Professional Cards VALLE! RECORD The People’s Paper. HINMAN, D. D. 8. Illi Dentist. ASHLAND, Or..... Thursday, Nov. 2, 1990 Were Not Established in 1881! Are not the greatest distributors of fruit in the Northwest! Are not the only People on Earth! Are not making any assertions vo cannot substantiate! British Meet Great Disaster. Boer. Entrap and Capture their Two Beat Hegiinent. and a Mono foil Battery. , . While Ostensibly Attacking In th. Masonic Building, up stolte, over Pote Office. l«ady- BUT sniitb the Mpera Get Snath of To in and Destroy Colenao Bridge. Placing the British Fly In the Boer Spider's Web With Nothing to Do But Surrender. P retoria , October 24.—The bombard­ ment oi Mate-king by General Crunje’s commuu.lo begr.u this morning The women aud childreu were given ample time to leave the town. P kktokia , O-tober 25.—The shelling of Mafeking jyas resumed at daybreak | this morning. Several houses are in flames. L ondon , October 37.—The Cape Town corre-.;Kxiduut of the Daily New« says it is reported there from private sources that tho British issued from MufekiDg on Saturday last and surrounded and capture-fl 240 Boers. Loxnos, October 26.—The death of General Sir William Penn Symons, the British commander at Glencoe, who was shot in the stomach in the battle with the Boers there October 30, was officially announced in the house of commons to-day. L ondon , October 37.—The official an­ nouncement of the joining of General White and General Yule has come as u great relief, aud all the more so in view of- the fact that later dispatches have shown that only the incapacity of the intelligence department of the Boers saved General Yule’s column from a gYeat disaster. It seems that on Friday night Dundee was full of alarms. Heavy firing was heard at 1 o’clock and again at 4. A severe thunderstorm soon after stopped the Boer cannonade. Saturday passed in the same auxioua manner, in momen­ tary expectation of an attack. The British finally evacuated, taking all that they could, but leaving plenty behind for the Boers to loot. L adysmith , October 29.—The Boers are gradually closing around Ladysmith. They liave mounted two big guns ou Tinta Ingoni, 4500 yards from the Brit­ ish camp. An attack is expected. L adysmith , October 29.—Everything has remained quiet to-day and the water supply is being renewed. A number of resident civilians have been ordered to leave the town under penalty of arrest. Lieutenant Mieklejohn of the Gordon Highlanders, who was wounded at Elands Laagte in the army, is improv­ ing after amputation of the member. A dispatch from Cape Town says: General Joubert, the Boer commander, has sent a dispatch of sympathy to Lady Symons, wife of General Symons. We We We We DR. S. T. SONGER Physician and Surgeon. Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon ASHLAND can handle your Fruit! have connections equal to the best! keep pushing right along! are keeping up to date! — — — OREGON J) M. BROWER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, ASHLAND — — — OREGON ornea : At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, Laurel and Main Streets. YET J A. McCALL Civil Engineer and Mineral Surveyor We were only Establishen in 1898! And We pay our Consignors Every Monday! NOTAXY public . Surveyt for Patenta and Mining Loca­ tion! a ipwdaiiy. Address Ashland, Or. W. B. GLAFKE CO •2 WHOLESALE FRUITS, ETC. Office st residence. South Main Street PORTLAND, OREGON 125 Front Street. LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Publicity was the Remedy Suggested by Bourke Cochran for Iniquitous Trusts, at the Chicago Trust Conference. ■ . Cochran—(From top of tall tree) •'it,-. “I say, there! If you don’t let go I will put your name in the paper.”—From the Verdict. Earl Fruit Company GEO. NV. TREFREN. o- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, Call and see me when you are in need of any property of any description, either to rent or bur. I have ranches for sale in every part of Jackson oounty; fine land end low prices. Small acreages of fruit land near town and land in bearing fruit, any number of acres, large or small. 1 have several houses to sell in the city; prices to suit the times. MAIN OFFICES: C ompany Sacramento s Los Angeles, Cal. BRAMOHSS [By permission of Northwest Herald, Portland, Or.] CHICAGO BOSTON NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA A carload of express packages oi HOUSES TO RENT. OPERATING IH A. N. Goudy arrived at Colton Satur­ Well-Fargo Express company was burn MONEY TO LOAN. D allas Tex,. October 27.—The Rev. day with three loads of cattle from Wil­ ed near Holton, on the Santa Fe road. 1N8U RANCE A SPECIALTY. G. E. Morrison was hanged at noon to­ cox, A. T. He was riding on top of the The property contained in the car wat Here are a few of my bargains: day at Vernon, Tex., for wife murder. car w’lien a sudden jerk threw him off. destined for San Franoisco, Sacrament« Ten acres of good fruit land, three acre* A special from Washington says : He met death resignedly. On the stsaf- His head struck the rail, causing a and other points in Northern’California. in fruit, 8450. Senor Antonio Regidor, now in London, fold he said to the select party of 20 wit­ Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good will start for the United States in three nesses permitted at the execution: “I fracture of the skull. He died shortly The express company’s estimate of the bouse, barn, etc., running water, for 8500. loss is from 815,000 to 820,000. The or afterward. weeks, aud as a fully accredited repre­ Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two am inn:>cent. Circumstances over giu of the fire is a mystery. small houses, 8400. sentative of Aguinaldo, will present to The Teachers ’ Association of Northern which I had no control have "placed me These are within a mile and a half of President McKinley new terms for end­ Ashland. in this position. I have taken my trou­ California, at a recent convention held ing hostilities and reconstructing the Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely bles in private to my God. I admit I at Red Bluff, elected the following of­ unimproved, 8200 government of the islands. The m- have acted indiscreetly. I have done ficers for the ensuing year: Professor Hotel property in town, for sale for 84000. ing of the representative is kept a close nothing to confess. I have done nc F. S. Reager of Orland, president; R. A. One hundred acres fine valiov land, two secret by the adminstration, but from Dunn of Oroville, first vice-president; miles from Medford, 84500. ■VIA— worse, however than hundreds of men a high authority, the correspondent who stand high in the religious, social, Miss Grace Henley of Red Bluff, second Call and see ma tn regard to any of the above, and if they do not suit, I have a learns that these are the exact terms vice-president ; Miss Margaret Poor, buiness aud official circles of your state. large list from which you might choose General Offices: 250 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. Aguinaldo desires: I am in the hands of my Maker. He superintendent of Shasta county, secre­ GEO. W. TREFREN. First—Absolute free trade between knows I am innocent. i tary; G. H. Stokes of Marysville, cor­ o- Main Street, Near Bridge. Ashland, Or. the United States and the Philippine responding secretary ; Miss Lena Mangle —OF THE— Morrison’s crime was the poisoning oi islands, carrying with it the fullest com­ his wife in October, 1897. The facts of Red Bluff, treasurer. Marysville was mercial favor between the two countries. show that for deliberate fiendishness it chosen for next year’s meeting place. Southern Pacific Co. Second — Perfect religious freedom, was almost without a parallel in the an­ In the afternoon President Jordan of as now exists under the government of Stanford university addressed the Gen. White sent the Royal Irish Fusi­ nals of -criminal jurisprudence. The liers, the Goucesteshire Regiment and Aguiualdo, the same being a concession motive for the poisoning was in order teachers, and in the evening President • ••• I No. 10 Mounted Battery from Ladysmith made by him to the wishes of the Unit­ to rid hiniself of a pretty, amiable, lov-1 Wheeler of California delivered the Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. to take a Boer position on a hill to ed States. OPPOSITE PLAZA. | iug wife, in order to marry a woman ; closing address. >U) n guard left flank. The Boers deceived Third—Coaling stations for the United No 15 ‘if" No 16 1 A plant to can clams is to be erected NEW CARS, LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION possessed of large means, 8100.060 of it j them, caught them in a trap, suddenly States upon all important islands of the O *4J . STATT0N8 :■ 0, & c rolling rocks down the hill which archipelago, to be selected by the United was in cash. ' Morrison married his de-' on Plsmo beach near San Luis Obispo. Express | Express J. W. COX, Proprietor. ceased wife about 17 years ago. At one ' Benjamin Ide Wheeler was inaugur­ South I ONLY IN USE. stampeded the mules carrying battery. Nprth Boers poured it into the British column States and ceded outright forever by time they lived in Hanford, Cal., then ated president of the University of Cali­ 7:00 p m | Lv Portland Ar I 9:15 a m which after losing heavily, had to sur­ the Filipinos. This would include Ma­ in Oklahoma territory, from which placse fornia last week. • x •9:36p m Salem 6:45 a m Pacific Coast Division: 1005 Second Street, Sacramento, Cal nila. render to Gen. Joubert’s n-.en. they moved to Panhandle, Tex., where a m Eugene 3:54 am Rose Baago, the 9-year-old daughter 42:34 Fourth—Military reservations at Ma­ the crime was committed. Morrison 9:38 a m Offices:- 2^6 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. Grants Pass 6:53 p m London Oct. 81.—While minor re­ of Peter and Anna Baago, was found Ar a m Ashland Lv 5:10 p m verses were not wholly unexpected, noth­ nila, Iloilo, Panay, Mindora, Negros, was arrested, was released on bond and with her head ent from her body in her 11:30 12 noon Lv Ashland Ar 4:40 p m Anything you want cooked ing like the staggering blow Jeneral Jou­ Masbate, Samar, Mindonca and such fled. AliouJ three months thereafter he 11:45 pm Lv Red Bluff Ar 4;55 am to order with promptness bert delivered to General Whitens forces .other, islands as piay" be determined up­ was rearrested in San Francisco aud re­ mother’s home on a desolate island in. 2:40 a m Marysville 1)45 a m and dispatch. Alt Hours. San Francisco bay. The njpther is miss­ yesterday was anticipated. The full ex­ on by both governments. Sacramento 12:01 a m turned to Texas. Morrison was of the ing and is supposed to have committed: 4:25 a m I 8:15 a m Lv 8:05 p m Ar San F’ncisco tent of the disaster is not yet acknowl­ Fifth — The employment of United Methodist denomination. suicide after having killed the girl. The 5:00 p in Ar edged, if it is known, at the war office States officials in tl>e customs and all Ogden Ar 1:10 pm Denver Lv 6-45 pm The loss in effect, must be appalling to other internal branches of the govern­ woman and her husband had separated. 6.05 p m Ar - c. The supreme court has declared San 6:40 a m Ar Omaha Ar ,8:50 am General White, who is practically sur­ ment, to bo selected by the United The heavy rains during the past 8:15 p m Ar Chicago Ar 6:30 p m Francisco ’ s charter valid. rounded. Two of the finest British reg­ WILLIAM VOX. ALLBN BILDBSTg ej month have brought out a wonderful 7:00 a m Ar Los Angeles Ar 9 :25 p ru iments and a mule battery deducted States and paid by the Filipino govern­ British paper manufacturers have growth of grass on the stock ranges in 8:15 p m Ar El Paso Ar 2:35 p tn ment. A. > from Ladysmith garrison, weakens it Fort Worth __ Ar 8:40 a m Sixth—The introduction of the Am­ agents in the United States to make Monterey county and have thus assured 4:15 p 'm Ar about a fifth of its total strength and Ar New Orleans Ar 840pm contracts to supply them with pulp for erican police system. an abundance of winter feed for stock. alters the whole situation very mater­ No 11 No 12 . • ially in favor of the Boers, who have Seventh — The establishment of a paper making. They use about 500,006 Vegetables have also been greatly bene­ Shasta Shasta STATIONS Ashland, Oregon again shown themselves strong fighters judiciary such as now exists in the isl­ tons a year. Express Express fited by the early rains, and ranchers and military strategists of no mean order and of Cuba. THE ON » Bou th I I N ortn William I. Buchanan has resigned his and stockmen there are anticipating a City Passenger This disaster cost the British 1500 to Eighth — The reconstruction of the position as United States minister to very prosperous year for the county. 8:30 a m Lv Portland 7:15 p m Ar 2000 men and nine 7-ponnd screw guns, m 4:29 p m Salem The United States transports Pennsyl­ 10:55a and Truck Transfer and as the Boer artillery is already strong­ entire Filipino government upon lines Argentina, and William P. Lord of Or­ 2:14 p m 1;16 p m Eugene er than imagined, the' capture of these as nearly consistent as possible with egon has been commissioned his suc­ vania and Olympia arrived at Portland 10:48 p m 4:25 » m Grants Pass ---- All kinds of freight, baggage Ly 2:50 a m fins will be a great, help to the boers. those prescribetl by the constitution of cessor. Saturday to take on board the Thirty- 12:30 a m Ar Ashland # household goods, etc., transfer- 1:03 a m Lv Ashland Ar 2:20 a m urther news must be awaited before it the Uqited States and adapted to the uinth infantry and a battalion of the ed with promptness and safety. Prince Herbet Bismarck is said to be 11:55 a m Lv Bed Bluff Lv 3:25 p m The Patent Ventilator Device, is attempted to fix the blame where it requirements of the natives. Forty-fifth for the Philippines. *D *,Oale °°n 1:35 p m 1:55 p m Willows seeking devorce from his wife. ,.( belongs. White manfully accepts all re­ Ninth—Recognition of the Filipino 4:10 p m W:54 am Woodland Since January 1 the Seattle assay of ­ Large Loading Space, sponsibility for the disaster, which was government as an independent republic The Fifty-first Iowa volunteers ar­ p m 10:35 a m Davis fice has received for treatment 111,611,- 4;35 at least due to the scampering of mules 7:45 p m ArSanFrancisco Lv 7:00 am rived at San Francisco a few days ago under a protectorate of the United and Large Ice Capacity of This Car WOOD FOR SJLLJO 204 and since the office began business, with the guns. from the Philippines and went into ------ ICB IN SEASON— EQUIPMENT At the government offices, no effort States. July 14, 1898, 817,280,361. During the camp at the Presidio, when the soldiers Senor Regidor will have plenipotenti­ Nos 11 and 12, Shasta Express —Buffet Make it especially desirable for shipments of fruits and was made to conceal the feeling of dis­ week the office made three shipment Wih handle ice la Ashland during the sleeping cars, tirst-class, may prevailing. One official said to a ary powers to treat with tho United will be mustered out. summer season. Delivered at your door of assayed gold to the United States drawing-room 3 vegetables either under ventilation or refrigeration. Tourist second-class sleeping cars, and every morning. representative of the associated press: States government upon ^.1 of these The natives of Guam are causing mint of a total value of 81,500,600. day coaches. . “It is inexplicable, and I am sorry to ixnnts in order to reach St agivement trouble to the American authorities Nos 15 and 16, Oregon and California Ex­ EW-Passengers delivered to any part 0 The first carload of this season’s say that its moral effect is inestimable. by which hostilities may cease. Sent» [CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, • the city. / • there and additional military forces «ranges were shipped from Visalia Sun­ press.—Drawing-room sleeping cars, Tour- We have lost heavily in many ways and si can and day coaches; dining cars be­ 1012 2d Street, Laughlin Building, had regiments almost wiped out, but to Regidor will be the most important po­ have been asked for. day. tween Redding and Portland. Observation have regiments captured, and by Boers, litical emissary ever sent to the United cars. After being chased for tex years by Sacramento, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. The cruiser Marblehead has sailed States by the Filipinos. it is terrible.” ■ detectives Fred L. Titus, wanted at from San Diego for Panama. M anila , October 29.—M. Uperto San­ Toronto, Canada, for swindling an in­ Roseburg Mail Daily. Capetown, Nov. 2.—Great auxiety is A. B. Richardson, a bookkeeper oi felt here regarding the situation at Lady­ tiago, one of the wealthiest Visayans, surance company out of $80,000, was diavi : abbivi : smith. A telegram got through froin who had taken the oath of allegiauce captured at Phoenix, Ariz. The com­ Stockton, while riding a bicycle, col­ Durban, Natal, last night which an­ to the United States and who posed as pany he defrauded has gone out of busi­ lided with another wheelman and re­ Portland.... 8:80 a m I Roseburg 5:20 pm ceived injuries that caused his death. nounce«! the Boers are threatening Co- a friend of Americans, has been arrested ness and he will not be prosecuted. Roseburg...7:30am | Portland. ■4:30pn: lenso, 23 miles south of Ladysmith, at Iloilo, while other Visayans are be­ 1'0 Dr. J. Ellis Rodly, a John M. Garnet where there is a big railway bridge. ing watched. The prisoner is charged Lieutenant Ferguson, with twenty and Mrs. Minnie Houseworth are undet COBVA1LIS MAIL OXlLT (1XCXPT SUNDAY.) If the Boers should destroy this Gen. scouts of the Thirty-sixth regiment, Has fewer wearing parts and tight­ White would be isolated. White would with organizing a revolutionary junta. reconnoitering near Labao, encountered arrest at Chico, charged with forging lbavm ; abbivu : est running machine made; handle abandon Ladysmith if it were not for Santiago owns sugar estates throughout a party of mounted Filipinos. He killed the supposed will of Alfred Fuller, a as much or more lore as any belt miser who «Li*d two years ago and left a COLEMAN BRO'S-, Proprietors. immense quantity oi military stpres the island- of Negros. machine. The patent canvas lap Portland Ar | 5 :50 p m 7 ;30 a m Lv six of them and captured eight, with 850,000 estate. /-j;,. 11:55 a m A r Corvallis Lv | 1:20 pm . there. The Boers have unmasked new belt is the beet belt made for saving It is asserted that a council of ten and ten rifles. batteries Which are easily silenced to the manager of the junta met daily at fine sulphurate and gold—nothing William O. Ralston of Calaveras coun­ beats it. A machine that is easy to break out again when British fire Santiago’s office for the purpose of en­ All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra Four men from the gmjboat Marive- ty’ was elected president bf the Califor­ At Albany and Corvallis connect wit! run and keep in order. Cheapest slackens. It is th ught the boinba>d- los were lured ashore eighteen miles nia Miners ’ association at the session Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. trains of Corvallis and Eastern Railway. and best machine made. ment Which was not -serious is designed gineering an extensive scheme of col­ from Iloilo by a flag of truce and the held in San Francis«» last week. simply to distract attention while the lections fcr an insurrection. One of Go See, a Chinese murderer of Vi­ INDEPENDENT PASSENDER DAILY Boers are being move«! to the rear of Santiago’s steamers was captured carry­ insurgents killed one of them, wounded the town. The naval brigade now has 4 ing supplies to the rebels. His arrest one aud raptured a third. The gun­ salia, has been sentenced to ba hanged (Except Bunday.) FRUITS- GREEN SELL AND BUY long range guns mounted. caused rumors of an outbreak of the boat was unable to fire fearing wounding at San Quentin January 5, 1900. . 1 “ the Americans. The Second battalion On board care. Manufactured by Capetown, Nov. 2.—Boers have de- natives x>f Iloilo, and precautions have lxavx : abbivi ; ASHLAND IRON WORKS, of the Ninteenth regiment, Major Reefe •troyetl Coieneo railr. ad bridge, cutting been taken to prevent trouble. Ashland, Oregon. commanding, embarked for Iloilo today off White’s possibility of retreat. 8:25 a m 4:50pm) Lv Portland Ar 1 A battalion of the Eighteenth regi­ Most Fascinating 7:30pm>Ar M’Minnville Lv < 5:50 a m to re-enforce the forces there. ment and the marines of the gunboat For further particulars, address: 8:30 pm) Ar Independence Lv ( 4:50 a m Deafnesa Cannot be Cured. • • • Invention of the Age! A revolution has broken out in Co­ Concord have returned from an expédi­ EJHU JACOBS, Prop. by local applications, as tbev cannot rea-h tion to Conception, Northern Panay, lumbia Direct connection at San Francisco with the di>ea-e.i portion of the ear. Deafness ALWAYS «EADY TO ENTERTAIN. where they went in search of the Con ­ The annual report of Commissioner HENLEY. CAL. steamship lines for Hawaii, Japan, China, is caused by an inflamed condition of t-e the Philippines and Australia. It require« no skill to operate it and re- mucous lining of the Eu»tacl ian Tube cord’s coxswain, who was lured ashore Hirmann of the general land office, just For through tickets and rates call on or When this tube gets inflamed you have a by a white flag and who is supposed to nmde public, shows a grand total of ' produce tbe music o( bands, orchestras, address D. L. RICE, ticket agent. Ashland, rumbling sound or imper/eet hearing, and be a prisoner. They found the place vocalists or instrumental soloists. Tbereis [ 92),308,0CS acres of unappropriated and Henley, Cai., March 26,1800.- w I h - h u 1» entirely closed deafness is the R. KOEHLER, C. H. M a KKHAM. nothing like it for an evening’s en ter tain- deserted and burned every house aa • reserved public lands in the United Wehave used the Frue Vanner,Triumph result, and unless the inflammation can be Manager, G. P. & F. A. t meet. Other so-called talking machines and Wilfley concentrators. We are now take*, out and thia lube restored to its nor­ punishment. States. Tin' disposals of public lands Portland, Oregon. 6 " reproduce only records of cut-and-dried using two of the Jacobs Concentrator*’P mal condition, bearing will be destroyed for- is a food medicine for the during the fiscal year show an increase 11 subjects, especially prepared in a labratnry, our mill at Henley. -We consider the ever; nii.e ease* uut of ten are caused, by ‘ ileal in the market fur cough» and c Idi baby that is thin and not m li,-Grftphm>hne Hundred Dollars for South Vatolina, Cun*>. òf One Minute , total cash receipts of the service in- records of the voice, or any sound. Thus it constantly awak­ saves a much higher per centage of snl- With all bad wnMqocnoLa, «rtitn’y and rapid!? f any oase of Deafness (caa*ed bv oatarrh) Cough Cure Eugene A. Slts»ui mother whose milk does ens new interest and its charm is ever fresh. Tbe reproduc­ phurets than other machine*, and wg rec­ rand wltk aaia and aaiy Bwthoda. Queation Blank an. «nxjaseel 8792,142 over last year. Orig ­ that carnot be cared py Hall’s Catarrh it to ail mining men to be tag Beoktna. Call tt writa. DU WAR» INSTITUTE- tions are clear and brilliant. Graphophones ars sold for $5.00 and up. Manu­ ommend inal homestead entries showed a de­ nBN. N.nib BUxat. aT. > <*uu> M' not nourish the baby. beet concentrator on the market. Cure, bend for circulars, free. factured under the patents of Dell, Tainter, Edison and Macdonald. Our estab­ Tu.* house ou Rhode Island avenue, crease of 329,939,192 in area. J. 0. G ill *0»- F. J. C henbs A C o ., Toledo, Q. ... It is equally good for the lishment is headquarters of tbe world for Talking Machines and Talking-Machine W. O. STAiirr. Sold by Drugcists. 75c. recently p ireh.used for Adminal Dewey • L. A. M c I vyobn . Hall's Family Ft la are the best. Supplies. Write for catalogue. Columbia Phonograph Co. Dopt . 13S, The Jefferies Sharkey fight is to take boy or arl who is thin and by jiopular subscription, was formally 723 Market Street. San Francisco, Cal. ■c ::v i over to him. The purchase price place in Now York Friday night. Both pale and not well nourished men claim to be in the beat of oondttion, IMHFKIAI, LIMITED was aUmt 559,00). Two subscriptions O T by their food; also for the « The Canadian Pacific Railway is now w ro reevived which completed the pay- | aud sports expect to see a good battle. I making the fastest time across the con- tn '.eti, ancludiug th. expenses incident fire recently destroyed the residences anamic or consumptive tineut. Their service is oi the most tothepn j ct. Oue for $1000 came from of Harry Goodlow and Samuel Smithson adult that is losing Resh splendid description. All classes of pas­ Bro.jK.yii .md t!le “thrr, ¿275, was re- ‘Ut Faires, Ala., and cremated the oc­ t sengers are carried onth«'*IMPERlAL” ccivtid l.o.a «Ue Vpcstern Unioft Tele- and strength. For BOYS and YOUNG MEN. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Healthful cupants of both houses— 14 people in alL train. Bicycle and attractive location(14 miles from Salem; 40 miles from Portland.) COMPLETE gr.ipli comi^. y, hi fact, for ail conditions You mav travel anywhere by the A committee representing the Wo and THROUGH preparatory, literary, scientific, classical, normal, commercial course. Canadian Pacific Railway and Soo Line. Repairer SPECIAL COURSES in mathematics, surveying, drawing, civil service, French, Ger­ of wasting, It is the food ■Eng and is ‘.uying immense quantities rneu’s National Industrial and Patriotic Mr. W. H. Mowat is agent here. man, Spanish, Italian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music. A separate class L of s'..?.'; • > m iby U-iited S.ates for her league and the Washington Industrial medicine that will nourish j and Sundries, provided for students who on account of farm labor wish to enter late in fall and leave ariuy in tmtii Africa. Every available league called upon Rear-Admiral Schley early in spring Academic Degrees and Teachers’ State Certificates and State Diplomas PEACHES, APPLES, PEARS. and buHd up the body and f Superior job printing of even’ descrip- vessel on the Atlantic coast is being en- recently, aud informed him that the Conferred. Send for catalogue.^ M0UJiT ANGEL COLLEGE, We Solicit Your Consignment. ti w done at T hs V alley R bcobd office guged to c.rry mures., ■ .. > league had decided and was ready to give new life and energy GUN REPAIRING, Account Salve Weekly. We M ount A ngel , O bbgon . undertake the task of procuring by W4TCH RE PAI BIMO, . when all other means fail. notify results of each shipment Octo M^rgent filler, inventor of the Qu &k dellvery-The Weekly Orefonlen. Mime day received. ’ - SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING. linotype type-sotting machine, died at popular subscriptioir a home-for him here at the ¿JupitAf. The admiral thanked SbonM be taken in summer as Baltiinm» sue day last week. tbe ladies of the committee and again well as winter. - . " 906-908 Weetern Avenue. Former Governor Hugh Henry Os­ informed them that ha left matters in Gillette Block. : Main8trttt 50c. and |i.oo, all druggists. Branlh* good of Connecticut died at Manlius re­ their hands, saying that anything they SCOTT A BOWNE, Chamim, New York. BigSAtSI« cently, aged 78 yean. Btewm Gallito »ad ctyngp. might do woted hr I st THE PHILIPPINES. l'reacher Hangt-U. All Pacific Coast Fruit Districts. FRUIT GROWERS ’ EXPRESS BAST AND SOUTH ARMOUR & CO., Prop’s. The Shasta Route Restaurant and Chop Bouse. 25-Cents. ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager. U S E T H E 1 Give Me a Call FOX & HILDRETH, NEW VE Nil LATO B-RE F RI GERAT 0 R CONCENTRATOR PRICE SCOTTS EMULSION V aricocele *5? stricture Com mission Me rehauts. Seattle,-:- Wash. i --4 a • 1W ANGEL COLLEGE.