VALLEY RECOBD. HOME CURE FOR BLOOD POISON. 1 The People’s Paper. A8HLAND, Or....Thursday, Jan. 18, 1900 A preliminary statemo :t of mineral production in the United States in 1899 shows that the total production was valued in the place of production at 1414,738,414 as compared with $314,255,- 620 in 1898. William J. Stephens of Ogden, Utah, has filed a petition in voluntary bank ruptcy. His liabilities are placed at $555,852. No assets. The fire early Monday morning that destroyed the brick factory building in East Fifty-ninth street, New York, did $100,000 damage. The building was used in part as a storage warehouse by Bloomingdale Brothers, and they are the chief losesrs. There is not the slightest doubt that the doctors do more harm than good in treating Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of DalahiMArlr. Vftii Pon this loathsome disease would be much better rSlCnWOrK; I OU uall off to-day if they had never allowed them selves to t>e dosed on mercury and potash, the Beware of the Doctors' Cure Yourself at Home. The doctors are wholly unable to get nd of and only only attem attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the this vile poison, and uud „rujAivud. disease r-Mie —the sores sores and eruptions This they do by driving the poison into the and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash ’----- ijjjg and mercury. The mouth and ana throat and ana other otner delicate uencaie parts pane then .,uou break out into <ores, and the fight is continued indefinitely, the drugs doing the system — *■ re damage than the disease itself. tg H-VMjers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J., says: “I had spent a hi idred dollars with tht doctors, when I realized that y could do me no good. I had large spots all over my __ a and these soon broke out into running sores, and I apdured all the suffering which this vile disease pro duces. I decided to try 8. S. 3. as a last resort, and was soon greatly improved. 1 followed closely your ‘Direc tions for BClf-Treatment,’ and the large splotches on my qnest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my self at home, after the doctors had failed completely. It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for the disease is be yond their skin. Swifts Specific— ••I wouldn’t be without DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve for any consideration,” writes Thos B. Rhodes. Centerfield, O. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits.—E ugene A. S her win . A. Badynski and two other promin ent Russians arrived at Portland re cently. They represent the Russian government in an official capacity, and came to the Pacific coast for the pur pose of recommending a terminus for a great Russian steamship line. The Rus sian government has decided to estab lish a line of steamers between Vladi vostok and some part of the Pacific coast of the United States. Mr. Ba- dynski and his two companions are commissioned to examine the ports of the Pacific and report on the advantages of each. Julia Marlowe Taber, the actress, has been granted a divorce from her hus band, Robert Taber, at Hyde Park, N. H. S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD _ acts in an entirely different way from potash and mercury—it forces the poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the disease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever, constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad vice, See of charge, and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity. Write for full information to Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. LOST HAPPINESS. Oh. when a mother meets on high The babe she lost in infancy, Hath she not then for pains and fears, The day of woe, the watchful night, For all her sorrow, all her tears, Anover-payment of delight?” When a baby is taken away by the angel of death from its sorrowing mother she has some sense of consolation which is denied to the sad hearted woman who has never been blessed with the joy of clinging little arms around her neck and a dear, ten der little head nestling against her loving bosom. It is sad indeed, that motherhood, Hudyan for Men and Women Hudyan gives one Energy, Vigor,vim, makes one Robust and Strong. Hudvan creates bright, rosy complexions, be cause it insures perfect activ ity of all organs of the body. W omen who suffer with pain ful or Irregular periods, leu- corrhœa, bearing-down pains, chronic inflammations and . ulcerations find absolute comfort in Hudyan. Heures. Hudyan makes rich blood, promotes sound sleep, creates a healthy appetite. Hudyan cures are permanent and last ing. Consult tho Great Hudyan Doctors Free. They Advise Free. Call orWrite. Hudyan, 50 cts. a package, 6 packages, 42.50. For sale by all drug gists, or send direct to Hudyan Remedy Co., corner Stoetton, Ellie and Marital Streets, Sa* Francisco, California. FIFTY CENTS. Hudyan cures, never doubt It. Hiiayancuresalldlaorders arising from Weak Nerves or Impoverished blood. Hudyan cures Nervousness, Trem blings, Weakness, Dizziness, All gone Feeling. Hudyan cures Sleeplessness, Despond ency, Mental Depression. Hudyan cures Indigestion, bloating of Stomach, Palpita tion of tnc Heart. Pale or Sal low Complexions. Hudyan cures Clouded Memory,Head aches, Costiveness, Torpid Liver. Hudyan cures Pain in Back, Pain in Side, Pains in Limbs, Weak Back, Sediment in Urine, Ringing in Ears, Dots before Eves. Hudyan cures Loss of Flesh, Loss of Appetite, Haggard Appear ance, Lack of Energy. ORTHERN PACIFIC D.R.&N TÒ A.TT . W7\ Y N S GIVES THE CHOICE OF Pullman TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL Sleeping Cars R O U T E S Northern Ry Short Line VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA ▲ ND Ocean Steamee Leave Portland Every Dining Sleeping Cars i r TO I KANSAS CITY FOR Snake River—Leave Riparia daily l eave Lewiston daily. Stea;neie Monthly from Portland to Yo- kohotna and Hong Kong in connectiot: witb O. R A N. ST. PAUL______ MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH____ FARGO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON___ WINNIPEG HELENA ami LITE ▲ ND 5 DAYS Cars Tourist VIA SPOKANE MINfrEAPOLIS ST- PAUL CHICAGO Eiegant Oregon Great THROUGH TICKETZ TO CHICAGO A ANHINGToN PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK >SLON AND ALL POINT* EAST an.) SOUTH Through tickets to Jt.pan and China. VÍH Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship i.'n. ?crinformation, rime cards, map an* teteu,¡ on or write A. D. “ My baby girl is now five weeks old and is fat and healthy as can be.” writes Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, of Spring City Sanpete Co., Utah. ‘‘I commenced using Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription when about two months along and continued to use it until I was confined. I used about ten bottles in all. I have been subject to miscarriage, having ten of them and two pre mature children. I was not troubled in the least this last time. I got stronger as each month progressed and went to my full time. I shall recommend Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription to all I meet who are troubled with female weak ness. There are several ladies taking the ‘ Fa vorite Prescription ’ since they have seen the benefit I received, and more no'doubt, will com mence its us? after knowing luy condition, as my progress was watched with much interest by many of my neighbors and friends.” “ My wife has used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription when in a critical coudition, and finds it the best medicine on earth,” writes W. J. Journigan, of Rhinehart, Catahoula Par., La. " My wife had miscarried seven times, but with the last child she took nine bottles of the ‘ Fa vorite Prescription ’ and the child is now a large, fine lioy. The ' Favorite Prescription ’ makes childbirth easy.” Dr. Pierce lias for thirty years been at the head of that great, model sanitarium, the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., as its chief consulting phy sician. Here he has had an intimate, prac tical experience in this particular field of practice, which is probably unequaled by that of any physician in America. His unparalleled success in diagnosing disease and prescribing prompt and effect ive remedies is acknowledged by leading physicians everywhere. His ’’Favorite Prescription” has cured more cases of fe male complaint than all other medicines combined. It is the only proprietary rem edy devised for this express purpose by an accomplished, scientific physician. When you ask your druggist for Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, and he says —“let me sell you something else just as good” ask him gently but firmly if his "just as good” medicine has a “just as good” record as Dr. Pierce’s, a “just as good ” physician behind it as Dr. Pierce, and carries with it “just as good” privi leges oi consultation and treatment, as do Dr. Pierce’s medicines. There are no medicines for female dis orders as good, as Dr. Pierce’s. In fact it is the only successful specific remedy for women prescribed and prepared by a graduated physician in regular prac tice and sold through druggists. Every woman would be benefited by the clearer knowledge of her physical self which she would obtain from Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, a splendid thousand - page volume, illustrated with over seven hundred engravings and several colored plates. More than half a million copies of this valuable book were sold at $1.50 each; but a paper-bound copy will now be sent free for the mere cost of ma;l- ing—21 one-ccnt stamps, which should be inclosed to World’s Dispensary Medical Association. Buffalo, N. Y., or if a hand somer, heavier cloth-bound copy is desired ten stamps extra should be sent ’SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. CHAKI.TOS, \ wñstar.t Generai •'assenger Agent. A. o. u. w DODWELL. CABLILI. & CO. A boiler in Charles Stout’s sawmill, near Cincinnati, O., exploded and killed three employes and injured the owner. The dead are: John Adams, engineer; Matthew McGinnis, Nelson McGinnis. Stout had his had crushed aud will probably die. Another highbinder war has broken out in San Francisco among the Chi nese. Several times shooting has oc curred, some of the cases proving fatal. Hundreds of acres of land in Fresnc county were flooded recently by the overflowing of the San Joaquin. George Bonny, a California pioneer, and member of the firm of George C. Shreve & company of San Francisco, died of pneumonia at Bordentown, N. J., last week. Dr. William A. Hammond, former surgeon-general of the army, died at Washington a few days ago. Earl Newton was killed in a hotel at Los Angeles while engaged in running an elevator. Go See, a Chinese murderer, was hanged at San Quentin Friday. Go See was convicted of murdering a fellow- countryman at Porterville. The evi dence was entirely circumstantial. D. E. Knight, a wealthy pioneer resi- denty of Marysville, where he had re sided since 1858, died of heart disease. He was prominently identified with the banking and commercial interests of that section for many years, and was a prominent Mason. Financial troubles have overtaken the Santa Clara county agricultural society and its property will probably be sold to square its accounts. Several cases of black plague have appeared in Honolulu, each being fatal. Joseph Speicher, a native of Ger many, aged 68 years, an inmate of the county infirmary at Napa, committed suicide at that institution by hanging himself. Walter Nichols, aged 19, died at Pes cadero, Cal., after having his arm am putated as a result of being shot while pulling his gun from a boat. with the provisions of the act of Congress # MACHINE > Erects a Hog, Poultry or Stock Fence for about half the money required to build any other kind of fence. Machines and farm rights for sale by r. Ha KTXRN , ASHLAND. OliEUUN. States of California, Oregon. Ne- vad i r.iwi Washingb n Territory.” J&cob F. Miettrer of Medford, county of Jackson, -tale of Or, g- n, has lids dav filed in this ofli e his sworn statement No. 738. for the pur, Iriseof the nw V4' of section No. £0. in township No. 40 south. Range No. 4 east, ard will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its limber or -ton* than for agricultural pun o-es. and to establi-h hi- < la m to said land inLietlie Regl-ter ami Receiver of this office at Rose burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17ih day of February. I9l>). He names a* witnesses: Charles Strane of Medford. O egon ; Henry U Shearer, of Medford, Oregon; Walters Jones of Med ford. Oregon; George W. Pai ey of ShaR.-. Oregon Any and all per-cns claiming .-.dvrrselv the above-described lands are reqneattd to Öle their c'atms in this office on or before said 17th day of February. 1900. J.’T. BRIDGES. Register. “THE. D. W. Parkhurst, the' well-known vineyardist and land speculator, of Fresno county, is dead at Fowler. Fire at Occidental, Sonoma county, did $10,000 worth of damages to the business center of the town. The San Jose Grange is taking a deep interest in the meeting of fruit growers which is to be held there Janu ary 15. The organization has heartily indorsed the movement looking to a combine aud appointed a committee to attend. The Salinas river has overflowed its banks and the country for several miles around is inundated, causing serious damage to fanners in that locality. GASTORIfi E ÁVtge table Prcparationfor As similating theFoodandRegula- ling the Stomachs andBovæls of The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl’s Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tis sue builder Myney refunded if not satis factory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene A. S herwin , Druggist. Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Con tai ns neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. K ot N arc otic . J. W. CASEY, Trav. Paas. Agt., S eattle , W ash . A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diairtoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. SOO PACIFIC LINE. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. The only route that can give. Grand Scenery, Low Rates, Model Accommodations. Is the sweetest season in human life, as WITH YOUR ORDER,eutthi» it is in Nature generally. It is the time ad. out and aend to us and we wi.’l send you OUK HIGH of promise. As the young girl draws ______________________________________________ GSADE DROP CABINET BURDICK SEWING MACHINE by freight,C.o.D.«Meetu examiaa- near to that mysterious line "Where Uua. Y ou can examine it at your nearest freight depot and if round perfectly satisfactory.exactly as represented, equal u> machines other« tell womanhood and girlhood meet,” her as high as «60.00, and THE tiKKATKST BAlUUl.N YOU -----------------‘— whole destiny is in a measure being de zviiK Hk*RDor, p.y Special Offer Price $15.50 jour freight age at our ■ , ■ ■ ■ . ■■ termined. How arid freight chargee. Machine weighs 120 pounds and the freight will average 75 cents foi each 500 miles. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL in often the sweet your owb home,and v.e will return your tl5..»o uny day you are not young girl, under satisfied. We sell different make« and grades of Sew lag Mar hints at SS. 50, s 10.00. fll.oa, $12.00 and up, all fully described in our Free Sewing the influence of Machine Catalogue. butSla.SOfoi this DROP DKbK CABIXKT BLKD1CK is the greatest value ever offered by any hnune. the change, with ers and droops BEWARE OF IMITATIONS tisements,offering unknown machines under various names, with various in like some blighted dacewents. Write some friend in Chicago and learn whs are reliable and who are not. bud. Nature gen HRLPKT DGlDHinif 11 as every MODERN IMPROVEMENT. I yi KL DUnMIvIV every good point of every high erally needs some ========================== grade machine made , with the little help at this DEFECTS or NONE. Made by the beat mitkem iu America, critical period, and from the beat material mon can buy. this help in its best form is con SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK closed (head dropping trum sight) to be used as a e«nUr table, stand tained in Doctor or desk, the ptheropen with full length table and head in place for Pierce’s Favorite sewing. 4 faney drawers, latest ISO» skeleton Tram«, carved, paneled, em bossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on fouT Prescription. It casters, adjustable treadje. genuine Smyth iron stand Finest large Nigh Arm establishes regu head, positive four motion feed, 8CJf threading vibrating shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator,improved loose larity, and gives wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, the vigor of per patent dress guard, head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed. CUARANT.EED the lightest running, most durable and nearest fect health to the noiseless machine made. Every known attachment is furnished and our Free In struction Book tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any womanly organs. kind of fancy work. A 20-Years’ Binding Guarantee is sent with every machine. It contains no al IT ■■ COSTS YOU NOTHING J»•W“d«»“t»«<J,«“«el>i»». compare «with — IL___ — tdi - those your storekeeper sells at $40.00 io cohol, neither opi S60.00. and then if convinced that you are saving fb.OO to 140.00. pay ynup freight atrent the Slfi.fiQ. um, cocaine, nor WE to Rrn as YOVR «15.50 if at any time within three months you say you are not satisfied. ORDER TO DAY DON’T DELAY. (Sgaps, Roebuck & Co, are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) other narcotic. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. Miss Emma Lee, of SEND NO MONEY Williford, Sharp Co., Ark., writes: "I was suffering severely and tried several doctors’ remedies, but received only very little relief; therefore, I feel it my duty to write and let other sufferers know what your ' Favorite Pre scription ’ and ‘ Golden Medical Discovery' and * Pleasant pellets,’ have done for me. I took eight bottles of ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ and ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ six vials of the ‘Pellets,’ also one bottle or yoyr ‘Compound Extract of Smart-Weed.' As soon as 1 had taken the first bottle I could see that the medicine was helping me. I had disease of iuternal or gans with bronchitis and catarrh. I also used the local treatment you suggested.” [INE—V/ORLD THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE w» N orthwest E ast FpRnp TO ALL POINTS ■ R. G NICHOL, Genera! Agsot DENVER. COLO. SEND US ONE DOLLAR $38.50 STOCK SADDLE by freight C. O. D. subject to examination. YOU CAN EXAMINE IT perfectly aatisfactory, exactly aa represented. An Extra Fine High Crade Saddle and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at from OUR PRICE, $38.50, leno the $1.00 deposit* or $U7.5O, aud freight charges. This Saddle is made on a 15% or 16-inch Cenuine Ladesma or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... CAREFULLY «ELECTED RAWHIDE COVERED THEE, bound or roll cantie, steel leather covered stirrups pr S-inch oxbow brass bound, as desired. W1U aend bound •satin uulenn otherwise ordered. TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG lined, 3-incli wide lace stirrup leathers, lV-iuch tie straps, extra long on near side, 2-inch to buckle on offside, heavy cotton twisted Mexican 5-i’ich front cinch, heavy cotton beltiug flank cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, seat and jockey all one piece. ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPINC as illustrated. Weight of Raddle about 85 poundu packed for shipment, 45 pounds. 1-HEIGHT IS U.VLY ABOl'T gl.00 FOR EACH 5OO MILES. WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE. HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE, showing a full line of Cowboy and Rancher Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted. Address, W ithout C hange of C ars . Through Tickets to------ l S—"a And from Europe via all Atlantic Steamers. Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit ish Columbia. 1 Express Line to------ 4----- China and Japan. Canadian Australian Line to— HONOLULU ■ AUSTRALIA For full particulars as to time, rates, and for copies of C. P. R. Publications, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. OrtoH. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third street, Portland, Or. E. J. C oyli , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. 0. When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain able so far aa speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of the Wis coNBiN C entral L ines are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Care on through trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over................. The Wisconsin Central Lines andgyou will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all'points East. For any furtberjnformation call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. 0. POND, General Pass. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukis , General Agent, WiscoMBiy, 246 Stark Street, P obtland , O regon . ARE YOU GOING EAST? Be sure and see that year Ticket reads via The.... Northwestern Line! SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL (Bears, Roebuck ▲ Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) MEYERS AT If HALF PRICE. you want ua to make to A CO. your MKASLRR and OMDLR KLA8TK GOODS for the RKL1KF AND CURB OF VARICOSE VKIKH, WEAK, SWOLLEN OK l U'EK- ATED LIMBS, COKPULKNCY, ABDOMINAL WEAK MW« OR TISOR, state ▼our height, weight asd age, state number of inches around body or limb at each letter shown in cut and send to us with our SPECIAL PRICE. We will make the goods to order f rom the very floret frreh robber elaatie material, guarantee a perfect flt and if you do not find it perfectly satisfactory and equal to goods others get double the price for. return at our exj»ense and we will refund your money. Specialists for Men No Pay Till Cured. Unfortunate men who can not call should write for ad vice and private book— T».BLI6KED IT YEARS. lhoueauds cured at borne. eonf-deutiai. J’o Charge for Consultation. ' 7QI HâRKKT ST., I Elevator Entrance. ÍÜ5 SLX ÌÌÌAKC1SCO A FREE PATTERN 1 M£ GALL'S 1 (yonr own selection) to every sub- S scriber. Only 50 cents a year. S ELY’S CREAM BALM ia a positive cure, Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; eamples 10c. by malL ELT BROTHERS. Warren St. New York City. MAGAZINE OUR SPECIAL PRICE ¿¡} elaatie thigh stock lag, A to I, $7.M; thigh iagglag' € te I, flfl.00; thigh piece, Gto I. fl2.5<>; kaee stock lag, ▲ toG, S5.00] koee leggio*, C to 4L N4.OO; knee cap, E to 6, garter slocking. A to R, SS. 00; garter SIt »CC. legging, C tTK, S2.00; anklet, A taC, B2.00; abdominal belt, K to R, $10.00. COTTON ELASTIC GOODS, OXE.TH1RD LESS. Special Covered Elastic Abdominal Snpporter. mode of soft lisle thread, interwoven with protected rubber thread, B inehere wide, S2.OO: 10 inches, $2.2i; 12 laekes, $2. NO. Write for Borgery Catalogue! SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO., (I m .), CHICAGO. FALL Si A LADIES’ MAGAZINE. A gem; beautiful colored plates; latest fasnions ; dressmaking economies ; fancy work ; household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub scribe to-day, or, send ¿c. for latest copy. Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. Best Winter Boute Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date, Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. M£ CALL^ A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any ecientlfie Journal. Terms, «3 a year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers I P atterns ^ • No>Seaæ«Allowance Patterns.) Only 10 and 15 cts. each—none higher. Ask for them Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail from THE McCALL CO., 138-146 West 14th St.. New York. ...STYLE! ----- THE----- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. D octor ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Tλ Kind You Hare Always Bought S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T. A ^51 Washington St, PORTLAND, ORE Ocean to Ocean A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... DENVER« ■RIOGRANDE RAILROAD. _MCMWMmuM' 0XE HOLLAR, SPECIAL HIGH GRADE Scientific American. F\Y PACIFIC NKW YORK. Springiime Anyone sending a »ketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tion» strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive »peetal notice, without charge, in the C. J. EDDY, Geneial Agt., P ortland , O b . C anadian -o Facsimile Signature of “I mean how are you going to gel your expense back?” “Don’t expect to get it back.” “M hat is there in it for you, then?” “Nothing—except a home.” “Do you mean that you are going tc live there?” “Exactly.” “Do you mean to say that your peo ple, who could live on Ashland boule vard, are going to make your home de liberately down here among Italians and Polaeks, in this dirt and smoke?” “That is precisely what I mean.” “And not to have any home but this?’ “That exactly.” The young man looked at the pro fessor a long time, and then, turning to his brother, exclaimed: “Well brother, there are such people in tht world, I suppose, but this is the firsi one I ever saw! ” GRANITE LODGE. NO. 23, Knights of Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good Bon the i »tiding a re cordially invited to attend. £. A. HILDRETH, Ja.. C. C. I T. H. B imtcox , K. R. 8. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, For rates, pamphlets or other infer tuition, address, it” For sunshine, flowers and oranges take W. R. C. the Sunset Route via Loa Angeles to all points East. Tourist excursion cars and BUHSSlrE BELIEF CORPS NO. 24 Meets tu Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p chair cars to El Paso, Fort Worth, Kan tn on the second and fourth Saturdays of sas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, ■'»cb month. M rs . S vsan B each . Pres. New Orleans and Washington, D. C. Mi.s. Mary Berry, See’v. For rates, guides and information ad dress C. H. M arkham , G. P. A., Portland, Or. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. AU Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "Ths Milwaukee” when going to any poin in the United States or Canada. Al ticket agents sell them. Two fact« hardest for the average man to credit are the love of God hit Father and unselfish motives on tlu part of his brother man. Prof. Grahan Taylor, of Chicago, had a startling demonstration of the latter when h< tried to rent a house for his college set tlement, says the Christian Endeavoi World. Two brothers had control of the prop erty, and one of them asked: “What are you going to use it for?** “To live in.” “Yes, but how are you going to make your money out of it?” “Don’t expect to make money out oi MANY A LOVER Traina every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the world.” Understand: Connections are made with Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers the best servics known. «•< The statement is made at Buffalo, N Y., that F. L. Newton, paying teller of the Fidelity Trust and Guarantee com pany, has embezzled $48,000. The French consul has refused to ac cept the Santo Domingo government of fer to pay the amount of the Boismare- Caccavelli claim of 280,000 francs in three installments, every fortnight, and insists on an immediate settlement. They are raising funds by public sub scriptions and the patriotic feeling is very strong. The town is quiet and no disturbances are feared. Three days have been granted for the payment of the claim. In view of the fact that the French consul considers the manifesto of the government to the public to be one reflecting unfavorably on France, he has stopped legal proceedings and asked the French government for fur ther instrustions. It is believed that a French war ship will soon arrive here. ChlckEO Real F.iuite Dealer Make» a ItartUna Discovery In Hu man Nature. . K Has turned with djsgust from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath, i bcbnsipe post no . 23. Karl'a Clover Root Tee purifies the breath i Meet in Masonic Hall, on the (st and by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing bl Saturday of each month. Visiting Coni else will. Sold for years on absolute guar antee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene •««¡CFcordially welcomed. A. S herwin , Druggist. B. B kach . Commander. M ilton B eery . Adiutant. "PIONEER LIMITED’ Bears the Signature 1XFAN1S - ( H1LDKEN --------------------------- ’ SICK HEADACHES, MILWAUKEE” A tamiliar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee-4 St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa the Great Railway running the The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 SCARCE SORT OF MAN. G. A. R. ♦ • ♦ ♦ • For Infants and Children. A meeting of the San Joaquin Com The sluggish liver can be cured by mercial association was held last week the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. at Hanford with a good attendance. Supervisors and citizens from several dw’s fcr the jaacd and Goos counties were present. The report ol Health for all Mankind* the committee on publication of adver iS/’S VE6E7ABLË S ARSAPAffiUA, tising matter in the east stated that an article had been prepared, and the as tks througs sociation ord^ed the purchase of 20,000 r.ature’sown copies for distribution. It also appro proper chan nels. Jcy’i priated $200 for advertising in 18 lead Vegeta ble ing papers in the east. Sarsaparilla cures Dys- Henry H. Arnold, postmaster at Huemene, died of pneumonia a few days ago. U Notice is hert-bv given that in oomplunee of June 3. 1878. entitled ’ An' act Gen. Agts, Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co PORTLAND. OREGON for the sale of timber lands in the Edward M’Gary, a pioneer of 1849, and well-known throughout the state, died in San Francisco a few days ago. J. D. Bridges, Editor “Democrat”, Lan caster, N. H., says, “One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup I ever used.” Immediately relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption.—E u gens A. S herwin . Dr H. H. lladen. Summit, Ala., says, “1 think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splen Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall did medicine. I prescribe it, and my con TIMBER LAND. ACT IUNE 3. 1.-78 — •v< ry secoxd and fourth Wednesday in fidence in it grows with continued use ” •aeL month. All brethren in good standing I It digests what you eat and quicaly cures NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. W, H. HURLBURT. dyspepsia and indigestion.—E ugene A. ue cordially invited to attend. 8nI rwin . Gen’l Pass. Agent. NITED STATF8 .'.AND OFFICE. G eo . E ngle , M. W. PORTLAND. OB Rosebu-g. Oregon. December 6. 1XS j 9. Gro. vV. T refeen , Recorder. PORTLAND. URRGON For full information ea'i on O. K A S A#ht. ROUT. LEONARD, Ashland, *»r O r adobes «: the most complete and perfect of womanly delights is denied so often to those most fitted by their loving nature to enjoy it. It is impossible to avoid the feeling that kindly nature would not allow her own best pui poses to be defeated, without some fault or short - coming on the part of the woman who longs to be a mother; and ex perience shows that in a large number of cases the difficulty lies in some unnatural weakness, which, by proper and reasonable means is altogether remediable. So ite and sacred a subject cannot be treated in any but a serious, and at the same time a sensible spirit. It is purely a feeling <*i gratitude and a desire that other women like themselves shall be made happy and contented that prompted the writing of the following letters with the express permission that they be published here: • Representative Needham appeared be-[ fore the committee on Indian affairs I recently and secured the insertion in tae appropriation bill under consider ation of an item calling for $75,000 for a new Indian school in Southern Califor nia. He asked for an appropriation of $100,000, but in view of the fact that the present congress proposes to use the pruning knife wherever possible, he was very fortunate in securing the assent of Chairman Sherman and the other mem bers of the committee to so large a sum. Montague Rogers, a retired Ohio at torney, who has lived in San Jose for a number of years died there some days ago. He was quite wealthy. The historic Hartford was floated out of the drydock, at Vallejo, where the vessel has been detained for nearly three months. The detention was caus ed by the discovery of unsound outside planking by Naval Constructor Hibbs, who was determined that the Hartford’s condition should be as good as her re cord when the construction department was through with her. The Hartford is now iu prime condition. Ou leaving the dock she had the largest sized colors at each masthead and fired a salute oi 13 guns. A drunken row among Indians at Pineville, Or., resulted in the shooting to death of a man and woman and prob able fatal injury of another man and two woman. W ANA M A KER’S ALL WOOL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS AT THE AGENCY. DE PEATT BLOCK, ASHLAND, OREGON, This is tbs GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and Sontb. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- tibnled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: “ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestibulcd trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line.' All agents Lavs tickets. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F. A P. Agent, Portland, Oregon. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon Kindly cal) and get posted on structing the exhausted digestive or Prices and Qualities. Many gans. It is the latest discovered digest thanite are in order to my host ant and tonic. No other preparation of last year’s patrons, and we can approach it in efficiency. It in feel able to look them square in stantly relieves and permanently cures the eye when tbev call to see Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, what we have for them this year. Flatulenoe, Sour Stomach, Nausea. flV*fjfdie8* and Misses’ Styles and Sick Headache, Gastralgla, Cram ps, and Samples will be bere soon. EUGENE ▲.^HXRWIN. 2AVLD