i — VALLEÏ RECORD- The George W. Lamoreaox, clerk and re corder of Ada county, Ida., has been grrested on a charge of emb?zzliug *2000. The complaint was made by one of his bondsmen. His bail, pendiug preliminary examination, was fixed at $10,000, which he has been unable to give. Paper. 1 % t iOUR O N JMkiH TASS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STAR PLUG TOBACCO ★ ★ The followers of Izaak Walton on board a man-of-war are wont to ply the f gentle art (with a line alone) from ovei “Star” tiu’tags (showing «mall stars printed on under tide the ship’s side during the evening, says tag). “Horse HorseShoe, of tag), Shoe,” “J. T.," “GoodLuck, Good Luck, ” “Cross Bow," Bow, IN GALICIA. the Cornhill. A sublieutenant, who wse and “Drummond” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in not particularly liked by his junior securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Walter Bull, a pioneer of Kern county, messmates, was one day so engaged, Every man, woman and child can find something OQ the list when a midshipman, seeing the line de was found dead in his buggy on Uniou that they would like to have, and can have Death avenue at Bakersfield recently, pending from the “chains” above, reached out of one of the main deck resulted from fatty degeneration of the The men and boys were strikingly ports and gave it a couple of violent heart. TAOS. I TAOS. LWU4, o-u»y, caiuHUBi Thermom . .. 25 _ 23 Clock, 8-day.Calendar. handsome, with straight features, dark 1 Match Box......... ....................... et c.c. er, , Baro »Acviue ine w. er .......... ........... ..... 606 »i| tugs, in imitation of a fish biting. Up A bill has been introduced in the 5 Kn fe, one blade. Rood ateel eyes and hair cut across the forehead I ' case, leather, no bitter made. 3 Scissors, 4 H inches................... ............... 26 24 Gun the line was hauled with alacrity, but, house for the repeal of the bankruptcy I 26 Revolver, rutomatic, double action. 4 Child’- Ret. Knife. Fork and Spoon 26 and falling on the neck behind, like a 32 or 3H caliber........................................... 6iW 6 Salt and Pepper Set, one each, quad of course, with no result. law, with reservation that proceedings Set, not playthings, bnt real Velasquez portrait, says Blackwood’s. ruple plate on white ine^al................ M 26 Tool tools......................... “..................... 65V Once again the “sub” essayed to catch now begun may be closed up. 25 e French Briar Wood Pipe ........................ The garments they wore, too, were not 27 Toilet Set deco-ated porcelain, 7 Razor, hollow ground, flue English this big fish that had given him so heavy very handsome ................ 800 60 All the Great Northern railway em sieel............................................................... only comfortable and sanitary, but 2S Romingtou Rifle No.4, 23 or 32 cal. 809 a bite. This time the middy’s plan was 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, best ployes talk strike. amazingly satisfying to the eye. The 29 Watch, sterling stiver. Pull jeweled 10VU 60 quality..................................................... . more elaborate, for, getting a compan 9 Sugar Shell, triple pla’e. besi quaL. 60 3U Dress Suit Case, leather, liandsoms groundwork, so to speak, for both men Nelson Delavergne, an aged express and durable........................................... 1000 10 Stamp Box. sterling silver................. 70 ion to keep the necessary strain upon and women, was rough, homespun 21 Knife, “Keen Kutter," two blades.. 76 31 Sewing Machine, firs: class, with man of San Jose, was burned to death the upper portion, he hauled up the allaitachmenxs............... ................. 1600 12 Butcher Knife, “Keen Kutter,” 8-ln linen which lay bleaching in narrow there a few days ago. Delavergue was blade.............................................................. rc 32 Revolver, Colt's, 38-caliber, blued lower part of the fishing line and at Stool. .. .... 1500 15 Shears, “Keen Kutter.” 8-incl>......... lengths beside the river. The men’s 53 Rifle, Colt's, W-shot, ¿-eali'iei-........ 1400 ill and alone and a lamp is supposed to 14 Nut Set, Ciacker and 6 Picks, silver trousers were stuffed into high black tached to the hooks an ola shoe, an have exploded which set fire to liis home plated............................................................ 80 54 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in laid.............................................................. 2000 16 Base Ball. “Association,” best qual.lou or yellow boots and their shirts were empty bottle, a holy stone and a sardine and consumed it. 16 Alarm Clock, nickel.............................. 150 35 Mandolin, very handsome.................. 2000 tin. Having carefully lowered these to embroidered on the sleeves in blue and 17 Six Genuine Rogers' Teaspoons, best 36 Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, plated goods............................................ 15» Six miles above Boulder creek, a man red or black, and confined at the waist the full extent of the line, he gave it a 12 gauge....... a........................................... 3000 18 Watch, nickel, stem wind and set.. SUV more powerful pull than ever, and the 37 Remington, double barrel, ham named Maxwell was shot in the neck by 19 Carvers, good steel, buekhorn by broad leathern girdles, much orna mer Shot Gun, 10 or 12 gauge ........ 2000 bandies...................................................... 200 mented with brass. The women wore expectant fisherman above hauled in as his brother-in-law, named Thompson. 20 Six Genuine Rogers' Table Stxxms, 38 Bicycle, standard make, ladies or fast as he could, hand ever hand. best plated goods................................... 250 Maxwell visited Thompson’s house and gents....................................... 35-w long garments, like the men’s shirts, 21 Six each, Knives and Forks, buck- But his language when he discovered threatened to clean out the Thompson Gun. Remington, double bar coming down to their ankles and cov horn handles ............ :............................. 250 39 Shot rel. Uammerless..................................... 3000 23 Six each, Genuine Rogers' Knives ered behind and before by a pair of the nature of his “catch” is too much family, after which he left the house. 40 Regina Music Dox, 16M inch Diac..5000 and Forks, best plated goods.......... 500 tp ask even an unfortunate compositor Thompson saw him coming toward his voluminous aprons, made of a ruddy, THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES N0YEM5ER 30 th , 19G0. stripe'1 woolen stuff, more or less bril to set up in cold type. house later and shot him through ths CnAskl Bl nima I Fl»in “ Star ” Tin Tags (that is. Scar tin tags with no small neck with a rifle. Maxwell’s chances liant in hue. SICK HK AD ACHES. OpcLIal nUlJLO . stars printed on under side of tagl, are not good for prrsrata, byt -w ill beyaid for in CASH on the basis of twenty cents per Both sexes and all ages, down even The curse of overworked womankind, are for recovery are about even. hundred, if received by us on or batuxs March 1st, 19U0, to babies in arms, have short, sleeveless, quickly and surely cured by Karl’s Clover Frank Barron, ra rancher of Ingle JUTBEAU in MIND that a dime’a Worih o> sheepskin coats, usually open in front. Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tis wood, Los Angeles county, accidentally The skin side is embroidered in vary sue builder Mvney refunded if not satis shot and killed himself recently while Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene ing designs, more or less elaborate, car factory. will last longer and afford inure pleasure than a dime’« worth of any hunting coyotes. A. tn KRwiN, Druggist. ried out chiefly in red wool and green otnetbrand. make THE TESTI Prince Pc.iiatowski has brought the I William A. Wall, who suddenly left and red leather. When it is fine the em Send tags ta COMTl¥|B?iTAl< TOB ACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. ! | Scramento about a year ago short in his San Mateo, Cal., electric light plant and broidered side is exposed; when it is wet the woolly one appears. These kip will operate it until the power trans- 1 j accounts with several secret societies, is tars are very light, very warm, and yet, mission liue from the Blue Lakes is i i reported to be on Paget Sound. It was i supposed that he was dead. He will be being sleeveless, they are never stuffy. completed. —^i—■—mtan—— prosecuted if he can be caught. It is amazing how persistently they Sunday morning a cavein occurred in are worn, and it is only in the hottest a tunnel that is being built at Los An ESSSB weather that the peasants strip them geles. Eleven men were entombed and lUASt DWP CA8IHIT BURCICI StWIHS MACHIN! *>J“W*“« off when working in the fields. dun. You can examine it at your nearest freight depot and if found s it is feared some of them are killed. i [ i nerPcth satisfarior*.exactly as represented, equal to naehiarsothers sell W. T. Lambert, an inspector, was struck as b:Kiia* «60. GO. and THE GKLATE8T HAUGA1S YOU-------------- -------- iv,iKuzApj>,>>'. w Special Offer Price $15.50 ORIGIN OF MENU CARDS. by falling timbers and received injuria your rrei»nt utl X ■ ■ ... ....... .. and freight cnaiyaa. TfscMPk* weigh» 120 pounds and the freight will which caused his death. average iu centsfot each Wvnhtm. -fciyi IT THREE MONTHS TRtAl in Dulce Henry of Bruniwlck Wai the your own home, and we will return day you are not Special government »gents from satisfied. We sell different makes and grades of 8ewi«t MWtlHne* *4 SO. First Person on Record to 810.00, f 11.00, 612.00 and ap. all fully de.-cribed in our Frt» ►owing Washington who have been investigat iachiae tatnlOgue, but *15. SV fOf this DROP DESK (ABIXET Bl HD KM is loe Thera. the 6ic2***t value ever offered by any bou»?. ing the doings of government officials CITATIONS in Alaska have made many grave It was Duke Henry of Brunswick who tiaements,offering unknowi?ejnwfWw -Various names, with various in ’l charges against the Alaskans and whole de rem puts. Write come friend tatChiea<b andhMiri»Vltb who-are not. was first observed, in the intervals of a I THE BURDICK ev kry * gw > d *ruin'oi’Krin v Sfl imi banquet to scan carefully a long strip sale removals are looked for. — .¿.I . Z GRADE MAUI INK S a DE, WITH THE John Cornu, an Italian vineyard DZVZITS OV KONE. Made by the of paper by the side of his plate, and best muLcii in America, ■rûùpr? when the curious guests ventured to in laborer is in jail at San Jose, charged from the best muterial money with shooting his 4-year-old child. The quire into the nature of his studies he I explained that it was a sort of pro shooting seemed t° fie accidental, but closed used (head dropping from sight>-fo be bsed as a table. aUBii the many si ries tola »bout it by Cornu er€ deak, the other open with full length table ana M place for gramme of the dishes which he had 4 fa«ey drawer», latest 18&9 skeleton fraad, carted, panteled, em commanded from the cook, to the in prompt the trtficials to make an investi finest nickel drawer pUH«. festi on four boM-ced _ . ¿snuipgifcojyth ipoj) stand Fiaest lar<e Higrh Arm pui.dve Btif if*FibrHting sbuttle,*autoniatic tent that if some delicacy which espe gation. ■ fourm<ni6n'rn*d. ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bobbin winder, adjustable bearihs?. liberator.improved loose cially appealed to him were marked for Dr. Amos Griswold Warner, for some wheel. adjusUViebifoot', improredehhttle c>rner, pHtept needle bar, patent dress guard, 1» d»eprsled and orn»ment»d and beautirully a late stage in the repast he might care years past he.id of the department of nickel (rlnunad. CUARANTESD iirbtcstrannlar. «>•«< durtbls »nd nesma* noiseless machine made. Every known attachment is furnished and our Free In fully reserve his appetite for it, says the economies and sociology in Stanford struction Book tells just how anyone can run i t and do either plain or any Philadelphia Inquirer. kind of fancy work. A 20-Years’ Binding Guarantee is sent with every machine. university, died at Las Cruces, N. M., a T YOU NOTHING tesa» and examine this machine, compare it with The simplicity and excellence of the few days ago, where he was visiting —— ------ <- J iwu wvinmu those your slorekeeper geI1B Bt gq©.©© $o JU» tea»' « tSO.OO, and then if convincea thaffr t•' tl'LOO, pay your freight agent the SI5.50. idea instantly appealed to the good hoping to iniyroye his health. V* A WK YOLR $15.60 if at anytimS’wiHfin three mpn$h> are not satisfied. ORDER TO-DAY duke’s guests, and the menu card from D°N’T D e £-A y / (Sbaxj, Kqphuck <t Co. are thorouarhly r?li\bli&.—KditpT.i Joe Pete, an Indian who ipurdered Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. l|hc.) Chicago, III. that moment became an institution. In William Dangberg last September at its old-fashioned form the bill was Gardnerville, Nev., surrendered to Wil usually written large on cards of such liam Johnson in Douglas county a few dimensions that room for only one days ago. Arrangements were made by FAVO IT ¿T1 could be found at each board. This was Attorney Woodburn with the Indian in 1500, and this aid to selection must whereby the latter will receive a fair 4 have been a boon, for the medieval din trial. Rewards to the aniouut of $1200 ner was a mine of surprises. It was di have been offered for the capture. Uu- vided into courses; whereas nowadays der the stipulation the Indian received non the diner has a general idea that fish $500 to make his defense with. will follow soup, and that the entree Fire destoyed the house of J. R. Johu- will be succeeded by a roast or its equiv alent, there was no knowing what was ston at West Riverside recently. The going to happen at an early English contents wero a total loss. The fire waf dinner, or in what order it would be undoubtedly the work of an incendiary, served._______________________________ > as coal oil was found all over the wood work, The loss is estimated at $8000: WHAT IM SHILOH? insurance ifloQQ. THE POPULAR THROUGH A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and The body of Rafael Ci^tenada was re Consumption; used through the world for CAR UNE FROM THE half a century, has cured innumerable cases cently fonnd in apool of blood or a farm of incipient consumption and relieved many near Oxnard. He had been murdered, in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money aud Manuel Gomes is accused of tht ...... ------------------------------------- Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and *1.00. E ugene A deed. TO ALL POINTS bHEBwiN.druggist. *“• John W. Gass one ot tbe b est known Jay’s Ter ihe jaded and Gooo li cal Hi for nil Mankind. residents of San Jose, died thorp a few R. Ç. NICHOL, G»« ai Agi» S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T. ft A PARISIAN EGG FORGER. days ago. ' HiYTMtlnÿo» St, PÖ»TLAND, Oäi '; k. ! ¡ PMUVÏK CULO. <9V S VEGE'i ABLE~SARIAPAR; l LA. 4SI 1 LAND, Or....Thursday, Feb. 1, 1900 ON HIS ANKLE After Six Years of Intense Suffering, Promptly Cured People’s AN ODD CATCH. tVa- botwocn .T 'Mn T>-' • ’* considered inevitable, .rriy well- informed travelers from the Orient. Obstinate sores and ulcers which refuse to heal under ordinary treat- entire circulation is in a depraved condition. They are a severe drain upon the system, and are con stantly sapping away the vitality. In every case the poison must be eliminated from the blood, and no amount of external treatment can have any effect. There is no uncertainty about the merits of 8. S. 8.; every claim made for it is backed up strongly by convincing testimony of those who have Deen cured by it and know of its virtues by experience. Mr- L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse,Va., writes: Rtf Q Q Q Dj u. u. 0. "For six years I had an obstinate, running uloer on my ankle, which at times caused me intense suffering. I was so disabled for a long while that I was wholly unfit for business. One of the best doctors treated me constantly but did me no good. I then tried various blood remedies, without the least benefit. S. 8. 8 was so highly recom mended that I concluded to try it, and the effect was wonderful. It seemed to get right at the seat of the disease and force the poison out, and I was soon com pletely cured." Swift’s Specific— 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD —drives out every trace of impurity in the blood, and in this wav cures permanently the most obstinate, deep-seated sore or ulcer. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and con tains not a particle of potash, mercury, or other mineral. 8. 8. 8 cures Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema, Rheumatism, Sores, Ulcers, Boils, or any other blood trouble. Insist upon 8. 8. 8.; nothing can take its place. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. SEND MO MONEY afiwM»w MW» o>t ¿ tluduan for Men and women Hudyan gives one Energy, Igor,vim, makes one Robust ana Strong. Hudyan creates bright, rosy complexions, be cause it insures perfect activ ity of all organs of the body. Women who suffer with pain ful or irregular periods, leu- corrhrea, bearing-down pains, chronic inflammations aud ulcerations find absolute comfort in Hudyan Itcures. Hudyan makes rich blood, promotes sound sleep, creates a healthv appetite. Hudyan cures are'permanent and last ing. Consult the Great Hudyan Doctor* Free. They Advise Free. CellorWrite. Iludyan, 60 cts. a package, C packages, 82.50. For sale by all drug gists, or send direct to Hudyan Remedy Co., corner Stcokton, Ellie and Market Streets, fc- Francisco, California. FIFTY CENTS. Hudyan cures, never doubt it. Hudyan cures all disorders arising from Weak Nerves or Impoverished blood. Hudyan cures Nervousness, Trem blings, Weakness, Dizziness, All-gone Feeling. Hudyan cures Sleeplessness, Despond ency, Mental Depression. Huayau cures Indigestion, Bloating of Stomach, Palpita tion of the Heart. Pale or Sal low Complexions. Hudyan cures Clouded Memory.Head- aches, Costiveness, Torpid Liver. Hudyan cures Pain in Back, Pain in Side, Pains In l.iinbs. Weak Back, Sediment in Urine, Ringing in Ears, Dots before Eyes. Hudyan cures Loss of Flesh, Loss of Appetite, Haggard Appear ance, Lack of Energy. O.R.&N. N Many of His False Productions Are Purchased for Scientific Collections. A curious account is given by a Paris correspondent of the discovery of an egg forger, whose false productions are purchased for scientific collections and by amateurs, says the Lincoln Daily News. The man was very clever. A visitor saw him make a penguin egg that could not be distinguished from the real.one that served him for a model. He made the shell of plaster of paris burnt and glazed. The egg was intend ed for a man who furnished eggs for a foreign scientific collection. These imi tations are not difficult, for among the real eggs of most species there are so many varieties that even the most practiced expert could not distinguish all of them. The eggs of the common fly-catcher are very cheap. By chem ical treatment they acquire a b.uish green shining color, and are then sold at a very high price as the eggs of the silk-tail. 1- rom common duck eggs are fabricated tlie eggs of a falcon, for which 50 or CO francs are paid. The duck eggs for this purpose are given a silver-green color. Pigeon and wood pigeon eggs are also transformed into rarer products of middle-sized birds. Nightingales’ eggs are difficult to pro cure and are therefore very dear. They are imitated by coloring larks’ eggs brown. The egg forger was for a long time an assistant in a natural-history museum in the provinces. 3^- Sleeping Cars Elegant ROUTES Dining Cars Tourist Oregon Sleeping Cars i Northern Ry Short Line CHirAGO TEggJ S Pullman TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL AMD N ervous N GIVES THE CHOICE OF ( ST. PAUL______ MINNEAPOLIS DULUTII FARGO VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL orHEALTH ORTHERN PACIFp u EAST VIA 7 FOUNTAIN RAITW^ Y TO T -Eï E Great V.à SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA TO AMD GRAND FORKS < i CROOKSTON___ i I WINNIPEG HELENA Il Tv KANSAS CITY hi d THROUGH TICKETZ Ocean Steamee Leave Portland Every F. B. Tirkield, Health Inspector of Chi- c igo says, “Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too bigh|y. It cured me of dyspepsia ” It digests what yon eat and cures indigestion, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia.—E ugene A. S herwin . CHICAGO Bist Winter Konte Snake River—Leave Riparia daily Leave Lewiston daily. For sunshine, flowers and oranges take 'he Sunset Route via Loe Angeles to all pointe East. T« uri9t excursion cars and chair cars to El Paso, Fort Worth, Kan sas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, N»-w Oi leans and Washington, D. C. For rates, guides and information ad dress C. H. M arkham , G. P. A,, For information, time canin, map and Portland, Or. ickets, cal) on or Write A. D. CHAHLTON, Steam-re Monthly from Portland to To- MIXTET Y bl RECTORIES. Assistant General vassen(.er Agent. koliotnn and llonj Kong in cumiesriot PORTL.AND. CRFGnN with 0- R AN. A. O. U. W. For full information cal on O. R. A N ASHLARH LODGE, NO. 60. Agent, ROUT. LEONARD, Ashland, Or TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3. 157».— Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hal) Os adobbss : NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .•very second and fourth Wednesday in W. H. HURLBURT, TN1TKD ST.VTFS LAND OFFICE. tach month. All brethren in good standing Gen’l Pass. Ageut. ) Roseburg Oregon. December 6. 1599. ire cordially invited to attend. PORTLAND. OR G eo . E ngle , M. W. Notice is herebv given tbat in coniplisnce with the provisions of the act of Congress G eo . W. T refken , Recorder. DODWELL, CARL1LL A CO. of June 3, 1878. entitled 'An act Gan. AgU. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co. g . a . n. ' for the sale of timber lands in the PORTLAND. OREGON States of California, Oregon. Ne BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. vada and Washington Territory,” Jacob Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and E. shearer of Medford, comity of Jscksnn. Mate of Oregon, has this dnv fi'ed in this M -aturday of «ach month. Visiting Com offi e his sworn statement No. 738. for the 'Adescordially welcomed. purchase of the nw % of section No. SO. i n . B. B each . Commander. township No 40 south. Range No. 4 east, M ilton B erry . Adiutant. and will offer proof to show tbat tue land sought is more valuable for its timber or W. II. c. stone than for agricultural pur, o>ea. »nd to establish bis claim tn said lai d bit..re li e MVBNMDK BKLISr CORPS MO. 24 Erects a Hog, Poultry or Kegi-ter and Receive- of tliis office at Rose Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of n> on the second and fourth Saturdays of Stock Fence for about half Ft bruary. 19U0. names as witnesses; Charles Strang -ach month. M rk . S usan B each . Pres. the money required to I of He Mw. Mary Berry. Sec’v. Medford. Oregon: Henry tl Shearer, of Medford, Oregon; Waller S Jones of Med build any other kind of ford. Oregon; George W. Bai'ey of Shake, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. fence. Machines . and Oregon. <; ran it K ludge , no . 23, Knights nt Any and all i ersons cla ming adversely farm rights for sale, by the above-descried lands are requested to Ihthias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every tile their claims in th s offi: e on or before .Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good fending are cordially iuvited to attend. said 17th Jay of February. 1900. K. A. HILDRETH, Ja.. 0. C. J. T. BRIDGES. ASHLAND, OREGON. T. H. S imvson . K. B.8, Regia Ur. I Phillips: Wire: Fence MACHINE > JT. BTTXtISr i * wm NORTHWEST E ast YOUNG MOTHERS. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agoniz ing and frequently fatal. Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of Croup It has never been known to fail. The worst cases relieved immediate ly. Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and *1.00. E ugene A. S herwin , Druggist. AND TELLING NERVE. A Kiowlir G«olo*lst Made Uae of MANY A LiOVEB Has turned with disgust from an otherwise hjvable .girl with an offensive breath, h.arl a Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for ye ars on absolute guar antee. Price 25 cti. and 60 eta. Xveui A. S mebwix , Drnjgiat. SEND US ONE DOLLAR nwmmnawHnmm^ m mmmva kmmbmm s. ' 0NK COLLAR, special S crape ---------------------- 1*^ $38.5Q STOCK SADDLE ky freight C. O. ». Mi^ieea t» ezamlnatl«n. YOU CAN EXAMINE perfectly satisfactory, exactly as represented, An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at froc. OUR PRICE, $38.50, .1HP SUBSTIT^ an Opportunity to Overawe His Help. For sheer, cool nerve and absolute, inspired genius in dealing with men, commend me to Clarence King, the ge ologist, if the story that is telling about town be true. Mr. King, the tale runs, was in the field all one summer—last summer, I think—with a government expedition. The field happened to be in the far west, and the men he was com pelled to employ as assistants were a band of cheerful ruffians, half-breed desperadoes and “greaser” scamps, says the Washington Post. Bad as they were, they worked well, and they were indispensable. One night one of them deserted. Mr. King knew what that meant. It meant a stampede and an empty camp if the deserter were al lowed to go unpunished. He chose a companion on whose silence he could depend, mounted and took the trail. On the third day the deserter was over taken, captured and landed in a con venient fort. The runaway had subsisted for three days of his liberty on such game and birds as he could kill. His horse was white, and as he rode often with prey slung to the saddle the animal was streaked and stained with blood. The man being in safe keeping. Mr. King and his companion rode back to camp leading the crimson-streaked horse, with all the deserter’s belongings strapped to his back. They spoke no word of the missing man to his former companions, but dismounted in grim si lence. The men endured the pangs of curiosity as long as they could. Then they sent a committee to Mr. King to make inquiries about the fugitive. Mr, King gave a meaning glance at the blood-stained horse and made answer briefly: “He is gone,” he said, impressively. “He is gone where anybody else who tries to desert will go, too.” Half-breeds and “greasers" gasped and crossed themselves, ar.d from that lay on no one of them ever tried to de sert. — __________ C. A. Canfield will build a machine shop to cost $20,090 in Bakersfield, Cal., to make and repair well-boring tools, the plant to include a 45 .foot lathe that will turn out the stems used. The Yuba. Cal., Electric Power com pany will build a transforming station at Lincoln to reduce the voltage through the main line from Colgate to Sacra mento, from 24,000 to 2000 volts for the proper use of incandesaent lights. ties through Uajnre'sown proper chan nels. Joy’s Vegeta ble Sarsaparilla cures Dys- Êepsia, Sronic Const: pa • tion, Live- Com plaint: and Kidney Affections. herbs, contains miner drugs deadly poiir on. Joy’s V e g e t a b Is Sarsaparilla :o b s the blood of all Rs impurl- ,ies, aud Courses all taess impuri- less the $1.00 deposit, or ¿8T.&0, and freight charges. This Saddle is made on a 1554 or a ¡-inch Genuine Ladesma or elson Heavy Steel Fork.... CAREFULLY »ELECTED RAWHIDE (OVF.Ktr TREE, bound or roll cantle, steel leather covered stirrups or 2-inch oxbow brass bound, as desired. Will send bound Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla prevents tired feel ings, staggering sen sations, palpitation oi luurt, rush of blood to th«’ head, dizziness, ringing in ears, spots before the eyit, headache, bil iousness,const i pation of bowels, pains in the back,melancholy, tongue coated, foul breath, pimples on face, body and limb, deeuftSpfnerve force Äspeii», cold, elammji feet and hands, sour risings, fatigue, in somnia, and all dis- c 3set oi’ ihe stomach, il/cr and kidneys. caatle uulesq otherwise ordered. TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG lined, S-inch wide lace stirrup leathers, lfc-inch tie straps WVRrTF FM- FREE VEHICLE. HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE, showing a full liiia of Cgwboyand Ranchei Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (inc.) CHICAGO, ILL (Scars, Roebuck A Co. are theroafhly reliable.»Editor.) s $2.45 GOLD PLATED MEYERS Cut this ad. out and send to us. BESD NO ■•NET and we will sene you this watch by express, C. O. D. subject to examination. You can SCO. examine it at your express o*ee •to and if found perfeotly satisTae- jfSBk <on , exactly as represented aud □Cgkln every way equal to watehss dOMh that arpbeiae ad«ertl»ed»t TgHaSk 63. 76 to 6C. TfiWhder such i inlaleading description» tl»,n BQ1*» America« G°14 *lilcd °r Like 120.OOio*3V-(Hri.old WaUhre, cte. if ?”u fln(111 the equal or better thananr of these watches, pay ths express E^Z^jff a<eat OL R PRK I. St.46 and express charges. yfjjMy Don’t be Deceived by »atehy advertisements which would lead you to believe you could get a g A FREE PATTERN S (your own selection) to every sub- 5j scriber. Only 50 cents a year. f Mv" Aurone tending a sketch and deicriptlon may quickly azeertain our opinion free whether an bout charge, ta tfia He American. Jy. Lamest cir ial. Terma. 83 a all newsdealers. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Vase. Agt., C. J. EDDY, General Agt., S eattle , W ash . P ortland , O b . rANADIAN o PACIFIC F\Y —apd—— SOO PACIFIC LINE, The only route that can give Grana Scenery, Low Rates, Model Accommodations. Ocean to Ocean W ithout C hange py C^ rs . Through Tickets tp ., And from Europe yift all Atlantic Steamers, Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit ish Columbia, Express Line to------- ♦------»si China and Japan. Canadian Australian Line to-----*^S> HONOLULU? AUSTRALIA For toll particulars as to time, rates, and for copies of C. P. R. Publications, apply to 'W. H. MOWAT, Agepf, ’ Ashland, Oregon. Or to H. H. A bbott , Agent, 140 Third street, Portland, Or. E. J. C oylk , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. 0. ' • ' ,4V. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain able so far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of the Wis consin Cmmt Lijssjiare p*id to wys the public andoertraiDS are operated so as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction poiDte. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over................. The Wisconsin Central Linpi andfyou will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points J£a|t. For any furtber.information call on »ny ticket agent, or correspond with , JAR. 0. TOND, General Pass. Agent, ir JA8. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukkb , General Agent. W iscombim , 246 Stark Street, Be sure and see tbat your Ticket reads via The.... Northwestern Line! OMAHA RAipWAXS, D octor .. . Sti <>Oer •W OO «eteh T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights 4 c . For rstee, pamphlets or othsr infer motion, address, ----- THE----- ESTABLISHES IT YEARS. „ Thousands cured at bom*. a fi^ifideiitiai. No Charge for ComnltaUea« ^^B Of a verity eqnaled by no other line. See tbat your ticket reads vis “Tbs Milwaukee” wnen going to any poin in the United States or Canada. Al ticket agents sell them. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and Np fay Till Cared. Uniortioit. uen »1» ew- not O»ll .hoald wriUTw vice and private book— f 1L J gJ i L d / i 9 ■ J i B Bh^i 1 ■ R kB 1 fl Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, ARE YOU GOING EAST? Weight of Saddle about 85 pound»: 'f < rPMRi ■ Trains every day and night between 8t. Paul and Chicago, and Onaba and- Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the world.” Understand: Connections are made with AU Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers tbs best service known. ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPINC packed for shipment, 45 pounds. FREIGHT IS Oh Li abov ? 8M0FPR EAtH 500 MILK. i 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE “PIONEER LIMITED' P ortland , O regon . Isisfer M» b ELY’S CREAM BALM Js a positive cure. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all nver the Union aa the Great Railway running the extra long on near Eide, 2-incb to buckle on offside, heavy cotton twisted Mexican i-ineh front cinch, heavy cottoi. belting flank cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, seat and jockey all one piece. as illustrated. fov,e »/jgetr-blc Sar- tepaniic xS scizt to all dii-ririzts, Refuse p substitute. Wiieo vou ou; tor the best sc« that you get he best f Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Druggists or by mail: samples 10c. by malt ELY BROTHERS. M Warren St.. New York City. MILWAUKEE” CALL’S MACAZIHE A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A rem ; beautiful colored p!ates ; latest fashions ; dressmaking economies ; fancy work ; household hint» ; fiction, etc. Sub- scribe to-day, or, send ¡c for latest copy. Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date, Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. r MFCALL/8 A B AZ A , P attern ^ (Na-Seani.Allowance Patterns.) Only io and ■ $ ett each—none higher Ask lof them. Sold in nezrly every city and ton-n, or by mail from THE McCALL co ., 138-148 W«st 14th St., New York. FALL ...STYLE ! WftNAMAKER’S ALL WOOL SUH'S FOR MEN AND BOYS AT THE AGENCY, DE PE ATT BLOCK, i ASHLAND, OREGON, Kindly call and get posted on Prices and Qualities. Many thanks are in order to my host ot laet year’s patrons, and we fee) able to look them square in the eye when thev call to eee what we have for them this year. CVIadies’ and Misses’ Styles an Camples will be here soon. JDA.VID JkluM;JS-, Thia ia the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: “ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of paesengerg parried on the veetibuied trains without extm charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F.± P. Agent, Portland, Oregon. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dvspepsta, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache, Gastralgie, Cramps, and all other results of 1 mperfect digestion. Prepsrtd by X. 4.9«wiu e A.JBHUWIN. Cb<su»Q>