I A FATEFUL RIDE. NEVER TOO OLD TO BE CORED S. S. S. Is a Great Blessing to nearly all of the sickness among Old People. It Gins Them but it is wholly unnecessary. By Ttt r keep- DI aa J AHfl I |4 a ROW DlUOu ano LIISi I I ing their blood pure they can fortify themselves as to escape three fourths of the ailments from which they suffer so generally. S. S. S. is the remedy which will keep their systems young, by purifying the blood, I thoroughly removing all waste accumulations, and impart ing new strength and life to the whole body. It increases the appetite, Builds up the energies, and sends new life giving Dlood throughout the entire system Mrs. Sarah Pike, 477 Broadway, South Boston, writes: “lam seventy years old, and had not enjoyed good health for twenty years. I was sick in different ways, and in addition, haa Eczema terribly on one of my legs. The doctor said that on account of my age, I would never be well again. I took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it cured me completely, and I am happy to say that ir dia I feel as well as I ever did in my life.” Mr. J. W. Loving, of Colquitt, Ga., says: “For eight een years I suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on my «kin I tried almost every known remedy, but they failed one by one, and I was told that my age, which is sixty-six was against me, and that I could never hope to be well again. I finally took S. S. S., and it cleansed my bipod thoroughly, and now I am in perfect health. ’ II aih ¡o 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy which can build up and strengthen old people, because it is the only one which is guaranteed free from potash, mercury, arsenic and other damaging mlnerals.8 It is made from roots and herbs, and has no chemicals whatevei in it. S S 8 cures the worst cases of Scrofula, Cancer. Eczema, Rheumatism, Tetter. Open Sores. Chronic Ulcers, Boils, or any other disease of the blood. tavA. on these diseases will be sent free by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. » Gentle Cannibals. O.R.&N t ; ìi : e to EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL RO U T E S Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line Capt. Guy Barrows in Pearson’s Mag azine maintains that cannibalism is n sign of a little higher development than the tribes who <lo not practice it possess. It is a relie of some religious rite or perhaps hunger that has been retained until the descendants like the practice of it. The flesh of relatives is never eaten and some tribes forbid the use of human flesh to their wom en. A cannibal is often kind and af fectionate and no bad moral results have been discovered from it. CRITICAL MOMENTS. Every undertaking in life has its critical moments. History is full of instances where the fate of nations hung on the issue of a single minute. When young Bonaparte snatched up the flag and sprang forward on the Bridge of Lodi, in that brief instant he opened the way for the tonquest of half a world. VTA VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AND KANSAS CITY CHICAGO 5 DAYS Ocean Steames Leave Portland Every FOR Snake River—Leave Riparia daily Leave Lewiston daily. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- kohoma and Hong Kong in coDnectioi with O R AN. For (nil information call on O. R. A N Agent, ROBT. LEONARD, Ashland, Or O b adoriss : W. H. HURLBURT, Hen'l Pass. Ageni. PORTLAND. Ot DODWELL, 0ARL1LL & CO. Oen. Agts. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co. PORTLAND. OBItGON ORTHERN PACIFIC RAIT,WA^' R U N S Pullman Sleeping Gars Elegant Dining Cars Nearly every man and woman can recall some individual experience when an in. stant’s decision has made months or years of happiness or misery. There are times when a man’s health is at stake upon the care he gives to it within twenty-four hours. He may be up and on his feet, and going about his work, but his system has become run-down and weakened to that point, that a few hours are as critical as if he were at the turning point of a dan gerous fever, but he doesn’t realize it. It is the same way when a man’s liver has been out of order so long, and his blood so choked up with bilions poison that his lungs begin to be affected and he feels that he is going into consumption. This is the critical moment. He may not be in consumption at all at that time; but a few days or even hours may put him into iv A great many cases of wasting disear • which have been cured by Dr. Pierer ’« Golden Medical Discovery have been d; ¿r. nosed by doctors as cases of consume jOn when they were really severe cases hili’, ous poisoning and malnutrition, ^ccom panied by a hacking cough. Dr. Vierce’s remarkable “Discovery” gives 'the liver power to throw off bilious secret ions • en ables the stomach and blood- tuak ing organs to digest food and convert it 'mto whole some nourishment and heafthy blood which heals the inflamed lungs a-ad bronchial tissues and builds up tesh 'ind strength This natural process of restoration comes at a critical moment whe-a the lungs are yer®® be'.ng overwhelmed and broken do.ws by bpe-poisoned blood. There are we^aulbenGca-.ed cases in which this D^very “ has restored health even after hing tissue was seriously im- pan>>. In these case®, according to the tuagnoses of eminent physicians, it has I actually cured Consumption, for many of the cases cured had been pronounced con sumption by the best physicians obtain- ih k “ l “ the of instances, it \ould be mote correct to say, that it saves •people from consumption. the least- * thoroughly well established fact, that the “Golden Medi cal Discovery ” cures weak lurS bleeding from the lungs, obstinate, lingering cough/ mems £aud *» those derange! ments and morbid conditions, including- W'ast,ng aw»y of flesh, which* if neglected or improperly seated lead uo to consumption ovatea, leaa up creelf W? r" Harri'X>n Smith, of Gap- Tourist Sleeping Cars TV i I ST, PAUL______ MINNEAIMLIS DULUTH _ __ FARGO GRAND FORKS lungs‘“1 ch«terr- co’d which settled on my tried several of aud > suffered intensely. I they rave ud * . our Physicians here, and that I had c ho?c of recovery ; they said days or w ansumptiou and could live hut a few came to Mr- -,as- Lorton, a neighbor, that h •"* aut*told me to write to Dr. Pierce— me . a could cure lue. I did so, and he wrote bo, /hat kind of medicine to get. I took five g des of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery ad now I am sound and well I feet better than 1 have in ten years." THROUGH ICKETZ » ............ --------------------- Av’ege tabic Preparation for As - similating theTood and Regula ting the Stomachs andBowels of jitc&eafOldIp-SAKVOJMxJiLR 1 Jlx.Stnna • gMLSJi,- Anin Semi *■ RinflaJ- I The I * I J CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Slgi »tnre of 4M i m ISE -----and----- SOO PACIFIC LINE, EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ________________________ The only route that can give Grand Scenery, Low Rates, Model Accommodations. and freight ciiarges. Machine weighs 120 pounds and the freight will average 75 cents for each 500 mile». GIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL in your own home, and we will return your $15.50 any day you are not Satisfied. We sell dlfferont makes and gradesof Sewing Machines at $8.60, $10.00, $11.00, $12.00 and up, all fully described in our Froo Sowing Machine Catalcsao, but $15.50 for this DROP DKSh CABIN KT BL6D1CK is the greateat value ever offered by any bouse. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Knights of Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every Monday evening. Visiting Knights in goad standing are cordially invited to attend. E. A. HILDRETH, J b .. C. 0. T, B. B imvsox , K. B. 8. Scientific American. Throuflh Tickets to------ l S— a And from Europe via all Atlantic Steamers. Direct route Kootenay Mining District, Brit ish Columbia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS tisemerits,offering unknown machines under various names, with various ia- daecmenU. Write some friend in Chicago and learn who are reliable and who are not. VUt «'Cry MODERN 1HPROVKMKXT, B IB XL Dwlam wlk. EVERY GOOD POINT OF KVERT HIGH ==================== GRADE MACHINE MADE, WITH THK llirsm OF KOKK. Made by the beat makers in America, from the beat material mon can buy. SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK »W.y.IW Cxpress Llne to closed (head dropping from sight) to be used as a center table, stand or desk, the other open with full length table and head in place for sewing. 4 fancy drawers, latest 1899 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, em- ■ bossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest Dickel drawer pulls, rests on four i casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. Finest large High Arm • head, positive four motion feed, seif threading vibrating shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator,improved looae wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent dress guard, head Is handsomely decorated and ornamented and bsanUfally nickel trimmed. GUARANTEED the lighted running, most durable and nearmt noiseless machine made. Every known attachment is furnished and our Free Tn- Struotioa Book tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any kind of fancy work. A 20-Years* Rinding Guarantee is sent with every machine. I?“ 1« those “ your storekeeper sells at 840.00 to 8C0.00. and then If convinced that you are sarin»? 885.00 to 840.00, pay your freight agent the $16.60. WK TO RKTI BN YOUR $lo.50 if at any time within three months you say you are not satisfied. 0RDKB TO-DAY. DON’T DELAY. (Sears, Roebuck & Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) IT „ COSTS YOU NOTHING Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. 5 cenìc I ine »» W orld +------- »sil China and Japan. Canadian Australian Line to---- HONOLULU; AUSTRALIA For full particular« a« to time, rates, and for copies of C. P. R. Publication«, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. Or to H. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third street, Portland, Or. E. J, C oyle , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. 0» ».. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... ^DENVER™ RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE wm N orthwest E ast reanp TO ALL POINTS ' R. C. NICHOL, General Ajem S. K. HOOPER, G. P. 4 TJt 251 VuLapo« St, PORTLAND, ORE. DENVER. COLO. SEND US ONE DOLLAR OUR $38.50 Ln„dH ZZ. T™ CUT this in. Ol'TIKU 8IUO TO IS HIT1I ONK DOLLAR, GPECF a L HIGH GRADE gTty When people are contemplating * trip, whether on buaineM or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain* able ao far a« «peed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of the W is consin C entral L ines are paid to serve the public and our trains ars operated eo as to make close connection with diverging lines st all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a Za Carte. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over ...... The Wisconsin Central Lines andjyou will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee snd all points East. by freight C. O. D. .uhjeet t. exmlaaUea. For aoy furtberfinformation call oa any YOU CAN EXAMINE IT ticket agent, or correspond with perfectly satisfactory, exactly as represented, JAB. C. POND. An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at from General Paas. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukkb , pay the freight agcnl OUR PRICE, $38.50, leas the $1.00 deposit, ar $87.60, and freight General Agent, W isconsin , charges. 246 Stark Slrsst, $38.50 STOCK SADDLE WONDER This Saddle la made on a 1554 or 16-lnch Cenulne Ladesma or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... CAREFULLY SELECTED RAWHIDE COVERED TREE, bound or roll cantie, steel leather covered stirrups or 2-inch oxbow brass bound, as desired. Will send bound cantie unless otherwise ordered. TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG lined, 3-inch wide lace stirrup leathers, 15^-inch tie straps, extra long on near side, 2-inch to buckle on offside, heavy cotton twisted Mexican 5-inch front cinch, heavy cotton belting flank cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, seat and jockey all one piece. ELECANT HANP RAISED STAMPING xs illustrated. Weight of Saddle about 85 pound« packed for shipment, 45 pounds. FREIGHT IS OHLY ABOCT 81.00 FOB BACH 500 BILES. WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE, showing a full line of Cowboy and Rancher Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL (teen, Bwb«k 4 (te. an Utrnghlr nltebte.-Miter.) ' P ortland , O xkgon . ARE YOU GOING EAST? Be eure and see that your Ticket reads via The.... - Northwestern Line! ----- THE----- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS snd visit DR. JORDAN S great AT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY mi IlRiET ST., Ill F&1IC1SC0, Oil. DR. JORDAN—DISEASES OF MEN SYPHILIS thoroughly eradicated from system without the use of Mercury. Trusses fitted by an Expert. B»adi- eal cure for Bupturc. a quick and radical cure for Piles, Fissure »nd Fistulae, by Dr. Jordan's special pain less methods. Consultation free and strictly private. Treatment per sonally or by letter. A Positive Cure in every case undertaken. Write for Book. PHILOSOPHY «f MARR1ACE, MAILED FREE. fA valuable book for men.) Cal! or write DR. JORDAN » CO., 1061 Market St. S. F. A FREE PATTERN | (your own selection) to every sub- S’ scriber. Only 50 cents a year. «■ MSCALL’Stfl MAGAZINE^ A ». LADIES’ MAGAZINE. A «m; beautiful colored plates ; latest fasnions; dressmaking economies ; fancy work ; household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub scribe to-day, or, send ¿c for latest copy. Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date, Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. I i MS CALLdfò Ä BAZAR/ i P atterns ^ (No»Seam»A Kewanee Patterns.; Only io and 15 cts. each—none higher Ask for them. Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail from THE 1 SB-146 McCALL co ., Wait 14th St.. N»« Yerk. HALF PRICE. If you want us to make to your BEASVKE and ORDER KLA8T1C GOODS for the RELIEF AND CLRE OF VARKOSE VEINS, WEAK, SWOLLEN OR VUKB- ATED LI BBS, COKPI LENCY, ABDOMINAL WEAL SEES OB TIMOR, state your beiett, weight and *<•, state number of inches around body or limb at each letter shown in cut and send to us with our bPECUL PRICE. We will make the goods to order from the very finest fresh robber elastic Material, guarantee a perfect It and if you do not find it perfectly satigfactory and equal to good?? _ others get double the price for. B return at our expense and we will refund your money. The Largest Anatomical Museum in the World. Weaknesses or any contracted disease positively cared by the oldest Specialist on the Coest E sl 36 years. J ■■ 1 | h I J $ I 1 ■ R k ■ B w J Patent? Mann .r- £ co. receive rat*7LlV3 taken toauu through vuivmçu — ---- ------------- special notice, without charge, chargo. tn in the «peHol W ithout C hange of C ars . Special Offer Price »15.50 V w /1 1 A bvom soadtng a Eketrh and deicriptkm may Anyone »eadtng our qnldclTMcertain opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communie». Uaw EtrtcUr eonSdenti»!. Handbook on Patents Î^’fÆTo ’Îdest Ocean to Ocean SEND NO MONEY ffoMHn’MSS we will send vou OUB HIGH GBAOE DROP CABINET BURDICK SEWIHR MACHINE by .ixmi.* Uon. You can examine it at your nearest freight depot and if fecuxi perfectly satisfactory, exactly as represented, o^ual to mac bines others m H as hi<has $60.00, and THK GREATS ST BAKLA15 VOL .,_AR1 D esigns C opyrights ____ _____ A c . C. J. EDDY, General Agt., PORTLAND, OB. pLNADIAN v-' "PACIFIC W. II. c. Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p tn on the secoud and fourth Saturdays of eerh month. Mas. S usan B zach , Pres. Mas. Marv Berry, Sec’v. B battlb , W ash . NEW YORK. COLD N HEAD TRADE IVI Arm» For rates, pamphlet« or other infer motion, address, You Have Facsimile Signature of BO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE H Of a verity equaled by no other lia«. See that your ticket read« ria “The Milwaukee” when going to any poia in the United States or Canada. Al ticket agenta sell them. J. W. OA8EY, Trav. Paas. Agt., A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. n. 23. Meet In Masonic Hall, on the 1st and 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com tadeecordially welcomed. B. B each . Commander. .M ilton B ebbv . Adjutant. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, '••I It is quickly absorb- ed. Gives relief at once. Opens and Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays In every skcond and fovmth Wednesday in flammation. Heals and protects the Mem each month. All brethren in good standing brane. Restores the senses of Taste and Smell. No Cocaine, no Mercury, no In x. w. jurious Drug. Full size 50c, Tria) size 10c. Gio. W. TazrazM, Recorder. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St., N. Y. BUBNSIDB POST NO. assuring to passeogera tbs best service known. Signature Ely’s g . a . Trains every day and night between 1 8t. Paul and Chicago, and Ossaba and . Chicago, “The only perfect trains in tbs world.” Understand: Connections are I made with AU Transcontinental Lines, Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N arcotic . CATARRH Cream Balm "PIONEER LIMITED' Bears the I nfants C hildren JOYSw rngVAOEO Bea» the FOR BALK BY ALL DKUGGI8T8. j I A. O. IT. W. The Kind You Have Always Bought A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwankee|A St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the .7 & ASHLAND LODGK, MO. 68. GASTONA ... MILWAUKEE” For Infants and Children. Sg Tilt Jolly Girl BURNBinS Bi LI Ki COBPS KO. 24 Quickly t*ourwl. CVS TES DÛS WH3IÎ ÌA-IKT W C3TAIKED. Send model, »ketch or pha>to. with ? description fhr free report m to ratc&ubiMty. iS-FAC”. * HAT’D BOOK FRT.E. CoDtain««r»*eren*e« »nd fil’d ìaG-.rantio. WXXTS FOB COFT CF CUI BFECU CFFZR. It 11 the most bitaral propoaitlon * a ratent attorney, aad LVIB* XBVU90A 8KC B£dU> IT bstuxe applying fc>r Weather Report In the Canterbury Diocesan Gazette From the U 8. Signal Office at Ashland, UHgon. there is an interesting and authentic record of the use of Acts of the Apostles Warmest Cold’st Rain Fail YEAR as a Christian name. The entries are in the registers of Boughton-under- I I 18® 24 33 In 89® Blean. Actaapostle, son of Thomas and 1879 ................... 13 15.10 • * 99 Elizabeth Pegden, from Dunkirk, was 1880 .................... -2 26.57 *t 1881 .................... 98 baptized August 2, 1795, and the burial 1882 .................... 6 15.79 • a 97 of this Actsapostle Pegden, aged 70 1883 ................... 9 11.81 41 97 9 17.16 44 1884 ..................... 90 years, took place November 14, 1865. 28 73 44 19 1885 ................... 103 The name seems to have been abbrevi 21 31 17 1886 ................... 99 ated to Actsy, for the viear of Bough 1887 ................... 19 57 «4 12 103 21.80 3 ton has heard a parishioner speak of 1888 ................... 101 1636 (< 16 101 her uncle Actsy Pegden. Again, Acts , 18b9................... 20.26 5 1890 .................... 99 of the Apostles, son of Richard and 1891 .................... 23 74 44 18 102 Phoebe Kennett, was baptized at 1892 ................... 15.58 « 21 99 20 24.22 as 1893 .................... 102 Boughton church April, 1833. 22 28 •< 10 1894 ................... 100 13.96 12 1895 .................... 97 Bogu> Saungei. 24.25 tc 15 1896 .................... 103 A writer in the London Lancet dem 1897 .................... 17.72 u 21 105 onstrate« that sausages are made now 1898 .................... 13 1557 •< 104 adays which do not contain meat at Record for the year ending Dec. 31, 1898. all, but only bread tinged with red TEMPERATURE i oxide of iron mixed with fat. --------- Kain MONTH Max, Min. Mean. Fall The death of Lieut. McLaughlin, of the signal corps, who died of yellow fever at Santiago, recalls a dramatic in cident, in which he was one of the prin cipal actors, during the campaign in Porto Rico. Lieut. McLaughlin had charge of a squad which built a telegraph line along the route of the American ad vance on the night of August 12. The signal corps men could not keep pace with the advance of the infantry and artillery, in comand of Gen. Brooke, and when the latter faced a line of Span ish intrenchments the telegraph line was two miles in the rear. At one o’clock of August 13 the mes sage came to Lieut. McLaughlin’s sta tion that the peace protocol had been Disappearance of an Island. signed. There was no way to get to Australian newspapers report the January .. 64® 1 38 13® Brooke but ride it, and the lieutenant, 24 64 1 28 February .. accompanied by an orderly, started to complete disappearance of Metis is March........ 68 21 67 make the trip. Mounting his horse, he land, which as late as 1890 projected A pril......... .42 86 25 150 feet above the ocean. _______________ 1 55 32 89 Mav........... started at a gallop, and his ride will go 1.28 35 93 •T wouldn’t be without DeWitt’s Witch J u De........... down in history as one of the most dra .22 41 104 I Hazel Salve for any consideration,” writes Jury....... . matic ever made on a field of battle. 1.94 44 102 I Thos. B. Rhodes, Centerfield, O. Iofal- August.... .39 35 99 v\ hen he reached the lines of infantry . |or pj|es cuts, burns and skin diseases, September, 1.41 28 75 that were supporting the artillery he, “ Beware of counterfeits.— E ugznz A. S her - October.... 386 22 68 November.. was told that the guns were about to | WIN. 62 1.16 20 December,. open fire on the enemy, and, realizing Total rain fall. 15 57. that he had to be quick or the battle Mean Temperature, 52.1. would begin, and knowing the conse THE LION-TAMER'S JOB. quences of such action after the proto > Dr H. H. lladen. Summit. Ala., says, col, he sank his spurs into the horse “ 1 tfiink Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splen and went on, leaving his orderly, who did medicine I prescribe it, and my con fidence in it grows with continued use ” was mounted on a mule, far in the rear. it digests what you eat and quiczly cures 'Still on he went, and before 1:30 dyspepsia and indigestion.— E ugene A. “B tern al vigilance is the price of im S1I1BWIN. o’clock he reached the artillery bat talion, and found Gen. Brooke standing munity from bites,” said a lion tamer beside one of battery B’s guns, while recently to a New York Telegraph man. Suppose we should settle up our debt the gunner had his hand on the lanyard “Although my lions do not often catch tomorrow, wouldn’t it knock quite a me, they do with a frequency sufficient hole in our “good times?” ready to pull. Within The message was delivered, the firing for all practical purposes. prevented, and what might have been | three months I have been bitten twice on the leg and once on my right arm. a terrible battle stopped. After the campaign closed in Porto ■ Altogether in my career I have been Often changes to the jaded woman, «1 But cen’t see what’s come over Mary ; she Rico Lieut. McLaughlin was sent to bitten something like 47 times. Cuba, and was in service there until his lion tamers get used to such little used to be such a jolly - girl, - ” was things. death.—Philadelphia Press. remark of a young woman visiting a “The most serious accident I ever ex married school mate. Marriage THE WEST VIRGINIA “SOUP.” perienced was when I was bitten aknost changes a wom i through the right thigh. With good an. The drains It Involves n Klaaln* Boe* a treatment I soon recovered. There is and pains which no better remedy for an animal bite Spread, and Originated Dar are so often the than lukewarm water and plenty of in* ike War. sequence of salt, and by using them I have invarfe marriage rob A novel custom, started in the days ably escaped blood poisoning. I am al her of all vital of the civil war, prevails in the eastern ways armed when I enter a cage, though ity. Give her back her former West Virginia. At Shepherdstown my audience may not know this, and on and strength they have a picnic called “soups.” Each five occasions when the lions became she’ll be as I person invited brings a dressed chicken, maddened and I saw death staring me "jolly” a wife the host providing the vegetables. In the face I have had to shoot to kill. as she was a "I have found the Asiatic lion the Poultry and vegetables are placed in Doctor maid. large kettles holding from ten to twen easiest to tame and the safest to han Pierce’s Favor- ty gallons, and the combination is dle. The Nubian lion is more treacher ite Prescription gives back the cooked over open fires for several ous than a tiger and when he bites he lost strength by hours, or until it is reduced almost to a takes a big piece. Males are easier to re - establishing jelly. Pepper and other seasonings are tame than are the females, and cubs are the health of not as easily managed as is generally introduced. the delicate . -c- The girls and young fellows stir the believed.” womanly or soup with long-handled spoons, keep gans. It dries No Long-Dlit.nce Wooer. ing up a mareh or walk around the ket the drains and Rudyard Kipling’s maternal grand tles as they do so. When a girl's spoon stops the pains. lather was Rev. George E. Macdonald. It cures ulcera clicks against the spoon of a young It is related of him that in the days tion, inflamma man he is at liberty to catch and kiss ! when he was courting the lady whom tion and femahe her. Of course, there are many lively I he afterwards married the father-in- weakness. It skirmishes, and' a great deal of fun in ! law-to-be—an aged Methodist, with ex- makes weak the game. When the soup is done it is i tremely strict notions in regard to the women strong and sick women well. ladeled out into plates and eaten. It is "For two years I had been a sufferer from proprieties—was injudicious enough on chronic diseases and female weakness," writes said to be delicious. one occasion to enter the parlor with Mrs. Allen A. Bobson. of 1125 Rodman Street, The custom owes its origin to a com Philadelphia, Pa. "I had two different doctors, out gfiving any warning of his approach. they gave me medicine which only relieved pany of Stonewall Jackson’s men who The .jonsequence was that he found and me for a time. My niece advised me to were recruited in that part of the state. the sweethearts occupying a single take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. I con cluded that to open a with you These ex-confeds keep up their or chair. Deeply shocked by the spec for your advice would correspondence be safest, so I did, and ganization. They have a reunion once tacle, the old man solemnly said: “Mr. have been highly benefited. I find that after six bottles of' Favorite Prescription ’ inf a year, at whieh they celebrate with a Macdonald, when I was courting Mrs. taking five of ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ’ and follow grand “soup.” ing your advice in regard to local treatment, I Brown she sat on one side of the room now a strong woman. Accept my sincere It is said that a “soup” properly got and I on the other.” Macdonald’s re am thanks for the interest manifested iu my case ten up should be made of stolen chick ply was: “That’s what I should have and the happy results obtained.” Sick women are invited to consult Dr. ens, but the veterans had to give up done had I been courting Mrs. Brown.” Pierce by letter free. Correspondence pri foraging after the war and make a vate. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Tall Bride and Groom. compromise by going around in squads and robbing each other’s roosts by mu An eccentric wedding took place re Joy ’s fer the jaded and uoca tual understanding—N. Y. Sun. cently at St. Peter’s church, New York, Health for all Mankina when an artillery officer named Lal- 40.’S VEGETAELE_~SAR8AFAS. loway was married to a lady named LOUBET’S GUARD. Martha Washington. The happy pair, E lands from Twanty Private Detectives Attend the bridesmaids, the best man, the pas herbs, and tor, Mr. Roche, and 12 brother officers the French President Da>r contains no of the bridegroom, who were present, mineral and Night. drugs or were over six feet high. In order to deadly pois on. Joy’s The secret force charged to protect' preserve the record in its complete Vegetable the French president is far from scant, ness no others were admitted______ 1 Sarsaparilla robs the and, if he had been willing to keep it ••I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and blood of all to its functions, it might have spared never found permanent relief till I used As impuri ties, and M. Loubet the attack of the ot’ner Sun Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well Courses all and feel like a new man,” writes 8. J. day. It is a force quite apart from that Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is the best di these impv.ri- which everybody sees, from ’¿he army gestant knowu. Cures all forms of indi contingent, the police and the reserve gestion. Physicians everywhere prescribe post of the city guard, purposely dis it.— E ugene A. S herwin . played and serving above all for de cora “ HOW 18 YOUR WIFE? tion. This service that nobody sees is 'f Has she lost her beauty? It so, Consti Joy’s Vegetablft composed of 20 persons in penna.nent pation, Indigestion. Sick Headache are the Sarsaparilla service, and of 50 persons when the principal causes. Karl’s Clover Root Tea prevents tued feel- president travels, to say nothing of a bas cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts and 50 cts. Money refunded mgs, staggering sen currently reported third service, whose I if results are not satisfactory. E ugene A. sations, palpitation mysterious role is denied by the police. S iiebwin , Druggist. of heart, rush of All this machinery, which M. Lcrubet’s blood to the head, SALT LAKE CITY, predecessor kept in constant o<scupa- dizziness, ringing in tion, seems formidable and cismpli- ears, spots before the cated in the midst of a republic. eyes, headache, bil An Important Factor in*Transconti- This escort, with consign ne\ <er to iousness,constipation nenral Travel. of bowels, pains in lose sight of him, makes M. Lijubet, No one crossing the continent can afford the baek,melancholy, they say, positively miserable. 1 Be es to cut Balt Lake City from bis route. The tongue coated, foul caped from them the other day, and it attractions of the place, including the Mor breath, piipples on gave rise to an amusing incident. There mon Temple, Tabernacle and church insti faca^ body and limb, tutions, the Great Salt Lake—deader and was consternation. All the bicy cles of denser than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land decline of nerve force the palace were set in motion; there —the picturesque environment and the dizzy spells, faint was riding hither and yon, and : «early Warm Sulphur and Hot Springs, are great spells, cold, clammy er to the square yard than any locality on rousing the city, when M. Loubcrt was feet and hands, sour the American continent. risings, fatigue, in discovered promenading the avenue oi The Rio Grande Western Railway, con somnia, and all dis the Champs Elysees in quiet co nversa- necting on the east with the Denver & Rio eases of the stomach, tion with his son. — Cincinnejti En trande and Colorado Midland railways a id on the west with the Southern Pacific ii ver aud kidneys. quirer. (C wtral route) and Oregon Short Line, is fcy.S Vegetable Sar- Kaparilleis sold by all the onlv transcontinental line passing di- Birth Rate in Europa. druggists. Refuses ect) V through Salt Lake City. The route substitute. When you Sig. Bodis. a well-known Italian throb\h salt Lak* City via the Rio Grande ocy tor thebestseethat statistician, has published tablas show wpotp tn Bailwav is famous all the year you ;jet Jte best. round On amount of the equable climate ing the order in which the countries of of Utah SPd Colorado it is Just as popular Europe are classed in decreasing series in winter summer. Send 2c to J. u. according to their mean birth rate: Man-field ^53 Washington, Portland.or to 1. Russia, in Europe; 2, Hur.gary; 3, Geo W HfeOtz, acting general passenger Servia; 4. Roumania; 5, Austria; 6,Ger agent, Sall Lake City, for a copy of „alt Lake Citv—the City of the Saints.’ man empire; 7. Italy; 8, Spain; 9, Fin A LOCAL. land; 10. Portugal; 11, Holla« 1; 12, Eng Disease The old reliable—The Weekly Oregonian. land and Wales; 13, Scotland; 14, A Climatic Denmark; 15, Norway; 16, Bel Affection gium; 17, Sweden; 18, (Switzerland; Nothing but a local 19, Greece; 20, France; 21, Ire remedy or change of land. It will thus be observed that climate will cure it. Russia has the largest percentage of Get a well - known births and France and I'reland have the ohar ni ace u tica 1 remedy, smp.Uest.—Medical Rec ord. * SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. But long before disease has progressed to any such desperate point is the time when the “Discovery ” is of most univer WINNIPEG sal benefit. Its strengthening aid should be obtained at the fir-t sign of failing appe HELEN * —, tite, impaired digestion, or a constipated ----------- . and tendency. — --------- For thin and debilitated women and puny children, it is the best possible flesh builder. and strength promoter. For those whose blood is impure and skiu iu an un t healthy condition, ibis blood - renovating "Discovery” is far more effective than lotions or cosmetics, It is not a mere A correspondent wri tes from Lau TO tcmpoiary stimulus; it dors not make sanne that the distric.t of Lavaux, sit CHICAGO flabby fat. For this reason it is far prefer able to malt extracts and nauseous cod uated between Laus inne and Vevey, W A9HINGTON liveroil emulsions. It creates hard, healthy and having a popula Xion of 10.000, is at PHILADELPHIA flesh and permanent vigor. this moment in th<j proud position of Dr. Piercc e Common Sense Medical Adviser NÏWTâBK «nil now be sent absolutely free tor the aere cost being able to boast that in the several of mailing oulv, twenty-oae oue-ceut stamps, BOSTON AND ALL prisons in the di strict there is not a which should be inclosed to World's Dic-'en- A white flag floats over POINTS EAST and SOUTH sary ^fedical Association. Buffalo. N. Y. or ten single prisoner. stamps extra, if a heavier, cloth-bound copy fc every prison in token of this praise Through tickets to J Lean and China, via worthy fact, a* virtue reigns supreme Tacoma and Northern Pacifia Steamship in the canton of Vaud. W wiitetl do. Jackson eouuty property. Will trade For information, time cards, map and one hundred 3iid sixty scree of good r A> YOU KNOW lokets, call on or write farming land »even miles from Katnatl. A. D. CHARLTON, Falls for Jia-keon conutv property. Ad Consumpti jn ¡9 preventable? Science has PA>'i*n'T? and also that neglect is sui- Assistant General paaaenger Agent, dress P <• Riix An, Yr ka. C»l cia*“ 4 ie worst cold or cough can be cured w Shiloh's Cough and Consnmp- PORTLAND. OREGON tion cur e. Sokl on' positive guarantee for overSO years. E tgeke A. S herwin , Drug- gist. CROOKSTON Carlo» Christina Waaae. OUR SPECIAL PRICE £ rl..Ue .teektef, A te I. Sl.Mt tbirb tente,, c i. i, »«.tai ibv* plM«. Gw 1, <2.bOj kw. •teekl.r, n.8, st.Mi kw. i<nikf, c teS, »I.OOi km op, K to «, S».0»i garter iloeklop, A to k, •*. 00, parl^ ■•Pttoc. C to B, *2.0»i »ktot, A toC. (t.Mt BM.al.al bell. KtoB, SI«.»». COTTOI BLAffiC GOODS, OXk.I HIRliLBSE. Spatial Co.eeM klaatte AbAoml.al S*pp«iar, made of aott lisle thread, interwoTen with protected rubber thread. 8 teehee wi4e< *2.OOi 10 teeMa, »».111 11 laekM, »».SO. Write tor Surgery Catalogue, SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO., (1M.), CHICMO.TlX. FALL F ...STYLE ! WANAMAKER’8 ALL WOOL SUITS FOR MEN AND B0Y8 AT THE AGENCY, DE PEATT BLOCK, ASHLAND, OREGON, OMAHA RAILWAYS. This is tbs GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Point« East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerleaa Vea- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: “ALWAYS ON TIME" Have given thia road a national reputa tion. All classes of paasengera carried on the veatibuled train« without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents bavs tickets. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F. & P. Agent, Portland, Oregon. a Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea» SIckHeadache.Gastralgi a,Champs,and fMTI adiea’ and Misse«’ Styles and all other results of Imperfect digestion. Samples will be bere soon. PrepgMbara c. oeWnt a c«., Cbirage. EUuKNB ▲. bHEBWIH, Kindly call and get posted on Prices and Qualities. Many thanks are in order to my host oi I art year’s patrons, and we feel able'to look them square in the eye when tbev call to see what we have for them this year.