rV”.CV VI 4M I Rest Gam*- of ’he S«-Mon. Choral Union Convention. ' PROSPERING AS NEVER BEFORE. ' SUTTONS SNAP SHOT The lightest and most interesting game . The third annual convention of tlie -------- - of football ever witnessed in Ashland Rogue River Velley Choral Union was Ashland's Industries Have a Payroll ! Nash1: ile Students Wednesday. took place at depot grounds New Year’s oi $15,000 a iuouib. Ten Mills arrived from Keswick Tues­ day between the state normal school and held m Ashland last week concluding with grand Concerts Thursday and Fri­ New Year’s Oregonian.] • . • day. j the town playeis. The lineup was as day evenings under the leadership of Ashland, the metropolis of the Rogue D. D Good went to Hornbrook yester- J follows: Prof W. H. Kinross, a master hand in Ashland. the profession. The receipts of the two river, valley, tht center of the peach­ day. Normal. Denny evenings fell short of the expenses of growing belt, and the educational center Center Geo John Compton a as up from Medford i Stevens, Rose the session something like $160. The of southern Oregon, is situated on the Stevens, C E L. G. R. OF ALL FORM6 OF Monday. Klum, B convention came at an inopportune banks of Ashland creek, a tributary of Drew L. T. R. the snow-capped peak called Ashland A. Cavin of Coles went to Medford Freel L. E. R. Hammond, B time, bad weather, the holidays and the Herrin big excursion being the leading material butte, and furnishes fine water-power for yesterday. Meliza-Hughes R. G. L. Klum, W misfortunes. This was the first con­ manufacturing purposes. It is also the Edmondson R. T. L. Paul Norby, the Gold Hill miner, came Easter, C Bush vention oi the association held in Ash­ supply for Ashland’s system of water R. E. L. up Tuesday. Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, Robley land and this was the first time that works, which distributes pure, cold and Easter, W R. H. L. Earache, Burn«, Scalds, Corn« and Bunion«, Stiff Joint«. Carter anything of a general public character perfectly soft water to every home in the Grover Neil went to Medford last Grubb L. H. R. night on a visit. Hammond, T undertaken by this community has city. The system is owned and managed F. B. Fessenden Stanley failed to be a pronounced success all by the city and therefore no extortion in IPJRZEOZE, 5O-C. & $1.00 PER BOTTLE Q. Mrs. F. P. Smith went to Medford yes­ Smith water rates has been nor can be enforced, At the end of round. The score stood 0 to 0. terday on a visit. as the low rate of $1 per month for do­ first half the ball was at normal’s ten The following was the program of last mestic purposes fully attests. Miss Cassie Mansfield, of Tolo, visited yard line. Friday evening’s concert: There is no boom in Ashland, in the Ashland Tuesday. The receipts were about $30, divided ( Overature—“Frolic of the Faries”.Anon sense in which it occured during the past Ashland, Oreajoa, Mrs. C. Mingus returned yesterday equally between the teams after paying Orchestra. boom times that affected the whole Pa­ expenses. Complaint was quite general ( Chorus—“Wake, from a visit at Medford. Oh Wake ” ... .Verdi cific coast, as real estate, though rapidly that many people saw the game and sue- < H. J. Hicks went to Grants Pass last ceeded in evading the 25 cent admission Soprano Solos—(a) “Twilight” ) Beach changing hands, has advanced slowly in Read these Testimonials, given under oatb, o< Core* Actually Performed: (b) “Ecstasy” j price, ths usual characteristic of these night on lumber business. tax. Mrs. R. C. Brooks. purchases of lands being fjr building A. C. Gabriel was umpire and Fred Waltz—“Sweet Miss Emma Gabush returned yester­ Dreams”........ Eilenberg the purchaser’s home. This fact is easi­ Neil and Clyde Payne referees. I can cheerfully state that the 8nap W. Dickerson wbo being duly sworn, made day from a visit at Medford. Orchestra. ly verified by a drive over the city and Shot is the best liniment I have ever used, the following siatemeni;- Thg return game will be played next Dolph Naylor and D. R. Andrus were Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, on the Ensemble—“As Pants the Heart”.. noting the many residence buildings My daughter, wbo was a student at the ever heard of in a life time. (mi psalm ) ................ Mendelssohn erected during the past year. By care­ or We up from Medford Tuesday. Stat« Normal School.one night while study­ grounds just opposite the Ashland Cem­ always keep a bottle of it at the “El Deschidado”. .C Saint-Saëns i ful inspection and the best information normal school. Among the athletic stu­ ing felt a pain in her hand which aeon ex­ Louis Grisez of Little Shasta, is at etery. The admission will be 25 cents Duet— tended to the arm. Tbe'next day the went Mrs, Brooksand MissSilsby. obtainable, there has been erected dur­ Gold Hill on a business trip. for men; ladies free. The winning team ( Glee-“Tlie Bells of St. Michael’s Tower” ing that time over 50 good substantial dents who have been hurt one or two ap­ to school and daring the day the lost the will receive two-thirds of gate receipts plications of this liniment has taken out use ot her arm and it became spotted and J. W. Marksbury was up from Gold ....................................... R. P. Stewart residences,, besides improvements upon the after the expenses have been met. inflammation and cured a sprained the teachers sent her home, tearing blood- Hill yesterday on a business trip. Selection those previously built aggregating in cost Fox, Frulan and Payne play with the ankle, a dislocated knee and a mashed poi«on. When she arrived home I took Orchestra. $75,000. In addition to buildings of that Miss l88ie McCully came up from Ashland eleven Saturday. Tom Ham­ finger. One application cured a young her to Mr Sutton’s office where be applied ‘Snap Shot" liniment and within twenty Jacksonville today to visit friends. mond was injured in the last game aud Ballad—“My Dream of You”.. .Rodney character, there have been erected two lady of a paralized arm and another • minutes of the first application, the swell­ Mrs. Marie McDonald. business houses, one church and one Mrs. J. D. Blitch, of Siskiyou, visited will be unable to play. Ensemble—“Welcome Czarina”.Ganne fruit evaporator at a cost in the aggre­ young lady who had the rheumatism and ing was gene down, the pain was gone and also a stone bruise was entirety cured by the spotted appearancejleft R. and'ehe bee Mrs. C. Noonan and family this week, Chorus and Orchestra. gate exceeding $13,000. A conservative two applications. The football game between the j . never had the least trouble) with her arm Finale — “ America. ” estimate would give the present pop Mrs. W. H. Brunk and children went Central Point and Eagle Point teams It has also cured burns, cuts, carbun­ since or a recurrence of the pain. * Chorus, Orchestra aud Audience. ulation of the city at over 3000. to Medford yesterday to visit her mother. came off on New Years as advertised, FLon*»cs L. TagFBCT. pimples, tooth-acho and rheuma­ Ashland has a monthly payroll from cles, was hotly contested from start to i Notary Public tor Oregon. ' The1 following are the new officers of tism. Miss 'Rachel Nfeliofs returned Tues­ and The junior teams kicked off the the reunion which meets at Grants Pass mining, railroad, wooleujnil) and other We have never known inflammation day frutn the New Year’s ball at Gold finish. ball at 1 p. m. and terminated in favor j in March 1901: President, H.C. Kinney manufacturing industries of about $15,- that it will not speedily take out, if thour- 8tate of Oregon,) , Hill. 000. Altogether Ashland is prospering as > as. of the Eagle Point team. The score , of Grants Pass; vice presidents, T. C. ongbly rubbed in once or twice Jackson Connty ' Wm. Huntley Hampton, the mining standing, Eagle Point 11, Central Point < Cramer Of Grants Pass, Dr. R. T. Bnrnett never before, the improvement being of It is A MARVELOUS MEDICINE, and will James M. Fewel being duly sworn de­ man of Placer, was in Ashland yester­ 0. The senior team kicked off the ball ( oi Medford, Mrs. Geo. Levé of Jackson­ that permanent character which brings do even more for the afflicted than is poses and say’s:- That about ten days day. at 2:30 p. m. and was a good game from ville, Miss Esther C. Silsby of Ashland; no reaction with resultant dull times claimedffor it. ago 1 had the neuralgia in my face and it W. B. COLION, Mayor. start to finish, the score standing Eagle ( W. T V an S cot . pained me severely and bad been troubling U. 8. Land Commissioner Binger Point 21, Central Point 0. The dance secretray, Geo. Cramer ; treasurer, G. E. Ashland, Or. President Southern Oregon State Nor­ me for two weeks or more when I had Mr. Hermann was in San Francisco this was well attended being 64 numbers Peterson. Sutton apply his Snap Shot. He robbed mal school. The Ministerial Association decided to week. The talk of the town is the conduct of continue the union meetings all next week. my face for a few minutes and co in plot I y sold. The day passed off without any Subscribed and sworn to before me cured the pain and since that time been al­ I the choral convention director. He The services to be held in the Baptist this 4tb day of November, 189*1. Mrs. W. A. Wilshire took Tuesday’s serious damage to any one. most wholly free from pain. came to town with a blooming fairy of church. train for Santa Rosa, Cal., to visit rela­ F lorence L. T refren . New Grocery Firm My wife, was sick with the cholera mor­ I The usual services will be held in the stately proportions and no mean figure tives. Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took abont half a teaspoonful of several churches at It Sunday morning. and for want of a bettei excuse the said The Ashland Grocery Co. has irjeorpo- i W. H. Leeds, wife and children and the medicine and it cured the trouble at Mrs. C. Neil returned yesterday from At 7 p. in. two union meetings will be held; once and sbe never felt anything more of Miss Jessie Wagner arrived from Salem a visit with Woodville and Grants Pass rated by the following parties: E. blooming fairv was advertised as a person one in the M. E* church. Prof. W. T. Van Edelhoff, recently of Colorado, H. L. < crazy to go on the Btage, become a great Scoy to preach the sermon; and in the State of Oregon. it. last night. relatives. and actress and hear the sea of Christian church, Kev G. W. Nelson to McWilliams, J*. C. Ferguson, P. S. Casey, singer i J ames M. F ew si . ■■ ~.....7 - —•« ' Jackson County , Miss Sylvia Hazle, who has been at Doc. A. Moore and wife and W. A., Frank Williams. They have succeeded uplifted faces call her back and back and Subscribed and 6wern to before me this ASHLAND, Or....».Thursday, Jan. 4, 1900 work in Mrs. Stanley’s dressmaking es­ Weeson of Hornbrook, visited Ashland i to the business of Ferguson & Miller and 1 back with thunderous applause, or other preach the sermon. By order of the Asso­ On this 28th day of July, 1899. appeared 19th day of November 1890. ciation. J. T. Abbett, Sec. before me, a Notary Public within and for Gio. W. Tairaix. with similar fancies. He are backed with ample capital to sue- situations i i .Ui .1. - ........... —1 ■■ -r?-. tablishment for several months, returned yesterday. “The Future” will bs the subject of the State and County above named one W. Notary Publie^for Oregon. to Medford yesterday. She expects to go called her his niece in whom be saw cess fully operate the business on any < Mrs. Hazle of Medford visited Ashland ASBESTOS. to Portland in the spring. they may see fit Mr. Edelhoff is latent genius and according to his own the Sunday morning sermon at the relatives Tuesday, the guest of Mrs. H. scale he brought her out to a provincial Christian church. In the evening “The the manager and Robt. McWilliams is story i Miss Jemima Ross, of Clawson, left H. Hosier. News is scarce but we have come to life Ashland &. Klamath Falls head clerk. I town to give her her first trial, try it on Pledge” will be the theme. The public at last. for San Francisco this week to spend the -------------------------- , the doe first, as it were, don’t you know. is welcome. J. F. Cole has commenced the erection Carrie Sackett has gone to reside in Med­ winter with Col. James Scobie’a family Rev. F. T. Howell will preach at the Mrs. Ross went to Sisson this week of a handsome new residence in Ashland Prominent Brewery man in Town. Whatever ambitious anticiDations may ford this winter. for his family. Paul We8sinegr, son-in-law of Henry Lave been whirling under her milinery M. E. church next Sunday at 11 a. m. where her daughter, Mrs. H. Arenburg, Uncle Billy Forsyth Las moved to Med­ as to uncle’s ability to hypnotize a pro­ Van Scoy will fill the pulpit at 7:30 is quite ill. ford. for the winter. Mrs. Geo. Conn came in from Paisley, Weinhard, probably the wealthiest i vincial audience as he had worked her Prof. p, in. Sunday school at 9:30a. m., Jun­ ready cash millionaire in Portland, was Lake county, Sunday to visit western Misses Lizzie and Clara Gloor, Stella Mr. Schurlock and son accompanied by became a Hungarian nightmare, ior League at 3 p. m., Devotional meet­ in Ashland Tuesday en route to San soon i Mr..Bu,b.Pw. Thoroughly Restocked and Jacobs, Pearl Wilshire, Laura Snelling Oregon relatives. Fred Mitchell went to Yreka last week. Hie reception her single effort received ing of the Epworth League at 6:30 p. in. Francisco and cheered up the saloon I Entirely New Management. and Cora Finley, St. Mary ’ s Academy Mrs. Mary McIntire arrived this morn­ interests in their fight for license. Be­ indicating that the dog didn’t like it. not­ A cordial invitation is extended to the G. W. Reynolds and Lee Mitchell were ' students who have been visiting Ashland ing from Warrenton to visit E. M. Mc­ sides their great brewery in Portland withstanding uncle played the accotn public. Cento. fishing on Trail creek one day this week. J. T. Abbett, pastor. ROBERT M. GARRETT, during the holiday’s returned to Jack­ At ell Hours. they own an interest in the brewery and paniment. After having so much rain and snow we sonville Tuesday evening. Miss Laura Intire and family. You assume no risk when you buy ice plant at Mediord. Mr. Wessinger It is customary among ladies and Superintendent. are now having uice warm spring weather. Chamberlaih’o Cure, Colera an ! Diar­ M. O. Warner, who participated in May returns Sunday. the Choral Union convention, left .for says the company have bored over 600 gentlemen to overlook the inside char­ rhoea Remedv. E ugene A. S hvkwi N Oir stsfl arrived Wednesday in a very Lunches Put Up. feet into the ground at Medford in the i acter and private escapades of a fellow Geo. Epps, who has been in charge of will refund ycur money if you are uot Best and bad shay«, the packages were all bursted. Roseburg Tuesday. vain endeavor to secure sufficient pure with pleasing manners, high musical satisfied after using it. It is everywhere the Booth-Kelly lumber company’s elec­ Quickest Route to Mias Kda* Williams has gone to Gold tric plant at Saginaw, Lane county, the M. M. Obenchain returned to Horn- water to conduct their business there on , culture and prestige but this bull-necked Hilt to woskja the printing office this win­ past two years, returned to that place brook yesterday from a visit with his a satisfactory scale. He says the com­ animal was so Bhort in bis moral per- admitted to be Hie most successful rem edy in use fur bowel complaints and the All Passengers Trains ter. pany are seriously contemplating moving ception of a provincial people that he only one tbut ’ ever fails. It is pleasant, Sunday after spending the holidays with family at Gold Hill. • •• Jess Ragsdale and Toni Martin were over his folks at Phoenix. The Nashville Students (Jubilee the plant to Ashland on account of the conceived the idea land carried it out, safe and reliable. Stop 30 Minutes for Meals from. Trail creek last week looking tor their superior and abundant water supply of too) to prostitute the program of a Goes by Barron, Shake, Otho Weet left Sunday for Port Town­ singers) will appear at opera house next ' this town. cattle. respectable choral convention with such Soda Springs, Parkers and A row over cards at Ophir, Placer send, Wash., on a ten days visit to his Wednesday evening. a raw piece of musical mediocrity, pri- county, resulted in Charles McLaugh­ A. C. Wooley made a flying trip to Med­ Keno; also best connections Jacob Wagner Passes Away. Mrs. J. Reeves and children, of ford one day last week and fuund the roads mother, Mrs. Julia A. West, and his sumption and ignorance as to imbue the lin being shot to death by Thos Ginnes. witn stage lines from Klam­ brother, Auba West. The latter Parkers Station, were in town yesterday very bad. ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly Jacob Wagner, one of the highly re­ spectators with pity for the “rtiralness” Both are miners and single. is manager of the Western Union Tele­ en route to Henley. ( spected old pioneer residents of Ashland, of the person who could not eee through and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mitchell moved to W. E. L. Eddy, a white man, was the Bailey place in the Meadows to spend graph at that place, which is one of the the empty headed purpose of the and Indian Agency. died at 1 o ’ clock this morning of neural ­ A receiver has been appointed for the < important cities of the state of Washing­ the winter. gia of the heart at his home ou Granite séhemo. Uncle’s gall and niece's foil) stabbed to death at Redding by William extensive Wallbridge & Carr Co., at I ton. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: may be a fake bait that would deeelvc Johnston, colored. The men had been Street. Mr. Chapman met with bad luck a few ! Mrs. M. A. Sisemore, Mrs. W. B. Yreka and Montague. deva ago by getting the root of bis bouse Mr. Wa^neitvaslfc^native of Ohio, but overiv confiding interested pasties in the playing cards and Eddy abused the ne­ Dr. J. G. Goble, the optician.will be at , spent considerable of nis younger life In metropolis of Oregon but there are few gro until he was so enraged that he ASHLAMD. KLÁMATM FALLS. Johnston, Horace Pelton and .Miss Fran­ H. BOIVIN, Manager. burned ofl. the Hotel Oregon on Monday, Jan. the Iowa, coining from Louisa county in dogs in provincial Oregon that could be Leaves..... 6:00am | Leaves....A:00 pm Frank Davis our postmaster does not cis Barnes who were at Paaadens, Cal., drew a long knife and killed him. Arrives....... 2:45 p m | Arrives....6:30 a m ■ ?. One day only. i” i ’ ''' < 1850 to Oregon and taking up his resi­ so easily deceived by such bed meat. make a trip to Medtord so often as the road with the late Miss Sisemore returned 8th. home with the remains Sunday evening The rbinocerous hide of uncle ’ s con ­ is so muddy. dence on Wagner creek in 1852. After COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET. Supt. G. A. Gregory and Miss Bentley < BORN. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pelton and daughter, Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight there Tor ten years he moved to science could not be pricked with a pick I Our mail route is ahanged from Sam’s Mr. Johnston and Rev. J. F. Wailac^ of Ashland attended the recent state living Ashland, Oregon, Ashland which has exer since been the axe aS the daily performance of himself MOFFATT—U Talent, Jan. 4, 1900, to Must be Waybilled. teacliers institute at Salem. VlD*y to Beagle. I-rta -no advawTOge to any took the train here to attehd the fuher- 'r " ; . and T iïh la ’ rv in their tears about the home of himself and family. For mliny body but the mail carrier. Mr. and Mrs. Lonis Moffatt, a datigli - Ashland Office: Miss Fanny Pienning of Gold Hill left years he conducted the Ashland flour publfe resorts of the town would readily al. A fine horse belonging to Frank Ham­ Shop is now open. POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Geo. F. Merriman, G. L. Davis, Ralph Tuesday for Klamath Agency to visit her mills and held the position of state sena­ disclose. Bat what amazed the onlookers mond that snagged itself some time ago is Brown, Scott Davis and W. T. Nelson— mother, Mrs. A. H. Engle. tor from this qounty from 1862 to 1866 wai''the moral stipinese of the chore' now liable to die from the effects. Klamath Falls Office: Nothing but First - Class a bunch of Dr. Barr’s “Oregon farmers” Clif. Payne, who has been working for and was a member Qf. the.session called contention and management in allowing H H VAN VALKBNBURG. We have bad seventeen inches of rain and from Medford—relumed from the San the big dredger company near Yreka, to adopt tlie 13th amendment to the the immoral lout to nse them and their Work turned out. eight inches of snow and our reads are not innocence and fair name in eheb a bare ­ Francisco excursion yesterday. They constitution of the United States. He returned to Ashland Monday. dusty yet as we were promised loir years was a county commissioner in 1874. In faced manner as a mantle dPefrdrity k, saw more webfoot weather in that state aau. Mrs. True Moon came up from Gold 1860 he returned to Iowa and was united cover up bis deeds of debauchery. than they ever witnessed here in all Hill Tuesday to joiu her husband and Your correspondent has heard that work their lives, Sacramento valley b-ing TRUSSES. «Sfi, «i-a« ANO UP And yet only a few days have got e « in marriage to Miss Ella Hendrix, seven will commence in about two weeks on the make their home in Ashland. pace when Ashland and Grants Past- children being born to them, of whom flooded. coal mine two miles below the Andrus coal Mrs. Frank Stone and little daughter remaining there are Mrs. W. H. Leede, held mass meetings and pet ill >ned co :- mine. Rev. E. A. Ross leaves tonight on his arrived Tuesday from Edgewood to visit J. M. Wagner, F. D. Wagner, Mrs. A. gress to unseat Congressman Roberta <>f Notice is hereby given that the firm of northern trip, Mr. and Mrs. Root hav ­ The people living above the Meadows and Howell « *. • walk was indulged m until the hour of lkw . All druggists refund the money if twelve, after which the crowd departed the lumber is on the ground for the new penses, $150 interest on city hall bonds, in fruit. $450. Buy the genuine - mah ' f o By of relatives and friends to mourn her it fails to cure. E. W. G rove ' s signature for their homes. Those present were: railroad depot. and $1500interest on water work’s bonds, death Their great loss is her eternal Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good house, barn, etc., running water, for $500. (AUI?IWIA|iGtSYRVP(S were paid, and there was a total baljpee ou each box. 25c. Mr. and Mrs. J Brannon and children. gain. Wm. M. Colvig and Geo. M. Love, of Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two Mr and Mrs. J.Crowson and daughter, on hand in city treasury of $1544.71’. small houses. $100. Judge J. 8. Beard of the Superior Mr. and Mrs G. W. Cole an<< children, Mr. Jacksonville, and S. R. Reaves of Med­ Cemetery sexton’s report for the year > It?" Crater Lake Park. These are within a mile and a half of f OR S«Ll 6! AU D«i>6G.lTb POM SIX PtS bOItlL Court, lias rendered a judgment in.favor and Mrs. J. G Walkerand children. Grand­ ford attended the Knights Templar showed 21 burials in the city of Ashland Ashland. meeting in Ashland last night. ma Brannon, Mrs Touchet, W. J Schmidt, s ve Stanley of the destroys thousands of people. It may be Walter Beebe left Thursday for Beaver Sanitary — Reader, Whitney, Trefren Roseburg and Oregon City land distracts quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, fruits of hie efforts. The Court quotes Street fund was discontinued and within ________ ___ t ________ _ the o gran made to ___ the Oregon & Hill where Mr. Beebe will have charge evidence that the property w as disposed the only remedy that produces immediate of the books of John D. Spree kies <& Co. hereafter there shall be three funds, j California Railroad ' Company, ~ . Both results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, of op the report and maps made by general, water works and cemetery. ’ ” the ------ bills ------ are -------- practically same as were aud throat and lung troubles. Miss Mamie Isaacs, who attended the Stanley, to one Rutgers Van Brunt, who pneumonia Regular meetings were set for first presented in the last congress. The It will prevent consumption.— E ugene A. gr .nd concert and visited Ashland Twenty Years of Success ! also testified that lie never at any time S herwin . Wednesday in each month. Crater lake bill proposes to set aside a friends as the guest of Miss Elsie Patter­ examined the Oek property until after Bonds of Recorder Berry and Treasur­ tract of 249 square miles, withdrawing Over 4,600 Concerts to Date ! Elder M. M. Eslielman will be in son, returned home to Medford Mondav. er Galey were approved. be had seen Stanley's reports ana maps it from settlement or sale and making it thereon. Defendants’ counsel contend Ashland Jan. 25th to begin a Bib'e « ’ public park or pleasure ground, to be Others may follow, but we TWENTIETH YEil. •EWAIIZEB II 188*. The Normal vs. Ashland football that Stanley had abandoned the under­ Normal term of two weeks at Dunkard A New Play by Amatuera. known as the Crater Lake National game next Saturday will be well worth church. Everybody invited, especially taking before he found a purchaser, and lead. Orders taken at your Two years ago a play was under re­ Park. This park, if established, is to be the time and money. Buy a ticket, see Water Street was therefore not entitled to commis­ Sunday school teachers. hearsal by local amateurs to be presented under the control of the secretary of the home twice weekly. Goods During the many tours of this celebrated the exciting sport and help the boys sion on a subsequent sale, and that de­ interior, who will preserve the lands in company they have attained exceptional nnder the auspices ot Granite lodge No. along. Beach—Beach. feudant sought other assistance to effect delivered promptly to all success; for, while they were not the first 23, Koighta of Pythias, but the Spanish- their natural condition and prevent all Roy W. Beach a prosperous young bus­ She who was formerly Miss Rose American war outbreak put an end to it. residence, mining, lumbering or other company of Jubilee Singers, their manner a sale. From the evidence given, the express receive parts of the eity. of performance was original They presen' Court considers that Stanley continued iness mail of Ashland and Miss Claire Cardwell of Jacksonville but now of In its place another plav—Nevada, the business operations within its limits. prompt attention. the Negro as he appears in bis church and his efforts under the agreement, aud Beach, a cultured young lady and school San Francisco, was on last night’s train Loet Mine—will be put on the boards The old provision for restaurants and T KBNS C ash at camp meetings, and also in the songs of that it was an independent transaction, teacher of Klamath county, were mar­ to visit relatives at Roseburg and in Ashland some time next month. Old waiting rooms is again inserted, as are SOME OF OUR PRICES: the cabin home and of the plantation. xkaboia *L< bates . Xrdlees of the claim that the sale was ried at high noon, Christmas day, at the Tacoma. residents will remember that this plav the provisions for governing and pro­ 17—lbs. Sugar for............. Their music is weird, melodious and strik ­ I $1.00 ted after the expiration of the bond, home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. it enchants an audience, sometimes to Miss Dee Ankeny will soon go to created a stir in the amateur theatrical tecting the park. It is proposed that 6-1 hs. Rolled Oats............................. .25 ing; no time having been stipulated for Beach in Klamath Falls, by Rev. J. W. such an extent it is with difficulty the sing­ the costs ana expenses of creating the world when presented by the Knights in 7 bars L°nox, Nugget cr Savon Soap i .25 Walla Walla, Wash., to spend two or Craig of the M. E. church, in the pres­ leave the stage at all, on account of re­ making the sale.—Yreka Journal. Ashland about a dozen years ago, being park shall be borue by the general lbs. Good Rice...................... .25 ers calls. ence of a few relatives. After a fine three months as the guest of her uncle a strong play that amateurs can handle government. It was this last provision 2- lbs. Good Coffee....................... .25 The entire company will appear In a pro­ Notice is hereby given to tbe city council wedding dinner the happy conple im­ and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ankeny.— succeeslpllv. It is being faithfully re- that aroused Speaker Reed against the 3- lbs. Finest M. & J. C< flee.... 100 gramme replete with all the latest Jubilee of the city of Asbiand. State of Oregon, mediately left for their home in Ashland Eugene Guard. bill last congress, for he contended that hearaed by same splendid local talent 1 Can Corn.................................. .12 Melodies, as well as Plantation, River and that the undersigned firm will make appli- and began housekeeping at their new Prof. E. E. Washburn and wife, who nnder the efficient direction of Chas. A. aay expense attached should be borne 1 Can Ashland Tomatoes......... .10 Cabin Songs. When desired a portion of cation u> said city council on January 15. home on Spring street and Third Ave­ .25 the programme will be given in plantation 1900. for a license to sell, deal and dispoee nue where they are at home to friends. went to San Francisco on the excursion, Harris and the cast is composed of Mr. by the state. Now that Reed is outjof 6 Cans Sardines.. ....................... costume. d21 arrived in Ashland Tuesdav to visit her Harris. W O. Marks. John Churchman, congress, the bill may have a bettei Gold Dost Washing Powder.... of spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in .23 CONTRACTOR and STORE Their’s is an old love story and it first folks, H. Williams and family. They Lieut. J. E. Thornton, Thad McHatton, chance of becoming a law.” lees quantities than one gallou. within the .60 Our Best Tea.................................. corporate limits of Mid city on lot No. 6. happened while both were attending the start home tomorrow. KEEPER. Chas. Watson, H, S. Evsne, Misses Wisconsin State Normal School, Stevens block No. 3, for a period of <>ne year.' New Goods. Daisy Patriek, Dora Pennington and Le­ ....................... The Finest........................... OAKLAND SJ., NEAR R. R. TRACK, Call on us and convince your- D fston H igh . Point. Wis. The bride moved to Klam­ The New Home