PERHONAL AND SOCIAL. CLARA FITCH’S MURDERER. f Lnctnre by Netti«* Old—Haight. The gold output from the Cariboo dis The Trial of the Accused Frank Mc Thursday evening Mrs. Nettie Olds- trict, B. C., this year is estimated at Haight appeared before a good sized $1,009,000. Extensive hydraulic plant» Carpets at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. Daniel tn Progreaa. audience in the city hall in an announ i are opera ted by several companies and a Jack Morris was a Medford visitor The trial of young Frank McDaniel, ced lecture from the secular point of yesterday. indicted for the murder of his sweet- view on the question “What shall we great deal of new mininig machinery is taken into the district. Some of ths Mr. and Mr*. J. A. Gross are stopping ■ heart, Miss Adelaide Clara Fitch, began do to be saved?” The speaker showed in Portland Monday. that this yearning “to be saved,” which nuggets found this season was worth at San Jose, Cal. The “Telegram” describee the court had so agitated mankind since the 1100. Mrs. J. C. Pendleton has returned room scene as follows: •F ALL FORMS OF alleged fall of Adam,was born out of the Eastern capitalist have just purchased from a visit, in Portland. McDaniel occupies a seat among debasement of man taught by a religion, a large tract of timber laud in San Ma Rev. J. A. Slover will preach in Cen witnesses and fnends just witbin the the invention of priests and a religious teo county and axe going into the lffih- railing, and looks neat and natty and hierarchy. An historical review brought tral Point Sunday morning. her business on an extensive scale. wears a cheerful and even a careless de Rev. F. G. Strange returned yesterday meanor, as if the proceedings had only before the audience various religious Henry R. Hall died at Santa Barbara creeds other than the Christian, the Death on Rheumati*ui, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, from Portland and Eugene. an indirect and transcient interest for career of Buddha being particularly a few days ago. During the war he was Earache, Burns, Scalds, Corns and Bunions, Stiff Joint*. An elegant line of Framed Pictures at him. Beside him sits his brother, and dwelt upon, by which it was designed to assistant United States treasurer under near him several friends who are inter show that as to birth and other re Lincoln, and signed the first series of Opera House Furniture Store. PRICE, 50-0. &; $1.00 FEB BOTTLE M. A. Mitchell, the Spokane mining ested in bis case, while in the body of > semblances, the story of Christ may greenbacks issued by the government. the courtroom, on next to the front have been copied from that of Buddha man, arrived in Ashland Tuesday. bench, in company with some sympa who lived hundreds of years before the Charles R. Cramblitt, a pioneer of The Murry & Mack troupe were regis thizing friends, sat Mrs. Fitch, the Christian epoch. There was no social Stockton, was killed there a few days tered at the Ashland House yesterday. sorrowing mother of the girl who met truth nor moral precept taught in the ago while moving freight cars. Ashland, Oregon, such a tragic death on the 20th day of Bible which had not been taught during 8heridan Thornton returned to Klam last July, in Cycle Park. As a result of a quarrel over a game of ages before by leaders of public opinion. athon yesterday from a visit in Ashland. District Attorney Sewall and his The Bible was a book without originality cards, Al Losseu, a colored bootblack, £*”Read these Testimoniáis, given andar oatb, o< Cures Actually Performed ; Miss Nora McClendon went to Gold assistant, Mr. Giltner, both think they as to ethics or morals. There had Deen shot and killed Hughes Younger, a provided for the world sixteen “ saviours ” Hill yesterday to remain until Sunday. have a good case against the accueed, gambler, at Baker city, Or. Lessen all born of _ virgins by supernatural I can cheerfully state that the Snap W. Dickerson who being duly sworn, made John Demmer of Medford, has gone and Attorney Henry St. Raynor, for the agency. Which one wae to be accepted secured a shotgun, and as Younger was to Herndon, Kan., to look after his defense, is confident that the state will as the true “saviour?” If the decision entering the St. Lawrence restaurant Shot is the best liniment I have ever used, the following statement ;- not be able to make out a case. e ome My daughter, who was a student at the the negro shot him through the heart. or ever heard of in a life time. farm. Stat« Normal School,one nigbt while study new evidence is said to be in possession was to be made on the size of the We always keep a bottle of it at the ing felt a pain in her hand which aeon ex G. L. Baker arrived from McMinn- of the prosecutian, but how important following of the respective “saviours” Lessen gave himself up. Threats of ville last Friday to spend some time in it is remains to be seen, and at the then Buddha was the correct one be lynching the negro were freely made normal school. Among the athletic stu tended to the arm. The^next day she went dents who have been hurt one or two ap school and during the day she lost the Ashland. present time not even an inkling of its cause he had the greatest number of »nd for safety’s sake the prisoner was plications of this liniment has taken out to use ot her arm and it became spotted (and kiken to Union. adherents. Next Mohammed would be Rev. and Mrs. G. W, Nelson have be nature will be disclosed by the state’s the irflammation and cured a sprained the teachers sent her home, fearing blood the choice because his followers were gun housekeeping in the Congregational attorney. Sylvester Hull, a pioneer and prom ankle, a dislocated knee and a mashed poison. When she arrived home I took The first part of the week is being next in numbers. But the Christian re inent Democratic politician of Shasta finger. One application cured a young her to Mr. Button's office where be applied parsonage. "Snap Shot” liniment and within twenty ligion being nearest in point to us was consumed in the selecting of a jury. lady of a paralizad arm and another Attorney W. I. Vawter returned to the one given special attention by the county, died recently after a linering young lady who bad the rheumatism and minutes of the first application, the swell ing was gene down, the pain was gone and Medford Tuesday from a business trip to Killing or W D. Blitch. lady. Fear had been incorporated into illness in his 68th year. Hull had filled also a stone bruise was entirely cured by the spotted appearanceileft it, and'she! hae San Francisco. the position of sheriff of the county and the Christian doctrine to stampede the J. D. Blitch, railroad agent and opera never had the least trouble] with, her arm two applications. Miss Pearl Wilshire of St. Mary’s tor at Siskiyou, was called to Pendleton muJljt3(ie' into pie Christian corrals. register of tho land office at Rodding. It bas.also cured burns, cuts, carbun since or a recurrence of the pain. “ If-XQR don ’ t believe in Christ you will FLORXNCB L. TBBFBKlt. Academy is spending the day with W. Monday by the sad news of the accident Walter Howard, aged 11 years, was cles, pimples, tooth-ache and rheuma Notary Publie for Oregon. al killing of his brother. A Pendleton bedarawed ” “Accept this or you will run over and killed at Sellwood, Or., tism. L. Johnson’s family. dispatch of the 28th gives the following inherit hell instead of a kingdom of by an electric car on the East Side rail We have never known ii.fl unmation A. F. Hunt shipped two car loads of account of the unfortunate affair: everlasting joy.” The speaker carried State of Oregon, way. The boy was on a bicyele and that it will not speedily takeon’, if thour- sheep to Sacramento recently and sends before her audience with artistic and W. D. Blitch, of Pendleton, was struck oagbly rubbed in once or iwi.- - Jackson County out two more car loads Friday. by a freight train on the Spokane branch graceful speech a vista of a bright, beau rode across the track in front of the It is a marvelous medicine , and will James M. Fewei being duly sworn de tiful and noble future for the human car, which was backiug up slowly. Miss Etta King, who has been visiting yesterday afternoon, and recieved fatal doeven more for the afll etc! than is poses end say’s:- That about ten days race when it shall have attained the full her folks at Medford for a month, re injuries. He was riding in a road cart “Why Christians Observe the First claimedffor it. ago 1 bad the neuralgia in my face and it ! and was crossing the track just beyond fruition of intellectual liberty. “Peace Day of the Week” will be the subject of pained me severely and had been tronbling turned to Soda Springs Tuesday. W. T V an S cov . on earth,good will to men that was the me for two weeks or more when I had Mr. P. F. Roberts and F. Boyd, Glendale, * the O. R. & N. station at Weston, when end sought and would yet be the joy of the morning discourse at the Baptist President Southern Oregon State Nor Sutton apply his Snap Shot. He rubbed mal school. and J. A. Rice, Myrtle creek, were regis the freight train came along, running in mankind. The lecture was so well church. Young People’s meeting at 6:30 my face for a few minutes and oompletly p. m., preaching at 7:30. this direction. The engine struck the Suliscribed and sworn to befrr» me cured tered at Hotel Oregon last week. the pain and since that time been al rig, killing the horse, and picking up the appreciated by Mrs. Haight’s friends this 4th day of November, 1899. most wholly free from pain. H. S. Evans is painting T. J. Kenney’s cart and its occupant and carrying them that Bhe was prevailed upon to remain F lorence L. T rf . fbfn . My wife was sick with the cholera mor handsome new residence in Jacksonville on the pilot across the high trestle which over and lecture in the same place Notary Public for Oregon. bus and took about half a teaspoonful of and fitting up the Native Sons’ hall. {ends a few feet beyond the station plat Saturday night. On this occasion the the medicine and it cured the trouble^ at KLAMATH FALLS. hall was crowded. Her subject, “Who once and she never felt anything more of Mrs. B. F. Fox arrived Tuesday from form at Weston. are the real sinners? ” was treated in the it. State of Oregon.) The prospective railroad is being dis Globe, Arizona, to spend the winter Blitch was formerly assistant to the > ss. J ambs M. F xwii cussed by everyone. agent of the W. & C. railroad and North same clever style which characterized with her daughter, Mrs. E. V. Carter. Jackson County) her previous speech. In this address Subscribed and sworn to before me this ern Pacific company here. Later he On this 28th day of July, 1899. appeared County Surveyor E. B. Henry, who is 19th day of November 1899. she traversed grounds that have been Omar Murphy and wife, who have ASHLAND. Or..... Thursday, Nov. 30,1899 before me, a Notary Public within and for now located at Klamath Agency, made a been residents of Gregg, Idaho, for some served the same companies as agent at pathbeaten bv adventurous freethinkers G eo . W. T beeben . Helix, leaving their employ two weeks ihe State and Conntv above named one W. Notary Publiclfor Oregon. brief visit to the Falls last Friday. time, returned to Medford this week to ago. Blitch died last night at 9 o’clock. many times, but she lit up the way CENTRAL POINT. L. B. Applegate left for his home in reside. Coroner Folsom went to ascertain the with witty incidents, clever reasoning and original treatment of the subject, Rev. A. J. Hanbyof Phoenix was in town San Jose last Saturday. He will spend A. R. Merritt, of Gold Hill, has pur responsibility for the accident. He ex ending with an eloquent peroration de the winter months with his family in onerated the train crew from all blame. chased the Jones & Otten goods at last Saturday. livered with great elocutionary effect. California and return to Klamath coun Woodville and it is reported will go in Proposed Railroad to Coast. Olwells’ have a large force of both sexes ty next spring. The evident interest was maintained business there. packing apples. It is reported by the S. F. Examiner throughout the address which lasted Louis Gerber, the prominent stock- Mrs. T. D. Gilmore visited Ashland that the Santa Fe R. R. has made a deal nearly two hours, the audience being Thanksgiving sermon by Rev. Gregory man of this county, was in the Falls a very responsive. at the M. E. church next Thursday evening few days past making arrangements for relatives this week en route to spend with Edgar and Albert Vance for the Mrs. Nettie Olds-Haight is quite a Thanksgiving with her folks at Riddle purchase of the Klamath railroad in shipping some cattle to the city. at 7 o’clock. young woman, but she speaks with the from Montague. Humboldt county ,28 miles in length,con Granville Sears, an incompetent and an Dan Van Brimmer and wife, of Merril, Wm. E.Gee of Grangeville, Idaho, the trolling the entire water front at Eureka. equanimity and grace of a veteran plat old pioneer, who has been stopping in this were in the Falls last Saturday and made Buffalo Hump country, and Merrill Gee Negotiations have also been made with form orator. She is a woman of large place for a year, will move back to his farm a Final Proof on their desert claim be of Sams Valley are visiting their brother the Donahue road now running from culture and wide reading, bespeaking an next Thursday. Mrs. Malinda 8ears, ht9 fore the county clerk. Homer in Ashland. Tiburon to Ukiah, whereby an exten indefatigable student in one so young. She is more of a logician than a de sister, will care for him. The grand ball en masque which is to Supt. W. J. Virgin went to Medford sion may soon be comple'ed to Eureka, claimed and is likely to fix her points in Crantili and Robnett have two lot9 on the be pulled off here on the 30th inst. will Tuesday to shut down the mill there for for running Santa Fe cars to that place. the mind to stay for a time. She Surveys have been lately made for the A cts gently on the corner opposite the livery stable, and will undoubtedly be the biggest event of the about ten days until he overhauls and extension of the Donahue road 60 possesses in plenty the gifts that are I season. Some gay and festive togs will repairs the machinery. pleasing to the public from the rostrum — put a large brick stone building thereon in be displayed by the ultra swell and a miles above Ukiah, for the construction A. W. Long is now engaged as locomo of which the Anglo-California bank holds a fine presence, a sweet voice, ease and the spring. hilarious time is assured by the manage tive engineer—his old occupation—in $1,000,000 in escrew, thus reaching with fluency of speech, and withal an amia T. G. Ruth, hotel proprietor, is busy pre ment. the state of Wyoming. His family leaves in 110 miles of Eureka. The Santa Fe bility that disarms prejudice. Her paring a Thanksgiving dinner, and at Geo. T. Baldwin and R. S. Moore re Ashland soon to join him. will soon be running trains into San sincerity and earnestness in her desire ■ night will give a dance and supper Mr. turned from their trip to Pokegama, Francisco from its southern route via to do good from her point of view are M. J. Roche, formerly telegraph edi the where they went with other officials Ruth seems to be the right man for L R- ! the new San Joaquin Valley road, and manifest, and her deeply sympathetic viewing the proposed route of the Ore tor of the Oregonian ana now with the with this coast road can build a northern nature is evidenced in the course ci all business he is engaged in. Rio Grande Western Railway, was in Mr. Clark and Mr. Cosum. late of the gon Midland Railroad. road overland by building a road into her speeches. This woman is destined Ashland yesterday on business. Mike Hartery, of Merrill, visited the this county, and joining the proposed to reach a very high position on the Willamette Valley, shipped up a half car Mrs. Nels. Church went to Dunsmuir new road from Klamathon to Klamath American lecture platform. load of potatoes from there a few days ago. county seat a few days ago, receiving yesterday where her daughter, Mrs. Falls, Or., thence into eastern Oregon They went oft like hot cakes at 80 cents per the glad hand from his many friends. QUALITY AND NEWS if Alice Tucker, was ill. Mrs. Cunning for a junction of the Oregon short line at sack. Sam Beach of Naylox, took a special ham went on to San Francisco. OVERCOMES iS < CJf Huntington, or some other point in east Fame and Excellence are Determining before Supt. It is reported again that the Central Point teachers’ examination ern Oregon or Idaho. — Yreka Journal. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Applegate of Klam Factors in Successful Development.— ^BITUAU flour mill will be started up soon. The Fountain and during his stay here agi ath county visited Ashlanc this week Anti-Saloon League Meeting. PERMANENTLY Central Oregon State Normal School, Drain, Oregon. company have twenty thousand bushels of tated football considerably and will and left yesterday for San Jose where One of the Important Functions of ___ 1 to make a game between the wheat storedjj^ta mill that they will man- endeavor Will open its doors for the new school year on September 11,1899. The buildings have The sixth public mass mas« meeting ot of tne the « High-Class Newspapers. Indian boys and our local team before their children are'going to sihoql. tf rECTS been thoroughly renovated aud improved. New apparatus added and other improve 'uffiefure into flourTjere. •—4B vhe season closes. Anti-Saloon League drew a good a^idi^nccU In JM tJte ’OSesring. interoatieg phases of -Misses Nina and Teena Nxris and the ot ments made for the cqmfort and convenience of the students. Good Boarding and men at City Monaay evenn of Hall evening to recientifie Central Point will make a town yet. 1 and economic problems, high- Dormitory Advantages at the lowest possible rate. Uniform State Normal School The second trial of Hank O’Brien at Messrs E. Ferguson and Carl Will spent hear Rev. N. F. Jenkins of Grants Granta Pass Why shouldn’t It? It la the natural hub this November term of the circuit court Sunday very pleasantly with a party of Course. Complete Training School in connection with the Normal, where Seniors are Buy Tne GENVINE -MWN’f O By newspapers frequently give infor deliver his lecture on “The Saloon Tree class, profeBsionally trained under the supervision of a Critic Teacher, who will give his entire of the county, is a beautiful location, was begun Wednesday and went to the pleasure-seekers at the Ashland mine. mation of as great value in their adver and the Fruit It Bears.” He used an 8- tising columns as in those devoted to the time to this work. Graduates of this school ate given a credit of Thirty Month's Teach the healthiest place in the valley and haB a jury Thursday afternoon After deliber H. C. Myer, Frank and Robt. Vining foot square chart and the fruits were ing Experience, which enables them to reach the Life Diploma in the quickest and most ating for 24 hours the jury agreed to are in Portland this week from Alaska painted in red and black paint. It was publication of the principal events of the first-class school. satisfactory manner. Send your address for complete catalogue to day ; amjLwhen the fame of a product is disagree and the case was continued Our two stores here are both doing a good and the Klondike country. They will very original and unique and made a extender beyond its natural limits into ran sau sr 0Ru46STi ram so» ns wtul JNO. B. WALKER, A. M., President of Faculty» business. The people are beginning to find over to the June term. A n element of spend the winter at San Francisco where telling impression on the audience. foreignflands, and a large demand cre the wild and wooly west still seems to The enrollment committee reported a ated th’oughout Great Britain and her out that they can do as well here as they exist in some portions of the county and Mrs. Myer is stopping. can in Medford. Misses Emma Reed, Grace Foster, number of new names and suggested the Colonies and the princi pallsea-ports and the failure of two juries to arrive at a Aileen Webber, Dr. J. M. Keene, Dr. R. subdividing of the city wards for can cities of Europe, Asia and Africa, it be verdict goes to show that there are many Ashland & Klamath Falls SHAKE. T. Burnett and Attorney Searles were vassers to assist in the work. comes a pleasant duty to note the fact who still approve the carrying of con and to tell of the points of excellence on Rain almost every day for a week. Foot Ball Team Today. cealed weapons and the necessity of up from Medford last night attending which so great a success is based. We Finegan’e Ball. Hart killed two brown bears last Thurs pulling a gun at the drop of the hat. A warm game of football is being refer to the now world-famed laxative John Churchman has been running as waged in Medford this afternoon be day. an old one and cub. The case of state of Oregon vs. Meyers, remedy. Syrup of Figs, the product of J. 8. Bailey started the 27th for the tim which came up before Justice Hatton, Wells-Fargo express messenger between tween Ashland and Medford players. the California Fig Syrup Company. Grants Pass and Dunsmuir the past F. HEBERUF, PRO’ ber lands in Klamath Co. to locate 14 Med- were dismissed and the costs were week, assisting in the Thanksgiving rush Lewis Stanley is manager and coach and 1 The merits of this well-known excellent Thoroughly Restocked and ★ .^rr*,”7■CT?>^ assessed to A. L. Michael the prosecu Fred Roblev captain of the Ashland I lixative were firet made known to the fordites. He says he gets $50 each for Water Street, Entirely New Management. ting witness. The charge against of express business. forces. The average weight of the local world through the medical journals and Near inaiti- locating and has some claims in view yet. Meyers was larceny of lumber which team is 145 lbs. each each. The following is Mrs. Geo. G. Eubanks and daughter ROBERT M. GARRETT, It BBIIK TIB W1TK1 18 1 T$I| Q newspapers of the United States; and is Lawrence Brittson started to the vrllev proved to be a fallacy and Mr. Meyers Madge and her new eon born in the the line up: Orders bv mail or Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates one of the distinct achievements of the express receive was allowed to go on his way rejoicing. Woman’s Hospital, San Francisco, ar MEDFORD. ASHLAND. yestery for the winter. Superintendent. fungi and animalcules, and neutral press. It is now well known that Syrup prompt attention. ( Ford or of Figs is an ethical proprietary remedy, izing and correcting all acidi The last case on the circuit court rived home from California Tuesday. Murry T erms C ash at C. ties it promotes a normal and Best and ( Combs approved by the most eminent phy SAMPSON. reasonable bates . docket is now being tried. The case of George met them at Colestin. All were healthful oondltion in every Morgan Hooker R. G. well and happy. W. H. Shepherd completed work on his Sarah Fitch vs A. D. Harpold, for re sicians everywhere, because it is simple part of the system. Quickest Route to Rose Jackson R. T. covery of personal property. After this and effective, yet pleasant to the taste apple house Thursday. There will be divine services with the Childers Hammond R. E. case is disposed of court will probably administration of the Holy Communion and acceptable to the system, and not — SWIMMING RINK. — Levi Willits, the Klamath Falls merchant, Sackett. ' only prompt in its beneficial effects, but L. G. Cook adjourn until next regular term. at Trinity Episcopal church on Sunday Klum also wholly free from any unpleasant Cox L. T. passed here Wednesday from home. Inclosed and covered, the same medics Judge Orr announces the arrival of a next, Dec. 3d, at the hour of 11a.m. Fessenden ; I after-effects. It is frequently referred to Goes bv Barron, Shake, water, always clean, for the springs run a Miss Clara Poley of Ashland closed a Biden L. E. i All are cordially invited. Sunday school handsome baby boy at his home on the or Carter I as the remedy of the healthy, because it Soda Springs, Parkers and heavy volume-more than twelve hun three months term of school here Friday,giv at 10 a. m. Mattern is used by people who enjoy good health Keno;also best connections 27th inst. Anderson Q. dred gallons per hour. ing a program. witn stage lines from Klam L. H. Korney an(j ijve weji anj fee| we|| an(j are Dan Conner, the Philippine soldier Slinger You may dive and swim and have more Free to Ladies. , who returned from the Orient with a Childers J. D. Williams’ family have been stop ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly R. H. nprnP weU informed on all subjects generally, fun than “any body "—come out as “fine H. BOIVIN, Manager and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath F. B. Ramsay . chronic case of rheumatism, has been r>USn innlndincr luTuh'voa Tr* «öl' ito ping at Geo. Grow’s. There will be a course of three health < as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven including laxatives. In order to get its and Indian Agency. Stage and Fred Geo. Carter Substitutes: cured by the mud baths at < ated and happy. beneficial effects, it is necessary to get It rained quite heavily here Monday and lectures given by Mrs. L. E. Hitchcock, , entirely leaves Ashland daily on ar the State Manager of Oregon Viavi Co. Tolman’s springs in the Siskiyous, 16 Van Natta. the genuine Syrup of vigs, which is man Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, raised the creeks. rival of south-bound train (to Isdies only), on Monday, Dec. 4th, 1 miles from Ashland. He spent two COR. MATN AND CHURCH STREET. or rent. For information addreaa the ufactured by the California Fig Syrup TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY and arrives daily in good months there and returned to Ashland and Wednesday, Dec. 6tb, at the Chris- 1 Co., only. proprietor. NEIL CREEK. Ashland, Oregon, time to connect with north tian Church, at 2:30 p. m. On Tuesday I for good Monday. Take L axative B romo Q uinine T ab Located on the Stormy weather is the order of the day. MINING. bound train. evening the lecture will be given espe Thos. Jones and wife, David Horn, S. lets . Ail druggists refund the money if HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE Mr. Black and family have gone to Cali cially to young ladies. Subject: “What Shattuck and wife, J. A. Strobeck, A. G. it fails to cure. E. W. G rove ’ s signature Ad. Graham and Robt. Shaw have com ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: Shop is now open. is Health Worth to a Yonnir Woman?” Smith, J. O’Neil, Wm. Lyttleton, H. F. on each box. 25c. NORTH OF THE PLAZ*A. fornia. pleted a 40-foot extension to the 300-foot tunnel on the mine of G. W. Johnson Nothing but First - Class Wm. Wilfong has moved into our neigh All ladies are invited to attend the course. Cole and wife, Mrs. Rufus Cole, Rufus J. I. KLAMATH FALLS. A8HLAUD. and E. Johnson on Holton gulch in Cole, Mrs. B. Cole, W. H. Smith, and ,1 :00 :00 p p m m I Leaves....... 8:00 p m KRAL ESTATE. borhood and is working for J. C. Neil. Leaves........1 Enoch F. Walker was up from Medford others of Hornbrook, Henley and Coles, Davenport mining district. It tapped Work turned out. Arrives....... f 2:45 p m | Arrives... .6:30 a m R Rasmussen to Big Bend Milling Co, 80 the ledge and the owners will inspect James Cook has taken a contract to cut Tuesday. He wishes to sell hie ranch were in Yreka last Sunday, attending Proprietor near Bonanza, Klamath county, consist the funeral of the late Rufus Cole.— acres in sec 16, twp 31, 3 e, $260. wood for Grandpa Neil. the same this week. Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight G F Billings to Thos F Weedon and wife, ing of house and barn and 560 acres of Wm. R. Kincaid and sons have a large land for $10 per acre, or will mortgage it Yreka Journal. lot 2. Helm’s add to Ashland, and 20 acres One of the largest mining deals ever Must be Waybilled. made in Siskiyou county was closed B1-wunt of grain sown this fall. Court Hall of Medford is figuring on in sec 15, twp 39, 1 e, $500. for $3500. J F Hendricks to T H Weedon and wife, j Saturday, when Chas. H. Souther of Ashland Office: going into business at Gold Hill. Mrs '^allace ** at Lebanon, Ore , 20 acres in sec 8, twp 39,1 e, $400. LaGrippe, with its after effects, annually POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Elizabeth Kenney to T J Kenney, n % ; Boston; Maas., purchased the Dwinnell Emil Holden, a miner formerly of Gold destroys thousands of people. It may be Visiting b#r mother wh0 ls quite Uh group of mines in Gazelle district. The quickly cured by One Minute Cough Lure, Hill and Ashland, but now proprietor of lote 7 and 8 , blk 17, Jacksonville, $75. Klamath Falls Office: The entertainu''*nt bv onr school the only remedy that produces immediate Jas Evans to F L Cranfill and E C Rob i price for the mine was the largest ever Mrs. Bush, Propr, j A^hlandP Oregon. H H VAN VALKENBURG. the Black Diamond saloon at Redding, at FACTOai Tuesday .renin« CM. * pleaSant results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, was “touched” about 10 o’clock Monday nett, lots 1 and 2, blk 10. Central Point, $75. , paid hqre for an undeveloped property, th« priae > Wm Angle to 8 P Sleppy, 162 acres in < vi*: Mt*;000. The trade was made on pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. morning. As Holden was taking a quiet nAUMTEE a?‘!r’ Be“Uh Wu,. thanks of the It will prevent consumption.—E ugkmk A. sec 5, twp 39, 1 w. $175 , befiajj of Mr. Souther by Edgar T. Wal- whether yo 1 T«rk HarmlM« ZlaaU« W«aa, llluatretod aboTe, ent thia nap in his saloon a cook named Henry plished teacher, deserves the f S hkbwix . T J Kenney to Elizabeth Kenney, life es-: ‘ laee of Yrfeka. Jo*-n F. Boyle will be eee At all Honrs. ad. oat and «end to oa with OCB STWIAL raid aaaa«, district for her efforts along u»_ ' atata your Halaht, Wal(ht, A*e, bow lone yoa ha*« bean The government vessel Nero is sur- Brandt abstracted a valuable watch and late in s % of lots 7 and8. blk 17, Jackson-1 I superintendent for the present. A force ruptured, whether rupture la large or email; alao etnte chain from Holden ’ s pocket and started ville, $5. •ducation. veviug a route for the Pacific cable from number incbee around the body on a line with the Mary E Harry and J L Worlow to Nel [ofmen'were put to work Monday, the to run. He was pursued and captured rupture, aay whether rupture 1» on right or left aide, Lunches Put Up. ¿in Francisco to the Philippines, via and now languishes in jail. The cook son P Hansen, 200 17 acres in secs 36, 31 property to. be well developed this and we will «end either truss to yon with the nnder- It ha» been fully demonstrated that atanding. ITU la Beta perhat at ead easel to treaaea lhat winter. * and 38. twp* 37 and 38,1 atid 2 e, $1200 was on a drunk. rMall at three tlaaea ear price,you can return it and wh Ely’s Cream Ba m is a specific tor Nasal J^'xxolulu. Emma L and J C Worlow to Mary E will return your money. ,, Allen Davis has bonded his mine in Catarrh and cold in the bead. This dis \ Vrnncisco will vote on the 37th Worlow, interest in same propertv, $100 WRITE FOR FREE TRU$S CATALOGUE ±*L£*»2 The populists of the two Medford pre tinction has been achieved only as the re Gazelle district to Mr. Moore of Mon All Passengers Trains , —ox on a proposition to bond cincts have effected an organization. Mabton Purdin, et al, to Mary E Worlow. af treat«». Including the lew Lan Treat hl) TC sult of contlnned successful use Amor- andt9thp. tana, for $8,000, and has other good ^9,375,000 to extend the Wm. M. Richards is president of the interest in same property, $100. tkaleerea ateeat aay eaae, aa4 which we adl tar bid condition of the membrane in the nasal mines in that section. .—«■ARB. ROkBUCKaOe.OTIMK Stop 30 Minutes for Meals L 0 Denison to Hans C Knudson, 40 acres 4 houses and establish South and J. A. Smith of the North pa»sages can Secured by this purifying and the city for s in sec 4, twp 35. 3 W, $100. healing treatment. Sold by druggists or it park, build schoo. E. B. Edson, R. R. Commissioner, has precinct. I E Earhart to Gold Hill Development will be mailed for 50 cents by Ely Brothers. a drainage system weddy purchased the Sullivan mine at Widow LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Surveyor Jesse and Guert McCall. Ad. Co. % interest in Bowden ledge in Black-’ I creek, near Gazelle, for $1100, and has 58 Warren Street. New York, it spreads Troops by the thousan^ ^ijihppines. Graham, H. Hurn, Link Helman, Arch well district, $100. over the membrane, is absorbed and relief Address L. A. CREITZ, ------- OF------- J W Robinson to Frances E Owings, 160 put men at work in developing it. leave San Francisco for the a ^ons__ ie Grieves. Hardman Horn, Morris Ad la immediate. in secs 12 and 13, twp 36, 4 w, $L Care T. R. Ryan, Main St., Ashland. On one of the government triui. _ ams and some Portland parties meet acres Edgar Wallace of Yreka lias sold Mc Max Muller, trustee, to Frances EG wings, Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., the Hancock—on the 21st, went $4,. Grath Bros.’ river mine in Klamath Engineer Eugene Schiller at Klamathon same property, $400. on Saturday evening elected the follow 1 tomorrow, to begin work surveying the J W Robinson to Frances E Owings, 160 river, above the American Bar, for $3000 ing officers for the ensuing term: G. N. 000 in coin for the United States arm; acres in sec 27, twp 35, 4 w, $1. ■■ o--------- to a San Francisco company. It is 4500 Q i '«igon Midland Road. paymaster at Manila. Lewie, N. G.; Jas. A. Wilson, V. G.; Max Muller,trustee, to Frances E Owings, feet alongside the river. The American •• Call and see me when you ara in need of The reconstruction of the electrio Ju. Cronemiller, Rec. Sec.; S. J. Day . x,’’*-. Frizell and Miss Belle Parker same property, $450. Bar mine has closed down for the OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT any property of any description, either to Treas ; J no. A. Boyer, Fin. Sec.; plant of the Standard Electric company J w Merritt to Jas Evans, lots 1 and 2, season. 4rivi.',q t0 town on Boulevard Mattresses Made Over, rent or buv. trustees, Chris Ulrich, C. H. Basye, L. of California, which was recently about 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon the blk 10. Central Point, $50. sealed bids will be received by the I have ranches for sale in every pert of Fifteen carloads of machinery will I F C Ladd to Big Bend Milling Co, 160 L. Jacobs. Pianos Polished, General 8av® ‘be acres in sec 16, twp 31, 3 e, $520 burned near Mokelunine Hill, has com hames of the if 8<hool Board of School District No. 5 of Jackson county; fine land and low prices. arrive at Yreka in a few days from the Kmall acreagss of fruit land near town tbe The New Home A Domestic are the menced at a point on the Mokolnmne horse became frighu*0^ a?^ Richard Beswick to Joseph A Powell, lot east ___ _ for _____ Jobbing : : : : : the ____ huge plant of the Yreka Jacksoo County, Oregon, nntil and includ and land in bearing fruit, any number of ladies out of the buggy agaln»VJ 1 20, blk 50, Smith’s add to Ashland, $200. Creek Dredging Co, best sewing machines on the market. river four miles above the former site. large or small. Specialty. ing Friday, December 1,1899, for the erec acres, Richard Beswick to Walter PPowell, 2.23 two monthg get it in readiness, Flue Cleaning a The Drices are so low that every one can Chas. Veghto’s place. »j I have several bouses to sell in the city; The Cascade, Wash., tunnel will be at acres in sec 4» twp 39. r 1 e, |L200. was badly injured about th<* chest and r W* __ J .. ....... afford to have one. Call and 9ee. At CW^Leave orders at H. 8. Evans’ Paint tion of a two-story and basement, six-room, prices to suit the times. to JMrHuri!J?W acres In ! the Plant wiH be Put in motion in about three miles in length; at the west head. It required five stitches to r8P*lr Store, Ashland, Oregon. Opera House Furniture Store. February. twp 37, s r 2 w, $75. brick or frame school house in said District HOU d RS TO RENT. 1 end a drift lias been made 3300 feet; at the scalp wound. F K Denel to P J Head, lots 9 and 10, blk MONEY TO LOAN. No, 5, to be completed on or before July 15, the east end is a drift 3500 feet. Labor Jane McCully Cabin No. 4, NaJive 4. Park add to Medford, $250. MAKKIED. 1N8D RANCE A SPECIALTY. ers are paid $2 a day; drillers $3.75. The Daughters of Oregon, are reading up oil Lucinda Davidson to Sylvester P Sleppv, 1900. Here arc a few of my bargains: company has put in at the west mouth the history of the state of Oregon. The se % of se % of sec 32, twp 38, s r 1 w, $325. Said school bouse to be built according to Bylyester P Sleppy to G N Anderson, PHILLIPS—McKEE—In Jacksonville, of the tunnel an air compressor, electrio 1 line of their work is very interesting and Ten acres of good fruit Land, throe acres same, $300. the plans and specifications, for both brick in fruit. $450. Nov. 20, 1899, by R. S. Dunlap, J. P., lighting plant, bunk-house and hospital. Oregon history is not any too well-known Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good Raymond Phillips and Miss Edna Me- LOCATIOXS. Notice is hereby given that the firm of I u JLIDIZES’ and frame, in the office ot the Clerk ot said by the population of this valley which It will be fully a year and a half before bouse, bam, etc., running water, for $500. Kee. J R Turner and J K P Shoemaker, N ot . Howell & Foster, Shoemakers, has been, District at Ashland, Oregon. the work is completed and ths old has been so materially easternized 8,1899, Gold Eagle placer claim in Pleasant this 18th day of November, 1899, dissolved ANT)- Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two KLINGEL—NICHOLS — In Jackson switchback done away witn. through the advent of the railroad. small houses, $100. by mutual consent. ereek district. All bids will have carefal consideration ville, Nov. 20, 1899, by Rev. M. J These are within a mile and a half ot J B Watkins, N ot 10, Sunnyside quartz The Southern Pacific company has but the board reserves the right to reject | Ashland. C. J. Foster Will Continue Bus CHILDREN’S Hickey, Chas. Klingel and Mis# Elsie claim In Bald mountain district. New Good«- created a new position for this division — Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely Nichou. J K Turner and J K P Shoemake, Noy 8, iness at the Old Stand, any and all bids. unimproved, $200. Mirrors, Picture Frames. Moulding, traveling conductor—and has appointed Gold Eagle quartz claim in Pleasant creek MOORE—ODEN—In Pleasant Creek Iuimberquin Poles and Trimmings, Pat Tynan, one of it* most popular men district. and all accounts due the firm are payable Parties wishing to file bids should mark Hotel property in town, for sale for $4000. to, and all bills outstanding against the precinct, Nov. 22, 1899, by Rev. Joel Easels, Iron Beds, Parlor Tables, Sofa for the position. Mr. Tynan’s new dutie* One hundred acres fine valley land, two John O'Brien, Noy 16, placer claim in firm them “ Bid for School House, District No. will be settled by him. miles from Medford, $4500. Milton, Jacob Moore and Mias Rose Pillows, Lace Curtain Stretchers, will keep him traveling constantly , seek Applegate district. D ry G oods , N ovelties , M. H. HOWELL, Call and see mo m regard to any ot the 6” and file them with the Cferk of the Olea. Clothes Bars at Opera House Furniture ing to make those improvements in the C J. FOSTER. above, and if they do not suit. I have • Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake'* for passenger service essential to the com Board at Ashland, Oregon. ODEN—OWINGS—In Pleasant Creek Store. ------- . -_r . - -. j - N. B.—Mr. Howell will remain as an em- __________________ largo list from which you might choose Christmas Goods Next Month. fort of patron*. Mr. Tynan’* many your oar carpet*. They have received a fine ploy* of the old shop. precinct. Nov. 22, 1899, by P.ev. Joel By order of the Board. GEO. W, TREFREN. ■------ vi-i. — K-i ----- m — a _« jtahlgnd, Oregon, opposite th* I. 0, 0. F» friend* in Eugene will be pleased to learn line wb|9b are being offered at bottom Milton, B. Oden and Min Annie Superior job printing of every deecrip- Mats |awt> Nm BxWp. AJMksft Or. OSO. W. TREFKJ», Clark, Maia Biniti Oya tbs Bridgi. aso Owings. Uoc don* at T m V alut Kaoosx* cAoe. ot hi* good fortUB«.*Ei?gW6 SUTTONS SNAP SHOT. THE WONDERFUL DESTROÏER INFLAMATION IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON. PROP VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLEÏ RECORD. K idneys , L iver and B owels '■EANSES THE ¿VSTEM n ¿^EFFECTUALLY CON s TIPAT n (5Ufi<?NIApG,$YRVP(S- Ashland.- . STEAM-- Laimdry:: ASHLAND STAGE - - LINE BATHING ^s?^: ASHLAND I White Sulphur Springs ...KLAMATH FALLS. GRANT HELMAN Bush’s Restaurant! Meals 25 By Competent Teacher : : : M. -:Carpets J. Hailtars, Cleaned OF LONG EXPERIENCE. Notice to Contractors N Dissolution Notice. UNDERWEAR, GEO. W TREFREN.