GOOD FIGURE PERSONAL AND SOCIAL, Clara Fitch’i 'MuraeFe'l-'llidiCtetr--- ToTtwrmontarJaekeen-Ce. P.>pul fete.. I Jail Breaking Barglar Captqred The Multnomah county grand jury at Pursuant to call issued by Grant Raw­ ' Yreka Journal ] Portland on Tuesday brought in the fol­ lings, chairman of the regular People’s A young Mexican, aged aliout 18, lowing indictment for murder in the first party county central committee, a num­ degree against Frank McDaniel for the ber of prominent populists met at Wolf’s named Mitchell Riveria was caught on murder of Clara Fitch in Cycle Park Hall Saturday afternoon. An effort to­ Butte Creek mountain last Friday by July 20: ward unifying the populists of Jackson Brice Martin, for burglary, horse steal ; “Frank McDaniel is accused of willful­ county under one organization was start­ ing and jail breaking, and turned over ; ly, feloniously, purposely, and of delib­ ed, after considerable discussion, by the ’ to the Sheriff of this county for 6afe keep­ erate and premeditated malice, having i adoption of the appended call for a con­ ing until called for. The young man F ALL forms of killed Claire Adelaide Fitch, by choking, ference, the delegates to this conference was arrested for robbing W. W. Smith’s suffocating and strangling her, and by to be elected Nov. 25th and the confer­ stere at Bly, Oregon, and lodged in jail forcibly stopping and closing and com­ ence to be held at Medford Dec. 2d, a by the Sheriff of Klamath county. About pressing the neck and throat of said vic­ representative of each wing of the two 9’oclock in the evening of the day he tim, a more particular description of the organizations to constitute the confer­ was cooped, he squeezed out of the jail, Death on Rheumatism, Lame Back, Headache, Toothache, having bent one of the bars to make an way in which said crime was committed ence. Earache, Burns, Scalds, Corns and Bunions, Stiff Joint*. opening. The prisoner is a stout built, being to the grand jury unknowij.” This plan became necessary because active young man, weighing at least 180 McDaniel was arraigned yesterday and there is no union, or fusion, county cen­ wm was given until next Tuesday to plead. tral committee orchairman to co-operate pounds, and for an hour could not move FRIOE, 50-0. &c Sl.OO T’ER BOTTLE either way in the opening where he with. It seems the last county conven­ crawled out, having finally suceeded by The New Train Mai la Explained, adjourned without making any legal getting his clothes loose to make his body Postmaster Geo, Engle gives out the tion provision for its perpetuity and life after smaller. He also had shackles on his following explanation in regard to the that campaign. They only appointed a feet, and walked two miles, before get­ new train mail service: Ashland, Oregon. joint campaign committee with the dem­ ting an opportunity to break them off. The mails on the night trains, arrive ocratic and free silver republican parties • • . • at the depot at 11 11:30 :30 p. m. from the and that joint committee’s function died On beiDg thus free to travel better, he ¿#”Read these Testimonials, given under oalb, of Cures Actually Performed; north, and from the south at 2:20 a. m. with the end of that three cornered cam­ i stole ahorse from the Mitchell ranch Such eastern mail as misses the train paign. The union populist party also about 3 miles from Klamath Falls, on leaving Portland at 7 p. m. arrives here lost its individuality on the Australian his way for California. The Sheriff sent telegrams in all directions and offered State of Oregon.) J ames M. Fawn by the night train, as does the local ballot by reason of fusion, it is said. $150 reward for his capture, beeides giv­ Subscribed and sworn to before me this > 88. mail between .Portland and Grants Pass, This leaves Grant Rawlings as chair­ 19th day of November 1899. but we receive no local mail from points man of the only People’s party county ing chace. The rancher, Mitchell, fol­ Jackson Conn tv) Gxo. W. T bkvkbn . On this 28th day of July, 1899. appeared lowed him down into California, with a this side of Grants Pass, nor do any central committee and organization I Notary Public for Oregon. before me, a Notary “ublic within and for points between here and Grants Pass re­ with a legal standing in the county rep- determination to secure his horee, and the State and County ab>ve named one W. ceive any local mail from this way by resentfne populist doctrines. The con­ met Brice Martin on Butte Creek moun­ W. Dickerson who being duly sworn, made State of Oregon,» tain, who had employed the man de ­ Jackson County,) S8' the night trains, as no mail clerks run ference, however, will be mixed and can the following statement this side of Grants Pass, the clerks run its own affairs. Chairman Rawlings scribed to help him drive sheep. Brice My daughter, who was a stu lent at the C. W. Short, being duly sworn, deposes pouching to this'office such mail as they represents the readers,and the secretary, then arrested the young Mexican, and Stat* Normal School,one night while study­ and says: Up to about six months ago 1 have picked up on the run from Port­ Rev. J. 8. McCain, represents the un­ telegraphed to the Sheriff in Yreka to ing felt a pain in her band which soon ex­ have hail piles for the last ten yeas which meet him at Little Shasta. Deputy Sher­ tended to the arm. The next day she went have been a source of constant pain, trouble land . The same is true on the other end, ionists, or fusionists. iff J. B. Martin prooeeded to Little Shas­ to school and during the day she lost the and annoyance. as no clerks run on the night train this I used one bottle of Sutton’s Snap Shot ta, and putting theshackleson his wrists use ot her arm and it became plotted and side of-Dunsmuir. The clerk running to To the Popuiist voters of Jackson county : the teachers sent her hotue. fearing blood- as directed which cured me completely and Dunsmuir pouches to this office, and Whereas, The national committee of | brought him to Yreka. He claims to be Coison. When she arrived borne I took for the last six month I have not been this office to him, and the mail from this the People’s party at its last meeting i from Arizma, and was going up to Van- er to Mr. Button’s office where he applied troubled at all. office for any points is taken to Castetla held in Omaha, Nebraska, June 15 and , couver, where he has a brother in the “Snap Shot” liniment nnd within twenty C. W B hobt and given to train No. 16 coming north, 16*|898, Senator Marion Butler, national ; army, his father and mother being both minutes of the first application, the swell­ Subscribed and sworn to before me this by No. 11 going south, and if both trains chairman, presiding, adopted the follow­ dead. His ankles were very sore from ing was gene down, the pain was gon« and 25th day of August A. D. 1899. G. W. Takra». the chafing of the shackles during the the spotted appearance left it, and she hss are on time, the mail for points south of ing' resolutions, to wit: Notary Public for Oregon. never had the least trouble with her arm Ashland this side of Dunsmuir (except ‘•Resolved; That we, the national com­ two miles tramp after getting out of jail, since or a recurrence of the pain Siskiyou. ColesteinandColes), will reach mittee '■ of the People’s party, declare so that he was unable to travel on foot, State of Oregon. F ixjbenck L T rkfrex . its destination from one to ten hours that in national matters no proposition I and his horse tired out. Mitchell secur­ Notary Public for Oregon. Jackson County earlier than if it left here on the noon I _______________ for fusion or co-operation shall be made ed his horse and saddle, but says he lost trains. But if the south bound train be j or entertained byrthe national executive a $15 pair of spurs the thief had sold, State of Oregon. On this 4th dav of August, 1889, appear­ ed Janies Hummer who being first solemn­ late and the north bound on time, the (committee or by our national chairman although all the money found on him Jackson County ss. was half a dcllar. The Sheriff of Klam­ ly warned affirmed as follows: mail forewarded as above indicated is or officers. James M. Fewei being duly sworn de­ That ou or about Aug. 1st, 1899. I was likely to reach its destination 24 hours Second, That our national executive ath county l>as asked the Governor for a poses and say’s:- That about ten days attacked by a severe lameness of the back late. ________________ committee, chairman or national officers, requisition, and will come after his man ago 1 bad the neuralgia in my face and it which rendered it very difficult forma to as soon as obtained. pained me severely and had been troubling move about. shall not give any advice in favor of or One of the most successful and pleas­ against fusion or co-operation in state or me for two weeks or more when I had Mr. Mr. II. K. Sutton applied some of his Governor Lord’s salary as minister to, Sutton ing entertainments held in Ashland ? r— apply his Snap Shot. He rubbed Snap Shot liniment rubbing my back about as j local affairs unless officially requested Argentine will be $10,000 a year. the party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. my face for a few minutes and coini letly five minutes whereupon the pain and lame­ avenin 8 ^ie Pr0Per*y constituted authorities C. 5 cored the pain and since that time been al­ ness d'sappeared ana I have felt no further •tn— H. Vaupel —in. last Thursday evening. ’A «21 and then only to those authorities. most wholly free from pain. difficulty. BORN. Er«FliiriSh Rnrliiah!i Third> Believing in the fullest form of My wife was sick with the cholera mor­ J ames H ummer . berg and Mrs. Elizabeth Burlingham . . .’f j.o..erniHPnt for our nartv we bus and took abont half a teaspoonful of Subscribed and appeared to before roe furnished the music, R. A. Minkler was ? I POTTER—In Ashland, Oct. 26, 1899, to the medicine and it cured the trouble at this 4th day of August, 1899. drum major aud the loUowlog i. the G eo . W. TaKraEN. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Potter, a daugh­ once and she never felt anything more of X-^Cjal FredNo’ s,ial’ not inter[ere >n anF a:ata> local Ot it. Notary Public. ter. ? °r Tan» nnrl^Mr« c q ' congressional campaign unless requested skmJ^sonindTi^F^X au%ritie9 FLACUS—In Ashland, Oct. 24, 1899, at home of Wm. Powell, to Mr. and Mrs. Billy Coon and Mri Virgin. Nc J of Wm. Flacue, a daughter. ^“rth, That at the national conven- Mr Ra^Vnkl^r Mr Xnd Mr«’ tif*> tO be held *“ 1900> at leMt One MARRIED, R R «ml SJ2kr month before the other two national eo-renUoue the. debate,, are to be GLIDDEN—POWERS—In Jacksonville, Mre. J. Chrieholm Mr, and Mre G. | i.X” Oct. 21,1899, by Hon. 11 K. Hanns, lar Pop»li9t vote cast in 1892 or since circuit judge, Moses Glidden and Miss Hedburg, Mrs. E. Burningham of Spo­ then. ! i Elizabeth B. Powers. kane, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. G. A. White I Fifth, That, we direct the national sec- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fenton 11 retary ; CRADDOCK—SLOVER—In Gald Hill. in sending out referendum votes and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. Harga- '1 to the national committee to present Sunday. Oct 8.1899, by J. B. R. More- lock, J. P., Wm. Craddock and Miss Address L. A. CREITZ, Clara Slover. Oregon. Care T. R. Ryan, Main St., Ashland. Opposite All Work Accurately and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Promptly Attended to. DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR, SUTTON’S SNAP SHOT. Carpets at Vaupel, Norris de Drake’s. Miss Mansfield of Tolo visited Ashland this week. a man’s chief attraction. Prof. Day Parker took Saturday’s stage I for Paisley. The best figure in the Abe Miller arrived from Klamath Falls Tuesday. world can be spoiled by awk­ L. H. Thomas returned Sunday from a visit at Albany. ward clothing. Our perfect­ Mrs. T. Edwards of Phoenix visited fitting suits, made and guaran­ Ashland yesterday. D. C. Herrin arrived from Portland teed by Hart, Schaffner & yesterday morning. Miss May Grainger is in the clutches Marx, bring out a man’s good of the rheumatism. Miss Lizzie Weaver took the stage for points. They set to his form Klamath Falls Monday. in just the right way, they’re Elmer Patrick returns from. Portland next Thursday to remain. Harry Lee is working for Honeyman, STYLISH, GRACEFUL De Hart & Co. in Portland. D. Brooks, the Medford tinner, did AND COMFORTABLE business here the past week. TOWEAR, T. R. Norris returned yesterday from his mines on Klamath river. M. O. Warner left for Klamath Falla and we will have something yesterday to tune up the pianos. Ten Mills, who is now employed at special to say to you about Medford, visited Ashland Tuesday. prices when you are ready to Mayor W. B. Colton went to Jackson­ ville yesterday on abstract business. buy. » Postmaster Carl Phelps was up from Gold Hill yesterday on a business visit. The Ladies’ Aid of the Christian church will give a Thanksgiving dinner at the church. Henry Werth came over from Fort Jones Frjday and is working for Pelton & Neil. . Plenty of conveyances will be at Win­ ter’s corner for the Dickens Character Social. GUARANTEED OLOTHINQ. Engineer F. H. McDonald has been laid off for over a week on account of ill health. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Lindley left for San Francisco yesterday to spend the CF.NTRAL POINT. winter. John W. Jacobs is in charge of the Har­ Bert Barnes was at Jacksonville yes­ baugh $ pound son. Francisco yesterday to ship the balance latter part of last week. of his cattle. Al Hopkins of Jenny creek moved his The late rains are greatly interfering with Prof. P. J. Head has returned to the fruit picking and packing, family to this section Saturday to reside. Medford from Bandon and was in Ash­ Chas. Lacy formerly of Round lake was O. Harbaugh was in the city Tuesday ana here Saturday going to Ashland, at which Wednesday looking after his mercantile land this week. business in this place. place he will make his new home. Mrs. Jesse Houck went to Jackson­ Win. Robison of Bly returned from the Fred Downing of Grants Pass has been ville yesterday to visit friends, Judge in the community buying and shipping hay Hanna’s family. ▼alley Friday, going home. to that place for his feed store. He is pay­ Apple buyers have been inspecting the ing for No. 1 baled hay $8 per ton, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy visited orchards in this vatley. Dr. Hines’ family at Jacksonville Satur­ Chas. Nickell made the Point a flying day and 8unday. W. H. Mowatt and S. A. Parker returned Sunday from thair bear hunt, killing one visit last Tuesday. Landlord N. Bourgeois of the Ashland deer. Chas. Hamilton of Uniontown was in House returned yesterday from a visit town Tuesday and bought a new wagon of Wm. High of Picard,Cal., passed through at Hornbrook and vicinity. W. J. Freeman, implement man. here Monday. Large stock iron beds, rockers and Fred Hansen of California was in town Milton Gregory and Dan Conner who parlor chairs. Prices always right at have been spending a few days at Tolman Tuesday. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Wm. Constant is in from old Ft. Klam­ Opera House furniture store. springs, returned home to Ashland Tues­ PRICES: October 9,1899. ath after winter supplies. day. L. E. Guilbert fell down an elevator T w n Mart '•‘‘spectfully ask that the members of Notice is hereby given that the following- ..$1.60 R ~ ’ W‘ °* ’ C' both wings of the party in each precinct GOLD A 8ILVER.. Joseph Boswell, who has been working in shaft in his new bank building at Yreka N.™ Al Cooper passed here moving to App’e- nallied settler has filed notice of bis inten­ COPPER.. . ............. Lane and Fred Engle. mfiet Nq * gg at' ;30 p m ..$1.00 the mines near Abrams postofflee, in Cali­ yesterday and broke his ankle. gate. tion to make final proof in support of his fornia, is visiting bis many friends b«-re. claim, and that said proof will be made Mrs. A. Barbour and son came in from and elect one committeeman from each Chas. Silvers and family of Pelican PHOENIX. before Gut Newbury, County Clerk of The New England supper at the M. E. Bay have taken up their residence in Ft. Klamath t*>is week and left yeBter- wing of the party, to meet in Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, at Jacksonville. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The dance given on the 21st by Oregon church last Friday evening was well at­ Vfedford during the school year. day for Etna, Siskiyou county, to enter Dec. 2, 1899, at 11 o’clock a. m. for the Oregon, on November 21, 1899, viz: Samuel Camp,438, W. of W.,waa a howling success. tended. The receipts were $10 60. the boy in school. purpose of harmonizing all differences j T. bonger, on his homestead entry No 8742. A. T. Swearington and wife of Mitch ­ among Populists, and uniting them Miss Jessie Stoops who has been quite til It is reported that Chas. White’s (of for the south-east one quarter, section 14, epartment of the inter ­ Major F. K. Upham of the soldiers under one head onlhe recognized princi- with malarial fever is convalescent Woodville) 19-year-old son is dangerously ellville, Iowa, visited old friends, the Tp. 39, 8 R4 E. ior Land Office at Rosebarg, Oregon, Loomis ’ , in Ashland the last week. home at Santa Monica, was accidentally | plus of the 'People’s party, He names the following witnesses to October 3, 1899. Mrs. Peter Harvey and daughter have re­ sick with spinal meningitis. prove his continuous residence upon and Notice is hereby given that the follow­ Gu8- Landers, who has been employed shot and killed while handling a revol-1 Signed: G ua ^ t R awlings , chairman, turned to San Francisco, after a week’s cultivation of Baid land, viz: Eagle Point Pickings. I J. 8. M c C ain , secretary. ing-named settler has filed notice of his in­ visit with relatives and friends. in a flouring mill at Seattle for over v ver a few days ago. Tbos. Briltson and Lawrence Brittson of tention to make final proof In support of While tunneling a mountain for a Bedford,Oregon, October21_, 1899. The Butte creek farmer is busy putting year, visited Ashland the past week. Professor Sheridan and brother of Cali­ «Mi Shake, Oregon, D. H. Yager of Snow, his claim. and that saia proof will be made in his fall grain, notwithstanding it still fornia are visiting in Phoenix. Oregon, and L. L. Angle of Ashland, before C. H. Witbrow, County Clerk of Foreman E. C. Newell, F. W. Hug- supply of water near Santa Barbara a On Easy Terms, rains. Oregon. Klamath county, Oregon,at Klamath Falls, gerth and R. O. Stine, tunnel carpenters, stream of 26 miners’ inches was Btruck. Mr. and Mrs. Foudrav of this place have \\’e are offering the lots in the Garter J. T. BRIDGES, Register. big traction engine has gone into were down from Siskiyou Monday night. Oregon, on November 11.1899, viz: been visitimr relatives at Henley, Cal. winter Quarters about 8 miles north ot The contest over the estate of Robert Land Co. at such a reasonable price and LEVI L. ANGLE. Miss Jessie Short of Ashland was in Eagle Point. The faithful engineer is still Remember the Dickens Character Mills ended at Redwood City last week, on such easy terms that those who are on his H. K. 8265. for the SE % of NW Phoenix Saturday. with it and will come out next spring in ; Social at the Normal tomorrow evening. The point involved was whether or not | paying rent should look them over. A and Lots 3, 4 and 5. Sec. 6, Twp 40 S, K 5 i Over 100 famous characters will be rep­ West. Mr and Mrs. Alverson have returned to time to vote Mills was the father of Mrs. Chatham’s I payment down and easy monthly He names the following witnesses to Hornbrook, where they will reside Wm. McKee passed through the Point a 1 resented. Admission 10c. children. The jury deided in her favor. W««*ts will secure you one of the prove bis continuous residence upon, and few days ago with a load of nice salmon _ most attractive locations in Ashland for Mrs. 8. Dunlap visited her daughter, Mrs. cultivation of, said land, viz: George Bai­ A cts gently on the taken from Big Butte creek. . Miss May Jones of Chico, Cal., is vis­ The big Zerxa grocery house at Los a hoine. C arter L and Co. Doliarhide, at Siskiyou. ley of Shake, Oregon; D. H. Yeager of iting plowing Although the ground A. Pool has bought the old Eagle Point tive engineer inspector, was here this commanded by General Yule, was falling REASONABLE BATES. Principal of the High 8chool, Buffdale, the 15th. is full wet and heavy in many places the hall an l is now tilting it up for a billiard Texas. E. A. Sherwin. back on Ladysmith bv way of the Help- week. His district comprises Sacra­ farmers had better work their land now ball. Alexander Reid Long, a pioneer of mento to Portland and he thinks serious­ Vacaville, committed suicide a few inakkarr road, Beith and the valleys cf than take chances on the spring weather. W. C. Daley of Lake creek was down a ly of locating his family in Ashland. the Waschbank and Sunday rivers, and Quite a number of our farmers have their days ago by shooting^ He was deapon* was expected to report at Sunday River corn to gather yet, and the ground in the few days ago interviewing our merchants Phil Corkin, the oldest engineer on dent owing to illness. corn fields is very wet and muddy which and explaining this expansion business valley today. General White's command makes it very diiagreesble. Yet it was not Come again, William, our latch string the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, therefore moved out to cover the move­ The late state fair at Sacramento wag A bangs on the outside. who went to work on the O. & 1871, the fault of the farmers that they did not ment of Yule’s column. The enemy was harvest their corn in dry weather. Corn Mr. Faught was down from Antelope the is in charge of the engine that pulls the a great financial success, according to a discovered about seven miles cut of did not ripen as early as usual, and the un­ first of the week laying in the winter sup­ midnight passenger train between Ash­ statement just issued by the directors. ALL KINDS Ladysmith in a position of great natural usual heavy frost and the immediately set­ plies. land and Grants Pass. A number of Modesto merchants were strength west of the road. When be ting in of the heavy rain prevented them M^See us before putting in your win - Hartman and Pool have just finished from getting it gathered in good weather. Red Bluff is considering the passage recently defrauded by a clever forger, saw that preparations were being made ; aux vhb öbnuine - mäht o ay building two barns for the Kader Bros, and of an ordinance requiring telegraph and who passed several worthless checks on against him he opened fire with one gun 1 ter supply. Oak, Laurel, Pine and Fir. John Sizemore returned one day last are now building one for Wert Pool Any I with great accuracy. week from Crook county. one having a barn to build we would ad­ telephone companies to pav rent for using them. Gsueral White’s artillery soon got into the streets for their poles. UT“ Leave orders and get prices at Van Patrick Rogers has been found guilty There are a number of Klamath county vise him to interview the above firm. ............. ».«yg.» position and the gun was silenced. His Sant ’s. Oak, Fir and Pine. There will be divine service in Trinity people in* the valley waiting fur the weather at San Francisco of embezzling $300 Wm. Compton came in from the hills on res sau « oRus&iTi pma »o. rut saint. to clear up so they can get home again If last Monday with a nice load of venison for Episcopal church on Sunday next at 11 from the Pacific Coast Marine Firemen’s troops were ordered to occupy a strong they won't get in t>>o big a burry and jusr family use. We have tried every plau that a. m. All are invited. Sunday School union. There are other charges of em­ ridge parallel to the enemy’s position but neater to the road. General White con­ wait till next June in our opinion ttiev will our tertile brain could devise to get hold of at 10 a. m. bezzlement against him. The union is fined his efforts to occupying him and have a fine journey across the mountain some of that venison, but no go. Weeven and not get wet either. Miss Ora Adkins of Medford left yes­ $17,000 short in its accounts. tried to get board with the gentleman out bittinfl him bard enough to prevent his ASHLAND, OREGON. taking action against Yule’s column. Several of our nirprods are in the moun he said no, for he could not feed any one on terday for San Francisco to spend the Gee Seok shot and killed his cousin otice is hereby given that venison without laying himself liable to a tains bunting the ouck and getting wet. winter in the milder climate of Califor­ of the enemy fled to the west and business partner Gee Duck, at Numbers The buck may escape but the hunter won’t heavy fine. I trust our lawmakers will so nia. sealed bids will be received by the and the firing had practically ceased at 2 change the law that a fellow can get veni ­ Bakersfield. The deed was a deliberate •scape getting a wetting. School Board of School District No. 5 of son when he pays a visit to bis neighbor. Attorney Geo. 8. Nickerson was in murder. Seok stood iu hiding opposite o’clock. ________________ R atleb . I London, Oct. 25.—The latest War Office Jackson County. Oregon, until and includ­ town yesterday en route to Klamath “They are simply perfect,” writes Rob’t. uc s store, and as the proprietor step- seems to realise the worst feare, Falls frqm business with the supreme Moore, of La Favarte. Ind . ot DeWitt’s A Number of Lots Already Sold. ped off the doorstep two bullets were | General Yule has abandoned not only ing Friday, December 1, 1899, for the erec­ court at Salem- Little Early Risers, the* famous little pills” tired into his body. Dundee, but Glencoe also, and so far as tion of a two-story and basement,six-room, We have already disposed of eight of for oonsnpation and ail liver ailments J. M. Gregory and Dan Conner, the Nathan Weld Tallant of San Fran-1 present news would indicate, he has brick or frame school house in said District the lots in the new H. B. Carter addi­ Meyer gripe, Eugene A Sherwin. invalid Philippine veterans, came down tion to those who will make their hqmes cisco, died suddenly at Astoria, Or., •> neither joined General White nor'reached No. 5, to be completed on or before July 15, theron. Let us ehow you the property. from Tolman’s Springs Tuesday. Dan Saturday from a paralytic stroke. y Are going to give some Prices General M hite’s “success- Acetylene Gas returned yesterday to still further ex ­ C astes L and C o . , „ „ . „ „ ful action,” announced in Parliament 1900. \ A/ L inflLDWWQLinPQtomalie periment with the mud for his rheuma­ Be independent of Gas and Electric light At San Francisco Harry Sniffer, a sea-1 by j^r. Wyndham, seems to resolve itself Said school bouse to be built according to corporations and own your own lighting Frank Hasty, who left Ashland last tism. man, is suing Captain H. H. Bodfish of into a mere engaging of the Free State I L room for Fall Stock. plant. The NATIONAL ueneralor does March with the intention of taking a trip the plans and specifications, for both brick Mrs. H. A. Hansen, wife of the rail­ the steam whaler Beluga, and the Pa* troops, while General Yule is slipping nqt have to be cared for oftener than oner to the Klondike but was switched off by _ road man, who has been in Sacramento 1 cific Steam Whaling company for $10,- J southward. and frame, in the office of the Clerk of said in 15 days. It is positively safe and is recommended by all insurance boards. We , the Buffalo Hump mining boom, returned the past few montl)8, returned to Ash­ 000, for the severe treatment he received It is evident from the official dispatch­ District at Ashland, Oregon to Ashland Mouday as invigorated as a light residences, churches, store-», factories land Sunday with a brand new girl baby by the former on a vessel of the com-1 es that both Commandant General Jou­ and towns at 40 per cent less than other fighting.cock, and has again taken up his seven weeks old. Ht*r sister, Mias Susie All bids will have careful consideration bert’s column on the north and the systems with double the illumination. To i insurance business which has been han­ Wrston, of Shaste Springs, came with ' pany while on a whaling cruise In the Orange Free State troops on the west but the board reserves the right to reject responsible parties will ship machines on dled by E. J. Farlow Arctic ocean. He spent the ' her to visit for some time. now occupy strong positions and that thirty days trial. first few months selling mining stocks in General Funston, formelry colonel of | nothing hinders the Boers from following any and all bids. Send for free booklet on Acetylene Gas the Buffalo Hamp and then went with a H. S. Sanford returned Monday after Parties wishing tofi'e bids should mark the Kansas regiment now at San Fran-1 up General Yule’s retirement and getting We want good agents railroad surveying party through eastern a rough trip from his Pelican bay duck around Ladysmith from the southeast. NATIONAL ACETYLENE GAS CO.. them •• Bid for School House, District No. shooting trip. He brought in a pelican , cisco, has been offered a brigade to com­ Washington and eastern Oregon. Buffalo, N. Y for his wings which., reach 10 feet from mand if he will return to the Philip­ Until reinforcements arrive it seems 5” and file them with the Cferk of the Dr. Ciias.. Hines, the Jacksonville tip to tip. W. E. Conner wil[return the pines. He has accepted the offer and that General White is obliged to concen­ Board at Ashland, Oregon. trate on Ladysmith. Last week a man named Joseph Huff, physician and coroner of Jackson couutv last of this week. will return as soon as he visits Kansas It is believed that the Government a German, aged about 44 years, lately is closing up his practice and business By order ot the Board. r I liave other dispatches that have not yet Mrs. Jane White went to Rock Point with his old regiment. from Nebraska, and a resident of Rose­ and will locate in Portland. Hi and his GEO. W. TREFREN, Clerk. A general strike on the Great North­ been published. barg, Oregon, met with a very bad run­ family will move to the metiopolis in a yesterday where her grandson, Carlos away accident on the grade somewhere few weeks. Their many friends in South­ White, is very low with spinal menin­ ern will probably occur within a very- The Late Kains In California. gitis. between Ager and Klamathon, by which ern Oregon regret to part with them. few days. It will include conductors, his leg was broken in three or four places. Mrs. Celia Bachand and little daugh­ engineers,firemen,brakemen and switch­ I The rainfall for this season of the Two men suspected of being the foot­ He was found by the section bands on pads ter returned home to Sisson Tuesday af­ men. and the men expect to tie up the year has been unusually heavy, and has who nearly killed an honest laborer the side of the road a short distance ter a visit with her folks, John T. Fru- road from end to end. In the great extended generally over the state north north of Ager, the horse having come to named Shook near Comstock were ar­ Ian’s family. rested on the blind baggage of a night strike of five years ago the oouduotors from the Tehachapi. It was probably Laird’s, while the buggv was all broken J. H. Wadsworth, wife and son left held aloof, but they have been brought heaviest in the Sacramento valley, from to pieces and scattered along the road. train at Eugene and taken to Roseburg. Mrs. Bash, Propr, | Near Ashland, Oregon. He was taken to the county hospital at They gave their names as Chas. Gannon Saturday for San Francisco to attend into the present trouble by a recent or­ which section two inches of rain were and AL Aewell and are said to be former the funeral of their brother-in-law, Dr. der requiring them to pay for bends Yreka, ¡reported Saturday afternoon for the residents of Douglas county but now en­ H. D. Robertson, an account of whose There’s always hope while there'* One gaged in hoboing. Shook could not iden­ accidental death appears on first page. covering damages to train under thei» present storm. San Francisco has had • •• charge. The list of grievances given Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneu­ tify them aud they were released. It was believed that he was recovering, by the men is a long one, and they 1.90 inches, which brings the season’s monia left my lungs in bad shape and I "The Import of the Jewish Jubilee” but the day he died his leg became black claim to have been unable to secure any­ fall up to 3.49 inches. The season’s was near the first stages of consumption rainfall up to the corresponding date He did Lunches Put Up. One Minute G>ueh Cure completely cured will be the subject of Sunday morning's necessitating its amputation. me,” writes Helen McHenry, rtisiDark, N discourse at the Baptist - church by the not survive the shock. Mr. and Mrs. thing like satisfaction from the manage­ last year was, 1.75 inches. The Yuba, D. Gives instant relief. Eugene A. Sher­ pastor, Rev. A. M. Russell, bunday Wadsworth will return to Ashland to ment. Since last March grievance com­ Feather and other rivers are reported as win. school at 9:45 a. m. Young people’s spend several months after which they mittees have bean almost constantly rising. Damage has been reported to All Passengers Trains “Walk-in’’ Miller and his whiskers meeting at 6:30 p, m. Evening service will make theii home at Seattle, Wash. iu St. Paul trying to reaoh some agree­ the bean crop and a quantity of hay in j ment with the railway offldab, but | the Sacramento valley. In San Luis will be the one attraction at the Modoc at 7:30. All are kindly invited. Stop 30 Minutes for Meals R. M. Bennett of MinneapolisandGeo. county teachers’ institute next week. I Obispo county 150,000 sacks of un­ As this is the busiest time of the year F Raynolds of Cheboygan, Mich., arriv­ without result. So near the lava beds Joaquin may have for shipments of cattle and other live ed in Ashland Tuesday and are guests of At a meeting of the supreme oouncil threshed grain is ruined. The second pleasant dreams of happy days gone by. stock, cars are in great demand, espec­ H Mattern. They are the principal own­ crop of grapes is mostly under cover, —Lakeview Examiner. ially in Siskiyou county. Orders are on file ers in the Mattern mine and are becom­ of Iudia, held at Simla, C. M. Rivas as all vineyardists had ample warning and that the famine-affected areas oom- torrar, Bfrç rc ' ing mg mierested m uumr properties, The ine The last term of circuit court held in at Gazelle for over 200 cars, and large interested in other properties. of the approaching storm. Only those ns i gentleman will remain several weeks. prised 100,090 miles of of British terri­ that did not heed the warning have suf­ Lake county cert linly speaks well for numbers are wanted at all other stations 1 ! This is their first visit since they sold i tory and 250,000 miles of the territory the people of the county. The jurymen between Edgewood and Hornbrook. It Central Oregon State Normal School, Drain, Oregon. fered damage. The great quantity of were discharged the first day of court, has been impossible to get all the cars the Ashland mine for $125,000 cash to of th? native states, each section con­ water and snow in the mountains will and the judge and lawyers were com­ needed, but the company is furnishing the Montreal and Spokane capitalists. taining upward of 15,000,000 people. Will open its doors for the new school year on September 11,1899. The buildings havq pelled to quit for lack of something to installments of 20 or 30 a day, while a been thoroughly renovated and improved. New apparatus added and other improve­ The situation in the central provinces, be of immense benefit to mining ^nd I— SEVERAL BRIGHT AND i j ANTED-SEVERAL agricultural interests in the state. Min. train load of cattle leaves Gazelle every made for the comfort and convenience of the students. Good Boarding and do.—Lakeview Register. to itpi represent ua us • as North 1 Mattresses Made Over, ' ments honest persons pvi w - Man- . , - Particularly — Berad^GuzeraL - — ----------- Dormitory Advantages al the lowest possible rate. Uniform State Normal School day when cars can be obtained. ing operations, which had to be sus- agers in this and close by counties. , Deccan, Southeast aud Central Punjah, Emil Holden hoe purchased from . - -. . - • .4 | pended on accouut of scarcity of water, Course. ' Complete Training School in connection with the Normal, where Seniors are Pianos Polished, General professionally Marriage licenses have been granted Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight , Bad or a. Indore and Rajdutana, WM trained under the supervision ot a Critic Teacher, who will give his entire Grotefend the lot on East street immedi no more, no less salary. Pori- tinctlv tn-ave will be at once resumed. Graduates of this school ate given a credit of Thirty Month’s Teach­ Jobbing : : : : : ! time to this work. aiely south of the residence of J. G by County Clerk Newbury as follows: bona-ti'le, ti n permanent Ou- references, any bank , • 8 ing Experience, which enables them to reach the Life Diploma in the quickest and most Garden. lie has let a contract to D. F Tbo*. F. McAndrew and Frances Isabelle in anv town. It is mainly office work con­ Klamath Falla Republican: Travel ria I Superior job printing of every descrip- Bennett to erect a seven-room cottage Smith; Moeee Glidden and Elizabeth B. ducted at home. Reference. Enclose self- th* Ashland stage baa bean unusually heavy I tian aone at T bs V alley R ecoud office, Flue Cleaning a Specialty. satisfactory manner. Send your address for complete catalogue Xo Powers ; Adolphus H. Engle and Mrs. fW“Leave orders at H. S. Evans’ Paint with all modern improvements.—Red­ addressed reaaed stamped enveloi>e, envelope. .the past weak, many nsoDla Mining and JNO. B, WALKER» A. M., President of Faculty. TgSDvurrw do., Dept 8, Chicago. I by t&mfe7 P P S Store, Ashland, Oregon. Sousa riming. ding Searchlight. Job printing at this office. ••• THE WONDERFUL DESTROÏER D INFLAMMATION IN MAN OR BEAST R. K. SUTTON. PROP VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLET RECORD. Violin Lessons By Competent Teacher : : : OF LONG EXPERIENCE. Hotel uTc.“4‘ “¡"8- 'I W D K idneys , L iver and B owels ““|’u‘LcíNRfR'XZ Ashland- . STEAM— Laundry:: WOOD TIER WOOD: (ÄllfvRNIA pG ÂYRVP^- Notice to Contractors. CORD WOOD: R. W. Beach Bros., N ODDS 9 ENDS SPECIAL! SPECIAL Come in and get a bargain CHEAP Bush’s Restaurant! Meals 25 W The Fair Store