PERSONAL' ANO „SOCIAL. Circuit Court Rocket. ...... -— - nocKhT. State of Oregon versus:— Geo E Bloomer, larceny; Ed Booth, as­ sault and battery; Ed Booth, defacing a buildi'ig; Jonas Justus and T M Howard, larceny oi a steer. A Night in a Storm Mrs. A. L. Harvey of Gold Hill re­ turned this week from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Hoagland, in Klam­ ath county. She came to Hart’s with A. A. Fitch in an uncovered rig and a terrible storm was ragiug, which together with the bad condition of the road made ACTIONS AT LAW. it impossible to reach Hart’s station tbe Mitchell, Lewis and'she has Geo. D. Froehlich left Tuesday for El Two recitations by little Misses Lets , Assignment of F T Fredenburg - J E Pel two applications. never had the least trouble! with her arm Dorada, Cal., where his cousin is in Vaupel and Margarite Crowson were ,t0 ton assignee. ?.as ?I|tP.fce’.. _ It lias also cur«! burns, cuts, carbun­ since or a recurrence of the pain. charge of a mine. Lindley and ------- Nettie F lobk » cb L. T mtob *. also well received after which Hon. : : Lizzie , - vs T C Norris — — A cts gently on the cles, pimples, tootb-acbe and rheuma- Notary Publio for Qregoa. Norris and A C Schweers—to foreclose Miss Laura Mayreturned to St. Mary’s Ralph E. Johnson of Lincoln, Neb, tis a. —*■----- Academy Monday from a visit with her head lecturer of the order in America, mortgage. We have never known it.d immatiou addressed the audience in the Interests folks in Ashland. Laura Bradley vs John Wigle—to fore­ that it will not speedily takeout, if thour- State of Oregon, of the order. close mortgage. ougblv rubbed in once or twice Notice the ad. of Barr’s grand holi­ Jaokson County , Fraternal insurance is a subject at­ Rosanna Carlile et al vs Andrew Hamlin It is A MARVELOUS MEDICINE, and Will James M. Fewel being duly sworn de­ day excursion to San Francisco in this tracting universal attention 'in the do even more for the afll c!cefore me, a Notary fuhlic within and for 19th day of November 1899. ASHLAND. Or...... Thursday, Dec. 7, 1899 Ashland House Tuesday. G bo . W. T bbfbbn . evening in a becomingly handsome Daniel Whetstone vs Florence Whet Rev. J. A. Slover preached here last the State and County above named one W. Notary Pubiicjfor Oregon. J. Henry Wadsworth, wife and son, manner, the occasion being in honor of stone—divorce. Sunday morning and evening to large BVV T jhe GENUINE - MANTO ôy leave this week for San Francisco on a their newly installed officers. The first congregations. Richard Beswick vs Samuel J Starmer, SAMPSON visit to her Bister, Mrs. H. D Robtnson. number on the program was by Satch- Daniel J Starmer and Rachael Starmer, his Rev. Hanby of Phoenix, Christian Van Dunlap of Phoenix made quite a well’s orchestra, composed of R. A. wife—to foreclose mortgage. W. D. Cofer and N. D. Failing of Jack­ Satchwel), quick ride Thursday morning. A young minister, will preach in the Baptist violin; Mrs. Bert Poley, sonville and Mr. Lyons of Medford were church next Sunday at 11 a. m. John U Mushett vs Daniel Cofer—suit to horse he had gotten in Klamat h county piano; Geo. V. Gillette, clarinet; rat SAU ST AU 0RUS6QT<> vtu SOt in Ashland Tuesday and yesterday on and was breaking got away and started A. S. Jacobs made a trip to Jackson­ Eugene Berry, cornet, Fred R. Neil rescind contract. business. toward its former range. Mr. Dunlap ville Wednesday. Edith Downing vs Fred F Downing—di­ sang a solo so beautifully that he was started at 9 a. m., arriving here at noon. Evan Reames returned from Portland compelled to respond to an encore. vorce. I Dr. Kirchgessner is having a brick He was suprised upon seeing his horse Tuesdai' where he purchased the furni­ Mrs. Florence U. Pelton recited a tem­ Thomas H Fredenburgh vs Sarah A building put up at his residence to be tied here. used as a safe place to keep vegetables ture for the Native Sons’ Cabin at Jack­ perance piece with impressive effect. Fredenburgh—divorce. The orchestra discoursed a number TTGeeretalvs E E Wilcox et al—to’ sonville. •Mr. J. D. Williams was here Thursday etc. when the mock initiation of “Ole foreclose mortgage. gathering his hogs preparatory to taking William Cameron, a respected pioneer Miss Kizer, who has been stopping in Oleson” and “Jim Finnegan” broke John Arnold vs 8 A D Higgins et al—to them to the mountain range. citizen of Uniontown, visited relatives the Point for some time, the guest of I loose in all its fullness and took effect all J. A. Bickett commenced’paeking ap­ Mrs. Elliott, left Thursday morning for and friends in the neighborhood of Ash­ over the house. It was a roaring farce. foreclose mortgage. Pauline Hines vs Geo Hoffman, admin­ Klamath Agency, where she has a po­ land Monday and Tuesday. ples here Friday. The guests were taken to the parlor of istrator of estate of John Bolt et al—to fore­ sition awaiting her. The Ashland Choral Union will meet the lodge room where they were seated John Snowgoose came over from Keno A very enjoyable party was that at in the lecture room of the Presbyterian to a banquet of good things to eat. close mortgage. Friday. W 8 Crowell, county judge, trustee for Prof. Stockings last Wednesday evening, church Friday evening. All lovers of Under the influence of the orchestras Bruce Greive’was here Friday. pleasing strains those of the audience so Elizabeth Vogel, vs Frederick W Wascbu being the occasion of the birth day of music are invited to be present. To S an F rancisco . inclined indulged in dancing until the and Minnie Waschu—to foreclose mort­ Some new buildings have recently been Merritt Elliott, a much respected citizen The Ladies Aid society of the Congre­ clock struck 12. Mrs. F. A. Denny, gage. erected at the Barron and White Mine. of Central Point. gational church invite the public to the Mrs. G. A Special Excursion will be run on the P. Van Riper, Mrs. Emma H A Tucker vs W R Kingsolver—suit in Jas. I Fredenburg has sold his Bear Bazaar at the opera house Tuesday Dec. Thompson, Miss Maud Fuson and Miss Wet weather prevails. It snowed on Southern Pacific Railroad from Sa­ lem and points south to San creek farm of 90 acres, to a gentleman 12. Program in the evening. Admis­ Louise Whitney were the committee equity on contract. the mountains Tuesday morning. .... Francisco on.... sion 15c., children, 10c. from Indiana. Price paid $2000. Cyrenus Vrooman vs C S Jeune, E 8 who engineered the affair so successfully. Jenne and W 0 Jenne — suit for an injunc ­ GRIFFIN CREEK. Ex-Sheriff A. A. Fitch and E. E. Fitch The newly installed officers are: Past Deo. 3-7» ’OO dwell has two car loads of apples L. Shattuck of Hillsboro, Or., has rented ready to ship when they can get cars. of Dairy, Klamath county, were in Ash­ Guardian, Mrs. Will Myer; Guardian, tion. Tickets good only on the regular over­ T T Geer et al vs Chas Nickell—suit to land that leaves Ashland at noon Dec. 27, the White place, and moved his family It will take them about three weeks to land this week visiting their stepfather, Mrs. Laura Edwards; Advisor, Mrs. good toTeturn on any train that leaves San Robt. Maxwell of Ishpeming, Mich., who Ernest Hicks; Clerk, Mrs Louise foreclose mortgage. finish packing. thereto the first of the week. Francisco from Dec 28th, 1899. to Jan. 4th, is spending the winter in California. Whitney; Magician, Mrs. Angie Van J. W. Merritt butchered about 30 head They start home today. Miss Myrtle Lawton of Medford has been 1900, inclusive. Foliowinglow rates haye Our Forest Rangers. Riper; Attendent, Mrs. Milsap; Inner of fine porkers Wednesday of this week. been secured to San Francisco and return visiting Miss Bertha McFhearson. Sentinel, Mrs. Emm* Thompson; Outer Portland^Oregonian. 1 from— The newly elected officers of Ashland The Prof, has got to be a very success ­ Miss Lizzie■ Fendal; Musician, Miss Merle Cook Of Roseburg, who ha* ful farmer and stock raiser. Roseburg & points south to Ashland, $15.50 Central Lodge 48,1. 0. O. F., are: N G., Chas. Sentnel, Oregon State Normal School, Drain, Oregon. Nat Langell of Jacksonville, supervisor 1 Miss Lulu Whitnev; Correspondent, been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. K Ashland “ “ “ Montague, 11.50 Hargadine; V. G., Geo Anderson; Per. The mail from this place to Table Sec., T.H. Simpson; Rec. Sec., W. O. Mrs. Grace Miller; Ranker, Mr. Will of the southern district of the Cascades Montague “ “ “ Dunsmuir, 10.50 Will open its doors for the new school year on September 11,1899. The buildings have Bashford, returned home on Monday’s reservation, is at the Imperial. He had overland. Her many friends here wished Rock, heretofore carried by O. Pankey, is Marks; treasurer, F. M. Drake; trustees, Myer. To insure your accommodations been thoroughly renovated and improved. New,apparatus added and other improve­ 14 men under him last summer, keeping tickets MUST now carried on by I. F Williams, sub. H. S. Evans, G. W. Trefren and E. J. be purchased at least three ments made for the comfort and convenience of the students. Good Boarding ana her a happy future at a farewell party given T. K. Bolton and Emil Peil are ready down fires and otherwise looking after the cays before starting, and the sooner the Dormitorv Advantages at the lowest possible rate. Uniform State Normal School Farlow. at Mr. Chas Wilson's on Saturday evening contractor of the Big Butte route. to give you any information desired in preservation of the forests on the reserve, belter Course. ' Complete Training 8chool in connection with the Normal, where 8eniors are last. J. C. Friendly of Portland was here regard to Dr. C. W Barr78 holiday ex-’ and flatters himself that his crew more VSh>*'ide trips to variout points of inter­ professionally trained under the supervision of a Critic Teacher, who will give his entire SAMS VALLEY. yesterday and besides buying hides, pelts ciirsion that leaves Ashland Wednesday, than paid ofr themselves in saving valua­ est m the vicinity of San Francisco at ex­ time to this work. Graduates of this school aie given a credit of Thirty Month e Teach­ A. Andrews made a business trip to Ash­ ’ rates ing Experience, which enables them to reach the Life Diploma in the quickeit and most Stormy weather still continues. i and furs, purchased the wool clip of J. Dec. 27th, for San Francisco. There are ble timber from destruction. He carries cursionists land last Monday. KJ^. Baggage checked from starting satisfactory manner. Send your address for complete catalogue to some 150 tickets in sight for Ashland a silver watch, the case of which shows S. Herrin and Murphy ’ s. It amounts to Mrs. Fitzgerald returned home yester- Dan Soliss witnessed the football game now and it is expected 200 people will evidence of having been discolored bv fire porn t to San Francisco and return to start­ day from a two weeks visit at Ashland. 25,000 lbs. and the price was from 15 to get on here and perhaps 400 from Rogue or sulphur, and be exhibits this sb a mem­ ing point. JNO. B. WALKER, A. M., President of Faculty. at Ashland last Tuesday. 18 cents. Secure your tickets from the following:— river valley and pointe north of Ashland. ento of tbe fierce battles he had with tbe Miss Bell Hauelenbeek is slowly im­ A.N.Soliss . ..... Jacksonville, Or. L. Hover and son Janies arrived from O. B. Allen has sold his interest in the It will be the largest excursion ever flames in bis division.4 proving, but not able to be about yet. T. K. Bolton or Emil Peil . . Ashland . Kansas Last Sunday to visit G. Hover. Medford Eye and will start a new paper taken from this valley. Prof. E. E. Washburn.. Klamath Falls. Unless something unforseen happens, Dan Reynolds of AsbesthB passed and job office in that place. The first Ashland^. Klamath Falls Orvina. the little daughter of Marion all sheep are to be excluded from bis por­ F. O. LeMay......................... Yreka, Cal. Emil Peil, the enterprising blacksmith, tion of the reserve next summer, Mr. Hartley, is slowly recovering from the ty­ through the valley on life way to Gold issue will appear one week from Satur­ Ofc-See California dressed in sunshine Hill. day and it will be called the Free Press. has purchased the vacant lot between Langell says, and sheepmen who insist and dowers iu mid-winter. All San Fran­ phoid fever. will be dressed in gay holiday attire. J. L. Rowe butchered 8 fine porkers Dr. J. G. Goble, the oculist, will be at his brick blacksmith shop and the Bank in driving their bands in from the adja­ cisco Mrs. J. P. True, who has been absent of Ashland from the latter for $600 It cent plains run the risk of getting into Best music and plajs oi the season at the today. They were of the three hundred Hotel Oregon, in Ashland, on Monday about three weeks, returned from Wiscon­ different theaters Finest music at the and Tuesday of next week. Any one has a frontage of 24 feet on Main street 1 trouble. Last year sheepmen were given churches Trains run so you can see the sin the first of the week, where she has been pound class. and runs back to the creek some 170 feet. permits to range in bis bailiwick, and desiring anything in his line are respect ­ Bcenery all the way from Portland to ’Fris­ Thoroughly Restocked and We had a heavy wind storm last visiting relatives. Mr. Peil will use it as standing room for flocks came clear from Umatilla and Mal­ co fully invited to call. by daylight. Entirely New Management. his business and will early in the spring heur counties to spend the summer, Roy Spencer, who hM his leg cut severely Thursday night, which blew down the Ej^-For reference ask any one of the fences in many places in the valley. Go to the Racket for Holiday Goods. erect a 30x100 foot warehouse and will leaving in the fall for tbe:r winter ranges many hundreds of people who have gone ♦1th an ax, is slowly improving. ROBERT M. GARRETT, r$ DRIBK TIE WITH II A THIC prepare to handle wagons, buggies, agri­ in fine condition. Mr. Langell does not on these popular excursions. The people of Sams Valley are making Granite Lodge No. 23, K. of P. has Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it «radicates Miss Jess Speuce, who left here on Nov. For full particulars call on cultural implements, etc., on an ex­ express himself in regard to whether the preparations for a Christmas tree on the fungi and anlmalculea, and neutral­ Superintendent. 6th, for Santa 1’iult, Cal , was married night of Dec. 25th. There will also be a elected the following officers: C. C., F. tensive scale the coming season. izing and correcting all acidi­ D. Robbins; V. C., R, J. Shaw; P., L. T. K. Bolton or Emil Peil, woolv animals damaged the reservation, Nov. 14, to J. B. Clintock of that place. ties it promotes a normal and Christmas tree at Antioch on the night E. Bender; M. of W., E. J. Kaiser; M. Best and but be thinks that in shutting off theee d7 ' Ashland, Oregon. Otis G. Tyrer, formerly of the Shorty- healthful condition in every L. F. Vicory was visiting at J. P. True’s of the 23d. A., Otto Miller; K. R. 8., T. H. Simp­ Hope mine, was married at the home of mountain pastures considerable hadsbip part of the system. Quickest Route to ; M. of F., E. A. Hildreth, ir., M. of the bride’s parents at old Klamath ferry will be worked on the sheep' industry of the first of the week, Miss Hulda Craddock of Wood river son E., Wm Fox; I. G., J. H. Real; O. G., the state. Stockmen who have used , Mr. J. McPherson has sold his his dried valley is visiting with friends here. She Thanksgiving day to Miss Grace E. — SWIMMING RINK. — these ranges for yearB will be at a loss to 1 Williams. prunes to Jas. Hunt of Cleveland, Ohio; will remain in the valley until spring, H. C. Stock; trustee, J. L. Fenton. inclosed and covered, the eame medic* know what to do with their bands next Lunch served at opera house Dec. 12. when she will return to her home in consideration 3% per lb. Notice to Creditors. Goes by Barron, Shake, summer, as sheep will not thrive on tbe water, always clean, for the springs run a Geo. Andrews is on the sick list with a Klamath county. Mrs. R. G. Huston and granddaughter, Soda Springs, Parkers and All those knowing themselves indebt­ open prairies during tbe dry, heated por­ heavy volume—more than twelve hun J. R. Perry went to Medford one day Miss Marcella Carter, of San Jose, Cal., ed to the undersigned will please come tion ot the year. Keno; also beet connections bilious fever to combat. dred gallons per hour. wit-. 6tags lines from Klam­ Quite a number of cattle spent last Mr. L. E. Drew of Medford visited at J. last week, while there he purchased a arrived at the Ashland House Thanks­ forward and settle up immediately. You may dive and swim and have more splinter brand new hack and harness. giving Day to remain here some time. ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly summer on the reservation, as no pro­ CONTRACTOR and STORE 8. T. S onger , M. D. fun than “anybody"—coxae out as “tine . P, True’s Sunday. Now I tell you, Joe shines as well as his and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath vision was made for their exclusion, and Ashland, Ore , Dec. 2, 1899. as silk" and “white as wool"—rejuv«n Dressed dolls for Bale at opera house Henry Griffin is busily engaged in putting hack and harness does when he gets his and Indian Agency. Stage the animals found their wav in from the KEEPER. ated and happy. Dec. 12. School Teacher Wanted. bay drivers hookeij up and he gets hold in his crop on the Beery farm. leaves Ashland daily on ar­ foothills without being driven, He does Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, Jehu Jacobs, inventor of tbe Jacobs Must have good reference. Apply on not see bow cattle are to be excluded, as OAKLAND ST.. NEAR R. R. TRACK, rival of south-bound train Mr. Al Mead and family of Hillsboro, of the ribbons. It wouldn’t surprise us or rent. For information address the ASHLAND ........ OREGON. if Joe didn’t get some of the fair sex to Concentrator, came over from Henley or before Monday Dec. 18th, to clerk or the reserve is not fenced, and cattle­ and arrive« daily in good Ore., has moved on the Adkins place. proprietor. occupy the other end of the seat. You Sunday and has been having another one directors of district No. 8, Talent, Ore. owners have their ranches adjacent to time to connect with north­ Located on the Will supply first-class Chinese laborers in Mr. C. Hibbard has sold bis timber claim know it would make the hack ride better of his superior gold saving inventions bound train. the mountains on all sides. The cattle­ any number desired for railroad construc­ City Council Proceedings. HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILK to L. F. Weeks of Grants Pass. turned out at the Ashland Iron Works. and not tilt to one side so bad. men. bv playing it a little sharp, can save tion, ditch digging, clearing lands, rights- ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: It will be shipped Saturday to Rough for Monthly reports of city officers their winter range without driving their NORTH OF THE PLAZA. of-way, or any work desired. The entertainment and box social November read and placed on file. animals actually on to the reserve. All TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 1;iven by Miss Frankie Barnes at the and Ready, Nevada county, Cal. Boot ot' Referonoeo, KLAMATH FALLS. ASHLAND. A resolution was adopted by ; they have to do is to herd them toward “The Colored Aristocracy” Co. Monday Take L axative B romo Q uinine T ab ­ ower Sams A alley school house last .................. ....... ........ Leaves 1:00 p m _ j Leaves...... 8 :00 p m council, ordering the construction tbe mountains, and tbe cattle, taking the Dec. Uth. Wednesday night was well attended lets . All druggists refund thé money if Arrives....... 2:45 pm | Arrives... .6:30 am sidewalk on the east side of 5th street,in | bint, will do the rest. Proprietor it fails to cure. E. W. G rove ’ s signature Her classes were well driller! and the per­ Chas. W. Brandon, Merrill; G. E. railroad addition extending from “A” to I Considerable game still exists in his formance was excellent. The receipts Hicks and wife, Henley; Mrs. W. N. . on each box. 25c. Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight Main street, the walk to be 8 feet wide district, with the exception of elk, which of the evening were $18, which she will Kouns, Cole’s; J. L.Ragsdale, Wrangle, Must be Waybilled, use in buying a library for the Si hcol. Alaska; Jehu Jtcobs, Henley, were regis­ and to be completed by Fedruary 1,1900. ■ ’ he sais have been exterminated. There KRAL ESTATE. Emil Peil was present and asked the ! are plenty of deer, bears and wildeate, Ashland Office: There will be a grand mask ball given tered at the Aehland House the past council to permit him to erect a ware i the biown aud black bears being partic­ Amelia A Brooks to North PacificChur<-b POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. room in the rear o< hie blacksmith slidp | ularly numerous, and in the deep fastnes­ Extension Association, loti, blk 26, Jack­ by Tom Pankey at the Sams Valley hall week. on Fridav night Dec. 22d. Supper will | • Santa Claus headquarters at the Rack­ 75 feet from the plaza, the ware room to ses these are “so wild that they are tame," sonville. $1 Klamath Falls Office: Elisabeth A Smith to H. L. Evans, prop­ ■ be served by Mrs. T. Pankey. Tickets be used for storing wagons, hac^s, and often expose themselves to bullets H M VAN VALKEN BURG. et. Come and see. u rxeroar erty near Ashland livery stable. $.00 including supper will be $1.25. Acordial buggies and farming machinery, t A simply because they have never been the prloe J L Ross t<> G H and Jode Boguq, lots ' invitation extended to all. A sermon illustrated by stereopticon resolution was adopted by affirmative hunted. Toward the latter part of the Water Street, 1 and 2, blk 35, Coolidge add to Ashland. views, will be preached at the Congre- vote of each councilman changing the snmmer the bears come down from the th la _____ Near Alain- Yerfc BavtvHbU U m U c Tr— . illustrated above« cat tbU $250 See “The Coon Salvation Army”opera fational church next Sabbath evening, depth of the fire limits from 150 feet to higher summit» to Huckleberry moun­ ad. out and send to us with OCR 8PBC1AL PRkCB Max Pracht to W B Fracht, propertv in house, Dec. 11th. ■tote your Hstahl, W^fUt. **,, how long you have been )ec. 10, by the pastor. The usual 75 feet so far as the fire limits apply to tain, where they revel in berries and pile Orders by mail or ruptured, whether rupture lalucoomall; Ashland $1. aumberlnobM around the body ow a Un« with the express receive preaching services in the morning. the ground to be occupied by the ware on fat to last them while hibernating. W H Penter to A D Helman, property rupture, any whether rupture U on right or left aide, prompt attention. PHOENIX. You are invited. room. There was a great crop of theee luscious we will tend either true« to you with the uader- in Ashland. $90. Notice I» hereby given lhat the firm of and T erms C ash at » eeaadllie. tf H ,ie Beta pertMt M aM ageaito Mfm lhal Adelia I’alrtborpe to T G Cox. 180 acres The following bills were additedi by berries tbe past season, and tons upon Arthur Rose returned Monday from ntaaatUraeftaee eer >rlee,you can retuni it Ud we Sunday services as follows at the M. reasonable bates . Howell This company composed of twenty OTIIT-.ZD ZRZE3 IT'S time was reported by those in attendance. dav for the San Francisco railroad B A Potter, in twp 39 s, r 1 e, $217 MONEY TO LOAN. <« «<■ E J Casebeer, 4 90 star, male and f-male artists, will pre­ hospital. Agnea tirob to Emma Dear, parts of lots 1N8U RANCB A 8PECIALTY, 4< << M sent to the patrons of the opera house 4,5.4,10.11 and 12 blk 26. Jacksonville. 1 E A Hildreth, 3 75 See “ The Fire Brigade” opera houee, , The Klamath Falls-Ashland stage J Banks, <( <1 << on Monday Dec. 11, a series of Olios un ­ Here are a few of my bargains: ■Hhsrman Orton to Frank Hutchinson, 250 Dec. 11th. broke down and the mail started out C Cole, << << << lots 6, 7 and 8, blk 1. Medford, $50. equalled by any company now making a Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres 210 today by horseback. Supt. Garrett paid tary to Fall creek : Dec 2. 1899. ‘ 1 50 magnificientlv costumed and being un­ Mrs. Bush, Propr. j Ashland^ Oregon. quicklv cured bv One MinuteCongh Cure, Mies Kizer of Central Point. That is W F Long, Christmas Goods Hext Month. Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two 1 75 der the pereonal direction of Mr. Geo. the ohlv remedy that produces immediate more considerate than * corporation Minkler & Son, i, merchandise....... small houses. >400. * X New Goode. results in cougns, colds, croup, bronchitis R K Sutton, livery hire............. 1 50 i H. Williams and that together with the These are within a mile and a half of Main Street, Oyer the Bridge. i fact that it has played in all the larger Pneumonia and throat and lung troubles would do. J B Leach, labor on water works. 225 Ashland. ’ Mirrors, Picture Frames, Moulding, t will prevent consumption.—Euoxsi A, At all Hour*, Two miles from town, ten acre«, entirely 400 i cities from New York via New Orleans • •• Miss Lena Abbott returned home to G M Grainger, labor for city....... Lamberquin Poles and Trimmings, B hkbwim . ! and Los Angeles is enough to assure the unimproved, $200 Wagner creek yesterday from Hornbrook. Frank Dodge, hauling ................ ............ . ........ The Finest ......................... 304 Easels, Iron Beds, Parlor Tables, Sofa Hotel property in town, for sale for >4000. Fox A Hildreth, “ .................. 250 public of its refined and standard qual- ' ; ........... ....and Most Artistic................... Pillows, Lace Curtain Stretchers, One hundred scree fine vallev land, two Mrs. McConnell and daughter, Miss Win­ E B Currv, labor on water works. 185 j ities. Lunches Put Up., tlothes Bars at Opera House Furniture .,... .Job Printing at Lowest Rates......... mllee from Medford, $4500. nie. rameover fiora Yreka yesterday to T W Ellsberry," BOHN. Admission 25, 50 and 75 cts. * “ “ 110 Call and see me in regard to any ef th* visit Ashland relatives, the guests of Mrs. Store; ' ’ • ...and on the Very Shortest Notice... above, Eugene Walrad, fixing cemetery and if they do not suit, I have * Dr. 8onger. 11 on A aupel, Norns & Drake's tor . .. rp • Call Vanpel, Norris Drake ’ s ——•AT walk ............................................ large list from which yon might choose 106 - your carpets. They have received a fine Ail Passengers 1 rams --------------------- — Boo "Miss Dinia Lee’s Wedding Day” RUMMEL—In Ashland, Dec. 4,1899, to B -our E A A. Leeton Leeston Smith went to Gold Hill GKO. W. TRKFWtM. presented by “The Colored Ariitoaracy” Mr. and Mrs. James Rummel, a Tuesday to start a new drift in his guru Superior job printing of every descrip* line which are being offered at bottom Stop 80 Minutes for Meals daughter. süs«. Co. Deo. llth. U od doa*« V mmt Kam «•wJyrtow. THE WONDERFUL DESTROYER INFLAMMATION IN MAN OR BE a ST R. K. SUTTON, PROP. K idneys , L iver and B owels VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE VALLEY RECORD. G ui ? rnia |T g ,S yrvp ( s BARR’S GRAND ... HOLIDAY ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs STAGE <- LINE BATHING WA CHUNG KLAMATH FALLS. Chinese Labor Aslikuid- GRANT HEEMAN . STEAM— Laundry:: ASHLAND TINNÍNG&PLUMBINGCO. Bush’s Restaurant! Meals 25 . ... * ■ f ~ ■V’ j- GEO. W- TREFREN. UNDERWEAR,