fl PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. FAILED TO SECURE LICENSES. A TTASTARDLY CRIME. Unable to Convict Ulrlck. SUTTONS SNAP SHOT. After having been found not guilty of The Anti-Saloon League Draws First Two Brakemen Bound Over Charged Look out for Paint! Blood—License Question not yet i With Abdiictlug and Outraging A attempting to ship deer hides Wm. Ul- rick was last week tried on the charge ■ E. B. Hanley is visiting in Ashland, j Fully Decided. 15-Year Old Girl. < of buying deer hides. The case was Fred Oman and wife left yesterday for The city council on Monday evening ¡heard by Justice James Stewart and a Readers of the Oregonian were shocked jury, W. M. Colvig representing Ulrick, Astoria. canvassed the petitions for four saloon and horrified by reading accounts of the K. K. Knbli is in Portland with a view licenses as per the new ordinances outrageous conduct of a freight train crew District Attorney Watson representing governing the same. There were present the state and A. S. Hammond the S. P. of locating. OF ALL FORMS OF Mayor Colton and Councilmen Beewick, i . between Cottage Grove and Roseburg. ' R. R. The jury was out all night and Engineer J. L, Gault returned to Mc­ Whitney, Hunt, Trefreu, Reader and i The complainants story is about as fol-' finally were discharged—four for convic­ I 1°WB‘ Cloud today. Holmes. tion and two for acquittal. The second Miss Winnie Thorn saya she was on trial was set for Tuesday. The case was I. W. Burriss presented a petition Oliver Helms is in the valley from containing 112 names intended to be her way to Latham from a temperance sent to to the jury in the evening and San Francisco. strictly legal petitioners according to the i lecture at Cottage Grove Sunday, the they were out all night and until 9 Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, Miss Lora Colton ia at Jacksonville 1 ordinance. The council cut the number | south bound freight waa near that place o’clock yesterday'morning. The result Earache, Burna, Scalds, Corn« and Bunions, Stiff Jointe. taking wood. Just before the train was the same—four for conviction and copying the recorder. down to 101. started two men caught and put her on D. G. Karns returned to Medford to- ' 1 Houck & Dame presented a list of 129 I two for acqnittal. This will quite likely intended to be legal petitioners. The j a flat car, she not knowing what traoa- i i end the prosecutions until the April term PRICE, 50-0. &c $1.00 FER BOTTLE day from Chico, Cal. ' pired till the train got nearly to Com ­ cut the number down to 106; of circuit court. G. W. Blodgett, the assayer, went to I council stock, when she realized that she waa in legal petitioners. Hornbrook Tuesday. Miss Pearl Martin, daughter of Thos. High & Taylor presented a petition of a box car and that a man, supposed to be Miss Lillie Taylor came up from 300 names of legal voters in city of Ash- j Hugh Patterson, a brakeman, was with Martin of Trail creek, died last week Ashland, Oregon. land. The council pruned the list down her. Later on, after he left her, another aged 16 years. She was taken ill with Slatanie, Cal., today on a visit. brakeman came into the car and gave typhoid pneumonia fever afterward to 103 legal petitioners. Miss Lucy Crow of Edgewood is stop­ N. Bourgeois presented a petition her an overcoat, telling her that he resulting in blood-poisoning. Clint ping with Mrs. Geo. Engwicht. Read these Testimonials, given under oath, of Cures Actually Performed: with 275 legal voters. Council cut it could not take her into the caboose, be­ Swallow, the aged gentleman who at­ cause the conductor would “get on to it.” tended her, is very low with blood Rev. J.F. Wallace returned Monday down 1 to 98 legal petitioners. from his Gold Hill appointment. The total number of legal petitioners When the train reached Roseburg late at poisoning contracted from deceased. I can cheerfully state tbnt the Soap W. Dickerson who being duly sworn, made in the city was placed at 224; necessary night a brakeman put her into the ca­ Miss Bertha Potter returned to Horn­ to a choice 113. None of the petitioners boose, telling ber lie would go and find “Nevada." ♦ Shot is the best liniment I have ever used, the following statement;- brook Tuesday from Sams Valley. My daughter, who was a student at the a room for her, after which he went Under the auspices of Granite Lodge or ever heard of in a life time. had a majority of legal petitioners. Normal 8cbool.one night while study­ awav, locking the door, and did not re­ No. 23, Knights of Pythias, the Ashland We always keep a bottle of it at the Stat« W. C. Bostwick returned to Applegate ing felt a pain in her hand which aeon ex­ turn. Sbe claims to have been drugged. Rev. J. F. Tout, president of the Ash ­ normal school. Among the athletic stu ­ amateurs, will, in the near future present last week from a trip to Redding. tended to the arm. The*next day she went land Anti-Saloon League was here On Monday forenoon about 11 o’clock the comedy “Nevada" or “Look out for dents who have been hurt one or two ap­ school and during the day she lost the T. J. Kenney and Chas. Prim returned ( allowed five minutes by unanimous con-1 ■ the two car repairers at Roseburg went Paint.” Watch for dates—to appear plications of this liniment has taken out to use ot her arm and it became spotted (and last Thursday from San Francisco. i sent of council and presented a general; to repair a broken window in a caboose next week. the inflammation and cured a sprained the teachers sent her home, fearing blood- ankle, a dislocated knee and a mashed poixon. When she arrived home I took Fred A. Denny has joined the South- 1 remonstrance against issuing licenses wherein Miss Tborn was confined a pris­ Elders Stoney and Clayton, of the 6nger. One application cured a young her to Mr. Sutton’s office where he applied and urging council to pass prohibitory oner. There they found the lonely, de­ ern Pacific as a locomotive fireman. Snap Shot” liniment and within twenty laws and guaranteeing their eupport of serted girl, shivering with cold and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day lady of a paralised arm and another “ minutes of the first application, the swell­ Wm. Bateman and Van Welch of Med- , the enforcement of the same, as follows: fright, with her eyes swollen and red Saints, who have been in Ashland for young lady who bad the rheumatism and ing was gene down, the pain was gone and ford left Monday for San Francisco. Whereas, We can congratulate you | ■ from crying. She refused to tell her the past several weeks getting acquain­ also a atone bruise was entirely cured bv the spotted appearancefieft it, and^she) has never had the least trouble] with, her arm Miss Pearl Churchill of Cottage Grove on your earnest efforts to protect our; story. Friends assisted her home to Cot­ ted with the town, will soon begin hold­ two applications. people from the evil of the saloon by the tage Grove where ehe told her folks the ing meetings, having engaged Granite It has also cured burns, cuts, carbun­ since or a recurrence of the pain. visited relatives in Ashland Tuesday. F lorklcb L. T bbvbkm . enactment of ordinances Nos. 192, 193 Horrible story. A physicians examina­ Hall for that purpose. Elder Wm. T. cles, pimples, tooth-acbo and rheuma­ Chief Train Dispatcher G. C. Morris ( and 194; and Notary Public for Oregon. tion demonstrated the facts of the out­ Clark of Bingham countv, Idaho, joined tism. want to Portland Tuesday on a business them last week and Elder Hyatt of Whereas, There will be applications rage. We have never known inflammation trip. - | for license made to your honorable body [ Warrants were sworn out against Con­ Fremont county, Idaho, will arrive this that it will not speedily take out, if tbour- State of Oregon,) rM- Frank Lennart and Al Harling went ' either ignoring or seeking to have them ; ductor Bickett and Brakemen Brown, week. Elders will keep on coming in oughly rubbed in once or twice. Jackson County ) It is A MARVELOUS MEDICINE, and will to Mattern’s mine near Hornbrook to- 1 made void by the action of the courts,! Hugh Patterson and Frank Harvey. But right along to spread out from this point James M. Fewel being duly sworn de­ day. » I thus causing expense to the city and . Bickett and Brown were not arrested. through southern Oregon, Ashland being do even more for the afflicted than is poses and say's:- That about ten days the headquarters for tLeir new mission­ claimed.for it. Young Patterson disappeared but was great embarrassment to you in your ago I bad the neuralgia m my (ace and it E. M. Orr of Phoenix returned today j arrested at the home of bis father in Al­ ary field. efforts to control the sale of liquor. pained me severely and had been troubling W. T. V an S coy . from his trip as far south as Redlands, bany on Monday of this week and taken me (or two weeks or more when I had Mr. Whereas, The persons now engaged President Southern Oregon State Nor ­ Cal. j in such sale are constant violators of to Cottage Grove. Train Wrecks. Sutton apply his Snapshot. He rubbed mal school. my face for a few minutes and completly Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blitch and son, of ' the law as evidenced in keeping their Subscribed and sworn to before me cured Cottage Grove, Jan. 15.—Squire Yesterday morning as the south bound the pain and since that time been al­ Siskiyou, attended the minstrel last | places of business open on Sunday, thus Vaughn’s court was packed today by passenger was going over the road be­ this 4th day of November, 1899. most wholly free from pain. night. I forfeiting their claim to being “law those interested and curious to hear the tween Coles and Hornbrook the rails F lobenck L. T refrkn . My wife was sick with the cholera mor­ i abiding citizens Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took abont halt a teaspoonful of Miss Bertha Turnidge went to Igerna ' Therefore, We, the undersigned resi­ preliminary examination of B. F. Har­ spread and one Pullman car and the big the medicine and it cured the trouble at EAGLE POINT. yesterday to stay with friends and attend dents of the city of Ashland hereby re­ vey. the brakeman who was placed un­ dining car went off the rails. The heavy once and sbe never (elt anything more of der $500 bonds last Saturday upon the rains nad made the track too soggy to school. Fine weather for farmers, rains, rains at it. monstrate against granting any license charge of rape upon the person of Miss get them on very readily. The wrecking State of Oregon. night and most of next day. 88. Judge J. W. Parker died at Sisson I to any of the present saloon keepers and Winnie Tborn. Miss Thorn, the victim train came from Dunsmuir that night J ames M. Fawn.. Jackson County, Subscribed and swerr. to before me thia Mr. Bradney, who has been quite sick Tuesday. He was well known in Klam­ petition that should the attempt now of the dastardly crime, was the first wit­ and started the balance of the train On this 28th day of July, 1899, appeared 19th day of November 1899. ASHLAND, Ur....Thursday, Jan. 18, J900 with pleurisy, is on the way to recovery | ath county. being made to destroy our present re­ ness on the stand. She is a modest look­ southward, but it was 7 o’clock this before me, a Notary Public within and for G eo . W. T befbex . under the care of Dr. Madison. strictive laws on the subject be success­ ing girl of less than 16 years, and from morning before any other trains were the State and County above named one W. J. H. Beeman and family returned to ' Notary Publicjfor Oregon. Wm. Winkel killed a conger last week j ful that you pass an ordinance entirely the first created a favorable impression, able to get over the wreck. The com ­ Gold Hill last Thursday from their visit ASBESTOS. that measured 13 feet from tip to tip. A; in California. prohibiting the sale of liquors as a telling her story in a straightforward pany is cutting down its section crews, beverage in the city of Ashland. Henry Griner is on the sick list this nice size animal for killing calves and pigs. manner. Only once or twice during the as it is the custom this time of the year. The Santa Fe and the Southern Pa­ J. A. Whitman, C. W. Palm, Henry We also pledge ourselves to do all in recital of her pitiful story did she hesi­ week. I see that the assessment of our school A southlionad extra freight train in cific companies have perfected au agree­ district has shrunk from $48,000 in 1898 to Baker and D. R. Andrus are up from I < our power to strengthen and encourage ! tate, and then apparently from an aver­ Schuyler Hammond is very low with $29,000 iu iu loot», 1899. r^une Quite a suriuhuge shrinkage lor for ouiy only Medford today. you in the performance of your duty sion to alluding to the disgraceful affair. charge ol Conductor B. N. Taylor and ment dividing California business. diptheria. | a mill tax. O. R. A N. company and the Oregon Miss Edith Means came out from knowing that good government can be The defense failed to break down her Engineer Wesfoy Free, collided with a Frank Davis went to Medford one day The Eagle Point football team has just Elkton, Douglas county, to remain with maintained only when sufficient senti­ evidence on cross-examination, and tie train in charge of Conductor Al Cloyd Short Line have contracted for a $300,- and Engineer Guy Younger, in tunnel ment is behind it. handed me a communication from the nor­ Mrs. 0. Mattoon. this week. when she was asked why she did not re­ 900 new equigment, to give double ser­ ma' boys of Ashland declining the challenge Mrs. Bush, Propr, j ^Ï.Âgvu. The remonstrance contained the names sist and cry for help, stated that Patter­ No. 3, about 6 o’clock last night, three vice between Portland and Granger. Bad cold9 are taking there rounds in the Eagle Point, boys sent them some time Mrs. W. E. Dean was up from Grants , of 214 legal voters and 241 women. The son and Harvey, who she alleged forced miles south oi West Fork. Both engines this vicinity. : ago and the Eagle Point teams reply to Pass Friday attending the funeral of the The valuation of property in Jackson highest number of votes polled at any her upon the car, threatened her life. were badly wrecked, but fortunate)} same. I would ask that yon publish late Mrs. J. C. Neil. Frank Hammond has gone out to the i the The examination of the witnesses took none of the crew were hurt. R. L. county being about one-fourth lower • •• city election was 407 votes cast in 1898. the same so that matters may be square. valley to work this winter. up the greater part of the day. The Burke of Salem, who was working on the than last year, the five mill county levy Henry Hanks and daughter left Tues­ Ashland, Ore., Jan. 11. 1900. On motion of Whitney, seconded by argument was strong on both sides, and tie train, jumped just as they struck and for the school fund will not yield as much Dear Eagle Point:—Your challenge comes day for Sumpter, Baker county, with a Hunt, all voting yes, it was carried that Milo Caton is over from Antelope and consumed about two hours. Harvev broke kis leg above the knee. He was as last year. A number of districts are I too late, our team has disbanded for the view of locating. is stopping at the Boles place. Lunches Put Up. council adjourn for one week without was botrnd over in the sum of $1000, taken to the hospital ar Portland this voting's special tax of from one to two season now; we couldn’t get a game out morning. The county clerk has issued license to action to further investigate the owner ­ Mr. Gorden A Co. have rented the H. of you, or any body else to speak of, until mills to make up this deficiency since which bond was furnished. Master Mechanic M. C. Smith left the entire tax for all purposes in the K. Hanna place for this season. all out of t-hape. Why don’t you fellows marry to Thos. A. McEldowney and ship Qf real eStaifi oL eatexal names in At Cottage Grove Tuesday afternoon play ball in daylight and not wait until the Elsie M. Shrattuck. here with a wrecking crew about 8 o’clock dispute. Earl Williams went to Grants Pass to curtains Hugh Patterson, accused of criminally last night and had the track cleared su country would still be less for property All Passengers Trains are down on the season. Borry owners than it was lest year. It re­ Circuit Judge H.L. Benson and Geo. visit his sister Mrs. John Wolfolk. The petition and remonstrance Bhows aseaulting Winnie Thorne, was arraigned , we can’t accommodate yon. Stop 30 Minutes for Meals T. Baldwin came in from Klamath Falls about an even stand off of legal petition­ before Justice Vaughn and waived ex­ that the overlaud passed early this morn­ quires a ten days notice to call such Yours in pigskin world, ing. The wreck was caused by the train special meetings and as the action of the Fines Mayfield was up in this section yesterday afternoon. O. B. T out , Ex-Manager. ers — real estate owning legal voters of amination. His bonds were fixed at hunting for cattle one day this week. dispatcher uot getting orders to the tie voters must be filed with the county Eagle Point's reply: “You look dry” is the greeting ex-, city—also that on the legal voter basis the $2500, which he was unable to furnish train, which was supposed to be at the clerk before Feb. 1, in order to be placed Dear Normal Tom:—In reply to yours of Farmers are way behind with tbeir saloons have quite a majority. at the time. He is now in jail at Eugene, tended to Ashland gentlemen when they Reuben sidingat the tuneot the collision. on the assessment roll, there is no time work owing to bad weather in this sec­ the llih, would state that our challenge to meet friends out of town. Friends of the idea that license is the but it is believed that he will be released —Roseburg Review, Jan. 15. • ••Ml to lose for those districts which intend you was a week previous to your Waterloo tion. practical way of dealing with the liquor on bonds furnished by his father, Geo. at the hands of the Asblanders. and allow to act in this matter.—County Superin* Miss Maud Wells stopped off at Yreka business advocate (and predict that the Patterson, of Albany. The Misses Andrey and Cora Griniger me to assure you of our most sincere Gregory. Vaupel, Norris & Drake have received «* tendent G. — A. visit relatives, after returning from council will yet do so) repeal the present ■■ ■ I went to Ashland to tend the Normal sympathy in your late crushing defeat. It to I want to let tbs people who suffer from their Hart, Shaffner & Marx stock of method of petition and issue a license will always be a source of bliter disappoint­ her visit to San Francisco. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. school this winter. rheumatism and scatia know that Cham ­ thé finest in the market. This ment to us that you choose to play Ash­ D. Perozzi, of the Ashland Creamery, direct or go back to the old method of berlain’s Pain Balm relieved me after a clothing, Notice is hereby given that the under­ Lee Mitchell is s »en crossing the di­ land instead of Eagle Point, for we fellows is the largest clothing house in the world. requiring a majority of the legal voters H. BOIVIN, Manager returned Saturday from his tour of Cali-< vide to Trail creek quite often of late. It thought we could have done the job as well number of other medicines and a doctor Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake and get signed, doing a retail liquor business in of the city. The gossip is that Council ­ fornia. The expected did not happen. In reply to your facetious inquiry why we the city of Ashland, state of Oregon, un­ looks suspicious. men Beewick, Whitney and Hunt are bad failed. It is the best liniment I have their low prices on these goods. do not play football in daylight instead of der the firm name of High ATavlor have George Brandon and wife, who have’ already in favor of so doing and will ever known of.—J. A. D obgen , Alpha­ Dr. Twitchell, of Roseburg, is having waiting until the curtains are drawn for the this day dissolved partnership by mutu­ COR. MAIN AND CHURCH 8TREET. BORN. his coal mine prospected. D. P. Grin- season, we would say that our season is been visiting Medford, left Tuesday for* vote for that idea if the saloons fail to retta, Ga. Thousands have been cured al consent, Robert Taylor retiring and of rheumatism by this remedy. One ap ­ Ashland, Oregon. their home at Merrill, Klamath county. secure a license on t heir present petition ­ just now in full swing, the mud on Butte inger and son are doing the work. Deston High continuing the buBmess, plication relieves the pain. For sale by ers. The same faction believe that creek being now of that consistency to in­ The county bicycle path between ROACH In Jacksonville, Jan. T4, 1900, settling all accounts and collecting all Miss Pearl Martin, the youngest sure plenty of excitement in the game. Councilman Reader will be won over in E ugens A. B hxbw W- to Mr. and Mre. F. W. Roacn, a son. bills. daughter of Mre. Tom Martin, who You say in your last letter that you could Central Point and Tolo has been plowed the due course of time, which will make Shop is now open. KLAMATH FALLS. and thrown up, ready for leveling in the D eston H igh , was sick so long with syphoid, died last not get a game out of us or any one else to a majority. In case of a tie Mayor speak of until your team was all out of spring, R obert T aylor . Nothing but First - Class week. J. D. Carrick started for Yreka last Tues ­ Colton would vote against a change. shape. From the way you have acquitted day Morning. Ashland, Or., Jan. 8,1900. L. D. Carl and wife of Dawson City, The Anti-Saloon League people do not Mr. Wm. Mitchell has traded for the yourselves in your last games with Ashland Work turned out. Attorney J. W. Hamakar left Wednesday Schurlock place which is two miles north and Eugene we should venture to surmise Klondike, are visiting their daughter, believe that the council can be swerved Mrs. Fred Hoffman, in Ashland this for Portland via Ashland. from the present license ordinances Rnd of AsbestqS. Mr. Mitchell intends farm­ that you have never been in very good Ashland & Klamath Falls call attention that Dr. Reader was thejr shape this season; also we understand ifaat week. Geo. T, Baldwin and Judge Benson .'eft ing on a large scale. you bad our challenge in your packet at candidate, was a member of the Anti ­ Tuesday morning by private conveyance The ladies of the Baptist church will' Saloon League, and that the city elec­ I There is being a petition circulated in least one week before your last game. for At>bland. en route for Portland. the Meadows to change our mail route You also express your regret at not being give amusicale and experience social at tion showed that no organized opposi­ A dispatch was received here Tuesday 1. O. Q. F. hall in the near future,j back to its old schedule as the way it is able to give us a game; please do not loose tion was able to stand off their control announcing the death of Judge J. W. any sleep on that account, in fact we owe Particulars later. running is very unsatisfactory. of the late republican city convention Parker of S íssod , Cal., formerly a resident you au apology for ever sending you a Ed. Sutton returned today from taking' the elections. ......................... *- of Klamath Falls Thoroughly Restocked and challenge, for after seeing your score with at FACTOBT WIMER. The saloon licenses ot Thos. Roberts, Ashland we would advise after you shall ■ the government horses to San Francisco Entirely New Management. Mr. and Mrs. H. R, Allen of Chippewa the price charged by others, and WE •lAUNTEE TlflT «»WftnT. Born—In Wimer precinct, Jan. 7th, have your team put in shape, that vou One hundred head were shipped from at the depot, and W. E Conner at Hotel Fails. Wis., arrived here Monday and will whether you wieh our Ste Fraaek Trw or i keep in vour class, and try Medford or Ashland, Oregon, run until May 1st and April 15th, spend a few weeks visiting withC. H. With­ ROBERT M. GARRETT, Yert BnmlbU SlwUt Trm, Illustrated i 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, a son. Central Point and if you could procure a ad. oat and eend to u, with OCB srBCUL ITTT t -. row, brother of Mrs. Allen. having been granted just before the new Ralph Allen of Medford, came over state your KWU, "skU Acs. how loag you bare been Mrs. Margaret McCarvel is visiting coach , from Gold Hill we think that Superintendent. Linkyille Lodge A. O. U. W. No. 110, in­ ruptured, whether rupture is large or small; alee stele He ordinances went into effect. her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Ross of Central I would improve your style of playing. from Henley today on a visit. number inches around the body on a Una with the Of the four saloons under considera ­ itiated five new members at the last meet­ We saw iu the R bcord that you had put has opened a barbershop and bath house rupture, say whether rupture la on right or Mt side, Best and Point. tion I. W. Burriss and N. Bourgeois ing, making a total membership of 111 and and we will send either truss to you with U m under yourselves on a physical culture diet; now there. standing. If It la net a peHM St eed teas* «• Mess that promptly locked the doors of their moré coming. Banner Lodge of Jackson­ Miss Etna Moore of Sams Valley, is to better your shape and give you better retail at three times ear price,you OMrutern it end w« Quickest Route to will return your money. O. P. Coshow, who is spending the saloons. Houck & Dame and High ville better get a wiggle on. visiting relatives on Pleasant and Evans wind, we would advise that you try sow­ WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE belly and beans and you will surprise your winter in Ashland witn his daughter, & Taylor keep their doors open Henry S. Parrish started for San Fran­ creeks. •f trwm. including the lew tie.ee Lea T hmm #•) 7 c admirers in a very short time And now Mre. J. Franzen, went to Grants Pass and carry on business except selling in­ cisco last Saturday in charge of the gov­ that tores i I hh I aay ease, aafl which wc Mil for vLlJ Chas. Owens, M. S. Wakeman and R. dear abnormal, we would advise that next Tuesday on a visit. toxicating liquor. All have informed ernment horses recently purchased here. Adow».8EAR8, ROEBUCK & Co. CHlCACa W. Wakeman visited the county seat season when you are in shape you challenge About three carloads were secured this Goes by Barron, 8hake, Mayor Colton that they will obey the the Eagle Point jr. school team. Thos. Harlan of Portland, editor of trip and were shipped via Montague, Cal. last week. Soda Springs, Parkers and and not sell liquor and the Mayor Sincerely yours, E. P. F. B. T. the Register Democrat, is in southern law Keno; also beat connections The steamer “Hudson” which has plied Mr. and Mre. Hugh Cole of Cole’s Sta­ has taken them at their word. They T hat is N ow . Oregon. He formerly conducted a news­ close early and it is very quiet about the waters of Big Klamath Lake for the witn stage lines from Klam­ LAW, LAND A LOAN OFFICE tion, Cal., are visiting relatives in Wi­ cts gentuy on thk past year, was purchased from Capt. Rich­ So much for the boys; we will let them paper at Medford. ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly their places. nter precinct. ardson by Louis Dennis last week. The rest for the time. and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath A. B. Gegax and bride returned Tues­ There is some talk of raising the “Hudson” will be retired from public life Wm. Witt has been employed to do and Indian Agency. We understand that the Eagle Point team general work in Oscar Simpkins’ mine has sent a challenge to the Ashland team day from their honeymoon, spent in San license from $400 to $600 or $800 per and will hereafter devote ail her spare time Francisco, Los Angeles and other Cali­ year and granting licenses. This wouM And energy pumping lake water for irriga ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: on Pleasant creek. for a game in the near future. Hope fornia points of interest. < keep down the number of saloons in towtv tiop purposes on the Dennis ranch gt Crys­ the boys will have a chance to roll in the Tom Perry of Sams Valley, is visiting mud. Snoul<] the saloon licenses be perma­ tal. County Clerk Gus New ’ bury was up ■O' KLAMATM FALLS. . ASHLAMD. his sisoers, Mrs. M. M. Scott and Mrs. The winter thus far has been unusually f, EANSES THE ¿YSTEM from Jacksonville Tuesday. He begins nently knocked out the pjty tecorder Leaves....... 6:00 a m I Leaves....... 8:00 p m Mart Burkhardt of Wimer precinct. mill mild, very little snow, and the rainfall the E ugene A. S herwin guarantees everv the New Year with renewed strength figures out that an additional Call and see me when you are la need of Arrives....6:30 a m Arrives....... 2:4fi p m [ I Arrives tax qn the property of the city will make heaviest known for a number of years any property of any description, either to Martin Perry, our coqnty commission­ bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and yigor in Kis gooff rigfit Iianff- „¿^EFFECTUALLY The range is covered with the finest kind V good the 12400 deficiency. The charter and will refund the money to anvone rent or bur. er. W48 here jnbpepting tlie Evans creek Chas. T Silvers, who spent the holi­ an increased levy and also makes of feed for stock and everything indicates Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight I have ranches for sale in every part of bridge anu ordered some repairing done who is not satisfied after using two-this days with his family at Medford, re­ ’ allows . mild weather for Klamath county. Citi- Jackson county ; fine land and low prices. provision for taxing business houses, etc. I zens are dubious about the prospects for of the contents. Thia is the beat remedy Must be Waybilled. on it. Small acreages of fruit land near town in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, turned last week to Crystal, Klamath There will be a great roar if the last ice unless something cold happens quite and land in bearing fruit, any number of Chas. Wikstrom, one of Pleasant croup and whooping cough and is pleas­ county. Ashland Office: named feature should be seriously con- soon. acres, large or small. creek’s leading miners, took unto him­ ant and safe to take. It prevents any POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Dr. J. S. Parson and wife and her . sidered. I have several houses to sell in the city; self a wife on Dec. 28, 1899, in Jackson­ tendency of a cold to result in pneu­ sister, Mrs. Geo. 8. Calhoun, went to The New Home & Domestic are the The councilmen are quite tired of prices to suit the timeB. Klamath Falls OSoe: job and the provisions of the new best sewing machines an the market. ville. monia. ________________ San Francisco Friday for the latter’s their ' H H VAN V ALKEN BURG. HOU b BS TO RENT. city charter which invests them with so i The prices are so low that every one can ___________________ J. D. Wakeman the R. R. bridge car­ health. 1 CENTRAL POINT. MONEY TO LOAN. afford to have one. Call and eee. At much power. ______________ penter, who spent a couple of weeks at INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. It is reported that Bob Dean of Grants Supt. G. E. lugersoll and Geo. M. Opera House Furniture Store. home during the holidays, returned to Pass is dangerously ill with cancer ot the Freeman of the Ashland mine went to Judge Whitney of Albany was on Fri­ Here are a few of my bargains: Grants Pass a few days since. ’s train for the soldiers home at stomach. Grants Pass Tuesday to look at some day 1 Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres Religions. Napa, Cal., where his brother W. H. Van Gotham, our Wimer merchant, is Henry Werth, who was in the battle at mining properties. in fruit. $450. Whitney, died. The latter has teen a kept busy delivering provisions to the Santiago, Cuba, is in town 1 renewing The usual services in the Presbyterian ___ ? _ old 8ix acre tract, three acres in fruit, good Misses Icie and Mattie Matney of miner all his life and for the past five {hurch next Sabbath morning to be miners on Pleasant creek, for his tripe acquaintances. bouse, barn, etc., running water, for $500. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Applegate are visiting Ashland friends years resided at Qold Hjll in this county. ollowed by a week of gospel meetings A no: her ten acre tract, some fruit, two hsvo become a daily occurance. Isaac Williams, Central Point’d livery- and leave tomorrow for Yreka and Howell & Foster. Shoemaker«, has been, small houses, $100, Wm. Faber, the Albany brewer, was ed by Rev. C. W. Hays of Grants Pass. has put a new man and mail contractor, this 18th day of November, 1899, dissolved J. J, Holcombe and Miles Carter took wagon on the line from here to Table Rock Edgewood respectively. These are within a mile and a ball ot roa mu ar au onusti rau xx rugarne in town Tuesday. He couldn’t find i The union evangelistic services will be by mutual consent. the stage Monday headed for Galieecreek and Ashlaud. Eagle Point. sufficient language in his vocabulary to | Misses Hattie and Blanch Oliver went Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely Leld each evening this week in the where the former has been employed in C. J. Foster Will Continue Bus­ unimproved, Booth Lee and Arta Boswell has returned to Grants Pass thia morning and after a even partially express himself and bis » I Congregational church. A cordial invi­ $200 a mine for several months previous to opinion of the Anti-Saloon League. Al. iness at the Old Stand, from a prospecting tour on the bead waters brief visit there the former will continue Hotel property in town, for sale for $4000. tation is extended to all to attend. J. the holidays. Waddle was here yesterday and thought U’. Abbett, Secy. of Sardine creek They did not find any on to her home at Portland. One hundred acres fine valley land, two- and all accounts due ti e firm are payable Mr. Williams, who owns an extensive thing very promising. the town looked “dry.” to, and all bills outstanding against the miles from Medford, $4500. Misses Laura Cox and Lillian Rhine ­ Call and see mo in regard to any of the quartz ledge on upper Pleasant creek, hrm will be settled by bim. Messrs. Sharp and Clements, postal Dr. J. M. Keene, the Medford poli­ ' There will be a union mass meeting at above, and if they do not suit, I have a M. H. HOWELL, has returned after a visit of several agents, were inspecting our postmaster and hart, J. E. Bodge and wife, John Barne- tician, was an Ashland visitor Tuesday, the Congregational church Saturday large list from which yon might choose C J. FOSTER. months in Portland, and will at once be­ his office a few days ago. Sammy always burg and wife and T. E. Pottenger were Some republicans claim that it was he night for all interested in Sunday school up from Medford Friday night attending N. B.—Mr. Howell will remain as an em­ GEO. W. TREE KER. keeps his office in ship shape. work. Mr. Stevenson and Rev. Mr. gin development work. who defeated D. T. Lawton, the citizens ploye of the old shop. the dance. Main Street, Near Bridge. Ashland, Or. Winans of the American Sunday School Silas Prather and his aged mother who candidate for mavor. Doc. says he H. H. Holton, who has resided in Wi­ Ashland, Oregon, opposite the I. O. O. F. Jehu Jacobs, inventor and manu­ staid in his office all day and didnt say a Union, both wide awake speakers, will Hall. »30 mer since last spring, disposed of his per­ . has been residents of this place for over sonal property at public auction Monday two year«, left last Friday to make their facturer of the Jacobs concentrator, word. Doc. must also be a hvpnotizer be present and give the addresses. came over from Henley Tueeday on a of voters. and with his family started for Yreka, future home in Wasco countv. M. E. church, J. T. Abbett, pastor. My observation is that the anti-imperialist business trip. Mrs. Jacobs accompanied Cal , Tuesday morning. W. J. Virgin was up from Medford The Sunday services will be as follows: him on a visit. is largely in the ascendancy in this part of Sunday where he has been engaged the 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, 11 a. m. the Mrs. Chas. Williams had the misfort­ the valley notwithstanding Mr Carter’s N. Bourgeois, the genial landlord of past several weeks in overhauling and pulpit will be occupied by Mr. Steven-, une recently to fall from off the top of a widely circulated interview in the Ore­ the Ashland House, returned home putting in new parts of the Medford roller eon of the American s. S. Union. ‘Junior high box striking the back part of her gonian. head and cutting a large ugly wound, Wes Intram and B. W. Huston are Tun­ Monday from Portland where he had mills. The work has been completed League meeting at 3 p. in., devotional which at last report was very painful. ing their giant for all there is in it at their been playing the wheat market for a and the mill will hereafter turn out a meeting of the Epworth League at 6:30 better grade of flour as Mr. Virgin is a p. m. Preaching at 7. All cordially mines at Willow Springs. They have a month or more. A. LT ID.......... Joe Whalen and Joe Mansfield, two good paying mine when there is plenty of invited. first class man at his business. thrifty young batchelors of Wimer, have water. Frank M. Shideler, druggist in G. H. Representative Peter Fordney of Water Street Elder M. M. Eshelman will be in made arrangements with Mr. Van Goth­ OZEIITZDZRZElSr’S Methodist people have commenced Haskins’ establishment at Medford, Wallowa county visited Ashland Tues­ Ashland Jan. 25th to begin a Bible am and will begiu to mine soon on the to The visited Ashland friends Tueeday and left repair tbeir church. They will raise it tar of Evans creek where it passes two feet, give it a new coat of paint a-d the next day for Los Angeles, Cal., day. He is in the valley to stay and Normal term of two weeks at Dunkard wants a place to raise hogs. He says church. Everybody invited, especially express receive through his farm. make some changes inside; making it pre- where he will locate. that elk raising scheme of his is no josh, Sunday school teachers. Çrompt attende». Wm. Newman, an eldery gentleman sentab'e inside as well as out side. . that he worked five years on a profitable ■BMs C am at Miss Dee Ankeny will leave for Jack- Rev. W. R. Winans will preach at the of Evans creek, whose actions at the i elk raising farm near Walla Walla, biaaobablb batkt county tonight, being called to the son D ry G oods , N ovelties , Congregational church next 8abbath SAMPSON. turkev shoot at Wimer on New Years bedside of her little nephew, son of Mr. Wash. He will raise them here when morning, Jan. 21. day were of rather a frisky nature, had The weather continues cold and damp. and Mrs. Roscoe Cantrell, who is quite he gets located. Main Street, Oyer the Bridge. • -* ___ the misfortune to get his ankle thrown Michael Rosendorf committed suicide J. D. Williams was down last Saturday. ill.—Eugene Guard, Jan. 12. Nothing further has been heard from out of joint while in a friendly scuttle. in Eaker City, Or., by shooting himseff 0. F. Gegax of Dunsmuir who sent all Edwin Roberts formerly of this section, Eugene A. Sherwin, E. V. Carter, T. arrived at Barron a few days ago. KLAMATH CpUNTY. Cameron, T. G. Reames, H. E. Ankeny, in the head. He left 4 letter stating he bis money and wrote his wile that he Michael Moaeihretv is working in the W. I. Vawter and Geo. T. Baldwin leave had mode a failure of life on acoount of would throw himself into San Francisco Withall bad eona-quenew, ««taln'y and rapidly Albert Eaton, the western stage driver Barron mine. The crew heie are working tomorrow for Portland to attend the a mania for gambling. He said that ha bay and there is hardly any donbt but nr, ! wi b aa « andeary mathMa. Qur^iou Blank an< returned Sunday from a visit in Jackson on an upraise. that he did so. luokfra«. Callv- wrlta DR WARD INSTI rUTX, carried several thousand dollars in life Scottish Rite Masonic gathering. a Ulh Bu.rl, t T. LOCIU. AB— county. insurance, which would provide for his Intended for last week ] E. L. Fisher, formerly in the laundry CONTRACTOR and STORE Will 0. Marks, the impresaario of the Thos. Martin, proprietor of the Klam­ family, and without taking his own business in Ashland, arrived from Port­ “Nevada” company, has been at Jack­ Bad colds are among us. ath Falls flour mills, has purchased F.S. KEEPER. twice the past week rehearsing life he could eee no way of supporting land Tuesday to be employed as a loco­ Brandon's interest in the flour mills, at G. F. Billings was up from Ashland sonville motive fireman on the McCloud railroad. them. .........................The Finest.......................... OAKLAND ST.. NEAR K. R. TRACK, two of the performers who were there Merrill ami will move his family there Monday. ASHLAND........ OREGON. ................... and Most Artistic. ................ temporarily—Evans and Wataon. Walter Bolton is at Medford on a two New Gooa«. and take charge. Brandon Bros, still Charlie Homes has struck camp and is weeks visit. .......... Job Printing at Lowest Rates .......... run their store and saloon at Merrill Mirrors, Pioture Frames, Moulding, The cast of the comedy “Look out for Will supply first-class Chinese laborers tn All parties were former residents of mining on Sampson. ...and on tbs Very Shortest Notice... any An elegant line of Framed Pictures at Paint,” to be presented by Ashland Lamberauin Poles and Trimmings, number desired for railroad oonstruc- Ashland. Cattle here are being gathered to be amateurs in the near future, is one of Easels, Iron Beds, Parlor Tables, Sofa Opera House Furniture 8tore. tkm, ditch digging, clearing lands, rights- fed through the winter. the strangest and best ever organized in Pillows, Lace Curtain Stretchers, ‘ , or any work desired. The county court has created a new voting district out oi tb« Snow logging Geo. Van Tassel drove his band of 17 our city. Date of play to appear next Clothes Bara at Opera H ook Furniture Ill) Job printing st thii cfflfeB. ■tore. I hop w tb« firit of tb« waak. iaaue. «■$.- THE WONDERFUL DESTROTER INFLAMATION IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON. PROP. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLET RECORD Bush’s Restaurant! Meals 25 2°.“ n«0,. . . . ASHLAND TINNINGS PLUMBING CO. STAGE ? LINE ..KLAMATH FALLS. A K idneys , L iver ] and B owels GEO. W. TREFREN Biss«l«ta Mte (Sl!I?RNIA pG SjVRVP(S WE Quote the Lowest Prices on Groceries. Ashland* . STEAM-. Laundry :: W e can afford to. We buy for Cash. UNDERWEAR We sol! f°r Cash. THAT’S WHY! /ARICOCEIE DU STRICTURE Give us a trial. The Record Office. WA CHUNG Chinese labor