Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
THE ICEMAH’S LOSS riewree O«Z to Bo •iderabke. C ob « K - I wouldn’t be without DeWitt’S Witch ■ • r- t Hazel C.l — 4 for a » any « — —■¿J«_ a X ___ aa __ S. ■■ Salve consideration. ” writ«» - rm «« Th-s. B. Rhodes, Centerfie'd, O. Infsl- From ‘he U 8 Mgval <’Ske at AsJiiand. Oregon. ble for pi es cuis. Darn» and skin dise-t-e». 4 Beware of counterfeits.—E csenk A. S heb | win Warmest YEAR . “How’d you like to be the iceman?” RotllHc Fatalltf in Mino This fearful disease often first appears riQoUIld raiailj III nillG gg a niere scratch, i, a pimple, or lump in Pacac Dnt nf Tan i * the breast, too small to attract any uddOd UU1 01 I On----- A notice, UVIlllX?, until, UX1WJ, in U1 many cases, the VMV deadly WSWM-y disease is fully developed. Cancer can not be cured by a surgical Cure Found at Last , operation, because the disease is a virulent poison in the blood, circulating throughout the system, and although the sore or ulcer—known as the Cancer—may be cut away, the poison remains in the blood, ancf promptly breaks out afresh, with r > r r » renewed violence. The wonderful success of S. 8. 8. in curing obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a few de spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting the skill of the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight 8. 8. 8. proved equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure, news spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated beyond doubt that a cure had at last been found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu- Sulated which is incontrovertible, of which e following is a specimen : “Cancer is hereditary in our family, my father, a sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful disease. My feelings may be imagined when the hor rible disease made ita appearance on my aide. It waa a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way aa to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond the skill of the doctors, for their treatment did no good whatever, the Cancer growing worse all the while. MBS. 8. M. IDOL. Numerous remedies were used for it. but the Cancer grew steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed to follow the others of the family, for I know how deadly Cancer is, especially when inherited. I was advised to try Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.), which, from the first day, forced out the poison. I continued its use until I had taken eighteen bottles, when I was cured sound and well, and have had no symptoms of the dreadful affliction, though many years have elapsed. S. S. S. is the only cure for Cancer.—M rs . S. M. I dol , Winston, N. C. • ”0ur book on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuable information, will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. i D.R.&M. EAST THE TO GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL R O U T E S Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line ▼ IA VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AftD AND KANSAS CITY CHICAGO 5 DAYS Ocean Steamea Leave Portland Every FOR Bnyder, the calculating barber, was artistically executing a quickstep on the razor strop when the above little ditty floated in from the busy thor oughfare, causing a smile of contempt to flit across his feature», says the Phil adelphia Record. “That simply makes me weary,” he remarked, as with a flourish he daubed the patron’s face. “You hear that latest acquisition in the oi every station, just aa if the iceman n jot was an earthiy paradise. As a mat ter of fact, the individual who embarks on a career which involves the market ing of congealed moisture doesn’t have to run around searching for tis trou bles. How many people, do you sup pose, ever think of the amount of money that drips right out of the ice man's hands when the sun beats down on his heavily loaded wagon? Don’t amount to much, eh? Well, you’ll change your opinion when I bring up a few figures for your consideration. Starting out with a ton of ice, I esti mate that melting alone causes a dead loss of about- 100 pounds to the dealer. This doesn't seem much, but when you calculate that about 1,000 wagons a day right here in town lose that amount the figures are amazing. One hundred thousand pounds, at, say, ten cents per hundred, runs up the tidy sum of $100. Three hundred and sixty-five times $100 gives us the annual loss lo cally as $36,500. Takes a little nerve, doesn’t it, to be an iceman? Then, if during the summer these drippings could be collected, I figure that they'd supply all the hospitals in town with ice water baths for sunstruck patients. Frozen into a solid lump, if the entire of these drippings could be collected, I figure as a ten-story building. Then I again, the waste when the cakes are cut is enormous, to say nothing of what vanishes into the air when the ice is whisked clean with a brush broom. But without going into further details, I think you’ll agree that the man who peddles ice has enough trou ble to worry him into an early grave. Tonic?” Christopher C. Chew, aged 40 years, proprietor of one of the largest depart ment stores in New Jersey, committed suicide by shooting Sunday. Dr. Bell Howard was found guilty at Peoria, Ill., of performing a criminal operation on Hughetta Binkley of Dub lin, Ind., and was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. The young woman died as a result of the operation. Dr. Howard was captured on the Pacific coast after a long chase. Fred Patee, EARLY TRAVEL BY RAIL. president of the company employing Miss Binkley, was sentenced to five Letter of a Lady Who Took Train i When the Locomotive Was years on the charge of being an acces in Ita Infancy, sory before the fact. Grant Allen, the author, died in Lon Traveling is now so easy, and used don last week. to be so difficult, that it is hard for us An American engineer is eu route tc to realize that the introduction of so China on behalf of Chicage men, on useful an improvement as the “iron whose behalf he expects a share in the horse” was not immediately and uni expected contrast to be given out by versally welcomed; but it was not. In the Chinese government for the demoli an old family letter are recorded the tion of the famous Chinese wall. It is impressions of an early traveler by rail, stated that one French, two British and after her first journey behind a loco three German firms are also bidding for motive. the work, payment for which is to be “The speed is very terrifying,” she ample in the shape of rich concessions. wrote, “and the clattering and jolting The triangular block bounded by I inconceivably unpleasant. The atmos Canal and Second streets and German phere is less oily than I expected; but, town avenue, Philadelphia, was almost on the other hand, there is so much entirely destroyed by fire Sunday, en soot and grime upon everything, even tailing a loss of more than $150,000, on shortly upon the faces and hands of which there is partial insurance. the travelers. Then the appalling Sioux City, la., saloons were closed screeches proceeding from the loco tight Sunday night. Leading saloon motive engine, which it gives out on men petitioned the mayor for a “ dry ’’ coming to a srtop and at other times are most distressing and discordant. Sunday. "It is a method of travel with but one Wan te«l advantage, a, saving of time; and with Jackson county property. Will trad« more disadvantages than can be enumerated, beginning as they do with one hundred and sixty acres of goo< Danger, and concluding with Dirt. farming land seven miles from Klamatl Falls for Jackson county propertv. Ad “Between cities of large population, trees P. O. Box 55, Yreka. Cal. ’ whence the necessities of business force men to hasten to and fro. and for the carrying of goods and merchandise, the railroad is no doubt destined to fill a useful position. But that it can ever be employed for ordinary travel, Instantly after public curiosity is satisfied, by Relieved by individuals of leisure and good per sonal habit»—by gentlemen and gen tlewomen. in short—or even by clean ly and comfortable people not gently For irritation, itch bred, unless in cases of necessity, I can ing, and inflam not believe.’” mation of the It is easy to sympathize with this skin, for scaly dainty ladjr’s dislike of grime ___ eruptions of the and scalp, dry, noise, but what would she have said thin, and could she "have lived to ride in a par falling hair, lor car, d’iTM» at a flying buffet, or sleep for red, rough hands away a j oigrniey of 300 or 400 miles, se and facial blem cluded in a comfortable berth?— ishes, nothing so outh’s. Companion. pure, so speedily SKIN IRRITATIONS Snake River—Leave Riparia daily Leave Lewiston daily. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- kohotns and Hong Kong in connection with O. R. A N. For full information call on O. R. A N Agent, ROBT. LEONARD, Ashland, Or O b addbus : W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Agent. PORTLAND. OK DODWELL, CARL1LL A CO. Gen. Agts. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co. PORTLAND. OREGON ORTHERN PACIFIC r N effective as warm baths with C uticuba S oap , followed by gentlo anointings with C uticura , purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. Sold throughout th« world. P ott «» D. avd C. Cosr.. Sou Prop«., Botton. AU About th« Scolp aud Halr.trooi Dr. Humphreys’ RAIT.WA Y u CUTICURA Specifics act directly upon the dis without exciting disorder in otb er part3 of the system. They Cure the Sick. RO. CURBS. s Pullman Sleeping Care Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL_____ MINNEAPOLI 4 DULUTH FARijO ----- ,----------- GR ÙND FORKS TO • i UROOK8TOX I WINNIPEG . ♦ HELENA and I OTTE I THROUGH TICKETZ TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS RAST and SOUTH Through tickets to Jtoan and China, via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Oo. For information, lima oards. map and lckats, call on or writ. A, D. CHARLTON, Assistant GaneralPaazenger Agent, 2-W orms. Worm Fever. Wom CoUc. b ^"'•^-‘»«.WakefulneM .25 4— Diarrhea, of Ch! . . .. 5— Dysentery Or ■<*”“ or Adalta-......... „ ". . ^ tplnga,BiliousCoUc.. .25 7-Cou«h»a'c jteraMorbu*. Vomiting. .28 »-H d Toothache, Faceache........... 25 g0_De* ««he. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 **»■••. Indigestion, Weak Stomach. 25 j.. «•W»e««ed or Painful Periods ... .n -White«, Too Profuse Periods............. M - 2—Ooup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness....... »8 «A—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .28 1S—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains........ .28 I®—-Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague .... .28 17—Ptlss. External or Internal.. ......... ......... .25 IS—Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Byes .25 19— Catarrh. Influenxa. Cold in tbe Head .25 20— Whooping-Cough............................... 25 21— Asthma. Difficult Breathing.............. .25 22— Ear Discharge. Barache.................... .25 23— Scrofula. Swelling» and Ulcers___ .25 24— General Debility, Weakness........... .25 “3—Dropsy. Fluid Accumulations........ .25 26— Ses-feickne««. Nausea. Vomiting .23 27— Kid ney Diseases................................. .25 28—Netwous Debility................................ 1.00 2>—6<*e Moutli, orCanker........................... 25 30— l.rinary Weakneu. W«ting Bed. . .25 31— Painful Menses. Pruritus......................25 32 -Diseases of lbs Heart. Palpitations 1.00 Epilepsy. St. Vitus’ Dance.................. 1.00 I <—Oore Throat. Quinsy. Diphtheria... ,25 25—Chronic Congestions. Headaches . .25 77—Grip. Hay Fever................. .25 Dr. Humphrey,’ Manual of all Diseases at your Druggist, or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or «nt or. receipt of price. Humphrey! Humphreys’ Med. Co., Cor. William i John SU., New York HUMPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL " THE PILE OINTMENT.” For PUas—External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding; Fistula tn Ano: Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum The relief !s Immediate— the core certain PRICE, 50 OTS. TH LAL SIZE, S3 OTS. •“•« bj Dr«c«l«la o. mm p..«tp>>4 c* reectH prlro. ■CBMuuY»-axa.c«., ma tin irir. »« wym *. PORTLAND. OREGON QwMtlr Mouwi 0ÜB YE2 DUT WB.K PAT3NT OBTAINED. Sand mod«!, skehit út with dMcxipGDB for free riportaste natecstabtitt-■ dl-FACT. ¡ BAJTD1OOK FRET. OuUiw ond foil lafownxtaon. TTXITS FOB COFT OF OVB 1<ECIAL • PF1R. th«BM«1 Ufere» IW mriaaere. nade by a «ttor «y, and EV IT Y C »VEaYOS ¿B0ULI) BEAD IT feibra applying fo) j-ateat. Addita«: H.B.WILLSU^&CO FATCNT LAW Y IM2. iwSsatkBMs-. WASH INC.TQM,, O.C. MaSAJLX BY ÀUL DRCGGIRTP. LIQUID OR SOLID? T/Don Thl» Question Regarding Aa- phalt n Trial in a Trinidad Court Hinged. Down in Trinidad, where most of the asphalt used in paving the streets of Chicago is produced, opinion is divided as to whether the substance may be classed as a liquid or a solid. Upon this issue, says the Chicago Chronicle, a recent trial in Trinidad turned. The stratum of pitch in that island is usually from four to seven feet below the surface, and, when cut through, the pitch melts .and oozes out. So, if a man dug down near his neighbor’s lot, he Wftuto be able to collect pitch coming from under his neighbor’» land. The plan was described by one of the witnesses as “the plan adopted when you want to dig your neighbor’s pitch.” It "bulge» out,” he explained, “and you shave it off each morning.” But suit was brought by one outraged neighbor whose pitch had thus beer, shaved off in adjoining land. The de fense was that an underground stratum of pitch was like so much water, no man's properly until appropriated. Hut ihe court held that pitch was a mineral, and That you had no more right to abstrnet it from a neighbor by the oozing process than you would have to tap his deposit of iron or silver. Had Been Shaking Lona; Enough. At a recent duel the parties dis charged their pistols without effect, whereupon one of the seconds inter posed and proposed that the combat ants should shake hands. To this the other second objected as unnecessary. .,rr>v ■ . ... ... - - - “Their hands,” said he, “have been shaking for half an hour.” “THE • • « • ♦ A terrible typhoon passed along the 24 33 In coast of Japan during the early part of 15.10 the mouth, and did an immense amount 26.57 of damage to property besides causing 15.79 heavy loss ofjlife. At Oiso and Kolso over 11.81 17.16 500 people were killed. At other points 28 73 the death list is heavy. 21 31 1957 Eugland is buying great quantities of il 80 stores iu the United States for use by 16 36 18s9 her troops in the Transvaal. 20.26 1890.. 23 74 President McKinley has declared 1891 15.58 Thursday, November 30, to be Thank»-. 1893 24.22 giving day. ! 1894 22 28 13.96 The California fast freight train,' 1^ 24.25 drawn by two monster engines, jumped 1897 17.72 the track near Langtry, Tex., a few days 1393 15.57 ago and wrecked the entire train. Three , {or the year ending 31, 1898 unknown tramps were killed and several TEMPERATURE] of the train hands Injured. MONTH “I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and I Max. Min Mean. never fonnd permanent relief till I used i Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am Well January............ 64° 13’ 35.3’ and feel like a new man,” writes 8. J. February......... 24 64 44.7 Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is the best di March............... 67 21 42.3 gestant known. Corea all forms of indi April................. 86 25 52.4 gestion. Physicians everywhere prescribe Mav.................. 89 32 55.0 it.—E cgene A. S herwin . 35 62.0 June................... 93 69 0 41 July.................... 104 Al Navoue, a machinist, while sharp August......... 102 44 71 5 ening some plow shares on an emery September....... 99 35 62.0 50.5 28 75 wheel iu his shop at Napa, was struck October............ 22 42.3 68 in the pit of the stomach by a piece of November........ December....... 62 20 38.7 the wheel. The blow caused his death Total rain fall, 15 57. within an hour. Mean Temperature, 52.1. Judge Doru denied the motion for a Michael Hatal, a magician, was shot change of venne in the Snesser murder case when called last week at Saliuas. C nd killed while performing at a New He had loaded A stubborn fight was made to procure York theatre recently. the charge. The result gives general a musket, as he supposed, with dummy satisfaction. bullets, and invited some one from the While digging a ditch on his ranch audience to shot him, saying he would near Pomona, James Turnbean un catch the bullets in his teeth. By acci earthed a box containing $652.25 in coin. dent he put in a real bullet and it was The money was buried by cattlemen sent throught his heart. - s IÍK ea S is The Kind You Have Always Bought “PIONEER LIMITED1 Trains every day and night between 8t. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “Tbe only perfect trains in the world.” Understand: Oonnectiensare made with AU Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers tbe best service known. Bears the Signature < nil-1)Kt:\ i 1 Promote s Digestion,Cheerful- ness andJtest.Contains neither ; : Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N arcotic . Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, The A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP You Have Always Bought. Facsimile Signature of NEAV YORK. many years ago. Mrs. Harriet Heath, the first white woman to settle at Santa Barbara, died there Sunday. Ed. Barthelmy, a laborer, attempted to waylay and rob F. O. Yeoman at La Camas, Or. Before he could as sault his intended victim he was shot and killed by Mr. Yoeman. The American bark Arthur Sewall left San Francisco a few days ago with 150,- 000 cases of canned goods, the largest cargo of its kind ever sent to Europe from that port. Deputy Sheriff H. H. Bingham of San Bernardino was placed under arrest last week charged with embezzling $790.65. The money involved is in con nection with a suit, and there is a mis understanding about the matter. After a long voyage from Cape Nome, during which two men died of starva tion and the others were half-crazed for the want of food and water, the schooner Hera arrived in Seattle with nearly 200 passengers on board. The two deaths reported are those of J. S. Ryan and George Lam by. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee!* St. Paul Railway, known all over tbe Union aa the Great Railway running the For Infante and Children. AtgetablcPrcparafionforAs- ! sicnlatinglheFoodandRegula- i tiiig the Stomachs and Bowels of EXACT COPY” OF CASTORIA WRAPPER. will be gold at $16.75 ench, just oae-third ttoeir re — V Has she lost her beauty ? It so, Consti pation, Indigestion. Sick Headache are the principal causes. Karl’s Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. E ugene A S hebwin , Druggist. is impossible to promise particular features that will appear in the “ AMERICAN MONTHLY ” during the coming year, for it is, aa the fcofamin say?, "a great monthly newspaper, >” As such, it prints for its teasers an illustrated account of the notable things which the history oi the month, of the political, the We know of no review published, in this economic, and literary happenings country cr in Europe, which combines so success which are of value to intelligent fully as the A merican M onthly the slertness, timeliness, and energy of Journalism with the men and women. The Editor’s sound Judgment, carefully weighed opinion, exact “Progress of the World” tells suc knowledge, and well-chosen English of the purely literary periodical.”— The Outlook. cinctly an illustrated story of the month. The **Leading Articles” give the best thought and information of the current magazines in five conti nents j the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the man of the month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate serious import. The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the information needed by intelligent people of "live” instincts is b«t gauged ia the opinions which the readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY have seen fit to express. These are thinking business men, clergy The current number men, editors, lawyer», professors, and the two preced- engineers, the wide-awake women ; issues. ««..«. of America. They write that the SOO PACIFIC LINE. Continent by the * biirsijptiriila prevents tued feel ings, staggering sen sations, palpitation of heart, rash of blood to the head, dizziness, ria »ing in ears, spots before the eyis, headache, b.l- ioiisiie^SjCbnstipation of bowels, pains in the back,mela nclioly, tongue coatid, foul breath, pimples on face, body end limb, declineofnerve force dizzy spells, faint spells, cold, climmy feet and hands, sour risings, fatigue, in somnia, aad ail dis- easet 01 ihe stomach, Livtr and kidneys, •CY - '/egotable Sar- For.. When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, ttey naturally want tbe best service obtain able so for as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of tbe W is consin C entbal L inks are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cara on through trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a la Carle. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over................ SPECIAL OFFER The Wisconsin Central Lines 25Ci i,n* and|you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any furtber|information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAR. 0. POND, General Pass. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General Agent, W isconsin , 246 Stark Street, DRUGGIST indispensable”i "to simply invaluable”) "is a generous library in itself”) is " a historical cyclopedia of the world ”) " the best means of aid for a busy man ”) "thebest periodical of the kind we have ever had”) "a triumph of editorial genius”) "the world under a field-glass," etc., etc. t f— SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER YEAR ) I POBTLAND. OBKGON. ADDRESS American ^Monthly Review of Reviews Ti3 ASTOR PLAGE. NEW YORK 4 J* Ì € Visit DR. JORDAN’S e™« |fflMuseum of Anatomy I W1B1051 MASIM ST. brt. 6Qt 7th, 8. T. Csl. TU Lar««»» ot It. bias 1» Ux W«tU. | 1 1» U w A £ We are continually adding new cpeclnen*. Come and learn how wopderfullv you are made fi aQ<* 11 ow t0 *vo*d »ickneae and disease If you fl suffer from &ny of the ills of men, come to the ¿oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DB. jrORDAM-PBTFATE DIBEABE* Contultation tree «nd atrlatl. private. Treatment peraon- lily or by letter, RYPB1L1S thoroughly eridieaud front the «»stem without usih, Xercmry. EVEStX MAX applying to HI will rood«, OST konui opinion of hl, ooniplainl. H e wiil GuaratU.e a POStTfVB CrBB In mere rue we wndertaSa. orferfeil Owe, ThooiaawA Dollar». Writ« for Boob— Pblluaophy •rNarrlaM u . iud nu. (ATalaabl. book for men.) 1>B. 1OBDAN A CO.,1051 Market St. 8. F. Ashland & Klamath Falls CATARRH STAGE -I- LINE or a generous 10 CENT TRIAL Thoroughly Restocked and Entirely New Management. ROBERT M. GARRETT, Superintendent. Contains no cocaine, mercury nor any Best and Ti COLD "«HEAD sorbed. Gives relief at once. It opens and Quickest Route to CREAM BALM ...KLAMATH FALLS. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Be sure and see tbat your Ticket reads via ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING A£ at Y ons . TO DB IK TIE WATER 18 A TOIlf Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradi c fungi and animalculea, and neutral izing and correcting all acidi ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. — SWIMMING RINK. — I Scientific Jlmericatt. U « , , « Northwestern Line! ----- THE----- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. Thia ia the GREAT SHORT LINE Between inclosed and covered, the same medics water, always clean, for the springs run a DULUTH - ST, PAUL - CHICAGO heavy volume—more than twelve hun And AU Pointe Eaat and South. dred gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have more Their Magnificent Track, Peerlese V m * fun than “anybody“—come out aa “fins tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car as silk” and ‘‘white as wool’’—rejuven -Train» and Motto; ated and happy. Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, or rent. For information address the proprietor. Have given thia road a national reputa Located on the tion. All classes of pacaengers carried HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE on the veetibuled train» without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel . NORTH OF THE PLAZA. over tbia famoua line. Ail agenta have tickete. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Waahington St., W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Proprietor Traveling F. A P. Agent, Portland, Oregon. - 4 “ALWAYS GRANT ON TIME” HELMAN FALL CASTORIA The Fastest Best Equipped Train Crossing The Continent A FEW INTERESTING FACTS;.. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall ivery second and fourth Wednesday in tach month. All brethren in good standing cleanses tbe Nasal Passages. Allays In A Queer Expedition. flammation. Heals and Protects tbe Mem ire cordially invited to attend. brane. Restores the 8enses of Taste and An expedition consisting entirely of G eo . E nols , M. W. Smell. Full Size 50c.; Trial Size lOcts «omen has been formed in Australia G eo . W. T kkfrkn , Recorder. Goes by BarrOD, Shake, Druggists or by mail. to explore the Solomon islands, the Soda Springs, Parkers and ELY BROTHER8. 56 Warren St.. N. Y Keno; al6o beet connections home of the fiercest cannibals known. G. A. R. with stage lines from Klam Hitherto white men have been able to ath Faile to Bonanza, Bly BUBNSIDE POST NO. 23. penetrate only a few miles inland. 50 YEARS* and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and EXPERIENCE and Indian Agency. Stage DO YOC KNOW 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com leaves Ashland daily on ar fades cordially welcomed. Consumption Is preventable? Science has rival of eouth-bound train ■ f J m J i L J B. B each , Commander. proven tbat. and also that neglect ia sui M ilton B kkbt . Adiutant. WANAMAKER'S ALL WOOL SUITS and arrives daily in good J i w ■ j k ■ cidal. The worst cold or cough can be 1 ■ k ■ I w J FOR MEN AND BOYS AT THE time to connect with north cured with Shiloh's Cough and Consump AGENCY, DE PEATT BLOCK, bound train. .. lion cure. Sold on positive guarantee for W. R. C. ASHLAND, OREGON, over 50 years. E vokni A. S herwin , Drug A TRADE m Arm si ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: BUBKSIDK BELIEF CORPS NO. 24 gist. D esigns Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p Kipdly call and. net posted on ____ RIGHTS AC. COFY ASHLAND. KLAMATH BALIA. • - - - -------• ••— vwity m on the second and fourth Saturdays of Prices and Qualities. Many Leaves........ 1:00 pm I Leave......8:00 p m each month. M bs . S usan B each , Pres. thanks are in order to my host A:rives....... 2:45 p m | I Arrives Arrives....6:30 a m M bs . Mary Berry, Sec'y. --Yft last year’s patrons, and we feel able to look them Bquare in •MS VliTn Mh « Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight For Infants and Children. spttial notice, without charge, in the the eye wfien ihev call to see KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Mast be Waybilled, what we bavefor them thia year. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of Ashland Office: Pylhias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Large« clr- Ladies’ and Miete.’ Style, and POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good Bears the Sample» will bo here aoon. standing are cordiallv invited to attend, Signature of Klamath Falls Office: E. A. HILDRETH, J b .. 0. C. ' H H VAN VALKENBUBG, T. H. S imtsoe . K. B. 8. JDJL’V'IID 4 The Kind You Han Always Bought "P acific are u onder/ul bargain».—Editor. AMERICAN MONTHLY "is * — ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. v -/ Trains leaving tbe Pacific Coast {Tues days, Thuisdays and Saturdays connect at Fort William with the palatial lake steamera “Manitoba,” “Alberta,” and “Athabasca” across the Great Lakes. For full particulars aa to time, rates, and for copies of C. P. R. Publications, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. Or to H. H. A bbott , Portland, Or. E, J, C oylk , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. 0. * Vt'g.’GlLii The Pullman Company now operates two grades of sleeping cars via the Rio G rande W estern R ailway , The ordinary sleepers are entirely new, and tbe berths, both up per and lower, are fitted up complete with mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, cur tains, etc., with stoves arranged for making ten, coffee, etc., requiring nothing to be furnished by passengers. Uniformed Pull man porters are in charge of the cars, who are reauired to keep them in good order and attend to the wants and comforts of passengers. The cars are very handsome and coniniodions, and while not so elegant, are just as comfortable as standard or pal ace sleepers. Both first and second-class passengers are permitted to occupy these cars on payment of the Pullman berth rates which are less than half of the rates charged in the regular Pullman - 23 sold tj al! palace sleeping cars. ¿.s-rists. Refuse a The ordinary sleepers are carried daily su'A-.iitute. When you on trains via Rio G rande W estern R ail * lor the best see that way between Denver and Ban Francisco you jet he best. and Portland. On five days in each week the sleepers are run through between Los An lie les and San Francisco, or Portland and Denver. Omaha, Chicago and Boston. For additional details write for copy of folder to J. D. Mansfield. 253 Wasbingtion St., Portland; or Geo. W. Heintz. Acting Genera] Passenger Agent, Salt Lake Oily. Ask Your A. O. U. W. CANADIAN Ju L. MEAD OYOLE CO., OMoago, III. Th« Mtad C^clt Co. art abooluUlif reliable awd Iroquois Bicycle* at iteli : I THE ORDINARY SLEEPER. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P ortland , Oa al vain«. sale at «0 eeata on the dollar. With it we (<4 40) Model 3 Iroquoia Bi cycle*. finiahed and complete. Made to Sell St $60. To ad vertiee our bueinees we have concluded to sell these 400 at just what tney stand us, and make the marveluua offer of a Model 6 IROQUOIS BICYCLEat $|6-n while they last. The wheels are strictly up-to-date, famous everywhere for beauty and good quality. nreODIDTAN The Ir«luo“ Model S ie too well known to need V. UCeUnlr I Uli a detailed description. Shelby lfc in. mmlm tubing.improved two-piece crank, detachable sprockets, arch crown barrel hube and hanger, 2^ in. drop, finest nickeland enamel; colon, eroon and coach green; Gents' frames, 22, 24 and 26 in., Ladies’ 22 in.; best “Record,” guar an teed tires and high-grade equipment throughout. Our Written Guarantee with every bicycle. flUC RAI I Alt (or your express agent’s guarantee for chargesone way) state whether ladies'or gents’.color and WfellU UIlL UULLsMll height of frame wanted, and we will ship C. O. D. forth« balance <615.75 an! express chargee) subject to examination and approval. If vou don't find it the meet wouderfo! Bicycle Offer ever made, send it back at our ex ; ORDER TO-DA Y if you don’t want to be disappointed. 50 cents discount for eash in full with order. AWE1 EJAWE EQ A complete line of *00 Medels at 611 SO and up. 8cceud-ba»d FfCi Fa AV El OlUTl/LCd Wheels M <• Sio. We want RXmEXR .A&KK'ra n every town to represent us. Hundreds earned their bicycle last year. This year we offer wheels and cash for work done for us; also TT sbo of saoinle wheel to agents. Write for our liberal proposition. We are known everywhere is the greatest Exclusive Bicycle House in the world and are perfectly reliable; we refer to any bank or bus met» house in Chicago, to any express company and to our customers everywhere A Time HOW IS ÏODR WIFE? Bought J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt., 8 kattlk , W ash . IROQUOIS CYCLE WORKS FAILED too expensively built, and we have bought the entire plant at a forced commenced taking this medicine I weighed Thí Kini Y(MI For rates, pamphlets or other infer motion, address, J. pounds. It built me up until now I R. J. Northrop, a grain thief, con ninety-fiv« weigh one hundred and fifty-six pounds—more victed at Suisun of grand larceny, was than I ever weighed before. I wa« so bad I would lie from day to dav and long for death to sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment in come and relieve iny suffering. I had internal Folsom. There was a prior conviction inflammation, a disagreeable drain, bearing down pains and such distress every month. But against Northrop, who served seven now I never have a pain—do all my own work years for stage robbery in Mariposa and am a strong and healthy woman. Thanks to your medicine.” county. Biliousness is banished by the use of B. 0. Epperson of Colusa, who was Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. found guilty- of opening Mrs Louisa Clark’s letters, has been sentenced to Joy’s fer mu jailed and Hoe« pay a fine of $75 or serve 75 days in jail, Health for all Maukiuti. a motion for a new trial being denied. lOY’S VEGETABLE-SAR8AHAS.;.i Claus Spreckels deeded the trustees of Aptos school district a schoolhouse and land valued at $3000. The building has e, mads kwb tits tbrn’.K; herbs, and natur*-’sov just been completed and has all the contains no properch h ” mineral ne'i. J . modern improvements. drags or V l geta L i. The sale of $200,000 of the new issue deadly pois- cn. joy’s C u r v .■» I of city school bonds of Los Angeles was V e g e t a b Is p c p S 1 k awarded by the council to Seymour Sarsaparilla Chi g n i lobs the Const; ; ■« brothers of New York. The terms are blood of all tiun, J.?.« par, with accrued interest and $7020 .•ts impuri Coin plain: ties, end and Kidney premium. courses all A. Lections. these impuri- Bt«t the Signature of Of a verity equaled by no other lias. See tbat your ticket reads via “The Milwaukee” when going to any poin in the United States or Canada, Al ticket agents sell them. Days Across the Going to bed to tumble and toss and dream; to pursue in vain the phantom sleep through long weary hours and rise to a new day unrested and unrefreshed. That is the way with many a woman, who ia tormented by the aches and pains re sulting from female weakness, and other diseases of the delicate organs of woman. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription waa made to cure just such cases and it does A commission composed of General what it was made for. It heals ulcera Thomas J. Henderson of Princeton, Ill., tion and inflammation, dries debilitating Colonel Sidney Cook of Kansas and drains, cures female weakness, strength General J. Marshall Brown will arrive ens the body, soothes the nerves and at Santa Monica iu a few days aud ap enriches the blood. It gives lasting strength for the day and sound sleep point a successor to the late Major Up for the night. ham, who accidently killed himself last « For three years I suffered continually." writes week. There are about 20 applicants Mrs. L- J- Dennis, of 828 East College St.. Jack sonville. Ills. "Isought relief among the medical for the place made vacant by the death profession and found none, until induced to try of Major Upham. It pays $2100 a year. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. When I A New Feature in Western Travel. MILWAUKEE” ...STYLE ! Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tbe food and aids Nature la strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gana. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Champs, and ■U other results of imperfect d igestion. Prepared by E. C. DaWlu a G o , Gtysase. EUGENE A. BHERWIN.;