Professional Cards Earl Fruit Company ADMRIAL OEWEYIN NEW YORK, luim.ti.« Iu lionor . t Ilie Muullu Horn. I ! Tho war dtqiurtnient ims given out The People's Paper. A HINMAN, D. D. 8. I When the cruiser Clvu.pia bearing the following: Admiral Dewey was sighted oft Sandy M anila , September 25. — Secretary CAPITAL AND »UKPWS.jRfto.eoe.e® Dentist. ASHLAND, Or.... .Thursday, Oct. », 1809 Hook last Tuesday, New Yorkers went I of War, Washington: Gunboat Crda main ornan i wild with excitement and coininam ort neta, Otalet WvlbeA‘ C. Wood ©om- Were Not Established in 1881! the great celebration, which wus kept up mauding, has been captured and de­ Tlie preaidr'iit hfta nj>pr»)ve pa ' Displacement in tons, 42. Battery con­ OPERATING IN Physician and Surgeon dition must pay a lino of 8700'). He tach fired a salute of 17 guns, and fol- a » sisted of oue-pounder rapid-fire gun, one was convicted of mis vpi'roiating <1,750,- time nothing could be heard but the machine gun (Colt automatic), aud one eannonadiug. 000 iu government funds. machine gnu (Nordeufeldt), 25 niili- Novell; Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon Crowds flocked to the Olmpia and Ad­ meters. ’ ’—W atson . The ti-ouble with labor unions over miral Dewey greeted all who came with the laying of ths corner-st one of the OREGON W ashington , September—SO.Thewar IND A8HL Chicago poatoffice lias been adjusted aud word or handshake. department has received the following. naval parade from the vantage The We can handle your Fruiti the stone will be laid October 0. “M anila , September 80.—Adjutant- points of the war ships was an ii.i- J) M. BROWER, M. D. Train No. 4 ot the “Indiana, Decatur mense mariue picture, a water pageant General, Washington: I have received We have connections equal to the beati a communication dated the 12th inst., and Western railroad went into the sid­ from General Garda, commanding all Physician and Surgeon, We keep pushing right along! ing nt Montezuma, Ind., but tlw rear insurgent troops in Eastern Mindanao. aleetier did not clear the main track, ASHLAND — — — OREGON We are keeping up to date! He expresses a desire to turn the coun­ and was struck by a fast freight train. try over to the Uuited States and sur­ orncn : The sleeper was upset, aud eight persona At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, render insurgent arms. O tis .” were injured, nil of whom will recover. Laurel and Main Street!. W ashington , September 30. — War Miss Ethel Sigsbee, youngest daugh­ General Otftces: S50 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. department officials ore today very much ter of Captain Sigsbee of the navy, die«! encouraged regarding the situation in auddeuly nt Pehoboth Beach, Del., a J A. McCALL the Philippines as conveyed by the of­ few days ago of heart failure. ficial and press dispatches. The dis­ A disastrous wreck occurred near patch relative to the intended surrender Civil Engineer and Glasgow, Mont, a few mornings ago. of the eastern portion of Mindanao in­ We were only Establishen in 1898! The wreck was caused by a head on Mineral Surveyor. dicates, it is said, the disposition of the oollisiou and resulted in the death of , And We pay our Consignors Every Monday! southern islands to accept the American four trainmen and injury of several. NOTARY PUBLIC, sovereignty. These poople have hereto­ Leonard B. Imboden, president of the Burvtya for Patent! and Mining Loca­ fore made offers to surrender, but have Planters’ bank, -a “wildcat” concern of coupled it with a provision that the NEW CARS, LATEST DESIGN aud CONSTRUCTION tion! ! apecialty. Address Ashland, Or. Kansas Oity, suppressed by the state United Stute^d^ould relinquish its right WHOLESALE FRUITS, ETC. officials several months ago, was found if A’uinuldi^should be successful in ONLY IN USE. Office at realdence. South Main Street guilty in the criminal court of forging Luzon. 126 FroMt Street. PORTLAND, OREGON a draft for $15000, with which he hoped M anila , October 1. — The Filipino to get a false credit for his bank, and Pacifìo Coati t Division: 1005 Second Street, Sacramento, Cai. peace commission, which arrived at the was sentenced to ten years in the peni-' LAW, LAND à LOAN OFFICE Tho big stii'.o ITav:ui i Is over, and American lines yesterday morning, Opices- Slpl Starlo Street, Portland, Oregon. tentiary. ill? ltmkrs of it are in jail. brought a request from Aguinaldo that ho be permitted to send a representative The promotion to the grade of rear- Tho German government has just of hik government to negotiate • “ admiral of Captain A. H. McCormick, for Spanish truabdry the oum ITEMS OF INTEREST PICKED FROM piid ink the s- \ D1W1T IN ADMIRAL’S UNIFORM. oommandant of the Washington navy peace, General Otis refused the ro- | of 95,000,000 pesetas, the price of the THE WEEK’S DISPATCHES. yard, has been announced at the navy with so little incident compared with quest. There will be another confar- Caroline islands. -o- department. its great size that it appealed to the eye enee. Fire destroyed the Holliday Milling A Priio Fighter Killed — A Physician Fourteen American prisoners were The Japanese government, having as a painting rather than a drama. The company's new elevator at Cairo (III.), Call and see me when you are in need of Make» a Fatal Mistake — Father and decided to keep its system of education vast gathering of water crafts main­ sun-endered by the Filipino insurgents US E TH E and 150,000 bushels of wheat. The . ny property of any description, either to Chlftl Killed by i:n Engine — Train* loss is over $200,000, partially covered rmt or buy. strictly secular, follows its decision by tained an average speed of eight knots, near Angeles. They were men from the I have ranches for sale in every part of robbers in Seattle. withholding its sanction and privileges but so magnificent was its area that the army and not Lieutenant Gilmore and by insurance. Jackson county; fine land and low prices. from all schools iu which religion in any impression was one of exceedingly slow his crew from the Yorktown as was ex- The winter aud spring crop of Russia Small acreagas of fruit land near town form is taught. This lias, of oourse, and stately movement. The picture I pected. The released prisoners state and land in bearing fruit, any number of Henry Steffens, an aged resident of is estimated to be below the average. acres, large or small. been construed as an attack upon Chris­ was continually changing, but it melted that they were treated royally and Oakland, Cal., was struck and killed by The yield of wheat is nearly 661,000 1 have several houses to sell in the city; tian schools, propaganda boards, are : n so slowly from form to form that the received the best the country could a train a few days ago. pdds. prices to suit the times. effect almost the only ones to suffer Bense ot motion was largely lose. It afford. The Filipinos say they have 25 James Harlan, the last liviug member The uitro-glyoerine house of the Cali­ HOUSES TO RENT. from the new policy. Some have al­ started under a brilliant sky, passed at other prisoners they will soon release. MONEY TO LOAN. ready been closed, and all are being the mouth of the Hudson through tho They also promised to release the men fornia Powder works at Pinole was of Abraham Lincoln's cabinet and Iowa ’ s ‘ Grand Old Mau, ” is lying at INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. blown to fragments Saturday by an threat of an ugly storm and emerged of the Yorktown. greatly depleted in attendance because the point of death at his home in Mount Here are a few of my bargains: of superior advantages and privileges through a rainbow arch that stretched A cable from Manila says : Two Eng­ explosion. Four workmen were killed. Pleasant. la. His passing gway is ex­ Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres which pu. ely secular schools enjoy. The from shore to shore into a clear and lishmen, who say that they were wrecked In a fire at Casade, B. O., Alex Ar- in fruit, 1450. pected ac any moment. missionary i in charge are placed iu un drilliant sunset off the Grant tomb. The Patent Ventilator Device, in an open boat lust July and held as veil was killed while heroically trying Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good foultney Bigelow, oue of the dele­ awkward dilemma, for if they elimi­ Never before in its history lias New prisoners by the insurgents at Vigua, in to save others. The pro|>erty loss is about bouse, barn, etc., running water, for $500. Large Loading Space, gates to the International Geographical York witnessed a greater pyrotechnic Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two nate the team ing of their religion they the northern part of Luzon, entered the $33,000. The burned district covers a small houses. $400. must lose the support of the home and electrical display than that with American lines. They brought a mes­ solid WMF in the heart of the town. congress, now in session at Berlin, re­ and Large Ice Capacity of This Car These are within a mile and a half of boards, upon wnich they are largely de which the return of Admiral Dewey sage from General Pautaleou Garcia, Six hotels and one cigar store were cently visited Kiaochau, Shantung, Ashland. China, pn behalf of the American Geo­ Make it especially desirable for shipments of fruits and pendent, while if they attempt to carry was celebrated in the harbor an 1 waters saying that 14 Americans who are held burned in an hour. Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely unimproved, $200 out the main purpose of which they ar* surrounding the Island of Manhattan by the insurgents as prisoners at Tarlac The residence of E. C. Peart at Co­ graphical society, and there discovered vegetables either Under ventilation or refrigeration. Hotel properly in town, for sale for |4000. an economic fact which the Gerinau sent here their schools will inevitably Friday night. will be released next Wednesday, in ac­ lusa was completely destroyed by fire. One hundred acres fine valley land, two Crowds occupied every point of van- cordance with the decree of the insur­ Many articles of furniture were saved, press has hitherto ignored. Mr. Pigelow languish aud die for lack of native at- miles from Medford, $4500. tange along the New York shore from gent “congress.” It was stated that but mostly in a damaged condition. said that the German goverment had CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, Call and see me in regard to any of the tendance. above, and if they do not suit. I have a The Atlantic steamship Scotsman was I : Grant’s tomb to Ffty-ninth street. One other prisoners wlio wore ill would be The loss is »20,000 partly covered by in­ put into practice at Kiaochua the land 1012 2d Street, Laughlin Building, large list from which you might choose wrecked on the shores of the Straits ol hundred thousand people, men, women released as soon as their physical condi­ surance. The building was the finest t heory of Henry George. GEO. W. TREFKEN. Sacramento, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. and children, at a conservative estimate, A telegram has been received at the tion would justify such a course. The Belle Isle, off the Canadian coast out in the town. Main Street, Near Bridge. Ashland, Or. Harvard College Observatory stating day last week. Fifteen of the 250 pas saw the illumination from Riverside insurgents also stmt w’ord that the cause An engine struck a cart containing drive. of the delay in releasing the prisoners i hat a comet was discovered by Gaoeo- sen gers died of exposure and hardship Lorenzo Chardella, his wife and two Over on the Jersey shore the display A further advance is reported iu irox was just as generous aud the sky was was the fact that the rebels could not children at a crossing of a San Fran­ bini at Nice on September 28—3:13 furnish the Americans with suitable cisco street, and killed Cha-dolla and Greenwich mean time, in right ascen­ and steel. lighted with the blaze of fireworks, clothing. one of the children. The others were sion 16h. 26m. 82.J. and declination 5 Salt lake City, Utah, has a daily smel making the surrounding seas bright as A. W. Bimnberg, proprietor of the hurt but not seriously. The dead man degrees 10 minutes; daily motion in midday. Brooklyn and Staten island ter output of 800 tons. Malilijo Hot Springs resort, in Ventura did not see the engine coining, and was right ascension 2m. Is. contributed to the general burning of OPPOSITE PLAZA. The big pile raft which was being The safe of the bank of Houstonia, county, was struck by a Terminal train grossing the track before he was awatfe towed from Puget sound to San Fran powder. at Houstonia, Mo., was blown open by while out bicycle riding with his wife of his danger. The parade was three and one-half cisco by the steamer Ozariu i and was recently, and died several hours after At Paradiso in Butte comity, John burgLirs. Th? ar? reported to J. W. COX, Proprietor. lost, was found last week off Port Har­ hours passing the reviewing stand. tho accident. He attempted to cross Bardau, aged 45, while hitching up a have « 'cured $30.0J0, vut Cashier W F The streets were a solid mass of peo ­ ford aud towed into port. Two power­ Loiiggn says the bank lost o ily $1100. the track in front of the train. Th > young team, was kicked squarely in the —seven million are said to have wit­ ful tugs will pull it to San Francisco. ple lead mnu has been a resident of Califor­ lace bv a liorsc. His face was ma.died Albert M< ddley, who has been miss­ nessed the parade.' The raft shows no evidence of having Houses were decked in the gayest of nia for 27 years. He leaves a wife and to a pulp aud death was instantaneous. ing from his home nr Marion, Iud., for lost any of its contents. It is the larg bunting Deceased leaves a widow and throe some time, was found at Montpelier, O., and flags, and tho triumphant ’our children. est one ever built on the coast and is iu a pitiable comlition aud almost The state board of examiners hdd n children. was a marvel. Anything yon want cooked 625 eet long, 6J feet at its greatest arch starved. Ho had boon kidnapped by to order with promptnea. Dewey protested against the reception ¡pecial sossuri recently with th? trustees Oliver Davis, a miner working at Iron breadth, draws 26 feat of wator and >f tho state reform school at Whitti jr, four trumps, who were holdin i him for and dispatch. AH Hours. being for him, saying he did little, and shows alx>V“ the .surlace four feet, con md the reeilt was that tli3 trustees Mountain at Keswick, stepped backward reward. They had stood guard over t'. t ov t :,00 >,)».) (' ci; of lanbjr t that tho credit of the Manila bay victory .vere aliowe I to create h deficiency ot into a chute. Ho fc)l 180 foet. ami mot him constu itly, bat one (l?.v all four belonged to his captains and men. instant death. He was a man of family. ni ia 1 )■> ) ! > tn av *r i ?i > < 17 t' • • went to sleep, when the boy escaped. Early Saturday morning Admiral 315,000 to b? expanded iu putting a new The last chapter of the Hill murder 1 • >131. ", • Dewey was presented by a loving cup roof on the building. Tho business done at the United trial closed at Ventura Saturday, Judge i .. -• i>i5, D. i? : it >n a-i from the citizens of New York. WILLIAM FOX. ALLBN HILDRKTH The Native Sons of Salinas have taken Stat’s a. y office at Br isc Ida., dur­ Day sente ncing the prisoner to 14 years do.. wor «oi iron in I it • *1 bind to Following the presentation was the n charge th.) movement to build a mon in San Quentin. "Twenty days' stay of ing the month of Sept'?;uL?r amounted get tier the logs in tho oigar-shap nl r.r > grand parade. All the notable military .unent in honor of Sheriff Farley, who to $203,526, against $¡31,891, for Sep- By an explosion of gisoline iu th. •nen were present and each one was vas niurdere l on September 18. At the execution was granted the defendant’s temlwr, 1898, an incre is of $70,681, oi attorneys to again cany the oaso to the drug store of W. J. Pngh at H met cheered as he rode along the line of last meeting of the San Lucia Parlor, nearly 50 per cent, For the quarter Ashland, Oveg<»n Oak, the Whittier block aud me con inarch. Thousands of soldiers from the Native Sous of the Golden West, the supreme court on appeal. ending September 80th tho total wafe tents of the bnildin ' w to destroyed. neighboring states inarched in the pro­ natter was discussed and plans perfected To obviate tho difficulties of the now $688,986. City Passenger Three people were burned, one quin cession. The crack Tenth Pennsylvania to make the scheme a grand success anti-tick decision of tho treasury de­ seriously. regiment was among those present and Nearly every voter in Monterey county partment regarding imported cattlo a and Truck Transfer new and novel industry has sprung up M2 IL : ORDERS : A : SPECIALTY. Fire started in tho Palace hotel at was almcst as much an attraction as will contribute to tliis fund. Grant’s Pa-s, Or., s »mo days ago aud Dewev. These men wore the hkaki uni­ c hronic Nasal Catarrh poisons sveiv on the Mexican border. Just this side ---- All kinds of freight, baggag. household goods, etc., transfer­ before the flames could bo chocked • forms and carried tho tattered flag •reath that is drawn into the lungs. There of the Mexican line J. H. Kincaid and ee! with promptness and safety. block of the lnisin portion of thj which they had In the Philippines. Ad­ < procurable from any druggist the remedy A. L. Yost of Sau Diego have begun Hauling un a large scale con- >r the cure of this trouble. A small quan- erecting a largo slaughter-house, where town was entirely destroyed. The loss­ miral Dewey took special interest in the ity of Ely’s Creain Balm placed in the nos- tractedfor.................................. will reach ^75,000, regiment and its battle-scarred flag. ils spreads over an inflamed and angry cattle from Mexico will be killed and 'J ALL WOOD TRAYS. C'ieap, Durable, Safe. Dries for 5o WOOD FORSALH Sunday Dewey was completely ex­ urface, relieving immediately the painful shipped to Los Angelos and San Diego. In a recent letter General Shaft.» ofiammation, e'eanses, heals and cures. wrote: “ I expect to go on the retired list hausted and remained iu his room at 1 cold in the head vanishes immediately, By this means a saving of about 17 a ------ ICS IB SSASOB— Cents per ton. £^".Sen.l for Circular. head in cnstoms duties results. next mouth unless tlie president sees fit the hotel during rtie greater port of the old by druggists or will be mailed for 50 Wil. handle Ice ia Ashland during th. cuts by Ely Brothers’ 56 Warren Street, Dr. Ira Coe, a pruminet physician of Packers & Shippers to retain me in the voluuteer rank, of day. J. H. MONTEITH, Eugene, Oregon. summer season. Delivered at your door Monday the admiral went to Wash­ >iew York. which I understand thero has boensoine San Pedro, died under peculiar circum­ every morning. J he grain warehousea in Monterey stances. About 7 o'clock Dr. Coe was of Oregon Fruits. talk. I have not asked it, however, and ington, visited the president and wavy EW-Passengers delivered to any part o I am not going to; but simply take it as department ana received the sword pre­ •onnty at present are almost filled, visiting and, feeling much fatigued, the city. 1 sented by congress. the largest in the county ia that of the thought to strengthen himself with a it comes. ’ ’ About October 12 Dewey will go to Mouther h Paciflo Milling company, situ- quaff of brandy. From his medicine ••Best in the market for coughs and colds ited in Salinas. Tho average daily stor- chest he took a vital containing about and all bronchial troubles; for croup it has his home in Montepelier, Vt. no equals.” writes Henry R. Whitford, ge for the last 80 days has been 4000 four ounces of carbolic acid, which he Pioneer Block. - . , . n War May Be Declared Tuesday. South Carolina, (kino., of One Minnte xcks. Over four hundred thousand Cough Cure Eugene A. Sherwin. L ond O m . October 2.—According to ad ;acks are now in the warehouses, while drank by mistake for liquor. Several Next Door City Hall. AShlaOO, Or. doctors were at once summoned and COLEMAX BRO'S-, Proprietors. The charred body of Mrs. Charles A. vices from The Hague, Dr. Leyds, the uany liun Irvds are stored outside ou the made every effort to save his life, Bout* was found near her home in Mo­ ' European representative of the Trans­ »lutfor.n. The Castroville warehouse but he passed away an hour later. He vaal, has named Tuesday as the day for All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra hawk valley, Plumas county. Investi­ -ontains over 55,000 sacks, and more is was a man of considerable property, and gation proved that she had set fire to ! ii formal duclaratiou of war between >eiug taken in daily. All the farmers leaves a widow and children. Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. , the Boers and Great Britain. her cluthes while filling a lamp. She u tlie county that can arc holding ‘heli V I Walter Olyatt, a plumber, aged 31, There is an unconfirmed rumor In cir­ .rftiu for bvtier prices. leaves a husband and six children. Has fewer wearing parte and light­ living iu Albina, Or., shot and killed culation here that Queen Victoria has est running machine made; hanjle Mrs. Johnston, widow of the late Rev. , written Queen Wilhelmina of the Neth­ Josejm Steiner and L. Larson were himself. Before taking his life he shot as much or more ore as any belt Thomas M. Johnston of Napa, died of erlands, deploring the turn events have Ailed by an explosion in the fuse corn- his wife in the back of the head. Jeal­ machine. The patent canvas lap bell is the best belt made for saving old age a few days ago. She was the « ten iu South Africa and assuring the ag mill at the powder works near Santa ousy is supposed to have been the cause fine sulphurets and gold—nothing first woman to cros* the plains to Cali­ Dutch monarch that she has gone to the Jrnz. of the deed. They had been to the ex­ beats it. A machine that ia easy to fornia over tlte old stage line. Attorneys iu the Murdock note suit ¡Kisition and returned apparently in, run and keep in order. Cheapest utmost limits of her constitutional and best machine made. The' Colomb’rtn transport line steamer rights in the endeavor to secure peace. have asked fur a change of venue from good spirits. ■ w«i burned on Magdalena; B i - okmfontbin , September 28.— The Glenn county, claiming an unprejudiced Two 50-foot lots have been purchased ’FlICDS I T», and 30 passengers per Volksruad of the Orange Free Stat, jury can not be secured in that county. in the east part of Visalia by a corp ra­ at PEACHES, APPLES, PEARS. flames. General Julie has unauimoudy resolved to instruct We Solicit Yonr Consignment. S30O tion and a creamery will be built at Account Sales Weekly. We me secretary of th< the government to use every means once, its capacity to be from 8000 to 10,- On board cars. Manufactured by notify results of each shipment I aga n minist t to insure peace without violating the ASHLAND IRON WORKS, 000 pounds of milk a day. j same day received. tue nnmb Ashland, Oregon. honor or independence of the Free Stat, The Loa Angeles land office has been .am alsup i or the Transvaal. officially advised that the Santa Ynez 906-908 Western Avenue. For further particular!, address : In a further reao’urion the Volksraad forest reserve, comprising 2969.70 acres a ■ ' -li.iplv perfect,” write* I'ob’t. declared it. opinion that war WouldThe ol land in Santa Barbara county, has □HU JACOBS, Prop. -••«in EavH'if. *Im? . nt PeWit,l*r oriminal, but asserted that, oome what been withdrawn from settlement. f trie ’ v the * fammi* Btfl«» |i|thi" HENLEY, CAL. might, the Free state would faithfully «I all liver ailments ++++ fulfil its obligations to rhe Traasvsal th !’f A ' e»win. need not lose flesh in summer * , virtu» of th. eaiatitig paMtioal aHRtnee. í <» r . - < < v»4i hsve a EMULSION in hot weather, Dumphrey, the Indian half-breed, was t man, Spanish, Italian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music A eenerale class i ufacinred. It does the work cleaner and er»e«-t hearing, end provided for students who on account of iurm labor with to enter late in fall and leave eaves a much higher percentage oi sul­ - ? <1 fieafn- ¡»s is »he formally charged at Red Sluff bv |» but you can take it and di­ ’arlv in raring Academic Degrees and Teachers’ State Certificates and State Diplomas phurets than o’her machines, and we rec­ 6 m > i at »on can be jury wifh the murder of William De­ i'onf.rred oepu Send wr for o catalogue. gest it as well in summer as ommend ft to ail mining men to be the lonierreu. . R Addies» pKK8IDgKT M0UST ASGEL COLLEGE <1 to it« nor- vin on the Staudford ranch at Vina. best concentrator on tbs market. -V' »* d-»lt to^e<1 f<»r- . b tlovut Anon, Oaaoos. in winter. It is not like the •» rn are rwó^-d by Feeling iu Vina is that the Indian was J. O. OiLiaoa. Horticultural and Agricultural products of Oregon Wash­ ♦ bi- n>>ilifmr h >t i»n inflanieit not wholly to blame, as he thought that W. C. SraaLBY. plain cod-liver cii, which is f e inu- to «!» -urface« L. A. McLaroeH. Devin would kill Hickey an.1 only want­ ington, and Idaho in greater variety and profusion than ever « f » e it >u. r«>t Dollars L» difficult to take at any time. ed to take his part. ea .»•> í an e t hv arr'i I Most Fascinating before. If you are losing flesh, i. u .. iMire»i p' Haiu* • »iwrr Fred D Nowell and associates are opening what is claimed to tw on ex- you are losing ground and .. Invention of the Age! BENNETT’S Renowned Military Band. Miss Alice F. J. Cam'll A Ca.. Toledo. O. tensive cja I mine on Admiralty inland, » <1 by Drugffiwt** 76c. you need Raymond, America’s Greatest Lady Cornet Soloist. »LWAVI ttAOY TO (ITUTAIN. near Juneau, Alaska. Thsgr have sunk al t*aim y Di .sure tha best. | a 400-foot shaft, enoountering a vein of It requlrto no skill to operate it an«l i>- The unequaled FloreilZ Troupe of Acrobats, direct fron the IMI*I Hl XL LIMITED coal five feet wide. The product will prodnes the» mao in <4 band*, orrbeatr»-* I g»_____ Empire Theatre, L,ondon; their first appearance in The Canadian Pacific Railway ia now be laid down at Juneau for about fifi. vocalist« or inetrwmmtiiî• »imntn. Thereto making the fastest tfm* Sernas the con- Goal now costa |8 50 Repairer nothing like it for en rvening ’ e entdrtain- America. ♦ t inent. Their service ia ot the moat ment. Otli*»r i»o-culled Mklftrf and must have It to keep up j and Sundris’ Norman Wines, a mail oontraotcr of «plvndid description. All chiiee of pae- reproduce onlv rtrardi of rgt-And-dri^d A Great Filipino War Museum. your flesh and strength. If • aenzera are Carried ou the “IMPERIAL” Santa Barbara, dropped dead at his rohjecte, especially prepared in a Dbretnn Three Great Sisters Macarte, unsurpassed Aerialist?, in ft tram. home Sunday while talking. bnt the Grapfiophone it not limited tn toch p* rh»i in »no*. O: * you hav-. been taking it and their thrilling acts. ... ran m iv tnavel anywhere by the GUN REPAIRING, Us« (¿raphophnne too can raeiir msk'i aud ir.atai.lh rnpr«>r $5 00 and up. M.vm- LINES. A. " SSIOJSI 25 CENTS, Children under Carl Mobil linger, a young German who ’ oughly strong and well- C-A.Oi'Z'OMl.XMk. fwrtured Qo ier tho patenta of B^ll, Ta’.nUr, Edison and MocdonaLI Oar dhb- IS year» 1 tUsrsO. robbed about 40 houses in Loe Angeles A Gillette Block. : Main street ii ah oient if headnoaiterani tbn world far Talking Mnx. md $«.oo, /U drwggutl fiuppUea. Writaffo/HOiMUp, ColamMu Pliouogrupli Ge • Dept.. 138, before he was captured, was sentenced Jj3 MlvMt Hretf • “ ' Frauduco, Gal to five yean iu San enalto uj ctytk. WE.... L Sacramento s Los Angeles, Cal. I BUT All Pacific Coast Fruit Districts. FRUIT GROWERS’ EXPRESS ARMOUR & CO., Prop’s. YET •» W. B. GLAFKE CO., PACIFIC COAST NEWS. ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager. GEO. W. TREFBEN. F CAR NEW THE ONLY PERFECT iventilator -R efrigerator Restaurant and Chop House, §» z=l ni =j -i i 25-Cents. 4 Give Me a Call FOX