* VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY BECOBD. .......ASHLAND, OREGON —O— Published Every Thursday VALLEY RECORD E. J. KAISER, Proprietor S ubscription R ates : One Year.............................................. >1 75 8iz Months....................... 1 00 Three Months..................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VOL. XII ASHLAND, JACKSON FINISH MATERIAL Cannot be better spent than bv subscrib« ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think 1 >1.75 gives you aO the news for a year. Try it I COUNTY, PRESSED BUICKS. NEW R. R. ANO STEAMBOAT CO. Guaranteed ASHLAND,OREUON R. N. NASON’S PAINTS! Organization of a Company to Con Miss Bertha Lewie returned to Jack st met a Railroad from Rlamatbon sonville Satnrday. Through tbe Jenny Creek Timber Walter O’Donoghue was painting at Belt to Klamath Falla and Navigate Gold Hill this week. the LaKea and Rivera with Steam W. J. Virgin was at Yreka the first of boats. the week on flour business. Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. Max Muller has returned to Jackson Conductor L. W. Van Horn of the Southern Pacific Co., Surveyor Jesse A. ville from his San Francisco visit. FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK GUARANTEED MEANS:—Your McCall, both of Ashland, David Horn Mrs. James Wiley and babe went to of Hornbrook, Geo. T. Baldwin and Sur Medford Sunday to visit her folks. Honey returned if the article la not veyor R. 8. Moore oi Klamath Falls on m represented. Saturday, in Ashland, perfected the or O. O. Helman and wife are this week ganization of the Oregon Midland Rail moving fron^ Ft. Jones to Sawyer’s Bar. way Company, with Klamath Falls its Mrs. J. C. Tolman and daughter, Mrs. place of business and >1,000,000 as the Ida Stroud, visited Jacksonville Monday. Our Copper Riveted Overalls and Spring Bottom Pants are capital stock of the concern. The arti- Miss Myrtle Woodford has returned to perfect in every respect and are guaranteed. For sale everywhere. cais of incorporation were filed Monday. Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, The purposes of the incorporation are Medford from her residence in Portland. the building of a railroad from Klama- Miss Maud Frulan went to Roseburg and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short thon (where the big saw mill is located Sunday to visit her friend, Miss Grace on the Southern Pacific line) up the Carroll. cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex Klamath river on the north side SAN FRANCISCO Elmer Patrick returned from Porland pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable through the Jenny creek timber land belt on through to Klamath Falls. The Friday where he had been working for - by the use of any other leavening agent. articles of incorporation allow them to Page & Son. navigate the lakes and rivers of the ad Miss Addie Skeeters returned to Med Jackson's Assessment. KLAMATH COUNTY. jacent country. ford Sunday after a visit with her cousin, Mr. Van Horn took Monday ’ s train for The following ia the assessment of Jack- A. Crance of Ft. Klamath has sold 450 Portland to engage tne services of Engi Miss Myrtle Hurst. sou county for 1890 ss equalized by the head of sheep to I. D. Applegate. Miss Msy Sutton left Sunday to teach county equalization board: \ a L-< neer Eugene Schiller, who will immedi C. J. Swingle and family have returned ately start out a force of 12 men to make school in district No. 23, Josephine coun TOTAL AVERAGE VALUATION. VALUATION, to Langell Valley from Portland. the permanent survey of the railroad. ty, near Grants Paes. Tillable land .......... >799.488.90 s Miss Maud Vaughn returned to Ash ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. Jacob Thompson of Ashland has been A preliminary survey and map was made Non-tillable land... S&4.548 38 looking after his interests in Klamath of it this summer by W. C. Elliott, a land last week after a residence of sever- Imp on deeded land. 209.375.00 surveyor of Portland. months in Grants Pass. county. Town and city lots.. 213,605.10 The new company has an option of MARRIED, Improvement on lots 368.700.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fitzgerald of Lake The boaid of supervisors of Santa Andrew and Miss Josephine Crow of Congressman Hopkins tract of timber Imp. land not deeded 6,130.00 view have taken up their residence in Clara granted the Standard Electric Merrill have entered the Ashland state land, now consisting of 52,000 acres of Miles of R. R. bed LEHNERS—MOORE—In the Presby company of San Francisco the right tc timber land on Jenny creek, as well as a Ashland for the winter. 05 28 8. P............ 293,760 00 4.500.00 normal school. terian churfi, Phoenix, Nov. 2, D. Lehn string its wires across that county and Opera House Block, Ashland. 5 36 R. R. V.. 5,360 00 bonus from from prominent land own 1.000.00 Mrs. L. A. Neil and two daughters Rev. W. 8. Holt synodical evangelist ers and Miss C. A. Moore. R. R. rolling stock. 30.57600 also to sell power. This is the Blue ers along the route. went to Jacksonville Friday to visit rel of the Presbyterian church, has arrived R. R. rolling stock. 1.875.00 HILL—BELLINGER—At Seattle, Lakes Power company. The new company have ample capital, atives, returning Sunday. at Klamath Falls. Miles tele, and teleg. 16,455 00 Wash., Oct. 18,1899, J. C..Hill and from New York, whenever they show Mdse, and stock 126,571 00 Coyotes are causing havoc among Mrs. M. Hanley, wife of the Lake creek Thos. G. Cox of Naylor has returned that the enterprise will prove a profitable Mrs. J. H. Bellinger, nee Merriman. Farming i in pie. etc... 27,252 00 stock raiser, has been visiting Jackson sheep near Petaluma. Ou the ranch of .............. -J from Ashland, where he met his daugh investment, which they are confident of Engines,etc............... 31,890 00 H. Meacham fully 100 sheep have been ter just out from the east. demonstrating. Hauling the timber to ville relatives and friends. Money ...................... 36,649.00 BORN. killed or bitten by the animals since Notes and accounts.. 208,991.00 H. F. Bailey returned from’San Fran Richard Melhase has purchased 160 the sawmill on the S. P. R. R. will be Shares of stock ..... 50,507 00 Saturday. It is proposed to have a big cisco Friday where he had taken three the chief source, the stock out put of acres of land on Lost river adjoining the Furniturejewelry,etc 65,959.00 carloads of hogs for L. C. Coleman. DALEY—At Eagle Point, Oct. 19,1899. coyote hunt in tbe near future. Klamath county will be another, as well Joe Wilson place for >1000. Horses ana mules... 30,287 DO 10.55 to Mr. and Mrs, John Daley, a son. as carrying local mails, passengers, Geo. Herchberger, the trapper, who The cannery recently started near Cattle ....................... 75,371.00 AO 05 Mrs. J. IV. Manning and two children freight, etc. Sheep and goats ...... 5,687 00 I 11 has been running a grubbing machine PURDIN —In Medford, Oct. 27, 1899, to Vale jo is to be enlarged aud improved have gone to Jacksonville where another Swine.......................... 4.134.00 1.20 at Medford, visited Ashland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Purdin, a daughter. during the winter. When it opens Patronize Home Industries. operation of Cleve’s arm has been per Edw. A. Swope, who has been in Lon BASHFORD—At Roseburg, Oct. 30, again between 150 and 209 people will Gross value of property .........>3,503,166 88 formed. Consumers should use Ashland canned Exemption................................... 131,400 00 don, England, the past several months, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs, Elmer L. Bash be employed. tomatoes — why? Because they are grown Fred Spencer of Klamathon has been expects to return to Oregon this winter. ford, formerly of Medford, a son. on trees raised on Ashland soil, cultivat escorting some California sports through A long-distance telephone is to be put Total taxable property ............>3.371 766 88 the Klamath county duck shooting ed by native sons, and packed by the W. P. Powell, a Nebraska man, has in from Dawson to points down the nimble fingers of native daughters. purchased three lots from W. B. Colton Dr. Cady’s Coaditiow Powders, resorts. DIED. Yukon river. Ultimately Circle City When you Bee a thing to your interest, in Woolen’s addition to Ashland for >400. are juet what a horae ueeda when iu bad The sum of >3123.81 delinquent taxes will be reached, but for the present the conditon. Tonic, blood purifier and was collected by Sheriff Kershner and push it along. Mrs. R. B Mitchell returned to Edge CUSTER—At the home of his father, lines will not go below Fort Egbert. vermifuge. They are not food but med Deputy Sheriff C. L. Parrish during the Circuit Court Proceedings. Isaac Custer, on Applegate, Oct. 27, wood Sunday from a visit with her folks, icine and the beet in use to put a horse month of October. The Pacific Coast company announced 1899, B. H. Custer, aged 26 years. Dan Chapman and family, near Ash A L Penwell vs Lizzie J Pen well ; di in prime condition. Price 25 cents per a rise in wages of from 12 per cent to IS land. The Ager stage commenced on the vorce. Decree modified so as to allow package. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. per cent of all the men employed in the Forest Rangers to Hang On. first inst. its change of time, and will the defendant to visit her children at Main SL Opp. 1.0.0. F. Hall. Mrs. E. Cummons left for Ager, Siski coal mines at Newcastle. Coal Cqgek, hereafter leave Klamath Falls for Ager least once a month. you county, Monday to spend the winter Salem, Nov. 1.—CaptainS. B. Ormsby, Lawson and Franklin, Wash., in all Medford Brewing Co. vs J L Melvin, with the family of her son, J. M. Cum superntendent of forest rangers, states at six o’clock in the morning instead of KA-IUSTTS, ZF’-A.IJSTTEZR p S’ TOOLS, and L Cardwell and John McClendon, mons. evening as heretofore. that a large number of of applications about 1200 people. garnishees; to recover money. Argued WALL FJLZPZEZR,, Q-ULJLSS. ETC. The new mills of the Bellingham Jesse Beckley of Elkton,Douglas coun for appointment as forest rangers next Tetter Salt-Ilheum aud Eczema. and taken under advisement. year are already being received by him. Bay (Wash.) Improvement company ty, is attending tbe state normal school B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T winm . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. D A Presley vs. Minnie E Presley} di The intense itching and smarting inci and living with his sister, Mrs. Orange As there will probably be no increase in are to have the largest steam whistle iD dent to these diseases, .8 instantly allayed vorce. Decree granted. the number of rangers next year, he the world- It will be five feet long, C Vroman vs. E S Jenne, et al; in Mattoon. . by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin states applications for positions will be Ointment. Many veiy bad eases have junction. Argued and submitted. Miss Oma Crocker finished her school useless, for the policy is to continue 15 inches inside diameter, will weigh Medford Brewing Co vs. J L Melvin at Derby and after visiting her mother rangers at work so long as they give good 1300 pounds of cast alumiuum bronze. bven permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a et al; to recover money. Judgment for in Ashland left Saturday for Applegate service. The 44 rangers who were em The metal must have a tonsil strength to open a school there. favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped plaintiff. ployed this year were furloughed early of 60,000 pounds per square inch tc J Solomon vs. R Collins and 8 Simp hands, chilblains, frost bitesand chronic laetmonth. Three supervisors werefur- meet the stipulations. It will take A. D. Naylor has returned to Medford. At the old stand opposite sore eyes. 25cts. per boz. For sale by kins ; confirmation. Sheriff’s sale con Dolph has been to the mines in the bor loughed yesterday. Rangers are paid >2 considerable of a boiler to furnish firmed. per day, while supervisors get >5. Ashland Drug Co. I. O. O, F. Hall. steam of commensurate requirements. Ella Short vs. G W Lance et al; in- eal regions, in eastern Washington and Buffalo Hump, Idaho. Horae Canutng industry. junction. Argued and submitted. A sample taken carefully across the Mrs. Isabel Enyart, who died Oct. 24th Ida Stroud vs. Geo M Stroud; di- Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Fox and daughter, near Fossil, eastern Oregon, came to full face of the drift on the new level of The Dalles, Nov. 3.—Another and Maud, of Madison, S. D., arrived in Ash Oregon in 1845, and for a time was a res the Republican mine, at Republio, probably the last cayuse horse shipment vorce. Decree granted. land Saturday to spend the winter with ident of Jackson county, her husband Wash., assayed more than >2500 per made by th»" Simcoe Indians left here GIVE VS A CALL. vesterday for the Linnton cannery. ON EVERY BOTTLE. a view of locating permanently. being Peter S. Enyart and her father ton. This is at a depth of 600 feet, and _______r___ ___J _ Cure is this There are something over 350 head in Of Shiloh’s Consumption John Devlin, jr., with the Chicago Edward Morgan. is the richest average sample taken in ASHLAND. the lot, making 11 carloads. This is the guaiantee: ‘‘All we ask of you is to use Portrait Co., has been visiting Jackson the mine. The ledge at this point is . Revs. Frank Van Dyke and Robt. Fau- two-thirds of the contents of this bottle fourth shipment from that reservation, then if you can say that you are county relatives. He was shaking hands cett, both Medford boys, sailed on Octo nearly 30 feet wide, but the drift is be and amounts to about 1200 head which faithfully, not benefited return tbe bottle to your with Ashland friends Saturday. ber 21st for India. Rev. Faucett will go ing run through the richest ore. The have gone from there to the Linnton Druggist and he may refund the price James Sayles, jr., who went to the to Lucknow, India, where he will be pas camp is intensely excited over these abattoir this season. The next ship paid." Price 25 cts , 50 cts. and >1.00. Philippine war with the 1st Washington tor of an English church and will also do bonanza values at such depth. ment will probably be from the W arm E ugene A. S herwin . Druggist. regiment, returned home to Ashland missionary work. Rev. Van Dyke goes Spring reservation. This is ridding the The government transport City of Friday. He spent four months of his to Singapore, India, there to do mission Cut In Two by a Hand Car. range of hundreds of worthless animals ary work and teach school. Sidney reached San Francisco from Ma service in the Manila hospital. and preserving the feed for more profita Roseburg, Nov. 4.—D. H. Quilhaug, ble stock. P. W. Olwell of Central Point has his nila last week. She brought from the Good Accommodations Sheridan Thornton, who is engaged as for many years a resident of Roseburg, immense apple crop about ready for Orient the crews of three wrecked ves Six-room residence on Spring a machinist in the big saw mill at Klam- was instantly killed in the railroad yard TELL YOCR SISTER shipment. It is reported that the crop sels—the transport Morgan City, cable athon, returned there Monday from a here about 6 o ’ clock tonight by a wreck Located in the Heart of the City. street, between 1st and 2d Av a Beautiful Complexion is an impossibility ing train on a siding. Quilhaug is sup visit of several days in Ashland. will bring >15,000 and that it will be ship Hooker and merchantship George without good pure blood., the sort that shipped to Australia and England. enues. Blacksmith shop and only B. Stetson. posed to have been crossing the track at exists in connection with good diges New fall and winter stock of shoes Free to and From all regular crossing. A flat car struck just arrived at Vaupel, Norris <fc Drake’s. A anti-poligamy mass meeting has three lots. Address or call on tion.a healthy liver and bowels. Karls the Admiral Dewey has engaged rooms at Clover Root Tea acts directly on the him, cutting open his abdomen, crush They are neat and attractive, and splen been called at Grants Pass for tomorrow’ a Santa Barbara hotel and will spend bowels, liver aud Sidneys keeping them in ing his head and cutting off one leg. night to protest against the seating ol port of the winter there in hopes of bet J. L. HEELING, perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. The flat car was thrown off tbe track. did values for the money. Call and see. Congressman-elect Roberts of Utah. tering his health. E ugesk A. S herw in . Druggist . Mrs. C. B. Irvine and 2 children, the Ashland, Oregon. They are working up a big petition DOES THIS STRIKE YOU ? family of the well-known Salem news against the patriarchal saint with three The sheep pens at the stockyards in Miss Hattie Armpriest of Forest creek Muddy complexions. Nauseating breath paperman and editor of the Sentinal are wives. Kan.4ts city covering an entire block has been visiting Portland relatives. come from chronic constipation. Karl’s in Ashland to spend the winter. They Tho big dry goods store of Wollenberg were destroyed and 600 head of sheep Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and are stopping at Mrs. Alice Kane’s. a has been sold for fifty years on an absolute Bros, was burglarized and not less than were cremated. Four firemen were Merritt Bellinger, the pioneer farmer >500 worth seriously injured by falling works. guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene of goods carried away. It of Jacksonville precinct, visited Ashland represented gloves, handkerchiefs, muff A S herwin , Druggist The furniture association in Michi Monday. He goes to Portland on the lers, hats, suits of clothes and overcoats ’nLiliJi JtduL JiX-*2-’’’11* -a_a-.a.-s-tee. vae e.wAw .e. . gan has advanced tho prices on all furni ▼ t 'I a. 1 'I e. 1 'I' a ’I' a.a 'I ’I’ 1 T » iLiInL.Li 10th to serve on the U. S. grand jury. T T ’S T T WW *F*r • “ Wlill 'I 'l l l 'l 'l 'l l ▼’I’l’lV W URAL ESTATE. were among the goods plundered. It ture from 10 to 20 per cent. t D. D. H. Yeager of Jenny creek was was the best piece of work ever done in Johanna Houck to George W Jones, 160 ♦ in the valley the first of the week. He Roseburg. , . - ceres m sec 21. twp 39, r2 e, >300. JACKSONVILLE, Henry Klippel to F H Osgood, sec 16, twp is the postmaster at Snow and reports Tolo mine, owned by Tom Hagan, OREGON. that the name of the office will be of The 37. r 2 w, >1400 PICTURES! Tolo, one of the earliest mines in Jack- Jas Carrti Mary E Roberts, 5 acres in changed to Pokegama. PICTURE FRAMES! son county, has just been bonded to Medford precinct, >500 Mrs. Ben Lohr, wife of the well-known Eastern capitalists for >35,000. f L I Peart to Mary E Roberts, 88 1-6 acres ♦ Boarding School for Girls. passenger train man, and Miss Belle in Central Point precinct. >2500. Has Returned and Has Equipped Hie X 4«. Address to Populists. G II Andrews to Mrs. Stowers, lots 17 Catchings, a printer in the Rosebug Re + Old Established Gallery in Aabland With + MOLDINGS and 1«, block I, R R add to Ashland, >90. view office, visited Ashland Sunday and FOR TERMS, ETC., DDRESS Xi ' i To tbe Populist voters of Jackson county : CABINET WORK Walter Anderson to Annie M Arnold. Monday. Whereas, The national committee of UPHOLSTERING Jots 5 and 6, block 18, Medford. >450. SISTERS OP THE HOLY NAMES, LA GENERAL REPAIRING Jesse Hinkle to Josephine Benson and E Vaupel, Norris & Drake have received the People’s party at its last meeting j Jacksonville, Oregon. L Simons, of lot 2C of Central Point their Hart, Shaffner fc Marx stock of held in Omaha, Nebraska, June 15 and OF FURNITURE Carbon Finish. cemetery. >2. ♦ clothing, the finest in the market. This 16, 1898, Senator Marion Butler, national Photos in Water Colors. F M Van Horn to S A Potter, interest in is the largest clothing house in the world. chairman, presiding, adopted the follow Pictures in tbe Latest Styles. ^CRNG J Gold Standard mine. >150. ing resolutions, to wit: Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. 8 A Potter to F G Me Williams, same Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake and get AT THE ‘ •Resolved ; That we, the national com their low prices on these goods. property, >333. Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. ASHLAND mittee of the People ’ s party, declare R Beswiek to P S Casey, interest in same UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Isaac Ford and eon Sylvester, came that in national matters no proposition mine. >333. Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon S B Hamilton to John Broad, one-third over from Crawley & Co’s, quartz mine for fusion or co-operation shall be made west of Cole ’ s last week to visit rela STONE MASO* ,« j 1 interest in Oregon Belle mine, >500. or entertained by the national executive tives. They return this week to operate A Throckmorton to John Broad, one- committee or by our national chairman CONTRACTOR. third interest in Oregon Belle mine, >500. a giant on the old Hicks’ placers this or officers. Karl's Clover Root Tea Lizzie E Norris to F H McCormick, lots winter. HeeutHles the Complexion, Purifies the Second, That our national executive 22. 23 and 24, and blocks 22and 32, Woolen's Blood, gives a Fresh, Clear Skin. Cures Con OREGON. ASHLAND, You never know what form of blood poi committee, chairman or national officers, stipation, Indigestion, and all Eruptions of add to Ashland. >1500. son will follow constipation. Keep the the Skin. An agreeable Laxative Nerve H C Truet to John and Eda Morris, lots liver clean by using DeWitt’s Little Earlv shall not give any advice in favor of or Tonic. Sold on absolute guarantee by all I against fusion or co-operation in state or 1. 2 and 3. block 56, 8axman ’ s Pennsylvania druggists at 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Contracts for all kinds Risers and you will avoid trouble. Thev local affairs unless officially requested add to Ashland. >250. S. C. WELLS < CO., LEROY, N. Y. are famous little pills for constipation and of Mason Work. John Morris to L K and Lillian Shaw, SOLE PROPRIETOR« • liver and bowel troubles.—E ugene A. by the properly constituted authorities same property, >250. I j I and then only to those authorities. S herwin . H. BOIVIN, Manager. W B Colton to J Walter Powell, lots 4, Third, Believing in the fullest form of FOR SALE BY EUGENE A. SHERWIN 5, and 6, Woolen’s add to Ashland. >400. Ex-County Assessor Logan Woold local self government for our party, we I I Ernest Vroman to Mar rv A Taylor, 160 ridge, Raimey Phillips, Frank Faucett, Furnishes either blue or brown direct tliat our national executive com in sec 10. twp 37, r 3 1 w, >500. Ira Sparlin, Albert and Harvey York, sandrock from his quarry near ! .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION" acres Jos Cox to C Vroman, ‘ lot 4, block ‘ 26, Applegate buccaroos, were in Ashland I mittee, national chairman and officers COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET. shall not interfere in any state, local or Gold Hill. >400. Ashland, Oregon. Ashland. Annie P and C C Beale to E Wilcox, 160 Monday night returning home. They congressional campaign unless requested EPARTMENT OF THE 1NTER- acres in sec 8, twp 31, r 3 e, >500. went as far as Klainathon with the band by the properly constituted authorities ior, Land Office at Rosebarg, Oregon. Sabitla Rice to Lars Larson, property in of beef cattle Cuhly, Russel and York and then only in favor of regular Popu D octor Octobers. 1899. Shop is new open. Ashland. >250. sold to Mitchell, who drove them to Ga list candidates. Notice is hereby given that the follow Wm Hevener to R P Neil, business prop zelle. MEYERS ing-named settler has filed notice of his in- erty Nothing but First - Class Fourth, That at the national conven in Ashland. >2500. a co. tention to make final proof in support of THE POPULAR THROUGH A L Mills, trustee, to Minnie Eddings, J. D. Bridges, Editor “Democrat ”, Lan tion, to be held in 1900, at least one Work turned out. caster, N. H., says, “One Minute Cough month before the other two national SpeeHlists for Ion his claim, and that saia proof will be made 40 acres tn sec 27, twp 39, 4 1 e. >10. CAR LINE FROM THE before C. H. Withrow, County Clerk of Minnie Eddings to U S same propertv. Cures is the best remedy for croup I ever conventions, the delegates are to be W im , b—.. tma 1 Klamath county, Oregon,at Klamath Falls, earta« and eua- J North to A M and F C Hibbard, 50 used.” Immediately relieves and cures chosen on the basis of tlie highest regu Uactel alUaruU 18®- ! Oregon, on November 11, 1899, via: acres in sec 23, twp 38, r 2 w, >500. coughs, colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia, lar Populist vote cast in 1892 or since Old newspapers for salo Th., ba>. «ba Ur,„t LEVI L. ANGLE. bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung then. U.l ib- LOCATIONS. on his H. E. 8265. for tbe SK X of NW M. .«ttutwa. an.l tba “'»‘.•V troubles. It prevents consumption.—E u this office. UMlva jaarta» la «ha V S. i and Lots 3, 4 and 5. Sec. 6, Twp 40 S, R 5 T M Boyd, Oct. 30. extension to Laurel gen Fifth, That we direct the national sec « A. S herw n . TO ALL POINTS Ke Pay Till C«ra4. ledge. Biackwell district. West. retary in sending out referendum votes F H Ray, Oct. 30, extension to Golden Vat. Hn a.1« Mi «be ~a- He names the following witnesses to to the national committee to present Dunsmuir News: Mrs, Frank Smith nw* call ibnuld write ba *a- A K. HOOPER. C. P A T. A R. C NICHOL, General Arent prove his continuous residence upon, and Scepter mine. Blackwell district. »M» sad lairaw left this week for Ashland to join her only the explanation, and with comment E A Woodward. Oct. 27, Laurel ledge in cultivation of, said land, via : George Bai ALT. FREK. sufficient only to give a clear understand husband, who was recently transferred <*T*SU«H(0 IT IUM. biouM. ley of Shake, Oregon; D. H. Yeager of Blackwell district. L W Smith and John Winningham, Oct. from the shop here t<5 that city. Mrs. ing of the motion.” Snow. Oregon: A. V. Oden of Shake, Ore 4 u I«uia auuihteutial. No Charge for CaaaalUtiaa. Now, therefore in pursuance of said 31, Leabo lode, Forest creek district. Smith was accompanied by her mother, gon; J. 8. Bailey of Shake. Oregon. A 791 «4BMKT ST., I Eolra«x». /ol MAN HUJfClMCU I oft J. T. BRIDGES. Register. Mrs. J. E. Pike, whose home is at Salem, resolutions, we, Populists of Jackson county, in meeting assembled, both The defunct Webber Dramatic Co’s, Or. . wings of the party being represented, private car was sold for >150 at Grants Whiskey HARPER Perfect Wliis- ’ rest^tfuny'"ask Erects a Hog, Poultry or t Pure uiDDvn'o ----- V--------------------- Tespectfully ask “ that the members of Pass and has been sent to St. Louis, Mo. You MAODVD _____ i j TO WORK OFF !»! „ iJiA",! ER Every bottle guaranteed both wings of the partv in each precinct Stock Fence for about half ai 16 A by Hig® & TaTL0B> meet Nov. 25, 1899, at l :30 o’clock p. m. Oa Undivided Interest« in Estate«, Real Estate Ashland, Ore. anj elect one committeeman Irom each the money required to in Probate, Reveraeonary and Life Interests in Real EVERYTHING ■---------- - ------------ wing of the party, to meet in Medford, build any other kind of and Personal Property, Ennnities and Legacies, or will ANTED-SEVERAL BRIGHT AND Dec. 2,1899, at 11 o’clock a. m. for the purchase ontrigbt, if so desired. I AT fence. Machines and honest persons to represent us as Man purpose of harmonizing all differences For the speedy and permanent cure of agers in this and close by counties. among Populists, and uniting them tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham farm rights for sale by >900 a year and expenses. Straight under one head on the recognized princi Life Insuance Policies Bought or Loaned . berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is Salary bona-fide, no more, no less salary. Poei- ples of the People’s party. without an equal. It relieves the itch ti n permanent. Our references, any bank EE, HXJRIV Signed: G rant R awlings , chairman, ing and smarting almost instantly and in any town. It is mainly office work con Patents Bold on favorable Terms and Capital Procured J. 8. M c C ain , secretary. its continued use effects a permanent ducted at home. Reference. Enclose self ASHLAND, OREGON. to DEVELOP and PERFECT eritorioue Invention« Medford, Oregon, October 21,1899. cure. It also cures itch, barber’s itch, addressed stamped envelop. and Ideas. Amcuu a from >10,000 to >500,000 available T ub D ominion Co., Dept. 3, Chicago. scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, for Investment on tortgage of Revenue Producing Se chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and curities. Joint Stock Con paois« Organised. Foe term« granulated lids. and particulars^ address BAKINe ÍPOWDtft, ROBBINS’ PLANING MILL, FURNITURE LEVI STRAUSS & CO. Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. Window Shades, < Draperies, & Carpets, ö ö Linoleum ASHLAND MILLS W. J. VIRGIN & CO., PROP’S e fVANR ASHLAND, OR ■ V» LVMI1O, H PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. A shland H ouse We do all kinds of work N. BOURGEOIS. PROPRIETOR. OREGON. Blacksmith Shop and Residence For Sale. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY Trains. Bus St. Mary’s ACADEMY. a I F. 1. CAMPS a t | ....The Photographer : j THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY. | A.D. FERGUSON. Ü S cenic [ ine "-W orld í DENVER an » RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. D wm NORTHWEST E ast Phillips: Wire: Fence > MACHINE NOTHING DEAD y SCHOOL SUPPLIES Skin Diseases. Large Sums to Loan. W Is New and Up-to-Date! fÂÏY'.y SHERWIN gete-a BAG-STRAP or TIE---- Free! hand books exchanged. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier andvannifug», psfc'rSAonts, I relief in suflocating asthma." Pleasant to > to take. Never falls to quickly cure all ! coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles.— MAX FBftWUUCOrCAli ê M