GOOD FIGURE ... PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. JAIL BREAKER RE-ARRESTED. Anti-Saloon beague Organised, At a meeting of temperance people cal l e d fornt tha- Christian Church Mon- day evening there was started an’orga-' nized effort to grapple with the saloon question in Ashland. Henry C. Galey was elected chairman and D. H. Hawk­ ins secretary of the meeting. The ques­ tion, “what opportunities of a practical nature are now open to the people of Ashland looking to the suppression of the saloons,” was discussed. A spirit of enthusiasm for the cause was mani­ fested by all present and the necessary committees were appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws for an “Anti­ Saloon League.” Over 30 signified a willingness to become members and on Tuesday evening’s meeting it was swelled to 50. The special issue to be met will quite likely be the city election in December and the concentrating of the anti-saloon forces upon the new method of voting on the license question, which allows only res;dent male real estate taxpayers to sign saloop license petitions and remonstrances and will make the saloon petitions all come up at one time for iioense applications. ______ An Ambitions Hobo. SUTTON’S SNAP SHOT. [Hornbrook Correspondence.] ..Qn JF^day, Oct. 27th, at Granta Pas«, a valise belonging to a tommercial traveler was stolen from the railway depot by a young hobo, who escaped j with his booty, not, however, before his [ appearance had been noted so that the constable was enabled to wire an exact F ALL FORMS OF- description of the thief to points along the railroad. The following afternoon the marshal at Hornbrook, W. G. Day, noticed a knot of box-car tourists loitering near the depot, among whom he recognized Death on Rheumatism, Lams Back, Headache, Toothache, the culprit by the description, notwith­ Earache, Burne, Scalds, Corns and Bunions, Stiff Joints. standing the fact that he bad changed his hat, and replaced his collar by a dirty white handkerchief. The thief, PRICE, 50-0. & $1.00 EER BOTTLE evidently alarmed by the careless ques­ tions of the marshal, took advantage of a moment when the marshal was called away to quietly slip aboard the south­ Ashland, Orcsjoa, bound passenger train, so when the marshal returned, the bird had down. About 1:30 a. m Sunday, Oct. 29th, O^TRead these Testimonials, given under oath, oi Cares Actually Performed: Charley Whitten night watchman at Hornbrook, hurriedly roused the marshal, who was agreeably surprised of Oregon,) W. Dickerson who being duly sworn, made to find the lost crook at bay in the store State Jackson County.} the following statement ;- of T. Jones, where he had been detected My daughter, who was a student at the I, 8. A. Parker, being duly sworn, depose by the wide awake watchman in the act and say that in October or November, State Normal School .one night while study­ of securing a variety of valuable plunder. 1898, while assisting in putting up telegraph ing felt a pain in her band which aeon ex­ The marshal promptly arrested the wire. I run a piece of wire through my tended to the arm. The next day she went prisoner, handcuffed him, and syste­ hand, through the thick of my hand be­ to school and during the day she lost the matically searched his person. The tween the thumb and first finger. It use ot her arm and it became spotted- and the teachers sent her home, fearing blood­ first article that came to light was the seemed to paralize my whole hand I got hold of a bottle of Sutton’s "Snap poison. When she arrived home I took missing collar, whereupon the marshal Shot afterwards and bound my hand her to Mr. Sutton's office where he applied charged the prisoner with the theft of up in ” it soon and the next day came to Ashland "Snap Shot” liniment and within twenty the valise at Grants Pass. Of course he where Mr. Sutton rubbed it in the “Snap minutes of the first application, the swell­ denied all knowledge of the affair, asser­ Shot” and it took the soreness and swelling ing was gene down, the pain was gone and the spotted appearance left it, and she baa ting that he had never been there in his out immediately. 1 took a bottle of it home and applied it never had the least trouble with her arm life. But a further search revealed of the pain. several of the mileage tickets discribed a few times afterwards and in a weeks time since or a recurrence F lorxm z L. TairRix. it was completely healed and the hand was in the list of the missing goods in the well. Notarv Public for Oregon. valise, cunningly concealed where none In January. 1899.1 was thrown out of the but an expert would have dreamed of wagon, striking my face so as to blacken State of Oregon.) looking for them. my eyes and bruise my face. - SB. The thief saw the game was up, and One application took the discoloration out Jackson County ) frankly admitted his guilt. He said of my face and I suffered no more incon­ James M. Fewel being duly sworn de­ poses and say’s:- That about ten day. he dropped off the passenger train and venience from my bruises. I consider “Snap Shot” far ahead of any­ ago 1 had the neuralgia in my face and it boarded a freight train waiting on a thing 1 ever saw in the way of medicine for pained tue severely and had been troubling siding some distance down the line, re­ external application. me for two weeks or more when I had Mr. turning to Hornbrook in time to earn Witness my hand this 12th day of Aug­ Sutton apply his Snap Shot. He rubbed another ride on the next southbound ust, 1899. my face for a few minutes and compietly freight, towards Yreka jail, where (Signed), S. A. P arker cured the pain and sinoe that time been al­ Marshal Day safely lodged him before Subscribed and sworn to before me this most wholly free from pain. 12tb day of August, A D 1891. My wife was sick with the. cholera mor­ dawn. G bo W. T rkfren . bus aud took about half a teaspoonful of The thief stated that he was one of a Notary Public for Oregon. the medicine and it cured the trouble at gang of crooks eight in number. Resi­ once and she never felt anything more of dents along the line will do weli to keep it. State of Oregon. their eyes opm for a few days. J ames M. F xwbl Among the plunder found in the Jackson County. ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia burglar’s pockets were 29 fine pocket On this 28th day of July, 1899, appeared 19th day of November 1899. knives, several rings, lockets etc, while before me, a Notary Public witbin and for Gao. W. TacracN. a heap of gold watches were placed the State and County above named one W. Notary Public for Oregon. ready to load into a sack borrowed from _—— , . Wl) the proprietor of the store. TT- 1* T 1 Representative Peter Fordney of If Illi III ■ ■ I lllillllllll Wallowa county, is in Ashland on a visit. A bus load of young people go to Jack­ I 1U1111 I ■ JLIUUUUUM sonville tomorrow evening to attend aC. E. rally. Mirehell River*. After Escaping Job printing at this office. from the Klamath Falls and Yreka Cat pels at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. Jails—Brought to Ashland. F. W. Jennings of Portland, was in the valley yesterday. Cliief-of-Police and Deputy Sheriff J. a man’s chief attraction. O. Gregory and District Attorney E. C. Sherman came over from W. Watson went to Cole’s Monday, where Henley yesterday The best figure in the Sheriff Marion Freshour turned over to M. O. Warner left Tuesday for Ft. him Mitchell Rivera. Gregory placed world can be spoiled by awk­ Jones to visit O. O. Helman. him in the city jail and read to him a Conductor Oscar La Forrest has quit warrant charging him with stealing a ward clothing. Our perfect­ the road and gone north. horse after breaking out of the Klamath Falls jail. fitting suits, made and guaran­ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Homes left Tues­ Sheriff A. Kershner arrived from Klam­ day for San Jose, Cal., on a visit. ath Falls and starts for Klamath Falta teed by Hart, Schaffner & Miss Lottie Pracht leaves today for today with his prisoner. The Yreka Journal of Monday gives Santa Fe, N. M., to visit her father. Marx, bring out a man’s good Capt. M. Caton went to Phoenix the following account of Rivera’s second yesterday to visit relatives and friends. escape and capture: points. They set to his form John Ross was up from Central Point The Mexican named Riaera, arrested lately on Butte Creek mountain, this in just the right way, they’re Monday and Tuesday visiting relatives. county, for burglarizing a store of W. Grant’s Pass is making preparations W. Smith, at Bly, near Klamath Falta, for the construction of a sewer system. Or., and escaping from the Klamath Falls jail, besides stealing a horse to STYLISH, GRACEFUL Conductor L. W. Van Horn left yes­ reach California, made his escape from terday on a brief business trip to Rose­ the Yreka jail last Friday afternoon, AND COMFORTABLE burg. between 5 and 6 o’clock, accompanied T. G. Ruth, the Central Point land­ by the half-breed Indian named Brown, Death or Corina E. White. TOWEAR, lord, was in Ashland Monday after hotel imprisoned for brutally beating his wife. Corlus Edward White, died at the Sheriff Freshour gave the two prisoners help. their supper about 5 p. m., and left home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. and we will have something Bert Barnes went to Grants Pass them eating, to get hie own supper. On E. White, highly respected residents of yesterday to be employed in M. Clemens’ returning about 6 o’clock, co lock them Woodville, last Friday evening. He in their cell, hefound his birds had down, lacked four days of being 20 years of special to say to you about store. The funeral took place at the The Ladies’ Aid of the Christian church by having cut a hole through the brick ag*. family burying ground at Rock Point wall in rear, above one of the steel tanks, prices when you are ready to will give a Thanksgiving dinner at the and then scaled the stone wall surround­ Sunday afternoon, and the large pro­ church. ing the jail. They evidently had every­ cession of sorrowing friends in a slight buy. u Mrs. M. Woods and daughter, Miss thing ready from previous operations, measure expressed the sympathy of Maud Fuson, visited Medford friends requiring only a very few minutes’ time neighbors. Rev. F. G. Strange con­ this week. in reaching freedom, and were not ducted the funeral services. The de­ H. C. Knackstedt and family of Med­ observed by any one outside, as they ceased was a very promising young man ford moved to Yreka Tuesday to make evidently kept under cover of fences of mentally, morally and physically, and the lots bordering on Second street, be­ his early taking away is an especially their future home. yond the jail building, to prevent any sad loss. He had been ill about two . Miss Nellie Dickey left Tuesday for suspicion of being Jail birds. The. weeks with typhoid malarial fever which Prospect, on upper Rogue river, to teach Sheriff of Klamath county, had secured I *a8t attac?£e^ J^e spine, the district school. requisition papers to take the Mexican was well known in Ashland hav- Dr. Bunnell, the copper prospector of back to Klamath Falta, and was at! »« attended the public school two years time he won the respect Coles, returned yesterday from a busi­ Shovel Creek last Saturday to receive r”uZin8 J* GUARANTEED OLOTHINQ. him from the officers of this county, j an;* £00<* °Piulon of all-_____ ness trip to Ashland. Mrs. E, E. Miner has purchased the On being notified of the escape, the Ore-' Repairin« Si.-kiyou Loop. Sheriff returned home, but learning Union hotel property at Gold Hill, of W. gon The railroad company is making some of his recapture returned again to take S. Fitzgetald for |500. _x— j ---- change *3 their in track in the him in charge vesterday at the Oregon extensive Wall .. creek, in the bie loop , i Siskiyous at w„u C. W. Sherman and wife, formerly Stateline. [ that climbs the Siskiyou mountain be­ Miss Belle Willis of Roseburg, arrived The Sheriff immediately started a KLAMATH FALLS. from Portland Tuesday. number of deputies on a hunt for the tween Steinman and Siskiyou. They are Circuit court convenes here next fugitives, while he went to Hornbrook constructing a steel viaduct which at its Mr. and Mrs. J. Marhoffer of Crescent deepest point is 150 feet to the ground. Monday, docket will be rather light. City are visiting their daughter, Mrs. and Henley, to warn the wife of the It is 600 feet long and Foreman P. A. ASHLAND, Or...... Thursday, Nov. 2,1899 half-breed Indian living in Henley of Died, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. T. Reames, at Gold Hill. his escape, and place a guard at her Lindstrom and a force of 30 men are Clemens of Keno; aged 2^ years. Samuel Musgrove, a pioneer settler of house, as her husband had threatened employed being at present engaged in The Melhase Bros, of Ft. Klamat h Little Shasta, Siskiyou county, died to kill her. as soon .as getting free from working on the piers They have been SAMPSON. were looking after business matters in there Sunday aged 85 years. jail. Duputv Sheriff Martin started out working since last July and will not Zenas Howard moved to the valley the the Falta this week. finish the work until spring. It is the E. DeWitt, assistant county assessor towards Indian Creek, and John Mc- highest bridge on the line from Portland Other day. Carton for Honolulu on the Klamath, Will Scott, who has been sojourning of Siskiyou county, was at Medford John Lovelady ot Lost river came in while Constable Brautlacht and others to San Francisco. The same crew are in Klamath Falta for about 6 weeks re­ yesterday on a business trip. Monday. diligent search in other directions. also engaged making a big cut and fill turned to Yreka Monday evening. Large stock iron beds, rockers and About daylight of Saturday McCarton to get rid of a wooden trestle, 414 B, P. 8. Puckett is in from over the mount­ Louis Gerber of Horsefly valley, made parlor chairs. Prices always right at passed the fugitives at the mouth of Wall creek, below the above work. This ain and says he was engaged in a bear fight a brief visit to Klamath Falta this week Opera House furniture store. By Competent the other day. Humbug creek, and proceeded down to work will throw the track further back the hill and make it safer, more Joseph A. Willard shot and killed C. 8. Bums came over from Hornbrook looking after various matters pertaining Jay Beach has arrived at San Fran­ Honolulu, not seeing them leave the into and a permanent improvement. T. D. Perry at the latter’s farm four to the ranch. Teacher : : : a few days ago. cisco from the Cape Nome mines. The road. The jail breakers then resumed secure their journey and crossed the river on a Engineer Hansen is in charge and he miles south of Salem, Or., in a quarrel The Round Lake school closed last papers report he brought $30,000. The school here is progressing nicely, a foot bridge at a China claim, the Indian has made a rough survey and map for program was given Friday eve. Miss Clara Friday, having ended a very successful W. E. Dunn, who has been visiting packing the Mexican across, as the latter : two more tunnels 600 feet long each and over a lease. Willard rented Perry’s OF LONG EXPERIENCE. roley of Ashland is teacher. Wilmer, her 7 months term with Miss Lora M. Colton the Helms family at Jacksonville has was very footsore from the tramp and has sent them into the company for ap­ 40 acre farm for a year, aud a difference brother, goes soon to California to work in of Ashland as principal. existed between them as to the time the Address L. A. CREITZ, returned to the Willamette valley. a. drug store. the injuries caused by the shackles on proval. They will in due course of time lease expired. Both men met at the Opposite Hotel Oregon. report favorably thereon and they will Rufus 9. Moore and surveying crew Care T. R. Ryan, Main St., Ashland. J. D. Fountain, who is employed at his ankles when escaping from the James 8. Bailey of Shake came in Mon­ farm, and after a few words Perry, it is undoubtedly be built next suipmer. returned to the Falta Tuesday, having day. the tie preserving plant near Sisson, Klamath Falta jail a few days previous. All Work Accurately and said, made a threatening movement to­ been absent some weeks completing was in town yesterday en route to Port­ Reaching Dutch Creek, they inquired Bud Lacy is working at Howard’s. NOTICE F OR PUB LICATION Mrs. Joseph Kinney Dies. Promptly Attended to. government surveys in the north and land. ward his hip pocket. Willard fired five the way to Hornbrook, which McCarton western portions of the county. Mrs. Tillie Yocum Kinney, after a bullets at him from a 38 caliber revolver. soon learned, and informed Jos. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. PRICES: Mrs. John Cole left Tuesday for Freshour and others. They traced the lingering illness died Monday morning, Four of the bullets punctured Perry’s PHOENIX. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Hallowen passed off very quietly in Quincy, in., to visit her venerable fugitives to the brush at mouth of Dutch aged 45 years. The remains were taken body, three of them in vital places. One October 9, J 899. .41.00 GOLD & SILVER.. All Halloween was observed in the usual the Falta. The usual number of gates mother, She will remain several creek, and fired a couple of shots, which to Sheridan, Yamhill county, on the Notice is hereby given that the following- COPPER............ . . ..$1.00 style in Phoenix. were removed, woodsheds and adjacent months. passed through the heart, one through named Settler has filed notice of hia inten­ same evening’s train, where the funeral caused the runawavs to eeparaLe, the buildings were overturned but no serious both luugs, the third through several tion to make final proof in support of bis Dr. Cole of Medford, was in town Satur­ Lieut. J. E. Thornton, who has been Mexican taking up the Klamath and the took place. The husband, Joseph W. intestines and the fourth lodged iu the claim,and that said proof will be made depredations worthy of mention. day. Indian hidingon Dutch creek. Al Lash, Kinney, and her sister, Mrs. J. R. Brown in Portland and up north the past before Gu< Newbury, County Clerk of John Houston, one of our rustling several weeks, returned to Ashland the stage driver, was met on the way to of Sheridan, accompanied the remains. left arm. Perry died almost instantly. Jackson Mrs. Chas. Short of Ashland, is in town. ceuntv, Oregon, at Jacksonville. business men, succeeded iu raising a The cause of death was a dropsical affect ­ Honolulu, who gave the lines to another Recent development work has shown Oregon, on November 21,1899, viz: Samuel E. G. Perham, a contractor of Gold Hill yesterday. otice is hereby given that large enough purse to induce Prof. God ­ ion of the heart. Deceased was a lady Songer, on his homestead entry No. 8742, and Ashland, tarried in town Saturday and man and proceeded after the Mexican, that there is plenty of suitable rock on T. Klamath frey the aerial artist to make one of his sealed bids will be received by the D. G. Brown of Crystal, for the south-east one-quarter, section 14, Sunday. overhauling him between American Bar of estimable qualities, and a native of Catalina island for use iu buildiug the balloon ascensions in Klamath Falta county, was here this week. Austin Tp. 39, S B 4 E. Yamhill county. The husband and fam ­ and Hornbrook, about 4 p. m., nearly School Board of School District No. 5 ot Mr. and Mrs. S. Robbins visited their San Pedro breakwater. He names the following witnesses to daughter. Mrs. H. H OalhouD, last week. Friday last. Citizens from all sections Holt returned with him to teach the worn out and unarmed. Reaching ily have the sincere sympathy of all in prove bis continuous residence upon and Jackson County. Oregon, until and includ­ of the county flocked in to give their district school. Hornbrook with his man, he turned him their great loss and affliction. cultivation of said land, viz: John Wright. Jr., of Central Point, necks a good stretch and expressed them­ ing Friday, December 1,1899, for the erec­ Tbos. Brittson and Lawrence Brittson of Miss Grace Morey visited Ashland over to the Sheriff who brought him visited relatives in Phoenix Bunday. The jury in the Hungerford murder selves as well pleased with the ascension' friends tion of a two-story and basement, six-room, Shake. Oregon, D. H. Yager of Snow, back to Yreka. "* this week and left yesterday for Arthur Rose departed on Monday's and parachute jump by the Prof. Oregon, and L. L. Angle of Ashland, Jos. Freshour and John McCarton in trial at Santa Ana returned a verdict of Roseburg to teach the Mental Culture southbound train for California where be brick or frame school house in said District The Indians manifested great conster­ Oregon. the meantime kept on the track of the murder in the second degree after three has secured employment. 012 J. T. BRIDGES, Register. nation over the parachute leap from the Club in cooking. No. 5, to be oompleted on or before July 15, Indian, the former searching the thick hours’ fleliberatioii. Luther Hunger­ The inlant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H heavens, and are of the firm belief that the The local Salvation Army officers have brush at mouth of Dutch creek, while ford was charged with killing Jiames 1900. Calhoun has been very sick. IJrs. Har­ “ Tyee” or Great Massiah has made his gone north. Lieut. Jones and Cadet McCarton proceeded up the creek, ex­ Baid school house to be built according to grave and Waite are in attendance ana a appearance. Arenson went to Portland and Capt. pecting he might go to John Ladd’s Marion Gregg of Buena Park on the »pea-iy recovery is hoped for. 1 Hidden ranch. Henry Hungerford, a the plans and specifications, for both brick Warren to Eugene. MARRIED. ' cabin, which proved true. McCarton brother of Luther, is yet to be tried for D. Lehners and Miss Carrie Moore will be looking througli the window found him and frame, in the office ot the Clerk of said G. F. Butler and Miss Allie L Snyder, Mrs. Maggie Cunningham, who has married in tbe Presbyterian church, Nov. Oct. 29, at home of D. W. Ryan in Ft. been visiting her friend, Mrs. Wm. eating supper about half past 10 p. m., 'the same crime. District at Ashland, Oregon. 2d, ai 1 o’clock p. m. Three of the new volunteer 'regi­ Klamath. Rev. E C. Graff officiating. Mathes, started yesterday for her home and covered him quickly with his pistol The Phoenix Choral Society have Both of Klamath Co. All bids will have careful consideration On surrendering he was bound with rope ments reached San Francisco from the at Marysville, Mo. organized with about thirty members H. and brought to Yreka Sunday morning.! but the board reserves the right to reject east a few days ago aud went into ‘ camp P. Hargrave is president and Prof. G. A Misses Mabel and Sadie Gott of Gott- Ladd says the Indian tried to find a gun John Witheriland Miss Dollie Morton, at the Presidio, to await transportation Gregory ot Medford acts as leader. any and all bids. ville, Siskiyou county, visited Mrs. W. F. NtBEMif, M0>. Oct. 29, at the business house of T. F. at liis cabin, but he had them hid away.’ to Manila. The Kansas regiment was Miner in Klamath Falls. Rev. John W. Walters at Phoenix, and Ashland Parties wishing to file bids should mark Water Street, GRIFFIN CREEK. A Meeting. mustered out Saturday and left for friends this week. Hunsakea officiating. _____ Near /Aain- them ’• Bid for School House, District No. home. The Washington aud Iowa regi ­ Mrs. McFerron and family haye moved A meeting will be held in the Presby­ Conductor Frank Dickey, who has Orders y mail or 5” and file them with the Cferk of the to Trail. been on the Roseburg-Granta Pass terian church Monday evening, Nov. 6th, ments will be out of service this week. WIMER. express receive Board at Ashland, Oregon. The Tennessee regiment will arrive Miss Maud Yates, of Boston, Mass., is freight has succeeded Hiram Drake on at 7:30 p. m. Subject: What Can We prompt attention. Ben Haymond, the Rock Point mer the Ashland-Grants Pass run. Visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Hayes. Do to Better Our City? Speakers, Rev. soon from the Philippines. This will By order of the Soard. T erms C ash at Wimer _ Monday chant . passed through _ ___ Abbett of the M. E. church, Rev. Tout REASONABLE RATES. Mrs. C. True left for Mankato, Minn., to with a load of provisions for tbe miners of GEO. W. TREFREN, Clerk. Rev. G. W. Nelson, wife and little of the Christian church, and R. J, be the last regiment of state volunteers visit her sister. Mrs. Artheron, and expects Pleasant creek. to arrive from the Philippines, and daughter, arrived ip Ashland yesterday Faussett. Music and a good program is io be absent about a month. Mr. W'Xtrom, of, npper Pleasant creek, from Seattle. He is the new- pastor of promised to which all are cordially in­ when mustered out the original volun­ A cts gently on the The infant son ot Marion Harley is ill made a business trip to Grants Pass Satur­ the Congregational church in this fiiy. teer army of the Spanish-American war vited. with typhoid fever. day. will be out of existence. Mrs. O. Ganiard, Mrs. Laura Gatfiard, Chas. Wilson has rented the McFerron Frank Burkhardt has had the misfortune HORNBROOK MINING DISTRICT. A band of 550 head of cattle at Kings­ place tor the ensuing year. at this very busy time of the year, to have Mr». O. C. Tiffany and Mrs. J. E. White Plenty of water for the mills since the ton, Fresno county, brought there from went to Rock Point last week to attend a very severe boil on his hand. J. Crofxey, of Lincoln. Neb., has late rains. Our camp is prosperous and Humboldt by a man named. Warren, the funeral of Carlos White. ALL KINDS purchased the old Jeff Hamlin place. He Mrs. Maggie Taylor aud children, of ■ has a bright future. has been quarantined. The calves are expects to move on the place in December. Grants Pass, is spending a few davs vidt­ Ex- Sheriff Wm. Bybee of Jacksonville We have within a radius of three r.EANSES THE ¿YSTEM A**-See us before putting in your win - J. McPherson has finished drying his ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hillis on started a band of 120 fat hogs for Happy miles, two two-stamp mills, one three- suffering with strongylus filiaria, an TIER WOOD: prune crop, which amounted to 60.000 lbs. Evans creek. Camp this week. He has furnished that stamp mill, one five-aumo mill and one animal parasite uew to California. ter supply. V rl «^EFFECTUALLY Oak, Laurel, Pine and Fir. E. L. Clark is drawing some fine lumber section with pork for many years. But for the death of Warden Charles I Mrs. Capt. Nash and Miss Grace Faucett ten-stamp mill. J. Jacobs is figuring on visited MrS. N. H. Spencer and Mrs. J. from the Sardine creek saw mill for Mr. Leave orders and get prices at Van CORD WOOD: Mrs. H. Ralph has leased her home putting up a'custom mill to accommo­ Aull, Harry Winters, convicted of a Wixtrom lhe latter will use the lumber McPherson, the first of the week. Sant's. in Ashland to Mrs. C. Noonan of Sis­ date a number of small prospects in this murder committed at Baden, San Ma'eo Oak, Fir and Pine. in fitting up his mine for winter. ■ A M. Hibbard, of Shoshone. Idaho, has county, would have been hanged Fri­ kiyou, who will conduct it as a boarding vicinity. Prof. T. H B. Taylor, the photographer, ?>urchased the North place, and moved his Tom Shultz has taken his wheels, day. R. J. Murphy, acting warden house. Mrs Ralph and darghter, Miss accoiupmied by his wife and sister-in law, amily on to the place. flumes, etc., from the Klamath river, pending the election of Anil’s successor, will leave soon for California to spend the Fannie, will move to Mederia, Cal. after a very successful season. Elder J. Eby preaches at the school winter. Mr. Taylor’s object is to seek for Wilmer Poley, for the past several J. O. Jillson purchased the Fairy doubted his authority to execute the house, the last Sunday in each month. Rev. better health. ASHLAND, OREGON. years the aacommodating and efficient Queen mine on Hungry Creek from* sentence, and secured an opinion from J. O Gist the second Sunday, and Rev. G. »11 UAL permanently As Charlie Owen did not wish any tres­ prescription clerk in Sherwin’s drug Jones & Me Geean. He has a promising Attorney-General Ford, in which he Haberly the third Sundav. Sunday school passing to be done on this ground that he store, left yesterday to work for Reich- every Sunday at 2:30 p. tn. prospect, and will keep men at work all was advised not to hang Winters. bad plowed, he accordingly set a steel trap The farmers are very busy putting in and caught one of the intruders-a coyote man A Co., Ft. Jones, Siskiyou county, winter, doing developnBfent work. A man was recently arrested at Chi­ Cal. Moran, Roper & Co., are down 80 feet their crops, and on every side tnere are cago on a charge of bigamy. He told Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holcombe, who left Buy the genuine - mah ' f o &y signs of prosperity. Fred Hansen left Tuesday for Napa, iu their mine on Hungry Creek, and the authorities that during his travels here several months ag > aud went to have five feet of ten-dollar ore. L. Hayden has finished building his new Yreka. Cal . have returned Jack has Cal. He sold two lots to Mrs. W. J. ■ Bun Griffith, in the same district has around the world he had been married house which is a beauty. sinre gone to Galice creek. Josephine coun­ Virgin for $225, three lots to Harry ty, to work. His wife is at present stop Hosier for $300 and a cottage and two a ! very good showing in the James Ster­ 42 times. ping witb her mother, Mrs. Nancy Carter lots to 8. Furry for $500. All on 5th ling mine. Some of the ore is very rich. The racing yacht Shamrock has sailed roa MtvMors raa tot. ns wrnt. KRAL ESTATE. 1 Are going to give some SPECIAL Prices Born: On Evans creek, Oct. 21, 1899, to Avenue, railroad addition. from New York for London. Elizabeth Randall to Jacob Oleson, 40 Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moore, a son. There’s always hope while there’s One acres of the dewall Truax donation claim, in OLD LOTS Of CU ACC to make Mrs. G. E. Blew and son joined Con­ Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneu­ It is stated on good authority in New $1025. ductor Blew at Roseburg Monday. Con­ monia left my lungs in bad shape and I York that the victorious oup defender, room for Fall Stock. ^-1 Vr Li T J Bell to David Brower, lots 1 and 2, Circuit Coart Proceedings. ductor Geo. Peebles of th* Portland- was near the first stages of consumption. Columbia, will participate in the regulai blocks. Talent. $160. One Minute Cough Cure completely cured, J H Beeman vs Lucky Bart Mining Co; Roseburg division succeeds Blew on the W. F. Williamson to Helen I Dillon, 395 night train between Ashland and Duns­ me,” writes Helen McHenry, Bistnark, N. circuit races in both the Mediterranean to recover money. Dismissed. acres in twp 37. r 1 w, $9000. D. Gives instant relief. Eugene A. Sher­ and in British waters. The Columbia Emma F Hall vs T M Boyd, etal; to muir. J F Tryer to Harriet B Tryer, lol 11, blk win. . £J > will leave for the other side in the early foreclose mortgage Decree granted. 40. Medford. $150. Mrs. Bash, Propr. j ^tand? Oregon. St. Mary’s Academy will erect an ex­ K E Miner vs J D Loucks; confirma­ A L Mills, trustee, to Augustus B East­ Services at the Presbyterian church 4 part of December, and will be com­ tensive addition to their convent at Jack ­ tion. Sheriff's sale confirmed. ham. 320 acres in Sec 17. twp 40, r 1 e, $10. Laura Edwards vs G W Edwards: di­ sonville at an expense of several thousand next Sabbath morning and evening. manded by Captain Charles Barr, who A B Kaslham to U 8. same property. “The piloted her to victory in the contests , A L Mills, trustee, to E L Brown, 160 vorce. Order for publication of summons dollars. The increased business of this The sermon subjects will be: STÌ ho ».». • •• made popular school for the training and ed­ Beauties of Salvation” and “The Quiet against the Shamrock. acres in same region, $IQ. K Beswick vs 8 J Stormer, et al; to fore­ ucation of young ladies has made it Hour”. E L Brown to U 8, same property. Brigadier-General Guy V. Henry, late A. L Mills, trustee, to A C Chumasero. close mortgage. Same order as above. Geo. W. Owen and Frank W. Moore military governor of Porto Rico, died JAM ushett vs D Cofer; to rescind con­ necessary. 160 acres in same region, >10. Lunches Put Up The ghost party at Otto Winter’s resi­ left Tuesday evening en route to SouUjj -at-his home-in New York last week. A C Cl.umawro to U 8 same property tract. Motion to strike sections six and W H Venable to Jean St Luc DeRoboam. eleven from plaintiff's complaint sustained dence Halloween evening was attended Dakota and Kansas City, Mo They go Pneumonia was the cause, and the end and defendant's demurrer overruled. 160 acres in sec 32, twp 38. 2 w, $1000. bv about 60sheet and pillowcased guests. to purchase a carload of Hereford came after a period of unconsciousness All Passengers Trains D A Presley vs Minnie Presley; divorce. W.8. Fitzgerald to Alida R Miner, lots Mrs. E V. Carter, Mrs. Ella Mills and to bring back to Ashland to improve the Testimony taken in open court. that had lasted during the night. He 5. 6. 7. 8 and 9, blk 13, Gold Hill. $500. beef cattle of this section. Mr. Ow$n Mrs. Winter were the receiving ghosts. W C Deneff, administrator of the estate J H Beeman to Gold Hill Development contracted a cold about a week ago, and will also bring along a few fine brjd Stop 30 Minutes for Meals j In the guessing “ who was who ” contest Companv. Red Oak mine in Gall a creek of E Graupner, vs Herman V Helms; to , Hereford cows. pneumonia set in soon after. Medical district. $2000. _ recover money. E H Helms, administra­ Mrs. D. L. Rice and John R. Norris re­ Clever A L Mills, trustee, to Erik 8jolseth, 160 tor of the estate of defendant, substituted ceived the respective prizes. J. C. Mitchell arrived from California aid was summoned immediately, but for the defendant. Halloween games and a supper were in­ ' the first of the week and on Monday re­ the doctors were unable to check the acres in section 15. twp 40, 1 e. $10. Medford Brewing Co vs J L Melvin, and dulged in. E Sjolsetb to U 8, same property. ceived 268 bead of fine cattle from Rus­ ! ailment. General Henry was to have V 8 to Joe Goodreau, 160 acres in sec 30. L Cardwell and John McClendon, garni­ shees; to recover money. Garnisheea A generous gift of $150 has been given to sell & York of Missouri Flat, and 180 left for his new station, headquarters of twp 39, 4 e. Mr. Booth, by alady in this city, to pur­ head from G. C. Culy of Steamboat. the departmen t of Missouri, at Omaha, A L Mills, trustee, to Lilia G Hendrick­ ordered to answer certain interrogatories. Eila Short vs G W Lance, etal; injunc­ chase a bell for the Trinity Episcopal The prices averaged 3>& cents. son. 1«U acres in zee 15. twp 40. 1 e $10. last week, tut his illness prevented him. tion. Taking of testimony finished I. G Hendrickson to U s. same property church in this place. He has made an or­ L A Robertson, et al, vs Geo Wand V Rev. E. A. Rose and wife went to Jack ­ A L Milla. trustee, to U 8, 80 acres in sec The late Cornelius Vanderbilt, Sr., Wood worth defendants; to recover money. der on Mancely A Co., the celebrated bell sonville Tuesday to visit D. M. Hunter at 15, twp 37, 4 a. founders of West Troy, N. Y., for one of the hospital. Mr. Roas will leave this virtually disinherited his eldest son, 1 Dismissed. LOCATIONS. Mattresses Made Over, their first class bell-matal bells. week for Los Anglels to open a revival Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., for his un­ Silas J Dav. Oct 25. Perseverance mine sanctioned marriage to Grace Wilson. Pianos Polished, General in that city. By permission of the Northwest Her­ in Jacksonville district.. Acetylene Gas. Under his will, the young man is mere­ ald, a bright, crisp and pungent illus ­ Jobbing : : : : : Mrs. L. Hilty returned Monday from a ly given a life interest in $1,000,000 and Be independent of Gas and Electric ligh trated weekly newspaper printed in The subjects of sermons at the Christ­ corporations and own your own lighting Portland bv Hon Gee. L. Hutchin, we visit with her husband, Conductor Louis $500,000 left him by his grandfather, Flue Cleaning a Specialty. ian church next Sunday will be: Morn­ plant. The NATIONAL generator does are enabled to reproduce in tbe columns Hilty whois in charge of the Dunsmuir . the late William H. Vanderbilt. Alfred not have to be cared for oftener than once Leave orders at K. 8- Evans’ Paint and Edgewood freight. ’ ~ ing, “Pillars” and evening, “S me in 15 days. Il is positively 6afe and is of this week’s R bcord the latest cartoon Vanderbilt, the second son of the late Store, Ashland, Oregon. L* um Duties of Chriatiargin Ashland”. The recommended by all insurance boards. We of W. O. Marks, the clever caricaturist A special freight train engine was millionaire, to whom the bulk of the public is cordial1 y invited. light residences, churches, stores, factories and cartoon artist of this city. His con­ ditched near Myrtle Point last evening, •• • and towns at 40 per cent less than other ception of Ex-Congressman Bourke the cars piling in upon it. Engineer great fortune descends, has, however, 5^ < • Fred H. Kelley of Jacksonville, Or., an systems with double the illumination. To Cockran's idea of a trust cure is well Anderson iiad his arm broke and a brake- generously come forward and given his extensive miuing operator, and a mem­ responsible parties will ship machines on taken and a lecture in itself. The Her­ mau was somewhat injured. The wreck discredited brother $6,123,000, and there­ days trial. by placed him on an equality with Ifta ber of the Kelley family of Yreka and thirty Send for free booklet on Acetylene Gas. ald publisher expects to establish a baa demoralized the train service for a Fort Jones, in pioneer days, also a typo We want good agents younger brothers and younger sisters. LADIES’ morning daily with democratic politics day. Central Orogen State Normal School, Drain, Oregon, in tbe Journal office during the beginning NATIONAL ACETYLENE GAS CO.. in Portland the fore part of the coming Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s for Cornelius Vanderbilt has accepted the A. IST ZD..... Buffalo, N. Y. year and Mr. Marks will then be engaged ofjthe ’?0 period, was in Yreka last Fri­ pricely concession, aud there will be no Will open Its dears for’lbanew school year on September 11,1889. Thebuildings have your carpets. They have received a fine . . CHILDREN’S day and Saturday, and gave us a friend­ been thoro^hlyrenovated and improved. New apparatus added and «her improve. as its regular cartoonist. line which are being offered at bottom* ^appeal to the courts in an effort to undo ly call. Kelley recently sold a mine in i meats made for the comfort and convenience of the «Hidents. Chas. Henry of the Cove is just able to the stern will of the dead man. The prices. r ‘ * ‘ J, “ J ----- "Our baby was sick for a month witb a fllinota Valley, Josephine county, to a get around from hia accident of two Dortnitorv Advantages at the lowest possible rate. Uuifbrm State Normal School New York party for $10,000.—Yreka weeks ago. He was felling a tree to severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al­ O<,nr*e ' Complete Training School in connection with the Normal, where Seniors are 9 vast fortune of Cornelius Vanderbilt SdSfonSTwSSd1 under ibe supervision of a Critic Teacher, who will give hi. entire though we tried many remodies, she kept Sr., is estimated at something over $70,- Journal. BOHN, make shakes for bis new barn to replace getting worse until we used tbe One Min­ D ry G oods , N ovelties , time to this work. Graduates of this school aie giveu a credit of Tforty Month ■ Teach­ 000,000. Of that sum Alfred Vander­ the one lost by fire. The tiee fell on ute Cough Cure.—it relieved at once and ing Experience, which enables them to reach the Life Diploma in the quickeit andmurt bilt will inherit about $45,000,000. ••They are simply perfect,” writes Rob t. an oak tree, which bent over and then cured her in a few days.”—B. L. Nance. Christmas Hoods Next Month. Mti.f«tory manner. Bend your address fot complete catalogue to Moore, ot La Favelte, ¿Ind . ot DeWitt's snapped back. Several limbs struck Principal ot the High School, Buffdale, CANTRALL—In Uniontown Precinct, Do you know Downing can replate AAtUe Karly Risers, the * famous Httle piUa” Texas. B A Sherwin. HttWmi.WW.M«.. - i JNO. B. WA^KER, A. M-of Fwdty. Oct. 27, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe your old silverware as good as new at 4or cooaupaUoa and all liver ailments. Henry, one cracking bis skull, causing T$a oM reliaMwT» Waskljr QnmlM. Caqtr»li, a son. blseding at mouth and ears for two flay»* tai tbsa tali tbt art? Trybia. MwrwirtP* KwoeA. Usfwia. D VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE VALLEY RECORD. THE WONDEBFDL DÈSTHOTEK” IN FLA MAT I ON IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON, PROP I Notice to Contractors. N Ashland.- . STEAM.. Laundry:: K idneys , L iver and B owels WOOD R. W. Beach duMWIA|lGtSYRVrt2- Bros., ODDS @s ENDS SPECIAL! Bush’s Restaurant! ore. Meals 25 -:Carpets Cleaned MRS. SARAH HARRISON UNDERWEAR, Jr 4