i PERSONAL ANU SOCIAL. POLITICAL NEWS NOTBS. A LICENSE MAJORITY. Jay Taylor’s Body. SUTTON ’ S SNAP SHOT. _________ I The Indiana arrived in San Francisco Tbe Elephant is Beginning to Get A The Anti-Saloon Leagne Loses the Carpets at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. yesterday from Manila containing the Move On Battle by a Hair s Breadth. bodies of many soldier In vs who died in Jehu Jacobs has returned to Henley. The state league of republican clubs Th© city election last Monday allowing the Philippines. The newspapers print} Louis Wyant returned to Henley Taes- met at Portland Tuesday. The follow­ all resident legal voters to cast their the name of Jay Taylor, son of Robert j . day. ing are the list of delegates from south • ballot “ ve8 ’ or “no” on the question of Taylor cf this city, as amon^ the num-1 H. Hum went to Klamath Falls Tues ern Oregon, but only a few are present. licensing saloons resulted in polling 511 bere, but Mr. Tmior h ts received no day. Jacksonville, Jacksonville—J. C. counted votes and 9 majority in favor of direct information from the authorities. OF ALL FORMS OF Whipp, J W. Robinson, W. H. Gore, licensing. It was a lively canvass and It is to be hoped that il ia a fact aud the Wm. Sonnichson returned to Ashland Emil Britt, T. Cameron, George M many friendaof the gallant voung soldier both sides had rigs out to bring their Tuesday. ' Love, J. H. Huffer. voters to the polls. The result was a and his family can give expression to D. L. Minkler is in Klamath county McKinley, Gold Hill—P. H. Daily, surprise to many as it was generally be­ their esteem, sympathy and affection in buying furs. N. A. Carter, Carl Phelps, F. K. lieved that when the vote passed 500 laving away tbs last of the earthly re­ Churhill. that it would get beyond the temjierance mains of a brave and patriotic lad and Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, Father Beatgen of Roseburg visited McKinley, Medford — D. T. Lawton, people by a majority ranging from 25 to kind hearted son and brother. Earache, Burne, Scalds, Corns and Bunions, Stiff Joints. Ashland Tuesday. C. W. Wolters, W T. York, F. M. 100. The vote also shows how rapidly Drowned in Rogne River Mrs E. A. Arkells has returned from Stewart, A. M. Woodford, W. I. Vaw- the population is increasing the next her Portland visit. Grants Pass, Feb. 6.—Allison Aterv PRICE, 5O-C. &c $1.00 PER BOTTLE I ter, H. G. Nicholson, Adolph Haberlv, largest city vote polled being 407 in of Merlin, was drowned in Rogue river I. A. Webb, G. A. Gregory. December, 1898. The clerks figured up Wanted—A good waiter girl. Apply Ashland, Ashland—C. B. Watson, E. 68 names in the first ward that did not late Sundav afternoon, near his farm. at the Ashland House. V. Carter, George W. Crowson, John L. come to the polls and there were many He left borne to Nok after sjtne part of Mrs. J. Franzen returned Saturday May, C. H. Gillette, W. F. Wooden, F. in the other wards. Ashland city caii his farm near tbe river, and presumably Ashland, Oregon, from a visit at Grants Pass D. Wagner, D. H. Jackson, C. F. Shep­ poll 650 votes, and will do much belter fainted, falling with liia head and shoul­ ders into the shallow water among the ard, J. P. Dodge. than that in the June election. The re­ Go to L. H. Thomas for watch and willows. Coroner W. F. Kramer was Grants Pass—H. L. Truax, A. C. suit of the vote was as follows: clock repairing. Helman street. Read these Testimonials, given under oath, of Cares Actually Performed: called to the scene, snd held an inquest, Hough, R. W. Benson, Joseph Smith, Yes No- the verdict being accidentel drowning, N. Bourgeois, of the Ashland House, F. W. Chausse, H. C. Bryson. G. W. First Ward ... 149 86 no violence being evident. Mr. Avery returned Sunday from Portland. Colvig, Joseph Moss, W. T. Coburn, M. Second Ward . 66 I can cheerfully state tha^tlie Snap W. Dickerson who being duly sworn, made 105 was one of the largest and mast success­ Clemens. Mis James Wiley and babe went to Third Ward... 45 Shot ia the best liniment I have ever used, the following statement ;- 60 ful peachgrowers of southern Oregon McKinley, Klamath Falls—L. F. Medford Tuesday to visit her folks. My daughter, who was a student at the or ever heard of in a life lime. and was in good circumstances. He was Willits, C. 8. Moore, A. Kershner, C. R. Stat» Normal School.one night while study­ Total 260 We always keep a bottle of it at the a 251 Ed. Walker of Grants Pass was about 45 years oh), and left a wife and DeLap, William A. Wright. ing felt a pain in her hand which aeon ex­ normal school. Among the athletic stu­ tended to the arm. Tbe'next day she went guest at the Ashland House Tuesday. The council met last night to canvas tbree small children. Hon. E. V. Carter was widely adver­ dents who have been hurt one or two ap­ to school and during the day she loat the Mies Dee Ankeny returned to Eugene tised as an active candidate for the presi­ the vote and pass upon the applications Salem, Feb. 5.—The supreme court plications of this liniment has taken out use ot her arm and it becauia spatted and [ Sunday from a visit at the Sterling mine. dency of the league, his friends believing for licenses of I. W. Burriss, Houck & today handed down three decisions. the inflammation and enred a sprained the teachers sent her home, fearing blood- Dame, Deston High and N. Bourgeois. The case of the First Nasional Bank ankle, a dislocated knee and a mashed poi«on. When she arrived home 1 took P. 8. Puckett, famous Cold Springs it would be a great stepping stone to the On the Burriss application by motion all bear hunter, visited Ashland this week congressional nomination. After Mr. in favor were asked to hold up their of Southern Oregon, appellant, vs. finger. One application cured a young her to Mr. bntton'a office where be applied Carter got to Portland the situation Lawrence Leonard and Mary Leonard, lady of a paralized arm and another “Snap Shot*’ liniment and within twenty on business. must have changed. The evening Tele­ hand. Reader, Beswick, Whitney and respondents, was reversed, the court young lady who had the rheumatism snd minutes of the first application, the swell­ Hunt raised their hands, Holmes and ing was gone down, the pain waa gone and Mrs. Newman Moon joined her hus­ gram of Feb 6th says: holding that a married woman is bound also a stone bruise was entirely cared by the spotted appearancefleft it. and>be has band at Klamathon last week where he Hon. E. V. Carter, of Ashland, an­ Trefren keeping theirs down. Mayor by a covenant in a mortgage, and that a two applications. never had the ¡east trouble! with her arm is employed., nounced yesterday afternoon that he declared the motion carried. Later it personal decree may go against her, It has also cared burns, cuts, carbun­ since or a recurrence of the pain was discovered that the charter re­ had withdrawn from among the aspir-. F lobkncb L. Tavravv. T. C. Way and wife, who have been quired a written resolution and recorded enforceable out of her separate property. cles, pimples, tooth-ache and rheuma­ Notary Public tor Oregon. spending the winteHn Ashland, returned ants for the office of president. The aye and nay vote.. Whitney drew up F. V. Medynaki, respondent, vs. B. P. tism. reason assigned was that he is a candi­ to Keno this week. Theiss and G. W. Bashford, appellants, We have never known inflammation date for congress, and that it would not and offered the resolution granting from Jackson, reversed. that it will not speedily takennt, if tbour- State of Oregon,) license to Burriss. Roll call showed Mrs. Fredericks and Jim and Edna appear , proper for him to run for the presi­ oughlv rubbed in once or twice. Bowers left today for Saa Francisco for ' dency under the circumstances. This Whitney, Hunt, Beswick and Trefren Jackson County ) It is A MARVELOUS MEDICINE, and will Ashland Public Schools Report. voting “ yes ” and Reader and Holmes the little girls health. James M. Fewel being duly sworn de­ action of Mr. Carter created intense sur­ do even more for the afflicted than is poses and say’s:- That about tan days Number of days taught, 20; Numberot claimed.for Lee Minkler has gone to Chicago where prise, for it was almost conceded, less “no.” Trefren said personally he it. ago 1 had the neuralgia in my taco and it he has a position as telegraph oj>erator than a week ago, that he would unques­ would vote no but as he had agreed to holidays, 0. W. T VAN S cot . pained me severely and had bean troubling stand by the result of the election he Days of attendance, boys, 5395J4 ; girls, tionably receive a vote that would land for tbe Associated Press. President Southern Oregon State Nor­ uie for two weeks or more when I bad Mr. record his vote yes. Reader made would 5356J£. Total, 10752. him in the chair Although the step Sutton apply his Snap Shot. Ho rubbed mal school. Dick Doggett, an old pioneer of Klam­ taken was a disappointment to Mr. Car- I no public explanation. Holmes ex­ Days of absence, bovs, 261; girls, 27214. my face for a few minutes and completly Sul»ecribed and sworn to before me cured ath river, Siskiyou county, was here ter’s friends, who felt so confident of his plained that he believed that the ma­ Total, 533,^. the pain and ainco that time been al­ this 4th day of November, 189 ). last week on a business trip. jority of legal votes cast was in favor of most wholly free from pain. Cases of tardiness, boys, 11; girls, 8. success, it is, neverthless, considered 1 F lorence L. T rkfren . My wife was sick with the cholera mor­ J. W. Marksbury of Gold Hill was in the most advisable move that could no licenses, that the 9 majority was Total, 19. Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took abont half a teaspoonful of No. enrolled on register, boys, 291; Ashland thie week. He is thinking have been made. Mr. Carter had a through illegal voting. Whitney, Hunt tbe medicine and it cured tbe trouble at CENTRAL POINT. remarkably strong following from clubs and Beswick were for license and abided girls, 298. Total, 589 some of locating in this city. once and she never felt anything more of the result. New scholars, boys, 17; girls, 19. State of Oregon in southern and part of eastern Oregon, it. Your correspondent made a trip to I Geo. F. Merriman, the newly appoint­ ’ j ss. The other applicants, through mis­ Total, 36. who were ready to stand behind him. J ames M. F iwsl . Jacksonville Monday. ed jxistmaster of Medford was in Ashland Besides these cohorts, a good projxirtion understanding, did not secure under­ Jackson County. Average daily attendance, 538. Subscribed and sworr. to before rue this Monday attending the circus. ( takings under the new ordinance. Coun ­ On this 28th day of July, 1899. appeared Rev. J A. Davis preached in the Bap Per cent of attendance, 95 3-10. of the Multnomah county clubs were at 19th day of November 1899. ASHLAND. Or.... Thursday, Feb. 8. 1900 before me, a Notary Public within and for Number of visitors, 66. tist church last Sunday morning and Percy Newton, who operates an ore his back. Mr. Carter is engaged in cil adjourned to 1 o’clock today to pass G eo . W. T setse *. the State and County above named one W. evening. Tardiness of teachers, 1. Notary Publicjfor Oregon. wagon in the Jillson A Roberts mine at business at Ashland, Or., and was speak­ upon the applications. At 3 o’clock council is still in session. Days absence of teachers, 0. John Clements came home last week Henlev, was over this week on a business er of the house at the last regular as well EAGLE POINT. Rev. J. F. Tout, president of the Anti- The average daily attendance is 17 trip. as special session of the legislature. sick with malarial fever. He has been Ssloon League, by permission, addressed Hon. 8. A. Carlton was over shaking in California at work on a dredger. Mnvor J. M. Church of Lt Grande de­ the council and stated his reasons for t;reater than for the corresponding mouth Wm. R. Thompson of Roseburg, who ast year. The following schools report with the boys the past week. feated J. W. Scriber of the Bame town I hear that there was a direct legislative has been visiting Ashland friends, left for president of tbe league. State sena­ belieying that the actual expression of no tardiness this mouth: Miss Dodge’s, OOISZEUSTG- O1STE YEA.R OLD. Come boys, don’t fail to register, for socialist club organized last Saturday Tuesday to spend a couple of months in bona fide legal voters and residents of Miss Leslie’s, Mrs. Moore’s, Miss Tay- tor Cameron of Jacksonville is on tbe California. this is going to be a great year in poli­ evening with a small membership. The Bulls are all Pure Bred registered Here- the city was polled for no license and executive committee for this congress­ that the nine majority was secured by lot’s, High School. tics according to the “Free Press.” certifi-d jiedigree with each one E. Mardon, wife and daughter and . C. A H itchcock , Principal. Rev. J. A. Davis of the Baptist denom­ ional disiiict. are ferent famaliee and of illegal voting. Councilman Whitney W. C. Daley was down from Lake ination and Rev. Gregory commenced Mrs. H. Mardon, who have been spend­ no Neighbors pm chasing one of each Doings of the Local Club. defended the first ward and Mayor Col­ TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Creek last week and reports stock doing a revival meeting Wednesday evening. ing the winter in Ashland, left today < f i useful period, thereby for Igerna, Cal. well; but we were sorry to learn that The names of delegates of the Ash­ ton discussed the question quite fully. Take L axative B romo Q uinine T ab ­ I the use a l thoroughbred animal Wm. Stidham, who has been running It was his opinion that there was illegal Mrs. Daley was no better. F. J. Belts, telegraph operator in the land Republican Club to the state voting in all three wards, but he doubted lets All druggists refund the money if years. They will be sold at prices an engine on a dredger on American train dispatchers office, accompanied by league show a fine Italian hand, The j whether it could be legally established it fails to cure. E. W. G rove ’ s signature that are consiett-nt, A. J. Florey has received the registra­ river in California, is here on a visit. with rich and careful in each box. 25c. names show the political friends of Hon, his wife, left Tuesday for Harrisburg for tion blanks for Eagle Point, Big Butte breeding and individ- ual merit. and without affidavits or evidence before E. V. Carter were all slated and that Representative Peter Fordney of Wai- I a months vacation. and Lake Creek precincts, and is now council they could not now take official ----- INSPECTION INVITED ------ some of the most prominent McKinley prepared to make the ordinary Ameri­ Iowa county has purchased Mr. Simp­ Mrs. H. L. Walters, who has been in administration republicans were care­ notice of it. kins’ place adjoining Central Point for BORN. can citizen a legal voter. (The room was packed with spectators. Los Angeles, stopped eff yesterday to OWEN 3c ILZEOOZRZE, fully omitted and Congressman Tongue’s an elk ranch. Mr. Dame and Rev. Tout sat on the visit Mrs. J. H. Russell and family while warm friends and the G. A. R republi­ The Eagle Point football team talk of •ASHLJLISrZD, OBEG-ON. Prof. Gregory is holding hie singing en route to Portland. making up a purse of $250 and then cans were entirely ignored, not even same bench and came very near igniting WAGNER—In Ashland, Feb. 5, 1900, school in the Baptist church since the They got into a quiet conversation about ehallenging any team north of Roseburg to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wagner, a son. All up-to-date stockmen realize that it don’t pay to feed scrubs. A match game of billiards was played being allowed the customary minority . for a match game, as they were unable M. E. church has been undergoing re­ at Gold Hill recently, between J. C. Hall representation. It is also the custom to the election and what seems very strange pairs. indeed they were unable to see it the to get a game in southern Oregon. and W. H. Rickey. The former won by place the name of an honored city mayor same way. Sarcastic remarks followed BIRO. Rev. Gregory, M. E. minister, held a score of 200 to 167. on the list as a delegate to be represen­ Brother Cole from near Portland is funeral services Monday morning at John A. F. HUNT. thick and fast and Mr. Dame threatened WM. STORM. J. L. THORNTON. ted by proxy at least and the league carrying on a series of meetings in the Downing’s over the remains of Daniel R. L. Friend brought Mrs. C. E. Hoyt must have been very absent minded to to twist Rev. Tout’s nose. Rev. Tout a DKAN—In Granta Pass, Feb. 7, 1900, R. Point and is creating quite an interest Nickleson. over from Eagle Point Tuesday. She have overlooked such a distinguished little later arose and informed the mayor H. Dein, of cancer, aged about 50 among the people. VVeare glad to have took the stage the next day to meet her and influential republican and citizen as and council that he had been threatened years. It is rumored that the hotel will soon him here and hope his stay may be long husband at Parker’s. Mayor Colton. Postmaster George En- with ¡»ersonal violence. The mayor NICHOLSON—In Central Point pre­ change hands, the talk being that John among us. glp ’s republicanism is surely as loyal as arose and made a fatherly talk about the Herbert Baldwin who has been attend ­ cinct, Feb. 2, 1900, Daniel Nicholson; Ross and Tom Leever will run the saloon Some of our Eagle Point critics have and Mrs. Galloway will conduct the ing Pacific University at Forest Grove, that of the recent Bryan populist, matter and s- on everything cooled down aged 59 years- and peaceful contention again reigned su ­ been putting some of what they thought hotel. was in Ashland Tuesday and left yester­ Capt. John L. May, and Hon. David F. preme.] to be unanswerable questions to Brother Fox, deputy internal revenue collector, day for his home at Klamath Falls. The election was illegal. The city’s* The farmers are all busy plowing and Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Oo|e but he answers them and never was also carefully overlooked. The Joaquin Miller, “ The poet of the Si ­ names of other prominent republicans patent charter didn’t intend that public misses a cog to the discomfort of the sowing. Fall sewed grain never looked Not ce is hereby given that the under erras, ” will deliever one of bis famous matters should be controlled by the peo ­ better this time of the year. The alfalfa of doubtful Carterized standing were al­ questioner. doing a retail liquor business in is green and growing. Good sheep pas­ lectures for the benefit of the public so overlooked. To an onlooker and from ple. The tickets and election also did signed, The farmers have commenced plowing ture any where you go. schools in Jacksonville next Saturday suggestions offered on the streets it not conform to the Australian ballot. the city of Ashland, state of Oregon, un­ der tire firm name of High & Taylor have and some are now sowing grain and in evening. would seem that tbe Carter machine in­ The mayor and council would not per­ this day dissolved partnership by mutu­ Justice of the Peace A. 8. Jacobs, as­ two weeks from now grain sowing on mit a contest as it would have opened Mrs. M. A. Sisemore and Miss Fran­ tends to hold a firm grip on the organi­ Butte creek will be a thing of the past. sisted by Johu W. Jacobs, are prepared cis Barnes came up from Sams Valley zation and allow nothing but Carter up unholy feelings and personalities _the al consent, Robert Taylor retiring and Deston High continuing the business, to register the voters of Central Point. ‘ Roads are in a fair condition, much bet­ The Friday to spend several weeks with Ash­ missionaries to bob np ana out of Naz­ end of which could not be seen. — ter than is usual this time in the year. They will register any legal voter in the land relatives and friends, the guests of areth . The placing of District Attorney saloons being licensed now ends the settling all accounts end collecting all bills. county that may wish' to apply. C. B. Watson as delegate-at-large is a councilmen’s troubles for a time.] Mrs. W. B. Johnston. D eston H igh , KLAMATH FALLS. The town board of trustees held their straw indicating that he has Hon. Mr. R obbiit T ayloh . After all this fuss it seems the elè- __ Siskiyou county is asking for plans Carter “well in hand" and dissipates regular meeting last Monday evening. About three inches of snow fell last Ashland, Or., Jan. 8, 1900. After auditing several bills, they appoint­ and specifications for a new jail to cost the many rumors that he was to be phant wanted whiskey. That seeming Sunday. ed judges and clerks for the town election from $8,000 to $12,000, the lower story dropped in this season’s disposal of the shyness only meant that he didn’t want H. H. VanValkenburg left last Fri­ to be held on the second Monday in to be of stone and the upper story of loaves and fishes—at least until the con­ to mention it in the presence of the preachers. day for Sacramento on a business trip. March. Judges, J. H. Gay, chairman, either brick or stone. gressional convention is held. JohnOlwel), J. H.Kincaid ¡clerks, J. W. It took a bard pull on the “referendum” The musical department of the state E B. Henry and F. H. Mills returned Are going to give some Prices Prohibition Party to Organize. collar to get the elephant out of the normal school is rehearsing the cantata from Lakeview, having filed on timber Jacobs, John E Ross. The Jackson county prohibition party swamp, but tbe ammal seems to have “ Jephtha ’ s Daughter ” which will be to make land at the Lakeview land office. Daniel Nicholson, a batchelor living presented to the Ashland public the is to be resurrected ana reorganized af­ been seriously disabled before coming room for Fall Stock. some two miles west of this place in the Old Tom Smith and Bill Price, two ter having been dormant for many years. out of the ordeal. Hereafter boss ele­ latter part of March. popular commercial men of Sacramento, foot hills, was found dead last Sunday E. V. Miller of Portland, field secretary phant rider had better look out when he morning by L. E. Van Vleit, a neighbor The sawmill at Klamathon started up of the state executive committee has lets are registered at the Linkville Hotel. the preachers play with the beast. ------------------- living near him. Dr. Picket, coroner, Monday with a day and night force of Semi-Weekly Stage Line W. 8. St. Clair of Kan«as City strived was sent for and examined the corpse 100 men. The company will cut 25,000,- been in Ashland during the past week Now there is a circuB trust; but, then, and witnessed the Anti-Saloon 'fight here last Friday, and went on to Klam­ and pronounced his death caused by 000 feet of logs this year. They are we don’t really have to go to the circus. and Mail Contract from ath Agency where he will assume a heart failure. It is thought he died erecting a two story, 25 x 100 foot board­ Monday leaving for Medford on the eve­ There are enough curiosities and clowns ning train. Mr. Miller has called a mass position in the Indian scoool. Friday night as he was not seen by any ing house. running around loose without going to a county convention to meet at Medford Ashland to Pelican Bay- J. D. Whitman of Medford is here one Saturday. He was buried in the Frank L. Findlay, our new local piano Saturaay, Feb. 10th, at 1 o’clock p. m. big tent and paying out money to a trust Central Point cemetery Monday. De ­ to see them. Ashland will have several making arrangements for starling up for the purpose of effecting an organiza ­ tuner, has just returned from a success­ his industry, in preparing Mullets or ceased was a brotherof Mrs. John Down­ ful trip into California, and expects to tion of the party in Jackson county and circuses this year and first class menag- “Lost River Suckers’' for the markets. ing. ?o into eastern Oregon in a few days, to place a full county ticket in the field. eijes—rings, ring-masters, clowns, tigers, f you want your piano tuned before he Experience has taught these people that asses and all. The initial performance Harry Bailey, receiver of the Lake­ SAMS VALLEY. ( tbe old political parties are incompetent has been on for a month. goes write him a card. view Land Office stopped over here on or unwilling to enforce the present laws Monday to visit numerous acquaintances, Louis Tucker of Ashland was in the Val­ Religious. Miss Mahan and Edwin Mahan ar­ ( rived Monday from Gold Run, Cal., to against tbe saloon evil, much less to and left the following morning for Port­ ley one day last week. Elders Stoney and Clayton, of the check it. They have had some recent land. The second month in 1900 is April; at any visit their father, J. L. Mahan. The experience with the elephant in Ashland Mormon church, will bold services next young man was very ill. They have that has demonstrated to their entire sat­ Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at Granite Harry Galarneau and wife and J. W. rate we are having April weather. Brandenburg and wife returned from There is only six inches ot snow in upper been away from home for ten years. isfaction that the republican party at Hall. Everybody invited. One a three seat and the All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra Lakeview Monday evening, having filed Wood Riyer valley; so states a letter just Waldo D. Gill and Miss Mertes E. least, is operated by past masters in the Rev 8. H. Jones of Jacksonville will claims on some Klauiath county timber received. Neber were married at Dunsmuir yes­ art of duplicity and that people exjiect- preach in the Presbyterian church next Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. other two seats. Six head Boyd Tucker. R. Conley. Miss Lila Conley terday the wedding being an elaborate ing temperance out of that party will get land. Sunday morning. He will also address llulda Craddockfiuade a Hying trip to affair. The couple took the evening nothing but deceit to reward their hope W. J. Woods, H. L. McWilliams and and the young j^eople In the evening at their Medford yesterday. of Horses and two sets of train for San Francisco and the sunny and expectations. L. W. Van Horn, directors of the Ore Endeavor Day exercises. Come and south to spend their honeymoon. Wm. Howard cf Beagle, is frequenting gon Mi.ut of the last week from Yaquina Bay to make yesterdav. Tne members of the associa­ Baptist church next Sunday morning sult of the meeting has not yet been race. Ashland their future home and W. H. tion will demand \he legal patronage of and evening. All are kindly invited. made public, but it is expected that LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE They will the country, while there is a republican Strangers made welcome. Our Sunday Call on or apply to, Char es Fitzgerald is giving music lessons Bartges and family today. * some step will be taken to push the road open a dry goods and clothing store in administration in power. The custom school meets at 9 :45 a. m., Young Peo ­ a week, Wednesday and Saturday aloug immediately and perhaps a public twice OF- nights, to a large class. Charles is well the Williams store block in a few weeks. of political Dlate matter being sent to ple’s Society at 6:30 p. tn , ?rqyer meet­ meeting will occur at a later date to versed in music and his students are im­ county papers by party managers, was ing at 7 p. m., Thqrsc|qy,' Have you seen the Raycycle, the bee ascertain the amount of the necessary proving rapidly, and handsomest wheel made; will run spoken of and objected to, berause the T j A-IDIZES’ The public is cordially invited to be bonus. Jef. Linville is fast recovering from in­ IQOQ miles without oiling; will run 27 muttpr is usually objectionable in some present next Sunday at the Christian juries which he received by falling from per cent lighter than any bicycle made. wav, and that tbe money woaid do mare church. The building is to be formally izxtk Box 131. Ashland, Oregon AISTID ASBESTOS. the upper pait of the barn while feeding bis ■o- good in the hands of newspaper men horses. and landing across a stall in the The easiest bill climber made. For sam­ -than in those of plate manufacturers,— opened to worship. Rev. M. L. Rose of Wm, Mitchell is on the sick list. Eugene will preach the sermons of the manger. He «ays be only broke one rib. ple and price» eill at Reeser's hardware Call and see me when you are in need of Eugene Guard. tore. 1 ay at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. At 3 We are having rainy weather at present. any property of any description, either to F*rof. Head was in the Valley one day last The Oregon Republican Press Assocla- i ’clock there will be a communion and » rent or bur. Geo. N. Anderson went to San Fran­ Miss Maggie Reynolds is on the sick list weee. Since bis departure a brand new was in session in Portland this < congratulatory service. I have ranches for sale in every part of ' organ can be seen in the house of J. R. cisco Tuesday to cloee up the business of r tion puWV tins week Jackson county; fine land and low prices. , week. The Evening Telegram says; Morrison. The l'rof. always brings music R. A. Rowley, of Portland, will Merrill Gee was up visiting A. L. Wooley with him and a ways leaves it with the the late Ashland Woolen mills with the The brethren of the republican press tlf bniali acreages ot fruit land near town -ei|l and San Francisco agent. He «ill also look land in bearing fruit, any number of this week the state are considering ways and preach at the Congregational church other fellow. up the matter of rebuilding the plant aext Sabbath, Feb. lltli, morning and acres, large or small. Lee Mitchell went to Central Point one } means whereby they can obtain a fair J . R. Perry whs up from Gold Hill Sun­ and see how much stock would be sub­ I have several houses to sell in the city; ‘ssiuteng ioj srnoj^ ‘uieui day this week. legitimate share of the campaign evening. The sj>ecial meetings will be D ry G oods , N ovelties , day and returned the same day to take scribed toward the enterprise in San , and prices to suit the times. ; -ar sm ‘siqi [> b < m o) pejq /no À spoils. They are quite right; the party continued at the Congregational church Mui Alice Carter was visiting Miss Ly.e charge of the night shift in the Braden Francisco. next week. Preaching every evening no iutpiiBja nt o; tioá )nd SABq ILOUaES TO RENT. mine where he has been working for some papers are expected to stand by the Beckett of Asbestos. % Main Street. Oyer the BriditK MONEY TO LOAN. 0M 0.1U0IU4AUO3UI eqt JOJ uopjBd There is a saloon vs. saloon war on at party, right or wrong, good or bad, by Rev. R. A. Rowley of Portland. All time. Joe is an expert miner and Dr. Ray. Seth Wil! ants has rsuted H. H. Mitch­ the manager of the mine, exercises good are invited to attend. G. W. Nelson, INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. xnoA Xutäfteq ao¿ ■|i[ij « tuaqi Hornbrook. U. M. Burcham has re ­ through two or four long years, and they ell's place this year. judgment in employing men of Joe’s clas«. ceived five barrels of whiskey from the well deserve a liboral proportion of the pastor. 0Ai8 oi auitpou noi )»oo || im ij Here are a few of my bargains: A. L. Wooley went to the Dry Creek *XiO)OBj8!)veun eexord ¡taiqiauu Wm. R. Davie, who has been foreman on Kentucky distilleries and is selling campaign sack for the work they are ex­ The services as follows at M. E. Church: Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres country one day this week. Frauk Adams ranch for the past three drinks at 5 cents per glass. This is a pected to do. ji sjnvq .ÍAUoiu rnoX jaqra-iumy Preaching at 11 a. m and 7:30 p m. Sun­ in fruit. »450. years during the summer season and one of day school at 9:30 a. m. Junior league -ami|i tpiM 3ai|Bdp Áq ieaom sabs Charlie Ponierov was up visiting with hint to the travelers of the cocktail route Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good Portland Oiegonian: For the whole- at 3 p. m. Epworth League meeting at the clever Klamath Falls bar lenders during who have found Ashland such a dull D. Reynolds one day this week bouse, barn, etc., running water, for $500. ubo uoÁ u 0 | m nJÁ ppoqe Âqw the winter season, is in the Valley visiting. place. They should have went to Horn­ souled brand of patriotism, the Republi­ 6:30 p. m. Revival services at 2:30 in tbe Another ten acre tract, aorne fruit, two )ng oospuBJj uvg io pueproj Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wooley weie visiting He has many relatives here as well as a can Editorial Association is the next ' afternoon and at 7:30 in tne evening ail small houses. $100. o) spooU jnoÀ joj puss jo sjeqfo Mr. and Mrs. Williams this week. multitude of triends. He will return to the brook and stayed a few days. thing to an Afro-American league. this week and next. Tbe public cordially These are within a mile and a half of qitw [sap uva noi esjnoa jq invited. Next Sunday is Membership Day Clark Williams is erecting a shingle shed Falls in a short time. Ashland. Benton Bowers the capitalist of Shaf­ Manzanita Lodge No. 45, Degree of aud roll call. All tbe members are arged tor the purpose ot making shingles. Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely Ira Noah, elder son ot A. Noah, received ter, Tex., and this city and Miss Mildred Siq Mdj v nwq) erom unimproved, Honor, will give a grand Mother Goose to be present at the services. J. T Abbett, •eiqojd $200 quoM aja ejawu)su.) aubj ^ -J jopvj Mr. and Mrs. Wtu. Mitchell were visiting a severe cat with an ax while slashing Bardon, a lovely young ladv well-known Ball at opera boose on Washington’s Pastor._________________ Hotel property in town, for aalefor$4000. brush, the ax striking on ths inside of the in Ashland are to be married at Baker -sip sun oAojd epoo.i ji pamniaj eq |(ta In the Mtadows one day this week. One hundred acres tine valiev land, two birthday, Feb. 22d, a specialty being leg just at the knee, catting the arteries. Vaupel, Norris & Drake have received Áauoui pue epoo3 jo Â);[8tib )wq eq) X|uo miles from Medford, $4500. city, eastern Oregon, on the 14th inst. Dr Twitchell's coal mine has shut down Or. Morill of Gold Hill was summoned and She is at present in Washington state. Mother Goose Lancers and Cake Walk. their Hart, Shaffner & Marx stock of Call and see me in regard to any of the ÂJJB3 Áaqi -stnjg pp eq) Áq paJhaqa dressed the wounds It wns some time be­ Tickets, 75 cents; ladies tickets, 25 cents; fora white owing to so much water __ __ __ am „ rnojj ___ , eoli Jiaq) ut eeptpf above, and if thev do not suit, I have a fore asMstance was secured and the young Mr. Bowers and his valentine will not spectators, 25. This lodge is equipped clothing, the finest in the market. This BA3ud expresa receive Lee Mitchell mot with a painful accident fellow became very weak and faint from live in Ashland but will take up their ti» ¿tjeau iuuii un nxinnai ajaM aiau oxiijj uo paonpsj saotij 'ma^ •e by throwing his knee cap out of place. GEO. W. TREFREN. loss vf blood but at present ia getting along resieence in the south. Call on Vaupel, Norris A Drake and get ------------- - ....... ............ — ------- ---------- -sis iipajs eq) uo ueq) jadsaq j*p|os eq T bsms C ash at assures the event being a success. Mr. D. Reynolds made a business trip nicely. their low prices on these goods. Ashland, Or. usa spoca 08JUO3 p majgis siqi Jepaß Main Street, Near Bridge. BBASOSASLB.BATaS* Geo. H. Chick, who once operated a to Jacksonville and Medford part of this The Southern Pacific Company will custom quartz mill at Medford and on -■ootid ejqiteod )S bo [ eq; week •* General Greeley of the Signal Corps Mrs. D. C. Kelly, a pioneer woman Wagner creek, was on last nights train have two exhibits at Paris dnring the ) b sa()i)avnh e3jv[ u| qsva joj Charlie Hammond returned to Salem He is located on Beale exposition of the present year, one at has shipped to San Francisco $50,03Q epoob Jteq) Xaiinq ‘Tino one day tail week accompanied by his of Siskiyou county, died at Hawkins­ for Seattle. No. 29 Boulevard des Italians, the other worth of material to be used in estab-, ville Jan. 29th, aged 72 years. street San Francisco, and is manipula­ joj 3ui|jas jo mepÂv neu v pejvj brother Schuyler. at Trocadero Palace grounds in a separate lishing the army telephone and tele­ -navai Aeqx *o8v qjaoai v avqj The Baker City Democrat says that of ting a gold saving machine to work sand, pavillion, erected by itself. At the for­ Mrs. D. Reynolds and daughter Maggie ejom e|)ii[ v peqet|qa)sa svm The were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm- all the cities in the Northwest, Portland being especially designed for the Cape mer place the company will maintain a graph lines in the Philippines. iujg aea éq¿ -)8Vd eq) ai puvj mines. He says J. W. Walsh, shipment will consist of miles of wire, Mitchell one day this week. is said to be the hardest in which to Nome -qsy tit ao petjjvo sv seeiiisuQ also formerly of Wagner creek, is doing bureau of information, under the di­ J. B. Welch our enterprising saw mill float m’ning stock, and men of means newspaper work ana lives at Oakland, rection of Mr. W. H. Mi'ls. Tbe exhib­ telegraph and telephone instruments, ÁJA3OJX) eq) jo )no sdfqatJM ma ) batteries aud other things which go to map of this section has started hiieaw mill give a promoter a look when approached its will be generally representative of «"»• p'»w- l ÏXÎ.iS’orwi,. v JluinB) 6JB 4am tnq ’punojv Cal. H. BOIVIN, Manager. up for the spring run of lumber. on a stock deal that nearly freezes the the resources and industries of our Pa­ make up a complete equipment for. tele­ pjjOM eq) UJU) l.uop Xaqj, Mrs. Skillington returned to Dunsmuir cific states. It is tbe desire of tbe South- graph and telephone stations. The ma­ Martin Perry our county commissioner blood in his veins. yesterday from a visit in Ashlanq. ern Pacific to make the places of its terial will reach Manila in March. Col, is moving into the Meadows on his plaoe Call on Vaupel, Norris A Drake’s for At all Honra.. which he bought of James Pankey.' exhibit at Paris the beadquarters of all Allen, who is ip charge of the signal COR. MAIN AND CHURCH 8TREET W. B. Townley, a well-known business your carpets. They have received a fine _r |t looks as though onr road district pad line which are being offered at bottom man of Klamathon. visit