PAHTY CONVICNTlCN fait nnw In force. Every arrangement to muster in the Resoived. Thaï we demand the abolition California volunteers has been com­ C<»nv»*n«* Together and Divide Wh”n of thv railroad and ail other useiets coin- Bcnitor— Wlten Captain Carrington Th»* Majority Do Buainraa WUh ‘ ruÌNSÌuiJN. 8. M NEALON ........... ........... Tabi« R> «eh pleted. K*«*olT«d, That «e ara in favor of tbe ra- gives the word tbe companies wilt be O«l«era Ref >reNe n tan vee— ASHLAND. Or . „Thuradav. May 5. 1898 •nactmant of th** iii*»rtKMg** lax law aud the Buda Sprnu e rushed to the mustering office in quick J. 1> WILLIAMS Tlie Peoples pnrtv convention r tn- dart option of indabtednrs*. Transportation has been se­ i We demand that ail officers b« paid a E. E. 8UHLE''8CHEN .WoodvÙle time. Mt 1 venwi at opera house, OME and see these new styles I (»’cloak p. id . last Friday. Chair mau . fixed salary PEHMONAL ANÜ SOCIAL.. K. U. JEFFKBY............ ............... Mediani cured for the men and it will be only a % We dan^and that all property indivi luat queetion of hours before those at the I Holt called meeting to order. Secretary ! and Commissioner— in threw buttons cutaways and corporate shall bear its just share of 1 DAVID CINCADK____ .......... E.*!« Pumi most distant points in the stats are S. M Nealon called off the precinct« when taxation. M’ekleren’s hand made «bees, |3 00. i the drlecatea took their aeall, conteetiug lpsdsd |iii San Francihco. General Prince Alberts, made and war* Salaries of public officials being out of all Bh«rifi— d*»l«gHh*a and all. For temporarv chair­ proportion to tbe service i*erf(>rmed as com- * J. B. Hutch left for Bisson yesterday. W. WILEY................. ............... Medtord Barrett thinks it wiil be the middle of ranted by Hart, Schaffner 4 Marx. man J W. Markabury wm r|»*cted bv an- parti to the wag«*« paid to employes in 1 J Clerk tbs week before any troops will go into — County Clark Geo. A Jacksou was in cUmatio'1, and 8 M. Nralon trmpornry other l**frittniala buMne«* nnd towu Tuesday. eavtp. Company commanders will For superb tailoring and finish, fine ......... Jacksonville 1 W B JACKSON ■ ......... eet retary tbe same. Both were applaud­ from tbe industries of tue tax*>aye>s, we •wait tsisgraphic orders before start­ therefore deiusnd that 'he »alarien of coun­ i Mrs F Roper, jr oi Talent visited Ash­ ed. Recorder— • fabric and linings, graceful, easy fit lug. ty offii ey.w be as follow«: land yesterday. ’ K. K O'BKIKN .............. ............ A pplegMtr On motion of J. A Jwffrev, Chairman Judue ................................ Ths vital question among ths volun­ th* volua* M1'« M.rllie Reames was up from Jack­ M hi kahurv appointed a credentials corn- (terk and rder (Ml I If vou went a good meal go to the Blue WE HAVE NEVER AsmesKor — will lead?” Hamineraley, E. G. Coleman, W B !• 'S'CHaor. (per day). Front Rebatí rant. Oil .................. Tal«u Fie «t depuri«*«, (per day) 60 i WKI.H BEESON.......... SEEN THEIR EQUAL Little else remains to be settled. -Walter Bevington and bride arrived from Jackson Cor« »uer — Office deputies (prrday). (JO On motion of Frank Williams, chair Dunnmuir yesterday. The details of the mustering and of Treasurer .. ................. I appointed ............... Ashland D. M BKOWER ............ aa order of buwineea commit­ «■member, cur Furnishing Comb Dtpart- , ths camp will evolve themselves when Mi«» Mollie Ober tbe Medford photogra­ tee: Frank Williams, J. 8. McCain, Superintendent Burvejor— mtnt »bow» the a wed ncAweer, MMrts, glim Commiaeioner, (t er dav) ... . - i pher. esu)« up Tuesday. tbe time comes, and though tbe pros­ ........ lack'onvil's G EI.K8NAT ................... G. W. Walker, W. B»*eaon, R. E O’Brien. Thai salarle* <*f circuit judxe« be » educe«! i pect of going to the eastern seaboard _Mrs G. 8 — Calhoun vs..».« came up s.v.M from Grants “ r v.m....' Motion to A'1j »urn until Sxturdav i from |3000 to |2U0U per year. Ttearturer— Vi»»« W WS WWW WRfl MflMl MVUM* FMs Munday to visit relatives. am-ndH to 4 p. m. and «arried. At 4 j ; We demand th^t the -a arv of the district KUFU8 COX..................... . .Central Poi t is vague and far off, the absorbing topic is the matter of shoulder straps attorney and ad deputi* « f«.r the dhtnet be i G. 8. Parra came in f mm Klam hi h coun- p m. convention adjourned to 9 a. m. |170d and no (»her remuneration ty this wevx with a bunch of cattle. Immediately U|>on br**aking away from General Barrett received word from | Saturday. HAUT. aOHAFFNU A MARX. Thai ail candidale^ not in harmony with i the btiffiiis Psopiit’i party ronven ion after Geueral Last of Los Angeles, Satur­ i-! 8. P. Da Ruboaui formerly of Jacks’-n-j tbe lo'eroim: platform be req «eated not to tiie . ___ __________ man _____ xation ___ had _________ swapped i'S *uul and YlUe,-Arrived'from tbe bou>h yesterday. ' > The intprefrthitf $>ve» when eleut- • I of-the-rortd |»opulisiN re isnemblad in *t<»w- compauies of tlie regiment had been •n ruuiv h.r Lakeview uu irgai burnt.ess. mittee ol five, to conference with similar ed respouaibie for tbe enactment into law ’ ard’s Hail, laelii rougbly and only by the volunteers called out by John Painter the Gardner finmerly of ried. The chair appointed Ge». R. R. U. HENSLEY. completely exposed, just before the boll T*!«ut vra« over fruiu Litlie bhasia this i Hammerslev, W. H Bradahaw, E E. President M<*Jiinlev from the three had taken place weea. const states, but also by troops from tbe Phipps and J. D. L<»ui ka, D. J. 8. Pearce. Howell moved adoption majority report. Delegate 8. H. Dunlap called tha bolt Harry Gendar came up from Han Fran-! The chair tried hard to get a r«»adarou Nealon amended to Adopt minority report. ing delegate« to order and Henator HoB east if the cruisers of Spain threaten ci«vO Tuesday to look al the Wagner creek | • he committee, Ne»«lon, Holt, Beeson, Holt exo 'Bed the state union platform, was elected temporary chairman and W. it This was decided upon Saturday, ruin«». Wak fiel l and others being tendered the allowed that it meant nothing, and demon- B»e>on temporary secretary, - Grant Raw­ and, coupled with the fact that Briga- .trated that tbe majority report was just as Ed. Morrison left for Sisson yesterday | “honor.n Aa they each refused the road- indelititle and aimed to give up the princi­ lings assistant, Following committee was diei^Geueral Merriam was given com­ and may locate there to practice bi« pro- I era applauded. In their declioatioua ple-“ heretofore contended for by People's appointed: Credentials—8 H. Dunlap, M. 8. Welch , mand of these troops and directed to ' lesshxD. i there was a gentle tinge of sarcasm that party, particu'arly reduction of salaries; Daniel The Southern Pacific east-bound pas- b’oelier pjacs them along the coast as he Mrs. Mtoddard came up from Lodi, Cal., i ! panned the audience to smile at the fu«-*- that uisjority report salary plank was one The credentials committee reported tbe thinks best after consultation with th* 1 eenger train was hold up near Com­ yesterday to visit her children m Eden , ion puab. Nealon told them that be had nb republican convention would re “W« to followil jb- *./&'• ¿Veiled; stock, Tex., by four masked meu. The governm-e and military leaders, fore­ safe precinct. ! left tlie republican partv—both the gold adopt; it meant nothing. In the express car was blown open South Asbiand—S H Holt. ’ During the discussion the fusion bosses casts his, elevation to the rank of ma ­ I and silver wing — and up to date had no A. G. Kockfellow lectures at tbe normal ' Nortu Ashland—A Rush by Nils Ahls- jor-general of volunteers, to which he with dynamite and looted. The rob­ chapel Bunday on ‘The Darwin Idea of ihe deaire to return to any old party; that clearly sew -hat ibeir work was beiug ex­ troiu proxy. Creation of Man." Central Point*—M 8 Welsh, R C Hensley. wiil be advanced with Shafter, it is bers, according ¡to the best accounts, ' his opinions of their usefulness remained posed. Jeffrey called for the previous ques­ tion several times, but chairman was liber­ procured-in the neighbornood of $20, • Trail Creek—Harvey Richardson, Daniel presumed, thia week. Geo Blockton came in from bis Apple- [ the same, lienee he had no desire tn en­ al. bchnildtline propose«! 5-minute rule Foeller. 000. {ate wilderness Saturday and went up to ter into h joint struggle with similar com­ I to cut off debate, but it didn't go. Orders have been issued to Captain Applegate—J B Wells, R E O’Brien, John is Prospect humeilead. mittees to see which convention could Jeffrey attempted to “'sntoothey" tbe W Pernoll. Chemist, of the Glucose Sugar Re­ Carrigton, in charge of the volunteers Mrs. Dr. A. C. Helms of 3awyers«Bar, hook out the most pie. Holt profusely convention, contending that both re­ Table Rock—8 M Nealon. Wash Vincent. of California, and to the recruiting of­ fining company of Chicago, claim they ports were nearly the same, only a little South Jacksonville—W B Jackson, C F ficers of Washington and Oregon to re­ have discovered a process for vulcan­ Siskiyou ouunty. was on last night’s train thanked tlie chairman for the proferred honor but declined with thanks. He ditlereuce in the wording, of course one is Bauman. to visit friends in Portland. ising oil from corn, in such a manner Talent—N D Brophy, W Beeaon, 8 H port with their quotas of men as soon seemed to think tbechairman was jokiug. a litlie mor- definite thau the other but no M m . G. R Child, wife of tbe ex-commer- material difference. as to produce rubber. They say this Dun ap. as they arc fully enlisted to Brigadier- Holt called the chair ’ s attention to a Beeson replied: The difference is $6000 in ciai traveler, has been elected principal of Eden—Ira Wakefield, Elmer Coleman, General Kirrinm of San Francisco. will revolutionise tire rubber trade and gentleman who had been overlooked, in tlie salary of a circuit judge. (This was the Roseburg public school. W J Drumhill. just the right man for the place, the a center,) Supplemental to this is an order to give them control of at least the manu­ Contenting delegates eligible to seat«: Dan Caidwell of Hamburg Bar, Siskiyou proper timber for such a jab. and puffed The bosses were very uneasy, lined up Pleasant Creek—Chas Owens, W K Engle- consult with tlio state and local officers facture of bTeycle tires. county, caiue over yesterday to visit his up and praised Howell to the skies ns their strength and defeated the minoriry dow. Joan Owens. Ida Houston, a white woman, whlio on the Pacific coast with a view to ar­ uncle, W. H. Stlsby, and family. the personification of the fusion idea. report amendment 32 to 2ri—a close shave. West Ashland-8 Patterson, M N Long. riving at a plan for furnishing full pro­ defending her sister, was shot and The effert of this reacted upon the few Mrs. Dr W. B Officer arrived from Ney [ As Howell is a chronic office seeker, in Tbe following, principally middie-of-the- fatally wounded by her negro brother- ada City, last night l»» visit her folks, Geo. all parties, the eulogv was well under­ few non-ofnint (>ffice division committee had Lind ey and A. 8. Barnes. P-'pulists; G inaries attending such conventions it be­ Earth, Wis., by robbers. Nelson’s actlv meets this need. Be sure to get . not vet reported. The platform commit­ I h . Haskin-, J H. Stewart and W. H. came apparent to all true populists that A Real Catarrh Cure. head was crushed with a club and the The Undertaker and Embalmer. said convention was being manipulated and Hood’s. The 10 cent trial size of Ely's Cream Ba'm wife was pounded into insensibility. tee was called for by McCain, J. A. Smith Btunit. Democrats; and Frank Galloway, run by tbe ‘ People’s-Democratic-Silver Re­ La'est arrival of goods at Opera Hou«e I ! and other*. A motion that platform com- Silver Republican, are appointed a. an ex­ publican” party on rhe piauorm adorned at which can be had of tbe druggist ie suffici­ The robbers then »•: fire to the house. FurnitureBtore. Babv carriages, hed room • mittee be instructed to report i in media te- ecutive committee to have the direouon Portland. March 23d; and belie ring that the ent to demonstrate its great merit Send An aged woman who lives in the up: i and management of the People’a. Demo principles as well an the nut morny of the 10 cents, we will mail it. Full size 50c. suits, linoleum, rockers, chairs and wiu | I ly was put before the house. craic.nilver Republican Party in J a-k son ELY BROS . 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. per story was rescued from tli ■ Haines • dow shade*. I It was apparent the fusion push did i county. Said c->rniniltee shall have author- People s » arty were being sacriCcea for the spoils of office, aud being further confirmed •- Catarrh oaused difficulty m sp aking and by neighL rs with a la Ider. A few Mrs. M. E. Elliott, of Kansas, who has not want the platform discussed; and ■ ity to till any vacancies on iho county in -uch c »nvK tiona by an alliance made tn a great ext> nt loss of hearinr By tbe days ago Nelson sold a house nnd lol been visiting relative.*, the Hildreth-Nelson manv were of the opinion that Jeffrey I ticket of said parties and to withdraw the aith paid Denio-Republican party by the u*e of Ely's Cream Balm cropping of and tlio robbers are supposed to have families, left yes erday fur Kiamathon to bad intended to shape matters so that tbe ' name of any candidate who does not loy- app Tiionment of a conference ^ouiinitiee tnneus has ceased .vyu:a.qn>d doing otfer things aniagonis­ things created—they are the ant, the bee "mass War with Spain cannot be averted neith­ tend populist convention and he would and DeWitt's Little Early Rbers, tbe la«t Write for Deicrlptlve Price List Before PureJiatitt^. Tlie democratic convention convened tic to the best interests ot the People’s >ar* bei”g the famous little pills for stomach killed and four others were seriously er can you avoid wearing clothes A safe | eimplv like to know if this was a populist tv, therefore twenty regu ar e ecied dele­ place Jo buv -is M* Ute VVaqa maker convention; it appeared that tlie conven­ al opera tiousa 10 a. m. Saturday, being gates left the to-calied -Pee»le>» jastf ooft- and liver troubles For sale br T. K. Bol­ injured, some probably fataliy. The called to order by County Chairman W. i Agenty David Alls n, Ds Peat t Block remains of the dead have not yet been ventiun and proceeded to Hoag d’s Hill ton and Te’ephonv Drug Store. tion Lad nothing to do but to w*it upon M Coivig. recovered. The dead are! Alfred where, hh ‘be true People's party adopted Walter Percival, formerly emploved in the will of a few men. He thought the For temporary chairman tlier* were BOR^. the following platform and put in n«»mma- Vane«. A Wa'bridge’s flour mill in Shasta convention ahcijld rigtit here and now Salem, Oregon. i (Parks, William Steutnpf, Casper Ray, vallev. is an jtnginser uu the Baltimore, adopt its own platform and then serve a two nomination*. Tlie Crowell faction >tain the hereinafter named persons as your David Sheer, William Haycock, Elias _ . which did valorous work in the destruction notice upon other conventions and ask realizing their own weakneae, selected People's party nominees. IfcDON ALptobn Ashland, Mayó. 1898, to Abers. All the killed were married N-.w therefore we ask all irmjpopQlists E D- F.'Udrav who waB opposed to Orow of the 8panisb fleet. Mr and Mi*. McDpfie/dj a daughter. them to adopt s•» much of it as they could ell Itimsiem. The anti-Croweilites named t«» vote and work for tne said nominees, be­ and leave families. Tlio works bavs J. A. Jeffrey and E. C, Wade, fusion agree to and refer back. J A. Smith lieving II to be the meaae hy which Mi« P4TRI« ’ K-In A*Mand, May 3. 1808, to been running night and day, turning nominees for iircuii judge got i ff yester­ thought th**re w.«s no good reason to bold C'“lvis who whs elecled 29 to 22. Fred prin cipisk and autonomy of the People's Mr, and Mr« W.-A Patrick, a daughter. out rush orders for the government, .1. Pape was made secretary and J. H ’ day’s train and were seen rushing (or the partage. They are out obas- back the platform. and a large amount of ammunition Jeffrey had to get ip here and make a big ttie p-iqaarient olficers of tbe convention. The platform adopted wss the same as Ing tbe elusive voter. MAHHIED, ready for shipment was stored in the talk. He »poke of “mark of good ihe minority report in the general cunven* Dr. B. It. Freeland, tbe able and ex­ toward tbe union, that we should go slow, Committee* appointed t lion, except that the salaries of circuit packing-houses. This, with all other Credential*—K. K Kubli, J. R. Tozer, judges were placed at 11500 per year, in perienced dentist. Insurance block. Oak etc.; that if ttie joint office distribution explosives, was completely destroyed, ; street, is prepared to do all classes of work | committee report was adopted bv ail three W. N. Wright, J. L. Wooldrige, H. E. conformity with the middle-of-the-road DARTER— BOD u ER- i —In Teble Rock preciuci. April 27. lPHA, by C. C. Gell, J. ^ba cause of the explosion is unknown. district platform. Tbe middie-of«the*road in bis line Jn a scientific and skdlful man­ 1 partieN. that the platform should should be Rivers. . P , T. J. Carter and Flora A. Rodgers. ! a joint affair If report was not satisfac- ner. Give him a call. After years of untold suffering from piles, Order of business and resolution*—Dan Niate, congress onal and judicial ticket and then tbis convention c- uld pul up its Reynolds, I. O. Miller, R. M Cook. platforms weie endorsed. B. W Pur-ell of Knltnersvllle. Pa was Mrs Fran kin and grandson want to | lory, own platform and it« own ticket. cured hv u-ing a single box of DeWitt's Portland last night to visit Geo. W H. I Nealon thought Jettre»’« argument very In the appointment of committee on Cure that cough with Shiloh ’ s Cure. The Witch Hazel Salve Skin diseases such as Miller, ns.--»on. Mr MiHer ha- j ined the joint conference with trie populist* and Cough Cure. Relieves croup prompt­ eczema r*-h pimple« and obstinate sores the volunteer naval r- Herve at that p ace p anaibie: that the condition the conven­ stiver republicans as to distribution ot best ly. Or»e million bottle« «old last* year, are readily cored by lids famous remedy and leave« fur the war soon. < tion got it-elf into when it appointed acorn- offices another division took place Chas. doses for 25 cis. Bold bv T. K. Bolton. For sale by T K. Bolton and Telephone initiee to coniei witn other conventions tn OPPOSITE HOTEL OREGON. Coramodorr r,ei*r7u” uiviuiiig iividTng"oinoM"ibat"it''T«d''it>i«ir ------------- + Drug Store Vo»«.».-..«.' U«wey. YT”*X ths ••T*'” , • is ” - a rej-B'u unices iua< iv uwi iiavif Prim, a Crowellite offered an amend­ ftailroad oi L. H. Dewev ot Y>eka. The rhe O 0p anc | could not now nd-pt «d pt resolutions ment that the committee be sei cted by nephew of p MllC 1.«»«. t* * «*r*9.« *>. a «•*> ..I law»!*. s > 4 latter is a of that 1 1411.1 au ¡t it n would a straight ~ watcbmsi ---- -~ e - - rand - - o jeweler — - - - — - n uvi.iui .. vuiu be «e s sb .^ m v the convention. The proposition was The railroad conductors1 brotherhood Hird was Hit Dimuiist fur 1 I populist l urke: roba . < «• r u «4. *1 * rinbat I. * l*t_ LARIUTORY and ASSAY OFFICE placaaitd was (he the I las', populist nominee nomin«efor joint ticket; • is. in t tin 1st- 1 uet 22 to 2S. have gained their demand in the re-eatab* «»>* ndiali. 1 ion auwnmliV f Mi«Ir 1 vah •nrl. r _•. _ ..... ... < _ _ • the legislative a»«emby from Siskiyou and i ter case ¡t would he n»-css»ary for a joint . Oltairman Onlvlg appointed on this lishment of the Ashland—Unseburg pas­ . ... or........ Del Norte counties. commit tee on piaifurm- committee D. P. Miller of Asnland, J. W Nutwithatandiug that McCain, J. A. 4 Jacobs of Central Point, J. R. Toaer of senger division, The order restoring it OIVKOCIN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schley of Baltimore, wert into effect yesterday. Two passen­ Maryland, have located at Portland. Mrs. Smith and other fUNionists were weary of • Aetiland, F. J. Pape of Jacksonville, R- ger crews handle the Ashland-— R »aeburg 8 was formerly Miu» Mary • unnyngham, tbe bos-ism of their leaders the motion to . r A. Cook of Foote creek. division and two the Asbiand—'Dunsmuir daughter of J. W. Cunnyngham of tbi* consider resolution« was laid on the table Tbe Crowell faction wss complheljr Ig­ division. city. Mr. Bcbley is a cousin of Rear Ad* 38 to 11 Somebody here facetiously observed that nored in the appointmente on all tbe A8HLAND, OREGON. mtral Bcbley commander of the Flying Capt. J. L. Mav having been placed in convention had been in session now long committees. Bqusdron. Best equipped a«*sny office rorth of oau enough to adjourn Brophy wantedit ad­ The following ere tbe only reeolotione command of Oo. B. and having gone to Francisco. Karl’s Clover Root Tea for oonstipation. journed to t*u yeurs. On motiou of Jeffrey war, his position as train dispatcher at Special tests for Cyanide process. It's the best and if after using it you d<>n’t ■ be cunvention voted to adjourn for 30 min- voted on bv democratic convention and tbe general office iu Portland was given Prices on application. ■av so, return (be package and get your Uta-—Vot»- 27 to 25 This gave the push they were handed in by reeolntion com­ ro D. L. Rice, rail read agent in Ashland. money, bo’d by T. K. Bolton. time to get their forces together, and nut mittee: . , ,, Mr. Rice, accompanied by Miss Lillie THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF HOS W rvbeas , Title age demands tbe most be scattered by individual fusionists pro ­ J. B. Well«, People’s party nominee for Rice, went to Portland Sunday. Mrs. district at'ornev, was in town Tue*d.ty. He posing matters not in conformity with pro­ rigid economy iu the administration of Rice and children leave soon R. 0. is due not only to the originality and public affairs, and retrenchment and re­ commences u campaign of the district next grammers simplicity of the combination, but also Montgomery, freight agent, has oeen ap- Al ter 30 minutes convention reassembled form tn general. Therefore be it week ami will address the voters upon the to the care and skill with which it is living political issues of the day from the and con erence committee reported : Dem- R esolved , That we, the Democrats of n tinted agent at this place and A. 8. —orricz or ocrais — sheriff, treasurer, one representa ­ manufactured by scientific processes Rosenbaum succeeds him as freight true- populist standpoint Hi« tour will Jackson county, in convention assem ­ take tn Josephine, Jackson ami Kiamatb tive, coroner; silver republicans—one rep­ bled, do declare in favor of a reduction agent. known to the C alifor - ia F ig S yrup 8. W. TREFREN, resentative, school superintendent; popu ­ counties. Co. only, and we wish to impress upo* lists—senator, one representative, clerk, oi tbe salaries of county officers commen­ Cali at V aupel, Norris A Drake and look Attorney at Law and Notary Public assessor, recorder and surveyor. Howell surate with the duties performed by thesi at their tine new stock of summer goods of all the importance of purchasing the Co^notl Proceeding*. Facing Main Street Bridge. moved its adoption. true and original remedy. As the and instruct our nominee« for legislative every de'cription. D. t. Minkler, *peoi»l committee on Real Estate. Mining Exchange A Loans. Benatur Holt opened up with a big speech. positions to labor to that end. And be genuine Syrup of Figs is r lannfactnred widening main »tree!, reported they had Jt would toke up too much space to report Ashland, Oregon. received $54.05 In ea«h out of old bwkerv this speech. It was an able exposition of it further At Priday's'sesslon of the'senate the by the C alifornia F io S yrup Co. R esolved , That io tbe future, at the only, a knowledge of that fact will njiddie-of-the-road doctrine He called at­ STILL WASTIXl SaVESAL THIXOS, building. AX report of the conferee* on the naval assist one in avoiding the worthless tention forceiully to the convention adopt­ primaries when tbe voters-are called to B 1$, ordered pai l. ir NOT MOBS. ing the pie distribution proposition first, elect delegates to the county convention »ppropriation bill was presented and imitations manufactured by other par­ Complaint lias been made that soms then a platform to suit the successful pie preceeding the general election, they agreed to. The measure, ns perfected, I Have some houses to rent and there ties. The high standing of the C ali ­ are some people who wi»b to rent bouses, person* ride their bicycle* too fast th rough hqnters. shall elect at said primary one Demo­ carries a little more than $57,000,000, but inr p-ople and my bouse, don't suit fornia F io S yrup C o . with the medi ­ the buainea* part of the city, and are The platform committee report wai cratic voter in each voting prreindt to The secretary of the treasury has cal profession, and the satisfaction each other, therefore 1 want more people too ear.les« for tbe *afetv of- perlon« act as a member of tbe county central and tpore houses in order to make a match afoot. The council hope that rider« will now injected again. Jeffrey and How­ committee, eaid central committee chosen received from the secretary of war 'which the genuine Syrup of Figs has I Haye money on hand to loan and peo­ ■o conduct themeelv«« that no ordinance ell moved to indefinitely lay on table by tlie vote« st tbe primaries shell b> estimate* of dafyienci** in approgt!-, given to millions of families, makes ple want to borrow, but there it is again W»)?b« n?i>4e.l to compel tood behavior. the joint conference committeo report. announced byHbe chair at tbe conven­ ations for |the use of the war depart­ _the name of the Company a guaranty The amounts do not suit the peop.e or the Thia brought McCain to thfe front Il i« tbe (enkeof o( th* Council that rid­ ment for the remaining two month* oil of the excellence of its remedy. It is peop'e the amount*, in consequence of tion and they Shall meet to organize at er* Should not use the (idewalk* Holes* a^aia. He wanted to know what had the same place where the convention is the present fiscal yoar, aggregating far in advance of all other laxatives, which I want 9'00, 9300, 9000, |1000, >5000. in ths outskirts ot town, and Should not become of the reasons advanced in re­ helil one week alter tbe convention. They 184,019,997. tn his letter Secretary as it acts on the kidneys, liver and |SO00 to loan on good security. gard to r.ot conaiderintr platform com­ gXC*ed fiv.* miles per hour. 1 Haye city and country property for Alger says that the acta of congress, bowels without irritating or weaken­ •ale mittee report. was a square stulti­ sliall organize by electing one oi tin and to trade— House«. Vacant Lot«. Elactrlo Light Co., »treet ligOt« for members a* chairman and one secretary approved April 22 and 20, 1898, author- ing them, and it does not gripe nor 60 fication, and none of McCains fusion and one treasurer. The county coin Fruit Land«, Farm Land« and Suburban Apnl.............................................. 1115 ‘ J WO Gregory «alary for April.... . 40 00 friends attempted tn explain. The con­ mifee *o organized may transact an< iling the enrollment of a volunteer nauseate. In order togetite beneficial Property army and placing the regular army on effects, please remember the name of Town and Country property in the Wil­ 1C Dodge .................... ., . 50 00 vention, after Jeffrey again told them E D Brtage •• '• " ... i . 5 <¡0 how to vote, laid consideration of report and all busines* they deem proper hr a war footing, will neeesaitate thia in­ the Company — lamette* Va’ley and on tbe coast to trade tlie best interest* of tlie party. No prox . 5 00 MN Long " ’’ ’’ ... for property in Ashland and vicinity. on table and brought forward pisiform crease for the organisation, support Milton Berrv reoorder« fsee«......... . 22 10 report. The majoity report was read as i-s shall be admitted st any meeting oi CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Bargain*. Bargains. Bargains. the conntv central committee. Th, ■nd m*int*n«nee of new force* J W Hstcbsr street comnn-tionsr . 50 00 Professor THOS. F. CAMPBELL, A. M •AN nt AN CISC«, Cat J L Corbett oily engineering ;..., . C3 50 follows: chairman and secretary of sa>d committee T^.t week the board of bureau chief* 1. R molvkd . That we reaffirm the prin ­ MtUlBTlLLK. Kr. NEW YORK. N. T. O. ST. TREFHEN. Frank Hodge street work ..... ... . 125 00 or either of them may call a meeting o. Formerly of tli« Unir.raily of the Pacific, will have chartie of the Coir.mcrotal met to begin the consideration of th* Thompson A Butler bakery building. .. 90 OU ciples enunciated in tbe union platform the committee at any time. Department. 70 adup'ed at t ortland, March 23, 1898. plans for the three new battle-ship* H C Mmeiigsr lumber .................... . 25 " The above resolutions were all adopts- 2. That we demand the abolition of ths 50 . J Pox A Hl.dretb hauling.................... Representative.... For authorised bv the naval appropriation commission. nnd the following was voted to lay on You can have your choice of over fifty etudi.a for the price of «■• tuition 1. George " ..................... . 7 25 railroad bill, and progreeeed so far that circu­ 3 That we demand the rs-si actment ot table: Kinney A Provost merchandise.... . 34 48 Tuition for Term —105.00. lar* were sent out inviting bid* from .. 9 00 the mortgage tax law. with provision for For the purpose ot effecting a mor E F1.boons '• — at tns — deduction of all recordeo indebtedness. thorough organisation of tbe Democrat!- the «hipbuilder*. The vessel* will be. of WoodflU«. A Khodee " ....... ,. 2 75 tbe j Long ..-n ----------------------------- Short Hand and Type Writing Department. 4. That all officers be paid fixed salaries. . 9 25 M Wild feeding trampa......... In the main, very similar to th* battle­ 5. That we point with prida to the splen­ partv. Be it . 4 00 D B Provo*! water fate......., R esolved , By the Democrats oi Jack ship Illinois, now building at Newport Business Department. did record made by our county administra­ . 0 10 * Bapnblioan Nominee. “ * labor on street«. Kennington J . S*ws. They will be about 12,500 tone ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. 5 70 tion during tbe last four years, in raising eon county. Oregon, in convention a*»eit- •• Baardan w r i ( Normal Department ,. 5 50 county warrants to a premium, and in tbs bled, that In future conventions no pros displaoement, 7$ fast Wem, 2$| feet .Real John.] hrsi .. 4 10 material reduction oi our county indebted­ iee shall be admitted unices held bv • depth, 1« knete speed, will be covered For State Senator.... ib Puley «0 If ness. ax well as ibair careful economy in «be StuJentu received at anr time. Board and Lodging from SIS.00 per meat* .. 2 76 resident voter ot tbe precinct where th. Hay with heavy armor and armed with 13 »a ... 2 10 expenditures of tbe county funds, and that proxy originated. to $20 00, Cataloyna end f’ampbl.ta on application. K B Cinry Ci wr pledge our candidate' for county offices and six-inch gun% In addition to nu- 25 2 ran? Dodge 01 Fur repreeentaUvs D. H. Miller named merous secondary batterien. .. 1 37 to tbe most rigid economy in county af­ of Jacksonville. Addr-e, C E. DOAN, Proprietor Robt. Leonardo] Ashland. J. B Dnnga- .. 1 LO fairs auob Stone A8HLAND, OREGON. >0 « TT>—— 6 That we pledge our candidates for tha named J. H. Beeman ot Gold Hill and I. O. The four-master American ship .. 1 00 A fin« lin« of Semple» of L«di,'s, Misses legislature to th*- un < of ail honorable means Miller named E. A. Sherwin of Ashland 5 25 Imii Pad blacksmith work Republican Nomine«. Shenaudeah, Captain Murphy, from and children* spparmll.oonsisting of Capes. 1 60 to secure tbe adoption of these principles The ballot sw-d: Sherwin 18 (elected) Leon­ bos Short •• •» Jar-ket* v\ aiste. Tailor Mad«Sults, Makin- into tbe form of taw. ard 8 Beaman IT ... San Francieco, reported to ha to*b««. arc , 7 That we demand that all property in- For sbenff K K Knbll ot Jacksonville, J captured by th* bpaaiarda, baa STS For Sheriff ... d vidual as well as corporate shall bear its J Brophy ot Medford, W. H Brunk ot In Liverpool. The tug Rathli* met tb* PF to » atzsvti . es raou ratLADZtraiA. just proportion of the burdens of taxation. Ashland,*. F. Denn of Central Point were Nirs goods tor littla mousy. Kindly cal* ■hip off the south «east of Ireland and 8. KKeoLvan, That we indorse the state named. Denn Winning la third ballot: and sc« and diatrict nominations made by tbe First ballot. Dean IS. Brunk 4, Brophy 14, towed her to Point Lyna* for tlMffi a* of Foot. Croak. D avid allbn . uniou party. J? A. JEFFREY, Kubli 22; second. Dean 19. Brink 2, Brophy th* commander of th* 8h*n*pde*h JAB. K. SMITH. 12, KnWt 98; third, Dean 22. KubU 21. was unwilling to risk her being inter ­ 4. C. HOWLETT. L L. Jacoba of Jnefiejevl'le, who has Assignee’s Final toticc. Republican Nomina». been th* efficient depit) .oamv ttvasurer cepted. Her cargo, owing le the ad« The minority report read as follow«: for th* M/eral incumbents tor severa. raneo In the pries *f wheat, ig worth otice is hereby given that i We reatfi'in onr allegiance to the plat­ years, was nominated by acclamation • 15f>,0b0. hare hied in the Circa I Court for For Repräsentativ«.... J form «*f tbe People’s parly as promulgated For coroner Dr J. B. Wsiie ot Medford " Beware of 'cheap" bak­ at Jackson O'Un'y. tl*e*on. my Anal acoount Ht ¡«onto in 1896 received tbe Job by acclamation. *» assignee of the insolvent .state of J. W Thai tn State matters arg ing powders. Alum makes in Resolved, Matksbury. and that the final bearing fa -or of a constitutional convention he­ thereon will take plaoe at the April, IMA Dyepepela cured. Shiloh’s Vitalises Im­ ms cai ed as soon as possible, m order to good medicine but bad food. term of eald ooart. adopt a conatitntioa in accord with the mediately reUeves eoar stomach, coming up -■» ■. H. HOLT, Ataicnee. conditions which have arisen since the ot food distress. and la tbs crest kM^sy and PBOPI b WH jJFYOU WANT A ONE SUIT F I Vaupel, Norris & Drake. In buying (OMFpUND WHITS PINe AND TftB SYRUP WITH B«LM OF GILEftD ^X:. there is but one. Undertaking Goods Marion - County - Nursery GROWERS OF FIRST-CLASS NURSERY STOCK. W. W. Walker & Son, Proprietors, Superior Photographs, Excelling all others in Life Like, Artistic and Permanent Results. Mrs. M. E. Herrin, Art Gallery. Gas City Business College Gold - Extraction ■ Co. Fail Term Begins Sept. 6th Look Here J. M. WHIPPLE THEO. CAMERON READY for INSPECTOR Wanamaker Clothing Agency, ALEX ORME N MATHEW STEWART o< Talen«. Ask your doctor. $■ •AopMea o< ike unquoted *ad puehed 8©MbyT. KeBstioa. irtl—fi. Or., April 1«, Utt. StOCktOW. CM