PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Nonl«*-—Short Wedding. The Coming City Election. Mr. Irenis Soule of Little Shasta, Siskiyou county. Cal., and Mrs. Cala- doni i Short, daughter of Ex-Senator 8. H. Holt, were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride’s father near the Southern Oregon State Nornal School, Rev. W. B. Moore of Medford officiating. At eight o’clock the wed­ ding march was sounded by Mrs. Arthur S. Furry, which announced the ap­ proach of the wedding party. The com­ pany already gathered in the parlor arose to greet them as they entered the door way. Rev. Mr. Moore then per­ formed the beautiful and impressive service that made the happy couple as one. Receiving the warm and sincere congratulations of their friends present the wedding company repaired to the dining room where an elegant repast was spread, displaying the choicest viands of California and Oregon. Those in at­ tendance were: Hon. S. H. Holt, Prof. Allen L. Holt, Claude Holt, Mrs. F. T. Mills and Homer Mills, Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rose and Miss Dollie Rose, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Furry, Phoe­ nix ; Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Moore, Med­ ford ; Clarence Soule and Ed. L. Grisez, Little Shasta, Cal. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents. The groom is a member of one of the pioneer families of Siskiyou county and is to be congratulated in winning such an amiable and respected young lady as his bride They left last night for their future home in Siskiyou county, Mr. Holt accompanying them on a visit. The city election takes places next Tuesday and is for half of the city council, who are elected for two years, a mavor, recorder and treasurer, the balance of the officers being appointed by the mayor subject to their confirmation bv the council. The first formal effort in the placing of candidates in the field took place last week being done by what is commonly called the republican city convention. The ward caucuses were all held Friday Evening in the city hall and the results were as follows : We hope to see the Boers succeed in the war in South Africa to such an ex­ tent that Great Britain will have to consent to the settlement of the differ­ ences by mediation, as Paul Kruger was willing to {do in the first place. It affords great satisfaction at all times to see a bully embarrassed and even over­ come by a foe which is under him in size and weight, but more than his equal in spirit, courage, sincerity and fighting dash. So far, the Boers have the best of the scrap and the sympathy of the masses of men. SUTTONS SNAP SHOT. Carpets at Vaupel, Norris <& Drake’s. Chas. Trimble of Gold Hill was an Ashland visitor Monday. Thos Lawson of Trail creek, visited C. C. McClendon in Ashland this week. Mrs. Carl Phelps, wife of the Gold ■OF ALL FORMS OF Hill postmaster, made Ashland a visit Monday, E. R. Grieve formerly of Shake, but now a resident of Hornbrook, was here Monday. _ Edson L. Faulk of Gazelle was in town Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, First Ward—P. B. Whitney, chairman, yesterday. Earache, Burns, Scalds, Corns and Bunions, Stiff Joints. Mrs. Wilmer Hilt came over from F. H. Carter, secretary. F. H. Carter Coles Saturday to spend the holidays named Arthur F. Hunt, and Rev. J. F. with relatives. PRICE, 50-0. & $1.00 FER BOTTLE Tout, president of the Anti Saloon League, named C. M. Po:ey. Poley received 5 and Marriage Licenses issued: Ralph Hunt 11 votes. Jennings and Letitia Gilson, J. M. Fal­ Second Ward—F. D. Wagner, chairman. lis and Rosa B. Higinbotham. E D Briggs, secretary. H. J. Hicks named H. L. Whited, and F. D. Robbins of R. K. Sutton, G. W. Smith, Geo. W. Ashland, Oregon, the Anti-Saloon League, named H. P. Trefren, E. D. Briggs and C. B. Watson Holmes Fi-st ballot was a tie. 11 votes were at Jacksonville this week. each Holmes nominated on second bal­ lot. 13 to 10. Read these Testimonials, given under oalb, o< Cares Actually Performed: Mrs. I. C. Matheny arrived yester­ Third Ward—D. R. Mills, chairman. Geo. day from Portland to spend the winter W. Lynde, secretary. E. V. Carter named with her daughter, Mrs. P. W. Paulson. J K. Beader, seconded by J. P. Dodge. I can cheerfully Btate that the Snap W. Dickerson who being daly sworn, made There were 26 people in room and nomina­ Mrs. Bert Brandenberg and little son Shot is the best liniment I haveever used, the following statement ;- tion went bv acclamation. Reader is a .My daughter, who was a student at the returned to Medford from a visit with or ever heard of in a life time. member of the Anti-Saloon League. Stat* Normal School,one night while study­ her sister, Mrs. B. R. Willits in Ash­ We always keep n bottle of It at the Saturday evening the republican city ing felt a pain in her hand which aeon ex­ land. normal school. Among the athletic stu­ tended to the arm. The^next day she went convention met at city hall. C B. dents who have been hurt one or two ap­ to school and during the day she lost the Watson was chairman and E. V. Carter Mrs. S. W. McClendon returned home plications of this liniment has taken out use oi her arm and it became spotted and secretary. In about 15 minutes the to Central Point Tuesday after a visit the inflammation and cured a sprained the teachers sent her home, fearing blood­ meeting unanimously renominated W. with the family of C. C. McClendon in ankle, a dislocated knee and a mashed poison. When she arrived home I took B. Colton mayor, Milton Berry city re­ Ashland. fineer. One application cured a young her to Mr 8utton’s office where he applied corder, II. C. Galey city treasurer and Shot” liniment and within twenty Mrs. Louis C. Bolle and little daugh­ lady of a paralized arm and another "Snap ratified the council nominees of the pre-, minutes of the first application, the swell­ ter returned to Antelope Tuesday from voung lady who had the rheumatism and ing was gene down, the pain was gone and vious evening—A. F. Hunt in the first a visit with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Circuit Court Proceedings. also a stone bruise was entirely cured by (he spotted appearanceileft it. and’sbe; has ward, H. P. Holmes in the second and Dame, in Ashland. two applications. never had the least trouble] with her arm Dr. J. K. Reader in the third. No grand jury was organized. It has also cured burns, cuts, carbun­ since or a recurrence of the pain. The convention was substantially the A cts gently on the Nat. Langell was up from Jackson­ State vs. Robert Wilcox and Ran us F lobbkcb L. TaxrRKF. cles, pimples, tooth-ache am! rheuma­ ville Tuesday preparing a couple of Hamilton, larceny from the person. work of the Anti-Saloon League of this N otarv Public for Oregon. tism. Chinamen for the Flowery Kingdom Continued to next term of coart on ac­ city its tameness was on account of the We have never known inflammation (China, not heaven.) count of departure of prosecuting .wit­ local republ.can machine calmly sub­ that it will not speedily takeout, if tbonr- State of Oregon, | mitting to its dictation rather than raise ness, J. M. Phipps. r SS. Mrs. H. Ralph left for Roseburg oughly rubbed in once or twice A big row in the party. The saloon push Jackson County ) Tuesday to visit the Buicks. Miss State vs. Edw. Lyons, secretary stolen made no open effort to defeat the Anti­ It is A MARVELOUS MEDJCISE, and will James M. Fewel being duly sworn de­ Fannie Ralph is visiting Robt. Ralph goods. Trial will be had but the im­ Saloon League’s control of the republi­ do even more for the atti'cted than is poses and say’s:- That about ten days /■ l EA nses the S ystem claimed|for and family at Redding. portant witness against him has disap­ can situation. it. ago 1 had the neuralgia in my face and it * W. T V an S coy . pained me severely and had been troubling Harry F. McClallen of Roseburst was peared. Citizena' Convention. me for two weeks or more when I had Mr. „ „„¿^ effectually President Southern Oregon State Nor­ Sutton in Ashland Monday and Tuesday on Judgments as follows were obtained: apply his Snap 8hot. He rubbed mal school. Handbills were out yesterday after­ business for the Native Sons. He was Reames vs Rumfelt—for plaintiff. my face for a few minutes and completly Subscribed and sworn to before me Cured traveling with Col. W. G. Ronald. Jackson county bank vs Waybright, noon for a citizens’ convention which the pain and since that time been al­ met at city ha 1 last evening. H. S. this 4th day of November, 1891. most wholly free from pain. Clarence Soule and Ed. L. Grisez of Heard and Wolters—for plaintiff. F lorence L. T refkrn . My wife was sick with the cholera mor­ Confirmation of sheriff’s sales as fol­ Evans was elected chairman and Ed. Little Shasta, Siskiyou county, returned Sutton secretary. Jacob Thompson, Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took abont half a teaspoonful of lows : home yesterday after having attended I CENTRAL POINT. the pioneer citizen and capitalist, was ^ITUAL^1"™” the medicine and it cured the trouble at G. W. Smith vs Simpson Wilson. the Soule-Short wedding. once aud she neyer felt anything more of nominated for mayor, and Milton Berry Quite a number of friends met at the res­ C. B. Spear vs Fred Overbeck. State of Oregon. it. and H. C. Galey endorsed for recorder rreJ UAU ^.»PERMANENTLY Gus Thornburgh, train news agent, J. A. Lyons vs Eda M. and John idence of J M. Gibson of this place, to do S3. J ames M. F iwbl and treasurer, respectively. For council ­ who has been running to Los Angeles Jackson County. Morris. honor to Mr. and Mrs. J. Geer, who took Subscribed and sworn to before me this men Wm. Fox, a capable young man of for manv months, resumed his run to ASHLAND, Or..... Thursday, Dec. 14, 1899 On this 28th day of July, 1899. appeared 19th day of November 1890. their departure the next evening for their Ashland from San Francisco Monday. the truck and transfer firm of Fox & before me, a Notary Public within and for Notice G eo . W. T befbkn . home in Bardon county, Missouri, after an Hildreth, was nominated in the first the State and County above named one W. Notary Publicjfor Oregon Engineer Chas. W. Root and wife and A meeting of the Anti-Saloon League Buy THE GCNViNg - MAH'f O By extended visit here with relatives and ward; I. N. Shook, the present incum ­ PHOENIX. Walker Peed arrived Monday from the friends. Those present were: Rev Greg­ Columbia river, where they have long will be held in the M. E. church next bent, was nominated in the second vard, Reuben Murray of Medford, Sundayed ory, Mr. Beall and wife. Frank Amy and been engaged surveying for the Astoria Monday evening at 7:30 p. m. There and Deston High in the third ward. in Phoenix. will be seven speakers present—three Acceptances of all nominations must be wife, A. 8. Jacobs and wife, Anson Ford, railroad. .»»■iS«« »««ije-, ladies and four gentlemen. Among the filed with the city recorder today. Mrs. Josie Brown of this place is visi­ Misses Clara Perry, Alma Wilson, Mary raasAUBrAuouuK^rs etna. «a Mrs. Geo. Fendall left Tuesday for ladies will be Miss Agnes Moore of ting relatives in Medford. Mayor, recorder, treasurer and one Jacobs, Bertha Pankey, Lillie Lynes. Lottie McMinnville, Yamhill county to visit South Dakota. An excellent program Miss Lelia Anderson went to Ashland Pankey, Annie Pankey, Lizzie Gibson, May her folks and old home. She has not will be rendered. Everyone is cordially councilman from each ward are to be elected, and the following voting places Saturday to attend the Normal. Williams, Leia Williams, Myra Galloway. seen her mother for ten years. Miss invited. and officers for each ward were designat­ Mr and Mrs. L. A. Rose and Mr. and Martha Lynes, Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Pankey, Lena Fendall accompanied her. Masque Ball Christmas. ed by the city council : Mrs. A. 8. Furry went to Ashland Tues­ Mrs. Clements, Mr. Robnett and wife, Mrs. T. J. Kenney, M. M. Taylor and Mr. First ward: Voting place—opera The Knights of Pythias mask ball day evening to attend the Short-Soule Lynes. Applegate, Jr., were up from Jackson­ Christmas night will be far superior to house, Judges, C. F. Hasty, chairman, wedding. ville Tuesday rounding up the Native Berry Elliott returned home Tuesday anything yet afforded in Ashland, J. B. Leach and W. F. Loomis. G. W. Stoops has sold his farm south evening from Idaho where he has been Sons. There will be a big initiation in Satchwell’8 orchestra will be reinforced Second ward : Voting place—Granite P. P. Prim Cabin Saturday night. of town to D. Anderton and will remove for some time past. by two fine musicians, Messrs. Hanna hall. Judges, G. M. Grainger,chairman, to Ashland in the near future. Dr J. G. Goble, the optician, visited and Newell, as well as Grant Helman’s Ed. Thornton and C. H Gillette. Mr. Minch, son and son-in-law, Mr. J Third ward: Voting place—city hall. John Coleman, one of the oldest Walters, have lately arrived here from Ashland professionally Monday and base viol. The supper in Hotel Oregon’s Judges, G. W. Smith, chairman, C. F. Tuesday of this week. Being unable to ampledining room will be a special treat. the east to make this their future home. pioneers in the valley, is very sick at his finish his business he will return again The ladies’ entrance will be at rear end Shepherd and C. D. Hevener. Dome in town. Dr. Cole of Medford is Married, at the brides residence in and he can be found at Hotel Oregon of opera house, will be well lighted and To S an F rancisco . The two judges last named in each attending him. Central Point, Dec. 9, 1899, by A S. next Monday. the dressing rooms will be equipped in w^rd will also act as clerks. Polls will bê opened at 9 o’clock a. m. and close at Rev. Wm. Clyde took Monday’s train Jacobs, J. P., Mr. F. W. Sifers and Mrs. Excursion will be run on the Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Coshow of Browns­ first class shape. Read the adv tor fur­ 6 p, m. All candidates are required to A Special for Grants Pass where he will attend a Dora Stanley. Southern Pacific Railroad from Sa­ ther particulars. ville, Linn county, pioneer residents of file their certificate of nomination and lem and points south to San meeting of Presbytery. Arta Clements came up from Califor­ Oregon, arrived in Ashland Tuesday to .... Francisco on.... Saturday, Dec. 16, a special meeting wfitten acceptance thereof on or before The school and church are combining nia Tuesday evening to see his mother spend the winter with their daughter, Dec. 14th, or five days betore the election. Mrs. J. Franzen, wife of the Southern of the IV. C. T. U. will be held at the forces for a grand time on the Friday before she started east. Christian church at 3 p. m. Mrs. Thur­ Tickets good only on the regular over­ preceding Christinas, An excellent Mrs. F. T. Fradenburg of Henley, Pacific engineer. man will be present and a full attend­ Portland Oregonian.] ft 'PI! land that leaves Ashland at noon Dec. 27, program and a Christmas tree are the Cal., is visiting friends in this place. Henry Brandt, who was being held for ance is desired. : ste Dr. E. O. Smith., the well-known good to return on any train that leaves San attractions offered. Everybody come A. J. Hanby failed to fill his appoint­ trial on a grand larceny charge in the Mrs. Lucy A. Thurman, the colored mining expert, has just returned from Francisco from Dec. 28th, 1899, to Jan. 4th, and bring the children. ment to preach in the Baptist church theft of Emil Holden’s watch, has lady, who will give the address at the the Gold Hill mining district, where he 1900, inclusive. Following low rates have pleaded guilty to the charge and was union meeting in the M. E. church Sun- has been looking over thé country and been secured to San Francisco and return last Sunday. GRIFFIN CREEK. from— sentenced to one year’s imprisonment-„ Shadow social at the M. E. church in San Quentin.—Redding Searchlight. 'day evening, comes very* highly recom­ sampling for Eastern parties for the past Roseburg & points south to Ashland, $15.50 Rev. J. Eby preached in the school house six weeks. These parties have in view mended as a forcible and interesting Ashland *• “ •■ Montague, 11.50 Central Oregon State Normal School, Drain, Oregon. next Friday evening. A good time is at 11 o’clock p nt. C. W. Barr, the excursion man, speaker. The lecture is sure to be worth the purchase of quartz properties, the Montague “ “ “ Dunsmuir, 10.50 expected. Lucy Shattuck arrived from Hillsboro, stopped off here a few hours Sunday. hearing. Come everybody and enjoy it. erection of custom mills, sampling works To insure your accommodations Will open its doors for the new school year on September 11,1899. The buildings have Mrs. Sarah A. Eachus has sold her and a smelter for handling concentrates tickets MUST be purchased at least three been thoroughly renovated and improved. New apparatus added and other improve­ Ore., last Saturday. She will visit with her house and lot in Cenral Point to John He reports the outlook very flattering Notioe to Creditor«. at or near Gold Hill ■lays before starting, and the sooner the ments made for the comfort and convenience of the students. Good Boarding ana for a grand time and a big crowd on his parents for a few days. Karney. All those knowing themselves indebt­ Dormitorv Advantages at the lowest possible rate. Uniform State Normal School Heretofore, nearly all workings in heder holiday excursion. Five cars are already Miss Aggie Hayes is Visiting Mrs. Chas. d^^.'-ide trips to various points of inter­ Course. 'Complete Training School in connection with the Normal, where Seniors are 1 to the undersigned will please come this section have been shallow in search W. J. Freeman and family started one arranged for, and Mr. Barr may have a ed professionally trained under the supervision of a Critic Teacher, who will give his entire forward and settle up immediately. of pockets ; but on the properties he has est in the vicinity of San Francisco at ex­ Wilson. day last week to visit his old home in special train.—Eugene Guard. cursionists’ rates. time to this work. Graduates of this school ate given a credit of Thirty Month s Teach- S. T. S ongkk , M. D. been examining the workings have gone Miss Lula McPherson, who is attending Illinois. They will be absent about two WK-Baggage checked from starting ing Experience, which enables them to reach the Life Diploma in the quickest ana most Hon. W. G. Ronald, Pacific coast Ashland, Ore., Dec. 2, 1899. , deep enough to get through the later point to San Francisco and return to start­ satisfactory manner. Send your address for complete catalogue to school in Medford, made a flying visit home months. ____________ i.,: .. organizer of the Endowment Rank, formations into tlve,,old formation of ing pout. SAMPSON. Sunday last. Miss Belle Ferguson accom­ Knights of Pythias, visited Granite No. Mrs. John Clements started east Wed­ granite and slate, in contact with veins Secure your tickets from the following:— JNO. B. WALKER, A. M., President of Faculty, panied her. Ice here Saturday morning. nesday evening to visit her connection 23 Monday night and the result of his which give every evidence of permanency, A. N. Soliss ...............Jacksonville, or. visit was the organization of a rank T. K. Bolton or Emil Peil .... Ashland and produce rich ore in carload lots, Mr. N. H. Spencer returned on last Sat­ in Wisconsin. Norman Vann on Slide Gulch died late among the Knights in this city. C. B. Saturday evening afters congestive chill which have already been sent to San Prof. E. E. Washburn..Klamath Falls. urday to his mine on the Applegate. He F. O. l^May.......................... Yreka, Cal. Austin is president aud S. G. Eggers and fever. He leaves a wile and two Francisco for treatment and which have Ashland & Klamath Falls NEIL CREEK expects to fully develop his mine this secretary. daughters. VA.See California dressed in sunshine yielded on an average of $6'J per ton. winter with the expectation <>f selling to Mr and Mrs. J. C. Neil leave this week and flowers in mid-winter. All San Frai.- He has seen 500 tons of ore on the M. Gunckel, representing the Nash­ Bert Davis on Green 8pring mountain is will be dressed in gay holiday attire. eastern capitalists. f >r California where they expect to spend ville Students (colored jubilee singers), preparing to trap for furs. dump from a ledge having a breast of cisco Best music and plajs oi the season at the Mr. Dan Soliss spent Sunday with friends the winter. from 10 to 15 feet, which will yield $10 was here yesterday and interested G. C. different theaters Finest music at the It snowed here slightly Saturday. to $15 per ton. Dr. Smith says that churches. Trains ruu so you can see the in Jacksonville. Rev. H. S. Shangle. presiding elder of the Morris and E. F. Loomis, the opera Elder James Hummer was up last week capital is on hand to complete the great scenery all the way from Portland to ’Fris­ Clint and Robt. Spencer have about M. E. church, South, held quarterly con­ house managers, in handling their at­ from Ashland on a visit. Highline ditch, which will supply water co bv daylight. Thoroughly Restocked and traction in Ashland Jan. 10th. They ference on Neil creek last Saturday also finished putting in their home place. The d^.For reference ask any one of the Major Barron is at bis former home on a for thousands of thousands of acres of Entirely New Management. are better than ever and Messrs. Morris boys are rustlers for just taking charge of preached at the school house Saturday visit at Barron. fine agricultural land. This ditch, many hundreds of people who have gone and Loomis will rustle them up a warm on the psHbet St u4 seasl Is in». Ost Honor of the D. of H., arrived here the A L Mills to L Gerlineer, same land, $1. reasonable rates . Blade. Howell & Foster. Shoemakers, has been, retail at three times ear priee,you can return It and we L Gerlinger to U 8. same. first of last week and assisted in organi­ ... h this 18:h day of November, 1899, dissolved will return your money. We have several orchards which we zing a D. cf H. at this place. She left G H Andrews toG W Trefren, lots 24, WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATAL06UE by mutual consent. want pruned by Feb. let, 1900. Experi­ for her home in Albany Satnrday morn­ 25; 26. 27. blk G, R R add to Ashland. $217. er t r eses«, i n c ladi ng thie llew Sie.e» Lea Trass ¿0 VC G H Anarews to Laura O’Donoghue, lots enced pruners wanting to contract for ing. Usteerae atmesl say esse, sad wHehwesstl for V*. I J C. J. Foster Will Continue Bus ­ 13.14, 15, 16, blk G, R R Add to Ashland, tadrawREAR*, ROEBUCK A Co. CHICAGO such work call at Bank of Ashland for iness at the Old Stand, The Military Board of Inspecton and a $160 particulars. R 8 Moore to Conrad Kohrs, 4998 acres contractor have been here for several and all accounts dne the firm are payable LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Under the Auspices of Granite Lodge, No. 23, K. A union meeting will be held in the M. weeks buying up cavalry horses to ship in twp 35, 4 e, twp 37, 4 e. twp 39, le, twp 1 to, and all bills outstanding against the 39,1 w, $17495 59. E. church Dec. 17th. Mrs. Lucy A. to the Philippines. They have secured of P., Ashland, Oregon, firm will be settled by him. Walter Anderson to Walter and W H M. H HOWELL, Thurman of Michigan, a colored lady, about a hundred cavuses and are adver­ Muncey. lot 8. blk 52. Medford, $75. C J. FOSTER. who is a prominent worker in the W. C. tising for a thousand more. It is gener­ Jas Carr to P B O’Neill, 2% acres east of OPERA HOUSE H. BOIVIN, Manager. N. B —Mr. Howell will remain as an em­ T. U. ranks, will give the address. An ally conceded that the riddance of this Medford. $250. ploye of the old shop. interesting meeting is assured and a cor­ breed of animals from tbe range will be W Clock to W E Goodfellow. 132 acres Ashland, Oregon, opposite the I. O. O. F. ---------0--------- dial invitation extended to all. in sec 3. twp 34. 3 e, $400. a Godsend to the country. Hall. n30 A H Wyland to Jos Wyland, 317.75 acres COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET. Call and see me when you are in need of The New Home <& Domestic are the ------------------ o----------- ;----- in see 15, twp 37,1 e, $1500. New Gooue. Ashland, Oregon, any property of any description, either to best sewing machines on the market. E M and W T Leever, to W C and J C EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES. G. Edgers, E. A. Hildreth, The prices are 60 low that every one can Mirrors, Picture Frames, Moulding, Leever, JI acres in Central Point precinct, rent or bur. I have ranches for sale in every part of Jr., C. B. Austin. afford to have one. Call and see. At I.amberquin Poles and Trimmings, $300. Jackson county: flue land and low prices. I J Hanson to Mrs CM Jones, 70 acres Shop is now open. Opera House Furniture Store. Easels, Iron Beds, Parlor Tables, Sofa Floor director and prompter: Lieut. J. Invitation committee: Hon. E. A. bmall acreages of fruit land near town Pillows, Lace Curtain Stretchers, in Willow Springs district. $1200. LADIES’ Sherwin. C. F. Hasty. C. W. Barber. F E Edw. Thornton. and land in bearing fruit, any number of Nothing but First - Class Carrie Cowles to Carrie E Hargadine, lots Those lots in the H. B. Carter Addition deception committee: T. H. Simpson. Clothes Bars at Opera House Furniture 15.16. 17.18, blk M. Ashland, $225. Grieve, J. 8 Silsby, A. B C. Gejax. Jno. acres, large or small. 1 have several houses to sell in the city; O’Neil. Jno. Neely. G. V. Gillette, D. D Jno. R. Norris. F. D. Wagner, W. K continue to sell in spite of the weather. Store. Work turned out. Thos Wright to Elizabeth 1 Wright, land ÆZSTID Conner, E. J. Kaiser, H J. Hicks, Ash­ They are all good lots though some are prices to suit the times. Good. in Willow Springs distnet, love, affection Floor committee: C. W. Martyn. Otto land: J E Enyart, and J. A. Whitman. more desirable than others. Live Goose Feather Pillows, light and Let us 1. HOUbEB TO RENT. OZEIITDDZEÒ EZÑT’S R. Miller, E. F. Loomw. P. A. Nelson, W. Medford; james Dickey, Dunsmuir; R. O. show you what we have left. All cash fluffy, also Down Sofa Pillows, at Opera and, Arthur Pool to John Wiliiscroft, properly MONEY TO LOAN. Stiae, Siskiyou. H Frulan. 8, G. Eggers. House Furniture Store. or installment plan as suits you beet. in Eagle Point, $50 INSURANCE A SPECIALLY. ■ [ u THE WONDERFUL DESTROYER INFLAMATION IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON, PROP K idneys , L iver and B owels f ■ VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLEY RECORD. CfEtTS (ÄL'l9RNIApG,SYRVP^ w BARR’S GRAND ... HOLIDAY E xcdbm ! ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs STAGE <- LINE BATHING WA CHUNG ...KLAMATH FALLS. Chinese Labor GRANT Ashland- HELMAN TRUSSES. . STEAM-. Laundry:: K. B al M asque Christmas Night. Monday, Dec. 25th, « Dissolution Notice. p. .ASHLAND. . . TINNING&PLUMBINGCO. 11111 GEO. AV. TREFREN. 1899, G W Trefren to Laura O’Donoghue, lots yyTha Kuiiriiu take pleasure in extending a special invitation to this, their sec­ Eugene (Valrad accompanied Thos. At the Christian church next Sunday 24. 25, 26, 27, blk G, R R add to Ashland, ond Ma-que Ball, afid will fcxert them selves to insure an enjoyable time to all. The management will iniist upon perfect order and decorum and will require maskers to Kay, the invalid woolen mill man of morning the sermon by the pastor will $272. Jas A Pankey to Martin Perry, 160 acres identify themselves to the doorkeeper, and no objectionable character will be admitted Salem, who has been stopping in Ash­ be on “God’s Sequels.” Theobject is to > land, to ‘’an Francisco, and will go with encourage both individual and organized | in Table Kock precinct, $2000. E L Childers to Eunice C Edwards, lot 10, him to Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs. Kay and effort. Ch ristiau Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Grand March Begins Promptly at 9 O’clock. blk 33 Medford, $25. daughter, Mrs. C. P. Bishop, will remain No preaching in the evening. F W Moore to Harry L Moore, 15 acres at San Jose. The manageipent offers the following prizes ■4 in twp 39.1 e. $1. Will S. Dunn, a popular railroad tele ­ Nick Mitchell to Emil and Rose DeRo- Camp No. 243, Woodmen of the World, graph operator well-known in this valley $5 00 I For the Best Lady’s Costume............ $5 00 For the Best Gent's Costume < boani. deed of correction, $1. 2 50 Ashland, has elected the following died at Salem Saturday of consumption. For Second Price ----------- - ----- 2 50 | For Second Prize .................................. ---------------- J St Luc al, to Nick Mitch­ officers: C. C., Geo. Walsworth ; V. C , He leaves a widow, having been mar­ ell. «»it«, $1 - * . . For the Best Sustained Character, $3 00 Wm. Mitchell; Banker, H. S. Evans; ried last April to Miss Anna Helms, 8 W McClendon to John Wright, 6 26 ——Tbe very best of music Will be furnished for the occasion by------- Manager, S. G. Eggers; Clerk, A. F. daughter of the late H. V. Helms of acres of Coaklev D L C. $187. Eddy; Eacort, Ernest Hicks; O. S , W. Jacksonville, and numerous friends to E B M ver to Z Cameron, % of e of D L S. Dunn; I. S., Wm. Myer. The lodge regret the demise of a splendid young C 41, twp 38. 1 e. $500. Hattie Alnutt, et al, to H L Gregorv, has a membership of 62. man et the untimely age of 25 years. 162 01 acres in sec 30. twp 36.-It.,$1800 Gent's ticket, $1; Gent’s ticket including suppe- coupon for An elegant line of Framed Pictures at The funeral was conducted by the K. two, $2; Lady « tichet, ; ^pretator’e ticket, 25c, Supper Carter Land Co to Vr-U.-Thomae, lota 19 SftTCHWBLL'S ORCHESTRA OF 6 PIECES. House Furniture Store« F.i at Labaacu. t-'s and®, add to-Ashtarii W». Bush’s Restaurant! Mrs. Bush, Propr. j ^aKregon • •• Meals 25 Mu.™ Lunches Put Up All Passengers Trains Stop 80 Minutes for Meals UNDERWEAR, Here are a few of my bargains: . Ten acres of good fruit land, three acr A? in fruit, $450. D ry G oods , N ovelties , Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good bouse, bam, etc., running water, for $500. Christmas Goods Next Month. Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two small houses. $400, These are witbin a mile and a bait of Main ßtreet, Over the Bridge. Ashland. Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely .................. The Finest------------- ,. unimproved, $200 Hotel properly in town, for sale for $4000. ............ and Most Artistic............. One hundred acres fine valley land, two .. .Job Printing at Lowest Rates... miles from Medford, $4500 Call and see me tn regard to any of the and on tbs Very Shortest Notice above, and if thev do not suit. I have a at ----- large list from which yon might choose GEO. W. TREFREN. > UteiSWtiFW BrMp. ¿Atari. 0r. k