Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1899)
$ a ti. «F r Professional Cards It is believed in London that Japan is LAND & LOAN OFFICE Flgtitinfi In Venezuela. preparing to strike at Russia, her tradi John T. Walsh of Auburn has ba A cable from Puerto Cabelo, Vene Morally A cable from Manila says: 1 i ------- OF appointed manager of Placer county's , zuela, dated Sunday, says: General tional enemy, in the far East. Both hit this this ; the insurgents have been harder • hit and cable advices from Japan. j surrendered Puerto Cabello at Corea and China unite in declaring that week than at anv time daring the re HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST FEW new hospital, which is in course of con* Paredes HINMAN, D. D, 8 ■traction. The People’s Paper. 10 o ’ clock this morning after a terrific the tension is growimg, and that Japan bellion. In spite of the extraordinary 1 DAYS FROM ALL QUARTERS. The city trustees of Petaluma have 1 battle, in which it is estimated over 650 difficulties attending the various move is making a series of military prepara ■o elected Dr. Thomas Maclay city treas persons were killed and wounded. The tions entirely out of line with present Dentist. ASHLAND, Or....Thursday, Nor. 16, 1999 ments the American troops have pushed urer. i only general who remained faithful to necessities. It is alleged that 20,000' _______________ __ _____________ forward steadily. Every day they have Call and see me when yon are in need of engaged the rebels at some point. There Two Mexican section-hands fought at Andrade after the deposed president troops have been smuggled into Corea any property of auy description, either to was compelled to seek safety in flight has been no severe fighting. The work a railroad station near San Bernardino as coolies, and that her army and navy rent orbuv. . . WAR IN THE TRANSVALL ranches for sale in every part of In the M mobk Building, ap étain, over which has been mostly hi the nature of a few days ago. One was stabbed to was attacked from both land and sea. are ready for mobilization at very short: • I * have “ Jackson county; fine land and low prices. Poet Office. Boers and Britos« Enga*«d la Deadly reconnoissance, has been remarkably death and the other’s head was cut open The land attack was begun Friday.night notioe. Japan has a number of war | small " acreagas _______o____ of "*._■* ------- 1 fruit land near town Coalll«t. by a large force of men under General tuccesaful. Constant fighting along an and land in bearing fruit, any number of and he may die. ships under construction abroad, and The election in Kentucky last week A caifla ttom Loudoti says: With the extended line appears to be demoraliz large or small. Austin O. Tubbs, president of th« Ramon Guerra, one of Castro’s strongest conservative opinion holds that she will acres, I have several bouses to sell in the city; J)R. S. T. SONGER ( brought ou a number of shooting scrapes, arrival of the vanguard of the army ing to the rebels, who refuse to stand ( supporters. Desultory fighting con not act until they are completed and I ’ ubbs Cordage company, died suddenly prices to suit the times. in which a few were killed and many corps in South Africa there is a distinct md fight. a few days ago at San Mateo of heart tinued until about 4 o’clock Saturday delivered. Physician and Surgeon. wounded. improvement lent in public sen iment in this tms There is a feeling of hopefulness pre- morning, but Paredes could not be com HOUfcES TO RENT. I failure. Up to November 1, 232 carloads of MONEY TO LOAN. is rec >gniz<-d t|je aruly which is inspir- country. 1 It _______ „--------- ih*t the actual'^Tgjiing pelled to give up his position. Dewey’s flagship, the Olympia, has INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. Brakeman Burt Smith was killed situation at the front, both in Natal and ’ yjg thg men at the front to almost gone out of commission and is tied up " During the night Guerra’s men prac apples had been shipped east from the and Fireman John B. Connell fatally tically made no headway. Almost as Watsonville station. Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon Here are a few of my bargains:, Cape Qolony, is rather worse tliau it was superhuman efforts. The feeling has At the Charleston navy yard. injured in a wreck on the Spokane Falls soon as it was daylight, however, the Up to November 1 the raisin associa Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres ASHLAND a week ago, “but the absence of any become infectious in Manila. The idea — — — OREGON Merchants of Barcelona, Spain, re and Northern road, near Springdale, fruit. $450. . * fresh disaster has aroused confidence in i prevails among the troops that they attacking force made a fierce assault on tion, had distributed $751,233 to growers in Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good fuse to pay their taxes and the Spanish Waah, A freight train ran into a cow from the proceeds of the present crop. the public miud that further calamities , have entered on the final round-up of the city, compelling Paredes to retreat house, barn, etc., running water, for $500. will be averted. Military observers do the insurgents and they are straining government is going to send a squadron and the engine and two cars left the to Fort Liberator. This engagement Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two D M. BROWER, M. D. Plowing for grain has begun in the track. not hesitate to admit that this confidence every nerve to make the movement suc there to oompel them to pay up. lasted about an hour and a half, the Fresno part of the San| Joaquin valley, small houses, $400, These are within a mile and a half of A Danish syndicate has been formed is not yet justified. It is acknowledged cessful. This is the first time since the The trial of Thomas Hayden at Weav little garrison stubbornly resisting every and the area sown will probably be Physician and Surgeon, Ashland. that the origiual plan of campaign has outbreak of the insurrection tha* Otis for the purpose of supplying Denmark erville, arrested on suspicion of being inch of ground. During the struggle larger thau ever before. Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely ASHLAND — — — OREGON with American coaL been changed, and that the relief of has been able to keep hammering at accessory to the murder of Jack Little many men fell on both sides, but the $200 There is quite a difference of opinion unimproved, Hotel property in town, for sale for $4000. field at Red Mountain on September 27, LadysmitkAwiR be the first task under the rebels without letting up. Hereto Admiral George Dewey and Mrs. odds were overwhehninly against Pare among the farmers as to the benefits of orrica : One hundred acres flne valley land, two taken by General Sir Redvers Buller. fore every American success has been Mildred Hazen were quietly married at 1895, which has occupied the attention des, and at about 5 o’clock Guerra had At ReeideDce, intersection ol Mechanic, early sowing, some them of contending miles from Medford, $4606. This is bad military tactics. In fact, it followed by a period of inactivity. Washington Thursday. of the superior court for the past three forced an entrance into the city. Call and see me in regard to any of tbe Laurel and Main Streets. that nothing is gained by it. They say above, and if they do not suit, I have a is playing the Boer’s game, but the Now, however, the insurgents never Two young men wanted to play a joke weeks, has resulted in the disagreement that while the early rains may put the large list from which you might choose After deliberating 30 government is convinced that public have a minute’s rest. Eastern tobacco men recently exam soil in good condition, they also start on a new workman, John Shinder, in a of the jury. GEO. W. TREFKEN. hours the jury was unable to reach a ined specimens of tobacco raised in the weeds, and that by waiting a few J A. McCALL sentimoaf win not submit to the policy The hue is rapidly tightening about Chicago carpenter shop. They tied him Ashland, Or. of leaving-General White’s force to its Aguinaldo, and unless he succeeds in to a post with Mir rope and in order to verdict. The last ballot stood six to six. Monterey county, and pronounced it weeks they can be turned under, thus Main Street, Near Bridge. fate during the several weeks necessary crossing the Carabellos within two days, frighten him set fire to it. The rope After long deliberation the jury found exceptionally good. giving th6 grain a clear field. Civil Engineer and to odvanib an army of invasion into the according to present appearances he blazed up rapidly, set fire to the victim’s George Suesser, on trial at Salinas, Della O’Connor, a street walker, was Change Free State. Mineral Surveyor.* will have to join the rapidly increasing clothes and severely burned him. Both guilty of murder in the first degree for stabbed to^ ath at San Francisco a few A cable from a correspondent, dated ‘‘amigo brigade” in order to avoid cap young men were taken to jail. «- AC- A«' ■ the killing of Sheriff Henry R. Farley days ’ago by Paul Debauge, a cook. W9TÀMY ruauc. . Estcourt, Natal, November 10, says : I ture. Generals Lawton and Wheaton , Robbers attempted to run things their on September 18 last. The verdict of The -slayer claims the woman tried tc • ••• Surveys for Patents and Mining Loca have just revived trustworthy informa are approaching each other rapidly. own way a few nights ago at Titusville, the jury was unanimous, although one rob him. tions a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. tion concerning the actual state of. af Young’s advance guard left San Jose Pa. They came in contact with two member recommended that mercy be William P. Haskell, an engineer of OPPOSITKIPLAZA. fairs iu Ladysmith. It comes from two with the intention of reaching Human- officers, and in a fight that resulted both shown. tfie Iron Mountain railway, at Keswick, civilians who arrived to-day, having igan, about a mile to the northwest. officers were badly wounded and one A ooroner’s jury at Suisun, charged was crushed to death under his engine Offioe at residence. South Main Street If you wish to be informed on escaped from the besieged town by evad Meantime Wheaton should be approach robber killed. Laura Gillian with the murder of Joun recently. The locomotive left the track new discoveries in fruit growing; J. W. COX, Proprietor. ing the British patrols aud stealing ing San Nicholas, which is due east of on new methods of caring for fruit Flood, a hostler, whom she stabbed in and rolled down an embankment. Geo. News from the Orient is to the effect trees; on new developments in thr .ugh the Boer lines. Thqy tell me San Fabian, where he landed, and a the leg recently, with the result that Dodge, the fireman, was painfully hurt. combatting fruit pests, read that a rupture between Japan and Rus tnat both-the town and the British camp short distance north of Humanigan. Flood bled to death. A First-Class The board of supervisors of Plumas sia is very apt to occur in the near fu THE PACIHC BEE arc completely invested and that artillery .. Meal For H. H. Bingham, deputy sheriff of San county accepted the bid of D. M. De A special from Washington says: Re ture. Japan is making every prepara of Sacramento. It will give you all firing, back and forth, is continuous. Bernardino county, was arrested upon long for a franchise to build an electric the ‘ news ” of your avocation and ports received at the war department tion for war, mobilizing and drilling The bombardment is heavy, but iM effect Anything yon want cooked much valuable information on gen a charge of forgery. A few days ago railroad through Plumas, also his bid is represented to be petty. The Boers from Manila indicate that Otis and Wat troops, besides putting her navy in first- eral topics. It’s a weekly encyclo to order with promptness he was arrested upon a complaint charg for an electric light franchise in Quincy. son are preparing to send a military and class condition. The firms building paedia at $1 per year. Free sam are slightly superior in strength, but the and dispatch. All Hours. ing hiifi with embezzlement of funds Plumas county four per cent bonds for ple copy containing list of valua British forces maintain a vigorous de naval expedition to Aparri, on the ex warships for Japan have received orders coming into his hands in his official $35,1000 were sold to Susan B. Holmes ble premiums sent on request. fense, fighting daily. There were en treme northern coast of Luzon, where to rush the work with all possible haste. T he P acific B ee , S acramento , C al . capacity. His friends have made the of Salt Lake for $35,520. the great Rio Grande de Cayagen emp gagements on three sides of Ladysmith Has fewer wearing parts and light A hunting party of six Navajo Indians shortage good, in part at least, and it ties into the China sea. Otis has re * Dr. Charles F. Farley, a well-known est running machine made; handle last Friday, the accounts of which precipitated a fight near Flagstaff (A. was thought the grand jury might fail as much or more lore as any belt previously received through native run ported that a number of insurgent offi T.) Saturday night which may lead to to find indictments, but- they brought pioneer physician of San Jose, died there machine. The patent canvas lap recently. He was a native of Alabama, ners were greatly exaggerated. The cial dispatches were captured by troops serious trouble with the Indians of the belt is the best belt made for saving an indictment for forgery. aged 77 years. He was a brother of fine sulphurets and gold—nothing rumors the Kaffirs circulated of brilliant under Youug indicate that the Filipinos Navajo reservation. In the encounter have decided to abandon the country in P. P. Davis, a pioneer, died at Porter- beats it. A machine that is easy to Judge M. Farley of Salinas, and an British victories were beginning to be W. H. Montgomery, a cowboy, and five run and keep in order. Cheapeet uncle of Sheriff Farley, recently mur accepted as true because, though not the vicinity of Cabanatuan and San Indians were killed, while the last of the ' ville, a few days ago. and best machine made. Henry D. Knight and Jack Knight ol dered by George Suesaer. confirmed, they were not contradicted, Jose, hurry e»er the mountains to Bay- six Indians was wounded, as were and it was certain that General White ombong, and thence on to Aparri. Deputy Sheriffs Dan Hogan, formerly of Elk Creek, Glen county, have been >RIOE! CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $350,000.00 was holding out. But I now learn Other reports show that Aguinaldo is Troop A, Rough Riders, and W. Roden, fined $20 each for illegally trapping 0300 1 MAIN OFFICES 1 definitely that General White gained no not alone in his flight, but that he is ac both well-kuown cattlemen. The trouble quail. x important success. The main British companied by many followers and ex arose over the Indians resisting arrest. On board cars. Manufactured bv Particulars of the robbery of a saloon ASHLAND IRON WORKS, attack was on the Boer batteries stationed pects to be joined by the insurgents now Montgomery had been maltreated by at Usal, Mendocino county, by two Ashland, Oregon. ou a hill to the eastward. The British retreating before Young’s advance. masked men last Tuesday night is shown them a few days before and he caused a [ BRANCHEN loss in that action was about 160 killed M anila , November 12.—Colonel Bell’s warrant to be issued at Flagstaff for to have been one of the most successful For further particulars, address: or wounded. It is supposed that the regiment and a small force of cavalry their arrest. and daring robberies ever committed in Boors suffered far more. JEHU JACOBS, Prep. entered Tarlac tonight without opposi H. BOIVIN,^Manager A bill is to be introduced to the next the county. Proprietor Freitag tried to tion. Where Aguinaldo, with his army congress asking for the extension of the satisfy the leader with $200 from the HENLEY, CAL. London,- Nov. 15.—Advices from the and the so-called “government,” has drawer, but the robbers ordered him to OPERATING IN Beat of war bearing date of November 9, fled is a mystery. Colonel Bell found Yellowstone park. The scheme is to bring forth a trunk, from which $2800 COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET annex several thousand acres in Wy brought to the coast by native runners, Henley, Cal., Marsh t* MB. was taken. Five minutes after the de Ashland, Oregon^ state that tbe Boers had succeeded in that nothing was destroyed except some oming, Montana and Idaho. We have used the Free Vanner, Triumph parture of the robbers, the express establishing intrenehmenta within 1500 railroad rolling stock, which had been Two people are dead and a third is company delivered to Freitag a sack con and Wilfley concentrators. We are now yards of Ladysmith. The report? also set on fire. using two of the Jaoobs Concentrators in seriously ill in Kansas city, Kas., from taining $600. convey the information that both sides our mill at Henley. We oonsider the When Colonel Bell left Capas, ten eating mince pies, apparently containing Shop is now open. Jacobs Concentrator the best machine man have withdrawn their artillery, the can miles from Tarlac, he intended to recon The truce between the opposing fac Nothing but First - Class ufactured. It does the work cleaner and nonading has ceased, and that rifle firing noiter. The scouts, mounted, preceded ptomaine poisoning. George Hoffman, tions of Chinese has ended and hostili taves a much higher per centaga of sul aged 72 years, ft carpenter, and his son- is being carried on by the infantry. Work turned out. ties again opened. A laundryman was the main body up the railroad. They in-law, John Salmon, aged 45 years, died phurate than other machines, and we rec- ommend it to all mining men to be the Dr H. H. Haden. Summit. Ala., says, met a hundred rebels at Murcia, bnt the after an hour of agony. Mrs. Hoffman recently attacked with a hatchet and best concentrator on tbe market. nearly killed. One of the tongs has just “ 1 think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splen insurgents quickly retreated. The is critically ill. J. O. G illsoi . did medicine. I prescribe it, and my con scouts found the depot burning, but ex made a large purchase of firearms and W. 0. SlAMLZY. Nearly $1,000,000 have been invested the-police look for'lively times in the fidence in it grows with continued use.” tinguished the fire and saved the build L. A. Mcirrosa. It digests what you eat and quickly cures in gilsonite claims on the Colorado-Utah near future at San Francisco. dyspepsis and indigestion.—K ugzne A. ing. Specifics act directly upon the disease, state line by Boston men, and consid 8HBBWIN. General Offices: 250 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. Near Bakersfield, Oal., the Power A cable from Manila, dated Novem erable will be spent in development. GO T Development company will spend $100,- without exciting disorder in other parts On the Pacific coast there is a tele ber 8: Two hundred rebels from Tarlac ♦ A railway is to be built on the island of the system. They Core the Sick. 000 replacing their present wooden flume attacked Young’s forces at Talavera at phone to every 28 inhabitants. MO. CURES. ' PRICES. At the of Hawaii from Hilo, the principal city with a tunnel through solid granite, Dumont, Colo., is to have an eleotric daylight yesterday morning. ‘i—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm CoUc... .25 on the eastern coast, to Makusona, with plant to furnish power to mines and souud of a bugle they made three dis- 3— Teethlns, Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 - -------------------- grade will be such that water may be "ine Canadian Pacific railroad will Thffe Were no casualties on the Ameri 4 — Diarrhea, of Children or Adults........... 25 Bicycle From July 12th to Oct. 20th the White carried to develop 12,000 horse power. double-track its line from Vancouver to can side. One wounded Filipino was 3—Dysentery, Griping«,Bilious Colic... .25 •o- found within 50 yards of the American Horse, Alaska, horse railroad carried 8—Cholera, Cholera MorbuS, Vomiting. .25 The Oregon Midland company has Repairer Montreal. lines. The loss of the insurgents was 11,000 tons of freight over its five miles been organized at Ashland, Or., for the T—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis..................... .25; Nothing; but the reversal of the order not reported. Colonel Hayes later pur 8— Neuralfja. Toothache, Faceache...... .25 of wooden length for $30 per ton. Next purpose of building a railroad from NEW CARS, LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION closing the Philippine ports will pre sued the insurgents as fur as San Do 9— Headachy, SJok Headache, Vertigo.. .25 season the railway takes its place. IG^math Falls, Klqinath county, Or., vent a famine in hemp. 10—, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.25 mingo. There the rebels divided into ONLY IN USE. Matters in the Samoan islands are down' the Klamath rivw 60 miles to a 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods ... .25 GUN REPAIRING, At Berkeley (Oal.) the Sunset Tele two columns, one of which went to San junction with tne Southern Pacific near 12 — Wlrttee, Too Profuse Periods ............. quiet at present. The natives are await .25 WATCH REPAIRING, graph & Telephone conqway are put Jose and the other to Victoria. They Klamath, just south of the Oregon and 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness....... .25 ing the outcome of the report of the SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING. ting their wires underground. destroyed bridges on the San Jose road California boundary line. The capital 14— Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruption».. .25 Pacific Coast Division: 1005 Second Street, Sacramento, Cai international commission. and thus prevented pursuit. Derring Offices: 2^-6 Starle Street, Portland, Oregon. Spokane men will put $200,000 into is $1,000,000. The promoters announce 15— Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains........ .25 Lewis Warner, aged 60, wiho wrecked that ample capital for construction pur 16— Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague...... .25 the building of an electric railway be ton’s scouts found a bloody cart, show Gillette Block. : Main Street tween Seattle and Tacoma, and expect ing that wounded Filipinos had been the Hampshire County-National bank and poses is back of the enterprise and that IT—Piles, External or Internal............... .25 18 — Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes .25 an additiinal $800,000 from eastern in carried away. The rebel movement to the Hampshire Saving Bank of North a force of engineers will be put in the Betwean Granite and Church. vestors. ward San Jose and Victoria possibly in ampton, Mass., by embezding $500,000, field at once. The proposed railroad IS—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 20— Whooping-Cough............................... .25 George Balch, a young farmer of dicates a geiA.ral iutontion to scatter was sentenced to a term in the state would tap large bodies of timber and 21— Asthma, Difficult Breathing.............. .25 prison of not more than 12 Her less than 22— Ear Discharge, Earache.................... .25 give an oatlet to the Klamath basin. Nevada county, was drowned recently before the American forces. Victoria is northeast of Tarlac, while San Jose nine years, the first day to be in solitary 23— Scrofula, Swellings and Ulcers........ .25 while trying to ford a swollen stream. The Alcatraz Mining and Petroleum 24— General Debility, Weakness........... .25 confinement. is almost due south. USE THE company, which has been operating two 25— Dropsy, Fluid Accumulations........... .25 A transcontinental rate war is being —TU— Manila, Nov. 14—The United States So far the state department' ‘has re large asphaltum mines on either side of 26— 6ea-8lckness, Nausea, Vomiting.... .25 waged by the northern railroads. cruiser Charleston, which has been pa- ceived no official statement of the agree Santa Barbara, has closed down and 2T—Kidney Diseases................................. .25 Nicholas Ames, a pioneer merchant of trolimr the northern coast of Luzon, was 28— Nervouz Debility............................... 1.00 NEW San Francisco, died at Sun Jose a few wrecked on a reef off the northwest ment between Great Britain and Ger over 100 men have been thrown out of 29— Sore Mouth, or Canker...........................25 many as to Samoa. However, the offi work. The company will concentrate days ago. coast Tuesday, Nove mber 7th. All on 30— Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed... .25 -I She ran agmund on cials do not doubt the accuracy of the its forces at the Sisquoc mine, in the 31— Painful Menses. Pruritus..................... 25 The convention for considering means ticard were saved • XL. press report. The chief interesriof the northern end of the county. 39—Diseases of the Heart, Palpitations . 1.00 a hidden reef with 35 fathoms of water TH E 0 N LY PER FECT of impounding flood waters is in session 33— Epilepsy, St. Vitus’ Dance................. 1.00 on both sides. There is no hope ot United States in the Samoan ardupel- A. M. Pitts died at Biggs, as the re 34— Sore Throat, Quinsy. Diphtheria... .25 at Sau Francisco this week. Southern Paci fio Co. saving her. The Helena was dispatched •go was the preservation of our rights Sixty men of Company K, Forty- from lJngnyen Gull by the Oregon upon in the harbor of Pago-Pago, a lease of sult of a fall last week at his residence. 35— Chronic Congestions, Headaches.. .25 He was a native of Georgia, 72 years of 7?—Grip. Hay Fever........................................ 25 second regiment, in camp nt the Presiilio, hearing tbe nows. It is 150 miles away. which was secured to us by the treaty ago. Mr. Pitts and the late Lewis Dr. Humphreys’ Manual of all Diseases at your were prostrated by ptomaine poison of 1878. By the arrangement recently Posey owned the land and laid out the Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. We giye no rewards; an otter of this Express Traini Leave Portland Dally. Saturday. All recovered. Cuuued meats ku.d is the nuanestof deceptions. Our made between the governments of the town of Biggs at the completion of the New ?’orky3’ H“*’ C°" °°r‘WluUm * John Sts- The Patent Ventilator Device, served for breakfast caused the trouble. plan United States, Great Britain and Ger is to give every one a chance to try the California and Oregon railroad in 1870. No 16 No 16 Bert Ross, sentenced to ten years in n:erit of Ely’s Cream Balm—the original many, the United States becomes pos Large Loading Space, O & C STATIONS O & c Superior job printing of every descrip the peuitentinry for burglary, attacked Bahn for the cure of Catarrh. Hav Fever sessed of all the islands of the Samoan HUMPHREYS ’ Ezpr«M Express and Cold in the Head, by mailing for 10 and Large Ice Capacity of This Car Deputy Sheriff \V. J. Ward, who was cents a trial size to test its curative powers group which lie east of the 71st merid tion done at T he V alley R ecord office. WITCH HAZEL OIL South North taking hun to San Quentin, iu a state We mail the 50 cent size also and the drug ian of longitude. These islands com 7:00 p in 1 Lv Portland Ar 1 9:15 a m “ THE PILE OINTMENT. ” The South African war has checked For Piles—External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding; Make it especially desirable for shipments of fruits and 0:36 p m Halem room on the steamer Santa Rosa. Ward gist keepsit. Test it and you are sure to prise Tutuda, where is situated the 6:46 am the treatment. Relief is immedi 12:34 a m Euxsoe 8:54 a m shipments?; nearly all exports of Am An.° ’ Etching or Bleeding of the Rectum was struck over the head with a heavy ate ntinue vegetables either under ventilation or refrigeration. and a cure follows. Ely Brother*, 56 harbor of Pago-Pago, and further east, The relief is immediate—the cure certain. 9:38 ■ tu Grant« Pass 6:53 pm bottle and may die from the wound. W arreu Sleet, New York. Manna, Oloosinga, Ofoo and Rose isl erican manufactures have been stopped 113U a m Ar AsfHand FBIOE, 50 OTS. TRIAL SIZE, 25 OTS. Lv 5:10 p m until the safety of the material is as Ross junqied overboard after the attack ands. 12 noon Lv Ashland Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price. Ar 4:40 p m CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, 11:46 pm Lv Red Bluff Ar 4:66 am sured, buyers having to stop all ship ■UMFMKIIS’MKD.CO.. ill All« Willi*» SL, SewTerk. but was captured. mere is a stroug probability that the James Jefferies and J. J. Corbett have 2:40 a m Marysville 1:49 tu 1012 2d Street, Laughlin Building, Thomas Wilkinson, former commis a h etie team of the University of Cali signed articles flor a fight. The fight ments, as the safe delivery of British 4:10 a m bacracnente 12:01 am goods in the Transvaal or Cape Colony fornia will go cast this season to com 8:15 a m sary of San Quentin prison, has been ap Ar San F'nciaco L t 8:06 p m Sacramento, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal, will not take plaoe for some months yet. HIM HILDRETH will be impossible till after the cessation WILLIAM FOX. pointed warden of Folsom prison, to pete with the eastern university teams. ö:00pm Ar Ogden Ar 1:10 pm Frank Giles of Chicago, was waylaid of hostilities. 6,06 p m Ar Denver L t 6 :45 p m take the place of the late Charles Autl. The CaliiornU vintage is finished. 6:40 a m Ar Omaha Ar 8:50 am and assaulted by two highwaymen Sat Of the ten billion dollars’ worth of Charles Cockrill, a wealthy rancher Estimates of the dry wine crop are 10,- 8:15 p m Ar Chicago Ar 6:30 p m urday night. Before the robbers could gold produced in the world since the 7:00a m Ar Los Angeles Ar 9:25 p m of Kings county, drove over a precipice OJO.OOJ gallons divided as follows: So- 8:15 p m Ar El Paso âr 2:35 pm uemu c. u:ity, 4,000,000; Santa Clara. accomplish their purpose he shot one of discovery of America, more than one- ou a recent night and was killed. Ashland, Ovegon them dead and the other fled. 4:15 p m Ar Fort Worth Ar 8:40 a m 3,000,000, being a gain of 1,000,000 ov*g half has been produced since 1860 and Janies D. Phelau, Democrat, has again Ar New Orleans At 8:40 p m the year belore; Alameda, 1,500,«00- The Santo Domingo congress has pro more than one-fourth since 1885. Or, City Passenger been elected mayor of Sou Francisco. No 11 No 12 Napa, 1,000,000, and Contra Costa claimed Senor Jiminez president of to put it in other words, one-half of the Shasta STATIONS Shasta The Sacramento river at Keswick sta county 300,000 gallons. The yield of Express Santo Domingo, and Senor Vasquez gold product of the last 400 years has Express and Truck Transfer tion is to be spanned by.a bridge. Tne sweet wines is placed at between 5,000,- vice-president. They will go into office been produced within 40 years, and one- * ‘ *■ ' 7f ’ ‘ ' COLEMAN BRO'S-, Proprietors. South North board of supervisors of Shasta county ---- AJ1 kinds of Height, baggage 000 and 6,000,000 gallons, as against, 7 December 1, when the constitution will fourth within 15 years. 8:30 a m Lv Portland Ar 7 :16 p m accepted plans and specifications for a 500,000 gallons iu 1898. The falling off household goods, etc., transfer- 10:55a m Salem 4:29 p m undergo a change. The country is quiet ed with promptness and safely. Howe truss wooden bridge to be built is attributed to the fact that some of the 2:14 p m Eugene 1:16 p m All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra 10:48 and business is improving. Hauling un a large scale con p m Grants Paas 4:25 a m there, and directed the clerk to adver tracted for , ■ • , , ,«• vineyards were badly frost-bitten early I2;$0a m Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. Ar Ashland Lv 2:90 a m The Oregon Domestic Animal com tise for bids. The board also purcha»jLl 1 :03 a m Lv Ashland iu the spring and to the high price paid Ar 2:20 a m 61 acres of laml for a county hospital for raisins, hich reduced the amount mission has ordered all hog coming in WOOD FOR SALE 11:35 a in Lv Red Bluff Lv 3:26 p m site and poor farm. to tbe state from districts in which hog 1 :36 p m Willows 1:35 p m available for wine-making in the cen ------- ICX IM BZA8OM---- 4:10 p m Woodland 10:54 a m tral and southern districts of the state. chfttera is prevalent to be quarantined 4 ;35 p m Davis 10:85 a m unless accompanied by a clean bill ol Will handle ice in Ashland during the S tatz of O hio , C ity of T olxdo ,) 7:45 p m Ar SanFrancisco Lv 7:00 a m The transport bearing the Tennessee health from a state veterinarian. summer season. Delivered at your door L ucas C ouhtt , ) ’ every morning. F bamk J. C hzniy makes oam thstheis volunteers reached Sau Francisco from EQUIPMENT. the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J C hen - Manila Saturday. Sunday the regimen» Nos 11 and 12, Shasta Express.—Buffet Most Fascinating^^ A convention of the residents of the Passengers delivered to any part o iy a C o , doing business in tbe Citv of To I can’t take plain cod-liver drawing-room sleeping can, flrst-class, ledo. Couutv and Stale aforesaid, an t that went into camp at the Presidio where it Sau Joaquin valley was recently held the city. Tourist second-class sleeping can, and . • • Invention of the Age! day coaches said flrm will pay tbe sum of ONK HUN will remain until the 23d lust., when it at Visalia for the purpose of promoting oil. Doctor says, try it He DRED DOLLARS for each and every ea«e will be mustered out. This is the last the welfare of the district. A plan of Noe 15 and 16, Oregon and California Ex ote . might as well tell me to melt of C atamrh that cannot be cured by the use volunteer regimeut called out in the ALWAYS IEADY TO ENTERTAIN. press.—Drawing-room sleeping can, Tour permanent organization as follows was of HALL’S CATARRH CTRE iard or butter and try to take It requires no skill to operate it and re ist «are and day coaches; dining cars be FRANK J. CHENEY original call at the Spanish-Amr ric^n adopted: The contemplated organiza T tween Redding and Portland. Observation 1 prodnee tbe music of bands, orchestral, can. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my war. them. It is too rich and tion to be known as the Sau Joaquin / presence, this 6th day of December, A. D vocalists or instrumentalsoloiita. There is Masked men entered the 9xloon of Valley Commercial association, its ob will upset the stomach. But nothing like it for an evening’s entertain- COBY ALLIS MAIL DAILY (KXCBPT BXHIDAT.) John Thomas at Oakland for the pur- ject to be the furtherance of the agri _______ A. W. GLEASON. t ment. Other so-called talking machines you can take milk or cream, • sial > Notary Public. pose of robbing it. When they entered cultural, mineral, industrial and com \\v reproduce only records of cut-and-dried lea via; ABBITB8: so you can take the saloon they shot at Thmnas, inflint- mercial intereste of the San Joaquin A ' subjects, especially prepared in a labratory, Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, valley, its composition to be the com ing wounds from which he will die. bnt theGrapbophone is not limited to such performances. On 7:90 a m Lv Portland Ar | 6:50 pm and acts directly on the blood and mucous / . . mercial organizations of the several "'•il ‘h® Grapbophone ycu can easily make and instantly reproduce 11;65 a m Ar Corvelli* Lv | 1:20 pm surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimon Both men escaped. ials, free. records of the voice, or any sound. Thus it constantly awak- The annual con ven Jon of the farm counties, and the representation of each 1 F J. CHENEY A CO , Toledo, O. ens new interest and its charm is ever fresh. The reproduc > county to be six delegates chosen by the ers’ clubs of Southern Oalifomi^ will At Albany and Corvallis connect with Sold by Druggists. 76c. tions areclearand bril iant. Grxptx phones are sold for $5.00 and up. Manu trainiof Corvallis and Eastern Kai.way. Hall’» Family Pilis are tbe best. It is like cream; but will meet in Pasadena January 1 to 3d chamber of oonusterce of the various factured under the patents of Bell, Tainter, Edison and Macdonald. Our estab There are between. 40 and 50 of these counties; the counties represented to be lishment is headquarters of the world for Talking Machines and Taiking-Machins feed and nourish when cream IMPERIAL LIMITED clubs, and there annual conventions are San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Meroed, Fres Supplies. Write for catalogue. Columbia Phonograph Co. Dept. 136, INDEPENDENT PASSENGER DAILY will not Babies and chil no, Kings, Tulare, Kern, Calaveras, The Canadian Pacific Railway is now 723 Market Street. San Francisco, Cal. (Exoept Sunday.) very enjoyable occasions. They have making the fastest tint« across the con- Tuolumne, Amador and Mariposa; the dren will thrive and grow tinent. Their service is ot the most however, no permanent genersJ organ meetings to be quarterly, each time in a lbavx : miri; fat on it when their ordinary splendid deactiption. / ” classes ______ All of ___ pas- ization and no money, in cotmequence different county. P. A. Buell of Stock- aengrrs are earned ou the-‘IMP£RlAL** of which the value of the annual con ton and Ben M. Maddox of Visalia,were 4:50pml Lv Portland Ari I 3:26a m Ar food does not nourish them.' train. 7:30pm>Ar M’Minnville Lv ¿ ; 6:60am PEACHES, APPLES, PEARS. ventions consists only the pleasure of chosen president and secretary, respec Persons have been known to gain 8:80 pm) Ar Independence Lv ( [4:60 am You niav travel anywhere by the Attending them. We Si-licit Your Consignment. tively. For BOYS and YOUNG MEN. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Healthful Canadia.1 Pacific Railway and Soo’Line. a pound a day when taking an Account Sales Weekly. We and attractive location(14 miles from Salem; 40 miles from Portland.! COMPLETE Mr. W. H. Mowat is agent here. Reese Martin hf Plano, a small town QueenMown. Nur. 8 —Reported Boers Direct connection at Ban Francisco with n<>tifv results of each shipment ounce of Scott’s Emulsion. It gets »rd THROUGH preparatory, literary, scientific, cbusicai. normal, commercial course. blown up Stornisburg Spruit bridge. Ter- near Porterville, was shot and killed by eame day received. - SPECIAL COURSES in mathematics, surveying, drawing, civil service. French, Ger ■temu'b p lines For Hawtit. Jap4n, China, the digestive machinery in working n«c eipoemn heard. British bad «vacimt* his 19-y«ar-old eon Alfred. Martin had the I hilippinee «nd Australia man, Spanish, Ilalian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music. A separate class ij ed piace Stormsburg >a an inioortant order so that the ordinary food is o Kir through ticken and ratei call on or provided fur students who on account of farm labor wish to en>er late in fall and leave • been beating his wife and the boy 906-908 Western Avenue. point on redroad between Aliwa’. properly efigested and assimilated. early in -piing Academic Degrees and Teachers’ State Certificate« and State Diplomas Hddrmu. D. L. RICE, ticket agent. Aahl^ndt Baars the Orange River and East Loudon on coast. killed him. The dead man was »poM R KOEHLER. 0. H. MAKKHAM, Conferred. Send for oatalogue Address . _ _ yoc. Ind Si. 00, all druggists. Signatare SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New Yatfc. I to be a hard ohar*etar. THE PRESIDENT MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. rf MWU VWRV». t Jeb priattag at tMi eA$* VALLE! RECORD. NEWS OF THE WORLD. UEO. W. T..EFREN. FRUIT . . . GROWERS! and Chop House. 25-Cents. The. . . . . ■ JACOBS (MCENTRATOK. —Give Me a Call. Earl Fruit Company ASHLAND TINNING & PLUMBING CO. Sacramento ® Los Angeles, Cal. CHICAGO BOSTON I NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA All Pacific Coast Fruit Districts. FRUIT GROWERS’ EXPRESS ARMOUR & CO., Prop’s Dr. Humphreys’ Bicycles,... ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager. EAST AO SOUTH C.F.X. - V entilator -R efrigerator FOX & HILDRETH, NO USE TRYING BUY AND SELL GREEN Scott’s Emulsion Coininissioti Merchants. Seattle, MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. FRUITS. The Shasta Route