S. S. S. GOES TO THE BOTTOM. Promptly Reachas the Seat demonstrates its superiority over other blood remedies. It matters not how ob- flf all Qlnnrf Dicoflcac flnd stinate the case, nor what other treat- Ul Qll DIUUU LlluuuOuO aliu ment or remedies have failed, S. 8. S. always promptly reaches and cures any PllfOC tho U/nrct Pococ disease where the blood is in any way involved. UUIUO IIID TTUIOl UfldDOi Everyone who has had experience with blood diseases knows that there are no ail ments or troubles so obstinate and difficult to cure. Very few remedies claim to cure such real, dee'rseated blood diseases as S. 8. 8. cures, and none can offer such incontrovertibleevidenceof merit 8 8.8. is not merely a tonic—it is a cure 1 It goes down to the very seat of all blood diseases, and gets at the foundation of the very worst cases, nnd routs the poison from the system It does not, like other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily, only to break forth again more violently than ever; 8. e. 8 forces out every trace of taint, and rids the system of it forever. Mrs.T. W. Lee. Montgomery, Ala., writes: “Some years ago I waa inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and ulcers from head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed to die. Several prominent physicians treated me, but all to no purpose The mercury and potash which they gave me Beemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was devouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift’s Specific. I im proved from the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct to the cause of the trouble and force the poison out. Twenty bottles cured me completely.” Swift’s Specific— S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD —is the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no mercury, iry, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It neve; fails to cure Cancer, C , Eczema, ”____ , 2, ’ ' , Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, 7 Rheumatism, Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Sores, etc. Valuable book« mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. I to ; the EAST GIVES TUE CHOICE OF TRANSCONTINENTAL TWO RO U T E S Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line VIA V1A SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND AMD KANSAS CITY CHICAGO Ocean Steames Leave Portland Every 5 DAYS --------- FOR--------- Snake River—Leave Riparia daily Leave Lewiston daily. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- kohoma and Hong Kong in connection with O. R. & N. For full information cail on O. R. & N Agent, ROBT. LEONARD, Ashland, Or O r address : W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Agent. PORTLAND. OK DODWELL, CARLILL & CO. Gen. Agts. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Cu. PORTLAND. OREGON ORTHERN PACIFIC RATT. WAY' R The first post office was opened in Faria in 1642, in England in 1581, in .America in 1710. Even radishes are adulterated now in Berlin. They are dipped into aniline dye to make them look fresh and pink. In Jewish marriages the woman is al ways placed to the right of her mate. With every other nation of the world her place in the ceremony is to the left. Water colors by Dante Gabriel Ros setti brought these prices in London: “Beata Beatrix,” $525; “Ths Loving Cup,” $1,440; “Lady in Blue Dress,” $905; “Lady in White Dress,” >1,680; “Venus Verticordia,” $1,470. A variation on the ordinary game of chess was recently played by four young Hungarians. The board was a billiard table marked off into the requi site number of squares, and the pieces were represented by bottles of different kinds of wine, according to their im portance. The king was represented by a bottle of champagne. When one ol the pieces was taker. :t was drunk. The players were also drunk in a very short time, and the game was not fin ished. YOU TRY IT. If Shilob'a Cough and Consumption Cure whieti is -old for the small price of 25 cts 50 cts.-and >100. does not cure, like th« bottle back and we will refund vonrmonev Hold lor over fifty years or. this guarantee Price 25 cts. & 50 cts. E cuenb a . bn eh win . Druggist. Wanted Jackson county . property. Will trad» . ............ yue hundred and sixty acre« of goo* farming laud seven miles from Klamatl Falls for Jackson county p.-uperty. Ad Iress P. O. Box 55, Yreka, Cal. GREATEST HUMAN BLESSINGS A skin without blemish and a body nour ished with pure blood. Such is the happy condition produced by CUTICURA SOAP and CUTICURA Ointment, externally, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT, internally. In the severest cases of torturing, disfiguring. Itching, burning, and scaly humors. Sold everywhere. Price. T ub S kt , S1.25t or, C i ’ ticüba . oaf . 25c.; O'NTMBNT.fiOc.; R ksolvbmt (half lize), 50c. P9TT«« D büg ANO CHtM. C orp ., Sole Prop«., Boston. UT üoo to Cure Humor*," 64-page book, free. Dr. Humphreys’ Specifics act directly apon the iliaease, without exciting disorder in other parts of the aystem. They Cure the Si el. "°’ CURES. T.«CTS. U N S Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAÜL_____ MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO,__________ TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG ¡ HELENA d 1 CITE THROUGH TICKETZ TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NRW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH Tacoma and Northe^ b »©*«? 4*“Fevera, Congestions. InflAmmat>c,g^, 4— Worms, Worm Fever, Worm .‘¿J 3— Terihlna. Colic.Cryin,,w«k^ulneM 4— Plarrhe., of Cblldrrn nr 5— Dy.enterv, Griping., B'Jtou.Colic .. -es «-Cholera, Cholera MosbuA Vomiting 2» 2—Cough., Colda, BrcachlU........ ...............gK H-Xeuralgla. Toothache. Faceache HrB4ache, Slote Headache, Vertlao . *¿.5 10- Dy.pepala.tndlge.u m. Weak stomach.-« 11- eu,pre.ee4 or Painful r. .,oda .45 13-White*. Too Profua. Period,............ .45 13— Croup. Larvngltl,. Hoarwnmi... j.«pela*. Erupdon... -Ai 1 44—e*lt Rheum 14— Hneumatl.m. Rheumatic Faina. .M 1«-Malarla. Cbliu, Fer.r and Agne ' . .SS 42—PI lea. External o* Internal .4Ä 15— Ophlh.'mla, W^knnaae^ B,,, M CoW in tha Head .45 20-W hooplng-f ouih .......................... M »1-A.lhnu». Dlfflcult Bre athlng .45 «l.charge, Ea- «che .’43 Sw<"h“'oi and Ulcer, .45 24-Oeaoral Deblll. Vt Weaknew .43 ™-RroMV. Fluid. Accumulation............ .43 Nausea, Vomiting .43 "’—..e. .43 4^-Xer.ou. 1.00 f?~*Orr ^/wth. or Canker . —— - .45 30— Irin' xry Weahneu, — Wetting Bed. . .45 31- Pa' 0 .»ful Menten, Pruritus . . .. . 32"~I) -- -— Wl - “ (nr -■ ne«rt, -- — - 1 aseaMts of the Heart, Palpitations. 1.00 __ «Filesay. St. Vitus’ Dance ».............. ......... l .«O J*.-«are Throat. Quinsy. Diphtheria . .45 ‘ '♦“Chroule Congestions, Headaches . .45 17—Qri«. Hay Fever.................................... .43 <’<> ' Cor. WllllBiii í loba Stx. *-•*»*■u,u* o*"*»- m*p,nd ■cktta, oa>* (u, o, wr1t. A- » CHARLTON, Asatataal Generi! »aasenger Agent. THE PILE OINTMENT.” T?2in,liAn." The eeUrf !, «>r PR1OS, SO CTS. mhKloreitwdtngt «etng or ta. Hectum cureï-erulii THIAL «IZB, M QTg. *"14 ‘ ' te»«'.»., « ..i o' p-i-r, ■rar MAKTB .KB.co.. milllOB.lt, U-llA. PORTLAND, ORROOX Q.w>i/ . w u ova ru tn wax« ranrr POR «ÀLR »Y ALL DRt’OGim. c . SHIRT-WAIST PARTIB& A Profit a brie Combination of Social and Do meatic Employment for the Home. Shirt-wo iBt parties are the latest en- tertainmc nt. It is a very pretty way to pass -an afternoon with one’s girl friends. And one has no idea how many of these necessary adjuncts of lhe si mnner outfit one can turn off in sev eral of these afternoons together. Chat1 dug, the needle flies, and if one of lhe girls has a machine she “runs” the bar Jest parte of the waists for the gu ¿st«. ' Ot course, each girl brings hfcr own w ork bag, which may be of some dainty Hlk, drawn into a pouch and slung over her arm. They look so much like r opera bags that no one would suspect they contained emeries, needle cases, scissors, thread and even patterns. The hostess generally furnishes the sewing circle with strawberries and cream. The waists <*e xuade very simply, and all are cut from the same pattern, un less there be those who can originate a bit in this way, and then there are endless possibilities for expression of nice ideas, jabots, fancy yokes, lace insertions and appliques of true lov ers* knots or fletir-de-li«, in ribbon and embroidery, can be adopted. Each girl at the shirt-waist party Is asked to bring* a color to match the confectionery of the day, and all pink prevails one ifternoon, blue another, green another, and so on.—Cincinnati Enquirer. For latex ta and Children. The Kind Y k H im Always Boagirt H.B.WILLSON £C0. waihinqton , d YOUNG MOTHERS. Group is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agoniz ng and frequently fatal. Shiloh’s Cough »nd Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of Croup It has never been known ro fail. The worst cases relieved immediate ly. Price 25 c is., 50 cts. and $100. E ugen * V S herwin . Druggist. CASTORIA OBTAI m BD. Sand modal, sketch or photo with deoorlptloa Aw fro* report m to patMtability. Ot-PAOT HAMD-100X FBR. Coatains referamoM and hill iAformnUoa. WBT2T FOB COPT OF OVB «PtCIAL 0FFIX. it is tho most K.beral propoatUoa o»or mndo br a patsat anoraov. and IVXBT DCVINfOB 8H0VI± BBXO IT bafcrp applying far patent. Address PATKNT LAWYKR«, The approach of the straw hat season encourages Travis McMain to offer the following observations: No one knows who wears the first straw hat in straw hat time. Ask any man, and if he doesn’t acknowledge that he saw other men wearing straw hats before he bought one he is prob ably lying. But approximately about June 15 the average citizen finds him self removing his old felt hat and re garding the moistened and darkened band therein with little favor. A few days later he stalks perspiring- ly and desperately into a hat store, where he is pleased to note that several other men are smirking at their reflec tions in the glass from beneath nice, «lean, new straw hats. The smiling salesman dives deep into i a cylindrical box and produces a spot less straw hat, which he seta gently upon the customer’s head. To be more exact, he seta it upon the customer’s cars, and he resembles a stage hobgoblin. Another dive into another cylindrical box brings to light a bat of smaller cali ber, which rocks insanely upon the cus tomer’s cranium and causes him to cast a reflection in the pier glass as of a prat tling infant in trousers. Finding that through the magic In fluence of straw hats of divers kinds he resembles a Methodist divine, a Harlem sport, Grover Cleveland and a Green Ki ver pirate, he selects a hat by size rather than style. lie reasons, of course, that man never looks his best in a hat. The new hat is stiff and gummy as to touch; it grips his temples and possesses air spaces fore and aft that a New York Sunday paper could not All. Jn forcing it down to make it fit, the brim thereof acquires that pathetic droop which characterizes the Salvation Army bonnet, and his forehead the pe culiar finish of a Missouri corncob. But he hus bought a straw hat. He enjoys undisputed possession of his new hat for several blocks, when it is disputed by a sudden gust of wind. In an instant he is lumbering after an elusive straw hat, which rolls and bounds hilariously before him on its stiff new brim. Finally a newsboy jumps upon it w ith both muddy feet and restores it, a bat tered wreck, to its indignant owner, who carefully wipes the mud into its rough surface and smoothes out the battered brim, which greatly resembles a circular saw after an. encounter with a rafting spike. It is no longer a new hat, no longer a thing of beauty, the envy of his ac quaintances. From a well-dreased man he has de generated into simply a man in a straw hat. After a few weeks* use, and with a hazy idea of the probable result, he takes it to a done-while-you-wait reno vating establishment. It is returned to him three sizes smaller and of a beautiful ecru tint. And when the gooseflesh breezes make an overcoat a necessity, and con ventionality protests bitterly against the use of a straw hat in conjunction with the same, the hat is cast into the old-clothes closet. There it remains, a caricature of its former self, to be given to the poor when it shall have become cold enough for the poor properly to appreciate it.— Chicago Record. Boil egga 20 minutes; put them im mediately into cold water; when cold remove the shell; cut them in half lengthwiae-, carefully remove tbe yolk; rub them very smooth. To six boiled egga add one teaapoonful of melted butter, on«> and a half tableapoonfula o' very fin ely chopped ham or tongue, aalt and p< -pper; fill the hollow of each white, having the aurfaee level; press one half So another; dip in egg, then in crumb«, then in egg, then in crumbs again; fry in hot, deep fat; remove, drain on a piece of paper, arrunge on a hot plattei ; serve with cream sauce made with one tablespoonful of but- ter melted, « me of flour; cook together; add one cup of "milk, aalt and pepper; let it boil Cw a minute«.—Chicago Timea- Herald._________________________________ WH AT IM MHILOH? A xrandoM remedy forCouab.Colds anil Coneumpeion; u*td tbroueh tlie worid for ■ half «.century. ba. cured innnmetehle case, I of incipient eon sumption and relieved many I In advanced sta ree. If yon are not .atl.tted ; with the eettlts we will refund yoer money Price 2» cts.. 5# ete. and 11.00. Kcaaxa A ' baiawtg. drugs st. HU MPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL Steamship THE STRAW HAT. DeWitt’s LiliJe Early Risers permanent ly cure cbror.Jc constipation, biliousness, nervousness, paid worn-out feeling; cleanse 80'i regulate the entire system. Small, Peasant. nev'ir gripe or sicken—“famous little pills.'- Eugene A. Sherwin. t*5mST?rhMZuedHS1 of ,u ulMale* *• r°ur h ÍSLÍI recio« ot prW. New Çh^T I I I Beer, the Signature«! The tattered battle flag of Tarry's Weather Report Texas ranger, wt-a Friday restored to From the U 8 Bignai office at Ashland, ths renirthnt of the gallant Confederate ( Oregon bund, the oeremouiea taking place at the YEAR Warmest t.'ohi'st Kain Fall auditorium at the fair grounds, Dallas, Tex. Governor Mount of Indiana. in ui impressive speech before a large as semblage, presented the flag to Governor Gayers, who in turn premuted it to James Miller, president of the association of Terry's rangers. Great enthusiasm was manifested during the proceedings. The flag is an interesting relic. The -.angers elaini that it was never captured, but that it was lost while they were in re treat. The Indianiaus, however, assert that it fell into their regiment's hands during the heat of battle. Terry's rangers formed one of thu most famous regiments of the war. Friday, President McKinley dedicated »monument at Peoria, III., erected by citizens in memory of soldiers of the Record for the year ending civil w-ar. TEMPERATURE MONTH Colonel Mulford of the Nebraska regi Max, Min Mean. ment recently from the Philippines, has January. 35.3y 13 been sued for a divorce. 64 24 February 44.7 Norman Newmuu, a noted desperado March. 67 21 42.3 wanted in Green county. Ok. T., to an April .. 52.4 8« 25 550 89 32 swer an indictnn ut for murder and rob Mav ... 93 35 62 0 June. .. bery, was killed by ofllcors at the Saint .luiy.... 104 41 69 0 Augustine ranch, New Mexioo. New August 44 71 5 102 62 0 99 35 man was shot while resisting arrest and September.... 28 50 5 75 October .......... the sh ■ . Hug was done by one of Sher- 68 22 42.3 November...... riff Pat Garret's deputies, Jose Espalit. December..... 62 20 38.7 Three attempts at the international Total rain fall, 15 67. yacht race last week proved failures Mean Temperature, 52.1. owing to lack of wind. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich . “This year’s corn crop will bo one of says: “Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of the largest in our history,” said Secre a severe case of Indigestion; can strongly tary of Agriculture Wilson Sunday. recommend it to all dypeptics.” Digests “Total yield, it is estimated, will be be what you eat without aid from the stomach, tween twenty-three aud twonty-tiv« and cures dyspepsia. Eugene A. Sherwin. hundred millions of bushels. To what Emil Holden, proprietor of the Black extent it will be shipped abroad will Diamond Saloon, will leave thie morn- depend largely upon the price it will i iug for a short visit to Dunsmuir for tho bring. Tho high prices offered for I benefit of his health.—Redding Search- meats will incline the farmers to use I light. their crop for feeding purposes.” A street car containing 23 people was struck by a train on the Pittsburg aud Western railroad at Niles, O., Sunday. I I Bert S. Ward was killed and the fol I lowing-named were injured: Joseph Al len, Ella McBride, Mrs. Samuel Cart wright, and the two-year-old daughter of Charles Lintz. Allen may die. M. McKinney, aged 65 years, killed Paul Todman, tho proprietor of a gener al store ut granger, Tex., and then went to a vacant house near by and then blew out his own brains. Soon after the shooting it was discovered that Mrs. McKiuney, wife of tne murderer, had been murdered, her dead body being found at liar home. No cause or ex planation of the tragedy is known Two women, Miss Lucia Clark, aged 45, and her invalid mother, aged 90, were burned to death in a fire which de The consequences of a diseased condi stroyed their home at Pierpont Manor, tion of the stomach and digestive and nutritive system are ruojt disastrous to N. Y. the whole body. One by one every While Gns Omkemper and liis wife organ may become involved. The mis were absent from home at Hollister, O., ery is maddening. The most extreme on Sunday night the house was burned cases of ”stomach trouble” and the evils aud their two children, aged three and resulting from it have been cured by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It five were cremated. strengthens the stomach, purifies the A lodging-house at Bradford, Pa., was blooa and builds up the body with sound destroyed by fire end George V. Brown healthy flesh. (colored) was cremated. It is feared ”1 was taken with severe headache,” writes Thomas A. Swarts, Box IM, Sub-Station C, Co that other bodies will be found in the lumbus. Ohio, then cramps in the stomach, and ruins, ns they were a great many lodgers my food would not diges\theti kidney and liver trouble, and my back got weak so I could in the building. The loss will be about scarcely get around. I just gave money to the doctor» whenever I thought they would do me 150,000. MILWAUKEE” A familiar name (or tbe Chicago, Milwankee.4 St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa the Great Railway running the PIONEER LIMITED' The Kind You Have Always Bought, aud which has been iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of _¿F — and has been made under hit« per- (yP j sonttl supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. It is now estimated that 1500 Per sians perished in the earthquakes in Asia Minor, around Aiden. Tho first shock occurred at -1 o'clock in the morn ing of September 20 and lasted 40 sec onds. The effect was appaling. Whole villages were completely destroyed. The earthquake was felt as far as Scio, Mitylene aud Smyrna. The latest ad vices from the stricken area show that men, women and chiloren were buried in tile ruins of their dwellings before they realized their danger. Numbers of bodies still lie beueuththe debris. About 500 persons were killed at Sarakeni and some 500 at Denizli, where three-fourths of the buildings fell. There was pro portionate loss of life in many of the smaller villages. The disturbance lias not yet subsided, although its strength appears to be spent. The shocks con tinue almost daily, but with no great violenoe. Tho population is encamped in tho open. Dr. Pierce’s biliousness. Pleasant Pellets cure What is CASTORIA GENUINE Solomon Sweet, a capitalist and pio neer of California died at his home In San Franciico Sunday;,aged 72. AUcctioas. Effective 8ept. 1st. the Rio Grande West ern Railway will put on its fourth popular tourist excursion car from Portland to the east. This car will ran via the Colorado Midland, Chicago, Rock Island A I’acifii and Chicago, Millwaukee & St. Paul roads, and will leave Portland every Friday, spend the second day out (Sunday) at Salt Lake City. “The City of the Saints,” and then go through to Chicago, via Colorado Springs and Omaha, without change. The other personally conducted tourist excursions leave Portland: Monday, via Kansas City and the Missouri Pacific and Chicago & Al ton roads; Tuesday, via the Omaha and th#» Chicago. Kock Island Pacific- and Wed nesday. via Omaha and the Burlington roads. All of these cars are cut out for the day at Salt Lake City giving all passenger* a daylight stopover in the Mormon capital, thus insuring them a ride by davligbt throngb the heart of the Rocky Mountains, t he cars leaving Portland Monday, Tues day and Wednesday run over tbe Denver & kio Grande tracks. This gives tbe pas sengers from the Pacific Northwest tbe choice of crossing lhe mountains via Ten nessee, Marshall or Hagerman Pass. For informotion as to rates and for de scriptive pamphlets, address J. I) Mans field, Gen’l Agent, 253 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. O Bxnth. Signatar. rf TOUX .A.. Th» Kind You Han Always Bought 460 of the famoui IroqUOIS Model 3 B WV TRIAL SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. ASHLAND LODGB, NO. 66. Heels In lodge room in Masonic Hal* jvery sbcoitd and foubth Wednesday in tach month. All brethren in good standing ire cordially invited to attend. Gao. E mg lb , M. W. Gao W. T rifrin , Recorder. G. A. IL w. n. o. acatratna «BLtxr conra vo. 24 Meet.in Odd Fallow« hall at 2 o’clock p m on th« second and fourth Hatnrdaya of •ach month. Maa. Braxa Burs, Pre«. Maa. Marr Barry, Batt'v. KNIGHTS OF PYTUIAK. riRANITK LODGB, MO. S3. Knights of Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets «vary Monday evening. Visiatng KnightsInaood HateUngaree^^inn^toaM-T” ASHLAND oti,rf.lnqjSdAb'COLD"» HEAD; •orbed. Gives relief at once. It opens and cleanses tbe Nasal Passages. Allays In- dinimation. Heals and Projects the Mem brane. Restores tbe 8enses of Taste anc Smell Full 8ixe 50c.; Trial Bite lOcts Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warr»n St. N Y 50 TEAM* EXPERIENCE « < P atents art v. onderful bargains.-Editor. Vl,lt DR. JORDAN’S ««•* A i ! f j ™ Museum of Anatomy1 ' WW10SlMA»IITST.tat.«k*fth,8 r.«. I The LKr,..t.r It. KI«, i, th. W.rld, [ I ffWwBI We Bre cootinually adding new speoimens. Au’^ffJCoiue and learn how wonderfully vou are made l\u I and how to avoid sickness aud disea««. If you \ u | suffer from any of the ills of men. oome to the & ddest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, BATHING issiist T« DK IK TIE WATER 18 1 I TRI 1C I ( RINK. - HELMAN ROBERT M. GARRETT, Superintendent Best ami Quickest Route to KLAMATH FALLS. Goes by Barron, Shake, Hods Spring«, Parker« and Keoo;also beat connections wit'- stage tin « mi from Klam ath Fal'a to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indisn Agency. Stage leave« Ashland dailv on ar rival ol south-bound train and arrives dailv in good time to connect with north bound train. -:- ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: ASBLAXD. >. | i ’ Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradic fungi and animalcules, and neutral izing and correcting all acidi ties it promotes a normal aud healthful condition In every part of the system. Thoroughly Restocked and Entirely New Management. Contains no cocaine, mercury nor in« The Fastest Best Equipped Train Crossing The Continent. J. I. idEAO CYCLE CO., Chicago, IU. The Mead Cycle Co are ab/eluteh' reliable aud Iroguoie Dic'jclce at $16 STAGE <■ LINE CREAM BALM BUBN8IDB POST WO. 23. Meet In Masonic Hall, on the 1st and !d Saturday of each month. Visiting Cow radescordially welcomed. B. B bach . Commander. M iltow B ibbt . Adiutant. InrE HAVE SICTCLE o DAVID TLUT j ETST. ELY’ BieyelM al talue. IROQUOIS CYCLE WORKS FAILED fW* La dies’ and Misses’ Styles and Samples will be here soon. SIZE SOO PACIFIC LINE. too e»pl«siveiy bnilt, and wo have bought tho entire plant at a forced aaleat 20 cent« on the dollar. With it we got 400 Model 3 Iroquois Bi cycles, finished and complete, Made to Sell at $60. To ad vertise our buainesr w« have concluded to sei! these 400 at just what they stand us. and make th« marvelous off*-r of a Model 8 IROQUOIS BICYCLEat $16- 76 "bile they last. The wheels ar« atnotly up-to-date, famous «vary where for beauty and good quality, n reran IDT fl Iroquois Model 3 is too well known to ne*d U tdUKIr I UH a dou.’ed description. Shelby IM in. seamlee» tubing.improved two-pieeo crank, detachable sprockets, arch crown barrel hubs and hanger, 2U in. drop, finest nickel and enamel; colors, n»e* f.ames, 22, 24 and 26 in . Ladies' 22 in.; beat "Record, guar.in teed 1 ires and high-grade equipment throughout. Our Written Gunrantee with every bicycle. CElin ABIC fifll i AD (or your expreas agent'« guarantee for chargesone way) state whethe< ladies’or gents .color and OtNU URt UULLArl height of frame wanted, and we will ship C. O I>. for the balance f|15 lb and expr«ss chargee) subject to examination and approval. If you don't find it the most wonderful Bleyele Offer ever made, send it back at our ex ¡"”ne ORDER TO-DA Y if yoa don t want to b« disappointed. 50 cents discount for cash in full with order. E*(2 A complete line of ’»9 Models at «ll.afl and up. Seeond-hand Wh««teMtoSW. WewantniUMH. >n every town to represent us. Hundreds earned their bicycle la»‘ year This vear we offer wheels and cash for work done for us also Fx-0e Uno of samide whocl to agents. Write for our liberal proposition. We are knosvn everywhere as the greatest Exclusive Bleyele House in the world and are perfectly reliable; we refer to any bank or business house in Chic«<o, »0 any express company and to our customers«'irj-wh-re e nnn Kindly call and get posted on Prices and Qualities. Many thanks are in order to my host ot last year’s patrons, and we Jeel able to look them square in 'the eye when tbev call to see what we have for them this year. or a generous IO CENT A. o. u. w. will be acid at Slfi.7&each, just one tbiad their re WANAMAKER’8 ALL WOOL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS AT THE AGENCY, DE PEATT BLOCK, ASHLAND, OREGON, CATARRH ----- and----- Iroquois Bicycles $ifi.75 is. Ashland & Klamath Falls 1 DRUGGIST fANADI AN '-’PACIFIC Continent by the FALL ^pr.rilleia sold by all diUj.iifit*. Refuse a substitute. When you lor the best see that you 3at he best. C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P ortland , O b . Days Across the Joy’s Vcgretftbk | Sarsaparilla prevents tired feel ings, staggering sen sations, palpitation of heart, rush of blood to tho head, dizziness, raging in ears, spots bei jre the eye<, htadacho, bil iousness,const i nation of bowefe, pain« in the back,melancholy, tongue Coated, foul breath, pimples on faca, body and limb, decline of nerve force dizzy spells, faint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, sour risings, fatigue, in somnia. and all dis- ea3€£Oi ihe8tcmach, liver .end kidneys. <' g F, b Vegetable Ser- J. W. OASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt., S mattlk , W ash . ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years. Proprietor E. E. T’irner, Compton. Mo., was cured of piles by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerou3 counterfeits. Eugene A. Sherwin. For rates, pamphlet« or other infer motion, address, The Kind You Have Always Bought GRANT Quick delivery—The Weekly Oregonian. Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “The Milwaukee** when going to any poln in the United 8tates or Canada. Al ticket agents sell them. I a «? EAST AND SOUTE —VIA— The Shasta Route —OF TH«— Paewrfera, Baggage, Exp ree« A Freight Mu«t be Way billed. A »bland Office: POUT AL TELEGRAPH OfFlCP. Traina leaving the Pacific Coast .Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays connect at Fort William with the palatial lake steamers “Manitoba,” “Alberta,” and "Athabasca” across tha Great Lakes. For full particulars aa to time, rate«, and for copies of C, P. R. Publications, apply to W. H. MOW AT, Agent, Ashland,Oregon. Or to H. H. A bbott , Portland, Or. E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. C. I ¡1 ’ I | 1 ' STRICTURE Withall bad contcquencvd, certaln'y and rapidly jure I wi b «ale and ca»y met >d«. Qn.-atiun Blank an< Bookfroa. CUIU. write DR WARD INSTI IUTE, liu 1?. K nth Street, lt - 1 oun* Al' A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on bueineaa or pleasure, they naturally want the beat aervice obtain able ao far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of the W-tg '»asm CxxrRAb ItyEHurc pate to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction poiDta. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cara on through traina. Dining Car aervice unexcelled. Meals served a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket ageDt to sell you a ticket over................. The Wisconsin Central Lines Southern Pacific Co. and|you will make direct connectioue at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any furtber|information call on any Express Traini Leave Portland Daily. ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. O. POND, South I North General Pass. Agent, 7:00 p m Lv Portland Ar 8:00 a m or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukxx , 11 35a m Ar Ashland Lv General agent, WiecoMStM, 11:55a m Lv Ashland Ar 246 Stark Street, 7 45 a m ArSanFrancisco Lv P ortland , O bkoon . 5:00p m Ar Ogden 6:05 p in Ar Denver 0:40 a in Ar Omaha 8:15 p in Ar Chicago ARE YOU GOING EAST? 7:00 a in Ar Los Angeles 8:15 p in Ar El Paso Be sure and see that your 4:15 p m . ! Ar Fort Worth Ticket reads via 7:55 a m I Ar New OrleanaAr Dining Cars. ....... Observation Cars. Pullman first-class and Tourist Cars attached to all through traîna. • • • • Northwestern Line! ----- THE----- Roseburg Mall Dally. lmavb : abbivi : Portland.... 8:30 a m I Roseburg.. . 5:20 p n> Roseburg.. .7:39a m | Portland... 4:30pn. COBVALLIB MAIL DAILY (KXCSFY SUWDAY. abbivm : LBAV1 TSbamlLv 11:55am I Ar Portland Corvallis Ari 5:50 p m Lv j 1:20 p m At Albany and Corvallis connect witf trains of Corvallis and Eastern Railway INDEPENDENT PASSENGER DAILY « Except Sunday. ) CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RA1LWAY8. Thin la the GREAT SHORT And All Pointe Eaat and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerleea V m - tibuled Dining and Sleeping Oar Train« and Motto. “ALWAYS ON b . h Y am TIME” Kodol Bush's Restaurant! Dyspepsia Cure. M«.Bu.b.Propr, | ’ffi^regon. • •• Meals 25 W Lunches Put Up. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aide Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or >On-,. gans. It is thelatestdlacovereddlgest- aat and tonic. No other preparation can approach 11 in efficleaey. If. in stantly relieves and permanently cure« prgpepala, lndtgeatlon. Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headac he, Gartralgl a. Cramps, ana All Passengers Trains Stop 80 Minute« for Meals valuxbum . Klamatb Falla Office: T. H. Stwveos. K. B. ■. LINE Between DULUTH - ST, PAUL - CHICAGO Have given thia road a national reputa tion. All claaaea of passengers carried LBAT«: ABBiVl. ■>n the veatibuled train« witbont extra 4:50 pm) Lv Portland Ar ( 8:25am charge. Ship your freight ana travel 7:30pro>Ar M'Minnville Lv < 5:50 a m over thia famous line. All agent« have 8:30pm) Ar Independence Lv I 4:60 am 'icketa. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Waahington St., Portland, Oregon, Direct connection a« San Franel.co with W. c. S zvagi , Traveling P. A P. Agent, stesm.hip lines for Hawaii, Japan. China lhe I hilipptne« and Australia Portland, Oregon. For ihrouab tickets an I rates call on or address D. L KICK, ticket agent. Ashland R b.OKHI.ER, C. H. M a KKHAM. Manairer, O P. A F. A Portland. Oregon. XLAWATa FALLS. Leaves........ . 1 4)0 p m I Leaves.... .8:00 pm I Arrives....... 1 2 45 p m I Arrives__ S:30 a m i I ' . I I DR JORDAN PRIVATEDHF.AIEB ____________________ irietly private. Consultation free and strfody private. Treatment Treatment person- peraon- ’ ’ I ally or by letter. ‘iYPHILIti thoroughly eradicated from the - avatem without using Mercury, ( ..... .... ----------------------------- -Jroury, ■EVKRY MAN appljittg EVKRY appljiug to ua will recel receive re our ) honeit hit complaint. complaint. i ----- . opinion --"-lion of hl« in every ». will »... Guarantee a PO3ITTVK CVRK CVRKin every enta cnee ’ — forfeit --—-it Owe ----- I we undertake, or One Tteoaas Thou.aml ----- I»ollaro. lonophy ol Write for Book— Ptilloaophy of Marriage, < . Mtrtro ni» (A valuable book for men.) 1 DB. JORDAN dk CO., 1051 Market St. 8. F. I /ARICOCELE Inclosed and covered, the same medica water, always clean, for the springs run a heavy volume— moro than twelve hun dred gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have more fun than “anybody”—coins out as “tint as silk” and “white as wool”—rejnven ated and happy. Nice neat cottage«, partly furnished, or rent. For information address the proprietor. Located on the HELMAN LAND, HALF 2 MILE NORTH OF THE PLAZA. JOY’S VEGETABLE SAFSAFAR . Minade horn herbs, and Contains no mine r a 1 drugs or deadly pois on. Joy’s Veget able Sarsaparilla : o b 3 the blood of all its Impuri ties, end Courses all these impuri- CASTORIA Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Bears the Signature of — SWIMMING Joy’s ftr in** dßiii ii nue Health far all Maitltinu I Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing* Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant« It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. It reHcves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency« It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep« The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. Hopeless and Helpless. any good, but the more I doctored tl< worse I got until six years passed. I had become s poorly I could only walk in the house by the aid of chair, and I got so thin I had given up to die. thinking that I could not be cured. Then I saw one of my neighbor boys and he said, "Take my advice and take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and make a new man out ot yourself.” The fl rat bottle helped me so I thought I would gat another, aud after I had taken eight bottles In about six weeks I was weighed and found I had gained twenty-seven (»7) pounds. I have done more hard work in the past eleven months than I did in two years before, and I am as stout and healthy to-day, I think, as I ever was.” Train« every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “Tbs only perfect train« in th« world.” Understand: Connection« are made with AU Transcontinental Line«, aaauring to passenger« tbe best service known. BlluBMB A. 3MXBWU.