PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. SALOON LICENSES REJECTED, ffi. V. CARTER FOR CONGRESS. To The Oregonian He Is Reported A Boy’s Thigh Fractured. Yesterday afternoon Dean Wagner, the son oi of r.u. P. J. Wagoner, who llIC ‘ 7-year-old -yvar-oiu son v» a goner, wno lives in the Ninniger block, met with an • Or>r*l < ] Ani ZX»a /B a. street « aan. « wa» 1. aa \ Mr. I >■ T Lacy A aaa. is . * accident on the where erecting a building. He was playing i with another boy when some lumber i slid from a pile. Several pieces laid j heavy against the piece that pressed against his left thigh. When the boy was released Dr. D. M. Brower, who was present, immediately set the thigh, which, had sustained a comminuated I I fracture. SUTTONS SNAP SHOT Ira Wakefield was in town yesterday. The City Dade, Wearied of the Id- ta U«.»» . ... - To Have Unbosomed His Candidacy J C. Eubanks was in Ashland this , er neo Question, Kick the Old Oat t _ __ * ■_____ For V* Tongue S ’s ■"> Place — WV Undoubtedly Out of tbe City Hall—Will the Cat week. Come Back ? An Active Candidate. Frank Mee was up Josephine county Tuesday. The city council of Ashland met Jan. Portland Oregonian, Jan. 21.] 15th, all in attendance. The session Geo. W Isaacs, the Medford capitalist, lasted Interest jn republican politics is chiefly from 8 p. m. until 12:30 the next OF ALL FORMS OF was here Tuesday. morning when the petitions for applica centered in tbe spirited contest now Jack Morris and family left yesterday tions for liquor licenses were thoroughly under way for the congressional nomi for Cloverdale, Kan. canvassed and were found to be short of nation in the first district. Eight prom inent republicans are mentioned in con , Mrs. Belle Henry returned yesterday the number of names required. This nection with the nomination, and all are was painful news to the majority of the from Placerville, Cal. Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, New Goode. city councilmen who had secretely putting up a clean fight within party Earache, Burns, Scalds, Corns and Bunions, Stiff Joints. Mrs. Ella Mills returned Tuesday from hoped there would be a majority of legal lines. Each has strong following. State Mirrors, Picture Frames, Moulding, a visit at Oakland, Cal. petitioners and tbat they would be re- Senator George C. Brownell has Clacka Lamberquin Poles and Trimmings, mas county without doubt. He has can Wm. Halley of Medford was in Ash , lieved of the awkward situation con vassed the field thoroughly, and has his Easels, Iron Beds, Parlor Tables, Sofa FRIOE, 50-0. &c 31.00 PER BOTTLE fronting them by the expectations of Pillows, Lace Curtain Stretchers, land Monday and Tuesday. both factions to a well organized cam county so well m hand that the Tongue Clothes Bars at Opera House Furniture men have but faint hope of wresting it Hon. Eugene A. Sherwin returned paign covering many months including Store. Tuesday night from Portland. the finish for the last 30 days. The from biin. Claud Gatch will go into the convention KEEL ESTATE Ashland, Oregon. Go to L. H. Thomas for watch and figures showed plainly that the saloons with the solid backing of Marion county, were defeated according to Ordinance clock repairing. Helman street. G Oleson to W 1 Vawter; ICO acres in secs Mr. Gatch is one of the most popular 194 and the council would have declared twp 31, s, r 3 e, $>>20. Miss Kate Buick of Roseburg left Mon it so if that would have put an end to republicans in Oregon. He is an ex 33, R 35, Read these Testimonials, given under oath, of Cares Actually Performed: Rasmussen to W I Vawter; 320 acres mayor of Salem. In the senatorial con day for Redding to visit relatives. their trials and tribulations. They in secs 32. 33. twp 31. r 3 e. $1930. test of 1895 be received complimentary Mrs Almira Whetstone to L F Tozier; Hugh Silvers returned to Medford yes temporarily relieved themselves of their votes for United States senator. lot 5, Harbaugh's subdivision, twp 37, r 2 embarassment bv adjourning one whole I can cheerfully state that the Snap W. Dickerson who being duly sworn, made terday from a mining trip to Yreka. $300. w, Lina county ’ s candidate is ex-Circuit week alleging a desire to further investi Shot is the best liniment I have ever used, the following statement Helms and Ammerman to ML Pellet; or ever heard of in a life time. Mrs. Jennie Westrop of Medford was gate, but which in reality was a Judge H. H. Hewitt if Albany. Judge My daughter, who was a student at the Stat* Normal night while etady- registered at the Ashland House Tuesday. Mic .wber move, expecting “something Hewitt is one of the beet-kn wn jurists 17.38 acres, twp 38. r 1 w. $-00 We always keep a bottle of it at the in tne state. He was defeated for re Mary A Barciav to M L Pellet; part of normal school. Among the athletic stu ing felt a pain in her luuid which seon ex Mason Clemens of Keno, was regis to turn up.” Monday evening of this election in 1898 because the republicans die No.64, twp 37, r 1 w, $152 » tended to the arm. The^next day she west week was the time set but Councilman S F Morine to tbe »skosh Land a Timber dents who have been hurt one or two ap to school and during tbe day she lost the tered at the Ashland House yesterday. Reader sent word he could not be of his district did not arrange the ballot Co, 80 acres in sec 14. twn 40. r 3 e, $900. plications of this liniment has taken out use ot her arm and it became spotted and Miss Lillie Taylor returned to Slatonie present; having an urgent case—pre in a way tbat would give him the full F D Briggs to W M McIntire: 25 acres in the irflammation and cored a sprained the teachers sent her home, fearing blood- today. sumably a confinement. The council vote Of his party. This was an accident, sec 23, twp 39. r 1 e, $3 l 00. ankle, a dislocated knee and a inashed poi>oii. When sbe arrived home I took one which the republicans ofjhie dis Caiiie Williams to C B Dresser; 160 acres finger. One application cured a vonng her to Mr. Sutton’s office where be applied Hon. E. V. Carter has returned from men met and promptly adjourned to and in sec 28, twp 35, 2 w. $20 “Snap Shot” liniment and within twenty another social and political tour to Port- Tuesday evening. Reader was again trict Lave since bad reason to regret. R A Proudfoot to W 1 Vawter; 410 acres lady of a paralised arm and another minutes of tbe first application, the swell Benton county presents State Senator absent. The council had received no young lady who had the rheumatism and ing was gene down, tne pain was gone and land. in sec 5, twp 33, 3 e, $1 new light that could turn the minority John D. Daly of Uoivallis. Few repub to Mamie Dunham, trustee: also a stone bruise was entirely cured by tbe spotted appearance]left it, and>be bas James McCormack and family of Med into a majority, but immediately entered licans are better known than Senator lot L 1, Ganiard blk 21, Chitwood tract, Ash'and, $L two applications. never had tbe least trouble! with her arm ford, left yesterday for Gr*ud Island, into a general talk and all. Kinds of Daly. He was a staunch Dolph support J McDonald to WA Counts; 52, 25 acres It has also cured burns, cuts, carbun since or a recurrence of the pain Neb./ . , / - reasons and explanations were indulged er in-tlfe; legislature of 1895. He can in twp 36, 2 w, $200'. F lokencb L. T kbybbm . cles, pimples, tooth -ache and rheuma Land Co to Sarah Hnston; lots tism. * Notary Public for Oregon. R. M. Foster and family moved into in as to each councilman’s “position” on safely tdnnt on the delegation from Lin 31 Carter and 34, Carter add to Ashland, $500. We have never known inflammation B. Beach’s residence near south school the subject,past, present and prospective. coln county as well as that of Benton Mabel Carter to T W Brittsan; land in A. C. Woodstock et Eugene, has strong Ashland, ,T that it will not speedily take ont, if thor State of Oregon,) Councilman Beswick had little to say Tuesday. $1 > ss. oughly rubbed in once or twice but he was Square toed in favor of the following, and bis triends are urging him Haymond to Gold Hill Lodge, IOO County ) Miss Meda Crosby of Talent is visiting councilmen doing their duty as laid to enter tbe lists as Lane county’s can r, Ben It is A MARVELOUS MEDICINE, and Will Jackson part lot 5, sec 17, twp36, 3 w, $50. James M. Fewel being duly sworn de Ashland. didate . Job i Lacy to DonnaGraflis, lol 6, bJk F2, down in the charter and for himself he doeven more for the afflicted than is poses and say’s:- Tbat about ten days Robert G. Simth of Grants Paes, will Medford, $1. claimed.for it. Miss Blanche Oliver returned yester was in favor of no monkey business but ago 1 bad the neuralgia in iny face and it Clara E Lynch to School district No 56; W. T V an S cot . day from a visit with Granta Pass for issuing licenses. Whitney wa3 full be the candidate of Josephine county. land in sec 2, twp 29, 1 w, $1. pained me severely and bad been troubling of conversation and traversed" the whole Mr. Smith was a member of the legisla American Christian Missionary Society President Southern Oregon State Nor me for two weeks or more when I bad Mr. friends. He stood by Senator Sutton apply his Snap Shot. He rubbed of his thought on the subject. He ture of 1895. mal school. to Trustees 1st Christian Church'of Ash R. O. Stine and James Hallisy, Siski- realm my face for a few minutes tnd completly Dolph to tbe last. Speaking of Mr. land; wanted to kick over all the present ordi Subscribed and sworn to befcre me lots 1 and 12, blk M, R R add to Ash vou tunnel carpenters, spent Sunday in nance and issue licenses to whom the Smith’s chancee, William Huntly Hamp cured the pain and since tbat time been al this 4th day of November, 1899. land. $1. Ashland. most wholly free from pain. councilmen Baw fit. Hunt wiehed his ton of Leland, who was tbe republican E V Carter AdmrS B ualevestate to Cart F lorence L. T refrkn . My wife was sick with tbe cholera mor nominee for tire legislature in Josephine er Land Co; ^interestin lots land 2. blk 49, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gross of the Depot job belonged to somebody else and he Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took about half a teaspoonful of Ashland. $40. county two years ago. said yesterday : hotel returned Tuesday from their stay desired to give them all licenses until tbe medicine and it cured the trouble at Harry C. Collins In Jail. in California. the June election and then submit the “Mr. Smith will have the Josephine J-obanna Houck to C W Howell; ne once and she never felt anything mor« of sec 14, twp 39, 1 e. $13 50. State of Oregon. to the voters. Holmes was in delegation behind him. He is an able, “Handsome Harry,” the pretty bar Eliza J Anderson to T J Hamlin; land in E. S. Jenne, a Portland populist, question ss. J ames M. Fawn.. tender late of the Hotel Oregon bar, who arrived yesterday to visit Frank favor of rejecting petitions and standing active man, and he would honor the first Jackson county, $300. Jackson County. Subscribed and swerc to before me this by present ordinance and letting the district if itshculdsend him to congress.” scattered his bogus bank checks through Williams. G H Andrews to Kate Goff: lots 8.6.10, On this 28th day of July, 1899, appeared Southern Oregon is pushing Hon. E. 11 and 12 blk P, R R add to Ashland, $350. before me, a Notary Public within and for 19th day of November 1899. ASHLAND, (Jr.... Thursday, Jan. 25, 1900 out his tour of southern Oregon was saloons try it again or do as they pleased. G eo . W. T bkvbeh . Bank of Ash and to W A Corthell; 7 65 the Stale and County above named one W. Miss May O’Toole returned to Phoenix Trefren stood by the ordinance as the V. Carter of Ashland, to the front for the arrested Tuesday at Junction, Lane Notary Publicjfor Oregon. in sec 1C, twp 39, 1 e. $420.75. countv, upon a warrant sworn out of Jus Tuesday from a visit with Miss Jessie best possible expression of the substan nomination. Mr. Carter was speaker of acres PHOBNIX. D P Brittsan to J Veit; 5 acres in sec 11, tial citizens of Ashland on the sub the house al the epeeial session in 1898, twp tice James Stewart’s court at .Medford Clint in Ashland. 39, 1 e. $100 Dr. Pickel made Pboenix a professional and at the regular session in 1899. His ject and made a very plausible by I. L. Hamilton, charging him with Work has been begun on the ruscrvoii Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Palmer returned Johanna Houck to Oskosh Land Co; 160 visit Monday. friends say that he can go into the con explanation of the council ’ s purpose swindling Hamilton, who cashed a check Tuesday from Portland where they have acres in sec 14, twp 40, 3 e. $1100. of the San Joaquin Electric company in vention with the support of the delega in adopting the method and Miss May O’Toole and M. McGrath given on a Roseburg bank. Lucinda Ganiard to same; 160 acres in been since last fall. Crane valley, Fresno county. It is pro showing that less than a dozen solid tions from Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Coos, same, $1200. The pieliminary examination took Visited Ashland Sunday. Miss Laura Colton returned Tuesday taxpayers were thus deprived of a voice and Curry counties. Mr. Carter was in Elizabeth Smith to Ann R Gregory; lot posed to make au artificial lake a couple place at .Medford yesterday and Collins Mtgs Jessie Nyswaner, of Medford, of miles iu leugth and impound enough was bound over to appear before the from Jacksonville where she has been in the matter. He was in favor of only town yesterday, and was seen at the Im 2, blk 19. Ashland, $1200. Visited Phoenix friends Bunday. Hattie M Camps to J F Cole; land in Ash water to supply power duriug dry sum one compromise—the raising of the perial hotel. Asked about tbe congress land, April term of circuit court to stand trial. copying the records. $1. Mr.. Biuta, Prbpr, j Mrs. Harry Mathes want to Klamatbon In the absence of $500 bail Collins was Services will be held at the Congrega license to $600 or $800 and granting of ional nomination, he said it was an honor M J Reeser to same; lots 62, G3, 64 , 65, mers. placed in the county jail at Jacksonville. tional church next Sabbath, Jan. 28, licenses under reasonable safeguards to which any republican might aspire. Miner’s add to Ashland. $250. Bunday to visit her sister of that place. About 150 newsboys went on a strike upon the simple petition of the applicant. He said he knew tbat his friends were He makes the excuse that he intended morning and evening. G A Hover to.F M Stewart > lots 7 and 8, aga’nst the Evening Telegram jat Port Kev. E. Badger, a Christian minister Reader may have had views but he was urging his name, and that be greatly blk 3. Park add to Medford, $900. reimbursing the parties whom he had • •• h »„. from Ashland, is bolaing revival services Harvey E. Lounsberry, traveling appreciated their interest in his behalf. Williim Caitcrto Join Owens; 1% acres land recently because ¡he paper would not present. Mayor Colton was in favor swindled. It is learned that his real agent of the Southern Pacific, of present ordinance or submitting to not take back unsold papers. The boys la Phoet. x. “Southern Oregon wants Mr. Carter,” in sec 4, twp 35. 1 w, $1, name is Codder and that he was raised at freight special election. Whitney moved and said A. Y. Beach, one of tbe owners of C A Eliason to Harriet Carter; lot 8, tore up every paper seeu on the street.- Mrs. Joe Prize lie arrived in town Mun- Williamsport, Penn. Falling heir to was in town yesterday. 's add to Ashland, $310. Lunches Put Up. aud abused bovs who tried to sell them. Robert Harding and Mr. Brown of Hunt seconded a motion to grant licenses the Lakeview Examiner. “We know Pracht diy to visit with her parent«, Mr. and Mrs. $12,000 he established a high-toned saloon A Alford to Wm Hevener; lots AS. 26 and him as a broad man. He would honor to the applicants. Lakeview were in town yesterday en in Chicago and went broke. He has al J. W. Mills. 27, Hunsaker’s add to Ashland. $250 William Walter Shipp, on« of the Roll call showed Whitney, Hunt and the first district in congress, and we are so served a term in the state penitenti route to Cape Nome, Alaska A C Helm to E A Fox; lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, a. Mattis Miller, of Portland, returned ary. oldest and best-known residents ol Beswick in favor, Trefren and Holmes determined to do everything possible to blk O, R R ■ dd to Ashland, $360. All Passengers Trains D. H. Jackson has lost four valuable against and Reader absent. The motion bring about his nomination. Southern home last week. She was the guest of U. Adella Paletliorpe to John Morris: 80 Fresno county, was struck and instant Tax Levien. horses at the Eagle mills lately from Oregon has large interests that need at acres in sec 16, twp 38, 3 e, $1. W. Miller and family. ly killed by the 6outh-bound Santa Fe was declared lost by the mayor. Stop 30 Minutes for Meals TLe council adjourned to 12:30 p. m. tention, and we are entitled to represen J W Merritt, trustee, to John Carney, lot train north of the depot In Fresno. Ashland school dietriot on Mondav what is reported as pinkej-e. Mrs. E. A. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. W 8, blk 59. Central Point, $30. tation in congress. ” Wednesday to give Reader another made a special tax levy of 10 mills. The Senator S. A. Dawson of Linn county, M. Beardsly went to YreKa last week to B Applegate to J L Grubb; land in sec Shipp tried to drive across the track and It is a battle royal, and the best man 24, L twp citv council will so in make its levy. a maker of congressmen and senators, chance to be present. All being present a rapidly approaching train struck him. 38 2 e, $1 yisit Chas. Wright and family. will win, and tbe others congratulate the question was reopened and discussed. The county court makes its levy this arrived in Ashland this morning. E V Carter to Carter Land Co; lots 31 32; D. 0. Herrin, grand master A. O, U. W.. week which will ltkelv be 24 mills. him and work for his election. Each of William C. Campbell has been ap ’s add to Ashland.$250. Ed. Coyle, who formerly mined on Trefren demanded that the present Mr. Tongue’s opponents has bis own and33, Pracht organized a lodge in Phoeuix last Saturday I. Grubb to Bank of Ashland; land pointed postmaster at Los Gatos. Cal. The state tax levy .8 6.7 mills. Applegare, died Saturday at Albermarle, petitioners be relieved of the suspense ceunty, but no one—noteven Mr. Tongue in John twp 38, 2 e. $1. and injustice being done them by reject with sixteen charter members. While digging at the roots of an old Hon. 8. G. Hawson, a prominent re N. M., of pneumonia, aged 36 years. ing their applications, and then having —lias tbe district. Tbe opposition candi G H Anderson to C B Soverns; lot 16. blk CENTRAL POINT. tree iu his garden at Sacramento, Wil publican member of the last two Oregon J. H. Burgard and Warren White, in the council compromise and settle their dates know that the only wav for one H. R R add to Ashland, 37 50. ,J >1 Armstrong tp (fold Hill High Line Fine weather and good health prevails legislatures from ' Arlington, Gilliam surance adjusters, are adjusting tbe differences afterward, -his resolution of their number to win is to break up liam Britt, a cabinet maker uncovered Ditch Co; right of way deed through n e Tongue ’ s strength and get him out of way. H. BOIVIN, Manager. county, committed suicide bv shooting losses on the Ashland Woolen Mills. reading;. • r > ,: "» in this part ot the valley. an old ooffee pot containing 700 Mexi qf nw sec 21, twp 35, 3 w, $1. The plan was projected many times As it does not appear that any of the Lucy A Uickev to same; right of way can dollars. All of them were more J. W. Merritt killed 19 tine porkers last himself through the heart in his room at Joe Phillips, a miner formerly of thia petitioners for saloon licenses have com when Binger Hermann was in congress, the Esmond Hotel, Portland Monday place through s e 1-4, bee 21, twp 35, 2 w SI than 50 years old and are supposed to and Gold Hill, was on today’s plied with the ordinance providing the but did not succeed until Mr- Tongue deed, Monday; average weight on foot 323 lbs. HAL Smith to same, right of way afternoon. He was prepairing to start train COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET. for Yieka from the Slocan country. Mrs. Rodenburger is at Grants Pass home on the train. Hawson has been manner of obtaining the same. I move won tbe prize al Albany in 1896. Mr. through n e 1-1 of s e 14. sec 3, twp 36, have been hidden by pioneers on the Ashland, Oregon. 3 w, $1 way to the mines in early days. Mrs. Johh Roes of Clawson, returns that all the applications be rejected and Tongue has the same kind of a fight on helpUhT laft" caK ot *hte sick brother, having a great deal’of trouble caused by hand this year tbat Hermann had four from Sisson tomorrow where her daugh Frank Hurlburt, assistant cashier of the no licenses issued while said ordinance The new library at Stanford univers Robert Deau. ________ Arlington National Bank and Mayor of ter, Mrs. H. Arenburg, has been very ill. is in force unless its provisions are fully vears ago. ity was completed recently and last Notice is up for a mass meeting in the Arlington, breaking up his family. Shop is now open. week 30,000 books were ¡¡placed on its The Mormon elders begin their meet complied with. [The rumors of Mr. Carter’s candidacy city ball next Saturday evening to organize The resolution carried, Trefren, for congress have been »float for many Nothing but First - Class shelves. The destruction of the Ashland woolen ings in Ashland next Sunday afternoon Whitney., a People’s party club. Reader, Holmes, and Hunt weeks and there are indicati ins of at 2:30 at Granite Hall. Everybody mill by a fire is a severe loss to that Farmers of Eden township, Alameda, Work turned out. Tbe Methodist people are getting along voting yes and Beswick no. Wnitnev, shifting attitudes in locul politics that pretty and prosperous town and vicinity, invited. oounty, have oombined together and nicely with the work on their church seconded by Hunt, offered the following are straws showing which way the and the Telegram hopes the proprietors Geo. W. Stinch field and wife, Geo, chartered a steamer to ply between building commenced a short time ago. political win 1 blows and tending towar • and business men of Ashland will be able Green and Miss Alice E. Goodspeed left resolution; Roberts and Sau Francisco, in order to the idea that Ashlarxi ’ scraftiest politician Be it hereby resolved that owing to James I. Frede'iburg bought of Rufus to rebuild and resume operations. The Tuesday for Orange, Cal., and may get lower transportation rates and bet imperfections of list of taxpayers fur is planing tiigliet. For the past 15 or 20 Cox 52 acres of land one and one-half miles mill was prospering, as all the woolen locate. ter service. nished by the recorder and in conse years be has olaved a temperance tiani mills of Oregon are, and it was an indus southwest of Medford. Price paid. $3000, Harry Lee of Portland, was on yester quence causing it to be impossible for in city affairs by refusing to sign petitions try of much value to Ashland and to About 400 men are at work on tho The officers of the Central Point Lodge Jackson and Josephine counties. The day’s train for Sawyer’s Bar, Siskiyou petitions for license to obtain sufficient for saloon licenses—which is a natn> Everett, Wash., tunnel. ot A. O. U. W. went to Phoenix last 8atar- tire fiend seems to have had an especial coiiuty, to work in Townsand & Ingalls’ names to constitute a majority, that Against the saLmne. In 1896 he organiz -;i The Seattle, Washington, manufac U riCTOBT ordinance No. 194 be hereby repealed tbe preachers and church going prohis day evening to organize a lodge at that • 9p,te against Oregon woolen mills, and cyanide plant. the price charged by other», and in a successful fight in the local republi turers organized kst week. and that licenses be issu'd to the peti l< extraordinary ” ’ " IIIAUNTn TJ TIT 1« FHFtinT. place. precautions against fire Train Dispatcher Chas. M. Holmes whether youwlah our Str Freaek T hh » can primaries that defeated the Hermann tioners as follows: Houck & Dame, I. was in Josephine county Sunday looking A hundred bills before congress pro Yerk Be-mlMe SlaaUe Trw, illustrated above, ent thia The ladies of the Relief Corps of the G. should be taken in each of them. and -Mitchell delegates. Hence there W. Burriss. N. Bourgeois and High & ad. ont and eend to na with OH 8HWUI. rBKBnewi, at a prospect which shows up very fair pose to obliterate “the trusts.” A. R. gave a dinner in their ball last state your Helgki, Weight, Age, how long you have been Taylor for the period of one year dating was a general sensation and suprise nt and is pure gold. ruptured, whether rupture 1« large or email; aleo etale WOODVILLE Saturday; many guests were iuvited. all Seattle, Wash., wants $1,000,000 con seeing his name at the bottom of the list number inchee around the body on a Uno with tbe from January 15, 1900. I rupture, »ay whether rupture 1» on right or left «ide, Dr. J. G. Goble, the optician, will be reported having a good time. Mis8 Nina Robinson has returned of th«! petitions for saloon licenses filed gressional appropriation for a govern Here Councilman Reader, who had and wo will eead either truee to you with the under, at the Hotel Oregon on Monday Jan. 29th seemingly »tending, 1« It 1» act a p»rlhet St m A »ga»l ta tree»*» (bat A local sport defined the Miss Galloway, who has been teaching from her visit at Grants Pass. ment building. taken no hand in any of the last week retail al three tlmee our price,you can return It and w* Those wishing their eyes examined will return your money. councilmen’s contentions packed his motive as follows: “He sizes it uptbatthe in the High school in Roseburg for some Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates, please call at tne hotel. The war department will send 400 WRITE saloon push of the congressional district FOR FREE THU88 CATALOCUt ¡¡¡J* •“••• things together, cooly put on his hat, time, returned to Central Point last week Jan. 16th, 1900, a daughter. soldiers to Alaska early next spring for I e« ireue», including the Sew « Lea Tree Gov. Gage of California has called on walked out, never uttered a word, not has gqf more votes than the church out After spending a month or two with her 1 that cure» alwat aay eaae, aad which we tail *»i service in the Cape Nome district. Lizzie and Grace Schmidtline, Wards fit in Ashland. E. V. is dead next to SEARS, ROEBUCK A C9. parents here she will go to Klamath county creek belles, visited Woodville Friday. extra session of the legislature to meet even saying “excuse me,” “good bye” himself.” Whether it is acliangeof heart Tho assessed valuation of property in Jan. 29th to elect a U. S. Senator, or “go to h—1.” The councilmen and cts gently to teach there for some time. or a sr.rewd adjustment to the exigencies Oregon for 1899 is $120,287,879. This is spectators were somewhat dumbfounded Deputy Sheriff Grant Orme spent a Burns will be the man. The people of Central Point were sorry week or two with his family at his the lowest total sinoe 1890. The de for a few seconds and the discussions of thetew Situation there is nobody to On Monday, W. G. Wright melted up testify- to postiveiv, But it is quite to hear of the destruction by fire of the Savage creek home. crease since 1893, the year of highest LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE $140 worth of gold for W. H. Lee, of were interrupted by numerous propose probable that during the vlgit ol the woolen mill. They feel that it is a great loss Valuations, has bsen $47,801,026. Ed. Farra and wife were visiting at Jacksonville, who extracted it from a tions—mostly facetious ones—as to the severs] wholesale liquor dealing states« ------- OF------- cause of their brother councilman's to the owners and to Ashland and the Charley White’s a couple of days last pocket near tbe Applegate. man, bis own trips oyer the district, and sudden anff strange disappearances. whole community generally. The first week. Dissolution of Oo-Partnership. County Treasurer L. L- Jacobs, Under None of the motions encumber the the hard pressed straights the local work your correspondent ever done in tbe saloommen have got into, tbat tbe clever /■, EANSES THE SYSTEM Mrs. Burkhart was down from Ditch Sheriff James Cronemiller and G. N, 1 records however. Not.oe is hereby given that the under county was helping to get out tbe timbers creek Thursday trading with our mer Lewis were up from Jacksonville last The Mayor declared the Whitney- politican has drove a sharper political signed, doing a retail liquor business in for ths building. ■o bargain for influence in the district than r, DfLS^ELFECTUAUY the city of Ashland, state of Oregon, un Thursday visiting the I. O. O. F. lodge. Hunt motion an illegal one. chants. was lost bv sliding off of the prohi fence The absence of Reader — who was ex der the firm name of High & Taylor have Mr. O ’ Brien ’ s teams are doing con Services at the Presbyterian church SAM ’ VALLEY. Call and see me when you are in need of in Ashland. There are other Btraws, in this day dissolved partnership by mutu any siderable hauling from Woodville at next Sabbath both morning and evening. pected by the license people to stand tbe way of Ashlandiies paving their way property of any description, either to R. Gordon of Beagle, was in tbe Valley fire and vote with Hunt, Whitney and al consent, Robert Taylor retiring and rent or bu’-. Sermon subjects will be, '“A Call to De present. Monday. Beswick — thus making a majority — and I i° r county pie, that would not come for- Deston High continuing the business, I have ranches for sale in every part of Blanche Moore has bought an organ cision” and “Abiding in the Vine.” issuing licenses anyhow, again upset the ward if the ex-speaker were umpiring for OVERCOMES settling All accounts and collecting all Jackson county: fine land and low prices. Bad colds have tuade a severe attact .on Mr. Peter F. Donne, the aathor of thq re-elej^ion to the legislature.] tmall acreagss of fruit land near town many of our citizens otherwise tbe general and is taking lessons from Prof. Head Of situation. The defeated petitioners had bills. “Mr. Dooley” letters, would have found been relieved of their suspense but the and land in bearing fruit, any number of health is good. Medford. D eston H igh , EvcikNE A. S herwin guarantees everv acres, large or small. a rich vein of humor had he attended the council men had nat gotten rid of the R obert T aylor . Louis Middlebush and family of Eagle Bishop Morris and Rev. Chas. Booth bottle Of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 1 have several bouses to sell in tbe city; Point, were tbe guests of J. A. Paukey and conducted Episcopal services here last last three sessions of the Ashland city question. Like Banquo’s ghost it and will refund the money to anvone Ashland, Or., Jan. 8,1900. prices to suit tbe times. council. Mr. Dunne arrived iu Portland would not down. Here a general com family last Saturday and Sunday. Thursday. this week and will spend a month or promise took place, all of the council who is not satisfied after using two-this HOUSES TO RENT. Mrs. J. R. P. Rowe, who wa« hurt some more in southern Oregon on a vacation. men and the mayor being apparently of the contents. This is the best remedy Miss Ivy Williams was down Wednes MONEY TO LOAN. time ago by a fall, is getting able to walk Ashland & Klamath Falls io the warld for la grippe, coqghs( colds, 1N8U RANCE A SPECIALTY. around in the bouse with the assistance of day from Wimer visiting her sister, Buy the genuine - manto ey Mr. J. P. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. glad of the opportunity to shirk the croup and whooping ooqgb and ia pleas a chair. Myrtle, who lives with Mrs. Wilcox. Here are a few of my bargains: Geo. Crowson, Mr. and Mr8. H. F. duties imposed upon them by the ant ipd- safe to take. It prevents any and hug the delusion that turn: tendeppy of a cold to result in pneu i J. A Pankey drove two cows to Gold Ten acres of good fruit land, three seres Mrs. Griffin returned from Medford Carter, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Veghte, Mr. charter Hill last Friday, which be -old to tbe meat Tuesday evening in response to a tele and Mrs. E. D. B'igge, Mrs. E. V- Carr ing the liquqr questipn loose on thp monia. in fruit. $450. Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good tnan of that place tor 3o. per pound. Tbe phone message informing her that she ter and J. W. Kinney went to Jackson town would settle it—providing thp Myijle Creek, Jan. 24.—Mr«, Ferd two cows pulled down 2580 lbs. on the house, barn, etc., running water, for $500. saloons won the election, of course. ville last night to attend an R. A. M. ban Thorougblv Restocked and scales. Pretty good for two common scrub was grandma. Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two Otherwise, the cat would come back- Gabbert, jn a fit of Jrmporery insanity, quet. small houses, $400. cows. drank B bottle of carbqlic ^ctd at an early Levi Stevens and Mr. Phillips, Jr., of Entirely New Management. special election was set for Monday, These are witbin a mile and a half of There given at the normal Fri The hoof This ipbrning and died In a few W. J. Nichols of Table Rock, the ener Preston Peak, visited Woodville the past Feb. 5th, 1900. ROBERT M. GARRETT, i Ashland. day eve Jan. 26, 1900, arf entertainment momefits. She has been threating her week. Jim Cady and L. Orme have getic foreman of J. W. Merritts sheep Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely tor the benefit of the Y. W. C.'A. A ranch, was among us Monday greeting old gone to Preston Peak. The city charter distinctly places all life for a long while, and it is supposed I unimproved, $200 Superintendent. good program is promised consisting of friends Mr N. says the sheep are doing that a severe spell of sickness of a year Hotel property in town, for salefor$40UO. Mrs. Cox, wife of our section foreman, new and pretty features. Conveyances responsibility, power and authority in ago wall bat will have to begin feeding ere long bad unbalanced her mind. the councilmen and mayor and does not One hundred acres fine valley land, two is recovering from a severe illness. Mrs Best and as tits range is getting about exhausted. will leave opera houee corner at 7 and contemplate hunting uo the voice of the tulles from Medford, $4500. Begly of Cow creek has been with her 7:30 p. m. Admission 10c. Mining Locations. Call and see me in regard to any of the We have been having spring weather and people and is an antithesis of the initia Quickest Route to above, and it they do not suit, I bare a the fanners have again started their plows for several weeks. W H Heaton, Jan. 12, placer claim in tive, referendum and imperative man Grand Master Workman D. C. Herrin large list from wbn-b yon might choose but it looks t day as if we were going to Phil Robinson returned from Preston date. The charter contains no pro Wagner creek district. have sotue winter. We bad a heavy south Peak on last Monday and went to Jack came out from Portland Saturday and GEO. W. TREFREN. J F Ditsworth, Jan 15, water right, organized an A, O. U. W. lodge at visions fcr special elections on the im 200 inches, Lost creek precinct. west wind which blew Lard all last night. Main Street, Near Bridge. AsblacA, Or. Today tt is cold and chilly with showers of sonville on business Tuesday arriving at Phoenix with 17 members and the fol portant matters of issuing bonds, etc., Goes by Barron, Shake, Lnola R Ray, Jan. 15, quarts claim, home Wednesday. Phil is about to sell lowing officers; Sam Van Dyke, past hence the affair on Feb 5th is known to enow on the mountains. Soda Springs, Parkerg and hie copper interests at Preston Peak to a masterworkman ; E. P. Hughes, M. W j be illegal by the council and is capable Meadows precinct. 15 CENTS Keno; also beat ccmr.ections Some parties with a magic lantern, a talk company represented by Mr. O’Brien. F H4lay, Jan 15, quartz claim, Mead J. L. Garvin, Foremen; J. E. Robbins, of being more of a farce than the petition ows precinct. witn stage lines from Klam ing luachiue and a two needed calf gave an packages Corn Starch Two exhibition tu the Saius Va ley ball last Sat An accident happened at the copper O; E. E. Wilder, R ; H. P. Hargrove, F; and remonstrance method. There ig ath Falla to Bonanza, Bly C R Ray and E A Woodard, Jan 15, urday uighi which was well attend»! it mine at Preston Peak one day last week J. H.Jacobs, I. W. Darbey O’Tool, O.W. nothing to prevent illegal voting, unfair and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath 15 CENTS electioneering and general jobbery and quartz claims, Meadow district. was too neb for tbe Sam» Val>eyians blood to Mr. Dobson and Mr. Phillips who and Indian Agency. John F. Fairchild and Miss Lizzie after it is over with the result will be B E Haney and wife, Jan 8, quartz Two packages Gloss Starch They couldn’t stand it all at once *o tbe were trying to take out a charge of Fiock of this place, were married last just the same. If the apparent majority claim, Big Applegate district. greater part of the crowd left tbe ball before ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE; g ant powder that had failed to explode. Sunday, Judge J. S. Beard officiating. the exercise was hall through. Adam and Amelia Schmit and Mrs 35 CENTS While Mr. Dobson was taking out the The groom is a son of Coroner John A. is for license the council may grant them, Rebecca McKenzie, Jan 8, placer claims, Out if it is against they will monkey tamping the charge exploded blowing ASHLAKD, KLAMATH FALL«. Two cans Eagle Brand Milk 1 want to let the peonle whocnffcr from two of his fingers off and otherwise Fairchild and the bride a member of the around several weeks more, put their Big Applegate district. ,8;00 pm Leavy^....... 6:00 a m 1 Leaves. well know« Fiock family of Shasta river. Ira Dunlap, Jan 11, quaztz claim, Wil rheumatism and seatia know that Cham bruising him up, and also throwing Mr. 25 CENTS ear to the ground and some beautiful 6:30 am Arrives....... 2:45 p m I Arrives We congratulate the new couple and low Springs district. Wate^Stre^t ber lai u’a Pain Bultu relieved me alter a I Philips several feet and inju-ing him day call a special meeting and issue a Six pounds of best Mea) wish them along life of happiness and number of other medicines and a doctor so that he was quite deaf in one ear. license while the preachers aint looking. prosperity. They will reside at the Henry Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight had failed It is tbe bust liniment I have BORN. A council with “cold feet” and afraid of CENTS ’ y mail or Scheid residence on Gold street, near their job is likely to do anything. Muat be Waybilled. ever known of.—J. A. D obgen . Alpha expresa recel »• corner of Miner street. — Yreka Journal. A dispatch from Geneva, Ohio, is au- i pounds of good Coffee Two retta, Ga. Thousands have been cured prompt attention. Should the council declare against the I t > , x-tre i . h , j t - no .onn Ashland Office: ) to of rheumatism by this remedy. One ap- thqrity for the statement that Walter L. T imms C ash at Elder M. M. Esbelman arrived yester saloon licenses, the saloons will begin [ 10 CENTS mandamus proceedings Droceedinirs in in the the circuit circuit I -^^^J^s^John_Banks^jiaughter. POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFIU«. aCASOXABLE KA TU' Plication relieve« tbe pain. For sale by Main’s circns wi 1 not go out next season, day and for the next few weeks will con mandamus and probably not the season following. duct ' ¡UGKNK A. SHERWIN. a Bible normal course of study at court, anyhow, and the council might Klamath Fall# Office: One can Ashland Tomatoes Mr. Main gives as a reason that he has the Dunkard MARRIED, church on Second street just as well save its money to defend its H H VAN VALKENBUKG. become independently rich Bud that bis $1.35 SAMPSON. evening at 7:30 p. m. Everybody, case in the circuit court. Councilmen liealth ia in a precarious state. Main each Sunday school teachers, in Hunt and Whitney have expressed a de ROLLER—MORIARTY-In Grants Pass, Weather fine. Five gallons Coal Oil.... started hia circus fifteen years ago. He especially sire to pay out of their own pocket half vited. The meetings begin tonight. Jan. 24, 1900, R. B. Roller, and Miss Albert Rush went to Hornbrook on a was then a country lad, and had seven of the election expenses, however. $1.00 /ARICOCEIE “3 Julia Moriarty both of Ashland, Judge horses and a small round-top tent. visit not long since. Rev. C. W. Hays went to Ashland oerUln'y »nil rapid Jr AbeAxteli officiating. From the first season he met with mar 17 pounds Granulated Sug^r Monday to assist Rev. F. G. Strange of Hall Burned by Incendiary. » ¡ h at • a|i«l t-îcif peCMl Qs»-«ÍM»n Biaak an- More hay is being hauled to the mine. velous success, and with the exception >ok frt«. UPv- WGH IW W4B»»1NHT! rUTE; that place in a series'of special meetings There is quite a lot of work being done of one year has made large sums of mon wN.fii rh8iMt.iT io»»- Ä- John Owen’s village hall at Wimer durinu the present week. He came DIED. and all other (here. ey. The year 1899 was an exceptionally down Tuesday morning to conduct the was destroyed by fire Saturday night CONTRACTOR and STORE Geo. Howard came in on the stage Sat food season, therefore Main will retire. service at the funeral of Mrs. Everton about 2 :30. There bad been a dance KEEPER. urday. Tom, his brother, returned a few lie entire equipment, which ranks returning to Ashland Wednesday.— there until 12 o’clock when everybody EVERTON—In Grants Pass, on Sunday January 21,1900, Mrs. Asengtb Ever quit and returned home. The loss is ....................... The Finest..................... . . OAKLAND ST.. NEAR R. R. TRACK, days ago from his last summers trip to fourth in the United States, will be sold. Grants Pass Courier. aged about 55 years. about $500. The cause of the fire is Loe Angeles. ASHLAND........ OREGON. at just such reasonable prices. ........... .. .and Most Artistic, .. ............ The Grant county populistic central unknown but is supposed to have been Vaupel, Norris & Drake have received ......... Job Printing at Lowest Rates ......... The New Home A Domestic are the their Hart, SHaffner & Marx stock of committee advises putting up a straight of incendiary origin. Will supply fl rat, class Chinsae labórenla ...and on tbe Very Shorteet Notice... best sewing marhines on the market. clothing, the finest in the market. This ticket in county, state aai any number desired for railroad ooDStrnc- TI10-W» John C. Luce characterised th« tion, ditch digsing, clearing lands, rights- The prices are so low that every one can is the largest clothing house in th« world. Rev. Joe Waldrop, the old-time popu- of-wax. or any work desired. afford to have one. Call and S«e. At Call on Vaupel, Norris <x Drake Mid get 1806 and 1888 as a schame to Aihlairt tbe party. tbelr tow pntM na Unee fends. H our Forsitura kfr yWrt/x tass>/ edl a ra THE WONDEBFÜL DESTROYER INFLAMATION IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON, PROP. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLEY RECORD Bush’s Restaurant! Meals 25 M ASHLAND TINNING & PLUMBING CO. TRUSSES, «Sfi, ti.25 ARD UP A K idneys , L iver and B owels GEO. AY. TREFBEN. ^TUAtcS"*™ BiHEficiAL EffECT& (SLil9RNIApG,$YRVP^. For Sale • ■ • STAGE <- LINE ...KLAMATH FALLS, Ashland.- . STEAM.. Laundry :: STRICTURE ...GROCERIES... Grocery Co. The Record Office, WA CHUNG Chinese labor