PEOPLE'S PARTY TICKET & PLATFORM J*, A A A tlone in Portland. Governor—WUl R. King, populist, of Bak­ er oounly. Secretary of State—Harrison R. Kincaid, Oregon, March 25th and 26th, 1898. silver-republican, of Lana county, Treasurer—J. O. Booth, democrat, of Jose­ phine county. Supreme J udge— W. M. Ramsey. democrat, GOVERNOR—JOHN C. LUCE, John D»v P. O Grant Co. of Yaiublll county. SECRETARY OF STATE—IRA WAKEFIELD, Phoenix, Jackton Co. Attorney-General—J L Story, popullit, ot Waaco county. TREASURER—J K SEARS, ol Pulk Co Printer—C. A. Fitch, popullit, of Clacka- SUPP. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION—J. E. HOSMER, of Yamhill Uo. eaaa county. STATE PRINTER—D. L. GRACE, Burna, Harney Co. Superintendent ot Public Instruction— SUPREME JUDGE­ H. 8 Lyman, populim, oi Clat»opcouniy. ATTORNEY GENERAL­ Congreeanien—First Diatrict: Hobart M, CONGRESSMEN—let Diatrict, DR J. L. HILL, Albany, Linn Co, Veatcb, democrat, ot Douglas oounly; Second Diatrict. C. M. Donaldaon, »liver —2nd Diatrict, H. E. COURTNEY, Baker City, Baker Co. republican, of Baker county. First judicial diatrict.—Circuit judges FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKET. John A. Jeffrey, populist of Jxckaoo county and X. U. Wade, nlver-republican, of Jose­ CIRCUIT JUDGES—J. L. BATCHELOR, of Ashland, Jackson Co. phine county; district attorney. A. N JONATHAN TRES8I.ER, of Medford, Jackson Co. Soli»», ol Jackson county: member of tbe DIST. ATTORNEY—J. B. WELLS, of Applegate, Jackson Co. MEMBER BOARD EQUALIZATION—W. W. HAZEN, Bedfield, Klamath board ot equalization, U. E. Worden, of Klauiatb county. County. Nominated Che Stearns Bicycle A A 7* A A U handsome, light, durable. Such grace of design a: as is embodied in this “ fast, easy-running, much-talked much-talked- a bout'»mount can only be secured by the most approved methods, finest material and skilled work­ manship. The *96 Steams is the best bicycle it is possible to produce. Finished at your option in orange or black* Address now for beautiful new : talogue. A A and at Adopted Forrester’s Hall, Portland, “CM Veil«» TfllOW.” A E. C. STEARNS * CO., . inkers, Syracuse, N. Y. A A A A TORONTO, ONT. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. BUFFALO, N. Y, A A A J» B. RUSSELL ASHLAND I I Dealer in S S White Sulphur Springs i-i-i-i-r-i-i-i-i-i -I Granite, Marble, Freestone Monuments and Copings. BATHING -K»®» Alao agents tor IRON FENCES. Satisfaction guaranteed Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate* fungi and animalcule», and neutral­ izing and correcting all acidi­ ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. P.O. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. Cal. 60 YCARS* ■XPBRIBNOB swimming rink . Inclosed and covered, the same medic» water, always clean, for the springs run h heavy volume— more than twelve hun dred gallons per hour. W J mJ y M J “ /11 B j . ■ i B R L B r> 1 Í - w ______ You may dive and swim and have more tun than “anybody’’—come out as “tinr as silk” and “white as wool”—rejilvun ated and happy. Located on the LAND, HELMAN A HALF MILB NORTH OF THE PLAZA. HELMAN 0. R. & N T JET TO THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. EAST Twenty Pages; Weekly; Illustrated.! M ining M en . MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS, ;Ariluuüti.E iJ’j? SifilCiiJRiL Gregon With ell bad rons-quencva, cerialn y «nd r < t .‘ . a i h sa -• and < a*y nirt 'da. Qu< sit E /ok free. Call«, u rite HR W \ R • ) ! Nt Tf ¡.ON N n.h “ ‘ ' Northern Ry Short Line ARE YOCJ ▼IA SPOKANE SALT LAKE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER ST- PAUL OMAHA ; S an F rancisco , C al . .20 M arket S t ., ROUTES VIA to SAMne copies mt. TRANSCONTIENTAL Great I ndispensable THREE DOLLARS PER TEAR, POSTPAID. OIV&S THE CHOICE OF TWO ♦ ♦ ♦ '♦ ♦ WORLD-WIDE CIRCULATION. J QOING EAST’ If ao be aure and aee that your ticket! read via the AMD AND KANSAS CITY CHICAGO Ulne. The Chicago, St. Paul, OCEAN 8TEAMER8 OREGON. GEO. W. ELDER. CITY OF TOPEKA ALASKA POINTS- — THIS IS THE — LINE BETWEEN DULUTH OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS —FOB— FRANCISCO. SAN Minneapolis A. Omaha R’y GREAT - SHORT Leave Portland Every 5 Days for ST. PALL & CBICAGD And all points East and South. Tbr -Magnificent track, Peerleea Veeti- buled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo­ “ALWAYS ON TIME” kohama and Hong Kong in connection Have given tbis road a national reputa­ with O. R 4N. tion. All classes of pa-ueengerscarried For fall information call on O. K AN. on the veetibnled trains without extra Agent, ROBT. LEONARD, Aabland, Or. charge. Ship your freight and travel Oa ADoaess: over this famous line. All agents havt W. H. HURLBURT, ticket. Gen’I Pass. Agent, W. H. M kad , Gen. Ag’t., PORTLAND. OR 48 Washington St. Portland, Or DODWELL, CARL1LL A CO. T. W, T sardals , G. P. A., Gen. Agts. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co. St Paul. Minn. PORTLAND, OREGON. NATIONAL PLATFORM. To the People’s Party Voters of the State Omaha platform reaffirmed <3 fellows: of Oregon : We declare therefore— We, tne People’s party, in convention First—Tbat tbe rd ion of tbe labor force assembled, issue this, an open addreeo, and ask that every true and lovai popu of the United States tbis day consummated shall be permanent and perpetual; may its list give it fair and careful consideration sp:rit enter into all hearts for the salvation Whereas, Up>n call of the state cen­ of the Republic and the uplifting of man­ kind. tral committee of tbe People’e party of 8econd— Wealth belongs to him who Oregon for tbe state convention to be lield creates it. and every dollar taken from in- du ’try without an equivalent is robbery. in Portland, Or., March 23,1898, to nom- “If any will not 7737k, neither shall be eat.” la its a full state and district ticket to be Tbe interests of rural and civic labor are the voted for June 6, 1898, the representation same; their enemies are identical. Third—We believe that the time has met together ; and come when tbe railroad corporations will either own the people or tbe people must Whereas, Upon the assembling of the own the railroads, and should tbe govern­ state convention, it waa found that the ment enter upon the work of owning and convent.on had been packed by office­ managing all railroads, we should favor an holders, office seekers—state, district and amendment to the Constitution oy which all persons in the government service shall county—and out oi tbe whole number of bfi placet! under a civil aervice regulation of delegates, towit,215. there were 134 office­ tbe most rigid character, so as 10 prevent holders, candidates and men seeking the increase of the power of ¿be national nominations in state, district and county ; administration by the use of such addition­ al government employes we, therefore, chaige that it was unpop- Finance.—We demand a national cur­ ulistic, and that it was contrary to tbe rency, «afe, sound and flexible, issued by cree.t of our party for office-holders and the Lenerai government only, a full legal office-seekers to control the use ot con­ tender for all debts, public and private and that without the use of banking corpor ventions and campaigns, and Whereas, The workers in behalf of fu ations, a just, equitable and efficient means sion and ill the interest of destroying the ot distribution direct to the people, at a tax people’e party of the state of Oregon and not to exceed 2 percent, per annum, to be provided as set forth in tbe sub-treasury of the nation during the past year, have plan of tbe Farmers Alliance; or a better employed tiie methods of politicians of system, also by payments in discharge of the two old parties, and in clubs and pri its obligations for public improvements 1. We demand the free and unlimited maries and conventions, with democrats, silver republicans and office-seekers, coinage of silver and gold at the present ratio of 16 to 1. have resorted to arbitrary, coercive and 2. We demand that the amount of cir­ restrictive means to suppress a fair ex culating medium be speedily increased to pression of opinion by loyal and true not less than $50 per capita. ■opuliat votors opposed to fusion, so trial 3. We demand a graduated income tax • he delegatee sent to the silver-populist 4. We bel’eve that tbe money of the convention did not represent the prim i- country should be kept as much as pos­ plee, policy or interest of populism ; snd sible in the bands ot the people and hence Whereas, The office-holders, candi­ we demand that all State and national rev­ dates and men seeking nomination sent enues shall be limited to the necessary ex pensesof the government economically and to tire convention were each and all in honestly administered. favor of fusion or union, nut of selfish 5. We demand that postal savings banks motives, and for tbe purpose of seekin, be established bv the government (or tbe ■omination through fusion with the dém­ safe deposit pi the earnings of the people arrais and silver republicons, and thus and to facilitate exchange Transport atlon—Transportation being fleeted to such offices as they desired ; a means of exchange and a public neces- and aiiy, the government should own and op­ »Vhereas. After organization of said erate the railroads in the interest of the convention, a committee was appointed people. The telegraph, telephone and post­ • o draft a platform that should be accept office system, being a necessity for the ible to democrats and silver republicans; transmission of news, should ba owned and operated by the government in tbe interest «nd Whereas, Thereafter, the sai-i com­ or the people. Land—The land, including all the nat­ mittee reported the following platform, ural sources of wealth, is tbe heritage ot (the fusion platform adopted), and the tbe people and should not be monopolized same was adopted by a strict fusion vote. for speculative purposes, and alien owner­ We charge that said platform adopted ship of land should be prob I bi ted. A11 land by said fusion convention, claiming tbe owned by railroads ana other corporations ** name of the people’s party and its organ- in excess of their actual needs, and all zation, as promulgated at the Otnaba lands now owned by aliens should be re­ «nd St. Louie national conventions, and claimed by tbe government and held fer is plank on direct legislation, is indefi actual settlers only. 8TATB PLATFORM. dte, inadequate and incomplete, and is We demand that ail state officers receive of no more practical effect than would eve been a plank in a political platform tbe salary named in the constitution, and no more. favoring Utopia. We demand the abolition of tbe state We charge that aaid platform neither printer ’s office, and the letting out by con­ letnande nor favors economy and hon tract the public printing, the method now -sty in the administration of state affairs, so satisfactorily in operation in most of tbe and for proof of this charge we cite the states. We demand the abolition of the office of act that a resolution, pledging the nomi­ nees ol the fusion ticket, if elected, only attorney-general. The state railroad commission, as packed to accept constitutional salaries, was by the legislature in the interest of the rail­ overwhelmingly voted down. road corporations, being a menace to what We also charge that a resolution to remedial legislation may come through maintain the party autonomy was like­ said legislature, we demand the prompt wise voted down. passage of a maximum freight and passen­ And, whereas, By the adoption of aaid ger law. We demand the abolition of all useless became apparent to a'l true populists that the convention, as there commissions, offices, sinecures and jobs of eonstiiuted, was controlled by mon who all descriptions, and tbe curtailing of legis­ lativeclerk hire to tbe actual needs of the w ere no longer populists, bat were office­ legislative sessions, and a general cutting banters and spoilsmen, and was not, down of expenses and retrenchment in all therefore, a populist convention, but in our public institutions; believing that all trutli and in fact a democratic-silver-re- tax money collected from tbe people by pro­ pnblican convention, the delegates there cess of Jaw, being arbitrary and not volun­ assembled who were populists bv convic­ tary. it should be expended with the most tion and principle were failing in their rigia economy. We demand an amendment to tbe state duty to their party in longer remaining constitution, providing for direct legisla­ in aaid convention. tion, and the imperative mandate in the The true populists in said convention obligator} form, assembled after tbe adoption of the dem­ We demand tbat tbe state publish all ocratic platform above named, severed school boot», and sell the same to the citi­ their connection witn said so-called peo­ zens at actual cost. ple’s party convention, and adjourned DI8TRICT PLATFORM. to another hail, and there organized a We demand tbe reduction of official sal­ people’s party convention and proceeded aries in tbe first judicial district as follows: to adopt the following platform and prin­ Two Circuit Judges, each per year, SI500 One District Attorney and deputies. >1700. ciples, and nominates ticket. = A Myron Reed Story. I remember seeing an old man, a member of an orthodox church, sitting in hia office and counting over bis money. I can see the caress he gave bis copper, silver and gold. And then be bad some bills, and I observed him aebe patted them and smoothed ont the wrin­ kled corners. When he was through with his devotions, an old farmer came in to make a last payment on a mort­ gage on a raspberry farm of 40 acres, where he waa trying to live. Ha made Write te T. S. Q üincky , tbe last payment lacking . cent, and tbe Drawer 150, Chicago, Secre­ old, white haired oreditor and Christian tary of the S tar A ccident aaid to him, ‘‘Yon bring in that oent C ompany , for information tomorrow, and 1 will relea8e tbe mort­ regarding Accident Insur gage. ” I waa only 9 yeara old when I ance. Mention this paper. heard that, bnt it made an impression By so doing you cun save membership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 for like tbat of a redhot iron. I went home and told my father of It, and be aaid, accidental injuries. “Wben tbat man dies, be can attend Be your own Agent. bia own funeral. ” And be died abortly MO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQ Lt Mia after and my father had bnaineaa break­ ing a colt. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE N°~ PACIFIC RAILWAY R U N S The Trust Movement. Pullman Sleeping Cars r^4 Elegant •¡I Dining Your Friend Cars th* see* Tourist Sleeping Car« ST, PAUL_______ MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH______ FARGO TO Z^z< A jAVb^YeuC» \l ’DeproSUpota pijV .1 ___ GRAND FORKS i CROOKSTON____ i WINNIPEG___ I HELENA and___ I For Lightness. Swiftness and Strength it is Unairpaaaed. Ytu cm laare all «Hut h BUTTE ) THROUGH TICKET? TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA new Y ork BOSTON AND ALL points EAST and ROUTH 1 I rusiofl ticks * and platfokm Adopted by tbe Three State Conren« by •44raaUig Hamilton Kenwood Cycle Ct. tes-MMer SCaaal It., Chicago- I The tendency of capital to concentrate in larger and larger oorporate concerns continues at an ibeteaaing pace. Ac­ cording to Tbe Journal of Commorce, 200 organizations of tbe trnst order now exist io tbe United States They jointly possess capital stock and bonds amount­ ing to »8,662,000,000, which is equal to more than 60 per oent ot tbe aggre­ gate capital invested in the United States In 1890. An Emberre»»ment of Riche,. The wealth of John D. Rockefeller has now reached the sum of »244,000,- 000 and. furthermore, is increasing st tbe rate of »1,500,000 a month, or »60,- 000 a day, or »3,088 an hour, or »84 50 a minute, or 57 cents every second of time, day and night, Sundays and holi­ days. No wonder the man oslla on the ehnrebes and colleges to relieve him of ■omt of his riches—Utica Press ■«local* Tear Bowels With CaeeereU. Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If 0. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. $25 TO $50 PER WEEK Onrrs; Ibaveb^sn teking your Sarsap­ arilla. and think it a wonderful remedy. 1 have had catarrh of tbe head and throat for ’even years, and have been treated by doc- i tors I got Joy’s Vegetable Saraanarills 1 and took it for about five months ana from that day to thia I have never been trou­ bled with catarrh, and I believe 1 am entire­ ly well of it. I have found it matchla>s. i It ia a good thing to have bandv ARKY L FIMM1L. Little Lake. Cal. Can ba m»de by AGBNT8 taking order, for "The Earth Girdled.’’ by IIKV T. DrWITT TALMAGK. Rare, radiant Through tickets to Japan and China, via and alarming Hundred» nf new nhoioe- Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship landa. eewnee. people and place*. The World’» Wonder» as »eon and dea- Co erihed by tbe rreaie-t firing preach.r and Far Informatisa, time oarde. map and orator. Over 500 maaatre qoarto pa«ea Ickoto, sail on or write Agent» reapina a m>lden harveat o nrdrra; one rapo-tt SO «ale« in 8 boar» A. D. CHARLTON, W«ITS TO TWOSS PBOFLI AMD TWBT WILL Liberal term». No experience needed Assistant Cl IS va I Passenger Agent, •XXL TOP ■OWOLAD TWIT ASS TBAT TWST Write for agency, qnlek I FOBTLAVD, OKROON a swsttTura. | PBOrLB’«, SMI Market M„ FkU W. Don’t Need Help. The United States needs no help from England. New York, Boston, Washing­ ton and some of the other English warts on the face of American civilization may need English help, but Amerioana who have made Ameriua and in whose breasts the fires of patriotism burn, are strong enough and resourceful enough to whip any invading foe that dares to question the right of Americana to run the western hemisphere. We don't need any British gold or British gunpowder to do it, either. Tbe spirit tbat fought the battles of 1776 stalks abroad in the land, and it ia • sentiment that does not doff its hat to a gang of money mongers down in New York who, for a chance i to save their Cuban investments, would aee the navy of the nation in the bottom of the ooean.—Denver Road. Kdneat» Toor How.l. with Cascareta. S ohAr5l<:; i,ur? coo»tlpatlon forever. 10c 25c. If 0. Q, C, Ifcilq druggist» refund money. A NtW EXPERIENCE. the Idttle Deter W»t Dl.anMed et the hltaattaa. PLATFORM. United in a common cause for the sacred purpose of preserving the principles of gov­ ernment by the whole people, in fact as well as in name, restoring and maintaining equality, under tbat government, of all classes, we the People’s, Democratic and Silver Republican parties of tbe state of Oregon waiving ail minor iKrinta of differ­ ence, and uniting for the purpose of carry­ ing out the great underlying principles ii|K)n which we are ail agreed, do make and f»resent to tbe peop'e of this state the fol owing declaration of principles, and to the carrying out of which we solemnly pledge each and every candidate upon our united ticket: We demand the free and unlimited coin­ age of bilver and gold at the present ratio of 1G to 1 without waiting for the consent of foreign nations. We demand a national money, safe and sound, issued by the general government only, without the intervention of banks of i?sue, to be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private; also a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to tbe people through the lawful disburse­ ments of the government. We demand that the volume of circulat­ ing medium be speedily increased to an »mount sufficient to meet the demands of le business and population of this country, and to restore the just level of prices of labor and production. We favor such legislation as will prevent for the future the demonetization of any kind of legal-tender money by private con tract. We demand that the government, in payment of its obligations, shall use its op­ tion as to tbe kind of lawful money in which they are to be paid, and we denounce the present and preceedingadministration» for surrendering this option to the holders of govei nment obligations, We demand tbat postal savings banks be established by the government for the safe deposit of the savings of tbe people and to faciHtate exchange. We demand the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. We demand the initiative ana referen­ dum system of law making in its optional form, local, state and national, and the submission by congress ot all important national questions for an advisory vote of tbe people, until such time as the national constitution shall have been amended so as to provide for direct legislation. We condemn as dangerous and unjust | the surrender, in all departments of the government, to the influence of trusts, cor­ porations and aggregations of wealth gen­ erally; and the packing of tbe highest courts of the land with corporation lawyers too ready to do the will of their late em­ ployers, and to set aside valid and whole some laws passed by the legislative de­ partments of states and government, upon flimsy pretexts at the behest of such in­ stitutions. We are opposed to government by in­ junction. In state matters we demand: A a’mpie and well guarded registration law. A more equitable mode of appointing judges of election. Stringent laws to .'•¿elate the operation of fish traps, fish wheels and all fishing gear in the waters within the jurisdiction of the state. We denounce and condemn the corrupt and extravagwnt republican legislative as­ semblies end charge that the republican party, in its eagerness for tbe spoils of office has divided into warring factions, so that it is incapable of government as exemplified by tbe condition existing in tbe office of the state treasurer, there being at this time more than $600,000 therein wrung from tbe people by tbe process of taxation, while state warrants are stamped “Not paid for want of funds. “ We demand tbat all district and county officers be placed upon salaries commen­ surate with tbe duties to be performed by them. Inasmuch as railroad and other corporate property is not bearing its proportion of taxation, we demand tbat such property shall bear its just and equal share of tbe expenses of tbe government. SHE WAS THRIFTY. Oao Woman Made os.soo with a Tbioela- ln* Maehlae. A woman «brasher is a novelty—that ia, outside of the schoolhouse or home. And the one in question ia a genuine ’ tbe golden grain of the says Che Minneapolis Jour­ nal. She came into one of ths Minneap­ olis farm machinery houses the other day to make her final payment on her machine. Thia waa startling and marked her aa a woman of business ca­ pacity; for the man who makes a full payment on a thrasher this season is re­ garded as on exceptionally good man. That the lady in question bad a business head is further evidenced by the fact that she succeeded in •‘working’’ the manager of the establishment for »2.50, the amount of her fare home. She innocently told him that to pay her bill in full would take every cent sbe had and she muat take out enough to get home. While the manager gen­ tly demurred at receipting the bill in full with thia discount off, she ingen­ iously hinted that it would cost more than 12.50 to send a collector after the balance, and he tumbled to the situa­ tion aa gracefully as possible. Mr*. Thresher (or perhaps it is Mias) said that ahe had made »2,200 out of her ma­ chine and had 187 stacks of groin to finish thia winter, which ahe proposed to do if the enow was hub deep. Consid­ ering the fact that many machines are being taken back on mortgages this year, no one can successfully maintain thata woman ia not adapted to this new I field for woman’s activity. Mow Loan Ara tbe tatiselag Ben ,OUO at 6 per cent. The ditfareaeo between the interest we should disburse (£S6f ,- 6001 nod the Interest we should receive (£800,- 000> would be £428,000. If thia »am wire invest­ ed every year for 25 yeara at compound Inter­ est. It would produce at the end of that term £14,0S8,OHO. But the chief matter remains to bo stated. Whun we had got all our money baok. China would still remain indebted to US to the full amount of tlw original advance, £10,000,- 000. Tbia outstanding liability could, st the choice of the Puking government, either be liq­ uidated in cash or released in exchange for ■ueh fixed or other concession» a» might »earn equitable to both parties. Let ua explain the beauty of thia bUBiuese. Tbe poor laborers of China will be obliged for 26 years to pay to Great Britain, in interest only, »4,000,* 000 annually witbout reducing the debt by a single farthing. Tbat Is beaatifnl to begin witb. The »4,000,000 will bo taken by tbe English bondholders and loaned to tbe British laboring men, who will pay another »4,000,000 a year for tbe privilegt of having money enongb to buy their grooeriea. At the end of the 25 year period Cbina will still owe tbe British bondholders tbe »80,000,000 just tbe same. That is the essential beauty of it. Eight millions a year laid upon tbe laboring men of China and Great Britain for 26 yeara Two hun­ dred millions of Interest in all, and then »80,000,000 of principal just as good aa at tbe start. I have not seen a batter ex­ ample than tbis of tbe splendid work­ ings of the international bond system. The only question is how long the la­ boring men of the world are going to stand this sort of business. But than tbe St. James Gazette ought never to bavo given the thing away I— Arena For April. 1 am one of those who place but little faith In advertised nos­ trums but seeing so many local testimon­ ials. detailing tbe effects of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, I, too. bought it, I took itfor pain» in the back and chonic bllllousnesa, the results of a disordered liver, which has given me much troable, and I believe It baa permanently cured me. I haven’t felt so well for ten years. I recommend it to all my friends, and we take it for nearly every­ thing over our way and it seems to bit. NED NB8TELL. 79 Everett street. San Francisco, No BXLIABLS DBVUOIST WILL TOLL TOC H» K dwim W. J oy Uo.: What is castoria Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children, 't contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, »nd Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas­ toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. Castoria. *' Castoria is so well adapted to children tbat ” Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil­ dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its I recommend it as superior to any prescription good effect upon their children.” knowu to me.” H. A. Aarnaa, M. D., D r . G. C. O sgood , ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lowell, Mass. “ Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their 1 A-ed ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby •ending them to premature graves.” D r . J. F. K inciieloe , Conway, Ark. “ Our physicians in the children’s depart­ ment have spoken highly of their experi­ ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.” U nited H ospital and D ispensary , ALLEN C. SMITH, Prtt. Boston, Maae. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. -¿1¿* a !'- *U'> UNDER THE BOLD STANDARD .MEANS.. 16 Patches to 1 Pair of Pants SUBSCRIBE FOR TH« TWO • SILVER • CHAMPIONS The gold »tandard means low price», low wages, hard timea. The bimetallic •tandard means good pri me, good wages, permanent prosperity for the producing classes. The Farm, Field and Fireside, A 32 to 40 Page Weekly Farm and Family Paper. Prtoe. 31.00 a Year While not neglecting Sa ooperit Agricultural, Horticultural, Live Stock and Family Department», eta., haa at the same time, for many years, upheld the standard of the people againet tnuta and monopolies, more especially against that most iniquitous of all monopolies, the single gold standard. All who road it agree chat it ia the boat paper a» Ito elaao oa earth. HAS A »ASSAPABILLA AS «OOP AS JOT’S T aks ths sx » t whim toc rar Tone mohxt A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER J PAPER GARMENTS. Tbe LatMt Fad for reople Afraid et Lightning. We will tena the above groat journal ia connection with A glass house and a feather bed used to be considered the lightning-proof mediums behind which timid persons could seek refuge from the possibility of being stricken by an electric bolt. But these are old fashioned rdeau now, compared with the lightning-prooif paper suit which a New York genius has just invented, patented and invited fearful and apprehensive people to try. This suit is made of fiber pulp and can be made to look exactly like any other suit of clothes. Paper is a poor con­ ductor, and a man arrayed in such gar­ ments might go forth and defy light­ ning, even if it should show special preference for him. This is particularly the case if a hat is worn made of the same stuf;. In­ side of this should be placed a piece of newspaper, and inside the clothing should also be laid folds of a news­ paper, which would do as well as a paper suit. The paper suit is also a good thing for summer excursions, for if it is ruined in the rain there won’t be much loss. Those whose nerves are upset by atmospheric disturbances had better wrap themselves up in paper during the electric summer storms, even if they do rot have suits made "up a la mode and with seams and button? to hold them toret her.________________________________ C|}The Valley Record noth one year, postpaid, at ths eatramaly lav price at » 2,00. in advance, and will give to each subscriber to thia combination offer who pays ten ceuts additional for postage and packing, TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS These seeds are the best in the mar­ ket. They consist of Farm, Vegetable and Flower Seeds of your own selec­ tion from a list of Soo varieties. The packets are as large ao ec-dmer’e mall pack ata. Th» seeds alone at retail prloea are worth »1 Oo. Call and aaa uo about thio great offer at onqe. or eand remittances te this ofnoe. ANADIAN O ’ 'PACIFIC RY. C ■■ and-11 SOO PACIFIC LINE. To all pointa east at the very lowest rates FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGG IHT8 The only line runninig through trains from the coaBt to MILWAUKEE WINNIPEG, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL TORON TO. MONTREAL and BOSTON Minade irotii hetb-.. and contains no mineral drugs deadly on. J V e g e t a b 7c Sarsaparilla sob 8 the blood of alt Ms impuri­ ties, end courses dll Ihese impuri* ties throufr» nature’sown proper chan­ nels. Joy’s Vegetable Barsapariîla cures Dys- pep« « Ch r on ic Constipa­ tion, Liver Complaints and Kidney Affection«. This Railway Co. Operates its (mini on the fatnone block system Lights its trains by electricity through­ out; Uses the celebrated electric berth read­ ing lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; tbe Thia is a truthftl little iaddent and the point of the moral will not be tost TURN* OUT BESSEMER 8TEEL. because names are wnftted, says the De­ OaUe Beeeeeefally KauactM from Boek Mr troit Free Press. Bdla-in with Ike Vee or Bloetrieity. When Thornes Edison began experi­ A petite and winsome young matron entered a street car with that Inimitable menting with electricity ae a means of breezinees oharacterietic of her kind. extracting iron oxide from rock n No amount of tortUTe could have in­ •hirer ran through the spinal column« duced a confession that she expected of Iron mine owoere. Then the matter from two to half e dozen men to rise ivaa forgotten and tbe pubHc heard in unison and offer her a seat, but the nothing more about magnetic aeparat- look on her face when they did not do ore until a few day» ago, when the to told the secret more plainly than nene came out that the method waa word» could have done. not only perfected, but that by it 5,000 With her was a little girl whose looks ton» of bemetner ateel were being fixed beyond doubt the relationship of turned out every day at Ediaon, N. J. the two. Mammaw«irrvtbrrimpatient Mr. E'.l-on has been developing hi» with the wrap which impeded her ef­ newest dieeovery quietly, and now hia forts to reach a strap. She looked abou* smelting work» and their appurtenant her os though eagerly in eeareh Of buildings cover many acres among the trouble and wae the picture of aoorn Jersey mountains. The rook Is blast­ while noting how many of the male pea- ed out of open quarries. 5,000 tons at a unger. were reading their papers. time, and carried by enormous electric The child leaned egainri her mother crane» to roilere which crush the tnd sighed wearily. largest bowlders as if they were lump ’She seems tired,'' said a pleasant sugar. After passing through a ae- faced old lady, ae »he stroked her go'dor rlea of these roller» the fine rock fall» locks and caressed the blooming cheek, pant 700 magneto, which extract the ee pleaeant-fncrd old ladies always do ore, sending it along to the furnaces al­ "Not tired, but di*gu»ted,'' answered most free frrm extraneous matter. mamma, in crisp tone«, From tbe furnaces tbe ore issues in •D^-gusted? Isn’t she rather youzta auggeta of huesi n er atehl ready for the for such a aenratlon?’* mills. ... at all. The little Jeer baanevei ANTED — TRUSTWORTHY AND been accustomed to riding oa a ho» ACTIVE rentlem«n or ladles to car." < ■«»vol for responsible.Mtabllshed b.iuse in Tn lee« than a second then vu sit Ireron. Monthly 8® .60 and expenaM. PoMtkm steady Reference. Eneioee »elf- tiny accommodation to spare . addressed stamped envelope The Dorn In- PriBtlag aastly dona si this sBaa, eg. WARD INÎTUÎÜT1. miMMKINKM •an Company, Department Y QMaago. JOY'Swrfcv. W 4 THE BEAUTY OF A BOND. FREE .™* l a Milwaukee Chicago, & WITHOUT CHAN GE If you are going to NA KU8P CARIBOO SLOGAN CITY GOLD NEW DENVER KA8L0 FIELDS KOOTENAY NEL8ON TRAIL MINING ROB 8LAND DISTRICT • Oct a copy of ’'Ceri» boo and Kootenay Gold Fields.” If you are thinking of traveling call on the agent ot the Canadian Pacific Railway. St. Paul Aloo operates iteam-beated veetlboled trains, carrying tbe iateet private com­ partment care, library buffet smoking care, and palace drawing room Bleep­ ent. Lowest rates to and from all parts of Europe via. all Atlantic iteamahip lines. For full Information regarding the above call on or address B W. GREER, W. H. MOW AT, 146 Third fit. Agent Portland Ashland Oregon. Oasgon. tbe very beat dining car aervice. E. J. COYLE. District Passenger A -ent For loweel ratee to any point in the Vancouver, British Columbia, Parlor care, free reclining chair carl and United State« or Canada, apply to ticket agent, or addreaa 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent. Trav. Paa«. Agent. Portland. Or. WANTED ACTIVE AT AGENTS ONCE I FOR EACH ir- y 2H°*F‘ Kxclnilve control and no riak. Will clear 12 to 25 hand red dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full particular» fXr Mineral Water Co.. Big Rapid», Mtcb, OLD DOCTOR'S * PATENTS »7» m ws waxa vaaaeg s.,4 » ch I. i . .».«» „ nt» w t*«-*a»ui4y- as-vair. = wLV. râ*eerë »»TAnriD aia» n uà» wyiyi»« a> »» mm . aiM H.B.WILLSON4CO. fatint LA«ygM, FATEgWK LADIES' FAVORITE. PATIENTS TREATSO BY MAIL OR. SNV