ONLY ONE CORE FOR SCROFULA. There are dozens of remedies recommended for Scrofula, some of them no doubt being able to afford temporary relief, but 8. 8. 8. is absolutely the only remedy which completely cures it. ! Scrofula is one of the most obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases, and is beyond the reach of the many so-called purifiers and tonics because some- > ■ thing more than a mere tonic is required. 8. 8. S. I is equal to any blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it goes down to the seat of the disease, thus permanently eliminating every traoe of e taint. The ous consequences to which Scrofula surely leads impress ujion those afflicted with it the vital im­ portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can not possibly eSect a cure. In many cases where the wrong treatment has been relied upon, complicated glandular swellings have resulted, for which the doctors insist that a dangerous surgical operation is necessary. Mr. H. E. Thompson, of Milledgeville, Ga., writes: “A bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck, which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I was treated for a long while, but the physicians were un­ able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used, but without effect. Some one recommended S. 8. 8., and I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles. Continuing the remedy, I was soon cuyed permanently, and have never had a sign of the disease to return.” Swift’s Specific— S. S. S. 1$ the Only Remedy Equal to this Obstinate Disease S. s. S. FOR THE BLOOD —is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases. By reiving upon it, ana not experimenting with the various so-called tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured, instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines the constitution. 8. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails io cure Scrofula, Ecsema, Cancer, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils, Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc. Insist upon S. S S.; nothing can take its place. Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by ths Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. D.R.&N. TO TTÏ E EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL R 0 U T ES Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line ▼J A VIA SPOKANE SALT LAKE MINNEAPOLIS OENVER ST. PAUL OMAHA AND AND KANSAS CITY CHICAGO Ocean Steames Leave Portland Every 5 DAYS FOR AMERICAN GIRL’S RETORT. . Her Quick Wit and Knowltdse of French Once Stood Her in Good Stead. As one of our countrywomen was going down the rather narrow stairs that lead from the house to the gar­ den, at the American embassy, she met three or four young attaches of for­ eign legations, who were entire stran­ gers to her, says the St. Louis Globe- Democrat. Their politeness induced them to stand aside for her to- pass, but their courtesy did not prevent their making audible personal comments. They seemed to take it for granted that French was an unknown tongue io Americans, “Look at her yellow dress; yt’s very pretty,” said No. 1. “Yes, but she has on White gloves,” announced No. 2. “She has good teeth,” said No. 3. “And an enormous mouth," added No. 4. “And she understands French per­ fectly,” said the owner of the enormous mouth, turning suddenly upon them, “and would like to say that her ears are even bigger than her mouth.” This in French and with such an air of giv­ ing impersonal information to nobody in particular, that it was quite as if she had been kindly helping strangers to information out of a guide book. The men had just enough presence of mind to flee the premises. Wanted . Jackson county property. Will trade me hundred and sixty acres of gooct »arming land eeven miles from Klamath Falls for Jackson county property. Ad- Iresa P. O. Box 65, Yreka. Cal. S’ 11» Snake River—Leave Riparia daily Leave Lewiston daily. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- kohom» and Hong Kong in connectin' with O. R. & N. For full information call on O. R. A N Agent, RDBT. LEONARD, Ashland, «r O r address : W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Agent. PORTLAND. <»K DODWELL, CARL1LL A CO. Geu. Agis. Nor. Pac. S. S. Co. PORTLAND. OREGON TT ORTHEBN PACIFIC RAILWAY R ’* 0 «_ __ ■f FOR GOLF RASH Heat Rash, inflammations,itching, irritations and chafings, undue or offensive perspiration, and many other sanative uses, nothing so cooling, purifying, and refreshing as a bath ■‘.vit1» C i ticura S oap , followed in the severer forms by gentle anointings with C uticuba , the great skin cure and purest of emollients. CvTicvna So.r i. beyond all doubt the ro«i effective ekiu purifying and beauti’JVing soap, a« well as the purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. Sold through- cut the world. P otter D rcg and C hrm . C orp ., Solo Props., Boaton. - How to Uwe Beautiful Skân,” free. Dr. Humphreys’ Specifics act directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of the system. They Cure the Sick, so. CUBES. PRICES. U N S Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAÜL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO_________ GRAND FORKS t’O CROOKSTON___ ! WINNIPEG HELENA and UTTE THROUGH TICKETZ TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH Through tickets to Juan and China, via Taooma and Northern Pacffle Steamship Co. /orinformation, time cards, map and icketa, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, V Mtetant General passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON 1—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation*. .25 4—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .45 3— Teething, Colle, Crjlu*, Wakefulness .45 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults....... ,'2i 5— Dy seul er,, Gri pings. Bilious Colic. .45 G—Cholera. Cholera Morbus, Vomiting .45 7—Ceugba, Colds, Bronchitis.................. .45 i*~A‘e«ralgia, Toothache, Faceache.... .45 • —Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo .45 1.0—Dvapepala. Indigestion, Weak Stomach.45 1 t—8uppre»»od or Painful Periods ... 45 14—Whites. Too Profuse Periods............. .45 13— Croup. Laryngitis, Hoarseness........ .45 14— Salt Rheum. Erysipelas,Eruptions . .45 15— Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains......... .45 1«—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .... .45 IT—Piles. External or Internal................. .45 IS—Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes .45 19—Catarrh. Influenza. Cold in the Head .45 40— Whooping-Cough . . ................................ 45 41— Asthma, Difficult Breathing.................... 45 44—Ear Discharge. Earache........................... 45 43— Scrofula. Swellings and Ulcers..............45 44— General Debility, Weakness................. 45 43—Druyay, Fluid Accumulations................. 45 46— Sea-4>ickneu. Nausea, Vomiting ... .45 47— Kidney Diseases........................................ 45 45— Nervous Debility.................................... 1.00 49—Sore Mouth, or Canker............................. 45 30— V rlnary Weakness. Wetting Bed. . .45 31— Painful Menses. Pruritus....................... 45 34—Ulaeases of the Heart, Pali dtatlons. 1.00 33— -Epilepsy, SL Vttus* Dance ...................1.00 34- -Sore Throat. Quinsy. Diphtheria... .45 «•'/—Chronic Congestions. Headaches . .25 7 7—Grip, Hay Fever............................................ 25 Dr. Humphreys’ Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price, çhreys’ Med. Co., Cor. William ft John Sts., HUMPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL “ THE PILE OINTMENT.” For Pile*—External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding; Ftetula In Ano; Itcbtng or Bleeding of the Rectum The relief is immediate—the cure certain PRICE, 50 CTS. TRIAL SIZE, 85 OTS 9*14 by Orurgu«., or MUt post-psld on rerelpt ot prior. ■VMPMRSY8 MEB.CO.. Ilia IIS WUUaa Sb, SevYsrk. PATENTS Qnickly «ecareft. OVA FEB DUB WXXX FA7KBT OBfAIXXD. Son! modU. «k.Uh or photo, with (loacription for free report a. to patentability. SS-FAC. ■ HA1TD-BOOX FBZS. Coniali.» reforeare* and foil tafomtlion. WUTB FOB COPY OF OU* BFIOIAL Crrt*.>onralpropo«aoa.r.rma4« by a patent tton.ty, aad DVZBY III V UTOK SHOULD KEAD IT to fore applying for patent. Addreu: H.S.WILLSON&CO. ’ ” FATENT LAWYERS, uPrrft»*<., WASHINGTON. D. C. A CRYSTAL Black CAVE. Hills Curiosity for Paris Exposition. Weather Report • ABOUT THE» CATFISH. THE From tbe U. S. Signal Office at Ashland, Oregon. Warmest Cold'st Rain Fall YEAR the 18° 1879.. . 13 1880.. . -2 1881... 6 1882... 9 1883 .. 9 1881... 19 1885.. . 17 1886 . 12 1887.. 3 1888 . 16 1889 . 5 1890.! 18 1891.. 21 1892.. 20 1893.. 10 189).. 12 1895.. 15 1896.. 21 1897.. 13 1898.. Record for the year ending Dec. TEMPERATURE MONTH Max, Min. Mean. 89» 90 93 97 97 90 103 99 103 101 101 99 102 99 102 100 97 103 105 101 The catfish belongs to an ancient type not yet fully made into a fish, and hence those whose paired fins are all properly fastened- to the head, as his are not, hold him in well-merited scorn. He has no scales and no bright colors. His fins are small, and his head and The Black hills will have a curioaity mouth are large. Around his mouth at the Paris exposition in the shape of are eight long “smellers,” fleshy feel­ a miniature of the Mammoth Crystal ers, that he pushes out aff he crawls cave, which is situated in Elk creek along the bottom in search of anything eanyon, about 20 miles southeast of this that he may eat. As be may eat any­ city. J. G. Keith, one of the owners of thing, he always finds it. His appetite the cave, left Deadwood last night for is as impartial as that of a goat. Any­ Paris to sign a contract with the expo­ thing from a deal lamprey or a bunch sition management for space. He has of sunfish eggs to a piece of tomato been given a room under the Eiffel , can is grateful to him. In each of the tower 50x75 feet, with a high ceiling. | fins which represent his arms is a long, He will take over five carloads of ma- sharp bone, with a slimp surface and a terial for the construction of tbe cave, 1 1 serrated edge. These are fastened by 35.3“ 64’ 13° mostly lime water crystals and colored ; a ball and socket joint, and whenever January. 24 44.7 61 quartz rock, which will line the inside the fish is alarmed the botfe is whirled February .. 42.3 21 67 March walls of the cavern. The Mammoth over and set in place, then it sticks out April 52.4 25 86 Crystal cave made a great hit at the stiffly on each side. There is another Mav . 55.0 32 89 62.0 35 world’s fair exposition, later at Atlanta such bone in the fin on the back, and June 69.0 4L 104 July.. and recently at Antwerp. when all of these are set there is no August 715 44 102 The Mammoth Crystal cave was first fish that can swallow him, says the September 62 0 35 99 50.5 28 discovered by the McBride brothers Popular Science Monthly. October... 75 42.3 22 68 about 12 years ago, while prospecting When he takes the hook, which he November 38.7 20 62 for a gold mine in an old tunnel in Elk surely will do if there is any hook to December Total rain fall, 15.57. Creek canyon, which had been excavated be taken, he will swallow it greedily. Mean Temperature, 52.1. years before by an old prospector As he is drawn out of the water he named Jacobs. One of the brothers sets his three spines, and laughs to Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich . noticed a strong current of air blow­ himself as the boy pricks his fingers says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of ing out through a hole in the side of the trying to get the hook from his stom­ a severe case of indigestion; can strongly tunnel, and further investigation I ach. This the boy is sure to do, and recommend it to all dypeptics.” Digests what you eat witboutaid from tbestomach, opened up a large chamber several feet because the boy of the Mississippi val­ and cures dyspepsia. Eugene A. Sherwin. I square. Since the first discovery the ley is always fishing for catfish is the R. P. Hiret, a pioneer who came to B|8. owners of the cave have been constant­ reason why his fingers are always sore. ly opening up new chambers and mak­ The catfish is careless of the present kiyou county in 1852, died at Yreka last ing passageways connecting them, un­ and sure of the future. After he is week. He was the step-father of Mrs, til it is possible now to walk miles un­ strung on a birch branch and dried in 1D. Ream and Mrs. Robt. Rankin of l Yreka. derground and not less than 200 cham­ the sun and sprinkled with dust and bers have been opened up. has had his stomach dug out to recover Fat Man’s Misery is the first cham­ the hook, if he falls into the brook he ber to be tri ven a name. It is a very low, will swim away. He holds no malice, tortuous passageway that leads into a and is ready to bite again at the first series of rooms beyond. Mold chamber thing in sight. is a weird place, on account of the great quantities of thick, white mold, of deli­ TICKED FIVE CENTURIES. cate texture, very prolific in growth. The next rom is called the Menagerie, so called by reason of the different images of animals in stone, the most realistic being the arctic seals. Pover­ ty Flat is a room about 60x250 feet, with Rouen, one of the principal cities of a low ceiling. The room derives its France, and the greatest seat of its cot­ ^escriH*8 name from the fact that the walls are ton manufacture, possesses the oldest destitute of crystals, being very smooth public clock in the world. The great and water-worn. Notre Dame is the Rouen clock has held its place in that first chamber to show the fine box work city for 510 vears and is the pride of its ........... of the cave. It is a delicate webwork, citizens. Placed in 1389, it has been brownish in color, a little coarser, per­ running without interruption from haps, than the boxwork of the famous that day to this, requiring nothing ex­ Wind cave. The room is about 60x150, cept cleaning and a few trifling repairs with a ceiling 30 feet high. A distin­ of its accessory parts. The great clock guished visitor from Chicago had the had so accustomed the citizens to look honor of naming a large chamber after upon its exactitude as a matter of Calkin's Gallery, of Chicago. With a course that when, in 1572, the breaking little imagination a person can see a of a wire prevented its sounding five great many beautiful pictures on the o’clock one morning, the population walls and ceiling of the room. Whale was in a state of consternation. room contains some more of the menag­ The magistrates summoned the cus­ erie. There is a perfect image of a todian—Guillaume Petit—and remon­ whale which is 30 feet in length, with strated gravely with him. Until 1712 eyes, mouth, fins and everything in per­ the great clock had no pendulum. For fect order. Perched above the whale is 323 years it had no other regulator than the American eagle, life size, with a “foliot,” an apparatus unknown to wings outstretched. the majority of modern clockmakers. A descent of about 65 feet down Rip The pendiulum in clockwork was intro­ Van Winkle’s stairway takes the visitor duced in 1659, but so well satisfied were to the second level in the cave known the people of Rouen with the time­ commonly as the water level. Red keeping qualities of their famous old Flats is passed through, the chamber clock that 53 years were allowed to pass being noted for its beautiful red crys­ before a pendulum was substituted for tals. In this chamber is the drip stone, the “foliot.” Equipped with this new a mammoth water crystal four feet apparatus it has continued to this day high and two feet at the base, which has to strike the hours and chime the quar­ been formed by the dripping of the ters. ____________ _______ water from the ceiling to the floor be­ fo'Qrht Seasickness. 1 low. “Are women more subject to sea­ The Abode of the Fairies is the pride of the cave. Here are found the sickness than men?” An Atlantic cap­ Needles, Chimes, Cleopatra’s Needle, tain replies: “Yes, but, on the other joy’s fcr ilia jiadi tl and Goo« the Bridal Veil and a number of other hand, they stand it better. A woman Health for all Mankind, natural curiosities. One can easily struggles up to the point of despaip I0VS VE087A9uTiSAR8APAfiiS.LA. imagine the old nursery stories to be against the—what I might call the jm- propriety of the thing. She isn ’ t so true about the fairies’ cave with rubies Acs through teiaade from and diamonds f.’^jpre. Slab room is a much tortured by the pangs as she is nature’s herbs, and worried by the prospect of becoming proper ch an* curious place. All of the crystals have contains ito nets. Jcy’a mineral disheveled, haggard and draggled. She ■ alien from the ceiling to the floor, V e g e t a I 1 e drugs or fights against it to the last and keeps Barsapari'a leaving it bare and smooth. A new deadly pois­ Cttrca L’; J* on. Joy’s •hamber has been opened recently up appearances as long as she can hold Vegetable p c p s i a up her head. ” .vhich has been called Klondike room. Ch ionic Sarsaparilla o n s 11 p a • C robs the Dr. H. O. Howard, the entomologist ;t is reached b}’ a tortuous passage tier., Live? blood of all af. the agricultural department, is cred ­ called Chilkoot Pass, which is 165 feet Com plaint' Rs impuri- and Kidney ¡ies, and long. Until recently the floor of the ited by a Washington correspondent A flections. Bourses all chamber has been covered with water, with saying that it is the judgment of these impuri- but it has now all seeped away, leaving the highest authorities that a consider­ the floor covered with soft water crys­ able part of the typhoid in camps dur­ tals called popcorn crystals, which ing the Spanish war was due to the makes the room the most beautiful in fliea, which carried the contagion. the cave. The crystals can be crushed E E. Turner. Compton. Mo., was cured Joy’s VegefablA in the hand, and it will be an interest­ of piles by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Sarsaparilla ing experiment to watch the slow hard­ a ter suffering seventeen years and trying preventB tired feel­ ening, which may take years or only o .’er twentv remedies. Physicians and ings, Btaggering sen­ surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous months. counterfeits. Eagene A. Sherwin. sations, palpitation Other places of interest to be visited of heart, rush of are the world’s fair grounds, Ribbon SALT LAKE CITY. blood to the head, room, Cathedral, Diamond Field, and dizziness, ringing in a others. New chambers are being dis­ ears, spots before the An Important Factor tn Transconti­ eye^ headache, bil- covered and connected by passageways, nental Travel. iousness,oonsti pation and it would sem that only a small part No one crossing the continent can afford of bowels, pains in of the wonderful cave has been dis­ to cut Salt Lake City from bis route. The the back,mefancholy, covered.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. attractions of the place, including the Mor­ tongue coated, foil I mon Temple, Tabernacle and church insti­ breath, pimples on YOUNG MOTHERS. tutions, tne Great Salt I^ke—deader and face, body aud limb, Croup is the terror of thousands of young denser than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land declineofnerve force mothers because its outbreak is so agoniz- —tbe picturesque environment and the dizzy 6pells, faint ng and frequently fatal. Shiloh’s Cough Warm Sulphur and Hot Springs, are great­ gpells, cold, clammy and Consumption Cure acts like magic in er to the square yard than any locality on feci gnd hands, scur ci ses of Croup. It has never been known the American continent. The Bio Grande Western Railway, con ­ risings, flti^ue, iu- 'o fail. Th“ worst cases relieved immediate­ necting on the east with-the Denver Rio ly Price 25 cts,, 50 cts. and $1,00. E ugene somni^j and all dis­ Grande and Colorado Midland railways A S herwin , Druggist, eases of i he Steinach, and on the west with the Southern Pacific liver aud kidneys. (Central route) and Oregon Short Line, is Victoria's Letter to Napoleon. loy.s Vegetable Ssr- the only transcontinental line passing di­ Lt parlilL ¿5 sold by all An autograph letter from Queen Vic­ rectly through Salt Lake City. The route ih ujirisis. liefucf a toria, addressed to the emperor of the through Salt Lake City via the Rio Grande sub..iilute. Wheu iou nay lor thebest see that French, dated Osborne, June 29, 1855 Western Railway is famous all the year round. On account of the equable climate you set fie best. (in French), was sold recently in Lon­ of Utah and Colorado it is just as popular don. The letter, which deplores the in winter as in summer. Send 2c to J. D. ministerial crisis at that time existing Man.-field. 253 Washington, Portland, or to Geo. W. Heintz, acting general passenger L J DY'S FDR TRADED and apprehends others to follow, as­ agent. Salt Lake City, for a copy of ‘ Salt sures the emperor that no change of Luke City—the City of the Saints.” A LOCAL government would ever compromise that good understanding existing be­ Diaeaao tween the two countries. The price Been the h» Kind You Haffl AlwaJs. MW ' A Climatic realized was two guineas. 1 At Canton the average number of executions is about 300 per year, but in SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. 18S5 50,000 rebels were beheaded. The headsman formerly received about four dollars a head, but the supply hnd A. O. U. W. competition have reduced the wage to ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. 50 cents apiece. Moat of the criminal« Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hal) who are beheaded are water piratss or «very second and fourth Wednesday in land bandits. •ach month. All brethren in good standing DeWitt’s Little Early Risers permanent­ tre cordially invited to attend. G eo . E nglb , M. W. ly care chronic constipation, biliousness, nervousness, and worn-out feeling; cleanse G io . W. T befben , Recorder. and regulate tbe entire system. Small, p'easast, never gripe or sicken—“famous G. A. R. little pills.' Eugene A. Sherwin. JÜX Jenna * Heekelle SJt, - Jain Seta » Peppermint - fiintSeeJ- Aperteci Remedy for Constipa­ tion, Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and I/O SS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Baars ths Signatwre of KNIG1IT8 OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Krrigbta of Pythias, Ashland. OregoD, meets every Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good standingarecordially invited to attend. K. A. HILDRETH, J*.. C. C. T. H. S imvson . K. R. 8. vS « I SOO PACIFIC LINE. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. D esigns C opyrights A c . Anyone seaslDg a sketch and description may oulckly ascertain oar opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Ojmçunto. tiens strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn ft Co. receive special notice, without charge, to tbe Scientific American la A hand’ome’y illustrated weekly. Largest dr- Terms. S3 a Continent by the Iroquois Bicycles $|Ci78 N 400 of the famous IroquOlS Model 3 I By Bicyeloa Bicycles will be »old at >14.75 each, juatoaethird their re" al v aloe. “ Imperial IROQUOIS CYCLE WORKS FAILED 5^17 «»re to« expensively bnllt, and weh&ve bought tbe entire plant a forced »aleal 20 cenU on the dollar. With it we got 40c Model 3 Iroquois Bi­ cycles, finished and complete, Made tO Sell at $60. To ad vertiae our business we have concluded to sell these 400 at just what they stand us, and make the marvelous offer of a Model B IROQUOlSBICYCLEat $l6-7Swhlle they last. Th. wheels are strictly up-to-date, famous everywhere for beaut)’ and good quality. nrCPDIDTflBl IroQUo18 Model 3 is too well known to need ULOUnlr I UH a detailed description. Shelby IM in. soamlem tubing,improved two-piece crank, detachable sprocket«, arch crown tiarristhuDs an4 2J4 in. drop, finest nickel and «name!; color«, ____ ________________ h green; Gent«' frame», J12, 24 and 26 in.. Ladies' 22 in.; best “Record,” fuaran _ teed tires and high-grade equipment throughout. Our Written Guarantee with every bicycle. (or your express agent ’• guarantee for charges one way) atate whether ladle«! or gents’, color and height of frame wanted, and we will ship C. O. D. for the balance ($15.75 and ex preas charge»), lb nation and approval. If you don’t find it the moat wonderful Bicycle Offer ever made, »end it back at our ex pens«. ORlFEij1 A Y if vou don’’t want to be disappointed. 50 cent« discount for cash in full with order. gm ■ ■ A d A'MWAI ETC A complete line of ’9'J ■•del« at 611.W and un Seeoud-haad SS u Sio. We want /n every town to represent u«. Hundreds earriefTtheir bidvcle test Thia vc«r we offer wheels and cash for work done for «•; also of «ample wheel to agents. Write for opr liberal bropodtl«**« We are known everywhere m the greateat Exclusive Bicycle Houee in the world and are perfectly rellatK; rflfer f# or husipem hpus£ Q»1i*iF,f«»«fXprM.eempMiy.n I ypg«L. i •*” *• At NW b mondi* old [t is quickly absorb- ed. Gives relief at once. Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays In­ flammation. Heals and protects tbe Mem. brane. Restores the senses of Taste and Smell. No Cocaine, no Mercury, no In­ jurious Drug Full size 50c, Trial size 10c. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren 8t , N. Y. mg Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, The Kind You Have zStoAs-RAA Thoroughly Restocked and Entirely New Management. Prof. O. H. Roberts of Talent left for Oroville, Cal., Monday. bubnbidk post NO. 23. Meet In Masonic Hall, on the 1st and Id Saturday of each month. Visiting Oom WHAT 18 SHILOH? ladescordiaily welcomed. A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and B. B each , Commander. Consumption; used through the world for M ilton B erry . Adjutant. half acentury, has cured innumerable cases of incipient consumption and relieved many In advanced stages. If you are not satisfied W. R. C. with the results we will refund your money Pries 25 cts., 50eta. and $1.00. E coene a BURNSIDE BELIEF CORPS NO. 24 S hebwin , druggist. Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p m on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. M b *'. firsAN B each . Pres. M m . Mary Berry, Bec’v. Bears the Signature üave^Oldü-SAMCXLFnWa Nothin? but a local r-medy or change of climate wi 1 cure it. Get a well - known nhar maceutica 1 remedy, Ely’« Cream Balm Trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the world.” Understand: Connections are made with AU Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers the best sarvics known. H ot N arcotic Affection of “PIONEER LIMITED' Promote s Digestion,Cheerful ­ ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium/Morphine nor Mineral- CATARRH Signature The Kind You Have Always Bought I nfants X hiith F in á Yearly Executions in China. COM A familiar name for the Ch icago, Milwankee.A St. Paul - Railway, known all over the Union a* the Great Railway running the Tor Infants and Children. ÄVigetablc Preparation for As - similating tfeerocdandRcgula- tiag the Stomachs and Bowels of MILWAUKEE” ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ - EUGENE A. SHERWIN.