VALLEÏ EECORD. Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SüBScjuPTioN R atus : One Y ear .••••••••••••■•«••»••»••• $1 75 8ix Months............................................ 1 00 Three Months........................................ 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD ASHLAND, OREGON VOL. XII. ASHLAND, JACKSON KLAMATH COUNTY. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1899. .......ASHLAND, OREGON . $175 7 NO. 22. ntBSSEP BRICKS. Cannot be better spent than bv subscrib ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.76 gives you all the news for a year. Try it! Clara Fitch’s Murderer. Probate Court. Portlifijd Oregonian, Oct. 20.] Attorney J. W. Hamaker was in San The will of Chas. Winters has been Miss Hattie Dunning left Saturday for Francisco iast week. The McDaniel murder case has been admitted to probate. Hazle, Dakota, Estate of John O’Brien, inventory and the object of the grand jury’s attention Wm. Robison arrived from Jackson Mrs. Mattie Rivers and her husband for the past seven days, and will probab appraispient filed ; an order was issued ville Saturday on a business trip. ly be concluded this afternoon. The exempting certain personal property are sojourning in New York. - Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, Miss Lottie Dozier of Klamath Falls prosecution has introduced a vast from taxation and authorizing the sale Miss Margaret Stanley was up from has returned to Emigrant creek. amount of evidence in the abstract and of part of property of said estate. Continental Household * Paint, and CEMETICO. FIT FINISH MATERIAL r • very little comparatively bearing on the Born, in Klamath Falls, Oct. 12th, to Jacksonville Sunday on a visit. Dr. A. C. Helm, at one time during A. A. DavA the Medford milling cap direct commission of the deed. The the wife of Samuel Summers, a son. length of time devoted to the case shows the real estate booming period a promi italist, was here Saturday on business. A daughter' was born to the wife of *aaj0*^FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK nent and wealthy citizen of Ashland, GUARANTEED MEANSYour J. S. Herrin returned Sunday from that all the details are being followed but ever since his departure a practicing Gilbert G. Anderson at Olene, Oct. 18th. up, and that every clew, near or remote, a business trip to Medford and Jackson noney returned if the article Is not is being traced to its source. For in physician at Sawyers Bar, Siskiyou coun Geo. McDonald and family of Langell ville, © ty, was on Sunday’s train for Albany to stance, the finding of the rough pencil valley have been doing Jackson county. as represented. Mrs. A. B. Miller, wife of the locomo sketch on the spot where the murdered visit relatives. He is doing well now, S. P. Moss of Chewauoan has sold to tive engineer, went to Portland Sunday Clara Fitch was found.on July 20tli had being the physician for several mining Louis Gerber 1000 head of yearliog sheep no real bearing on the case, but all the companies operating in that section and to visit friends. . " * ’ for $2.75 per head. Our Copper Riveted Overalls and Spring Bottom Pants are receiving $1 per month for each employe. Mrs. Sarah Harris, attera visitof some facts connected with its history have L. W. Crance and family have return weeks with Talent relatives, returned to been placed before the grand jury, in or He was returning fr.>m the Odd Fellows perfect in every respect and are guaranteed. For sale everywhere. ed to Ashland fot the winter from their Sisson Sanday. der that no clew, however dim, may be celebration and blowout at San Francisco. Ft. Klamath ranch. omitted. One remarkable phase in the Nick Cusick was down from Middle Miss Emma Gabush arrived last week case has come to light, and that is the Mrs. C. H. Humphrey visited her from Holdridge, Neb., to live with her prosecution now admits that Miss Fitch Creek Friday. He is now employed at daughter, Mrs. E. A. Carter, at Ashland, folks in Ashland. Ashland around the roundhouse and as and McDaniel returned together from extra fireman. Recently while wiping an and is now visiting relatives at Sacra SA.N FRANCISCO Cycle Park on the night of the murder, J. R.Wick, who has been keeping the, engine hp slipped and fell off the locomo mento. flies off Ashland Butte albsimmer, has but the state will also show that both tive, he sustaining painful injury to his parties went back to the park together, Capt. 8. S. Mathers, special agent of returned to town. < ' x- though th« hour was late. It was a back and hip. He is now at his Middle the general land department passed MÍ88 Nellie Dickey finished the . Cove bright, beautiful moonlight night, and Creek home on a vacation, recovering ’ through -this week for Lakeview from Josephine County’s Assessment. Fatal Accident to Dr. Robertson. & district summer school Friday and re- the walk back again would not have from the effects of an accident.—Red Roseburg. turned to Ashland. For the year 1899: been an unlikely one for lovers “out for ding Searchlight. Dr. H. D, Robertson of San Francisco, Wm. McCormack of Paisley and Miss and formerly of Yreka, who has been out 18,188 acres tillable land........ $ 194,5 The old reliable—The Weekly Oregonian. * D. T. Pritchard, ’the clever Medford a stroll.” The prosecution, therefore, Frances U’Ren the the teacher, were at Bray’s place on Antelope in Butte 270,872 acres non tillable land. 248,4 watchmaker «nd jeweler, was an Ash will try to prove that the murder was married at Oregon City Sunday. They oommitted after a second visit to the creek valley, for the past two weeks, met I m p. on deeded lands.......... 79,9 land Visitor Sunday. , - • ■*’’ ’ - will reside at Paisley. park, and that the deed was done by with a very serious accident while on a 3,297 town lots............................ 100,2 Mrs. Margaret Smith left Saturday for none other than Frank McDaniel. It is Ches. B. Parker of Lakeview has leased bear hunt last Monday, by the accident Imp. on town lots...................... 114,0 Wm. Harvey’s band of 4000 sheep and her old home in Ohio, after residing at more than probable that a true bill will al discharge of his rifle, the bullet pas Imp. on undeeded lands.......... ■ 62,7 ranch at Paisley. The latter and his Ashland for 25 years. be found against the accused, and that <,»»». sing through the instep of his right foot. 30.92 miles railroad bed........... 132,9 family will visit Ireland. He hail succeeded in killing three bears Railroad /oiling stock................ 16,f John W. Wily returned from San the trial will be a long and tedious one. on the hunt, and. being both delighted 126 miles teleg. and teleph.... 6,8 Chas. L. Parrish and Arthur Benson Francisco Saturday where he had taken Patronize Home Industries. and excited, he neglected to adjust the Merchandise................................. 67,5 took in the 50th anniversary of Odd Fel three carloads of hogs. Opera House Block, Ashland. safety of Ms Savage rifle, in putting it in Farming implements................. 22.8 Consumers shbuld use Ashland canned lowship in California at the celebration “Gen.” Purdy of “God’s Regular the case, hence the slide which caused Steamboats, etc.......................... 44,5 tomatoes — why? Because they are grown in San Francisco last week. Army” is infesting Independence, Polk 8,9: it to shoot, was evidently pushed, so that Money........................ on trees raised on Ashland soil, cultivat or The^nnqal report of Agent O. C. Ap county with his presence. it discharged the bullet through his Notes and accounts........ 74,5 ed by native sons, and packet! by the plegate shows that there.are now on the ieavy hunting boot and right foot. The II shares of stock:................. 7! Fred Hansen arrived from Napa, Cal., nimble fingers of native daughters. Klamath reservation 1145 Indians, 731 Saturday tn look after his business in When you see a thing to your interest, avage is a gun that has no lock or trig Household furniture................. 52,5 of whom are Klamaths, 217 Modocs, 103 terests in Jackson county. ger, and is discharged by a slide, secured 1,405 horses and mules.............. 25,3 push it qlong. V Piutes and 94 Pitt Rivers. 40,2' by whM is called a safety when adjusted 3,633 cattle................................. Window shades, lace curtains, portiere, Ex-Gcv. Dord Gets a Job. to prevent going off. It also shoots a 296 sheep and goats.................... 3 y. C. B. Watson the loquacious district linolum, carpets, art squares and rugs, bullet that expands after diecharge from 1,829 swine............... 3,5 attorney, was to have lectured in Klam at Opera House furniture. r ¿i Washington, D. C., Oct. 23.—Ex-Gov a small bore, making an ugly and danger ath Falls on his return to Ashland from ernor W. P. Lord, of Oregon, was today ous wound. He was taken to San Fran $1,297,025 Lakeview. People were otherwise en Gross value................... Phillip Mullen and W. T. Beagle wen,t appointed minister to Argentine Repub cisco where he died Thursday.—Yreka Exemptions...................... 147,720 gaged and did not favor him with an to Cole’s Saturday to do the assessment lic. The place was tendered him some Journal, Oct. 20. audience. He announces that he will work on the Spencer mine. time ago, and he has notified the presi Total taxable property.......... $1,149,305 deliver the lecture when the November Quick delivery—The Weekly Oregonian. Horace Pelton, the well-known stock dent of his acceptance. The following table ¿bows the valua term of circuit court convenes. . Whether raiser of Sams Valley, made Ashland Ix»r me say I have used Ely’s Cream tion of Josephine county’s taxable prop thia is a hint that an audience had better friends a social visit Sunday. Balm for catarrh and can thourallv recom erty during the past twelve years, the be there is not elucidated in the an mend it for what it claims. Very truly, Wm. Maass, the carpenter, went to - (Rev.) OB rate in mille of the .state levy for each nouncement. H. W. Hathway. Elizabeth, N. J. Siskiyou Sunday to join Newell’s tunnel year, and the amount paid to the state I tried Ely’s Creain Balm, and to all ap Karl’s Clover Root Tea Christian Endeavor Convention. repairing crew for the winter. treasury on account of the levy: pearances am cured of caiarrh. The terri ble headaches from which 1 long suffered Rate jn ni tha Complexion, Purifies the Taxable The Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Wm. M. Potter, after a visit with his are gone. — W. J. Hitchcock, late Major U. “ -‘"p a F rash, Clear Skin. Cures Con - Year. Milla. Property. counties (district) convention of ‘ the wife in Ashland, left Monday to work in 8. In ! !l Ke»tion, and all Eruptions of Vol anti A. A. Gen. Buffalo, N. Y. 1888... I 814,696 ,n- An agreeable Laxative Nerve 4 Young People’s Christian Endeavor so the box factory at Klamathon. A 10c. trial size or the 50c. size of Ely ’ s f> . Sold on absolute guarantee by all 1889.. . • t 916,251 6 ¥ II. \J. LVHllU, Main St. Opp. 1.0.0. P. Hall. cieties was an interesting event in the druggists at 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Mrs. Rube Mitchell and infant of Cream Balm will be mailed. Kept by 4 12-35 1890.. . 777,079 s. C. WELLS A CO., LEROV, N. V. church world of Ashland from Friday to druggists. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., 1891.. . 1,163,077 5 SOLE PROPRIETORS « Sunday. It was the seventh annual con Edgewood went to Grants Pass Sunday N. Y. Six-room residence on Spring 1892.. . 1,417,754 7 vention, and the Presbyterian church to visit her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Dean. F-A-IJSTTS, T^IJSTTZEIRS’ TOOLS, Comstock Foot Pads. street, between 1st and 2d Av 1893.. . 1,325,766 4 3-10 was properly decorated for the occasion. Geo. R. Hammersley has purchased FORSALE BY EUGENE A. SHERWIN 1894.. . 1,246,789 3 The fullowing delegates were present the Kubli giant and pipe and is operating WALL PAPER, G-L-iJLSS. ETO. Cottage Grove, Oct. 21.—Hiram Shook enues. Blacksmith shop and 1895.. . 1,206,441 4 8-10 from outside towns: it on his placer mine on Ward’s creek. was shot in the breast by two unknown B uilding P apers , W bappivg P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 14 From Grants Pass—Rev. Chas. W. Hays, three lots. Address or call on 1896.. . 1,200,286 4 R. W. Beach, the rustling wood dealer, men today in Pass creek canyon, near STOVES ! 1,164,796 79 Misses Mary Coe. Vera Smith, Marjorie 1897.. . 3« the rock quarry on the Southern Pacific, 1898.. . 1,141,889 5 7-10 77 Kenney and PauleneCoe; Albert Coe, How was at Woodville the first of the week Beven miles south of here. It appears J. L. HEFLINQ., ard Moore, G. P. Moore, Miss Parker, G. loading several cars of oak for the Ash that these men and Shook were about to Three Doctors in Conuultation. W. A. P. Cramer. land market. Ashland, Oregon. make a trade, when Shook jingled some Medford—Miss Lillian Barr. Jackson From Benjamin Franklin. Delbert Terrill’s first shipment of beef money in his pocket. The men then ville—J. C. Whipp, Misses Maude Prim. “When you are Bick, what you like best Mabel Prim, Inez Kitchen, Isa Cook, Kate cattle out of the valley this fall consisted proceeded to rob him. Shook, having a is to be chosen for a medicine in the first Cronemiller, Lula Jones, Laura Reames. of six carloads which went to the Oak revolver, ehot at them, missing. They place; what experience tells you is best Lucinda Reames, Marie Nickell, Edith land Meat Co. took the revolver away from him anil This school is now under state control; is the largest and most progressive to be chosen in the second place; wbat Priest. Kate l^mberger, Messrs. Joe Broad, school m Southern Oregon New buildings, new apparatus and fixtures, • E. B. Duffy, the clever traveling freight shot him in the breast. They then took There will be a Hot Time reason (i. e., Theory) says is beet is to be Ernest Elmer. nne campus, healthful location, delightful climate, excellent influences for The newly elected officers are: Pres and passenger agent of the Denver & Rio ais money, amounting to $22.: His in the Old Town whenthoes chosen in the last place. But if you can students. Course of study the asuie as at other Normals of the state. Best wound is seriouaand he cannot live. A Grande railroad, was in the valley Satur ident, Geo. Cramer. Grants Pass; 1st Vice 123 New Stoves arrive at get D r . I nclination , D r . E xperience Pres., E F. Washburn, Klamath Falls; 2d aevantages for vocal and instrumental music to be found in Southeru warrant has bee» sworn outjorthe men. day on fruit shipments. Jack Morris’ Second Hand and D r . R eason to hold a consultation Vice Pres., Miss Kate Lemberger, Jackson Oregon. Training school fully equipped and in charge of a thorough critic T Store. Ranges, Cook Stoves teacher. Tuition $6.25 per term; Music $5.00 and $10.00 per term; Board together, they will give you the best ad ville: 3rd Vice Pres., Miss Lillian Barr, T. F. Gooch and wife of Medford have' How to Prevent Croup. at ball $1.75 and lodging 50-cents per week, student furnishing bed clothes; and Air-Tights. Old stoves vice that can be taken.” JACKSONVILLE, Medford; Secretary, Mrs. D. L. Rice, Ash been visiting Father Clem and wife in We have two children who are subject family board $2.50 and $3 00. $125 pays all expenses for one year's school taken in exchange for new When you have a bad cold Dr. Incli land; Treasurer, Miss Rosa Dodge, Ash Ashland and left Monday to spend the ing, including books. The shortest and most thorough route to a State OREGON. to attacks Of croup. Whenever an attack ones. -:- nation would recommeud OhambeiIain’s land. winter in Santa Rosa, Cal. Certificate is the Normal Course. Review classes for teachers throughout fs coming on my wife gives them Cham- It was voted to hold the next convention Cough Remedy because it is pleasant the year. First term opens September 11th. 1899. For catalogue or in Hon. and Mrs. E. D. Foudray returned betlalMs Gough. Remedy and it always First Shipment September 1st at Medford in the third week of October, and safe to take. Dr. Experience would formation, address: W. T. V AN 8COY, President. to Phoenix Sunday from a visit with a prevents the attack, It is a household Boarding School for Girls. recommend it becauee it never fails to 1900. relative, J. P. Hicks, the hotel landlord necessity in this county and no matter effect a speedv and permanent cure. Mrs. A. Y. Beach of Lakeview left Sun- ( at Henley, Siskiyou county. what We run out of, it would not do to be Dr. Reason would recommend it because day for Portland after a visit with Ashland ,F0R TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS Miss Gertrude Sutton, assistant prin wifhout Chambelain’s Obqgh Remedy. tives. Miss Grace Beach gave an “at it is prepared on Scientific principals,tend Ashland, Oregon. More of it ig solfi here than of all other SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES, acts on nature’s plan in relieving the home” in her honor Saturday evening, the < cipal of the Medford public school, and cough medicines, combined.—J. M. lungs, opening the secretions and restor following being present to enjoy the even Miss Louise Ganiere, the Talent instruct-, ♦ Jacksonville, Oregon. ’s entertainment: Misses Belle Ander- , or, were oyer Sunday visits in Ashland. N ickle , of Nickle Bros., merchants, • ing the system to a natural and bealthv ing son, Louise Ganiere. May and Gertrude Nickleville, Pa. For sale by E. A. Sher- condition; For sale by E. A. S herwin , button, Edith and Olive Gregory, Maud The ladies of the Bqptist Chqrch will wki ,. Druggist. Druggist. ' ________ Berry, Minnie Rockefellow, Nellie Ewkn, serve a ^ew England Dinner, Friday, Elsie Patterson, Ethel Walrad, Emma Lakeview Examiner:.' M. A. Loosely, Riddles, Oct. 21.—John M. Jackson’q Ewan, H. L- Whited qnd wife, T. F. Ker Oct. 27, in the lower floor of the Wil X Has Returned and Has Equipped His warehouse collapsed yesterday morning morning. shaw and wife. Eugene Berry, Clarence liams block. Lunch and a social time formerly editor of the Klamath Repub- ; licat),.and a talented young gentleman, There were ifeyeral general men in the buildin building Lane, Fred Neil, Geo. Walsworth, W. W. in the evening. + Old Established Gallery in Ashland With »rrived last Thursday and has been set My. Sheppert Shepperq Hevener. at the time, but only two, Mr. Harry Lee, who has made many friends tling up business affairs and looking at STONE MASOR and Peter Ulam, received a»y injuries, Eugene Guard, Oct. 21: Mrs. H. E. during his stay of a year or more in Ash CONTRACTOR. and they but slight. The warehouse Ankeny passed through today from Port land, has again taken up his residence, the country daring the week. contained about 5500 bushels of wheat, land to San Francisco to join her hus in Portland, going to that place last HEAL ESTATE Carbon Finish. OREGON. two carloads of prunes, and a carload of band, whois in that city a delegate to Thursday. ASHLAND, Photoe in Water Colors. > Diary .I Coolidgs to G Labg; land in-Ash At the old stand opposite salt. The house was built last summer, the mining convention, having been ap The law firm by the name of Bonham, land. $100. •. . < t ■ < Pictures in the Latest Styles. I. O. O, F. Hall. but the foundation was faulty. The pointed by Gov. Geer. M iss Dee Ankeny (¿Lang to Mgry J Coolidge; lot 35, Cool Jeffry & Martin, of Salem, has been Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. Contracts for all kinds loss is about $600. arrived home on the same train from changed to Bonham & Martin, John A.. idge^ add to* Ashland, $25. ! Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. : A R Miner to G Wurowson; lots 41, 42. of Mason Work. Jeffry having leased his interest to the 43144, Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s for Portland. 45. 46and W, Miner's' add to Ash- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di firm and retired. your carpets. They have received a fine Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon. | : jSh Carey Margaret Lauchlan; Laue hlan; lota lots 21, 21, gests food without aid .from the stomach, line which are being offered at bottom Carey tQ. tQ Mfu-garet Mrs. Joe Frizell went to Yreka Sun-' klb o A 'èOAA GIVE ::: US ::: A and at the same time heals and restores CALL. 22/23 and 24, bite 9, Ashland. $600. the diseasea organs. It is the only rem day where she joined her husband and "CtHrt Winters TO A flha J effrey .lots and 7 Furnishes either blue or brown prices. they leave this week for San Francisco 8, blk 22. Medford, $1. It is said there are today, but 1400 sur edy that does both of these things and can w: sandrock from his quarry near vivors of the early Indian wars in Ore be relied upon to permanently cure dys where he is employed in the telephone John. F White to Martha B Howard, s w fl Ashland. pepsia. E. A. 8herwin. i line repairing business. gon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, 1-Tof h e V4 apq w 12 of s e 14,..and n w Lloyd Collar Leonard J, Kaiser. PICTURES! including the widows. The object of the Among the numerous new families J. D. Fay, forest ranger near Lake of 144 df n i 1*4,• sec 7, twp 39 ir, if 2 w,160 acres, $800. Indian war veterans bill before the house coming to Ashland from the east this the Woods, was in Ashland Monday eu PICTURE FRAMES! D octor of representatives for the past 20 years past week are a family from Norfolk, route home to Jacksonville. The pay ok Chgs Winters to Henriette . Ficke, land ; Itt Jacksonville, $1. I is to place them on the pension list. Neb., being W. P. Powell and his chil the rangers stoppeb on the 15th and Jim. AD Helman to Wm H Peuter, land in The amount fixed in the bill is $8 a dren, Miss Sadie M. Powell, Mrs. C. E. says he “got mad and quit.” Ashlgnd. $90., : i MOLDINGS A CO, month. Hazen, Joseph Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Moore et al to Sarah A Cantrail, CABINET WORK W. E. Pettenger, private secretary ol land in Jacksonville, $4K. ' Specialists for Im Since the retirement of Speaker Reed, Walter Powell, jr. They are here to lo , UPHOLSTERING Yreka, California. These phy»ict*n> have been Supt. L. R. Fields, accompanied by his : f Mary E McCall to B'A Sherwin, lots in local veterans of the early Indian wars cate. curing weakness and con GENERAL REPAIRING wile returned to Portland Saturday.. .1 Ashland. $300. : L :u ■ at least believe that the last obstacle to tracted ailment« since 1881. OF FURNITURE They have the largest and Twelve to seven in favor of the high They had been the guests of Chief Train. .,X,D Hyde to Jaeob Strjjss,, interest in the passage of the bill has been removed. best equipped medical in* ditch ana water right conveyed from the Dispatcher G. C. Morris and wife. school team was the result of last Sat stitutmn, and the most,ex Estate of Kaspar Kubli, $125. tensive practice in the U. ft. urday’s foot ball game between that nine MANY A LOVER Capt. W. W. Hevener returned to the of Oregon to Louisa j Wright, s 1-2 Ka Pay Till €are4. and the town boys. The next game is S. P. D. & L. Co.’s saw mill in Jose of State AT THE sec 36, twp 40, s. r 2 e, $400. 4 UnlortunsU men who co- Has turned with disgust from an otherwise for Saturday. ASHLAND not cxll ehould write ior Mi Thos G Reames to Jacksonville Mining phine county Monday to resume the lovable girl with an offensive breath. ne. U<1 prtr.1. book— UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Karl’s Clover Root Tea purifies the breath Work has been resumed, after a lapse work that was interfered with several and Milling Co, land in tp 37 s, r 3 west; ZUTABUSMIU U YCa«^ Tbo^«rS UL. by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing of six years, on the International nickel weeks ago by a buzz saw fooling with his $100. F E Bybee to M M Bybee, 19.47 acres in else will. Sold for years on absolute guar j i letter» «ntu>uuxi. x<> Charge for Consultation. fingers. tpw 37 s, r 2 west, aad other lands; $1200. antee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugene mine at Riddles. The superntendent, 731 SU? FBLNciScO } Ekvator Entrance. Judge W. A. Carter of Gold Hill came Fred Sanderson, has orders to take out Amanda A Kellogg to J 8 Howard, prop A. S herwin , Druggist. and ship 200,000 pounds of ore this fall. to Ashland Saturday morning to remain erty in Medford, $180. O & C R R Co to Thos G Reames, s 1-2 Gold Standard Mining Company, $100,- over Sunday but was compelled to return of s w 1-4, sec 25, twp 37 s, r 3 w, $200, on the evening train to attend to business 000; Ashland ; H. L. McWilliams, F. G. Thos G Reames et al. to P S Casey, land TO WORK OFF !!! McWilliams and P. S. Casey, incorpora pertaining to the duties of his office as in twp 37 s, r 3 w, $500. city recorder. tors, filed articles with the secretary of LOCATIONS. state Saturday. Vaupel, Norris & Drake have received Louis Antoinne, Last Chance placer EVERYTHING Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific com . their Hart, Shaffner & Marx stock of mine, Pleasant creek district; located June H. BOIVIN, Manager. , clothing, the finest in the market. This pound haviDg the endorsement of eminent 2, 1893. physicians and the medical press. It “di is the largest clothing house in the world, F II Kelley, extension to Mammoth gests what you eat” and positively cures i Call on Vaupel, Norris & Drake and get Mining Claim in Foot’s Creek district; lo COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET. dyspepsia. M.A.Ketron. Bloomingdale, ■ their low prices on these goods. cated Oct. 2, 1899. Tenn., says it cured bim of indigestion of Henry Kerby, ICO inches of water from Ashland, Oregon. Miss Ella Hanley, who has been visit Holton guicb, tor mining purposes; filed ten years standing. Eugene A. Sherwin. ing Jackson county relatives and friends Oct. 16. 1899. left for San Francisco Saturday to spend B F Magee, Omega placer claim in Apple SICK HEADACHES. Shop is now open. district; located October 16, 1899. The curse of overworked womankind, are the winter. She returns to Alaska in gate Geo V Snow. Alpha placer claim in Squaw the spring, being highly delighted with Noth in but First - Class quickly and surely cured by Karl’s Clover creek district; located October 15,1899. Root Tea, the . great blood purifier and tis- I the vjm and vitality, life and bustle Mark Applegate, quartz location in Pearl Work turned out. sqe builder Myney refunded if not satis-1 about the frontier life in the north, district, Jackson and Douglas counties; lo THE POPULAR THROUGH factory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. E ugkne For a first-class built pair of shoes or cated September 20.1899. CAR UNE FROM THE SHERWIN gets a BAG-STRAP or TIE—Free! A. S hebwim , Druggist. Peter Applegate,quartz location in same; boots call on Howell & Foster. They located September 20,1899. Old newspapers for sale can make them. H McKenzie,buartz location in same; lo BIRD. cated September 20,1899. DunemuirNews: Mrs. Church, widow Second hand books exchanged. Henry Applegate, quartz location in this office. of the late Engineer Nelson Church, left a located September 20,1899. TO ALL POINTS YOUNG—In Jacksonville? Wednesday, Wednesday for Ashland, but will return same; Mrs Josephine Applegate.quartz location Oct. 18, 1899, Mrs. Elizaheth Young; goon to reside here permanently............ in same; located September 20,1899. aged 69 years. Frank Smith, the S. P. boiler maker, R G NICHOL General Ajem & K. HOOPER. G. P. 4 T A A W Dahlberg.quartz location in same; •at St. PORTLAND. ORE DENVER. CQUX - — ----------------------------------------------------was this week transferred from here to located Sept 20,1899. W 0 Leever. quartz location in same; lo Ashland, where he may be retained . — permanently............ H. C. Dollarhideand cated Sept 20.1899. O C Applegate, quartz location in same; I Jl SfiaScSa family now occupy the Odell house on located Sept 20, 1899. Butterfly avenue. _ < 1 J D Me Kennon, quartz claim in same; Sept 20,1899. For the speedy and permanent cure of New fall and winter stock of elioes located 1 Erects a Hog, Poultry or N. BOURGEOIS, R r 'JPRIETOR tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham just arrived at Vaupel, Norris A Drake’s. ’ berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is They are neat and attractive, aqd splen Get your trespass notices at the R ecord Stock Fence for about half without an equal. It relieves the itch did values for the money. Call and see. i office. Ou Undivided Interests in Estates. Real Estate the money required to ing and smarting almost instantly and in Probate, Reverseonary and Life interests in Real Forest rangers wi:l be retained in ser The late Mrs. A. Hackleman left a its continued use effects a permanent and Personal Property, Ennuities and Legacies, or *ill build any other kind of vice until November 1 this year. It has cure. It also cures itch, barber’s itch, will which has been admitted to probate, • purchase ontright, if so desired. ___________ ___ ______ piles, _ with Mr. Hackleman as executor. Her taxed the ingenuity of the most adept fence. Machines and scald head, sore nipples, itching chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and I property is valued at $20,000. The big and talented politician to keep up forest Life Insuance Policies Bought or Loaned farm rights for sale by granulated lids._______________________ I grove adjoining Albany is divided into fires during such rainy weather as that five equal parts of 6.43 acres each and which struck the county during August EE« HITiVNT Patents sold on Favorable Terms and Capital Procured Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders l ¿or for left to the four children, Mrs. W. K. and October. to DEVELOP and PERFECT critorions Inventions irifier I rnce, Price, T. P., ven Denver and Frank, and her horses are the best tonic, blood purifier 1. r., ver auu trans, ano ner ------------------------- A8HLAND, OREGON. and vermifuge. Price, Scents. Sold by I granddaughter now JBi8.Rev.MeKm' Mrs. Rev. Melvin1 YOU TRY IT. and Ideas Amquo s from $10,000 to $500,000 available | Williams. The will was made in 1892.1 for Inveat ment on tortgage of Revenue Producing Se ■ If Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure curities. Joint Stock Companies Organised. Forterm« Physicians are the friends of the fam-' ’Wch to soldfor the small price of 25cte” and particulars, address ily HARPER Whiskey is the friend of “ BOUfint 4 a“l,8:J Bold for over fifty years on this guarantee. C»OXTX ji X> 1x5 lasted. Sold prioo 25 cts. A 50 cts. Kcoxxs A. S heb - by BIgh A Taylor. • | wot, Draggut. IfAN FRANUISUU, CAIi Guaranteed / R. N. NASON’S PAINTS! FURNITURE LEVI STRAUSS & CO. Window Shades, Draperies, > Carpets, * Linoleum. * J. P. DODGE, ASHLAND MILLS CÖÖRl PATENT I f LÖÜT) ^D ectinc Blacksmith Shop and Residence For Sale. W. J. VIRGIN & C0.. PROP’S U PAINT IN G. STOVES ! STOVES St. Mary’s ACADEMY. FVANQ ASHLAND, OR PAPERING. ETC. Southern Oregon State Normal School. JACK MORRIS I F. j AD. FERGUSON L. CAMPS ....The Photographer Ì I t THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY. J t i ! ! We do all kinds of work t. Kaiser MEYERS Collar, Southern Oregon Fruits and Berries. . . ASHLAUD. . . TINNING 4PLUMBÍNG CO. NOTHING DEAD IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT SEM» THEM YOUR LATEST QUOTATIONS. [ihiEof™ W orld DENVER*"» RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. Is New and Up-to-Date! CaXT-*"-1'’ wm NORTHWEST E ast ASHLAND HOUSE ^ k 1T1 ASHLAND. OREGON. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY Good Accommodations Located in the Heart of the City. Fret Bus to'and From all* Trains, X . ... Phillips: Wire: Fence MACHINE # Large Sums to Loan.