VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. .......ASHLAND, OREGON VALLEY RECORD Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S übscbiption R atos : O^Year.......................................... $1 75 Six Months....................................... 1 00 Thro« Months.................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. ASHLAND, JACKSON VOL. XII. Guaranteed OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1899. PRESSED BRICKS. KLAMATH COUNTY. Attorney J. W. Hamaker was in San Francisco iast week. ASHLAND. OREGON NO. 22. Clara Fitch’s Murderer. Probate Court. Portland Oregonian, Oct. 20.) The McDaniel murder case has been the object of the graml jury’s attention for the past seven days, and will probab­ ly be concluded this afternoon. The prosecution has introduced a vast amount of evidence in the abstract and very little comparatively bearing on the direct commission of the deed. The length of time devoted to the case shows that all the details are being followed up, and that every clew, near or remote, is being traced to its source. For in­ stance, the finding of the rough pencil sketch on the spot where the murdered Clara Fitch was found.on July 20th had no real bearing on the case, but all the facts connected with its history have been placed before the grand jury, in or­ der that no clew, however dim, may be omitted. One remarkable phase in the case has come to light, and that is the prosecution now admits that Miss Fitch and McDaniel returned together from Cycle Park on the night of the murder, but the state will also show that both parties went back to the park together, though the hour was late. It was a bright, beautiful moonlight night, and the walk back again would not have been an unlikely one for lovers “out for a stroll.” The prosecution, therefore, will try to prove that the murder was committed after a second visit to the park, and that the deed was done by none other than Frank McDaniel. It is more than probable that a true bill will be found against the accused, and that the trial will be a long and tedious one. The will of Chas. Winters has been admitted to probate. Estate of John O’Brien, inventory and appraispent filed ; an order was issued exempting certain personal property from taxation and authorizing the sale of part of property of said estate. Cannot be better spent than bv subscrib­ ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! |1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it I R. N. NASON’S PAINTS! Miss Hattie Dunning left Saturday for Hazle, Dakota. Wm. Robison arrived from Jackson­ Mrs. Mattie Rivers and her husband ville Saturday on a business trip. are sojourning in New York. < Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, Miss Lottie Dozier of Klamath Falls Miss Margaret Stanley was up from has returned to Emigrant creek. “Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. FINISH MATERIAL FIT Born, in Klamath Falls, Oct. 12th, to Jacksonville Sunday on a visit. Dr. A. C. Helm, at one time during A. A. DavA the Medford milling cap­ the wife of Samuel Summers, a son. the real estate booming period a promi­ italist, was here Saturday on business. FRUIT BOXES ANO MILL WORK A daughter was born to the wife of nent and wealthy citizen of Ashland, J. S. Herrin returned Sunday from GUARANTEED MEANS:—Your Gilbert G. Anderson at Olene, Oct. 18th. but ever since his departure a practicing a business trip to Medford and Jackson­ physician at Sawyers Bar, Siskiyou coun­ © noney returned if the article is not Geo. McDonald and family of Langell ville, ty, was on Sunday’s train for Albany to valley have been doing Jackson county. as represented. visit relatives. He is doing well now, Mrs. A. B. Miller, wife of the locomo­ S. P. Moss of Chewauoan has sold to tive engineer, went to Portland Sunday being the physician for several mining Louis Gerber 1000 head of yearling sheep to visit friends. companies operating in that section and . ’ • r for $2.75 per head. receiving $1 per month foreach employe. Our Copper Riveted Overalls and Spring Bottom Pants are Mrs. Sarah Harris, after a visit of some He was returning fr.un the Odd Fellows L. W. Crance and family have return­ weeks with Talent relatives, returned to perfect in every respect and are guaranteed. For sale everywhere. celebration and blowout at San Francisco. ed to Ashland fot the winter from their Sisson Sanday. l -i Ft. Klamath ranch. - - - Nick Cusick was down from Middle Miss Emma Gabuah arrived last week Creek Friday. He is now employed at Mrs. C. H. Humphrey visited her from Holdridge, Neb., to live with her Ashland around the roundhouse and as daughter, Mrs. E. A. Carter, at Ashland, folks in Ashland. extra firemati. Recently while wiping an and is now visiting relatives at Sacra­ SAIN FRANCISCO J. R.Wick, who has been keeping the engine bp slipped and fell off the locomo­ mento. xyfer/ flies off Ashland Butte all-simmer, has tive, he sustaining painful injury to his - Capt. 8. S. Mathers, special agent of returned to town. back and hip. He is now at his Middle the general land department passed Creek home on a vacation, recovering1 Miss Nellie Dickey finished the Cove through -this week for Lakeview from Josephine County’s Assessment. from the effects of an accident.—Red­ Fatal Accident to Dr. Robertson. district summer school Friday and re ­ Roseburg. ding Searchlight. turned to Ashland. For the year 1899: Dr. H. D. Robertson of San Franeisco, Wm. McCormack of Paisley and Miss * The old reliable—The Weekly Oregonian, j and formerly of Yreka, who has been out j 1,8,188 acres tillable land....... $ 194,549 Frances U’Ren the the teacher, were - D. T. Pritchard, the clever Medford at Bray’s place on Antelope in Butte 270,872 acres non tillable land. 248,434 married at Oregon City Sunday. They watchmaker and . jeweler, was an Ash­ 79,957 creek valley, for the past two weeks, met [Imp. on deeded lands....... . land Visitor Sunday, j. • t;‘r ' - * with a very serious accident while on a i 3,297 town lots......................... 100,247 will reside at Paisley. Mrs. Margaret Smith left Saturday for Chee. B. Parker of Lakeview has leased bear hunt last Monday, by the accident­ Imp. on town lots.................... 114,043 al discharge of his rifle, the bullet pas­ Imp. on undeeded lands......... • 62,795 Wm. Harvey’s band of 4000 sheep and her old home in Ohio, after residing at sing through the instep of his right foot. 30.92 miles railroad bed.......... 132,910 ranch at Paisley. The latter and his Ashland for 25 years. 16, «0 family will visit Ireland. He had succeeded in killing three bears Railroad rolling stock.............. John W. Wily returned from San 6,850 on the hunt, and. being both delighted 126 miles teleg. and teleph.... Chas. L. Parrish and Arthur Benson Francisco Saturday where he had taken Patronize Home Industries. 67,555 took in the 50th anniversary of Odd Fel­ three carloads of hogs. and excited, he neglected to adjust the Merchandise............................. Opera House Block, Ashland. 22,860 lowship in California at the celebration safety of Iris Savage rifle, in putting it in Farming implements............... Consumers shbuld use Ashland canned “Gen.” Purdy of “God’s Regular 44,525 in San Francisco last week. the case, hence the slide which caused Steamboats, etc....................... Army” is infesting Independence, Polk tomatoes—why? Because they are grown 8,930 it to shoot, was evidently pushed, so that Money........................................ trees raised on Ashland soil, cultivat­ or county with hie presence. i , on The^nnqaL report of Agent O. C. Ap ­ 74,565 it discharged the bullet through his Notes and accounts......... . ed by native sons, and packed by the 720 plegate shows that there are now on the ieavy hunting boot and right foot. The 11 shares of stock. .................... Fred Hansen arrived from Napa, Cal., nimble fingers of native daughters. ! •’ *>’ 52,590 Klamath reservation 1145 Indians, 731 Saturday tn look after his business in­ When you see a tiring to your interest, avage is a gun that has no lock or trig­ Household furniture................ èÿ.i’fj.’; •n.V-i?! of whom are Klamaths, 217 Modocs, 103 25,315 ger, and la discharged by a slide, secured 1,405 horses and mules............ push it along. terests in Jackson county. Piutes and 94 Pitt Rivers. 40,200 X? . J by what is called a safety when adjusted 3,633 cattle....,..................... Window shades, lace curtains, portiere, Ex-Gcv. Ix»r