w—> VALLEY The RECOB D. ’ NEWS OF THE WORLD. People’s Paper. HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST FEW DAYS FROM ALL QUARTERS. ASHLAND. Or.„..Thursday, Nov. 9, 1899 Monthly L o . vdox , October 31.—The war office received a dispatch from General White, commanding the British forces at Lady­ smith, reporting that the Royal Irish fiuileers, No. 10 Mountain battery and the Gloucestershire regiment were sur­ rounded in the hills by Boers, and, after losing heavily, were obliged to capitu­ late. C olenbo (Natal), November 2.—The Boers have commenced shelling Coleu60, their fire being directed against Fort Wylie, which defends the Tuegla bridge. L owdox , November 4.—The war office has issued the following announcement: “The Colonial office has received infor­ mation to the effect that the troops have withdrawn from Colenso aud have con­ centrated farther south, but have 110 news of any engagement in that neigh­ borhood.” L ondon , November 5.—The evacua­ tion of Colenso is undoubtedly a most serious matter for the British iu Natal, as it not only testifies to the complete investment of Ladysmith by the Boers, but makes the relief of General Sir George Stewart White an extremely difficult operation. Colenso is the point «where the railway from Ladysmith crosses the Tugela river, which is now in flood. The town itself is of small importance. It is dominated by the hills on the north side of the river, and so was untenable if the Boers have ad­ vanced as they seem to have done. Moreover, only a small naval and colo­ nial force was stationed at Colenso. The seriousness of the evacuation, however, lies in the fact that Command­ ant-General Joubert, while completely investing Sir George White at Lady­ smith, can Beize this Tugela bridge, and, if he has sufficient troops, can detach a force and send it southward on Pieter­ maritzburg, and, in any case, by de­ stroying the bridge and railway, can prevent any relief expedition reaching Sir George White for some time. L ondon , November 6. — A dispatch from 2Ptetarmaritzburg, Natal, dated November 3d, says: “ The Dutch resi­ dents here have received news of a sanguinary battle -fought yesterday, probably between Ladysmith and Co­ lenso. A large number of the Boers were killed, many being relatives of Natal Dutch residing in this place. The English residents have no knowledge of any engagement.” Queenstown, Nev. 8 —Reported Boers bk>*n up Storiasburg Spruit bridge. Ter­ rific explosion beard. British had evacuat­ ed place. Stormsburg is an important point on railroad between Aliwal North on Orange River and East London on coast. Fire destroyed three seven-story build­ ing/ÙÌ Mott street, New York, one day last week. Three persons are supposed to have perished. Property loss will reach <200,000. C. A. Raymond and J. H. Orniandy were before the United States district court at L >s Angeles last week for sen­ tence. The two men had been found guilt of counterfeiting at Pismo beach, Sau Luis Obispo county. Raymond I pleaded guilty and attempted to shield Orniandy, but the jury found the latter guilty. Ormandy and Raymond were each given ten y« ars at San Quentiu. Shortly after being Sentenced Ormandy attempted to commit suiside. Mrs. Rhoda Horton and her daughter Eliza Jane, were shot aud killed in their farmhouse, half a mile from Hancock, Mass., by George Harriman, a farm hand. Harriman also shot himself and his recovery is doubtful. Luther Hungerford, charged at Santa Ana with the murder of James Marion Gregg, and recently found guilty of murder in the seoond degree, has been discharged from custody on motion of the district attorney. The judge found the verdict of the jury would nqt stand owing to a technical point. The prosecution could introduce no new evi­ dence and the ease was dismissed. In the supreme court of Keru oouuty, Ylabel Molina was convicted of the mur­ der of A. Romos, which occurred on December 2, 1897, and the sentence of the court was that he hang. The de feudunt appealed upon errors alleged to have been made by words of the dis­ I trict attorney in the presence of the jury, but the supreme court did not up­ hold the contention and affirmed the judgment. The Aberdeen Packing company ’> cannery at Fairhaven, Wash., was de stroyed by fire a few days ago. The loss will reach <150,000. Governor Gage has proclaimed Thurs day, November 30, 1899, Thanksgiving day. . A dispatch from Paterson, N. J., Tuesday morning, said that the condi­ tici} of Vice-President Hobart was very serious, and the patient was near death’! door. Still another election will have to be helj)for a pisjor of the battalion, O. N. G. in thè valley Saturday the returns of the second ballot were canvassed in the adjutant-general’s office, when it was found none of the four candidates voted for had a majority. Nine votes were cast, which is three short of the total votes the battalion is entitled to, if there were a full complement of officers. This time Captain J. !.. May, formerly commanding Company B, Sec­ ond Oregon volunteers, received the highest number—four. Capt. Williams, of Eugene, was second, with three. Captain Lea bo got one and Lieutenant J. E. Thornton one.—Eugene Guard. Deafness Cannot be Cured. by,local applications, as tbev oannot reach the disease«! portion of the ear. . Deafness if caused by an inflamed condition of !•■* mucous lining of ths Eustachian Tube When this lube gets ip flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out aud this tube restored to its nor­ mal condition, bearing wiH be destroyed for­ ever; nine cases out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing bnt an inflamed condition of thé mucous surfaces * We will give Ona Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caased by catarrh) that cannot be cured py Halt's Catarrh Cura. Send for circulars, free. F. J. C hknsy A C o ., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 76c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. IMPÉRIAL LIMITED. Th* Canadian Pacific Railway is now making the fastest time across the con- tinent Their servioe is ot the most splendid description. All classes of pas­ sengers are carried onthq“IMPERIAL” train. You may travel anywhere by the Canadian Pacific Railway and 800 Line. Mr. W; H. Mowat is agent here. SuDenor job printing of every descrip­ tion done at T hb V allby R bcord office. ... - » .. Statement* Government Re­ ceipt» and Expenditure», Public Debt and Circulation of Currency — The Open Door in China—Somoan Affairs. The east side of the town of Temple, Ariz., was destroyed by fire last week, causing a loss of $20,000. Rolla J. Gurin, an 80-vear-old huck­ ster of Kansas City, was shot an«j killed by a boy named William Lamphere, Aged 16. The motive was robbery. The private banking firm of Wood­ bury & Moulton of Portland, Me., has assigned, with liabilitiesin the neighbor­ hood of <700,000. Admiral Dewey is soon to marry Mrs. Mildred Hazen ot Washington. The Cotton Manufactures association of Massachusetts, at a meeting held at Fall river reoently the recommendations of the committee which conferred with the nnion representatives in relation to the request for an advance in wages, voted against granting th* reqnest at this time. R. C. Alexander, editor of the New York Mail and Express, is dead of Bright’s disease. Three men were killed at Chicago one day lost week by the collapse of the walls of a new six-story building in course of construction. Exchange of money order business be­ tween the United States and Mexico will take effect January 1, 1900, when money orders may be drawn in Mexico on all points in the two countries, pay­ able at all money order office in Mexico. The transcontinental railroads, to­ gether with their connecting transpacific steamer connections at San Diego, San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, has just issued a new tariff, advancing freight rates 25 per cent. Cotton alone, which is shipped in large quantities from Texas to Japan, is exempted from this increase. An ad­ vance of rates by the way of the Suez canal is given as a reason for the in­ crease by way of the Pacific ports. Bids for the construction of the six cruisers authorized by the last congress were opened at Washington last week. Bids were received from two western shipbuilders, one at San Francisco and the other at Seattle. E-vch will probably be given a vessel to build. A special dispatch from Washington asserts that the American state depart­ ment recently asked France, Germany and Russia to give written assurances I regarding the preservation of the “open i door” in China, being dissatisfied with the mere oral assurance and rejecting a proposal that the United States should seize a port and establish a sphere of in­ fluence in China. A dispatch from Washington says: The United States, Great Britain and Germany decided here to dissolve the tripartite agreement by which these powers control the Samoan islands. The United States Jias by this decision been guaranteed the possession of Tutuila island and Pago-Pago. The disposition of the remaining islands by Great Brit­ ain and Germany is still pending. The monthly statement of the public debt just isssued shows that at the close of business October 31, 1899, the debt, less cash in the treasury, amounted to <1,146,629,581, a decrease during the month of $2,766,199. This decrease is accounted for by the increase in the amount of cash on hand, and the in- ' creased redemption of national bank! notes. The debt is recapitulated as fol- j lows: Interest-bearing debt, $1,046,049,- i 020; debt on which interest has ceased ! since [maturity, $1,210,080; debt bear-! ing no interest, <388,762,071; total, $1,-1 436,021,121. The comparative statement of the i government receipts and expenditures' issued recently shows that during Oc­ tober, 1899, the total receipts were $47, 543,588, against 39,630,051 for October, 1898. The expenditures for the last mouth aggregated $44,174,086, against; $53,982,276 for October last year, leav-1 ing a surplus for the month of $3,359,-' 532. During the four months of the pre­ sent fiscal year the receipts amounted to $190,900,164, aud the expenditures $183,- 851, 152, which leaves a surplus for the present fiscal year of $7,049,012. The receipts from customs during the last month amounted to $18,807,809, against $15,555,234 for the corresponding mouth last year. Internal revenue last month produced $26,455,533, against $22,356,511 ■ for October last year. The expenditures last mouth charged to the war depart­ ment amounted to $12,477,395, against $2,895,029 for October last year; navy $5,120,648, against $5,814,567 for Oc- : tober, 1898. The monthly circulation statement of ■ the controller of the currency shows that St the close of business October 31, 1899, the total circulation of national bank ! notes was $242,984,694, an increase for the year of $8,539,412 and a decrease for the month of $805,434. The circulation ! based on United States bond* amounted to $297,920,774, a decrease for the mouth of $606,601. The circulat.on secured by ‘ i lawful money amounted to $35,063,920, j which is an increase for the year of $5,- : 563,095. The amount of United States registered bonds on deposit to secure circulating notes was $232,460,16Q and to 1 secure public deposits, $70,365,940. j Owing to the present low price of : sugar and the poor prospects, many Cuban planters have decided not to ; grind their present crop, but to use it in replanting and in increasing their acre-1 ' »«»• George Bartie, the oldest dark of the • state department, “Keeper of the Great Seal,” and a close friend of Daniel Webster, died at his residence in Wash-' ■ ington a few days ago. He was appointed by Secretary Buchanan in 1845. Kev. John Reid, jr , of Great Fall*. Mont., recommended Ely’s Cream Balm to me. 1 can emphasise hisstaiement,“lt is a pos­ itive cure for catarrh if Uxed as.directed.’’— Rev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Moot After using Ely's Cream Balm six week* 1 believe myself cured of catarrh. Joseph Stewart,Grand Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y. A 10c. trial size or the 50c. s ie of Ely’s Cream Baim will be mailed. Kept by drug­ gists Ely Brothers, 56 Warren 8t„ X. Y. P. I.. t kuuum of ¿an. Andrens pro­ s' • s tobuiul a canal lUBe miles to bring v .»ter fron! the Mokciumue river to Mi kelnmue Hill, Cal., with fall suffi­ cient to drive an electric plant. The power is to be used on the Boston aud other Mokelumue Hill mines. The Bine Lukes Water company’s power plant at Blue Lakes, Cal., was destroyed by fire on the 1st inst., in­ volving a loss of <30,000 and cessation of operations in mines, factories, etc., supplied thereby. A new aud enlarged plant will be installed at an improved adjacent site« • • ‘ ■- Quick delivery—The Weekly Ore