owing to the position of the de their blood, give color to <! Bids will be received until March 15tb, Lost Creek.................. 3..................... 1 fendant, who has been prominent in 1900, at 5 o'clock, at the office of the clerk. Meadows...................... 31..................... 1 Seward, Neb., was arrested and taken business an 1 politics for many years. I their cheeks and restore their; [ Each bidder will state at what date be North Medford............ 134.................... 4 to Lincoln, charged with a shortage of His counsel set up insanity, but the South Medlord............ 96.................... 3 $3830. Simmons, who lias long been jury stood 11 for conviction on the first « health and strength. It is!! can complete the contract, and the date Mt. Pitt....................... 10..................... 1 prominent in state politics, admitted his 'A Pleasant Creak........... 52 .................... 2 shortage. David Figard, one of Sim ballot, and after five ballots found a 4* safe to say that they nearly!» of completion will be considered in award. Woodville.................. .. 27.....................1 mon’s bondsmen, when informed of the verdict of guilty. The prosecution Ö ing the contract. ail reject fat with their food.;; Rock Point....... . ........ 35..................... 1 shortage and asked to take charge of the urged a recovery of insurauce money as K « Each bid will be accompanied by a the motive for the crime. Steamboat.................... 7.................... 1 office, dropped dead. Sterling....................... 12.....................1 certified check for $250.00 to be for Joe Brown, a young man who robbed The St. Petersburg correspondent of Table Rock.................. 70.....................2 the railroad office at Healdsburg, pleaded feited to the District if bid is accepted Talent.......................... 46................... 1 a London paper remarking that “it will guilty and was sentenced to Folsom for and bidder fails to sign contract and give Trail Creek.................. 23................... 1 not do to put overmuch reliance upon two years. Uniontown.................. 39....................... 1 Russia’s official assurance that nothing satisfactory bonds for the performance of Joshua Jones Sr. died at Altaville, Watkins....................... 26..................... 1 will be done to eniharass England in the the same, otherwise, to be returned to the Calaveras county, aged 73 years. He present situation of affairs,” gives ad COD LIVER OIL bidder. Total............. 1383............. ....49 ditional details showing that the delays was one of the pioneers of Calaveras WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES of LINE SOM On motion, it was ordered that au ad county and well known in the state. The Board reserve the right to reject any L- ----------------------------------------- , in the ordinary traffic on the Central dress to Democrats be formulated and The body of James Stranahan, who and all bids. Address all bids to Asian railway are not caused, as offic published at the earliest date. £ is exactly what they require;!' ially stated, by snowfalls, but are due to mysteriously disappeared at Woodbridge DEO. W. TREFREN, Ashland, Or. Robbers atteniptud to rob a train neat the passage of Russian troops, estimated on the night of January 9, was found in ® it not only gives them the im-;» Benson, A. T., so ue days aga. The at 20,000, who are being concentrated the I lokelumne river. Stranahan left ALLKM HILDB1TH portant element (cod-liver oil)!! WILLIAM VOX. messenger in the ear opened fire on them ' in the vicinity of Kushk. The cor his bed at 2 o’clock on the night of his disapparance and walked nine miles to is ' i S in a palatable and easily di- and drove them off. One of the rob- respondent adds that "most Russians * ■ bers was wounded and die!, and the are convinced that Russia intends sooner Woodbridge, where he disrobed on the bridge and calmly walked down and £ gested form, but also the hypo-1 L or later to take Herat.” other two captured. • 1 ’■ ' into the river. He was evidently insane phosphites which are so valua- J ! . Ashland, Oregon The anuouncenwnt ukJil* papers of i V.M. de Crais, minister of the French at the time. Since then the river has Pittsburg recently, that the long threat colonies, has received a telegram from been patrolled by searchers, urged on by * hie in nervous disorders that w City Passenger ened clash of the steel kings had been the governor of the French Congo, M. a reward of $103 for the recovery of the finally precipitated by H. C. Frick filing de Lamothe, announcing the defeat in body. James Hunting found the boav « usually accompany anaemia. * and Truck Transfer the widely heralded suit against An battle of Rabah, the principal chieftain 200 yards from where Stranahan jumped £ SCOTT’S EMULSION is a f drew Carnegie and the Carnegie Steel of the Central Soudan, by a French ex in, caught in some roots and under — All kinds of Height, baggage company, praying for an equitable ac pedition under Gentil. Rabah has long brush. Stranahan carried considerable | fatty food that is more easily | household goods, etc., transfer- ed with promptness and safety. counting of the ex-chairman’s stock been the strongest opponent of the ex insurance. * digested than any other form | Haulme on a large scale con- holdings in the giant steel concern, tension of Frenoh influence in the Sou Peter Cunningham, an aged mi sat , tractedior, .... , . . created a sensation in financial and dan. He was formerly a slave of Zebehr was found deal in his hovel in San $ of fat. A certain amount of | Pasha, himself a great Soudan ruler, manufacturing circles. The suit is re WOOD DOR SALE Francisco a few days ago. Cunning flesh is necessary for health, t garded as the most important ever filed but revolted and formed a kingdom of ham had over $50,000 on deposit in -------1CB IM SXÀ6OK— in connection with the steel business, his own in Central Africa, subjugating banks, yet he lived on the refuse he | You can get it in this way. | Will handle ice in ABhland during the and it is said more money is at stake potentate 3fter potentate until he be could gather from swill barrels. summer season, Delivered at your door than in any legal proceeding ever came head of a vast empire. His career We have known per- 1 every morning. The Calaveras Big Tree grove has brought in this country in which all of victory gained for him the name of « sons to gain a pound a | passed into the hands of a lumbering the "African Napoleon. ” The French the parties were simply citizens. Steel EMP* Passengers delivered to any part of i the city. manufacturers view the trouble as a have been fighting his power for years, company and monster trees are to be | day while taking it. bitter personal struggle for supremacy, and the dispatch announces his over? cut down and converted into lumber. A VK- »nd $i.oo, all druggists. (p John T. Porter, a pioneer resident of * SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemisU, New York. 9 and are watching each move with in throw. tense interest. The managers of the fight between Watsonville and well-known Californian V suddenly at his home a few days William G. Cramp, for nearly 60 years Corbett and Jeffries have decided that (lied ago. connected with the Cramp shipbuilding the fight shall be held in Coney island Los Angeles reports probability of an company in Philadelphia, died suddenly ou March 10. other transcontinental railroad, from of apoplexy a few days ago. Catarrh Cannot be Cured ♦wi«b LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they Mojave east by north through southern OPPOSITE PLAZA. -’ ' ’ disease, ” i. Cat- Nevada into Utah, the builders to be ANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT AND cannot ieach ’ Jb«*e*toLth« honest persons to represent us as •| arrh is a blood or. constitutional diseasè, the Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Rio In order io cute it you take Internal reme Grande Western and Union Pacific. Managers tn tuts and close by couuties. , • HaU » Catarrh Cure is taken in The Carson & Colorado line is desig at FACTOR! PUCKS, less than one-third Salary $900 a year and expenses Straight J. W. COX, Proprietor. the price charged by others, and WE directlv on'the blood and bona-fide, no more, no leas salatv Posi- Cern >iiv an ---- J-acts - nated as the link for the proposed new : “ Hall ’ s Catarrh Curr 1 bun permanent. Our reference«, any bank tuueous. surfaces, l ark Re»er»a>te KlaaUe Trasa, illustrated above, cut this ......... office work con- ‘is not a *l',*-k "* medicine. It was prescribed route. in any town. It Is - mainly « VALLEY RECOBD-1 ! Professional Cards THE PHILIPPINES. HINMAN, D. D. 8. Dentist. t In tbe Masonic Building, up »tain, over Post Office. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes arc but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. pR. S. T. SONGER Physician and Surgeon. Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon What is CASTORIA J) CASTORIA RMferem-ea. »elf- ducted at bmue. R_ ‘------------- Z Enclose ___ -______ - adrtre-<«ed «'i»4h ped 'eave lupe •» . , , T he D ominion ‘T o .. Dept. 3, Chicago. Bsan the Signete« tí by one oi the test physicans In thfe country tfor years, uod 1« a regular, prescription. r It I*'con.posed of the test tonics known, . combined with the test blood purifiers, act- i ing directly on tbe mucous surfaces. The rfec, combination of the two ingredients wbat produces such wonderful results in ring Catarrh. 8end for testimonials.free. J. CHENEY & Co.. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7fc. HaU’e Family Pilli ere the (Male ad. out and send to us with OUR SPKCLAL PRICK njused, . your Height, Weifrht, Age, how long you have been "fain indebted to One Minute Couirh state ruptured, whether rupture is large or small; also state Cure '—* lor ------- ray *— health and life. It ------- cured ■ — me number inches around the body on a line with the say whether rupture is on right or left side, ■if lung trouble foilowing gnbpe.” T'ous- rupture, we will send either truss to you with the under anils <we their lives to the prompt action of and standing. if it ta »at a perfect At aad «¡«I to twa n that i bi* uaver failing remedy It cures couehs. retail at three times ear prk*e,you can return it and we co ds croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, griupe will return your money. at.d throat and lut.g troubles. Its early WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE •f trasses, including the lew <10. M Lea Ti nes ¿1) *Jr use p-events consumption. It is the only that cares ateest nay ease, aad which we sell far S4> IV harmless remedy that gives immediate 4 u *~« kaim , noknuoK a co. chemo results.—KVeajr« A8 h *1YIX> iFi"*MC:“-„ 25-Cents. Anything yon want cooked to order with promptness and die patch. All ¿Hours. Give Me a Call. — _ OREGON ornez : At Recidence, intersection of Mechanic, Laurel and Main Street*. J. A. McCALL Civil Engineer and - Mineral Surveyor. ALWAYS NOTABY PUBLIC. Surveys‘for Patents and Mining Loca tions a specialty. Addreas Ashland, Or. OM* Office at residence. South Main Street The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CKNTAOR COMMNY, TT MURRAY STREIT. REW YORK CITY. I Fruit Company CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $350,000.00 The «»•)••• JACOBS CONCENTRATOR. Has fewer wearing parte and light est running machine mad«; handle as much or more (ore as any belt machine. The patent canvas lap bell is the best belt made for saving fine sulpburete and gold—nothing teats it. A machine that is easy to run and keep in ord»r. Cheapest and test machine made. MAIN OFFICES I Sacramento ® Los Angeles, Cal Cal. I« L BRANCHES NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO BOSTON OPERATINC IN All Pacific Coast Fruit Districts. FRUIT GROWERS’ EXPRESS ARMOUR & CO., Prop’s. General Offices: 250 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. On board cars. Manufactured bv ASHLAND IRON WORKS, Asbiand, Oregon. For further particulars, addreaa: JEHU JACOBS, Prop. HENLEY, CAL. Henley, Cal., March 20,1899. Wehaveused tbe FrueVanner,Triumph and Wilfley concentrators. We are now using two of tbe Jacobs Concentrators in our mill at Henley. We consider the Jacobs Concentra'or tbe best machine man ufactured. It does tbe work cleaner and saves a much higher per centage of sul- pburets than other machines, and we rec ommend it to all mining men to be the test concentrator on the market. J O. G illfob . W. C. S tahley . L. A. M c I ntobb . --------0-------- Refrigerator Service for Deciduous Fruits. --------0-------- NEW CARS, LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION ONLY IN USE. Ashland & Klamath Falls STARE -I- LINE Thoroughly Restocked and Entirely New Management. ROBERT M. GARRETT, Pacific Coast Division: 1005 Second Street, Sacramento, Cal. Superintendent. Offices: 2Jj.6 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager. Best and Quickest Route to ...KLAMATH FALLS. Goes by Barron, Shake, Soda Springs, Parkers and Keno;also beat connections wit stage lines from Klam ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indian Agency. t W — ASHLAND IltsEasy UoTakc Restaurant .... and Chop House. OREGON _ M. BROWER, M. D. Bears the Signature of Dr. Humphreys’ FOX & HILDRETH, — Physician and Surgeon, Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE — ASHLAND ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: KLAMATM FALLS. ASHLAHD. Leaves....... 6:00 a m I Leaves... ...8:00 p m Arrives.......2:45 p m | Arrives... '6:30 a m Paasengers, Baggage, Expreas <Jt Freight Must be Waybilled. The Patent Ventilator Device, Ashland Office: Large Loading Space, POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. and Large ice Capacity of This Car Klamath Falls Office: H H VAN VALKENBURG. Make it especially desirable for shipments of fruits and vegetables either under ventilation or refrigeration. CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, 1012 2d Street, Laughlin Building, Sacramento, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. SOUTH AND EAST —vu— Southern Pacific Go, MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. SHASTA ROUTE. For BOYS and YOUNG VEN. Conducted by the Bertedictine Fathers. Healthfu1 and attractive location(14 miles from Salem; 40 miles from Portland.) COMPLETE Trains Leave Asbiand for Portland tnd and THROUGH preparatory, literary, scientific, classical, normal, commercial course. Way Stationa at 2:50 A. M. SPECIAL COURSES in mathematics, surveying, drawing, civil service. French, Ger man. Spanish, Italian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music. A seperate class i. and 5:10 P. M. provided for students who on account of farm labor wish to enter late in fall and leave early in spring Academic Degrees and Teachers’ 8tate Cer’ificates and State Diplomas Conferred. Send for catalogue. Address Leave Portland 8:30 a. m., and 7:00 p. m, THE PRESIDENT MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. M ouft A ngel , O begon . Leave Ashland 1:17 a. m., and 12¡15 p. m. Arrive— ASHLAND * Ashland.. .12:33 a. ru. and 11:30 a. m. Sacramento 5:00 p. m. and 4:35 a. m. San Fran... 7 ;45 p. ru. and 8:15 a. m. White Sulphur Springs BATHING T$ DKIH III WATEt 18 A T$11C Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi and animalculea, and neutral ising and correcting all acidi ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. — 8WIMMING RINK. — FROEHLICH & CO. Opposite Hotel Oregon. All Work Accurately and Promptly Attended to. PRICES: inclosed and covered, the same medics GOLD & SILVER............................ 8100 water, always clean, for the springs run a COPPER.......................................... $100 heavy volume— more than twelve hun dred gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have more fun than "anybody”—corae out as “tine as silk” and "white as wool"—rejuveD tbe eeiebrateJ BROWN*8 AB ated and happy. DOMINAL BELT for the ear« «f CORPULENCY. OUR $1.50 ANTI FAT-BELT Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, or rent. For information address the proprietor. Ijocated on the HELMAN LAND, HALF A a. a. a. a. m. m. m. m. L’s Angeles 1:20 p. m. and 7:00 a. KI Paso... 6:00 p. m. and 6:00 P- Ft Worth. 6:30 a. m. aud 6:30 a. Cty Mexico. 9:55 a. m. and 9:55 a. Houston .. 4;00 a. m. and 4:00 a. N’w Orleans 5:25 p. m. and 6:25 p. Washington 6:42 a m. and 6:42 a. New York,.12:43 p. m. and 12:43 p- m. m. m. m. ru. m. m. m. Ogden.......... 5:45 a. Denver........ 9:00 a. Kansas Cv. 7:25 a. Chicago ... 7:45 a. MILE m. m m. m. and and and and 11:45 9:00 7:25 9:30 ■ Pullman and Tourist on both trains. Cars Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. I<ouis, New Orleans. Wellington. Connecting at San Francisco with severs) sbeaiuship lines for HONOLULU, JAPAN, ( HINA, PHlLLIPi CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA • " » . I ■ -NORTH OF THE PLAZA. GRANT HELMAN y Proprietor and 10 cent* extra for poataae, state belght. wrlfht, tgt and num berinchcs around the body,largest part.and we will send thebrlt to yoo by *al I postpaid, with the understand ingtbatifiti8 not perfectly satisfactory and equal to belts that retail at fS.OCand upwardsyou can return it at our expense. Wrlfs for iros Balt and Iras» Catolof««. See Mr. D L. Riez, Agent at Ashland station, or address C. H. MARKHAM. G. P A., Forcami, Oregq), SSARS, ROSSUOK * CO.,OHIOAN