I « -A Engel Bro» VALLEY BECORD. ASHLAND, OREGON VALLEY RECORD. Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Propri ctor. One Year.............................................. $1 75 Six Mentha. ..................... 100 Three Months...................................... 50 VOL. XII Advertising Rates Given on Application. Klamath Falls, Feb. 10.—A large and enthusiastic meeting was held this even­ ing at the opera-house in the interest of the proposed Oregon Midland railroad, from Klamathon, Cal., on the Southern Pacific, to Klamath Falls. The meeting was addressed by a number of speakers, committees were appointed, and the company is assured ota subsidy of $150,- 000 from Klamath connty. The immense timber area of this coun­ ty is being rapidly acquired by Eastern capital, in anticipation of the proposed railroad. Sixty-three timber claims have been filed on within the past 30 days, and the woods are full of locators. There ie no better medicine for the babiee than Cbamberlaiu’e Cough R-m- ediee. It* pleasant taste and prompt effectual cures make it a favorite with mothers aud email chil Iren. It quickly cures their ceeghs and colds, preventing pneumoofaor other serious consequen­ ces. It also cures croup snd has been used in tens of thousands of cases with­ out* single failure so far as we have been able to learn. It not on}y cures croup, bqt qhen pi yen as soon ns the croupy «tough appears, will'prevent tlte attack, fn cases of whooping cough it liqutfiea the tough mucus, making it easier to ex­ pectorate, and lessens the severity and frequency < .<■•»«<• rj ' Tv— mm fitted by an Kapcrt. W«ai- Ml e—v— for A quick and ‘ ■adieal cure lor rll-a. Vl~r. and rule!», by Dr. Jurdba’a apecial paw i Im method». CmaKltb» (re. and ■trrrtty private Tmimrot per •rally w by leltw A Pu«t~. ft« in every mm u.rUrtake. Wm. foe Book. »■IL»«<>I,HY •» ■ AaaaiACfit. H»iua rasa. (A vaiuabl. bwk ternve) Calloewm. Pg. JORDAN a CO.. 10BI Market St. S. F. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878.— NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TTN1TED STATES LAND OFFICE VJ Roseburg. Oregon, December 6. 1899 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the states ot Califor­ nia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter­ ritory," Charles Strang of Medford, county Of Jackson, state of Oregon, has this day filed t° take place in that town on Notice is hereby given that in ce.nplianc" Washington’s birthday, Feb. 22nd. of’jttne3Pr°1878*.°eutiileKi'^^An'act^foi^he q .Whi‘mafn .«turned to Medford ^^LE ct , ng SHERWIN J'S HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL * OFFICE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. THE LARGEST and REST Roseburg, Feb. 10.—There was a large attendance of democrats, populists and silver republicans on their central com­ mittees here today. Fusion was voted unanimously. Great harmony existed. County convention will be held April 10, 1900. Sheridan, Feb. 8.—The Sheridan city council has lighted the city with gaso­ line street lamps. Saloon-keepers of the town have peti­ tioned the council for an ordinance per­ mitting them to keep open all night. It cost $40,340 to run the state univer­ sity last year, of which over $30,000 was paid in salaries. ?,uu .Y irom Lost nver, Klamath county, He will not attempt to handle the Lo«t river mullet this season on account of the lowness of the water and a short crop of suckers, Mr. aud Mrs. H. C. Myer arrived from Sau Francisco Saturday after an absence of many months. Clay will start in a few weeks on his return to Dawson City and Cape Nome and Mrs. Myer will also go to Nome for the summer. Miss Anna Hargrove left for San Fran­ cisco Monday to inspect the spring mil­ linery opening for the benefit of the Ash­ land ladies. Hargrove Sisters will move their store into the Atkinson building now occupied by Storm’s butchershop. Fred Bowker, son of W. F. Bowker of Sisson, was instantly killed at Hay creek, Or., last week. He was thrown from a heavily loaded wagon, the wheels of which passed over him, breakitg his I neck. Ex-County Judge J. R. Neil is a candidate for county judge on the demo­ cratic ticket and J. H. Huffer of Jack- | sonville for the same place on the repub­ lican ticket, subject to their respective county conventions. T<> accommodate those-who are partial to the ucie of atomizers in applying liquid» into the the nasal passages for'c ata san xl troubles , the proprietors prepare Ely’s Liquid Cream Baliu. Price including the spraying tube is “5 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid embodies the medicinal properties of the solid preparation. Cream Balm is quickly absorbed by the ntenbrane and does not dry up the secre­ tions but changes them to* a natural and bealttiv character. Ely Brothers, 56 War­ ren Bt., N. Y. in For Infants and Children. our Drug The Kind You Have Always Bought In Southern Oregon. Bears the Signature of NO. 38. R. N. NASON’S PAINT ! Stonide Floor Paint, - . National Wagon Paint, Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. r Makes the food more delicious and wholesome FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK OOVAL SAKIWa POWOf B PC „ HEW YORK. NEW PRECINCT BOUNDARIES. Last week’s R ecord contained the description of the boundaries of Barron, Dunn, East Ash and, West Ashland, Talent, Sterling, Watkins, Applegate, Jacksonville, Pooh-Bah aud Union pre- cincte. The balance of the precincts are as follows: WEST MEDFORD, PRECINCT NO. 12. Bhsll consist of all that part of the Med­ ford road district as created by statute which lies w of the roadbed of o i-l r line*« 1» the s e corner place of beginning. (Polling place—Lake sec 36, t 32, r 1 e, thence w 2 miles, Creek school bouse.) tbence south to Rogue river, thence up said river a d the middle tors of BIG BUTTE, PRECINCT. KO. 18. said river to n w corner of c 33, r 4 e, thence Beginning at s e corner of t 35, He. e along the n line of sail t to the e bound­ thence w 12 miles on said time to s w cor­ ary line of Jackson county, thence n on e ner t 35. r 3 e, thence n 3 miles, thence w 6 line of said county to the place of begin­ miles, thence n 2 miles, thence w 5 miles to ning (Polling place—school house near s w corner, sec 5, t 35, r 1 e, tbence n nearly Pegg’s place ) 8 miles to Rogue river, thence following the middle fork of Rogue river until itiutersects i Edition de Luxe. the n line of t 33, thence e on said t line Dr. Humphreys ’ Specific Manual on to n e corner, t 33. r 4 e, tbence s on e boundary line of Jacksou county 18 mi'es the cire and treatment of the sick, bound to place of beginning. (Polling piace— in white and gold, will be mailed free. McKee’s school house, near Big Butte Address the Humphreys’ Company, creek.) New York. FURNITURE Window Shades, Draperies, Carpets, Linoleum. ASHLAND MILLS Coirci HTtHT làmi W. J. VIRGIN & CO.. PROP'S Main St. ZPJLIHSTTS, T’A.HNTTIEZEtS’ TOOLS, WALL FAFER, GLASS. ETC B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers amd T wires . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. A shland H ouse N. BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR. ASHLAND. OREGON RATES, $1.00 PER DAY Good Accommodations Located in the Heart ot the City. Free Bus to and From all Trains. Disfiguring Humors PATENTS infntmation. WRITE FOR COFT OF OUR tFECIAX CFFER. It i» the most 1 iberal proposition ever made by a pstent attorney, and EVERY INVENTOR SHOULD Tir.AD IT before applying for patent. Addrau: H.B.WILLSON&CO b pant wtranThv w line uf Jaetatm wunty Has Returned and Has Equipped His Old Established Gallery in Ashland With LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY. Carbon Finish. Photos in Water Colors. Pictures in the Latest Styles. Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. Gallery Opposite t ♦ + : ♦ Hotel Oregon. | rhe NEW GRAPHOPHONE NOT A TOY. REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. A strongly constructfid Grapn- ophonc, with simple mechan­ ism, made to meet the de- mand for a first-claw talking machine, at a low MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS The pleasure in owning a Gr*phophonets largely increaeedby being able to make and reproduce your own record». We furnish this machine with recorder for $4.5O.maKlng it the cbeap mound precinct , no . 20. •> 4* G. H. Appleton, Justice of l*e*ce. Clarks ­ Beginning at s e corner of n e %. sec 31, t 36, r 1 w, thence w 4 miles to n w corner burg, N.J., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Commissioners Court. of s w % of sec 31, t 36, r 1 w, tbence s I Ji Risers are the best fills made for consti­ pation. We use no others.” Quickiv cure The certificate of sale for taxes held by miles, tbence w to Bearcreek, thence down all liver and bowel troubles —E ugene A. Bear creek to intersection of w line of sec Jackson county on land assessed to J F 27 t36, r2w, thence n on section line to rui-BWtN. White and Geo E Bloomer, as follows: intersection ot Rogue river, thence up of ne% and wj^ of ne%, sec 16, tp 35 Rogue river, to the mouth of Little Butie 8, r 3 e, is conveyed to J F White, he creek, tbence up Little Butte to Antelope having paid the taxes and interest there creek, thence up Antelope to the e line ot sec 15, t36, rl w, thence son section on amounting to $9 80. Report of viewers and surveyors in lines to place of beginning. (Polling place charge of road petitioned for by D J S —Mouna school bouse ) Pearce and 6ons was read and continued CENTRAL POIHT PRECINCT, NO 21. for examination of new road. Itching, Burning, and Scaly Shall consist ot all tbe territory embraced Report of viewers and surveyor in road in tbe Central Point road district as pro­ Eruptions of the Skin and petitioned for by J H Beeman et al is set vided m the statute establishing the same. aside and viewers and surveyor hereto­ (Polling piace—Town Hall.) Scalp with loss of Hair fore appointed, to meet Feb26,1900,and WILLOW SPRINGS PRECINCT, NO, 22. Complete External and Inter­ view, locate and mark out a road. Beginning at s e corner of sec 16, t 37, nal Treatment by Cuticura Road petitioned for by T H Freden- burg is cjntinued until the March term, r 2 w, and running thence w 3 miles to tbe The Set $1.25 w corner, sec 18. t 37, r 2 w, tbence n on as no bond or proof of notices had been s the Consisting of C uticura S oap (25c.),to cleanse I line until said line intersects Rogue filed. river to the e line of sec 16, t 33. r2 w. the skin of crusts and scales and soften the Report of viewers in matter of road tbence s on sec line to Bear créés, tbence thickened cuticle, C uticura Ointment (50c.), of Easement is confirmed and as soon as up Bear creek to the point where Bear to instantly allay itching, irritation, and in­ flammation, and soothe and heal, and Cun- cost of viewing, surveying and damages creek intersets tbe n line of precinct no 11. cuba R esolvent (50 c .), to cool and cleanse assessed are paid said road will be estab thence w to e line of Central Point road district, tbence s to the s e corner of said the blood. A single set is often sufficient to lished. cure the mo6t torturing, disfiguring skin, road district, thence w to tbe s w cor of said Semi annual settlement with Alex road scalp, and blood humors, rashes, itchings, and district, tbence s to tbe place of begin­ Orme, sheriff of Jackson county , is con­ ning, excepting therefrom tbe territory Irritations, with loss of hair, when the best tinued until March term of this court. embraced tn Central Point road district. physicians and all other remedies fail. P ott «» D«vo AKO C»«u. Co«r.. Sole Props., Boston. A warrant for $20 was drawn on special (Polling place—Willow Bprings school How to Cure Every Skin end Blood Humor." free. county fund for postage for use of officers. bouse ) CUTICURA PUREST OF BABY SOAPS The judges and clerks of election ap­ GOLD BILL PREC’NCT, NO, 23. pointed at the January term are con­ Beginning at tbe s e corner, sec 13, t 37, 3 firmed w, thence w 2 miles to s w corner, sec 14, t Report of Emil DeRoboam, hospital 37, r 3 w, thence n 3 miles, tbence w 1 mile, keeper, approved. n 1 mile, thence wJ4 mile, thence on the Reports of county officers approved. center sec line n 5 miles to the n w corner Reports of supervisors for the past of n e%. sec 4, t 36 s, r 3 w, thence e 1J4 year were examined and warrants or­ miles, tbence s J4 mile, tbence e Ji mile, thence s to intersect Rogue river, tbence up dered to issue to all supervisors for their said river to a point where said nver inter­ Qnicklv »©cured. 0UB FES DUE WREN PATENT several services, except supervisors of sects tbe e line of sec 13. t 36. r 3 w, tbence OBTAINED. Send model, »ketch or photo, with road districts Nos 3, 32 and 37. sou t line to the place of beginning. (Pol­ description for free report as to patentability. 48-PAG7. Court having paid R L Parker, super- ling piace—public hall ) HAND-BOOK FREE. Contain« reference« and fall visor of road aist No 36, in full, orders ROCK POINT PRECINCT, NO. 24. that no warrant issue to him Beginning s e corner of sec 22. t 37, r 3 Warrant for $15 drawn on indigent sol­ w, tbence w 4 at miles to s w corner, sec 19, t diers fund in favor of D R Andrus, post­ 37, r 3 w. thence n on t lines to Rogue riv­ commander G A R for relief of indigent er, thence down the meandering of said soldiers aud sailors. river to a point where said river intersects Bills allowed at February term as fol­ tbe w line of sec 25. t 36, r 4 w, tbence n to tbe n w corner of s of sec 13. t 36. r4 w, lows: Officersand deputies................... $1157 91 tbence e 1 mile, tbence n on t lines to the w corner of sec 19. t 35, r 3 w, tbence e 2 Supervisors " ‘ ‘ ’ compensation ‘ ........ 1615 70 n miles, n 3 mi-es. thence e 2- miles, ’TIFANTED-SEVERAL BRIGHT AND J ustice court....... . ........................ 62 90 tbence thence s 5 miles to s e corner of sec 31.135, V v honest persons to represent us as! I Printing and blanks..................... 52 8 r 3 w, tbence w 1J$ miles, thence s along the Managers in this and close by counties.: 32 40 w hue of Gold Hid preci nc<. No. 23 to I he s Salary $900 a tear and expenses. Straight' B°°ke, stationery, etc. 75 e corner of sec 15, t 37. rS w, tbence st boua'fide, no more, no less salary. Posi- Court house and jail... (Polling 130 75 mi e to tbe place of beginning lion permanent. < Our references, - . any , bank ___ Indigent allowance.... in any town II is a mainly office office work con- con Roads and bridges ... ____ __ 28 66 , place—Rock Poiut school house ) ducted at home. References. Enclose self- County commissioners 25 80 1 FOOTS CREEE P8ECIBCT, NO 25 addressed stamped envelope. Boarding prisoners 5 00 Beginning at the s e corner of sec 25, t 37, T ub Domatoti Co., Dept. 3, Chicago. Sundry articles.... 10 35 ' | r 4 w , atiri running tbence w 4 miles to s w CASTOR IA QUALITY al ways considered Department. PAYING FOR EXTRAVAGANT LEGISLATORS. Oregon City Herald.] Taxes in this city for 1899 amount to 4 per cent. If George C Brownell had ltis way they would be still higher. He declares, to allure would-be taxeaters to his support, that there ought to be more jobs; that there aren’t jobs enough to go round. It’s the fellows who believe a public office is a private snap that in­ crease our taxation. Having as much conscience as a grindstone, they steal under form of law. When the taxpay­ ers get tired of feeding the taxeaters, matters will change. r J 1900 Cannot be better spent than by subscribe ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.76 gives you a|l the news for a year. Try it 1 KLAMATH COUNTY. Tbe Ordinance Concerning Removal For fine canned goods go to Gibeon of Painted Window* *nd Screen Bros. Door*, Closing at It <> clock, etc Wm. Deneff was up from Jacksonville City ordinance No. 198. An ordi­ Sunday. nance regulating saloons. L. A. Neil was a Jacksonville visitor The people of tbe city of Ashland do Saturday. ordain as follows: Ed. Tinsley left Monday to work at Section 1. No owner, keeper or at­ tendant in any house or room where in­ Klamathon. toxicating liquor is kept for sale at retail Mrs. La Forrest came out from Rose­ shall maintain or allow to be kept, placed burg last week. or maintained any Bcreen, ground, paint­ Geo N. Anderson returned Sunday ed or waved glass, or any glass except clear plate, nor any other device by from San Francisco. which the plain view of the bar in 6uch Father Donnelly returned Saturday place shall be in any wise obstructed from a trip to Portland. from the plain view of persons passing Miss Ada Dunlap of Talent left for by on the sidewalks. Section 2. Every owner, keeper or Redding Sunday on a visit. attendant of any house or room where F. M. Stewart and W. H. Simmons of intoxicating liquors are kept for sale at Medford visited Ashland Saturday. retail shall close said house or room at Call and examine goodsand prices at 11 p. m. of each and every day of the Gibson Bros, before buying elsewhere. week and not open or allow the same to State Pre«* Comments. Miss Etta King returned to Soda be opened until fi a. m. the following Eugene Guard.] morqing, and during the time such Springs Monday from a visit at Medford. places are closed under this section no The San Francisco Examiner sgÿs David Collier, the normal student, left person shall be allowed in such premises Saturday for bis home at Coquille City. nothing is known of Senator-elect Bard .Y y . ---------- . . . except the proprietor or the usual em­ ot zy California, except that he is rich. A. F. Hunt was at Hornbrook Friday What else is it supposed any member of ployes at such, place of business. Section 3. Every proprietor of any in the interest of the Ashland Meat Co. the California legislature would seek to fiquse ar room where intoxicating liquor M. L. Alford, wife and eon Herbert know about a candidate? is kept for Bale at retail shall keep a spent over Sunday with his folks at Tal­ McMinnville Telephone-Register.] book in which he or his barkeeper or at­ ent. The Oregonian has raised the ire of all tendant shall register the name and rrs. Joseph Robison arrived Sunday ftom the other republican papers in the state ideuce of any and all persons who shall purchase any spirituous, malt or intoxi­ Redding on a visit to his son, Boyd Rob­ by the stand it has taken regarding the re-election of Senator McBride. Hard cating liquors by the bottle, pint, quart ison. feelings in the republican ranks can be or in any other manner than by tbe glass Gibeon Bros, have marked down nearly or drink over the bar, and it shall be un­ all their fine stock of canned and bottled avoided by electing a democratic legis­ lature. lawful for any such keeper or attendant goods. to sell or give away any spirituous, malt Hillsboro Argus: Joseph N. Dolph, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chapman visited jr., a nephew of the late Senator Dolph, or intoxicating liquors by the pint, quart, bottle or in any other manner than by Judge and Mrs. Neil at Jacksonville was in the city Sunday, a guest at the the drink over the bar and drank while last week. Hotel Tualatin. He ie a graduate of the in the room where bought, to any per­ Miss Dora Pennington returned Fri­ Washington & Lee University; is en­ son who refuses to give his name and day from the Gill-Neher wedding at gaged in the drug business in Portland, place of residence and if required, hie Dunsmuir. and is the only democrat in the Dolph age, for the purpose of such registration, family. Miss Nora Sydow, the Central Point which register shall be subject to the teacher, visited Ashland friends Saturday Eugene Guard: The Republican Pi ess inspection of the mayor or any police and Sunday. Association of the state has resolved to officer of Baid city at any and all times. Section 4. Any person violating the Olney Hoowood of Central Point went get the patronage of its party if possible, provisions of this ordinance shall be to Henley Saturday to clerk for FredT. to which the Albany Democrat remarks that most newspapers do well if candi­ deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and Fradenburgh. dates for office liquidate old accounts, to upon conviction thefor shall be fined Bert Brandenburg of Warmcastle, not to exceed fifty ($50) dollars or be Siskiyou county, went to Medford Fri­ say nothing of grafts. Yamhill Reporter: The state league of imprisoned in the city prison not to ex­ day on a visit. republican clubs at its late meeting de­ ceed twenty (20) days Miss Icie Matqey returned to Apple­ cided to assemble quadrennially in fut­ Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its gate Saturday from a visit with her sis­ ure. As its functions are of a social rather than a political complexion, the adoption and its approval by the mayor ter at Yreka. Approved February 9, 1900. Mrs. Garl T. Jones of Medford visited interests of the party will probably be her daughter, Miss Mabel Jones, in Ash­ served just as we’l with fewer meetings. Albany Democrat: The meaning of Wm T. Reames has been appointed land Saturday. istmaster of Gold postmaste. __ (2 Hill to 'succeed < Frank L. Findlay, the piano tuner, Kenkucky, an Indian name, is ‘‘the dark Carl Phelps, resigned. Mr. Realties is left Sunday for Yainax, Klamath county, and bloody grounds” and even the In­ dians wouldn’t live there. It has always a son af Thos. G. Reames, the Jackson­ to visit his family• been that way. Mr. J. B. Comely, of ville banker. County Assessor Pendleton was called this city, who was born in that state and to Wardner, Idaho, last week by the who got out as soon as he could, once ———r---- —— illness of a brother. SICK HEADACHES, saw eighteen men hauled off in a wagon Mrs. C. F. Gegax and Mra. Frank the result of a feud over some hogs. The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl’s Clover Green of Dunsmuir went to San Fran­ What a change has occured. In 1872 Root Tea. tbe great blood purifier aud tis­ cisco last week on a visit. the following appeared in the republican sue builder Mvney refunded if not satis­ Byron Cole of Dunsmuir and Herbert national platform: factory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene Cole of Colestin visited Ashland from ‘‘The national government should seek A. S qebwih , Druggist. Friday to Sunday. to mantain honorable peace with all na­ T. J. Downing of Gold Hill was in Rose­ tions, protecting its citizens everywhere burg last week looking over the city on a and sympathizing with all people who strive for greater liberty.” business proposition. U •And . not Price, is PRESSED BRICKS. $1.75 COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1900. G. B. Griffith, formerly of this county, has purchased the steam laundry at Medford. Mrs. W R. Ramsey has undetgone a successful operation for appendicitis. A daughter was born to the wife of Wm. Rhodes at Tule lake Jan. 31st. Edd. Booth and family of Merill have moved to Ashland. Supt. Robt. Garrett, of the Ashland- Klamath Falls daily stage line, was* recent visitor in the Falls. Wm. Ellis died Feb. 4th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jos. Seeds, aged 82 years, from the effects of a paralytic stroke. He was a native of England. The petition asking for the pardon of Ex-County Treasurer W. E. Howe, serv­ ing a term in the penitentiary for incend- iaryism and embezzlement, is oefore Gov. Geer for consideration. sale of timber lands in the State» of Califor ma. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Ter- rtritory.” Henry U Shearer ot Medford county of Jackson, state of Oregon has this day tiled in this office bis sworn statement No. 740, for the purchase ot tbe ne %. of section No. 32, in towm-bip No. 39 houih, Range No. 4 east, and will ofte- proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for ag­ ricultural purposes, and to establish hi* claim to said land before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Baturday. the 17tbday of February,1900 names as witnesses: Charles Btrang TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878 - of He Medford, Oregon; Walter 8. Jones uf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Medford, Oregon: George W. Bai ey ot Oregon: Jacob E Bhearer of Med­ NITED STATES LAND OFFICE Shake. Oregon. Roseburg. Oregon, December 6. 1899. ford. Notice 1» herebv given that in contplunee Any and all persons claiming adversely with the provisions of the act of Congress the above-described lands are requested to their claims in this office on or before of June 3. 1878. entitled ‘An act file 1900. for the sale of timber lands in the said 17th day of February, J.T. BRIDGE^, States of California, Oregon. Ne­ dll Register. vada and Washington Territory,” Jacob E. Shearer of Medford, county of Jackson, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office bis sworn statement No. 738. for the Q purchase of tbe nw *4 of section No. £0. in PICTURES! township No. 40 south. Range No. 4 east and will otter proof to show that tbe land PICTURE FRAMES! sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Rose­ MOLDINGS burg, Oyegon. on Saturday, tbe 17th dav of CABINET WORK February. 1900. UPHOLSTERING He names as witnesses; Charles Strang GENERAL REPAIRING of Medford. Oregon Henrv G. Shearer, of OF FURNITURE Medford, Oregon; Walter S Jones of Med i ford. Oregon; George W. Bailey of Sbak-, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely AT THE tbe above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before ASHLAND aaid 17th day of February. 19t)0. UNDERTAKING PARLORS J. T. BRIDGES. Register. 1900 ......... ASHLAND, 0REU0Ä I S ubscription R ates : »150,000 It. R Subsidy. VALLEY KECOBD. ¡TOR S a I F «V ALL DRCCOI vtr in time. Sold