BECOBL VALIEV RECORD. ASHLAND, OREGON ASHLAND, OR»K» VALLET VALLEY RECORD Published Every Thursday. ♦ i E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. - 8ussCBimoN R atka : One Year.................. $1 75 Six Months...................... 1 00 Three Months. .. .................. 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. ASHLAND, JACK8ON Rogue River They Wear Like ¡roa COUNTY Cannot be better spent than by aubecrib» ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it I 1899. Fish Hatcheries. R. N. NASON’S PAINTS! At moutli of Rogue river. Commission­ J. 8. Bailey has just finished moving er Reed looked over the hatchery built by Langell of Jacksonville is study­ I on the Naylor ranch which he purchased. R. D. Hume. The hatchery is a fine one, ing Harry music in Portland. Hart is kept pretty busy looking ¡after built at an expense of about $2000, and Mrs. Claiborne Neil returned Sunday has connected with it a pond for holding the traveling public. Stonide Floor Paint, - . National Wagon Paint, * the salmon till they ripen. This pond from a visit at Jacksonville. J. S. Bailey will start tomorrow to is 30x60 and 10 feet deep, with concrete County Treasurer Lee L. Jacobs of Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. the timber land near Chase’s station to sides and bottom, and roofed in to keep locate the Edsall boys from Phoenix, the fish in the dark. A stream of water Jacksonville, is ill with the chicken pox. OVERALLS who went out today. John F. Atteburyand family of Forest runs through the pond, and the fish re­ SPRING BOTTO« PANTS FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK D. H. Yeager was tramping the hills main quiet in the dark, while if they Creek, have taken up their residence at last week looking up lines, estimating were in the light they would wear them­ Yreka. selves out trying to escape. It was in­ the value of timber, etc. Mrs. J. R. Wick left Monday for Davis- tended to put in about 5000 salmon to Parker, Mowat and Helman have been furnish eggs, but a rise in the river put i ville, Cal., to visit her sister, Mrs. E. W. scouring the woods in search of bear in a stop to fishing, and has secured only Hammond. this vicinity, but, I hear they went in about 150. If the River goes down in1 Gus Landers, who is working with the without finding any. time and another run of fish comes in tunnel crew at Siskiyou, was in Ashland L L. Angle was down to Shake Sun­ he may yet secure as many as he wants. over Sunday. At the hatchery on Upper Rogue river day for hay, he is improving his’ home­ Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Hines and infant at mouth of Elk creek, Jackson county, were up from Jacksonville visiting stead. SAN FRANCISCO, in charge of the United States fish com­ friends Friday. YOU TRY IT. mission, about 2,000,000 eggs have been For a first-class built pair of shoes or If Sbiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure secured, all from the spring run of sal­ which is sold for the small price of 25 cts mon, and if the river does not carry out boots call on Howell & Foster. They 50cts. and $160. does not care, tike the their racks they will continue to collect can make them, Every Garment Guaranteed. bottle back and we will refund vour money. eggs from the fall run of fish. Mrs. M. L. QjUette left Friday for Los Sold for over fifty ve ■ ■ "•••■ ... * ■ ■ Angeles to visit her daughter Effie, Mrs. Price 2S cts. & 50 cts. EVGEXt A. 8 fbb - Patronize Home industries. Salem, Oct. 27.—Judge R. P. Boise, of wth , Druggist. Leslie L. Merrick. _ the circuit court, yesterday appointed Consumers should use Ashland canned Chas. Knapo of Dilley, Washington D. W. Matthews receiver of the firm of KLAMATH COUNTY. tomatoes—why? Because they are grown eounty, who had been here for his health, Brown A Smith hardware dealers in Miss Laura Colton, daughter of May­ on trees raised on Ashland soil, cultivat­ left for home Sunday. this city. The action was taken in ac­ or W. B. jjolton of Ashland, has closed ed by native eons, and packed by the cordance with a petition filed by J. C. her summer’s work as teacher of the nimble fingers of native daughters. Mrs. Belle Lucas returned Monday Brown, one of the firm, and a stipulation Round Lake district school and returned When you see a thing to your interest, night from a visit with her sister. Mrs. filed by both parties. The firm has been to her home. Armburst, near Seattle. push it along. conducting a losing business; hence the C. B. Cristler came in from Ft. Klam­ Miss Nellie Bolton of Ashland has receivership. Ashland Public School Report. ath Friday and left for home Monday, ac­ opened a school at Pelican Bay. Get yoOr trespass notices at the R ecord Number of days taught, 20; Number companied by his family. T. C. Way and wife, old residents of of holidays, 0. office. T. W. Judy and wifeof Medford visited Keno, have located in Ashland for the Days of attendance, boys, 4984 ; girls, their daughter, Mrs. W. L. Maxey, at Opera House Block, Ashland. winter. 5092%. Total, 10076%. Dunsmuir the past week. Days of absence, boys. 292: girls, STOVES! Miss Roma Wbitmcre of Ashland and Ex- County Commissioner W. H. Brad­ Miss Clara Terrill of Talent arrived in 198%. Total, 490%. Cases of tardiness, boys, 34 ; girls, 20. shaw of Lake Creek has been granted an Klamath county this week to teach. Total, 54. original $6 per month pension. Chas. Lenz sold 20 head of cattle to No. enrolled on register, boys, 272; Do you know Downing can replate Pelton Bros. The yearlings weighed girls, 281. Total, 554. vour old silverware as good as new at 1100 pounds, 2-year-olds and cows 1400 New scholars, boys, 19; girls, 15. less than half the cost? Try him. pounds, and 3-year-old steers 1800. Total, 34. Mr. and Mrs. James Wiley and babe, Average daily attendance, 404. SICK HEADACHES, who have been spending the summer at Per cent of attendance, 95. There will be a Hot Time Ft. Klamath, returned to Ashland Friday. Tbe curse of overworked womankind, are Number of visitors, 110. in tbe Old Town when thoes quickly and surely cured by Karl’s Clover Cases of corporal punishment, 14. Francis Fitch, who has been reported Root Tea. the great blood purifier and tis­ 123 New Stoves arrive at Tardiness of teachers, 0. ill for the past three years in California, sue builder Mvney refunded if not satis­ Jack Morris’ Second Hand Days absence of teachers, 0. arrived at Medford Friday on mining factory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene Store. Ranges, Cook Stoves Twe 100ms, Mr. Ashurst’s and Miss business. A. S herwin , Druggist. and Air-Tights. Old stoves Leslie’s, report no tardiness. Three taken in exchange for new Zenas Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson County’s 1SOO Assessment. other rooms report but one case each. ones. Satchwell returned from Roseburg Sun­ Tillable land ... $889.221.00 $ 10,18 3 C. A. H itchcock . Principal. day where they proved up on a timber 1 04 1 land... 959.4C8 28 First Shipment September 1st Non-tillable Dr. Cady’s Cosdition Powders, land claim. Imp on deeded land, 209.525.00 Town and city lots.. 237.339.00 ire just what a horse needs when in bad Miss Etta Judge, who has been visit­ Improvement on lots 368 625.00 eonditon. Tonic, blood purifier and ing her family in Ashland for the past I tup. land not deeded 6,130.00 vermifuge. They are not food but med­ several weeks, left Sunday on her return Miles of R. R, bed icine and the best in use to put a horse ■ LVMIIQ, Main St. Opp. 1.0.0.F. Hall. Ashland, Oregon. 65.28 8. P........... 293,760.00 4.500 00 0 in prime condition. Price 25 cents per to Pasadena, Cal. 5 36 R R. V....... 5,360 00 1.000 00 0 Revs. S. H. Jones of Jacksonville and 633 82 3 package. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. R. R. rolling stock. 4,137 60 J. E. Blair of Oakland, Douglas county, 312 50 0 R. R. rolling stock. 1,675.00 Character Social at Normal FJLIHSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, 72 68 8 Presbyterian ministers, visited Rev. Miles tele, and teleg. 16,455 00 ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Mdse, and stock . .. 140,635 00 Strange Monday. The Dickens Character Social at the WALL FJLR’ERd, GT j JLSS. ETO. Farming imple. etc... 27,252 00 normal school Friday night was well at­ Mrs., Mary A. Pryce and Mrs. Margaret Engines,etc ............. 31,890 00 it B uilding Parzaa, W rapping P apkbb and T wihks . ARTIBTB’ MATERIALS. tended, many people being turned away. Jones of Gold Hill went to Yreka Sunday Shot Man for a Bear. M onav........ . ......... ... 36,649.00 The usual announcement that “ample to visit! friends and on business—Mrs. A FRESH CROP OF HAIR. Notes and accounts. 209.39 L00 Glendale, Oct. 29.—Anuther case of a ”49 71 j vehicles will be provided” proved the Jones owning a large interest in the Shares of stock ....... 50.507 00 man being mistaken for a bear occured Terror at the Danger of Hi* ■on Furniture.iewelry.etc 65,959.00 customary fake. The normal bus be­ 8iskiyou Furniture Co. 10 55 0 came inbued with the spirit of thrift at about five miles east of here yesterday. Horses and mules... 30,267 00 Canaca a Man's Hair to 10 05 4 the sight of th»- large crowd and raised Wm^ Harris left Sunday for Santa The result is that Gilbert Gilbertson, a 1 battle....................... 74,361 00 Change Color. 1 IS 7 5,697 00 Sheep and goats........ and grand the car fare to 15 cents,. JLarge numbers, Rosa, .... Cal., - to . , pay - his „ children ... .— — Swede, is crippled for life by a shot from 1 20 1 of Swine........................ 4,134 00 the people walked back to town. [children a visit. He will remain until a 44-caliber winchester in the hands of At the old stand opposite Gross value of property ......... $3,669,302 88 Everyone has heard stories of men The prize was awarded to H S. Evans ne*t •April if he does not get homesick for Chris Hagan, a 17-year-old boy with, whom he was out hunting. The two | and women becoming gray-haired in a I. O. O, F. Hall. Exemption.................................. 131,000 Ou for the best sustained character—“Fa- Ashland in the meantime. gin”. Hi. is at the top of the notch in New fall and winter stock of shoes had separated and agreed to meet at a 1 night as the result of grief or terror. Total taxable property ...........$3.533,292 88 clear, correct conception of character just arrived at Vaupel, Norris A Drake’s, certain point. Gilbertson reached the Many of these tales are doubtless the Number polls, 890, is imbued with the artistic ability | They are neat and attractive, and splen- place first and sat down to wait. Hagan mere imaginings of the writers of In addition to the information in tbe and to put it in execution. 1 did values ■ ... „ .. and . see. coming up, mistook him him for a bear sketches, but that such phenomena are N. BOURGEOIS, P roprietor for the money. Call table the following items of interest are and fired at short range, the ball taking A short program and a scene from the of occasional occurrence has been CALL gleaned from the roll: Acres of tillable V8;;:i A GIVE The Right Rev Bishop Wistar Morris, effect squarely in the left shoulder and land, 921.378.44; miles of telegraph anb tele- breach of promise case of Mrs. Bardell fully demonstrated. A Chicago physi- Bishop . . - o£ _ Oregon, . - ,• jvill hold service . in badly shattering it. Gilbertson is a sian relates this instance in a medical peone line in the county, 225; number of vb Pickwick preceded the introduction of 1 _ . Episcopal . . ~ Church on Monday, poor man with a small family, and horses and mules. 1921: cattle, 7496; sheep the characters. Among those represent- ?Trlnlt/ Nov. 6, at 7 :30 p. m. All are cordially should he survive, will be a cripple for journal and vouches for its truth: The and goats, 4796; awine, 3lt2. j ed were the following : life. _____________ invited to be present. subject was a laboring man in the FEMALE CHARACTERS. Tetter Salt-lUieum aud Eczema. I stockyards district, aged 38, who was Mrs. J. H. Russell, who attended the I Miss Maud Bèach..'........... Miss La Creevy Josephine Copper Prospects. not of a nervous temperament beyond ’.r..DRuth Punch ¡National W. C. T. U. Convention at Se- The intense itching and smarting inci II ’-ora Smith................. dent to theaediseases, .8 instantly. e.IUyed Miss Maud Berry.... ., .......... Miss Tox sttle and visited her daughter at Port- Grants Pass Observer.] The copper out­ being slightly emotional. His hair bv applying Oliamberlain’s Eye and Skin I Fannie Standard.... ...................Miss Willis land, returned home Sunday. Mrs. look for this section seems to be looking was abundant and of a dark chestnut Ointment. Many very bad cases have Mrs. E. V. Mills....... ...........Miss Knagg Dotia Walters came with her on a visit. up considerably during the past few color. One evening as he was return­ .V^ANan^Sikes Vaupel, Norris & Drake have received months. The development work at ing home preceded by his horse, on been permanently cured by it. It is I Grâce Beach.......... I Lenora Hughes........ Preston Peak seems to be entirely satis­ equally efficient for itching piles and a Six-room residence on Spring favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped I Pearl Bussatt .......... ............... .Betsy Clark their Hart, Shaffner & Marx stock of factory, and preparations are being made which was mounted his son, aged'eight, Miks McCfcndon....... ............Fannie Dorritt clothing, the finest in the market. This to run a force of about 20 men all winter the animal slipped and the child was street, between 1st and 2d Av­ hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic J Miss Wilson..'.......... •.......... .busau ¡8 the largest clothing house in the world. eyes. 25cts. per box. ’ For sale by ! Mary Briscow ....... ........Emily Wardle Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake and get on development work. Over 40,000 thrown off and trampled on several enues. Blacksmith shop and aore pounds of provisions have been brought times. He was only severely bruised, Minnie Hockenyos... ::.:Efi’zabihClaS their low Priees on these «00dfi’ Ashland Drug Co. and are now being taken into the mine but the' father thought he was killed, Marie DottrelL ...... three lots. Address or call on Ketta McIntosh...... ............. Mrs- Piochen Mr and Mrs. W. J. Gregory, who have as fast as possible. Mr. Phillips and and in trying to save him was terror- DIED. Mrs Fairclo............. . ............ ^Mrs. Bardell been making their residence in Ashland family intend remaining there for the stricken. He trembled and had palpi­ J. U HEFLIH&, I Lu la Cobb ............. Mr’’.................. I f°r several months, moved back to their winter. Ethel Guntou.......... Ashland, Oregon. On the Illinois river, near Waldo, are tations and a feeling of cold and ten­ WHITE—At Rock Point, Oct. 27, 1899, Liza ......................... ..Pussv farm Central Point precinct this week. Cobb .................. also promising prospects which develop­ sion in the face and head. of spinal meningits, Carlos White, Mamie McWilliams.. .’..’..."...’i>oBy Varden They 1*^® Ashland as a home but the - Next day the hairs of the head, beard ment work will no doubt bring out some , ............... ..Mrs. Chick desire to be on the farm they built was aged 20 years. Mrs. E. V Carter ... and eyebrows began to fall in quanti­ jood mines. The E der property recent ­ ■ Mrs. Fred Carter...... .................Mrs. Boffin too irresistable. ly sold, the Kelly-Strong property on ties, so that after eight days he was ab­ ....... ’ The Marchioness I „ Dunsmuir . „ F|^Îe^ris^^'.\\’.X.'.\ . i .^5ieîWartïe News : I. R. Wells returned .......... Rachiel Wardle I _ Dunsmuir News: which development work will commence solutely bald. At the same time the ■ I Loleta Norton........................ Mrs. Nickleby .........11-. IT____ „ | Tuesday ‘ evening _ from Ashland, which Nov. 1, the James Little property and skin of the head and face became paler. ........................ P Peggoty he says is prosperous and now enjoying the Sowell, on Althouse, will, no doubt, I Miss Moore .................................. __ ' I Mrs. Toucbette................... Betsy Trotwood — - J building boom, there being a large three- develop into something valuable. They Without delay the hairs began to grow I Nellie Crocker......................... Rose Mayley story brick and a number of cottages un­ all prospect high grade in copper and again in the form of a colorless down. Miss Lustre .............................. Mrs. Jarley der construction. carry some good values. Develop­ Soon all, the affected regions were cov­ Miss A. A. Applegate...........Mrs. Squeers ered with finer, more silky and a little JACKSONVILLE, Mattie Wells................................ Little Nell Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s for ment work is what is needed in this more thinly sown, completely white _________________ I'Hadvs Sanford...................................... Ruth your carpets. They have received a fine section. OREGON. hair. Mabel Smith..................... Florence Dombey line which are being offered at bottom MANY A LOVER resale Norton.,........ ................ Mrs. Gwan prices. Mrs. F. D. Wagner............................. Estelle Has turned with disgust from an otherwise PICTURES! I 'iallie Thomas............. . ....... Lady Dedlock Mrs. Baldwin and daughter, Miss lovable girl with an offensive breath. Boarding School for Girls. I Mrs. H, L Whithed................ Mrs. Jeliflbv Cora, returned to Ashland Monday from Karl’s Clover Root Tea purifies the breath PICTURE FRAMES! :*ev. t Haa* Returned and Ila, Equipped Hi. I Kate Angle ...................... Kate Nickelby a visit with their folks, the family of by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing ! else will. Sold for years nn absolute guar ­ ; MALE CHARACTERS FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRE83 •F Old Established Gallery in Ashland With .7 Mayor W. T. Coburn of Grants Pass. I Claude Plum.... .. . 8am Weller Miss Cora had visited Portland on the antee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugkne SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. A. S hebwin , Druggist. MOLDINGS ...Mr. Bagstock recent excursion. I It. A. Minkler... ........ Mr. Cbick CABINET WORK I Geo, Vaupel....... Jacksonville, Oregon. Progress of Gold Hill. | DeWitt’s Little Early Risers permanent­ .............. Carker I Leon Patrick.... UPHOLSTERING 4* Carbon Finish. ...... Mr. Jelleby ly cure chronic constipation, biliousness, H L. Whited. .. GENERAL REPAIRING [Portland Oregonian.] ' ..Dick Claypole nervousness, and worn-out feeling; cleanse Fred Holmes.... T Photos in Water Colors. 1 ^CTINC OF FURNITURE ...Mr. Squears and regulate the entire system. Small, W. N. Ward, of Portland, who return- | I Mr. Stevens....... 4. Pictures in tbe Latest Styles. ...Dr. Marigold p easant, never gripe or sicken—“famous ed from Gold Hill yesterday, after spend- E I Morton Newton. + Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. little piHs.' Eugene A. Sherwin. ................. Fagin H. 8. Evans...... ing several days among the mines in that I Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. ........ Buzz Fnzz I Prof. Vining.,... ❖ I mu 8ykes 1 Mf- and Mrs. N. B. S. Coleman and vicinity, is quite enthusiastic over the I AT THE + ....... .Bill Tom Fudge....... conditiofisThere. He Counts up 22 led- I ASHLAND Mr. Snodgrass | Itwo children returned to * .Mr. w Dixon, Cal.. ■ I Allen Holt........ STONE MA8Oh ^(►Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon. Chester Easter . .................... ..LL. Mr. Pickwick ” Monday, — J*7. after — a * summer ---------- residence in I ges being developed within a radius of I UNDERTAKING PARLORS. <• CONTRACTOR, ... Mr. Winkle I Ashland where Mr. Coleman assisted 10 miles, and the ore from these must I Otis Tout ........ . . M r. Winkle Ashland where Mr. Coleman assisted Karl’s Clover Root Tea David Collier ..................... Justice Btarley John W. Coleman in the management all be shipped from Gold Hill station, • Beautifies the Complexion, Purifies the Earl Shepherd.................8ergeant Snubbins 1 of the Ashland Canning & Evaporating unless some one erects a mill there, which OREGON. Blood, Ki vess Fresh, Clear Skin. Cures Con­ ASHLAND, B. Witham ................... Nicholas Nickelby Co/s out.put. he thinks is a genuine long felt want. stipation, Indigestion, and all Eruptions of Thomas Cobb............................Mr. Pbunky r Lie Skin. An agreeable Laxative Nerve There is one five-stamp mill in operation Murrav Murphv..................... Paul Donibei Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific com- on Sardine creek, but this is seven miles Tonic. Sold on absolute guarantee bjr all Contracts for all kinds druggists at 25c., 50c. and Sl.OO. Goldwin Herndcn........................ Clerk pound having the endorsement of eminent s. C. WELLS A CO., LEROY, N. V. Grover Neil................................. ..Little Kit physicians and the medical press. It “di from town, and an up-grade from many of Mason Work. sole naoemrTons > | F. Carter....................................Mr. Baffin gests what you eat” and positively cures of thfflnines. Mr. Ward feels assured that a little Mr. Moriaritv................ Sargeant Simpkins dyspepsia. M, A. Ketron. Bloomingdale, .Mr, Tupman Tenn., says it cured him of indigestion of more development will show that the FOR SALE BY EUGENE A. SHERWIN Mr. Porter.............. Model Room Boys. Squeers School Cbild’n ten years standing. Eugene A. Sherwin. Gold Hill region is fully as valuable for Furnishes either blue or brown I cuhgiTo^ 101dR-fAeXnf8Ocnoi.f its gold-bearing ledges as the now famous H. BOIVIN, Manager. 8 and rock from his quarry near NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Baker county.- “The trouble has been,” Ashland. for man>’ years treasurer of that county, he says, that southern Ore ¿on has here­ In all stages of Nasal Catarrh there visited in Ashland the past week, and tofore been prospected by placer miners COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET. epartment of the inter - should be cleanliness. As experience pocket-hunters alone, and so ledges Ashland, Oregon ior, Land Office at Rosebarg, Oregon, proves Ely’s Cream Balm is a cleanser,sooth­ left Saturday evening for home via Port­ and D octor did not pay good wages on a hand­ Octobers, 1899 er and hea er of the diseased membrane. It land. He is thinking some of locating that mortar proposition were always aban­ Notice is hereby given that the follow­ is not drying nor irritating, and does not in this city. MEYERS ing-named doned. For example, the Rumfeldt settler has filed notice of his in­ produce sneezing. To test it a trial size ! b Shop is now open. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di­ mine within two miles of Gold Hill, had A CO. tention to make final proof in support of ma'led for 10 cents or the large for 50 cents gests food without aid from- the stomach, his claim, and that saia proof will be made Nothing but First - Class bv Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New and at tbe same time heals and restores beeh abandoned for several years, until Specialists for In THE POPULAR THROUGH before C. H. Withrow, Conntv Clerk of York. ____ _______ r_ it. Upon _ ____ „ Druggists ___ keep being a few months ago; when two men took Work turned out. Th.» b*-« the diseasea organs. It is the onlv rem ­ CAR LINE FROM THE Klamath county. Oregon,at Klamath Falls, I placed into the nostrils it spreads over the curine *ud '* ** 12 z—z— li*. U4 uac* IM- Oregon, on November 11.1899, viz: ’ membrane ' ----- ..— »x It is edy that does both of these things and can possession of it, and now, after going and .... relef is . immediate. Il»» k*r« U« down the ledge, have 90 tons of $50 rock on be relied upon to permanently cure dvs LEVI L. ANGLE. an agreeable cure. teff MUltl-J mJle*l I“- pepsia. E. A. 8herwia. the dump. All the ledges now being on bis H. E. 8265. for the SE % of NW W. •tnuum »“<> ••be “"“‘ •'i' U1U1 vs yCMtK« ia th« L A developed in that region show signs of Old newspapers for sale and Lots 3, 4 and 5. Sec. 6,1 wp 40 S, R 5 The well known dressmaker of this MARRIED, Ka TUI c»r»4. West. permanence and increased value of the TO ALL POINTS place, Miss Mary A. Norred, was married this office. ,h‘ He names the following witnesses to quartz. , . k A call .houhl wb lor *d- Oct. 26th to Benjamin F. Fuller, a resi ­ prove his continuous residence upon, and BEAN—SLOAN—In Jacksonville, Oct. n*u4 prl-Dobort— a Gold Hill has long been known for its dent of Bridgeport, Mono county. Cal., cultivation of, said land, viz : George Bai­ R. Q NICHOL, General Arem A K. HOOPER. G. P. It T, h. ALL FRBB. 25, 1899, by Hon. H. K. Hanna, cir­ Rev. R. E. Wenk officiating. They will rich placers and pockets, and it is not so zavaabiSHSS 1» ’«»«• —----- how. ley of Shaae. Oregon; D. H. Yeager of very many years since the neat sum of cuitjudge, R. J. Beau and Miss Grace A .1 irium Ma Chars* far CoaaaltaUaa. Snow, Oregon; A. V. Oden of Shake. Ore­ I make their home in Brideport, wliese $300,000 was' taken out of one of its pock­ M. Sloan of Ashland precinct. gon; J. 8. Bailev of Shake. Oregon. Mr. Fuller is located in business, add Rogue river bars have been mined o5 J. T. BRIDGES. Register. ‘ 731 McANDREW—SMITH—In Jacksonville have the liest wishes of many friends in ets. a profit, while the water was low, for Oct. 24, 1899. by Rev. T. J. Hick­ this place, for a long, happy, and pros­ at past 40 years, and this gold has ey, Thos. F. McAndrew and Miss Fran­ perous matrimonial career.—Yreka the- evidently come from the ledges in the Journal. TO WORK OFF!!! ces I. Smith. Erects a Hog, Poultry or ' vicinity, which are now being brought Pure Whiskey HARPER Perfect Whis- Stock Fence for about half On Undivided Interests is Estates, Real Estats ( key HARPER Every bottle guaranteed Gold Hill people have set up an efficient EVERYTHING I HARPER. Sold by H igh & T aylob , water system recently, and Rogue river, in Probate. Reverseonarv and Life interests in Rea) the money required to • Ashland, Ore. and Personal Property, Eonuities and Legacies, or will by its own power, pumps the water to a build any other kind of purchase ontrigbt, if so desired. resevoir 240Jeet higher than the town. ANTED—SEVERAL BRIGHT AND For the speedy and permanent cure of Machines and honest persons to represent us as Man- They have water and power to spare, and •fence. tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham­ parties who have enterprise enough to Life Insuance Policies Bought or Loaned | agers in this and close by counties farm rights for sale by berlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment is | Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight in a 15-stamp mill can get the power without an equal. It relieves,the itch­ bona-fide, no more, no less salary. Posi- put ing and smarting almost instantly and ti m permanent. Oar reterences.’any bank from the Gold Hill municipality at a Patents sold on Favorable Terms anti Capital Procured 3, HUKIV - • its continued use effects a permanent in any town. It is mainly office work coh- nominal to DEVELOP and PERFECT eritorlons Inventions ASHLAND, OREGON. cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, ducted at home. Reference. Enclose self- Z Chas. H. Wheeler, a wealthy San and Ideas Amoun s from $10.000 to $500,000 available Every scholar buy­ scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, addressed stamped envelope. for Invest ment on tortgage of Revenus Producing 8s> Francisco attorney, is building a resi- ing Books of • • T hk D ominion Co.. Dept. 3, Chicago . denes of stone on the McCloud river, in chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and euntles. Joint Stock Companies Organised. For terni granulated lids. Mod particulars, address Siskiyou county, Calif., to cost $75,000. SHERWIN gate a BAG-STRAP or TIE— ThKlad Vralira■»- The foundation is built so as to span over Dr. Cadv’t CMdtti.wi Powden tôt BMgM 8tun;pa of trees on the ground in order hortes are th» beat tooie. Uood purifier land marks fXW FWKWXJÏWÜÔ! Corti Delicious Hot Biscuit COPPER RIVETED LEVI STRAUSS & CO. are made with Royal Baking Powder, and are the most appe­ tizing, healthful and nutritious of foods. Hot biscuit made with im­ pure and adulterated baking powder are neither appetizing nor wholesome. It all depends upon the bak­ ing powder. Take every care to have your biscuit made with Royal, which is a pure cream of tartar baking powder, if you would avoid indigestion. STOVES! STOVES JACK MORRIS FURNITURE Window Shades, Draperies, Carpets, Linoleum. J. P. DODGE, ASHLAND MILLS CMMIHTBtfYFÛWKI W. J. VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S O H FVAN^ ASHLAND, OR PAINTIN 9, PAPERING. ETC. ASHLAND HOUSE We do all kinds of work ASHLAND. Blacksmith Shop and Residence For Sale. OREGON: RATES, $1.00 PER DAY. Good Accommodations Located in the Heart ot the City. Free Bus to and From all Trains. s ACADEMY | F. L. CAMPS Í t ....The Photographer \'e* j THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY. At). FERGUSON. : .ASHLAND T1NNING&PLUMBINGG0. S cenic . [ in E”' W orld DENVER« RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. D N orthwest E ast Phillips: Wire: Fence I NOTHING DEAD IXSCHOOL SUPPLIES AT < MACHINE < Large Sums to Loan Skin Diseases W Is New and Up-to-Date! Second hand books êxthanged. and vermifuge. Prier, Sflcwnti. IfcMty DH Mbœgttnwy sriwm