VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD •ASHLAND, OREGON Published Every Thursday. ff. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S ubscription R ates : One Year.......................................... $1 75 Six Months......................................... 1 00 Three Months...................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. ï'bcy Wear Like iron VALLEÏ RECORD. » ASHLAND, OREOOS X VOL. XII Ashland Defeats Medford. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1899. NÖ. 29. KLAMATH COUNTY. PRESSED BRICKS. Cannot be better spent than by subaarlb» ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try ft! R. N. NASON’S PAINT ! The Nevada, California and Oregon D. L. Glenn and wife returned recent- narrow gauge railroad building north ly from their extended eastern tour. ward from Amedee, Lassen county, is Wm. Singer of Medford left Sunday to building to Juniper Ridge, 10 miles south spend several months in Los Angeles. of Van Loan’s and 50 miles south of Al Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, Miss Rachel Rowley returned Tuesday turas. where terminal facilities are being erected. The officials are selling off ""Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. from a visit with Grants Pass friends. * their construction outfit and announce Richard Johnson has returned to Jack- that work of construction will be discon OVBRALL« sonyille from Klondike and Cape Nome. tinued indefinitely. About 50 miles of FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK ÌPRH» BOTTOM PANTS Jonathan Bourne, the mining man and new road was built. politican, was on Sunday’s north bound G W. Brown the young Ohio theologi. train. © cal student who takes charge of the Pres Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cambers returned byterian flock at Klamath Falls, arrived Sunday from their trip up north as far last week. He is about as spick and span looking youn^ gent as has struck tnis as Seattle, Washington. country and his flow of language is as un Mrs. Stanley-McKee, who has been in defiled as the flawlessness of his groom Medford, left Sunday for Ventura, Cal., ing or the crease in his pants. Mr. where her husband is ill. Brown is never overlooked by the ladies. The physical culture ladies have or- SAN FRANCISCO, oyal Baking Miss Nellie Towne, the well-known W. J. Woods of Ashland, a director in i ganized a basket bull team at the normal teacher of Phoenix, entered the normal Powder improves the Oregon Midland Railway, will move school this week. school Monday for special studies. to Klamath Falls, so it is reported. The first normal football team will play the flavor and Mrs. M. Miller, who has been visiting Miss Maggie Barker of Albany, grand Central Point Christmas. her cousin, Mrs. D. E. Hyde, left Mon chief of honor of the Degree of Honor, Every Garment Guaranteed. adds to the healthful day en route to Coulterville, California. has organized a lodge in Klamath Falls. For Sale. ness of all risen flour D. B. Reams, manager of the Medford The fastest span of trotting horses in Supt. Robt. Garrett of the Ashland- The 8. F. Post correctly says: It is opera house, Sundayed in Ashland. foods. It renders the eminently fit and proper that women Southern Oregon. Wi|i drive single or Linn Purdin succeeds him iu that capa Klamath Falls daily stage line, was in the Falls last week on business. should be given employment in the work double ¡broke to the saddle ¡are gentle and city. biscuit, bread and cake of taking the next census. The task is reliable ¡will trot in less than 4 minutes; Capt. F. West, Dr. E. J. Crelly and not fractious ; are pets. Can be seen Mrs. Dr. A. C. Helm was on Saturday ’ s one for which they are well qualified,and, John M. Bailhache of San Francisco more digestible and I Z’pX moreover, in which they will exhibit at the Jackson pasture, Ashland. Ad train from Portland to Sawyer’s Bar, were in Klamath county last week to dress. T. J ames , Cal., where her 19-year-old son Paul was purchase eighty horses for military nutritious. more than ordinary interest. Grand Hotel, Spokane, Wash. dangerously ill. If our population in 1900 fails tn come up service in the Philippines. zm\ Royal Baking Pow to general expectations, it will not be the Joe McConnell is now teaching the KLAMATH FALLS. P. 8. Puckett ’ s house at Cold Springs fault of the women—cenus enumerators New Hope district school near Grants three miles east of Parker’s station was der makes hot breads or otherwise. Intended for last week’s issue.] Pass. Ho visited Ashland friends Satur burned down one night recently. wholesome. Food The case of Sarah Fitch vs. A. D_. Har- day and Snnday. ON EVERY BOTTLE. Mrs. M. Hill of Ft. Klamath, is stop pold for the recovery of a saw mill and Mrs. Geo. Anson and danghter Wanda ping with her folks, J. L. Hanks and raised with Royal will Of 4>b>loh’s Consumption Cure is this, Opera House Block, Ashland. guaiantee: ‘ All we a,k of you is to use other personal property, was concluded returned to Dunsmuir Sunday from a family, in Klamath Falls while Mr. not distress persons of two-thirds of the contents of this bottle last week ; after being out three hours visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Went Hill is taking a band of horses to Sacra faithfully, then if you can say that you are jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff. worth, in this city. mento. delicate or enfeebled not benefited return the bottle to your Francisco de Silvera Swores, who ie The regular meetings of the Ashland Druggist and he may refund the price now Miss Amy Stuckel and Bert Davis of the assistant Tyee of Jim Hart ’ s digestion, though eaten W. C. T. U. will be held in the Christian paid.” Price 25 cts, 50 cts. and $1.00. famous summer resort on Williamson church Tuesday afternoons at 3 o’clock, Merrill are married. E ugens a . S herwin . Druggist. warm and fresh. river, arrived in Klamath Falls until further notice. Patronize Home Industries. Some are of the opinion that this spon Saturday, and spent the Sabbath C. E. Smith, formerly clerk at Hotel Consumers should use Ashland canned taneous Outburst in some sections of the day greeting old “tellicums” and secur Nash, Medford, and A. Brink have suc state in republican ranks in favor of H. ing ‘‘muck-a-muck” and returned to his ceeded N. DeLamatter as proprietor of tomatoes—why ? Because they are grown on trees raised on Ashland soil, cultivat W. Scott, emanates from that astute pol- happy home and the busom of his family Hotel Layton at Grants Pass. Imitation baking powders almost invariably con ed by native sons, and packed by the itican ex-senator Mitchell Others think on the following day. tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. nimble fingers of native daughters. James Trumbull and Mrs, E. L. Crow- Scott is an avowed candidate, while The A O. U- W. Lodge, number 110, When you see a thing to your interest, I many of his friends maintain that he is elcted the following officers for the com son, of Richardson county, Neb., arrived not. Time will tell.—LaGrande Obser ing year: G. T. Baldwin, M. W.: C. H. Monday to visit the families of W. F. push it along. ver. ROYAL BAKINS POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Daggett, F.: O. I. Roberts, O.: J. W. Holbert and Perry Meliza. Wholesale Coyote Scalp Business. S. B. Hanna, northwest traveling sec The old reliable—Tho Weekly Oregonian. Siemens R.: C. L Parrish Fin.: Alex Lakeview, Dec. 7.—The season for Martin jr. Rec. Their elegant new hall retary of the Y. M. C. A. was in Ash Superior job printing of every descrip is completed and the first meeting of the land Monday stirring up interest among , hunting coyotes in order to obtain the John H. Hopfer, who has for the order was held in it Tuesday eve, and the members in town and at the normal. $2 bounty offered for their scalps is on tion done at T he V alley R ecord office. past 44 years lived on Grand island, in earnest. There has never been so on Wednesday night was duly christened. near Sacramento was discovered hang - I. G. Moon, in former years a resident much : interest taken in destroying these MARRIED. The party of fifteen men who went of Ashland, had his left arm broken last i animals before. Every stockman, ranch ing in the tankhouse of a ranch. He —------------- . . to Lakeview recently to locate claims on week having fell while oiling the inach- i was 77 years old and had amassed con- er and herder brings along some coyote timber land passed through the Falls inery of his grist mill at Provolt, Jose- scalps, —PERVES—At Grants Pass, siderablej money by his economy. Hit i and hunting parties are being or WILLIAMS Dec. 7,1899, Warren Williams of Ash health has been failing for the past Tuesday en route home. • phine county. | ganized and leaving for the desert every Main 81. Opp. 1. O. O. F. Hall, land to Miss Maude A. Perves, of Tal day. The last term of county Court year and it is supposed despondency Joaauin Miller, “The Poet of the Sier- ' DOES THIS STRIKE YOU • ent, Justice Holman officiating. paid out over $1200 at this place of ^-AIJSTTS, ZPA-IZbTTZEIEdS’ TOOLS. Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath ras,” delivered his lecture, “Lessons Not I bounty money, and if half of those suc JENNINGS—GILSON—In Jacksonville, over this led to the deed. Governor Gage has appointed Frank Six-room residence on Spring come from chronic constipation. Karl’s Found in Books,” with a prelude on his ceed who are hunting and trapping, the Dec. 10, 1899, by R. S. Dunlap, J. P., WALL FAFER, GKL i JLSS. ETC Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and Klondike experiences, in costume, at ' next term cf court will find a still larger Ralph Jennings and Miss Letitia Gil D. Ryan, ex-district attorney of Sacra street, between 1st and 2d Av has been sold for fifty years on an absolute Yreka Saturday night. mento. commissioner of public works. B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wixbs . ARTISTS* MATERIALS. son. number of scalps presented for bounty. res. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E uoznb enues. Blacksmith shop and guaran Hope Rebeka lodge No. 14 has elected A new bank is to be established at A. S herwin , Druggist Railroad Survey Begun. the following officers; N. G.. Miss Maud DAVIES—ARMPRIEST—In Jackson Vallejo with a capital stock of $100,009. three lots. Address or call on Berry; V. G., Miss Nellie Foss; R. 8., ville, Dec. 7,1899, by R. S. Dunlap, J- Frank H. Mason, consul general at Klamath Falls Express, Dec. 7: The A fire broke out in the business cen P., Jas. Davies and Miss Annie iF. writes to the state department: Miss Florence Trefren; F. S., Geo. W. > survey of the Oregon Midland Railway J. U HEFLINQ., Berlin, Arm priest. ter of Placerville, Cal., early one morn ( commenced Tuesday. The surveying In respect to dried apricots, pears and Trefren; treasurer, Mrs. Bish. Ashland, Oregon. consisting of Eugene Schiller, cheif SIFER8—STANLEY—In Central Point, ing last week and destroyed four busi peaches it may be said that these fruits Emil Peil and T. K. Bolton took in party I transitman and topographer from the Pacific coast of the United down the valley towns the first of this engineer, Dec. 6, 1899, F. W. Sifers and Miss ness houses, causing a loss of several ' thousand dollars. States dominate and control the markets week promoting interest in the grand Parrott, J. A. McCall, Geo. Graham, Dora Stanley. McCall, A. L. Helman, H. Hurn, of continental Europe. Nothing com holiday excursion that leaves this valley Guert . The demand in Oregon from South parable to them in point of size, flavor, on Wednesday after Christmas for San Martin Adams, Archie Grieve and W. J. DIED. Af» ica for wisut and flour is great« tenderness of pulp and general excellence Francisco. Woods started the work from the top of thah ever before. Since the season had ever been seen in Europe until they Mrs. J. F. Wallace returned to Neil the mountain about four miles east of BUOY—In Talent, Dec. 8, 1899, Benja ope» it six cargoes liave been shipped were imported from the United . fates. creek Saturday from a visit at Spicer, Puckett’s and will lay out the route to min L. Buoy, aged 35 years, 3 months from-Portland. Other orders have been Falls after which they will They have established wholly new stand Linn county, with her folks. Her ___ Klamath j and 27 days. ards of excellence and created a new mother, Mrs’ F, S. Doughton, came with return and run to Klamathon, Cal. Mr. dechidk1 on account of lack of tonnage, RODGERS—In Sams Valley, Dec. 6, but it improbable that at least six more Woods was in town Tuesday and savs market, which, if the trade is properly her to remain several months. ( they are bound to get the survey made JACKSONVILLE, 1899, Mrs. Ola Eudora Rogers, aged 19 cargoes «rii be shipped to South African managed, they can hold in future against years, 10 months and 22 days. Gus Stroeder and Arthur Martin ar- I this winter, in order that work of con any probable competition. OREGON. rived last week from Silver lake, Lake struction i may not be delayed in the VAN—Near Steinman, Dec. 9,1899, John ports before tho end of the season. Deputy Sheriff W. J. Ward of San Tetter Salt-Rheum and Eozema D county, with 68 head of horses for Cottage i spring. Van, aged about 70 years. Diego, wl’JO had his skull fractured No The intense itching and smarting inci Grove. Chas. Hambrick of the latter Boarding School for Girls. dent to these diseases, ia instantly School Teacher Wanted. place met them here and the young men vember 11 at Port Harford on board BORN. Must have good reference. Apply on bv applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin visited their cousin, Mrs. G. P. Van the steamer Ganta Rosa by Bert Ross, a < or before Monday Dec. 18th, to clerk or Ointment. Many veiy bad cases have Riper, of this city. FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS ■couvict whom he was taking to San been permanently cured by it. It is Vaupel, Norris & Drake have received directors of district No. 8, Talent, Ore. COLVIN—At Beagle, Nov. 24, 1899, to Quentin, died Wednesday last. Ross SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. equally efficient for itching piles and a their Hart, Shaffner & Marx stock of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Colvin, a son. w-ill be brought from San Quentin and Wooding Up by Machinery. favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped clothing, the finest in the market. This JaGkaoavill«, Oregon. tried for murder at San Luis Obispo. WHETSTONE — In Griffin Creek Dis- hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic is the largest clothing house in the world. The S. P. Co. has installed at Glendale tret Dec. 5, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. ’.Thomas Buttiu, one of the oldest citi- »ore eyes. 25cts. per box. For sale by Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake and get and Grants Pass apparatus to facilitate Frances Whetstone, a son. zem of Salinas valley and an early pio “wooding up” their engines. An ele Uhland Prog Co._______ __ their low prices on these goods. vated platform is built near the water neer .af California, died in tho hospital The Sacramento police have arrested Mrs. Margaret Jones returned to Gold tank and an inclined track for small TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878,- at Sat’nas recently. He came to Cali- NOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. Hill Friday from a business trip to Ga a Chinese named Lem Deo, who is dump cars, each carrying about one cord NITED STATES LAND OFFICE. fonxi in 1848. whaced M Marysville for killing a Chí zelle, Cal. She has sold her interest in of wood, leads to the wood yard below. Roseburg, Oregon. December 6. 1899 the Siskiyou Furniture Co. at Montague The platform will hold perhaps a dozen STONE JI ASON nale a law Hights ago in a highbinder Notice is hereby given that in compliance Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, and Yreka to E. M. Wallbank. cars, and when an engine stops in posi war. The prisoner denies that he did CONTRACTOR with the provisions of the act of Congress are just what a horse needs when in bad the idlling. Further than that he will Don’t forget to have your silverware tion along-side as many as necessary are of June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for the conditon. Tonic, blood purifier and a dumped in, one at a time, accomplishing sale of timber lands in the States of Califor vermifuge. They are not food but med- replated ty Downing. ____ OREGON say nothing. a work in two or three minutes that nia. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Ter- icineand i be best in use to put a horse ASHLAND, Mrs. J. Nunan and daughter Miss would require ten times as long in riritory,” Henry G. Shearer ot Medford, ■ Fannie of Jacksonville went to San Fran the old way of loading by hand. Simi county of Jackson, state of Oregon, in prime con dition. Price 25 cents per package. Fo. ’ »ale by Ashland Drug Co. cisco Sunday en route to Denver, Col., to Contracts for all kinds lar apparatus will probably be establish lias tins dav filed in this office his sworn visit her daughter, formerly Miss Jo. ed in a number of other places should statement No. 740, for the purchase ot the John McNeill, grand president of the of Mason Work. ne 54- of section No. 82, in township No. 39 Nunan. They will remain three months. these prove satisfactory._____ Boiler-makers ’ union, is in Omaha to south, Range No. least, and will offer Mr. Nunan accompanied them as far as proof to show that the iand sought is more interview the ofi/cials of the Union Pa NOTICE the Siskiyous. valuable for its timber or stone than for ag All persons having accounts against ricultural purposes, and to establish his cific railroad in tL>C attempt to effect a Flemishes either blue or brown New fall and winter stock of shoes ♦ me directly or indirectly will please pre claim to said land before the Register and settlement of the differences which just arrived at Vaupel, Norris A Drake’s. sandrock from his i/uarry near They are neat and attractive, and splen sent the same for payment before Dec. Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, caused a strike in t be Cheyenne shops Ashland. on Saturday, the 20th day of January. 1900 a month ago. He sa vs that unless the ’ T. J ames . did values for the money. Call and see. 20,1899. He names as witnesses: Charles 'Strang I i matter is fixed up soon he will call out of Medford, Oregon; Walter 8. Jones of T. James arrived Saturday from Spo TELL YOUR SISTER Medford, Oregon: George W. Bailey of every boiler-maker on the' Union Pacific. kane and left Tuesday for Nevada City, D octor A Beautiful Complexion is an impossibility Shake, Oregon: Jacob E Shearer of Med J. I). Bridges, Editor “DeiT’ocrat”, Lan- + Has Returned and Has Equipped His Cal., to finish his examination of a min without good pure blood, the sort that ford, Oregon. MEYERS caster, N. H.. says, “One I'iinute Cough Old Established Gallery in Ashland With ing property for Mr. Will, the Syracuse, only exists in connection with good diges Any and all persons claiming adversely Cure is the best remedy for ctoup I ever * N. Y., beeswax manufacturer. He will tion. a healthy liver and bowels. Karl’s the above-described lands are requested to A CO. used.” Immediately relieves and cures then return to Ashland and move Mrs. Clover Root Tea acts directly on the tile their claims in this office on or betore coughs, Spocla.1 lsts for Iu colds, croup, asthma. pteumonia, bowels, liver and Kidneys keeping them in said 20th day of January, 1900. James and their son to Spokane, their bronchitis, grippe and all throat and Jtmg ThM« phytUiou» b*’» l«® perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. J.T. BRIDGER, future home, where he is engaged export cunM «eaka«M aud M- troubles. It prevents consumpi'on.—E u j Carbon Finish. uwlG ».Uu.aU »iaca I™; E ugenk A. S herwin . Druggist. dl4 Register. ing mining properties. gene A. S herwn . T1..J lu>. U>. a-U J Photos in Water Colors. hui «iuin»d *“• TIMBER T»AND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878.— You never know what form of blood poi Pictures in the Latest Styles. ,mutuo, »ad «>• ■“»‘•F Wm. H. Mills, of the land departments Un^vo prMUco tu th. U. a son will follow constipation. Keep the of the Central Pacific R. R. Co. and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. 4- K« Piy TlU CaraS. liver clean by using DeWitt’s Little Early the Oregon and California Ry. Co. an Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. Í NITED STATES LAND OFFICE Kisers and you will avoid trouble. They l'otortuMU i i „oc «di .h.uld wriu *» ad Roseburg, Oregon, December 6. 1899 are famous litt'e pills for constipation and nounces that on and after Jan. 1,1900,the «>ea»udi«UaUl»»A— g. Notice is hereby given that in compliance liver and bowel troubles —E uoknk A. price of timber land owned by those cor Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon. ALL FREE. porations will be advanced from 20 to 25 with the provisions of the act of Congress S herwin . Thouuutla «urod at buna. t of June 3. 1878, entitled “ An act forthe per cent over present field gradings and : -UonraiUMttol. No Clurgc far CanaultaUaa. The ladies who attended the series of quotations. Karl’s Clover Root Tea AU timber contracts matur sale of timber lands in the states ot Califor ' 731 k‘urÄo l health talks by Mrs. Lucy Hitchcock of ing on and after that date will be extend nia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter Beautifies the Complexion, Purifies,the Bloody gives a Fresh, Clear Skin. Cures Con ritory,” Charles Strang of Medford, counlv Portland, state manager for the Viavi stipation, Indigestion, and all Eruption« of of Jackson, state of Oregon, h is tbirflav Co., express themselves as being very ed only at the advanced rate. the Skin. An agreeable Laxative Nerve tiled ,’n this office hi-sworn sia'emer,t No j Conic. Sold on absolute guarantee by ail much pleased as*well as entertained la-a-t Winter K<>ut>- 789 for the ' uri-liHse or he ne % of -(““io 1 druggists at 25c., 50c. and $1.00, \ They also say that those wbj failed to N.i No 20 •:> •':» lo vnxh n N 40 <<.n■ h : i -ge V S C. WELLS A CO., LEROY. H Y. For -ui,shin- fl •» ,i .1 i. hear this earnest appeal for health in ■ r 4 e si , <1 , f| ff.. p .. ,f t .I,.,*- |i r rnoprtiETpns tbi» t*y express. O. V. til Sil r-r-t R .It; via L i “ 1:-L' •■'I ; th, i a .. 1 Ret to examination- You can the homes have missed a treat. Mrs. , iu- .» • sou hi i- more v„ ii •'•e tor ita Instantly Relieved by EVEtYTHINt iaclidlBR everythin« Ln ar«»»rt»», B»»w. tn««»* ■— »xaniine It at your ex»rwe ojea Uou, ¿"iaur. Cloak». Dreaooa, Bootoaad BfeMo, Woiiboa dowoirr, BeojH u> ' limlier or ■.'•! than 'or » ro-ult -nil p ir- Hitchcock is assured a full house at her :xii Ira East T uri--: < xc:iisi ” and It found perfeetly eaUera«. One Application of ■ardwan, Swm. OirrieaUaral !■»<»■»««». Varanae*. k»»ao»‘. chai’ ears to El Pis**, F ri Worth, K üh ! po-e- ■ nd ‘o e-tab >h hi- e ami to -xi'l I.r,. exoetly ee roFroaoaw4 and future lecture in Ashland. ■anl^ Sewte« BaeMaoa Croa»n,_ewaa^ rtaaoa^BaUeat »net«*?» laererx we/ «<aal Uw.uiH sas Citi, Ciiic.agrt,‘Umeinuiit:, H usi ,,, ¡.la-.d b“ ore the lleei er a <L It” 'eive> nt I r»rntaktag «•"<>•. ““S ■'■••I’»". rUhtaaVaeklo, ■Jeyeloa, In its advanced amt chronic form n N“W Oilcans ami Washington, D C eoodx. lie. Telle juat what your atorekeeper at homo mut pay tar ’ 1 this office at IJo-ehtirg, <>iej.,n. o Sat’.ir- It io *«. ft under xuch i I cold io the head is known as Na , - al < ‘ ata-rh everythin« be bays and will prevent him from overeharain« yoyoo misleading description? anythinir yon bny; explains j ust how toorder. how much tho bvieaL. For late», guides ami infiirinatinn al d >v. the 20tti da of Ja ni-irv, 1 »10 ax Slain st;!», Xa.rU.e I ‘ and is the recognised source of other dis- He na-'i. 3 a- witeeu-es; H-mrvG -»hear oxxreo» or aaC will be on anything to town. Ttee M< Seem PICTURES! mole. Gold rilled or le-k dress C. II. M arkuam , G P A.. II eases. Having stood the test of c.-niintied d eaaU (■ nearly »1.00, the poetage alone 1«Meenta. er of Vedfo ’ d O ’ egont Walters of LiioSSO.dWoSW-Oaiiol* PICTURE FRAMES! I! successful use, Ely's Cre.ini Halm is rec- Portland, Or ruled W um S. s , ote. ir .Medfort. Oreg ' ; iten-.-e. \V Bsilev of OUR FREE OFFER, I xwtaxt R elief and S peedy C ure T reat - Cu find it the eiual or I; ognized as a speciticfornierubranal diseases helo day the 34 cents Dostaure, aad th* Big Baek will ba aaait ta ye« rBMI ; S'ake. Oregon: Jacob E Shca er ! Med tter than any ot these jiext .-A warm bath with C uticura S oap , by mall ya»tpal4.and if yoadon’ttblnk It 1« worth KWttm«« the U cents I in the nasal passages, and you make a gr~al watchea M.’ «be exert» ford. Oregon. a single anointing with C uticura Ointment, Whiskey is rapidly beeom-i you send, aa a key to the lowest wholesale price« ot evuy thing, ea> ecoei ot s ran <.»«.«» I mistake in not resorting to this treatment ling ' HARPER and a full dose of C uticura R esolvent will the national beverage. It’s the; At v a d ail per«, n« da ni ng al\'er»i*A en and ar» will Iww^lalvlr r«,*r* rv»r 't r.vumirV, and express charge». MOLDINGS I; in vour own case To test it a trial size for ■ afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, WHAT THE PREM SAYS ABOUT THIS CATALOOFEr the a'aive <h- crti>e.i A >d- art re ¡'I .1 to narties aeree nnmi Re R.-. file llieir daim« in tliis 0» e on or b.-f re Don’t be Deceived “It 1» a monument ot bueinots information.”—WinneepoUa agree upon. and j»oint to a »¡»eedy, permanent, and eco a.IOcentsor the large for 50 cents is mailed' 1 one tiling all parties CABINET WORK k< M«ky a 4.•« let etin nomical euro when all else fails. T’“Awonderfal piece of work.”-W aohlngton National Tribune. 1 bv Ely Brothers. 56 Warren Street. New I publicans, Democrats, Populists Even sai! 2O'li dav of Jartuarv. 19») UPHOLSTERING » hlch would lead you to Sold everywhere. Price, T hb 8 bt . tl.Mi or. C uticuba “The Catalogue U a wonder.”—Maneheater(N.H.)Calon. a York. Druggists keep it. believe you could get a the ‘‘know-nothing” party know one i J T BRfixiE-i, GENERAL REPAIRING B oai *.25 c ; O intment , We.i R bsolvbnt (half »UehMc. ! “Seam, Roebuck A Co. ie one ot the Urgent houaea ot ita kind IS SSS.M er tio.Oe welch | Ex-Senator John H. Mitchell and M. thing ; the merits of HARPER Whiskev 1 POTTBB DRUG ABD CHBM. COBF., Sofe Pn>P<-, BOBtOO. Regf«t»r Ike ease watekror >2.49. OF FURNITURE Sold by HIGH & TAYLOR, Ashland, OUR $2 45 WATCH JU’o^ViLT^eTdi'i TIMBER L N D,~V T • t U \ E 3. 1 »7s 1 A. Butler, of Pendleton, intend opening Ore. •rMfOwaa V m «, stem wind and Mt, »Utad, kandMm | a law office at Baker City. Tv enrra ved and polished. hot« ltka • high-fradw gal 4 9He4 NOTICE EOR I UBI.K'ATiON. id to^Jei ¿wdiM movement Isa mcXeTt-jewel- yV ANTED—SEVERAL BRI HTAND A. Bush, the heaviest individual tax AT THE NITED ST'TFS LAND OFFICE ^4 wind American, warranted, and a wood ttine- £.1’« St eml. .», fU-sil.d -.«km TV honest persons to represent us as payer in Marion county, is asseesed at ASHLAND Rosehti'g Oregon. D*'Ceml>er6, KK) •S. U eat op. vrll, for frm W >lck eaddoe.lrTCamlerna. Managers in this and close by counties. I 1 $168,490 The couuty has but one larger UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Notice i- lierebv given hat tn compli-nee Bddrmm SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Ino.), Chicago .salary $900 a year and expenses Straight l I taxpayer, the Oregon and California with the prftvi'ion« of the act of Congress BtoMk. Bmheeh 4So. see ihereeskly uMikls ISMer.) I m na-lide, no more, no less salary. Posi i Railroad Company, assess, d at $378,381. of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act tion permanent Our references, any bank for the sale of timber lands in lhe in any town It i* mainly office work con Oregon. Ne Dr. W Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y., says, States of California, ducted at home. References. Enclose self- “1 heartily recommended One Minute vada and Washington Territory," Jacob Erects a Hog, Poultry or ad tressed stamped envelope. - Cough Cn-e It gave my wife immediate E. Shearer of Medford, county of Jackson. A. LINE OF T hb D ominion Co., Dept. 3, Chicago. Stock Fence for about half relief in suffocating asthma. ” Pleasant to stMe of Oregon, has this dav filed in this Ott Undivided Interests is Estates, Real Estate to Ne“ver'“fail7‘t¿" all ' offle® his s^°in statement No. 738. for the t take ■ ■ “ ” ...U- ” _ » quicWvcor«* ___ .• ____ . . ____ a»_____ . . niirohocn of thn n of conhon Wo i rt the money required to in Probate, Reveraeonary and Life Intereats in Reel coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles.— purchase of the nw J4 ot section No. 20. i n township No. 40 south. Range No. 4 east. E ugkmk A. S herwin . and Personal Property, Ennuities and Legacies, or will build any other kind of i and will offer proof to show that (be land purchase ontrigbt, if so deaired. DO YOU KNOW sought is more valuable for its timber or fence. Machines and __ ___ , . ’ stone than for agricultural purroses, and to For the speedy and permanent cure of Pr*vent*b'e? i;cie°ce has establi^h his claim to said land before the Life Insuance Policies Bought or Loaned farm rights for sale by tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham neglect is sui- j{egjs,er and Receiver of this office at Rose- berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is nnid •ithRhnSi>.Cr d C"n h* burp. Oregon, on Saturday, the 20th day of without an equal. It relieves the itch cured with Sh loh a Cough and ConsuDip-; January, 1900. EX« UURTW Patents sold on Favorable Terms and Capital Procured ing and smarting almost instantly and owC^Mrt0 dVi?rml»”Lg"*lr“ln f°rl He names as witnesses: Charles Ftrang to DEVELOP and PERFECT critorions Inventions ASHLAND. OREGON. its continued use effects a permanent oyer 50 year*. E lgkxk A. S hkkwin , Drug- nf Medford. Oregon; Henrv <1 Shearer, of and Ideas. Amoon s from $10,000 to $500,000 available e I Medford, Oregon; Waller 8 .loneaof Med cure. It also cures itch, barber’s itch, P*st. for Investment on tortgage of Revenue Producing 8e- --------- ---------------- I ford. Oregon; George W. Rai'ey of Shake, scald head, sore nipples, Itching piles, euntles. Joint Stock Companies Organised. For terma Oregon. Job printing at this office. chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and 5nd particulars, address Any and all persons claiming adversely granulated lids. the above-described lands are requested to C2h.fl$*VOXt.X Tha hie (heir d<y claims in this office i- Kind an Yau iw Man nie NWjt QauoM gald Qf January 19ù0 on or before Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders for Bases ite MAN FRANCISCO, CAL horses are the best tonic, blood purifier Bigastus I. T. BRIDGES. COPPER RIVETED LEVI STRAUSS & CO. The second game of football between 1 the Ashland and Medford lightweights, ■ the former averaging a weight of 131 and the latter 137, took place Saturday after noon on the football grounds oppsite the , Ashland railroad depot. Ashland made a touchdown and safety without a goal in the first half-seven points. Here the I game broke up on account of differences growing out of the substituting of the , right guard of the Ashland team on ac count of injuries sustained. The Medford boys refused to play further. Chas. Ramsey of Medford was umpire, Robert Hammond of Ashland referee, ¡and Ralph Woodford and I. E. Vining linesman. The third game will be played I at Medford Christmas. The last game was very unfriendly. The Delicious Fragrance from a hot Royal Baking Powder biscuit whets the appetite. The taste of such a biscuit— FURNITURE R Window Shades, Draperies, •& Carpets, -& IS Linoleum. sweet, creamy, delicate and crispy—is a joy to the most fastidious. J. I* DODGE. ASHLAND MILLS. Cm7 PSTEHT nimi W. J. VIRGIN & C0., PROP’S Blacksmith Shop and Residence For Sale. PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC A shland H ouse St. Mary’s ACADEMY. N, BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR. OREGON- ASHLAND. i RATES, $1.00 PER DAV Good Accommodations Located in the Heart of the City. Free Bus to and From all Trains. A.D. FERGUSON U i F. L. CAMPS I i ....The Photographer i I the ; latest known in photography . i ITCHING Burning Sca^f HUMORS mctu U 12,45 SOLD PLATED wnyxgrfMP 35 i U MACHINE > Skin Diseases In Celluloid, and Ebonied. Ster ling Silver-Trimmed. MOST ELEGANT STATIONERY. odTensttqp. Prior« JScouti. Boldly «f Kegiiter. Large Sums to Loan.