Fanerai oí Milton Gregory Preparing for the Soldier Dead. Small Pox at Granta Pass. Rabt. Tavlor’s family aDd friends have J Milton Gregory pass-d away at the Grants Pass was turned in a state of home of his parents, Ex-Chief-of Police been waiting patiently for some word ; consternation this week by finding a Mother Goose Ball Feb. 22. and Mrs. J. W. O. Gregory, on Oak about the remains ol the Late aoMier well-defined case of smallpox in town.1 Car; ets at Vaupel. Norris & Drake’s. street last Thursday evening, aged 31 Jay Tailor who died In the Philippines A fami y from’ eastern Oregon by the j W. II. Parker of Medford is in Port­ years and five months. and whose body arrived in San Francisco , name of Jackson arrived there about» land. T. e funeral took place Saturday after­ one week agi yesterday. I week or two ago by team and located, i When the remain« arrive tbe funeral starting the children to school and living Walter Wyant came over from Henley noon. The religious services at the home were conducted by Rev. J. T. will take place in Ashland under the in the Colvig house about 200 yards from i Tuesday. Abbett, pastor of the M. E. church. A auspices of hi« old comradee, Gen Lloyd depot. They had been quarantined for OF all forms of Miss Jennie Reames of Jacksonville is choir of nine voices sang “Jesus Lover Wheaton Poet, Spanish-American War smallpox in some town up north tefore ! in Portland. ot My Soul,” after which was read the Veterans. arriving in Grants Pass, bat did not in-| The remains of H. Ben Taylor of Jack­ form their new neighbors. Mr. Jackson Go to Gibson Bros. for fine groceries 15th Chapter of 1st Corinthians; Rev. Abbett prayed, the choir sang a soldier sonville are expected to arrive at the was taken down Monday and Dr. Kramer and provisions. hymn and the officiating minister read same time and tbe funeral will take place 1 pronounced it smallpox. The house and Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, Mrs. W. J Virgin visited her husband his text and delivered an impressive and there the next day to be conducted by j family were promptly quarantined. Earache, Burna, Scalda, Corns and Bunions, Stiff Joints. at Medford Saturday. interesting sermon. That part descript­ Geo. Wheaton Post of this city. Wanted—A good waiter girl. Apply ive of the deceased soldier is herewith Prohibition Parly Count y Conven­ Lester V. High’s Body. PRICE, 50-0. & $1.00 PER BOTTLE reproduced: at the Ashland House. tion. In the death of J. Milton Gregory, eon Deston High has received another let­ Geo E. Dean ie engaged in the res­ of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. O. Gregory of thia ter from Hon. Binger Hermann in re­ The Prohibitionists of Jackson county taurant business at Sumpter. city, a young life, full of hope and gard to the delay in forwarding the re­ met in convention at Medford city hall, James Peter of Igerna was registered promise, is quenched. Milton was a mains of the late gunner of the battleship Saturday afternoon, Feb. 10th. J. Mer- voung man of exceptional activity and Oregon. ley of Medford, acted as chairman and at the Ashland House Sunday. Ashland, Oregon. energy, and withal possessed of a fine J. M. Horton of Jacksonville, as secre­ Department of the Interior. Robt Stailcupof Henley was registered intellect and persued with zeal and vigor tary. at the Ashland House yesterday. General Land Office. whatever he undertook. Coming with Read these Tealimoaials, given andar oalb, of Cures Actually Perform*! : The following ticket was placed in the field: J. E. Pelton returned Monday from a his parents to Jackson county about 24 Washington,D. O., Feb. 5,1900. years ago, he entered the public schools D-rton E‘_ Joint Representative, E. Russ, er. of business trip to Josephine county. High, Esq., Ashland, Ore. and applied himself with industry and D-ston Medford; repiesentatives, Wm. Svdow I can cheerfully atate that the Snap W. Dickerson who being duly sworn, made My Dear Mr. High: .. Your ___ _____ kind favor Mrs. Wm. Mathes left yesterday to diligence in the training of the mind for of Central Point, C. II. Hoxie of Med­ Shot is the best liniment I have ever used, the following statement at hand. It is my impression that the visit Toloand Sams Valley friends. My daughter, who was a student at the future work. He was for 6ix years a ford ; county judge, A. S. Jacobs of Cen­ Department is waiting tor a change in tral Point: county commissioner, W. A. or ever heard of in a life time. Stat« Normal night while study- Section Foreman John Clint returned member of Co. “D”, O. N. G., and en­ We always keep a bottle of it at the ine felt a pain in her hand which seon ex­ the weather conditions, and conditions Monday night from a visit in Portland. listed with his company to serve liis of the remaius of your son Lester, before Cordell of Ashland; clerk, Judge J. S. normal school. Among the athletic stu­ tended to the arm. day she went country in the Spanish-American war. Day of Jacksonville; sheriff, J. W. dents who have b^en hurt one or two ap ­ to school and during the day she lost the Wm. C. Caldwell of Yreka was regis­ He was a faithful Svldier all through the shipping the same, but in order to make Marksbury of Gold Hill; treasurer, W. plications of thia liniment has taken out use ot her arm and it became sj p^ed (" and tered at the Ashland House last Thurs­ Regiments’ eervice in the Philippines. sure as to this impressi m I have today W. Estes of Talent; recorder, J. L. the inflammation and cured a sprained the teachers sent her home, lean' ring blood­ day. communicated with the Honorable Secro ­ His company commander, Capt. J L. Downing of Ashland; assessor, W. J. ankle, a dislocated knee and a mashed poison. When «be arrived home I took Mrs. W. F. Farrier returned Monday May says Le was a faithful soldier, tary of the Navy. I have taken a great Boosey of Jacksonville ; school supt., J. finger. One application cured a young her to Mr. Button'« office where he applied deal of pride in having secured the from a visit with her folks at Grants doing his duty well, whether in camp, M. Horton of Jacksonville; coroner, Dr. lady of a paralized arm and another "Snap Shot.” liniment «nd within twenty minutes of the first application, the swell­ Pass. on guard or on the firing line in the original order, as I felt that it would J. W. Odgers of Medford; surveyor, A. young lady who bad the rheumatism and ing was gene down, the pain was gone and please the father and mother of this also a stone bruise waa entirely cured by the spotted appearancefleft it. and'sbe baa Jesse Beckley, the normal student, battle. He was with his company in patriotic bqv to have tbe government Andrews of Medford. The following platform was adopted: two applications. never bad the least trouble, with her arm has returned home to Elkton, Douglas every engagement, until he was stricken itseW extend this consideration to bis with the disease, which finally termina­ The Prohibition party, in convention It has also cured barns, cute, carbun­ since or a recurranoe of the pain. county. remaiue. Yes, I have not forgotten that F lobkncb L. Taavau. ted in his death. With exceptional assembled, declares its conviction that cles, pimples, tooth-ache and rheuma­ Notary Public for Oregon. W. L. McDonald, the Tolo miner, was nerve and determination he remained at lie was buried at Cienfuegue, Cuba, and the manufacture, exportation, impor­ tism. in Ashland Monday and left for Henley the front and in actual service for that his death occured while be was in tation and sale of alcoholic beverages We have never known inflammation Tueeday. twelve days after the disease fastened tbe army hospital there. has produced such social, commercial, that it will not speedily takeout, if tbonr- 8tate of Oregon,) > ss. Sincerely vonrs, industrial and political wrongs, and is ougbly rubbed in once or twice. Mrs. F. A. Bliss cajpe up from Med­ upon him, when on the 15th day of Jackson County ) B ingkk H ermann , Commissioner. now so threatening the perpetuity of all It is A MARVELOUS MEDICINE, and will ford Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. April, 1899, he was taken to the hospital. James M. Few el being duly »worn de­ His cheery, hopeful disposition, kind our social and political institutions that do even more for the afflicted than is poses and say’s:- That about ten daya James Wiley. Business Changes. and sympathetic heart, coupled with the suppression of the same by a party, claimed for it. ago 1 bad the neuralgia in my face and tt W. R Davie was in Ashland this week his daring courage and fine personal I Wm. Fox has sold his interest in the organized therefor, is the greatest object pained me severely and had been troubling W. T. V an S cot . returning to Klamath Falls from a visit presence, made him an ideal soldier. - j truck and dray firm to James P. Sayle to be accomplished by the voters of our President Southern Oregon State Nor­ me for two weeks or more when I had Mr. Sutton apply his Snap Shot. He rubbed in Sams Valley. With the faithfulness which character- j and that business is now consolidated in country, and is of such importance that mal school Subscribed and sworn to before me my face for a few minutes and completlv H. E Ankeny is attending the repub­ ized the 2d Oregon in all her service in Ashland in a strong triple alliance com­ it of right ought to control the political cured the pain and since that time been al­ I • lican state central committee meeting in the far off islands of the sea, this brave • posed of E. A. Hildreth, jr., and Frank action of all our patriotic citizens until this 4th day of November, 1899. most wholly free from pain. young soldier gave up his life in de­ Dodge and J. P. Sayle. such suppression is accomplished. The F lorence L. T refiien . My wife was sick with tbe cholera mor­ Portland today. fense of his country’s flag, as truly as if urgency of this cause demands the union Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took abont half a teaspoonful of D. D. Good and Wm. Fox have pur ­ Mrs. G. L. Dean returned home to he had fallen upon the field of battle. tbe medicine and it cured Ibe trouble at chased from R. K. Sutton the old pioneer without further delay of all our citizens Shooting Altair at Medford. Grants Pass Monday from a visit with The following letter addressed to livery business of Ashland. They are who desire the Prohibition of the liquor once and she never felt anything more ot State of Oregon.) it. Milton and received by the family after first class and reliable business men. traffic therefore, Medford bad a shooting scrape to break Ashland relatives. > ss. his death, shows in what high esteem Resolved, That we favor the legal pro ­ J ames M. F bwkl . the quiet and peace of the City 8undav Miss Francis Barnes, who has been County) Subscribed and awern to before me this hibition, by state and national legisla­ Jackson Amateur« Play “Nevada." nubt about 9 o’clock in front of Collins visiting Mrs. W. B. Johnston, went to he was held by his old regimental com­ On this 28th day of July, 1899. appeared 19ih day of November 1899. mander : ASHLAND. Ur....Thursday. Feb. 15, 1900 & King's saloon. A. J. Hamlin, bette~ Jacksonville Friday. Ashland amateurs broke out again Tues­ tion, of the manufacture, importation, before rue, a Notary Public within and for G eo . W. Taaraaa. Portland, Or., Feb. 8,1900. day evening, after retiring from tbe thes- exportation and interstate transporta­ the State and County above named one W. Notary Publicjfor Oregon. known as Bud Hamlin and son of the well C. H. Brown was over from Henley Mr. Milton Gregory, Ashland, Ore. tion and sale of alcoholic beverages; piau stage by the breaking out of tbe known pioneer citizen, the late Jame-> over Sunday. He moves his family to CBNTKAL POINT. My Dear Boy:—In conversation with Americau-Spanish war. Tbe production Aliat we declare our purpose to organize Hamlin, shot E4w. I rmstrong, a brick that place next week. and unite all the friends of Prohibition Mr. Watson of Ashland, last evening, I Prof. Stocking went to Ashland Tues­ layer and contractor ot that place.. Four taken in hand was "Nevada, or The Lost into one party, an I in order to accom­ learned for the first time of your being Jordan Brown and Jack Masterson of day. Miss Wilson is filling his place as shots were fired from bis revolver and three Medford left for Klamath river Tuesday sick, and I wish to convey to you my Mine,” under the auspices of the Knights plish this end, we deem it but right to principal during his absence. eincere sympathy and hope for your Pythias. Tbe opera bouse was crowd- leave every Prohibitionist the freedom entered the person of Armstrong. on a prospecting trip. Jerry Heckathorn of Eagle Point, a speedy recovery. It is needless for me ed with an appreciative audience, and of his own convictions upon all other Both men were drinking during the Fred Payne, who is mining in the Sis- to tell you after your association with the following was tbe cast: Bred registered Here- Philippine soldier, was in town a few evening and from the reports it appears political questions as the change occa­ The Bulls are all Pure fords; a duly eertifi <1 kiyous west of Cole’s, was in Ashland pedigree with each one days ago. sioned by Prohibition, and the wellfare me in the service which we have just NEVADA, the wanderer.. ..H. 8. EvanB that Hamlin was playing cards m the Tuesday on a business trip. Thev are of three dif- ferent famaliea and of passeu through and the hardships of the yermoni an q U miner.. .J. Churchman of the whole people shall demand. E. V. Miller of Portland was in this saloon with other parties when Armstrong no kin. 'Neighbors purchasing one of each Ex-Judge 8. J. Day of Jacksonville, Wm. Angle of Medford is visiting his battie line and the camp, that I can Tom Carew, a young miner................ city several days last week interviewing began abusing and interrupting him. can change at end ci ns-fnl period, thereby ch -irman and J. M. Horton of Jackson ­ daughter, Miss Prudence Angle, who is never forget the brave boys who served / ,j. Edw. Thornton Prohibitionists. . having the use of a thoroughbred animal During the dispute the bartender ordered attending the normal school. ville and E. Rues, er. , of Medford were under me and with me during those Dandy i)ick a young miner.............. for several years. They will be Bold at prices Mr. Trimble, who is interested in some Armstrong out of the house and in going elected the county central committee W Y Crowson Special bargains on canned corn and trying times; and when I hear of the | that are cousistent, with rich and careful quartz mines in the Gold Hill region, is out, Armstrong challenged Hamlin to illness or distress of any ofJ he boys,: Sla8 steel, mi8sionar'y of health.... breeding and individ- ual merit. prepairing to put a quartz mill to work conie outside and threatened to do him up. string beans and baking powders at Gib- the kindest feeling of sympathy reaches i --- O. - -- • sou Bros, the rest of this week. ,...W. Marks in tbe near future. ---- INSPECTION INVITED ----- Hamlin came out, when Armstrong struck out to them from my heart, and I long Jerden, a detective. ’ . Notice to Contractors. . .1 .. ---- .. . .“ uciucu, » uevevuve ................ J. Loughlin ---------------------- ------------------- ------------ .L U.IUV. UCU i C. D. Wilson, who has been in u f . ------------------------------- T. G. Ruth has given uptho hotel and him, Hamlin replying with four shots Jube - » black miner ....... Ge0 - T - Watson Portland hospital for some time, took health and prosperity that I aimed to do WimKeye?\Tchinaman T^d McHattan Central Point is without a hotel at this from his 32 calibre revolver. T " a. xi x T ” xM-iKWYVj c* vDiumuau xxicavi AiiviAftwoil Saturday’s stage for Klamath Falls. in foreign lands. 1 J regret »*..« ’ • The School Board of School District No. time. Hotel men out of employment that t I am «,«♦ not .. Mother Morton, mother of ... the boys Haoiliu remained about the place and OREGON. take __.i .- l - you ...... Miss Dora Pennington 5 of Jackson County will receive sealed ASHLAND, take notice. James Porter, the old time S. P. loco­ able to see you in person and was soon taken into custody by Marsha! by the hand and speak words of en­ Agnes Fairlee, Mosey’s teacher.... motive engineer who has been at Butte, Wm. Hoagland, assessor of Klamath Murray. Armstrong was promptly taken bids for the construction of an eight room, Mon., for a year, is visiting his folks at couragement to you, but my dear boy, I ...............................Miss Leora Hughes county, started Wednesday for his ranch care of by a phvsician. be as brave in your illness as you were Roseburg. Moselle, a waif.......... Miss Nellie Patrick two story and basement brick school house A. F. HUNT. J. L. THORNTON. WM. 8TORM. in Langell Valley accompanied by his The preliminary examination to>k place when a soldier, and I have every assur­ estimable lady, formerly Mrs. Baer, and before Justice of the Peace James Stewart Ivan Wilde came up from Grants ance to feel that you will soon come out I The players gave a satisfactory account to be built in the City of Ashland in ac­ Miss Clara Perry. ! of themselves, opening a vein of sympathy cordance wijh plans and specifications Tuesday, District Attorney C. B. Watson Pass Tuesday to keep away from the all right A gentleman by the name of Smith representing the state and Colvig A Kearnes possibility of a quarantined small-pox Remember me kindly to your father, from the audience early iu tbe first act and made by Chas. H. B-jrgrafl of Albany. Or., i and any af the boys of our Regiment developing it with a steady and unflagging from .Washington county, who is en the defendant. After bearing the evidence epidemic. at whose office a set of plans and specitica- ' gaged to teach the Willow Springs school, of the pr seculion’s witnesses the case James Pelton, the well-known stock- who may call upon you, and believe me interest that closed their performance with will occupy Mrs. Hoagland’s residence with Lest wishes for your future good a generous round of applause that plainly tions are on file, and another set at the man, was up from Sams valley this rested. Justice 8lewart bound Hamlin indicated the pleasure and satisiaction felt office of the 8chool Clerk Ashland, Or. Registering voters is not progressing over to trial before the April term of cir­ week visiting relatives and friends, re­ health and success Your old Commander, very fast, only forty have registered up cuit court and announced the bail at $1500. turning home Friday. by those wno attended. Tbe cast was as Bids will be received until March 15th, O. S ummers . to this time. There is lots or kicking in Defendant's attorneys made a plea fora free as could possibly be expected from the Mrs. Rose Cardwell-Fitch was on yes­ Unselfishness, charity and kindness of ' "amateurishness” that i« expected and 1900, at 5 o’clock, at tbe office of the clere. Willow Springs precinct and Pooh Bah. terday’s train returning to San Francisco The way the precincts have been laid off, lower bail but in vain. District Attorney from a visit with relatives at Tacoma, heart were elements in Milton Gregory’s | looted for in productions by artists right Each bidder will state at what date he Watson then asked the court for a reduct ­ character ¿which made his friendships > ♦' men that have voted here ever since they Portland and Roseburg. can complete the contract, and the date |j e ,' off the grass of everyday life. ion Of bail wtien the court fixed it at $1000. and lasting, and as wide JWi tjie, 0 })ave been here will have to go several of his acquaintance. The home i To attempt a careful and correct criticism of completion will be considered in award, E. D. Briggs, representing the holder The amount was furnished by W. J. King miles to get tq their voting places. circle has been broken. ii______________ __ The only eon ; in detail would be beyond the space ailow- ing the contract. Rev. Gregory, M. E. minister, | ■nd the prisoner released from custody. of the chattel mortgage yesterday took and brother is gone. I. Before end ed for this article." However, whatever D«;,v, c the vuu Armstrong has been about Medford for possession of The Fair store under a bill preached in tpe Baptist church last Sun Each bid will be acoompanied by a certi­ came he gradually passed from the * Thad. McHatton didn’t know about tbe bi sale from A- F. Eddy. day morning and evenifig to large con­ some time, is a good mechanic and consid­ usual mood of cheerfulness and hope to I , Chinese dialect was made up out of the fied" check for Five Hundred Dollars to be ered a good citizen when sober, and is the Francis M. Plymale, who came to one of calm resignation, and passed ' gregations. queer and quaint mannerisms and figures of forfeited to the District if bid is accepted Jackson county in 1851, is very ill with Rev. Davi«, Baptist minister, will hold main support of a widowed mother. Ham­ kidney troubles at Medford and is not away wilbout a struggle.- May the im­ speech, all his own without any necessity and bidder fails to sign contract a^d give ‘ perfections of his life be gathered up ’ meetings each evening this week closing lin has bad a more or less turbulent career expected to live the week out. like the chaff of the wheat and be swept for 1 copyright protection. Geo T. Wat-on’s satisfactory bonds for the performance of in the courts. Last fall bis sister, Mrs perhaps next Sunday evening. Representative Ralph Moody, an able away by the winds of time; may the cieve/work could hardly be included in the Central Point had quite a little bon Rosanna Wilson—Carlisle, set fire to his lawyer of Portland and brother cf E. A. good in his character and conduct list of amateurs, as be has bad experience the same, otherwise, to be returned to the 1 barn and hay stack, later confessed and is fire las£ Monday evening An old shed floody of Ashland, was on last evening’s live forever, end be an inspiration to traveling with professionals. Jack Lough­ bidder. now serving a nine years sentence in the near the M. E. church was seen on fire. train returning from San Francisco. young manhood for unselfish and noble lin at-sumed the part of tbe cold blooded, Are going to give some SPECIAL Prices The Board reserve the right to reject any No damage except the breaking up of Oregon penitentiary. endeavor. white livered villain and detective and au i all bids. Address all bids to Mr. McKay, a farmer of Medford for the meeting at the Baptist church and Armstrong is still alive. The wound in ,nÔÀBZmôFQUApC to make “Rest Soldier, rest: thy warfare o’er, carried it through without a break. Will caucus at the city hall. the groin is the most dangerous. One ball the past five years, died there yesterday Dreatn of battle fields no more. ” UEU. W. TREFREN. Ashland, Or. room for Fall Stock. kjnvEiM of cancer. He was operated on for can­ Marks' part as a comedian fell well into his Mr. Ruth’s liquor license will expire went iu the back a nd the other in the leg. cer in San Francisco about three months At the dawning of the morning when Feb. 22d and tlie Central Point hotel the streaks of golden light shall drive capacity—tbe chai acter calling for a com­ ago. will have no saloon, a thing that has not back the mists of the tomb, may the plete stock of energy and gall. To J. E II. L. McWilliams and L. W. Van State School Supt. J. H. Ackerman reveille call Milton and all his sleeping Thornton and W. Y. Crowson fell the char- happened tiuce the town was incorpor­ Horn returned Tuesday from Klamath visited the public schools of southern ated. Falla where they attended a meeting of ( Oiegon this week. He was iu Ashland comrades, not to clash of arms ana actersOf hero lovers and to say that tbe the Oregon Midland R. R. Co. and the Tuesday accompanied by Supt. G. A. scenes of blood, but into the reward of boys did not fully meet the expectations of the well done, good and taithful sol­ the audience in their specialties, would be KLAMATH FALLS. ( citizens of Klamath county. R. S. , Gregory. an diers. Moore came iu with them and left for a slanderous siqteipent that would not be Dr. Will Martin left Tuesday morning Attorney James D.Fairchild of Yreka Portland on a visit. They were royally Rev. Abbett again uttere4 a fervent believed by the attractive ladies of this city. forCaltfoxnia, via Ager. over yesterday on business in con­ prayer entertained out there being driven about came ' followed by “We'll Never Say The Lieutenant conducted his part as if to H. H. Van Valkenburg returned from the country in carriages, a public meet­ nection with probating the wi'l of the Good Bye*' from the choir. The friends tbe manor boru, while Mr Crowson gave evi­ Semi-Weekly Stage Line ¡ate Rufus Cole who also owns land in Sacramento Sunday morniug. ing was held at which a bonus of $150,- viewed the face of deceased for the last dence of being no neophyte at the deiightfui this county. OOO in land and money was pledged time when the large funeral procession The tax roll for the year 1899 has been and Mail Contract from Mrs. J. H Miller, formerly Miss Ollie wended its way to Ashland cemetery. art. John Churchman's old man, a dif­ turned over to the sheriff by the county to be given the company as well as right ficult part, was ingenoualy taken care of. Marksbury, moved to Ashland Monday of way, etc. A grand ball was given in The arrangements were in charge of clerk. honor of the road Saturday evening at and ie stopping with Councilman P. B. Gen. Lloyd Wheaton Post, American- H. 8. Evans, in the eading role of Nevada, Ashland to Pelican Bay. Herbert Baldwin, who lias been at­ Houston’s Opera House. Whitney’s family. Her husband is em­ Spanish War Veterans, and 22 com­ showed a fine and intelligent conception qf COLEMAN BRO'S, Proprietors. tending college at Forest Grove, returned ployed in the Ashland mine. rades of deceased were out in their kaki the character in band apd came through Mistletoe Court, American Order of home last Thursday. Claude Hockett, bookkeeper of the S. uniforms. The order of the procession vyith a very credit»b|a showing. Miss Dora Foresters, was organized iu Ashland last Pennington well sustained the fine in- C. D. Willson, who has been absent week by Mr. Bennett with the following P. D. & L. Co , visited his heart’s des re was; All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra Co. B, 3d Reg., Q. N- Q-;0 q B, U. siinctiye motherly qualities of Mrs. Morton. several weeks in Portland under medi­ otfleers and 27 members: Chief Ranger, in this city last week and then left for Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. cal treatment, returned Tuesday and is Mark Baker; Jr. C. R., Wm. Fox; P. C. , San Fraucisco to take a course in a S. V., fjring squafi; hearse and Co. B, Mlsa Leora Hughe«’ fine stage presence, U. S. V. pall bearers; family and again enjoying good health. R., Chas Gillette; f. 8 , E. Edelhoff; ■ § an Francisco business college. dignified and graceful manners, came in mourners; Co. B. U. S. V.; Burnside J. F. Hoeller, proprietor of the Klam­ R. 8., Sylvian Provost; F. K., G. W; 8. Walden, of the firm of Walden Bros., t’ost, G. A. R.; W. R. C., and citizens well for her part. The soubrette of the ath Falls Sash 4 Door Factory, has se­ Crowson ; I. W., W. J Schmidt; 0- W , ' came over from Klamathon yestetday and friends. occasion was Miss Nellie Patrick, and if cured permission from the town board to Erank Dodge; managers, Geo. C. Stan« ' on a bueine«« visit. He reports the big I t At tbe grave Rev. Abbett pronounced there were no person to vouch to thfi con­ erect electric light poles in the city and ley, Ed. Booth and Frank Dodge. sawmill working night and day and the the burial prayer of the M. E. church trary a charge of professionalism would One a three seat and the expects to put in an eiectric light plant when Co. B performed the military find ready believers. Her work was de­ A meeting of the Democratic Central box factory in full blast. within a short time. Committee tor Jackson countv is hereby Mrs. Harry M. Roberts arrived Mon­ service. cidedly clever. other two seats. Six head LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE The firing squad of seven soldier« The Amateur Koon Club gave a min­ called to meet at the town hall in Jack­ day from Forbestown, Cal. She was The receipts of th9 evening was $130, tbe strel performance at Houston’s Opera sonville on Saturday, Feb. 17, 1900. A formerly Miss Nettie Brightman and i n fired three volley« over the open grave admission being 25 and 50 cents. of Horses and two sets of house Wednesday night, which was a full attendance of the members is desir­ the spring will leave with her husband, and the bugler sounded taps, the genuine laugh-loosener from start to fin­ able, as business of importance will come now at Sumpter, for Cape Nome, Alaska, soldiers good night. Sudden Death of J. S. Reed. LADIES’ Harness. ish. Their first appearance being so up. J. H. B eeman , Secretary. to make their fortune. The following American-Spanish War successful^.' they decider! to go on the Gold Hill, Feb. 6, 1900. John S. Reed, the highly esteemed The Mother Goose Ball at opera house Veterans were in line: road, and their next appearance will be Æ3ST3D ■o Capt J. L. May, Second Lieutenant J. pioneer citizen o( northern California, Jane McCully Cabin, Native Daugh­ on Washington’s birth day promises to Bonanza on the 22d inst. who hgs been making his home for the Cal! on or apply to, be an occasion of exceptional interest in E. Thornton, M. H. Howell, Walter ters of Oregon, of Ashland, gave a public Call and see me when yon are in need of A mass meeting was held at the opera reception yesterday afternoon from 2 to the social world. The Degree of Honor Denny, Fred Smith, John Rriper, John past several months with his daughter, any property of any description, either to CEŒZLZDZRZBIîT’S Mrs. Conner, wife of W. E Conner, house Saturday evening to discuss the 5 o’clock at I. 0. O. F. hall in honor is in charge of the affair which insures Prather, I^enry Werth' (Cuban cam­ rent or bn«-. landlord of Hotel Oregon, passed peace­ proposition of the Oregon Midland Rail­ of admission day. It was a very pleas­ it competent and careful management. paign.) I have ranches for sale in every part of fully away in his room in the hotel Sat ­ Jackson county: fine land snd low prices. road Co., Judge Benson presided as ant occasion and though the notice was Pall bearers — Sargents W. Y. Crow- Attorney S. S. Pentz who has been urday afterpoon of neuralgia of the h^ert. Small acreagas of fruit land near town Chairman and after a few opening re­ very short there were over 100 pioneers located at Stockton, Cal., for some time, son and W. B. Pracht, Corporals Frank He bad betfn suffering from that trouble and land in bearing fruit, any number of marks, introduced H L. McWilliams one and their cbiMren present. Grebb and Fred Robley; John Bailey, large or small. arrived at Medford Turiday. His family aud io the afternoon retired to his room Lock Box lai, Ashland, Oregon acres, of the directors of the O. M. R Co., Dan Conner. 1 bave several houses to sell in the city;, for a Dili When ¡Hrs. Conner returned who briefly explained the proposed Thieves entered the hen house of J A. have been living at Dunsmair for sever­ Firing squad—Corporal Otto Miller, prices to soit the times. D ry G oods , N ovelties , course of the new line and the necessary Tinsley on Helman street one night re­ al months on account of their their Fred Herrin, Geq. Churchman, Morris to see him a little later he wa9 dead- HOUtES TO RENT. subsidy reqtrired, which would be $150,- cently during the hours of religious ser­ health. Mr. Pentz thinks of returning Adams, Burel SinitL, John Wagner, The remaiue were embalmed and were placed on Sunday morning’« train for MONEY TO LOAN. Main Street, Oyer the Bridge. 000. Representative citizens from vari­ vices and swiped the old gentleman’s tq Jackson county again. Abe Radcliff, Blaine Klum. Bugler— Ukiah, Cal., aooompanied by Mrs. Con­ 1N8U RANCE A SPECIALTY. ous parts of the country were in attend­ favorite rooster and fine hens as wpll as Max Pracht, special agent of the land Buel Hildreth- ner. The funeral took plaoe there yes- ance and numeroiM speeches made in purloined all tfleeggs Mr. Tinsley says office with headquarters at Santa Fe, N. Here are a few of my bargains: terd&Vf Card of Thanks, the interests of the railroad project. it was not done by hobos; that the ho­ M., was at Washington, D. C., getting Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres Mr. Reed came to Ca'ifornia in 1852 Committees were appointed to ascertain bos cannot navigate a lO1^ inch hen political inspiration from the Great in fruit, $450. We wish to express our heart felt and was engaged in mining in Siskiyou Six acre tract, three acres in frn't, good the amount of bonus that could be house hole and that parents had Father, lie then left for Ojo Caliente, gratitude and appreciation to Co. B., U. bouse, barn, et(>.. running water, for $500. raised. And present indications are better keep an eye on boys who stay N M., to recuperate his health tor the S. V., Co. B,, O. N. G. and to the friends county, being one of the three original Auother ten acre tract, some trait, two that the dirt will be flying along the out at night. next campaign. It is to be trusted that and neighbors, who with their ever pres­ owners of the Black Bear mine on Sal­ small booses, $400, ent sympathy so kindly helped us dur­ mon river with Ex-Gov. John Daggett line by the first of May. Max ’ s nerve has not been impaired. ee These are within a mile and a half of S. M. Rhodes has mo .zed his hard­ ing Milton’s long illness and in death. and J. D. Coughlin. They sold the prop­ •• Ashland. ware store from the old quarters in the erty for a large sum. Mr. Reed after­ Thos. James has closed a $65,000 min­ M b . and M rs . J. W. O. G regory , Two mflas from town r teu acres, entirelv TO CVRE A COLD IN ONK DAY I. 0.0. F. block to elegant quarters io ing deal in the east and with Mrs. James ward became interested in the live stock O live G regory , unimproved. $200 business at Ukiah, Cal., and became a Take L axative B romo Q uinine T ab ­ his place of business in the Beach block and eon have concluded a visit with Hotel property in town, for sale for $4000. E dith G regory . over the bridge on Main street. Besides very wealthy as well as useful and in­ Pillsbury’a Vitos, per pck’g . One hundred acres fine valley land, two lets . All druggists refund the money if Chicago friends, Mrs. Z. M. Hall and Water Street 18 CU miles from Medford, $4500 fluential citizen. Toe j anic of 1894.8e>^' it fails to cure. E. W. G rove ' s signature his customer}- hardware stock he has re­ family, and are en route home to Spok­ at Have you seen tbe Raycycle, the b >« Pillsbury ’ s Oats, p-r pek ’ g.. 15 Cail and see me in regard to any of the ceived a new stock of goods and a full ane, Wash, stoping off at Leadville, Col., ously involved his prosperity.* ' ' in each box. 25c. Ralston Breakfast Food, pck’g 15 << above, and if tbev do not suit, I have a y mail or line of tin and granite ware, orchard wheieMr. James was engaged in min­ and handaomest wheel made; will run He leaves a wife. Mrs. z\nna Morrison Shred Whole Wheat Biscuit, pk’g.18 «« 1000 miles without oiling; will run 27 large list from which yon might choose express receive tools, spraying tools, stoves and ranges ing several years before coming to Ash­ Reed, theglftod lecturer and author, per cent lighter than any bicycle made. Grandma’s Musli, per pck’g prompt attention. The ladies of the Maccabees were given and everything kept in a hardware GEO. W, TREFBEN. T bbmb C ash at The easiest bill climber tpade. For sam­ abd five children, all now grown. He Flaked Wheat, per lb............ a Tea at the home of Mrs. J. H. Pracht store. Give him a call in his new quarters. land. Main Street, Near Bridge Ashland, Or. was a prominent Mason and Knights SBABORABLB BATEST Saturday afternoon. It was an interest­ Cottage Grove, Feb. 10.—Information ple and prices call at Reeser’s hardware Templar. In the passing away of Mr. Oat meat, the finest, per lb. tore. Oatmeal, lower grade, per lb ing occasion. . The following ladies was received here today by a carrier Mrs. Geo. W. Lynde and children Reed death has taken to its own a grand Postum Cereal, large size... were present: move 1 to Duusmuir today to live. Mr. from Bohemia of another rich strike in The prohibitionists of Jackson county old citizen. Poetum Cereal, small size.. ■ Me.wtames—, ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. 1900, Mrs. W. M. Abbott, aged GO yrs. Muses Carrie Bentley, lxmise Grotbyean . Rabi. Tailor and famflv received a thorough examination we unqualifiedly ment is the educailon in all departments A^land, Oregon. beautiful lot of flowers today from Mayor pronounce the disease to be smallpox in of the public schools against the evil Lunchet Put Up. liquor. When the pert, J. 8. Sweet of Santa Roaa, Cal., a former the discreet, or mild form, with no effects of MAHK1BI), teacher ef the late Jav Taylor. symptoms lacking to make the diagnosis independent youngsters of the times Shop is now opça, aim their shafts of wU and ridicule upon absolutely certain.” Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s for a vulnerable institution’ they will PERRY-BROWN-Iu Jacksonville, Feb. Nothing but First - Class All Passengers Trains An elegant line of Framed Pictures at make it feel quit» Ww©fort»t>te, to >ay • your carpet«. They have received a fine 7 R. 8. Dtuilap. J. F-, 41« Bas which are teing ottered bottom ppera House Furniture VMt. BwpSOÿitfgW» Mrttola 4 PERSONAL ÀND BÔC'IAV "f" f SUTTON’S SNAP SHOT. THE WONDERFUL DESTROYER INFLAMATION IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON, PROP. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE VALLEY RECORD. Twenty-Five Head of Pure Bred Hereford Bolls. OWEN <5fc MOORE ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Ashland ODDS mo ENDS SPECIAL! T , TP \i/ VW L p. For Sale ss,---- a»—v— Conte in and a bargain CHEAP ^»he Fairytore BUY : AND SELL : GREEN , 2 First-Class Spring Wagons, FRUITS. GEO. W. TREFBEN. J, N. SMITH, Yes! We have them: UNDERWEAR, Ashland. . STEAM laundry TINNING & PLUMBING GO. istauranti Meals 25 S"Ä viri Mm ■ i it i 3 ÄVWS, i t i • ■■ .