■ • - Broa ¿aa VALLET RECORTr VALLET RECOUD. VAL ASHLAND. OREGON Fubliahed Every Thursday. Í. • J. KAISER, Proprietor. 8vMCBirnoN R ates : One Year...................... .................... $1 75 Six Months.................. .................... 1 00 50 Three Months............. ..:.............. ▲dvertising Ratea Given on Application. ASHLAND, JACKSON VOL. XII. An Editor Taken It Hard. Like Iron COPPER RIVETED OVERALLS SPRil.S B0Î Id» PASTS LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN FRANCISCO,’ ASHLAND, OREGON OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25. 1900. THE ASHLAND WOOLEN BURNED. PRESSED BRICKS. Klamath Falk Express.] Carpets at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. On Monday the mixologists of Ash­ Master Pedro Costel is out from Eu­ land were granted an unlimited holiday gene on a visit. i and the town council with tbe “Antis” Julius Hart of Shake wae in Ashland standing at its back took charge of the “100 fights to a barrel” dispensaries, by and Medford thia week. serving notices of “Thou Shalt Not” on Andy Payne came over from Yreka ‘ the various proprietors. Saturday to visit hia family. Eastern Oregonians will now avoid S A. Parker returned Monday from a Ashland as a plague ridden, Easternized god-fearing town of “Antia” and no­ business trip to Klamath Falls. swizzle. C. C. McClendon returned Monday To our good Klamath County friends from a visit to his Sams Valley farm. who have moved to Peachblow Paradise Aug. Costel of the Ashland Iron Works we extend the hand of sympathy for now you have got to be good, willy nilly and is in a Portland hospital for his health. we know bow hard it will go with you. Misses Agnes and Lucy George arrived Look at----- and----- and----- and all the from Kerby Josephine county Saturday. others! How they will pine away and Last Thursday Rogue river was higher suck the cholera morbus out of peaches and take a night cap of prune juice and than it had been previously this winter. catnip tea, while they look at the slug­ John Connelly of Keno was in Ashland gish Bear creek and long for the rocks last week, stopping at the Ashland and rills and rock and rye of Klaipath House. county, where the templed bilk pot a H;P. Bailey returned Monday from man tn a more proper spirit than can San Francisco where he delivered two the entire Keeley cure of Peacliblow Paradise, where they now drink slough car loads of hogs. water and gamble for stewed prunes and The Mormon elders begin their mission­ Sunday school cards by epitting ata ary work at Granite Hall tonight at 7:30. crack. Everybody invited. Go to, with your pennies in the con­ James Trimble who has been visiting tribution box, your pink teas and your W. F. Holbert and family leaves next “bean, bean, whose got tbe bean ” games, Monday for Humboldt,. Neb. for we are too raw and untrammeled out Ed. Kelton, Wells-Fargo’s express here to analyze the essential joys of such jejune and microscopic pleasantries. messenger, was married on the 10th instant to Miss Margaret Short. Circuit Court Proceedings. W. G. Day, the well-known sleuth- W C Deneff, administrator of the es­ hound of Hornbrook, dropped into town tate of E Graupner, deceased, vs E H Friday night on a secret mission. Helms, administrator of the estate of H Mrs. E. Cummons returned home Sat­ V Helms deceased; to recover money. urday from a visit with the family of her Argued and submitted, to be decided in son, J. M. Cummons, near Ager. vacation. Mrs. Joe Frizell went to Phoenix Mon­ Lizzie Lindley vs T C and Nettie B Norris and AC Schweers;to foreclose day on a visit. Miss Effie Mills returned to that place from a visit in Ashland. mortgage. Decree granted. A A and Angelina Davis Vs S P Co; H S. Evans and Geo. Watson return­ to recover damages. Dismissed. ed from Jacksonville Sunday where they Josephine Brundige vs S H Brundige; had finished up T. J. Kenney’s fine new divorce. Mies Lysle Watson appointed residence. ref orce Geo. W. Howard of Howard’s station Richard Beswick vs Samuel J, Daniel J and Rachel Starmer, his wife; to fore­ left Monday for Vegreville, Alberta, Canada, to join his family and look at close mortgage. Decree granted. Pauline Hines vs Geo Hoffman, ad­ the country. ministrator of estate of John Bolt, et al; W. K. Reeves went to Klamathon Sun­ same. Motion overruled. day to put a range in the new boarding John Compton vs Rachel Compton; house being erected for Mason, Lindley & divorce. Decree granted. Co’s, saw mill. John A Arnold vs S A D Higgins, et al; to foreclose chattel mortgage. Judg­ James Helms, the Talent capitalist, ment entered against SAD Higgins for left Monday for San Francisco to sell a $111.65, etc., and in favor of A H Lo­ carload of China hogs that will be rentz and U S Bartholomew against shipped tomorrow. plaintiff, A. A. Davis & Co’s, warehouse at Rosanna Carlile, et al, vs Andrew Medford caved in last Thursday, the Hamlin; to enforce a trust, etc. Dis­ 1 foundation giving away. The wheat be- missed. . '. ing sacked saved it from loss. A. M. Helms vs. Lizzie Helms, suit Engineer Joe Poore was called to Oak­ for divorce. The court then adjourned for the term. land, Cal., Saturday by the death of his brother, F. M. Poore, aged 30 years. The funeral took place Sunday. Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s for Ed. Fox, the railroad man, left for your carpets. They have received a fine line which are being offered at bottom Portland Sunday with a view of takinf a position in the S. P. car shops. His prices. wife and girl will join him later. COUNTY, Total Destruction or the Fine Plant That Helped Make tne Town—In­ sured for 914,000 The most expensive fire in the history of Ashland took place early Sunday morning, January 21,1900. About 2:15 o’clock a. m. the locomotives in the rail­ road yards gave a general alarm, soon followed by the fire alarm, which brought the slumbering world to its senses and apprised them of the burning of the Ashland Woolen Mills, the'great histor­ ical industrial enterprise of the town, and one of the principal factors in the upbuilding of the city. The two fire departments took up Main street to Helman street and hitched onto the hydrants. The woolen mills by th» time were thoroughly en­ veloped in the fiery elements and an enormous white heat puffed forth in the itum of destruction, scattering ipge cin- dwrs toward the west end of town T The two splendid streams of water from Ashland’s superb water works never looked so feeble and insipid. They were turned on the neighboring buildings to prevent them from igniting from the heat and flames. The buildings im­ mediately near that were in danger were the residences of Dr. 8. T. Songer, Capt. W. F. Songer, R. P. Neil, Dr. J. S. Par­ son, the Presbyterian church, and J. K. Van Sant, the Parson roof having caught on fire once. As the fiery fiend began to satisfy its voracious maw and the huge frame work began caving in, the departments turned their attention to the ruins and extingu­ ished the dying embers. The origin of the fire remains a mys- tery. When first observed it was in the southeast corner of the building and on the inside thereof. Manager Geo. N. Anderson and Foreman J. R. Casey left the place about 4:30 p. m. Saturday after the help had left the place. There were no fires in the building after noon of that day. Mr. Hunt, an insurance rep­ resentative, had visited the mills that week and complimented the manage­ ment upon the manner of keeping up the mill. The mills employed 32 people and the payroll was about $800 per month. In all of its history these mills never missed a pay day. Beginning the first of Febru­ ary they were to increase their pay 10 per cent. It consumed 300 cords of wood per year and used up all the tallow of southern Oregon and northern Cal­ ifornia as well as immense quantities of wool. ________ liVi 7 R oyal ■ I PAINT ! Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. ~ A bsolutely P ure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ____ OU. Cannot be better spent than bv subecrib« ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 pivea you all the news for a year. Try it! ^■^FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK.______________________________ © THAT INCREASED STATE BEVY. TAX VANDERBILTS COMING WEST. Another Link to the Klatnath Falls State 1’resa Give Various Reasons and Klamathon Hailroad. For Its Necessity—Too Much Ex­ Minneapolis, Jan. 10.—A special from travagance and Dishonest Assess­ Lewiston, Idaho, says: The Pacific & Idaho Northern railway, ment«. FURNITURE now being built from Weiser, in tLe McMinnville Reporter, Rep.] southern part of the state, north to Sev­ Tbs state tax levy which was made en Devils, is the most mysterious piece last weeks is 6.3 milk. Thk, upon a of railroad building in tne country; it Every garment Guaranteed. valuation of $120,282,879, will raise $757, begins nowhere and ends nowhere. Yet 782.13. Last year the tax was 5 7 milk, over 100 miles of the finest roadbed have lO-Stamp Mill Tur Gold Hill. ; and upon taxable property valued at $133, been built and cash is paid for every­ 533,577 the sum of $761,143.39 was raised, thing, and only the best material is ■ I. Hummason.of Portland, was at Gold The higher levy this year is due to the purchased Noone knows who is furnish­ Hill Saturday and purchased a sight on lower valuation iu some of the counties, ing the cash or why the road is being * the Chavner farm upon which he will i and to a number of items overlooked by built. It is believed, however to be the, erect a 10 stamp quartz mill and concen­ the board at the last session of the legis­ Vanderbilt connecting link between the trators. The power will be from a lature. But, to sum it all up the main east and west. The Oregon Railroad & dynamo to be operated from the J. J. i cause of the increased levy may safely be Navigation Company is to build 77 miles Houck grist mills water power. The Z»f<\ : attributed to “excessive expenditures.” from Riparia to Lewiston, and eventually mill will do custom work and Mr. H. this piece of road will connect the Ore ­ There have been generous appropriations says it will be in operation in 60 days. for I all sorts of things; horse races, private gon Railroad A Navigation Company hospitals, kindergartens, normal schools, with the Oregon Short.Line, This will Probate Court, i aud what not. Tlieu there never has make it possible to start a car at New- '-Estate of 8 B Galey. Sale of real been enough clerks at the legislature. York city and pull it to Portland, Or., Opera House Block, Ashland. estate confirmed. I Some committees have had only three or on tracks owned by the Vanderbilts. Estate of J G Birdsey. Final state­ I four when one could have done all the The new road will come down the Sal­ ment of administratrix approved. work. The gauges for state expenditures mon to Snake, and then to Lewiston. Estate of W T Ferns. Same us above. have been set high, and will never come Then the Vanderbilt system will have 1 Estate ol A J Sherill. Same as above. 1 hown until the people tear them down. water grades though the mountains and Estate of Weetrop. Order made for ' There are a great many items of expend­ to the sea. sale of real estate. iture that could with perfect safety be i DO YOU KNOW Estate of Tobias Miller. Citation to < eliminated without lowering the stand­ Consumption is preventable? Science has heirs, to show cause why real estate ing of the commonwealth of Oregon. proven tnat. and also that neglect is sui­ i should not be sold, ordered to be issued. And with the yearly increasing tax rate cidal. The worst cold or cough can be Estate of Eliza J Andereon. Semi­ i it becomes apparent that this form of cured with Shiloh's Cough and Consump­ annual report of administrator approved. retrenchment must soon be demanded tion cure. £ol mumnrr .umiiciscs.ciL Old Eatabliabed Gallery in Ashland With + district attorneys of tbe several districts. [ nia. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Ter-, tween the first day of January and the goods, flannels, shawls, hosiery, etc. The Largest Anatomical Museum in the riritory.” Henrv G. Shearer ot Medford, 15th day of May, 1900, at 5 p. m. There Formerly, these officials were paid most- I I Quickly secured. OUR FEE DUE WHEN PATENT | i J TL World. Weaknesses or any contracted The present output was 75 pairs of dt^eave pronlti vely enred by the oldost county of Jackson, state of Oregon, will be a registration book in each pre- ly in fees in the counties. Second, three j Send model, sketch or photo, with ▼ M Vl bpcoahsi on the lout Esujoyeai*. has this day filed in this office his sworn I cinct, and the registering must be done . blankets daily, consuming 16,000 lbs. of items amounting to $45,000, which, on f I OBTAINED. description for froe report as to patentability. «S-rAO.. X i /Wfl OR. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEN statement No. 740, for tbe purchase of the before an officer who is competent to , wool per month. ! WAND-BOOK Contains reference« and ftill «T HAND BOOK FREE. Contain, reference, foil account of press of business, had been E mfoiuutlon. WRITE FOX COPT OF OUR SPECIAL . aTrHlt.1« thoroughly eradicated Carbon Finish. ▼ ne W. of section No. 32, in township No. 39 Manager Geo. N. Anderson returned give an oath. Registration has begun. IWVI frv.n ,YMeu»-ehoutrae ue u(*a»«-e«ry omitted from the estimate made by tbe -I OFFER. It iitho moot liberal proposition ever made by south. Range No. 4 east, and will oiler Photos in Water Colors. X Sunday morning front his home near old board last year, had to be met. | n patent attorney, and EVERY INVENTOR SHOULD 1 Ar Yk I Te»»^.Htedbyan Eipert ■ •41- proof to show that the land sought is more 1 f 1 ■ M| .... for a quKilt ro Josephine Leland CabitfNo. 16, Native Talent to look upon the ruins of Pictures in tbe Latest Styles. 4* BEAD IT befon applying for patent. Addrow : , T I If radlral cur. for Hl... Vto.-r« and valuable for its timber or stone than for ag Daughters of Oregon, was organized at the enterprise with which he had built These were: Compensation for rejected ! Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. + | - I H ri.a.lm, by De Jvrdu's tpccral para ricultural purposes, and to establish hts Oregon volunteers, $5000; replacing a r • A less methods. I Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. J I free and rtrietty private. Treatment per- claim to said land before the Register and Grants Pass last week by Mrs. Edyth up great hopes of prosperity and success. building of the agricultural college, which [ Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, Weathered, state organizer, with the He is already studying up the prospects had been destroyed by fire, $25,000; to re- I PATENT LAWYERS, on Saturday, the 17th day of February,1900 following officers: President, Lilias Bris- of rebuilding which would be a great imdurse the commission which repre- j UDrnitKda.. WASHINGTON. D. C. Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon, i : tow Perkins; 1st Vice-President, Effie He names as witnesses: Charles Strang benefit to the town and worthy of the sented Oregon at the Omaha exposition, I Yi.la,* -^ ,1« wwa*- I. ,f I Y, all »81 X .f ■ X 4a »1« sb J|| lt* aL »1» »8» 4« of Medford. Oregon: Walter 8. Jones of Green Harmon; 2nd Vice-President, encouragement of all its citizens. +*+++++++ ++++++++++-}-+-S *- ”?++-5-l-++++ ++♦+++++++++++++++ Medford, Oregon: George W. Bailey of I Allie Thornton; 3rd Vice-President, Foreman J. R. Casey has been con­ $15,000. Shake. Oregon: Jacob E Shearer of Med-1 — - — - ; - Etta Pollock Past President, Ella Wiley nected with the woolen mill for the past Albany Democrat.] ford, Oregon. v | Meade ; Secretary, Minnie Ireland ; Fin­ The Oregonian has hopes of the Dem­ Any and all persons claiming adversely ancial Secretary, Florence Thomas Cor- 17 years. ocrat because it says diversified farming above-described lands are requested to, „ _ _ . _ . , ,, $2,45 PLATEO the 4-POUNP CATALOCUE^FREE "r--« . * 1 • must be the warcrv of the Oregon farm­ Cut tills fol out and «nd to u«, tile their claims in this office on or betore | nell 1 Treasurer, Mae rain Smith; Mar- ON EVERY BOTTLE. shali,Lillie Hall Hall Frater Frater; ; Inside Inside Sentinel, Sentinel •an« SO «OSKT and w« will »cud said 17th day of February, 1900. ¡shall,Lillie er. The farmer also needs some legisla ­ . THIS BIG CATALOGUE ^«"0 you tail watch by etpr«», C. O. C. Mae Gardner Evans; Outside Sentinel Of Shiloh’s Consumption J.T. BRIDGES, Cure is this tion which will not take all he makes .. .__ . ■ubloct to axaaunatlon. You can . oxaxnlno it at your -xprou dll Register. Daisy Taylor; Trustees, Lizzie Fliffin iuatan'ee: ‘ All we ask of you is to use even at diversified farming, to fill the ^k.aud If found »-rt—ilr Mturxe- Smith, Clara Alexander Coffman, iwo-thirds of the contents of this bottle maws of the trusts, who are charging ■Mhk t»ry. »xxrtly M r.pr.—lt d a>4 afr Bariwan, Stans, »«rieallaaal lM»l»»ala, rarolWj jlasHass, Sa44(g, way aaaal to waokaa faithfully, then if you can say that you are him extortionate prices for the manu­ Frankie Mulkey Wertz i IdSlMa that aro b-la< ad.erllarOat not benefited return the bottle to your »Lil laM. Il under auch K j I Wnra mialeailina description* Heavy purchas -s of cavalry horses are ’ Druerist and he may refund tbe price factured articles he has to buy. SvyYSJl a.- U*la Slile. amerkaa PICTURES! still being made throughout California paid.” Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Albany Democrat.] May-.. XW Style. Geld I died or lash 5-°.(’b^i to !uVí -«..-T'- cm ...? .K-i* ■HV-a LIU«*O.*O<»**O-OOG»M All salaries in the Transvaal, including and Oregon by agents of the British E ugkn « A. S herwin . Druggist. PICTURE FRAMES! ¿»■IH HIDE-* niiii’FnFE OFFER *c^“*“£**”*10r ■ k -— M Filled Hal«—, eta. If ou flnd lt the gquai or President Kruger’s were cot down to I «IF h >. i by ali . • Government. The Lakeview Examiner. OUR free QrrfcBb7«u _______ alter thananyvt these almost nothing when the war began | 1 published in southeastern Oregon, in helo nay the 34 cents postage, and tha Bit Boek will be soot to yoa vmm watches, aaytha earraaa BORN. by Bail peat bb M. and If you don’t think lt 1 b worth 100 tiist the » cents W--/W a*eat Ot« FRllR, •«■«» Thus the Boer proves his corruption and I TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3. 1878.— noting the purchase of a small band of you send, as a key to the lowest wholesale prices of every thing (say MOLDINGS -■¿Xi ¿(F and expreaa Charles. horses for the English cavalry services, lack of civilization. NOTICE K»R PUBLICATION SO and wo w»l imaediateJy return year l*«****^.- r .- . < UfflMK!’ Don’t be Deceived CABINET WORK says that among the number was a McFARLAND—In Ashland, Jan. 18, to Albany Democrat.] hy aauhy adaerUaaraaara • YYSITED STATES LAND OFFICE UPHOLSTERING »hl.-n weuidlead i U to beautiful little gray pacer kept by the Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McFarland, a son. ™ AUwond»rful piece of work "-Waahlnrto» Mattoml Tritmoe. County politics are beginning to sim ­ UJ Roseburg, O'“ii"n, Decemlier 6. 1899 believe could low the use of Medford, Oregon: George W. Bailey of and Personal Property, Ennuities and Legacies, or will addressed stamped envelope. 15, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hughes his name as a candidate for congress. Shake, Oregon ; Jacob E. Shearer ot Med­ purchase outright, if so desired. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL T h « D ominion Co., Dept. 3, Chicago. of Poe Valley, a daughter. ford. Oregon. Judge Hewett is a man of ability, and ■ OFFICE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Life Insuance Policies Bought or Loaned . has many friends throughout this judi­ Any and all persons claiming adversely aiiove-described land- arc requested to cial district. He will unaoubtely go into tbe MARRIED. their claims in this office on or before the congressional convention with con­ file said 17th dav of February, 1900. Patent« sold on Favorable Terms and Capital Procured t siderable strength. to DEVELOP and PERFECT eritorioua Invention« McELDOWN EY — S H A T T U C K — At and Ideal. Amoun a from 110,000 to >500,000 available Smith Haa Returned. . . , j For Infanta and Children. Medford. Jan. 17, 1900, by Rev. W. B for Inveatment on tortgage of Revenue Producing Be- And not Price, is always considered in our Drug tl - wi _ j v... ii __ n_____ n..u.i And traveled both ways over the Wiscon­ Moore, Thos. A. McEldowney and euriUea. Joint Stock Companies Organised. For terms Department |11,8 Rtad Y°U HiW B0B«fet sin Central Ry., aud delights in telling .Mies Elsie M. Sliattuck. and particular«, address what a comfortable trip he had between I But Cough Syruu. Tuit«, üooi V*e| St. Paul and Chicago; tbe unexcelled service, Bears the •nd such good things to eat in the Wiscon ; tn tima. Sold by <1 Signature of Superior job printing of every descrip­ sin Central Dining Cara. Smith is looking i tion done at T ct V^y? ßjoiTO c $ c «. tor Bro*Q to giro fata ■ potnwr. Blacksmith Shop and Residence For Sale. St. Mary’s ACADEMY. Window Shades, Draperies, •ite* Carpets, Linoleum. J. P DODGE, ASHLAND MILLS OUB Ï PAUKT rFÏÜD W. J. VIRGIN A C0.. PROP’S H e ci/A^Q A8HLAND- PAINTING. PAPERING. or ETC. A shland H ouse N, BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR. ASHLAND. OREGON. RATES. $1.00 PER DAY A.D. FERGUSON. 4 Good Accommodations Located in the Heart of the City. Free Bus to and From all Trains, ITCHING HUMORS t F. L. CAMPS ....The Photographer | U MUSEUM OF MATOMY ¡ laiaiuah THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY, t H.B.WILLSON&CO. BOLD » 1900 SHERWIN Large Sums to Loan. 1900 CASTOR IA THE LARGEST and MRT » ^a>.n> ony*